#MP2013 Presentation by the Minister of Aviation

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2013 Aviation Sector Mid-Term Ministerial Platform Aviation: A Catalyst for Economic Growth Presented by

Princess Stella Adaeze Oduah, OON Hon. Minister Federal Ministry of Aviation 27th June 2013

Our Transformation Goal “To be a world class provider of Safe, Secure and comfortable air Transport Sector that is self sustaining and pivotal to socioeconomic growth�


Content Section 1: Section 2: Section 3: Section 4: Section 5:

The Road to Transformation Transformation Focus Areas Achievements Till Date Why Aviation Transformation? Taking Local to Global

Section 1 THE ROAD TO TRANSFORMATION The Process (1/3) 1. Review and Studies:  Industry diagnostic review in conjunction with the World Bank  Institutional Capacity review by PriceWaterHouse Coopers  Financial Management Systems Review  Human Resource Capacity Review 2. Stakeholder Engagements:  Discussions with domestic and foreign airline operators  Consultations with international agencies and regulatory bodies (e g. ICAO, IATA, TSA, SITA, ) to ensure our strategic approach is in line with international best practices


THE ROAD TO TRANSFORMATION The Process (2/3) 2. Stakeholder Engagements Cont.

 Consultative sessions and dialogues with funding institutions and financial advisory firms (e.g World Bank, AFC, IFC, USEXIM)  Held dialogues with related Intergovernmental agencies (CBN, Ministry of Finance, BPP, DMO)  Meetings with Unions and key aviation bodies  Interactive discussions with Stakeholders

 Interactive discussions with airport operators




Aviation Sector Master Plan with 3 strategic objectives AIR TRANSPORTATION

 Develop Lagos and FCT(Abuja) as regional hubs in-line with international standards and best practices  Develop requisite capacity and manpower to meet the needs in the aviation industry for the 21ST Century


 Change the business model of the industry into a self-sustaining model through increased private sector participation (reduce financial burden on government)


 Maximize the contribution to the socio-economic development of the Nigerian Economy through increased trade and in-flow of FDI, focusing and growing economic free zones and agro-allied designated airports and resultant job creation



Section 2:

Transformation Focus Areas (1/1)

The Aviation sector transformation programme focuses on the following key areas:  Safety and Security  Infrastructure Development  Economic Development  Policy, Legal and Institutional Reforms  Human Capacity Building


The Challenge of Dana Accident (1/1) National Response to Dana Accident – The major challenge that confronted the Aviation sector in 2012 was the Dana Accident which occurred on 3rd June 2012. – As a result of the Dana Accident:

• The Safety Components of the Aviation Sector Master Plan were Fast-Tracked; • The Federal Government set-up a Technical and Administrative Review Panel on Domestic Airlines (TARPDA) which submitted a Report containing 41 recommendations; • All recommendations made by TARPDA covering the focus areas of the Transformation Programme have been implemented up to 95% • In the first week of June 2013, an Aviation Safety week was celebrated to raise awareness on the significant progress on safety and security issues; • In commemoration of the first anniversary, Mr. President unveiled a memorial cenotaph in honour of the fallen heroes 8

Section 3

Achievements on Safety and Security Components “Safety in Aviation

is not a Destination, it is an Ongoing and Continuous Process”

– Aviation Safety and Security Components under the Transformation Programme are categorized into the following:  Meteorological Services and Infrastructure  Communication, Navigation, Surveillance Services and Infrastructure  Accident Investigation & Prevention Systems, Processes and Infrastructure


Achievements on Safety and Security Meteorological Services and Infrastructure (1/13)

• In recognition of the critical nature of accurate and real time weather services to safe navigation we have acquired state of the art technology, to enhance Meteorological safety within our air space • Some of the safety technology we acquired and installed over the last two years (and their various locations) are shown in the following slides:


Achievements on Safety and Security Doppler Weather Radar Station (2/13) This state-of-the-art equipment is used for: • Real time detection and tracking of hazardous weather systems such as thunderstorms, wind shear turbulence, dust storms, etc. • Providing Early Warnings for pilots and the general public of hazardous weather systems. • Determining the precise location of areas of turbulence and wind shear in the atmosphere. • Determining the height, amount of precipitation, speed of movement of rainbearing clouds. • Accurate and timely weather forecast.


Achievements on Safety and Security Thunderstorm & Lightning Detectors (3/13) • Thunderstorms and lightning constitute major hazards for aircraft. They are detected by means of specialized sensors in Lightening & Thunderstorm Detectors. . • Since the inception of this administration 22 Nigerian airports have been equipped with lightning and thunderstorm detection equipment. • NIMET’s thunderstorm detectors cover a range of about 200 km.


Achievements on Safety and Security Low Level Wind Shear Alert Systems (LLWAS) (4/13)

LLWAS Screen



LLWAS Sensors on Masts

• LLWAS measures wind speed and direction at remote sensor stations situated around an airport. It generates warnings when wind shear or microburst conditions are detected. • Current wind speed and direction data and warnings are displayed for approach controllers in the Terminal Radar Approach Control Facility (TRACON) and for ground controllers in the Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT). • Air Traffic Controllers (ATCs) relay the LLWAS runway specific alerts to Pilots via voice radio communication. • LLWAS assists pilots during critical times of Take off and Landing when they must determine whether to attempt to land or take off in hazardous weather conditions (Severe Turbulence). 13

Achievements on Safety and Security Instrument Calibration Workshop (5/13)


Thermometer & humidity test chamber Pressure calibration chamber

Wind tunnel for testing & calibrating wind instruments

The new Instrument Calibration Laboratory is located at the National Weather Centre Complex, Abuja Airport. It is used for calibration and standardization of various field equipment at least once every year in accordance with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Standard and Recommended Practice (SARP).

Solar radiation calibration


Achievements on Safety and Security

Upper Air Sounding Equipment (6/13)

Hydrogen gas shed at Upper Air Station

Indoor Upper Air Equipment

• The Upper Air equipment measures the condition of the atmosphere (pressure, wind speed and direction, dry and wet bulb temperatures, humidity) at different heights. The data is used to produce more accurate weather forecasts for flights.


Achievements on Safety and Security Integrated Aviation Weather Observing & Display System (AWODS) (7/13) •

AWODS is an integrated system with Automatic Weather Station, Ceilometers, Runway Visual Range, Lightening and Thunderstorm Detectors. It is designed to monitor weather conditions along the runway and provide information to the pilot for take-off and landing.

