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Editor’s Note
SIMEZA Silos: The turnkey solution for your grain storage plant he recent continental food summit in Senegal’s capital, Dakar saw Africa leaders recommit to increase financing from national budgets to agriculture by allocating at least 10% of public expenditure to agriculture.African Development Bank has also pledged to $10 billion and a further $20 billion by several other partners in support of Africa’s agricultural transformation.
The three-day summit was timely coming at a time when nearly 250 million people are suffering from hunger in Africa.
Ironically, Africa has 65% of the world’s remaining uncultivated arable land and has the potential to produce enough food to feed itself and contribute to feeding the rest of the world.
The pledge to support agriculture in Africa should be followed by accountability, transparency and high level of seriousness. Countries should also plan on how they will fight vices like corruption that often hinder agriculture development in Africa.
Kenya develops new tilapia breed to meet increasing market demand 40
Anthony Kiganda
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