Greenline, July 2013

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July 2013 | Volume 34, Issue 7

A m o n t h l y p u b l i c a t i o n f o r FN G L A m e m b e r s . D I G IT A L m o n t h l y i s s u e l o c a t e d a t h t t p : / / g r e e n l i n e . f n g l a . o r g

Tropical Splendor Abounds as Members Celebrate Success g n i r e v i l e D Tropical Splendor

June 14 & 15 WESTON, FL

The 2013 FNGLA Convention was tropical splendor and more as more than 150 FNGLA members and their families and friends gathered at the Bonaventure Resort in Weston, Florida.

Marking FNGLA’s 61st year, the annual business meeting 2013 FNGLA ANNUAL CONVENTION | BONAVENTURE RESORTS provided members with a year in review of FNGLA’s activities and focus, as well as a state of the association by CEO Ben Bolusky. Eight industry members were recognized for their outstanding service to the Association and the industry as recipients of FNGLA’s prestigious industry awards. New officers were elected, with Mike Marshall, Marshall Tree Farm, serving as FNGLA’s new President; Sandy Stein, The Jungle Nursery, elected as President-elect; and Billy Butterfield, Ameriscapes Landscape Management Services, elected as Secretary/Treasurer. Wes Parrish now serves as FNGLA’s Immediate Past President. As usual, the FNGLA convention mixed business with pleasure as the opening event combined a tour of Flamingo Gardens, a plant scavenger hunt and a barbecue dinner for all to enjoy. Flamingo Gardens not only showcases 21 champion trees, but many unique bird and wild life species. The Flamingo Gardens staff rolled out the red carpet for FNGLA attendees, offering tours with the garden’s naturalist, as well as hand-held encounters with unique birds and wildlife of the area. The convention culminated with the Presidents Gala, which took place in a ballroom beautifully decorated with an inspiring tropical landscape. A dozen past presidents were in attendance as well as Bryce Quick, Associate Administrator and Chief Operating Officer of USDA’s Foreign Agriculture Service. FNGLA President Wes Parrish shared his heartfelt thanks to members for their service and support of FNGLA during the past year, but not before he was roasted by Past President and friend Joe Cialone and special guest, Bryce Quick. Once outgoing president Wes Parrish passed the Big Shoes to newly (continued page 4)


Mike Marshall FNGLA 2013-2014 President

Serving FNGLA is a Unique Privilege It has been an honor to serve the FNGLA and its members over the years and now, especially this year, as I serve as President. I grew up in the FNGA and can remember attending chapter meetings around Pinellas County as a ten year old. As I think back and reflect on those meetings at Carroll Brothers Nursery, 4th of July cookouts at Buck Fullers Nursery, hayrides at the Pursley Turf Farm, Menninger Flowering Tree Conferences from Fairchild to Leu Gardens to Disney, and 25 years of FNATS (now The Landscape Show), I realize what a unique privilege it is now to serve as President for the industry in which I grew up. This industry is unique in the passion we all have towards serving the industry, our customers and each other while making the world a better place with plants, trees and landscaping. This passion for serving is one of the things that makes me proud to be a part of our industry. From the Frontrunners Chapter helping to landscape the Baptist Children’s home in June of this year; to the Highlands Heartland Chapter’s Christmas Angel program providing annually for kids in their communities; to the Pinellas Chapter’s passion for future leaders and the FFA program they host each year; to the many stories of nursery growers and landscape professionals helping each other in times of great personal need or as tropical storms or hurricanes have struck over the years-- these happenings, and there are too many to name them all, occur in every chapter of FNGLA. I continue to be impressed each time I hear the latest story because it speaks to our industry being something bigger than our individual businesses -- we are a part of our communities. As a kid, I knew FNGLA as a place fellow business owners could get together and share successes, struggles and new ideas. As a student at the University of Florida, I attended many Frontrunners Chapter meetings and still saw camaraderie among members. Yet, I also began to understand the bigger picture of how FNGLA wasn’t just a gathering place for members -- it was an integral part of the


success of its members. FNGLA has grown up too and is now a fully-fledged partner is our businesses. Even if some in our industry don’t realize it, FNGLA stands beside our industry each and every day and represents us at the local, state and federal levels. I am convinced our industry and our individual businesses wouldn’t be what they are without FNGLA. Now as a big kid, I wake up most days excited and thankful to be a part of what I believe to be one of the best careers I could have chosen. We’ve just come through the toughest four or five years that most can remember since the Great Depression, however our industry and Association are strong and getting stronger by the day. Along with each of you, I am hopeful we will continue to see the economy, our businesses, and our industry rebound in the years to come. Despite a difficult recession, we truly are a part of the greatest nursery industry and association in the country and we have lots of passionate volunteers willing to give of their time and resources to continue to make it greater. In this next year, I look forward to working with FNGLA volunteers and staff to make FNGLA and its programs even more relevant to our members. This means continuing to represent our industry at the highest levels in many different arenas AND asking what we as an Association can do to better meet member needs. I plan to get around to as many FNGLA Chapter meetings and events as possible throughout the coming year (hopefully with my kids) and appreciate the many invitations to chapter meetings I have already received. Thank you for being a FNGLA member, for your passion and service to our industry and for allowing me to serve you in this next year. Mike Marshall Marshall Tree Farms (Morriston)