AWODS Sensor on a Mast AWODS Indoor Display


Achievements on Safety and Security RETIM Synergy Satellite Image Receivers (8/13)

• RETIM Synergy is used for receiving real time weather images from the Meteorological Satellites, EUMETSAT operated by the European Union.

Satellite image over Nigeria and Africa captured with RETIM showing areas of active weather


Achievements on Safety and Security Air Quality & Ozone Monitoring Station (9/13)

• This is one of the equipment that was not in existence in Nigeria before the inception of this Administration. • The Air Quality Monitoring Stations measures the concentration of Green House Gases (GHG) such as CO, SO2 CO2, NO2, Ozone, PM10, Solar radiation, all conventional meteorological Parameters. • Estimates the Air Quality Index (AQI). The AQI is an index for reporting daily air quality. It a measure of the level of pollution in the air. This information is valuable for the health sector. 18

Achievements on Safety and Security Climate Services and Weather Predictions (10/13) • Climate services and Weather prediction is an environmental issue which is critical to growth and performance of all sectors of the economy. • With the aid of high technology equipment, NIMET has for the forth year running accurately publicized the prediction of seasonal rainfall, flood alert and weather prediction on an annual basis • The Ministry has also initiated the process for the development of the National framework for the application of climate services.


Achievements on Safety and Security ISO Certification of NIMET (11/13)

• As part of the transformation process, NIMET subjected its facilities, processes, systems and services to International Standard Organization (ISO) Quality Management System (QMS) audit. • We are pleased to inform Nigerians that NIMET has now received the ISO Certification (ISO 9001:2008) on Aeronautical Meteorological Services, making Nigeria the first in West Africa to achieve this. 20

Achievements on Safety and Security ISO Certification (12/13) • This certification is a confirmation of Nigeria's compliance with international aviation standards and best practices in the provision of weather services for airline operations. This certification boosts the confidence of Airline Operators and other users of meteorological data and products. • NIMET is the first meteorological agency of any West African country to meet the rigorous requirements and receive the ISO certification. This therefore reenforces Nigeria’s position to become the aviation hub for the entire sub-region. • This achievement is unprecedented in the history of meteorological service in Nigeria. It was made possible by the on-going Transformation of the aviation sector to guarantee quality of service and safety in the Nigerian airspace. 21

Achievements on Safety and Security National Weather Forecasting & Climate Research Centre, Abuja (13/13)


The National Weather Forecasting and Climate Research Centre, Abuja, is a World Class Meteorological Centre established under President Jonathan’s Administration.


Achievements on Safety and Security

Communication, Navigation, Surveillance Services and Infrastructure


Achievements on Safety and Security Communication, Navigation, Surveillance Services and Infrastructure (1/10)

• Air navigation safety is achieved by the provision of integrated Communication, Navigation, Surveillance and Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) services • We have deployed world class technology to enable us provide coverage within and beyond Nigerian territorial boundaries into contiguous air spaces. • Safety Navigation Technology deployed include:



Radar Coverage on Scope

Total Radar Coverage of Nigeria (TRACON) • The Total Radar Coverage of Nigeria Project (TRACON) was conceived as a key requirement for the modernization of Nigerian Air Traffic Management Infrastructure. It has automated Approach Area Control components as follows: • Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR )STAR 2000 • Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar (MSSR) RSM 970S • Integrated Flight and Radar Data processing Eurocat C and other associated equipment at the four major airports – Lagos, Kano, Abuja and Port Harcourt as well as stand-alone MSSR RSM – 970 at five other locations: Maiduguri, Ilorin, Numan, Obubra and Talata-Mafara 25

Achievements on Safety and Security TRACON MOSAIC DRAWING (3/10)


Achievements on Safety and Security AIS Automation (4/10) •

The project is on-going for the automation of Aeronautical Information Service (AIS). Under this project and TRACON, massive V-SAT deployment is going on to provide the needed backbone to carry the VHF voice, ATS DS, AFTN, Radar Data, AMH capability and Internet. This will set the stage for transition from AIS to AIM (Aeronautical Information Management).


Achievements on Safety and Security CORE CAPABILITIES OF AIS AUTOMATION PROJECT (AAP) (5/10) • •

• • • •

Installation of a highly redundant MF-TDMA SkyWAN VSAT platform on twenty six airport / sites + NEMA Search & Rescue centre Abuja Two satellites shall be used (NSS-12 and IS-14) to avoid any Single point of failure to ensure network availability of 99.999% The VSAT network will provide E1 interfaces for highest reliability operation of the total VHS coverage project, incorporating the following eight airports (Lagos, Kano, Abuja, Port Harcourt, Ilorin, Sokoto, Maiduguri, Jos) and one VHS repeater site (Wukari). E1 interfaces to support Primary, Secondary and Distress frequencies (SAR operations). The VSAT network will provide ATS/DS (Hotline telephone) in 26 airports linking the entire adjacent domestic airports with TRACON ATC Consoles in the area control centers at MAKIA Kano and MMIA Lagos Control Zones (NAIA Abuja & PHIA P/H) are provided with ATS/DS to link adjacent airports in their respective zones. The VSAT network shall provide the interface for a centralized doubleredundant AFTN / AMHS / AIS system.


Achievements on Safety and Security Total Very High Frequency (VHF) Coverage of Nigeria (6/10) Nigeria has achieved Total VHF Radio Coverage of her airspace; this has brought our airspace at par with ICAO standards and recommended practices. • Total VHF coverage of the Nigerian Airspace (Air- Ground/Controller – Pilot), which is now expanded to achieve 100% coverage of the Nigerian Airspace and beyond into contiguous FIRs. This communication infrastructure makes it possible for traffic to contact our centres 10 minutes before FIR boundary. • ATS –DS (Ground – Ground/Controller – Controller) for intra and inter FIR coordination. The project is located at eight airports and an offsite location. This communication infrastructure makes it possible for traffic to contact our centres 10 minutes before FIR boundary and there is elimination of blind spots within the Kano FIR and therefore enhances safety.


