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As we traveled to Selma, I wasn’t sure of what to expect as we crossed the Edmund Pettus Bridge. It was my first time witnessing the random destructive power of a tornado. Giant Oak trees were uprooted, entire homes destroyed, and shattered businesses with windows blown out. A sense of sadness and compassion touched my heart. Some people lost everything. How does someone begin to recover? Even during all that destruction, I saw a backyard family fish fry about to start..

Life is in God’s hands. Six skids of canned goods, cleansing products, hygiene items, and clothing donated via FMBC was a good start. Because of God’s grace, no lives were lost in Selma during the storm. The residents we interacted with were very hospitable and thankful that we came to help. A hot to-go meal, some can goods, cleaning products, hygiene items, clothes, and a smile can go a long way. That’s what we saw that Saturday morning as we helped to serve. It felt good to help someone who didn’t have to ask. The opportunity to help others and provide goodwill should always be foremost. Thank You for the opportunity.

Submitted by M.V. Stoeling

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