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Local Fargo abstract artist Laura Rettig creates a mix of bold and neutral pieces and utilizes materials such as raw canvas, locally built wood frames, acrylics, inks, and oil sticks. She creates commissioned pieces for individuals and businesses. "The process is really enjoyable and we dive into your creative ideas," she said. "We gather ideas and you share your vision with me, then I get started! Some clients like to be involved in the steps and some like to be surprised in the end. The involvement level is up to the individual.”

To view more of Rettig's work or connect about a custom piece, visit laurarettig.com or email her at hello@laurarettig.com

Dennis Krull
Dennis Krull is a Midwest-based encaustic artist, who uses abstracted imagery and clear, bright colors to create his artwork. His work is created with one of the oldest mediums still in use today called encaustic, which is made of beeswax, damar resin, and pigment.

Krull began working as a photographer, but when he began using encaustic as a medium alongside his photographs, he was enticed by the process. "I have told many that it is like being a painter and sculptor at the same time," he said. "Although this medium has been around for ages, not many know about it. But when they see encaustic work, they are amazed by the translucency of the pieces and the depth of the layers."
Looking for a custom piece? Krull creates custom work with encaustic, photo encaustic, and photography for any space. To view more of his work or to connect regarding a custom piece, visit 5foot2.com or email him at dkrull@5foot20.com