Achievements on Safety and Security Air-Field Lighting Project On Runway 18, MMIA Lagos (7/10) Implementation of the Expanded Air-field Lighting Project at the MMIA has brought about the following benefits to the operations of airlines RUNWAY 18L, MMIA LAGOS in the sector: • Domestic Airlines now land on the RWY 18L, after sunset, the implication of this is that fuel consumption is saved which translates to more economic operation in terms of funds for the Airlines. • For the general public, reduces delay in landing after sunset. • Reduced carbon emission, implies less pollution. • Reducing pressure on RWY 18R, thereby increasing its lifespan. • With the commissioning of this system all visual landing aids and radio (Instrument Landing System) aids are fully complimented. 30

Achievements on Safety and Security WGS-84 (World Geodetic Survey-84 Project) (8/10)

• Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is a modern trend in air Navigation which requires that spatial co-ordinate of points to be established on an ICAO acceptable international terrestrial reference framework known as WGS-84. The future air navigation system will also use communications, navigations, and surveillance (CNS) technologies tied to the WGS-84 platform. • The World Geodetic Survey (WGS-84) and Upgrading project with the associated Performance Based Navigation (PBN) implementation covered 25 Nigerian airports. All the 25 airports have been surveyed and the associated GNSS procedures drawn. This project prepares the Nigerian Airspace for transition from Terrestrial to Satellite based systems. • The deliverables and benefits of WGS84 include: – More flexible and direct routing – Enables instrument approach where and when NAVAIDs is unavailable. – No ground based equipment and No electric power required.


Achievements on Safety and Security WGS-84 (World Geodetic Survey-84 Project) Cont. (9/10)

Reduced fuel consumption and emissions Increased availability of Airports in poor weather conditions Life cycle cost savings. Determination of the horizontal coordinates of position of obstacles and their heights/ altitude. – Determination of spot heights (natural and man-made obstacles). – – – –

• The Airspace concept for PBN implementation is predicated on the continuous availability of surveillance facility. • In the spirit of “A SINGLE AFRICAN SKY”, NAMA – Nigeria has collaborated with contiguous FIRs in the creation of Regional RNAV routes e.g UT149, UT269 and UT365. More will be approved after due safety assessment and CNS/ATM improvements. 32

Achievements on Safety and Security Search and Rescue Centers (10/10) • In line with ICAO SARPs, the establishment of five (5) Search and Rescue Centers • Acquired a sophisticated search and rescue aircraft • Continue to collaborate with other relevant agencies, NEMA, NIMASA, NAF, NN etc to strengthen our search and rescue capacity


Achievements on Safety and Security



Achievements on Safety and Security ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION AND PREVENTION (AIPB) (1/6)

• One of the significant steps taken is the expansion of the mandate of the Accident Investigation Bureau to include Prevention. • Achievements under accident investigation and Prevention include: – Enhancement of institutional capacity through the establishment of an Accident Investigation Laboratory to analyse cockpit voice recorder and black box. This is the first of its kind in West Africa


Achievements on Safety and Security Flight Safety Laboratory (2/6)

• The purpose of this laboratory is to download/analyze flight data from accident aircrafts for investigation purposes. • It also downloads/analyzes flight data from healthy aircrafts for accident prevention purposes. • It can also electronically reconstruct an accident flight (animation).

• This laboratory is the first and the only one in Africa. 36

Achievements on Safety and Security Release of Accident Investigation Report (3/6) – Release of 8 Aviation Accident Investigation reports in keeping with the promises made on the recommendations of TARPDA. These reports include: • ADC • Bellview • NCAT Aircrafts - 2 Nos • Aerocontractors • Bristol Helicopter • DHL Cargo Aircraft • Bellview Aircraft/SAHCOL truck – The soft copies are available on the AIB official website: www.aib.gov.ng

• Made and implemented Thirty two (32) safety recommendations to enhance accident prevention.


Achievements on Safety and Security Wreckage Preservation and Reconstruction Hangar (4/6)

• This hangar currently under construction would serve the purpose of storage of accident aircraft parts for analysis. • It will also serve the purpose of tearing the engine of the accident aircraft for detailed analysis. • It will also assist for pathological services.

Pictures taken from Construction Site of above Project


Achievements on Safety and Security Accident Prevention Program (5/6)

• This program involves visitations to airports and other facilities that involves aviation stakeholders to measure the level of compliance towards safety recommendations earlier made. • Follow-up activities to avoid the reoccurrence of any lapses earlier observed. • Public enlightenment and sensitization of requirements in the crash sites. • Safety improvement by identifying potential Hazards, proposing safety actions, and monitoring implementation of safety recommendations.


Achievements on Safety and Security Collaboration with Banjul Accord Accident Investigation Agency (BAGAIA) (6/6)

• Collaboration activities with other Accident Investigation Bodies within the sub region have commenced. – This will provide technical and professional assistance in accident investigations when the needs arise. – Cross fertilization of ideas and techniques in accident investigation. – Uniformity of standards within the sub region to meet ICAO recommendations. – In fulfilment of our mandate and also satisfy the ICAO’s request on Regional and International Cooperation.



Achievements on Safety and Security Regulatory System and Oversight (1/9) An effective regulatory environment has been put in place to enhance the compliance of Aviation processes and procedures in compliance with ICAO standard. • Achievement under the regulatory system includes the following: • Review of Nigeria Civil Aviation Policy (NCAP 2013) • Publication of vol. 1&2 of Nigerian Civil Aviation Regulations (NCARS) • Intensified surveillance on airline operators by conducting daily ramp and maintenance spot inspections. • Recruited inspectors with requisite qualifications and appropriate background • We have collaborated with the FAA to develop a safety management system and also trained personnel of the airlines as well as NCAA inspectors for effective monitoring 42

Achievements on Safety and Security Regulatory System and Oversight (2/9) • We have created operation and command centers in Lagos and Abuja • We have acquired Obstacle Evaluation and Monitoring equipment and software for obstruction mapping and imagery capture of all obstacle within the navigable airspace. • We have successfully carried out trial certification audits of four(4) international Airports in Lagos, Abuja, Kano and Port Harcourt. • NCAA has commenced the certification of Performance Based Navigation (PBN). • NCAA has conducted rating for all Area Radar Controllers to enhance their professional competences.


