Total leads generated nationally
11,500+ LOOKING TO
2380 3819
Buy Sell
6 months Campaign Period 1 March – 31 August
Lease Rent
2386 2957
Total number of ads played and viewed nationally
18,717 TV (over 500 programmes) 3,184 facebook 136,613 6,880,453 radio
ĂŽ 10 second sponsorships placed
around News and Weather in Queensland markets ĂŽ 70+ extra advertising
spaces received
views nationally
1,164,150 eCards distributed nationally
dropcards distributed by First National Peak Central (WA)
$200 SHOPfirst
voucher awarded to First National Ellenbrook (WA) for the ‘Best Promoter Tips’
First National’s $50,000 Cash Drop competition was a real winner for our office – literally and in more ways than one! Our team was totally focused on having the SA winner from the start, with procedures put in place to ensure every new vendor, purchaser, landlord and tenant was added during the competition period. The competition created a huge buzz throughout the team, particularly when one of our tenant entries was announced as the SA winner. Cheekily, I’ve told the winner they could leave their $10,000 prize in our Trust Account for when they buy their house through us! David Nitschke Principal, First National Pope Nitschke
First National Ellenbrook (WA) and First National Sarina (QLD) promoting the competition
Michelle Cardoso of Success WA
nin of Tania Darma Meeniyan VIC
First National Tully
m Country rst National Pro
f Ipswich QLD
Gillian Kane o
Elizabeth Graham of Gladesville NSW
Ben & Katy Walker of Mount Barker SA First National Pope Nitschke
First National The Entrance
(QLD) principal, ’s h ic sw Ip y lt a e ion R nant First National Act ed $10,000 to Gillian Kane, a te hand r Garth Llewellyn h her family afte it w e b to d n a sl ueen er outstanding h who moved to Q id a p n a li il G . husband tude to First ti ra g st the death of her e p e e d r e d d expressed h r, The Queenslan medical bills an e p a sp w e n l ca prize. Lo e National for the ture with Natali ic p is th p a sn to and idge (Senior e K Times, was on h ie d Jo , r) e g a ons Man Mallory (Operati r) and Garth. e g a n a M y rt e p Pro 05
Campaign Period mber 8 October – 31 Dece
r support of u o h it w d e u n ti n co Efficiency stance y rg e n E ive a free set ’s ce rk o re tw to e n ce e n a h T ch e th rs r gave custome e st u M ry o m e M r. e g their old st in cl cy re n e MobileMu h w s e g a eir favourite im th f o s rd ca st o p m iu of six prem mobile phone. s entered the competition
Over 130 photo î
d qualify for the assador Awards’ b m ‘A d an e’ ic o Ch ‘Peoples' lected venues and se at y la p is d c li b u P î a Event in Sydney al G er st u M ry o em The M
Images entere î
te First National Real Esta ness won the Victorian Busi omoter Awards 2012 – Best Pr Award MobileMuster Upholding the pledge
Go The Tan is a fundraising event for the Friedreich Ataxia Research Association (FARA). It supports research to find a cure for this fatal, degenerative neurological disease.
First National was the main sponsor of the event:
First National’s logo
appeared on the start/ finish line î 500 First National caps were
handed out î 500 First National branded
bags were given away
25 members and National Office staff participated
Mass TV and radio coverage plus celebrity attendees - Tony Liberatore, David Hughes, Carrie Bickmore, Glen Archer
Alliance Partners participated – HR OnLine and Printforce
First National in partnership with Victorian Government as Official Sponsor attendees exhibitors
8,208 59
Over 4,000 sales and property management leads generated
Prime exposure to the 11% of Melburnians expected to relocate to Regional Victoria 2.8 million advertisement viewers (print, TV and radio)
Sponsorship of the Regional Victoria Living Expo offered both metropolitan and regional members the opportunity to provide hands on assistance to people wishing to relocate to regional areas. As no other real estate group or franchise was involved in the project, we were able to co-brand with the State Government of Victoria - putting First National in a leadership position. The New South Wales Government has now shown interest in replicating the initiative, which would give our NSW colleagues a similar opportunity. Garry Nash – Victorian State Chairman First National Garry Nash
Special thanks to the following members who dedicated their time First National Ararat First National Ballarat CBD First National City Residential First National Collie and Tierney First National Garry Nash First National J A Cain First National O’Meara Kennedy First National Phillip Island First National Prom Country First National Tweed Sutherland First National Warragul First National Westwood
The Regional Victoria Living Expo was defi nitely worth supporting and it was good exposure for First Natio nal. People were very impressed at the affordability of Bendig o and the variation of block sizes. They were also impressed at the cal ibre of period homes and the culture that Bendigo has to offer. It gave me a rare opportunity to meet the, Premier Ted Baillieu. Darryn O’Keefe First National Tweed Sutherland
well organised and the exhibitors were y ver s wa o Exp ing Liv ia tor Vic al ion The Reg ther a wide variety of information about friendly and helpful. We were able to ga luding employment prospects, real inc to, g vin mo in d ste ere int are we ion the reg ilities. estate information and local council fac Jennifer and Peter Langridge perty through First National Garry Nash pro a d ase rch pu d an LE RV the ded en Att
tion “Geoff ’s Shed”
First National Exhibi
Ian Lewis ellbrook FIrst National Musw
After its 2011 success, Queensland Regional Council decided to run its state specific Pimp Your Property campaign again in 2012.
Buyer leads generated Over 800
Seller leads generated Over 600
Property Management leads generated Over 600
We were really surprised to hear we had a winner in the Pimp Your Property campaign. This is one of the great things about being involved with a group as opposed to being just an independent agent. Our winner also appreciated the prize as he is in the middle of doing some minor renovations. Thanks. Jason Stevens First National Ryan, Coorparoo
Views through FREE Facebook status updates
New page likes for facebook. com/QueenslandRealEstate
Views for Facebook paid advertising
Air time for regional TV
6 weeks
Clicks on Facebook paid advertising
Gabriele Vogtle yborough First National Mar
Byron Higgins First National Ryan Bruce Tafa ngfield First National Spri
Penny Moran na First National Sari
Tim Brennan ssall First National Bra
Dee Cameron roochydore First National Ma Catherine Scully Pines First National The Melita Vellacott chilla First National Chin
k Vanessa Woodloc wood ng First National Spri
Tina Underwood dstone First National Gla Naomi Ravkin gnetic Island First National Ma Rachel Carter cleay Island First National Ma 17
Exhibitors rs Primary produce
over 700
TION O M O R P IA D E M E MASSIV and TV io d ra , s s re p g in t incorpora Genuine % 4 9 rs o it is v l ra u lt u agric
Niki Bradford oomba First National Toow
Attendees over 50,000 Exhibitors
over 300
î Branding on coaching and support
staff apparel î Scoreboard and arena signage î Perth Wildcats website branding î Head coach, Rob Beveridge attendance at 4 corporate functions î Training sessions with Rob Beveridge î 3 inner sanctum tours î TV exposure on One HD, ABC, 7, 9 and Fox Sports
î 30 Box seats for
social media
campaigns î 27 metres of court side digital branding at all home games
The number of ‘likes’ doubled on Western Australia Facebook page within 24 of sponsorship announcement Attracted ‘likes’ from competitor agents Member Services Manager, Jonathan Clover received a new membership inquiry The Perth Wildcats at the new Perth Arena!