FNGLA HAPPENINGS The All-New Great Southern Landscape Field Days Offers Knowledge, Expertise and Networking The Great Southern Landscape Field Days will be held November 20-22, 2013 in Gainesville, on the site of the former Great Southern Tree Conference in Gainesville. The conference planning committee has built upon the strong foundation of the tree conference’s successful elements enhancing the already powerful sessions with topics relevant to the broader industry audiences: landscape and woody ornamental. Still committed to delivering high-quality educational sessions, the program’s mission is to develop and showcase innovative business strategies and sustainable landscape practices for growers and landscape professionals. Areas of focus are production, environmental resource management, new plant varieties, design, installation and maintenance. Industry members will greatly benefit from the networking and specialized research conducted by University of Florida’s experts. Dr. Ed Gilman has brought over a decade of key information on production strategies for tree producers using the more than $800,000 in partner contributions. Now with Dr. Gilman and an expanding team of UF experts, the Landscape Field Days hopes to follow this successful formula to bring the industry even more! Mark your calendars now to attend. Registration for the event will open in September. Access the image gallery of the 2012 conference: We need the support of our industry leaders and suppliers to enhance the program’s success! As we move forward into the next decade, the Landscape Field Days will start with a Participants in Great Southern will gain insight both in broader approach providing innovative business strategies and the classroom and in the field. sustainable landscape practices for both growers and landscape professionals. Please consider making your commitment to be a part of the next 10 years of industry advances. Start today on a successful journey as a partner of this great new program. If you wish to learn more about the conference, please contact Linda Reindl or visit


FNGLA HAPPENINGS Convention (con’t) (from page 1) installed FNGLA President Mike Marshall, it was time to put on the dancing shoes and the dance floor became the most popular spot in the room. The 2013 Convention Committee and the FNGLA Broward Chapter outdid themselves in providing overflowing welcome bags, a well-stocked hospitality room, beautiful, tropical decorations and great enthusiasm for a South Florida meeting filled with tropical splendor. Committee members included Vickie Parrish, chairwoman, Sandy Benton, Allison Ruytenbeek, Janice and Roger Brooks; Lyn Cacella; Nancy Chappel; Lenore Cialone; Sylvia Gordon; Bonnie Marshall; Billy Butterfield, Jennifer Dumas; Robin Stein; and, Fred Segal. Thanks to all the members of FNGLA Broward Chapter who served as hosts for this year’s convention. Special thanks to Signature Sponsor Stallings Crop Insurance, and exclusive event sponsors ProAg Insurance and LPL Financial, Matt Antos, CFP, as well as all the convention sponsors listed below:

Thank You Convention Sponsors!

Signature Sponsor

Friday Night Event

Annual Meeting

Palm Level

Heliconia Level

Orchid Level: Agri-Starts, Inc. | B & L Landscape, Inc. FNGLA Frontrunners Chapter | FNGLA Northeast Chapter FNGLA Palm Beach Chapter | FNGLA Royal Palm Chapter Marshall Tree Farm | Simpson Nurseries | Tropical Computers


Bromeliad Level: Agrium Advanced Technologies | Arborbrace Atlas Peat & Soil, Inc. | Betrock Information Systems, Inc. Creative | Excelsa Gardens | Getting Green Plant Services, Inc. FNGLA Miami-Dade Chapter | Gulfshore Insurance FNGLA Treasure Coast Chapter | New Horizons of the Palm Beaches | Parrish Nursery, Inc.

FNGLA’s 2013 Convention in Pictures:

FNGLA HAPPENINGS The Landscape Show: Business is Blooming The Landscape Show, themed “Business is Blooming” is also “Blooming for Business” as officially opens for exhibitors! is a secure hub site that allows exhibitors to register for the show, order booth furnishings, connect utilities, find accommodations and prepare for the show. This year, The Landscape Show is moving to a new hall and there are tons of options for additional promotion! We have banner locations in high-visibility locations throughout the building, there are seminars and demos for more targeted sponsorship exposure. Don’t overlook a great opportunity to be seen! Exhibitors can also submit business logos for addition to the directory and mobile website – moving them to the top of the search lists and allowing for brand recognition. Exhibitors can also add Show Specials to entice attendees with promotions and deals. Exhibitors should have received the link and password either by email or mail – call Sabrina Haines at the FNGLA office if you haven’t received it. If you wish to exhibit at The Landscape Show and are not yet signed-up to do so, call FNGLA at 800-375-3642 or email