Achievements on Safety and Security Regulatory System and Oversight (3/9) • In order to sustain FAA (USA) IASA category one certification, the following have been achieved: – Current recertification exercise of the industry including AOC recertification of all airlines in Public Transport Category carrying passengers for hire and reward. – Increased Surveillance Activities – Compliance and enforcement of Safety Regulation


SAFETY REGULATIONS Aircraft Tracking System (AGPS) Based Flight (4/9)

• This equipment is modern equipment used for Aircraft tracking in the Nigerian Airspace and it is Aircraft tracking System (AGPS) based flight. – The Project is fully completed and implemented. It’s one of the first laudable safety projects since the inception of democracy – It enhances real time weather and aircraft tracking in the Nigeria Airspace. – It promotes airspace security and enhances search and rescue operations.


Achievements on Safety and Security Aviation Security (5/9) • Aviation security has assumed global dimension and there are internationally acceptable standards that must be complied with. • Domestic terrorism has also compelled countries to upgrade security systems and arrangements.


Achievements on Safety and Security Aviation Security (6/9) • In response to new domestic and international challenges, we have achieved the following: – Develop a new security strategy that recognizes the combined effect of international collaboration, skilled and well trained human resource as well as technology acquisition in a sustainable manner – Signed MoU and agreements with US Government for the reciprocal deployment of Air Marshal on aircraft bound to and coming from the United States of Nigeria – Intensify monitoring of implementations of all security measures – Installed CCTV surveillance cameras in all major airports – Installed advanced imagery Technology – Body Scanners – Recruited additional security personnel and intensified training and retraining of staff 47

Achievements on Safety and Security Aero-medical Safety Services (7/9) • •

The health of both crew and passengers is paramount to safety in Aviation. To maintain aero-medical safety standards, we have achieved the following: – Upgrade of Aero- medical centers – Automation of Aircrew databank and medical certificates – Reviewing of all medical reports: Aircrew (Pilots, Flight Engineers), Cabin Crew, Air Traffic Controllers – Electronics issuance of medical certificates for Pilots, Engineers, Cabin Crew, Air Traffic Controllers – Periodic updates on Aeromedical Regulatory Standards in consonance with ICAO SARPs and Nigeria CARs. – Conduct of periodic on-the-spot Alcohol/Psychoactive drug assessment of Aircrew and Air Traffic Controllers – Periodic inspections Authorized Aviation Medical Examiners (AAME), Airport Medical and Catering facilities – Periodic inspection of on-board First Aid and Medical Kits – Ab initio and recurrent training of cabin crew on Aviation medicine, First Aid Medical emergencies on board and Human factors – Oversight of Air Ambulance Operations


Achievements on Safety and Security Consumer Protection (8/9) • Restructured the Consumer Protection Directorate into: – Consumer Awareness and – Compliance and Enforcement Departments • Deployment of consumer protection officers to all airports in Nigeria • Develop a passenger Statement of Rights and stronger Regulations • Received several thousand complaints and resolved over 86% on behalf 0f consumers. • Produce and distribute Consumer Digest to increase awareness • Working on comprehensive technological platform and portal display at re-modelled terminals to provide critical information • Enhance airline efforts to provide better customer care and services


Achievements on Safety and Security Insurance (9/9) • Due to delay experienced in payment of airline insurance package, a new Victim Family Insurance Package (VFAP) has been developed. The scheme is to address: – Additional assistance to families of victims of aircraft accident – The approval of NAICOM has has been secured for the VFAP – Discussions an progressing between NCAA and Zenith Bank on the implementation of the VFAP – Creation of a family assistance centre. – However, passengers would be required to pay a premium of N600 only which would be embedded in the ticket charges. – We are collaborating with Zenith Bank on the implementation


Achievements on Infrastructure Development


Achievements on Infrastructure Development (1/7) • Preamble Investment in infrastructure development and renewal is imperative for Nigeria to achieve the status of a modern economy. • Our Objectives for Infrastructure development include: – – – – – – –

Superior passenger comfort Transforming Nigeria into an Aviation Hub for West and Central Africa Modernizing our equipment and facilities to meet international standards and technological advancement BASA Obligations – Facilities, Runway, etc Ultimately to improve the travel experience Improve our national and International Image Improved Commercial Offerings and links directly to the Aerotropolis and Special Economic Zones


Achievements on Infrastructure Development (2/7) Under the airport terminal development, the following achievements were recorded: • THE AIRPORT REMODELLING PROJECTS (ARP) – Divided into 3 phases, phase one included the upgrading / redesign and reconstruction of the following terminal buildings: • General Aviation Terminal (MMA) • International Terminal (MMA) • Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport Abuja, (International Terminal) • Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport Abuja, (Domestic Terminal) • Kaduna Airport Terminal • Margaret Ekpo International Airport Terminal, Calabar • Benin Airport Terminal • Akanu Ibiam International Airport Terminal, Enugu • Sam Mbakwe Airport Terminal, Owerri • Port Harcourt International Airport Terminal • Yola Airport Terminal • Yakubu Gowon Airport, Jos


Achievements on Infrastructure Development (3/7) • As of April 2013, 7 projects named below have been commissioned: – General Aviation Terminal (MMA) – Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport Abuja, (Domestic Terminal) – Mallam Aminu Kano International Airport Terminal, Kano – Benin Airport Terminal – Akanu Ibiam International Airport, Enugu – Two Hajj Terminals (Kano and Kaduna)  Yola and Sam Mbakwe Airport, Owerri are ready for commission


Achievements on Infrastructure Development (4/7) PHASE 2: Consisting of the remodelling of the remaining 11 airport terminals and introduction of new Perishable Cargo and Pilgrim processing facilities.


Achievements on Infrastructure Development (5/7) • PHASE 3

Consisting of extensive, safety and security infrastructure upgrades and rehabilitation Construction of five new international terminal buildings in Lagos, Abuja, Kano and Port Harcourt and Enugu.


Achievements on Infrastructure Development (6/7) New Terminals Development The development of new International Terminals has commenced in the following locations N/O

New Terminals

Additional Capacity to be provided


Akanu Ibiam International Terminal

2 Million Passengers


Murtala Mohammed International Terminal

8 Million Passengers


Nnamdi Azikwe International Terminal

3 Million Passengers


Port Harcourt International Terminal

3 Million Passengers


Aminu Kano International Terminal

2 Million Passengers


Achievements on Infrastructure Development (7/7)

Trend in Passenger Traffic in Nigeria Passenger Traffic Growth across all Nigerian Airports 20,000,000


15,000,000 10,000,000





5,000,000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Traffic growth consolidated (all airports)

 In the past 12 years, passenger traffic at the airports increased from 4.4m to 14.9m per annum at the end of 2012 (over14.0m 230%), while the capacity of the terminal buildings, remained constant. 10.8m  Four straight years of double digit growth  By 2032 our expansion programme is expected to conveniently process 30m passengers per annum. This aligns the sector with the objectives of the National Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan.

