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State News




Wildfire and Impacts to Water

The impacts of California’s ongoing dry and warm years were seen this year with a historic wildfire season. Correspondingly, the risk of wildfire damage to water infrastructure is increasing, including risks of secondary impacts from burned area sediment entering waterbodies and affecting water treatment plant operations.

https://water.ca.gov/News/ Blog/2021/November/Wildfire-andImpacts-to-Water

DWR Nationally Recognized for Innovative Partnership to Teach Educators the Effects of Climate Change

DWR received its fifth Climate Leadership Award for its work teaching educators about the effects of climate change.

https://water.ca.gov/News/ Blog/2021/October/DWR-NationallyRecognized-for-Partnership-EducatorsClimate-Change Q/A: Building the Tunnel, Part 1: Nothing Boring About Boring Technology

For the first episode in a special two-part Delta Conveyance Deep Dive series on tunnel construction, we invited two of the Delta Conveyance Project design team's leading consultants on tunnel design and engineering to talk about the state-of-the-art technology that would be used to build the Delta Conveyance Project.

https://water.ca.gov/News/ Blog/2021/October/QA-Building-theTunnel

45-Day public comment period opens for the Regional Flood Management Program Draft Guidelines

The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) is pleased to announce a 45-day public comment period for the Regional Flood Management Program (RFMP) Draft Guidelines (PDF).




See the latest news stories for Hawaii, including recent postings for Hurricane Preparedness, Tsunami Awareness Month, Risk 2.0 and dam owner guidance at their blog. For the transformed flood information platform from Hawaii visit their exciting weekly blog at


For archived Wai Halana Newsletters (prior to




Nevada Outreach:

The Nevada Floodplain Management Program has been able to get back out in the community for some in person outreach. During this past quarter we have been able to attend several events in Northern Nevada from a Storey County Community Meeting to Flood Awareness events in Carson River Watershed. The flood model came along to many of these events, and we were able to hand out pamphlets, booklets, and other informational swag. We are looking forward to increasing in person outreach events. School curriculum that was created to go along with the Flood Fighter Nevada computer game is currently undergoing piloted lessons in some Washoe County schools classrooms. We are also working with Sierra Nevada Journeys to create more school curriculum with that will go along with all Nevada major river Story Maps. We have ordered flood awareness educational picture books that we plan to distribute to schools so that some second and third grade classrooms can add it to classroom bookshelf and teachers can utilize it for story time. These projects are important to us since we have not been able to do outreach in the schools during the pandemic, and this way grades second through high school are exposed to flood awareness material.

Our website NEVADAFLOODS.ORG is getting ready for its big, updated reveal. We can’t wait to share the new, improved, and easy to navigate website with the public. We are starting to work toward getting some highwater mark signs in our NFIP communities by working directly with the community in a partnership to achieve this. We are starting with one community and then hoping to continue to do this with others throughout the state over the years to come.

Our 8th annual Nevada Flood Awareness Week (FAW) is November 14 – 20, 2021. The goal of FAW is to create flood resilient communities in Nevada and increase flood awareness throughout the state. This year we will be doing this by airing public service announcements via Radio, a billboard ad, social media posts and we have some partners sponsoring print ads and additional social media content. Governor Sisolak will also recognize Nevada Flood Awareness week through proclamation and Twitter.


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