1 minute read
What is homebuilding and home design all about to you?
It is about being able to build a relationship with the client(s) and take their ideas from a piece of paper to a home they love and enjoy.
What are some new trends or designs you have been trying or implementing into your homes?
Starting to make the shower a part of the standing tub room—this allows for a clean look that doesn’t take up a lot of extra space. We will continue to put in the Costco door to the pantry or hidden doors.
Why Fargo? You could build homes anywhere, why did you choose this area and why do you love it?
how do they empower and inspire you and your work daily?
For me it is balance; I use my 5 F’s: Faith, Family, Friends, Fitness (Mind & Physical) and Fun. Having a balance for me makes it that much easier to enjoy everything else and be there to help others.
What trend(s) of the past should be brought back and why should they have never gone out of style?
Individual rooms, freestanding tubs and wood stoves. Open concept is great for some areas but having separate rooms is something you will see come back. The freestanding tub is a classic look and feel that can add so much to a bathroom. In our weather having a wood stove not only can be a focal point for looks, but can be a cost saving on high heating bills.
"I live by a similar group of values like Faith and Family, but this year I'd like to add more Fitness to my lifestyle!"
-Josiah Kopp, Editor
"My parents are remodeling their home and are adding a wall to one of the living rooms to create more individual spaces for guests!"
-Josiah Kopp, Editor
"Did you know the Fargo Metro recently surpassed a quarter-million people, making it the 192nd largest metro in the United States?"
-Josiah Kopp, Editor
Besides family and friends, the Fargo area has huge growth and the people here are hard-working. One thing I love seeing is people moving here for a job and then they that realize they love it here. It shows how Fargo nice is a real thing.
What things mean most to you (family, faith, etc.) and
What is the most ingenious thing you've ever seen incorporated into a home design?
I would have to go with the interior garden or herb idea, followed by heated driveways. Both are definitely more useful here in our weather.
"This sounds like the ultimate hack to never shoveling snow again—and never slipping on ice!"
- Josiah Kopp, Editor