Passenger traffic grew rapidly without commensurate increase in capacity of terminal buildings and other infrastructure for facilitation. 58

Pictorial Snippets of Infrastructure Development


Achievements on Infrastructure Development President laying the foundation stone for New International Terminal Enugu (1/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development Laying the foundation stone for the new Enugu International Terminal, May 2013 (2/42)

Achievements on Infrastructure Development Commissioning the newly remodelled Enugu Domestic Terminal, May, 2013 (3/42)

Achievements on Infrastructure Development Enugu Airport- The finished product May, 2013 (4/42)

Achievements on Infrastructure Development The new MMA Domestic Terminal 1 East Wing, March 2013 (below) (5/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development The VIP lounge at one of the F&B outlets at the new Domestic Terminal 1 (6/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development The arrival hall at the new MMA Domestic Terminal 1, March 2013 (7/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development Benin Airport, January 2012

(8/42) Benin Airport, March 2013


Achievements on Infrastructure Development (9/42)

Benin Airport departure lounge, January 2012

Benin Airport departure lounge, March 2013


Achievements on Infrastructure Development Benin Airport internal circulation space (high street), March 2013 (10/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development Mallam Aminu Kano International, newly remodelled International Terminal, March 2013 (11/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development (12/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development New Baggage Belt Equipment Installed (13/42)



Achievements on Infrastructure Development


Achievements on Infrastructure Development Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja (Departure Hall) (15/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja (Departure Hall) (16/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development The interior of the new General Aviation Terminal in Abuja, the first of its kind in Nigeria dedicated to premium business jet and high-end charter clientele (17/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development The interior of the new General Aviation Terminal in Abuja, the first of its kind in Nigeria dedicated to premium business jet and high-end charter clientele (18/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development The entrance to the new General Aviation Terminal in Abuja, the first of its kind in Nigeria dedicated to premium business jet and high-end charter clientele (19/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development Newly remodelled MAKIA, Kano, International Check-In Foyer (20/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development Newly Remodelled MAKIA Departure Foyer (21/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development Newly remodelled MAKIA toilet facilities (22/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development

Murtala Mohammed International Airport, Lagos (23/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development MMIA Expansion and Upgrade Project- the nearly completed ‘E’ Wing Extension, May 2013, which together with the ‘D’ extension, will ease the bottlenecks at MMA, adding much needed capacity to meet demand while changing the passenger experience into a positive one. (24/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development New 42m length expansions of arrival and departures at both ends of the terminal (25/42)

D Wing expansion


Achievements on Infrastructure Development New 42m length expansions of arrival and departures at both ends of the terminal (26/42)

E Wing expansion 85

Achievements on Infrastructure Development MMA International expanded wings – Fact sheet (27/42) When completed, both expanded wings will add an additional 5,830 sq metres of space to the terminal

The current ‘E’ arrival hall is 2,187sqm. The new ‘E’ arrival hall is 2,915sqm. Eventually, both will combine to form a new ‘E’ arrival hall of 5,102sqm. The new arrival halls will more than quadruple current capacity, with 3 high capacity (slanted) baggage carousels each (and capacity for one more carousel in future). Each arrival hall will also quadruple the current Immigration capacity from the current 10 stations to 40 stations each 86

Achievements on Infrastructure Development MMA International expanded wings (28/42) As a result of this capacity addition, each wing of MMA International will be able to comfortably handle 9 ‘heavy’ arrivals in an hour at peak At departures, Immigration and FAAN Security Screening capacity will be more than quadrupled, using both extended ends of the terminal for this purpose In the meantime, we have achieved a 9 metre extension of circulation space at the arrival foyer and 3 metres at the check-in foyer. The new ‘E’ arrival hall will come into partial use before the yearend rush to significantly improve the arrival experience of passengers through the facility. 87

Achievements on Infrastructure Development New changes will be made at the international departure lounge (29/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development The fingers will be split into two floors- departures and arrivals (30/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development The new ‘E’ extension arrival hall with the new high capacity baggage delivery carousels almost fully installed. This facility is ready for commissioning. (31/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development The new ‘E’ departures Immigration and security screening hall awaiting the installation of immigration counters and FAAN’s new security screening equipment (32/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development A new ambience- the newly expanded and remodelled International Arrival Foyer at the MMA‌ (33/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development A new ambience- the newly remodelled International Departure lounge area at the MMA‌ (34/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development Other airports in the network are getting remodeled and upgraded‌ each at various stages of completion (35/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development Enugu Airport Terminal, January 2012 (36/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development Enugu Airport impression (37/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development Port Harcourt International Airport Terminal, remodeling work in progress, April 2013 (38/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development Port Harcourt International Airport Terminal, remodelling work in progress, April 2013 (39/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development Remodelled Yola Airport Terminal nearing completion, April 2013 (40/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development Remodelled Yola Airport Terminal, interior finishing touches, April 2013 (41/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development Ilorin Airport, Kwara State (42/42)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development

Airport Power Project


Achievements on Infrastructure Development Airport Power Project (1/4)

The infrastructure transformation in the airports sector goes beyond just terminal remodeling to include the renewal of obsolescent equipment and facilities at key airports.

A key element of this transformation is the Murtala Muhammed International Airport Power Supply Improvement Project, which has replaced the 6 old 2.25MVA diesel electricity generating sets that were commissioned with the airport in 1979, with 6 new 4.85MVA generators.

In addition to this, the capacity provided by these new stand-by generators caters for the massive stand-by electricity requirements of the airport for the next 10 years.

The project also provides alternative power supply (as stand-by) for the first time in the history of the airport.

