‘Creating greater brand recognition helps develop greater market share.’ Bill Gates – Microsoft CEO
t’s been 12 months since First National’s new look started hitting the streets and, for participating members, it has been a huge success. With over 300 member offices rebranded, or in the process of rebranding, this initiative has been the most successful in First National’s history. Independent research indicated First National’s former brand was perceived as boring, old fashioned and unappealing; that the general public struggled to identify the network’s national size and strength as a result of its inconsistent, fragmented branding. However, as a result of the refresh, the network is going from strength to strength.
“Daystar First National has been a recognised brand and office, servicing the local community’s residential requirements for the past 13 years. Two years ago, Daystar was ranked 11th out of 14 offices locally in terms of sales turnover. Today, we can proudly say we are in the top 3, having achieved a staggering 300% growth in 12 months. Our market share has grown from a low base of 4% to a massive 27%. There are many factors contributing to our sharp rise, one of those being the new First National brand”.
Michael Sleiman First National Daystar
Clean, fresh and modern, the new look has given us a confident, competitive edge.
Philip Madirazza First National David Kay
Preliminary research indicates that the brand has helped members:
“We’re thrilled with the new fresh approach. We’ve set the foundations to go forward into the 21st century”
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Chris Robson First National James Partners, Blackwood
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“My team and myself have found the new brand modern, dynamic, and refreshing. We have received many positive comments from clients and suppliers, and most importantly I can feel a real lift in my team’s attitude. This is one of the best initiatives we have introduced to date”. Rod McLean First National Maroochydore
“Having recently changed our trading name, followed by our office location, the new branding could not have been more timely. We now have fresh new premises with an equally fresh & modern new brand. The distinctive colours & design perfectly complement our new office & the vehicles are positively eye catching!” Darrin & Cathy McFawn First National Oberon
“I have just come back from the Ag Show where we displayed listings in the new brand – what a hit! The new brand works for me!” Peter McDonald First National Bayside
ong established, powerful brands become even more powerful with the introduction of refreshed branding. Ask long-term members who possess trading names such as Frank Facey (Vic), Wal Murray (NSW) and Pope Nitschke (SA) about their experience. Initially, a small number of members believed the new brand was established with the aim of discontinuing members’ names in association with the First National brand. Nothing could be further from the truth. Member based names used in association with the new brand have actually increased.
he whole First National network has benefited, with new members signing up every week to be part of this great network’s future. The most encouraging sign is the acquisition of new members in locations where the network has had little or no representation. New members, establishing themselves in areas previously occupied by long term members, are thriving and prospering under the new brand, leaving competitors in their wake.
“Thank you for the opportunity to speak about the new branding. I have done my whole office and street signage in the new colours and I have had positive comments from clients and almost as importantly from 3 of my competitors who have noticed and congratulated me on the new look. I have incorporated the Commercial signage into my shop front and street signage and as you will see it is impressive. I like the fresh clean modern look on the websites”.
Pauline O’Neill First National Dural
Heaps of great feedback about how great the office looks. Fresh and clean is what most people are saying.
Craig Abbey First National N. H. Abbey
“We’ve had unprompted comments from the general population in the murraylands stating that they can’t believe how much market share we have in the area. It’s because of the new brand signs that the public now has a perception that we have a bigger market share, even though the market share hasn’t changed. This is a great perception! The brand change has given us a wow factor and an edge over our competitors.”
Wayne Chadwick First National River Estates
“I think the new brand looks sharp and fresh. Everyone I have spoken to agrees.” Jamie Bourke First National Commercial
he breadth of the new brand’s reach was discussed extensively at a recent members’ forum in Melbourne. Those present indicated that since changing to the new brand, they have been able to access premium listings with ease, while others have found the new brand has helped them reconnect with working class customers.
“Moving our office over to the new brand at the start of this year has proven to be one of the most positive and well received steps we’ve taken since joining the group in 1994. Not only was client feedback regarding the new style overwhelmingly supportive but it was even more pleasing to see the revitalising effect it had on all the staff and the consequent improvement in office morale. Without doubt it was the start of many positive changes we’ve made since.”
Anthony Rizzutto First National Nowra
“We were hesitant about the new brand because of First National being before our name but once the first signboards went up and we received phone calls with positive comments the new brand we knew we had made the right decision. We know, looking back, that we made the right decision jumping on board when it was first released. Having been in Burwood for 40 years, this year, we needed a new image!”
Matthew Nolan First National Nolans
clean, sharp, very modern, great image, very professional are the general comments we are receiving on the new brand.
Darren O’Keefe First National Tweed Sutherland
“Our office has definitely noticed an increase in walk-in traffic, with many positive comments from clients. The signboards are much more visible and refreshing in the market place. Staff moral is excellent and it has brought a refreshing and positive attitude to our business.”
Denise Pinwell First National Beerwah
A refreshing brand enhancement.
John Hesse First National Hills Direct
The feedback we are getting from the public and staff is that the new branding is nice and fresh, clean and crisp, and a very modern look.
Robert Stephens First National Collie and Tierney
“We receive good positive feedback and people say the branch is nice and fresh. I think one of the important things is that it makes us feel a bit more invigorated too. Working under the new look and feel.” Brian Warrick First National Wal Murray and Co
I love the fresh, clean new look of our office. It definitely has a more impressive stature. First National now looks like a modern progressive organisation. Mark Simpson First National Wyong