3 minute read
We have our GuardsUP!
As the Shelter in Place order became official and hospitals started admitting patients affected by COVID 19, it soon became clear that on-hand inventories of personal protective equipment were not sufficient to keep up with the growing demand. Along with toilet paper, paper towels and hand sanitizer, face shields, N95 Masks and surgical masks were quickly “out of stock”. Anticipating the need would be great; Fresno Madera Medical Society researched ways to help supply our local doctors with the necessary PPE to handle the pandemic. The GuardsUp! Campaign kicked off to help raise funds to offset costs and the search for suppliers began.
With traditional channels back logged, FMMS turned to alternative suppliers. MakerSpaces across the world had begun brainstorming solutions as to how they might produce PPE on a small scale for their local physicians, first responders and communities. Local creatives in downtown Fresno, including Mark Jackson
at the Pi Shop, Derek Payton at Root Access and Janelle Ozeran at Fresno IdeaWorks were already studying designs of 3D printed face shields shared by other makers and enlisting an army of volunteers to assist in production. Prototypes were created and taken to Fresno County Public Health for Dr. Rais Vohra’s input. Within days the first shields were rolling off the assembly line and into local hospitals. The Pi Shop produced heavy duty, laser cut face shields while Fresno IdeaWorks focused on 3D versions and Root Access dedicated their resources to the production of cloth masks.
A few miles away at Career Technical Education Charter High School (CTEC), Director Jon Delano and Advanced Manufacturing Teacher Brian Emerson filled their days monitoring 29 3D printers and working with MakerBot, the printer manufacturer, to streamline design and maximize efficiency to allow for roundthe-clock production.
Additional donations of PPE for GuardsUP came from Central Valley Community Foundation; Riley’s Brewing in Madera, Ford Motor Company Foundation, tieks by Gavrieli (shoe company) and Traveler Surf Club (clothing).
This grass-roots community effort is responsible for 30,000 pieces of PPE added to inventories in Fresno and Madera Counties and a shining example of the resourcefulness, compassion and humanity in the Valley.
The need continues. Donations to GuardsUp! are still being accepted with one hundred present of funds raised going toward the effort to supply physicians with the protection they need to continue to care for those affected by COVID 19.
Total funds raised to date and $14,000.00
Organization Donations from: CalViva Health Central Valley Community Foundation CTEC Fresno County Office of Education Fresno Madera Medical Society Alliance Fresno Madera Medical Society Foundation Ford Motor Company Foundation IdeaWorks Fresno Jewish Federation of Central California Riley's Brewing Root Access The PiShop tieks by Gavrieli Tiger Livy Productions Traveler Surf Club
Personal Donations from: Roberta Alexander Mark Alson, MD Cecilia Alvidrez Loren Alving, MD Balwinder Bains Jacques Benninga Michael Chakov Lisa Chun Pam White Terril Efird, MD Ahmad Emami, MD Lorrae Emory Karen English Vickie Fouts Byron Fox Kristen Garneau Amitabh Goswami, MD Don H Gaede, MD Glenn Hananouchi. MD Mary Hansen Sumera Hayat, MD Susan Hill Pamela Kammen, MD Hanna Krebs Patrick MacMillian, MD Anna Marie Gonzalez, MD Pio Martin Christina Maser, MD John Moua, MD William Podolsky, MD Bonnie Polson Richard Polson Sharon Pryor Laura R Martinez Randy Rebella Charlaine Roberto Marina Roytman, MD Jennifer Russell Marcia Sablan, MD Anthony Sablan Lara Safadi Susan Sanders Laura Sanford JoAnne Sargent Judith Saunders David A. Schools Katayoon Shahinfar, MD Cynthia Sinclair Alan Sortor, MD Sean Tower, MD Jai Uttam, MD Ko Vang Maria Vargas Kent Yamaguchi, MD Vendetta Yenter Michael Yezbick
Thank you to all that donated to the GuardsUP program.