 The MMIA Power Supply Improvement Project is now ready for commissioning. 103

Achievements on Infrastructure Development The new MMIA electrical power plant, May 2013 (2/4)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development The new MMIA 4.85MVA generators, May 2013 (3/39)


Achievements on Infrastructure Development The brand new electrical switchboard master panels at the new powerhouse, May 2013 (4/4)




Achievements on Infrastructure Development IMPROVEMENT OF FIRE COVER/ PROCUREMENT OF FIRE TENDERS (1/2) Modern fire tenders have been procured and sent to most airports, especially the major ones, to improve their level of fire cover, as recommended by ICAO and NCAA


Achievements on Infrastructure Development IMPROVEMENT OF FIRE COVER/ PROCUREMENT OF FIRE TENDERS (2/2)

Fire cover at all airports is now better guaranteed, in line with international best practice. The ability of the Aerodrome, Rescue and Fire Fighting Services Department to fight fires has been greatly enhanced. More fire fighters have been employed and trained to manage the new fire tenders.


Achievements on Economic Development


Achievements on Economic Development • Preamble Aviation has become a catalyst for economic transformation in emerging markets through the expansion of commerce, arising from the timely movement of persons, goods and services • The objectives of the economic development component of the transformation programme in the aviation sector include the following: • Safe and timely movement of persons, goods and services • Increasing the National GDP • Expansion of commerce and export of perishable produce • Building on Nigeria’s comparative advantage in fresh produce • Engaging Youth in Commercial Agriculture • Empowerment of women through value chain Agriculture • Development of an aviation hub to maximize our geographical advantage and expansion of trade and tourism. 111

Achievements on Economic Development Objectives Cont • Establishment of National Carrier to meet our reciprocal obligations under BASA agreement and increase revenue and commercial opportunities • Expansion of non-aeronautical revenue base through special economic zones and the concept of Aerotropolis • Growing the domestic airline industry and the General Aviation in Nigeria • Developing Nigeria’s Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO) capacity to stem capital flight • To create ample opportunities for direct and indirect employment through the Aviation sector •


Achievements on Economic Development

The perishable cargo value chain‌


Achievements on Economic Development The case for developing a perishable airfreight value chain in Nigeria (1/12)

 Total perishable air freight export out of Africa in 2010 was approximately $1.6bn USD.  Kenya, South Africa, Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Senegal, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Egypt actively export perishables (fruits, fresh fish, vegetables and flowers) by freight  Nigeria currently has no official records on any form of perishable air freight activity yet produces/can produce all of these commodities abundantly


African perishable exports: (Growth from 2007 to 2011): • Fish: • Kenya + 36% • South Africa: + 7% • Senegal: + 3,8% • Vegetables: • Ethiopia: + 72% • Kenya: + 15% • Egypt: + 7% • Fruits: • Ethiopia: + 245% • Cameroon: + 12% • Ghana: + 10% • Kenya: + 4,53% • Flowers: • Ethiopia: + 455% • Kenya: + 188% • Tanzania: + 21%


Fresh Fish Fruits Vegetables 115



Achievements on Economic Development The market by commodities‌ (3/12)

Perishable air freight exports from Africa to the EU, 2010 (source DHL) 116

Achievements on Economic Development Vegetables to the EU (2010)‌ (4/12)

(Source DHL) 117

Achievements on Economic Development Fruits to the EU (2010)‌ (5/12)

(Source DHL) 118

Achievements on Economic Development Fresh Fish to the EU (2010)‌ (6/12)

(Source DHL) 119

Achievements on Economic Development Flowers to the EU (2010)‌ (7/12)

(Source DHL) 120

Achievements on Economic Development Accumulated earnings from perishable air freight to the EU by country (US $)‌ (8/12)

(Source DHL) 121

Achievements on Economic Development Accumulated earnings from perishable air freight to the EU by country (Naira)‌ (9/12)

(Source DHL)






Employment generation Rural poverty Reduction Reduced urban migration Increased forex inflow Increased agricultural productivity Increased private investment Modernization of the economy Reduction in reliance on oil sector Development of access roads Improved economic empowerment Establish access to international markets

More entrepreneurs New production companies New packaging companies New Chemical companies New agricultural logistics companies Increased employment opportunities Test/ Inspection agencies


Achievements on Economic Development


Development of fourteen Perishable Cargo to serve Nigeria and West and Central Africa as listed bellow S/N




Agro Allied Cluster

Employment Labour

Revenue projection / State





Tomato, Pineapple





















Pineapple/Orange, Sesame Seed














Tomato, Sesame Seed














Onion, Tomato




Cross River



Banana, Pineapple











Port Harcourt










Shea Butter/Tomato/Onion


$32 - 40m/yr


Achievements on Economic Development (12/12)

• The impact of the perishable Cargo table above include: – Establishment of Nigeria Fresh Produce transformation development programme – Greater synergy among the Federal Ministry of Aviation, Federal Ministry of Trade and Investment, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and State Government – Will boost state GDP through women empowerment, Youth Employment – Enhance the farm-to-market distribution value chain – Mitigate rural to urban drift – Provide food security and promote rural transformation – Create more job opportunities in the rural communities – Total contribution to national GDP by year 2014 will be 5% and increase to 7.5% by year 2016


Achievements on Economic Development

Development of an Aviation Hub


Achievements on Economic Development (1/4)

Development of an aviation hub

• Two international aviation hubs in Lagos and Abuja are been developed to harness areas of comparative economic advantage especially in perishable produce, movement of person and goods to West and Central Africa region and ultimately the export of skilled human resource to Africa and Europe. • Towards achieving these goals we have developed critical infrastructure in both Lagos and Abuja that will ultimately boost the GDP, create employment, expand the capacity to handle more passengers, • Growing our domestic airline capacity to service national, regional and International routes. • On General Cargo, the Nigerian Aviation Handling Company Plc (NAHCO) in 2012 constructed a modern Cargo warehouse of 21,000 square meters in Lagos which can handle close to 220,000 metric tons annually (75% of total Nigeria Capacity). This will greatly increase the capacity to manage goods, food aid, equipment for peace keeping Missions in transit, etc 127

Achievements on Economic Development Development of an aviation hub • Under the hub initiative the following have been accomplished:


We have expanded existing facilities to facilitate seamless transfer of transit passengers. Five new International Terminals are under construction in Enugu, Port Harcourt, Lagos, Abuja and Kano We have restructured our Bilateral Air Service Agreement (BASA) to Nigeria’s advantage Deployed airfield lighting for runways to seven airports in the country. We have also upgraded aeronautical navigation and meteorological facilities We have Increased power output in Lagos by a combined total of 32MVA, Deployed solar powered back-ups inverters In Abuja and Lagos Advanced in the process to establish a private sector driven National Carrier Commenced the development of Aerotropolis (airport cities) in four locations: Lagos, Port Harcourt, Abuja and Kano, to expand the non-aeronautical revenue base. – Designated five airports (Asaba, Port Harcourt, Enugu, Lagos and Kano) as Special Economic Zones to boost economic activities. – Supported the growth of domestic airlines with business friendly fiscal concessions on importation of aircrafts/spares and also provided intervention fund for fleet acquisition – – – – – – – – –


Achievements on Economic Development (3/4)

Development of MRO Capacity

• Development of capacity for maintenance and repair and overhaul • Strategy – To develop in-country MRO capacity to support the hub initiative and other expansion strategies for economic growth – Arrest Capital Flight – Generate Additional revenue especially within the region – Attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) – Create direct employment for highly skilled Aviation Professionals and indirect employment in other areas


Achievements on Economic Development Regional MRO gap to be filled by Nigeria



Countries with Aircraft Maintenance Facilities


Achievements on Economic Development

National Carrier


Achievements on Economic Development Draft

The Nigerian Government is working with the private sector to establish a National carrier with the aim of creating a regional West African hub

The National Carrier will have domestic, regional and intercontinental flights. It will further complement the existing airlines operating in Nigeria We expect the National Carrier to partner with Africa focused aircraft leasing businesses. It is expected that this will result in Nigerian passenger numbers exceeding 25 million by 2018 and 30 million by 2032.

The National carrier, along side the other existing Nigerian airlines will have access to newer, more affordable and suitable aircraft that can service the under utilised airports. This strategy is expected to create over 200,000 direct and indirect jobs and positively impacted GDP by up to $10bn by 2026. More travel, more trade, more jobs and more revenues for Nigeria! In 2012, the top 10 International Airlines operating in Nigerian carried over 1 million passengers and generated more than $1.5 billion revenues

National carrier • Subtitle PwC

1 June 2013 13212

Achievements on Economic Development For Nigeria to truly realise its potential, we have to link cities and markets


Regional hub London Abidjan Katsina



Accra Kano















National carrier • Subtitle PwC



Benin City LAGOS Warri






1 June 2013 13316

Achievements on Economic Development

Aerotropolis‌ The Airport City


Achievements on Economic Development The Aerotropolis… (1/9) A mega city with commercial clusters built around the airport connecting passengers, meeters and greeters workers, suppliers, goods and services to and from the global market place… and to all lifestyle amenities on location!

Aerotropoli are attractive locations for time-sensitive manufacturing concerns, distribution facilities, hotels, entertainment, retail, convention, trade and exhibition complexes, office buildings and housing…


Achievements on Economic Development The Nigerian Aerotropolis… (2/9) A key element of the Federal Ministry of Aviation’s Road Map for the industry. It represents our determination to ensure that our airports impact significantly on their host communities as well as on the national economy.

The development of Aerotorpolis are in four locations Lagos, Abuja, Port Harcourt and Kano.



Primary Aims of the Aerotropolis Projects • The ABUJA and LAGOS Aerotropoli will have a mix of Agro processing, Manufacturing, Construction, IT, Shopping and Conference/Hospitality. This reflects the diverse economy in the regions as well a high level of aviation traffic which give these 2 cities the potentials to be the Conference capital of West, East and Central Africa. Taking into account the rapid population growths in both Lagos and Abuja, land has also been allocated for residential property to cater for this increased population. • The KANO Aerotropoli will primarily focus on perishable goods and agro processing and storage taking into account its proximity to the food baskets • The PORT HARCOURT Aerotropoli will focus mainly on manufacturing and oil service reflecting the economy of the region. The fact that a lot of the IOC’s are also located in the region provides an opportunity for Conference and Hotel facilities.



Achievements on Economic Development Lagos Aerotropolis‌



Achievements on Economic Development The Port Harcourt




Achievements on Economic Development The Abuja Aerotropolis‌


Achievements on Economic Development The Nigerian Aerotropolis‌ Interest in the business cluster has been huge and very encouraging thus far. Massive construction in and around the airports to begin in 2013. (6 ware houses, 20 international hotels, 10 conference centres, shopping mall, 10 MROs/Hangers By 2015, there will be significant economic growth and activities, generating wealth, jobs, income and socioeconomic development for the host communities and the country‌



Achievements on Economic Development Aerotropolis Cont’d •Classified Investment opportunities into six (6) business clusters within the Aerotropolis model that would create job opportunities for

1,000,000 direct and indirect

employment; Medical Perishable cargo Trade & Exhibition Centres, Free Trade Zones and ICT Residential Export Processing Zones & Industry Entertainment, tourism & Leisure (Nollywood @ Aerotroplis) •Shortlisted investors for various opportunities within the business clusters •Met with Nigerian investors to drive local capacity within the sector •Embarked on an investment Road show to China, U.S.A, Canada, U.A.E, Brazil to showcase the opportunities and attract foreign direct Investment for the Nigerian Aviation Industry 142


Achievements on Economic Development Aerotropolis Cont’d •Worked with world bank and international organisations such as City Bank in designing a framework for aerotropolis •Identified core investors and management •Designed and adopted business model that is 100% private sector driven •Developed the aerotropolis authority to be outsourced to private sector for management and maintenance •Developed the Perishable Cargo authority to be outsourced to private sector for management and maintenance



Achievements on Policy, Legal and Institutional Reforms • Under the transformation programme the combined effect of the need to undertake Policy, Legal and Institutional reforms remains paramount. • The process meticulously followed include: – Engagement of world class consultants – Consultations with Aviation Stake Holders – Consultations with the legislatures – Consultations with Legal Experts – Consultations with external International Aviation organizations



Achievements on Policy, Legal and Institutional Reforms Policy (NCAP 2013)

• Before May 2013, the National Civil Aviation Policy (NCAP) was last reviewed in July 2001. • On 6th June 2013 the Federal Executive Council approved the revised National Civil Aviation Policy known as (NCAP 2013) • The objectives of NCAP 2013 includes the following: – Harmonized approach to international standard to safety, security and comfort of Passengers – Separate economic regulations from other regulatory activities – Tailor Nigeria’s policy to address the socio economic, Legal, Technological, Environmental and security realities. – Achieve a sustainable policy framework for the growth of Nigeria Aviation Sector



Achievements on Policy, Legal and Institutional Reforms Achievements Under Policy Reforms Policy (NCAP 2013)

The major achievement of the NCAP 2013 has been: – The creation of the directorate of general aviation with oversight function in controlling and monitoring of all non-scheduled flight operations in Nigeria especially non-schedule flights – Provision of structure and equipments for helideck facilities for helicopter operations – Creation of enabling environments for domestic airline alliances – Increased capacity of AIB to include Accident Prevention AIPB – Continual monitoring and review of the Ministry and its agencies in other to align strategic goals, policies and procedures in accordance with ICAO SARPs – Separation of economic regulations from other regulatory services – Strengthening of institutional capacity to regulate the industry – Clear definition of policy on general aviation, private and business jet ownership and operation as well as charter services – Enhancement of Nigeria’s capacity to response to technological advancement, environmental issues, safety and security. – Policy for non-schedule and foreign registered aircraft operations – Policy on pilgrim flight operations – Policy for Cargo operations and management – Policy of Automation of Revenue Collection



Achievements on Policy, Legal and Institutional Reforms Achievements Under Reform of Legal Framework

• The existence of a strong legal framework for the aviation sector is a platform upon which foreign direct investment would thrive • Achievement under the legal component of the reforms include: – – – –

Review of the 2006 Civil Aviation Act Review of the 1964 NCAT act Review of legislations in setting up other agencies, NAMA, NIMAT, FAAN, AIPB, NCAT, NCAA Development of a Legal framework for the establishment of a new National Carrier and the Aerotropolic initiative – Development and issuance of passenger right regulation – Issuance of regulations for helicopter operations and helipad of operations – Review of concessionary agreements to conform to global standards



Achievements on Policy, Legal and Institutional Reforms Achievements Under Institutional Reforms Completion of Diagnostic review and System audit of the Aviation sector. Staff audit, Biometric Data Capture and professionalization of the Agencies. Reform of financial management systems to enthrone self – sustainability. Development of an automated revenue collection platform in collaboration with IATA & SITA. This is aimed at improving revenue collection, eliminating leakages and enthroning transparency. • By 2015, all Aviation sector agencies would be taken off the annual appropriation system of the Federal Government. • • • •



Achievements on Policy, Legal and Institutional Reforms Achievements Under Institutional Reforms

• Professionalization of airport operations and development • Institutionalisation of Custom service and care as a cardinal policy for all agencies • Removal of import duties and charges on commercial aircrafts and spare parts • Standardisation of licensing and certification (Less Cumbersome) • Promotion of partnership between domestic airlines and major foreign carriers. • Automation of revenue collection point – common platform for electricity, fuel and toll gates



Achievements on Human Capacity Building • Enhancement of the capacity of NCAT to produce 1250 aviation professionals annually • Procurement of new state of the art training equipments for NCAT • Development of partnership between NCAT and other international professional training Institutions • Introduction of Executive Training Programmes for NCAT • Establishment of Campuses in Minna and Lagos • Expansion of Infrastructure in NCAT


Section 4:

Why Aviation Transformation?



Moving from Where We Were to Where We Want to Be… The Aviation sector we inherited was unacceptable. We therefore commenced a paradigm shift to an aviation sector that: 

Unacceptable Aviation Industry with Decadent and Obsolete Infrastructure, incapable of supporting the rapidly growing Nigerian economy

• Aviation Sector Transformatio n Roadmap

Will have world class terminal buildings, modern air navigation and meteorological equipment for safety, effective security system.

Contributes significantly to national GDP which is a pivotal role in our national economic development and selfsustainability.

creates business opportunities for local entrepreneurs and attracts foreign investors and serves as an enabler for such other sectors as agriculture, oil & gas, tourism, etc.

Transforms Lagos and Abuja into regional aviation hubs.

Generates employment.

Possesses strong National Carrier and domestic airlines.



Frame work for inter-Ministerial Collaboration Our Linkages

To serve as the coordinating Ministry, develop policy and advocate on matters related to the Nigerian Aerotropolis

Fed. Ministry of Aviation To enforce standards, policies, laws and regulations relating to all aspects of investment and aerotropolis development

Fed. Ministry of Justice

To Provide policy and project linkage fo the connection of road to various terminals aimed at growing the economy

Fed Ministry of Works

PRESIDENCY • OFFICE OF THE SGF (Policy Setting / direction; overall coordination & supervision)

FCDA or relevant State Government To secure land title, provide necessary building permits, etc

Fed Ministry of Agriculture

Fed. Ministry of Trade & Investment

To provide policy and regulatory support for Perishable Cargo

Fed, Ministry of Finance

Fed Ministry of Power

To ensure maximum value (in terms of return on investments) for the Federation

To provide policy and power supply support for the running of critical infrastructure been developed

To provide policy and regulatory support for Free Trade Zone‌

Note: Our linkages are not ring fenced



• We have absolutely no doubt or hesitation in

dreaming big and working fast to achieve our dreams, because we believe in ourselves and our country and in the transformational leadership of our President‌



Socio-economic Benefits of Aviation Reform Program Job Creation

Business opportunities for local entrepreneurs - Entrepreneurial Growth

Necessary platform for, and attracting foreign investment – Capital inflow

Significant contribution to national infrastructural development.

Opportunity for rural development & transformation

Improved Air Transportation 155


OUR ULTIMATE DESTINATION The Aviation Sector the Jonathan Administration will bequeath to Nigerians  World class terminal buildings at local and international airports.  State-of-the-art equipment for safe air navigation, weather observation and forecasting, safety and security.  Strong National Carrier(s) that is /are purely private sector driven and can compete effectively in the international aviation market.  Strong domestic carriers.  Self-sustainability.  Contributing up to 6% to national GDP.  Lagos & Abuja as regional hub.



Perhaps the major contribution that can be made to economic development in Africa is to enable the African Air Transport Industry

“Air Transport to Sustainable Development in Africa “ , Oxford Economics Forecasting 2003 157


Aviation Sector‌ Taking Local to Global

(Perishable cargo clip) 158

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