FNGLA HAPPENINGS The Landscape Show to Host America In Bloom Annual Symposium The Landscape Show and FNGLA welcome participants of The America in

Bloom (AIB) Symposium & Awards Program to the 2013 Landscape Show, September 19-21. The Landscape Show is honored to be the first industry trade event to serve as host to the AIB Symposium. At its annual Symposium and Awards Presentations, nearly 200 community leaders from across the country gather to share, learn and be recognized for their community-enhancing achievements. With The Landscape Show as the backdrop for the 2013 AIB Symposium, participants will have a unique opportunity to tour through the show and take part in demonstrations with relevant Main Street landscaping topics. AIB sessions connected with The Landscape Show will take place on Saturday, September 21 in the exhibit hall. In addition, AIB and The Landscape Show attendees will have an opportunity to meet at The Landscape Show Opening Night Reception on Thursday, September 19 at the Rosen Plaza Hotel. The Rosen Plaza serves as the host hotel for both The Landscape Show and the AIB Symposium. In addition, FNGLA and AIB are hosting a special reception for Florida mayors to learn more about the benefits of plants, trees, landscapes and green spaces for communities and to be introduced to the AIB program. Mayors will be invited to attend The Landscape Show Opening session which features a presentation by Peter Kageyama, author of “For the Love of Cities.” The America in Bloom Symposium & Awards Program offers a unique opportunity to gain insights into the Central Florida region and meet some extraordinary people who are making a difference in their communities. America in Bloom (AIB) promotes nationwide beautification through education and community involvement by encouraging the use of flowers, plants, trees, and other environmental and lifestyle enhancements. FNGLA members serving on the Host Committee of the 2013 America In Bloom Symposium include: • Katy Moss Warner, FNGLA honorary member, as chairwoman • Billy Butterfield, Ameriscapes Landscape Services Management • Timothee Sallin, Cherry Lake Tree Farm • Robert Bowden, Harry P. Leu Garden • Janet Wyatt, Walt Disney World • Keri Leymaster, Orange County Extension, IFAS • Linda Adams, FNGLA staff


FNGLA HAPPENINGS FNGLA Participates in Southeast Building Conference With over 19 million people living in Florida and countless still moving here, whether its a primary residence or a summer home, keeping the nursery and landscape industry on the radar of Florida’s home builders and those in Florida’s broader based construction trade is an FNGLA priority. Many in our industry don’t stop to think about what percentage of the large number of sales made to landscape contractors are for new building installations and/or residential installations. In looking back at sales pre-recession, we were able to recognize Florida’s builders as an important target to educate about the benefits of landscape, both as an exterior element in a home and as an element of a healthy building’s interior. While many builders simply outsource one landscape package for their homes, FNGLA encourages builders to differentiate and upsell the landscaping element of their homes. Even back before lot lines are drawn, FNGLA promotes the value of community green spaces to developers.

The SEBC Show floor in 2012: The Demonstration Area touted the many benefits of Florida landscapes to show attendees and contest participants thanks to FNGLA’s efforts.

July 13 & 14 brings an ideal venue to communicate these messages: the Florida Home Builders Association will host its annual Southeast Building Conference where builders from across the state will come to network and participate in education specific to their needs. As part of the conference, and partnering with the Florida Masonry Foundation, FNGLA will have a significant presence as part of the demonstration and contest area. With the recent surge in construction, SEBC has seen a 30% increase in booth sales, This increase is expected to translate into more show attendees and more opportunities to infuse our industry’s benefits face-to-face and into the minds of this significant target audience. As a partner, FNGLA has a limited number of show passes. If you are interested in attending, or even helping to work the FNGLA booth, contact Jennifer Nelis, for details. Having a presence is an important element of singing the benefits of Florida’s landscapes! For details on the show, go to


FNGLA HAPPENINGS FNGLA Teams with SFWMD & SJRWMD to host Florida Water StarSM The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) joined with FNGLA to host Florida Water StarSM (FWS) training and testing in June in West Palm Beach.

major impact on water usage.

Naples Hosts Florida Water StarSM Training & Testing

The training is a comprehensive water conservation program that focuses on Florida-friendly landscape alternatives and irrigation requirements that can have a

Taught by Joy Dorst of Green Solutions and Judy Benson of Clear Water Products & Services, the event attracted local landscape and irrigation professionals as well as government agencies interested in water conservation. Thanks to UgMO Technologies for supplying lunch for the event. SJRWMD has contracted with FNGLA to administer the FWS Accredited Professional exams in irrigation and landscape. More than 100 professionals have earned one or both of these designations since testing began in 2010. Two additional events are scheduled in 2013 – Naples on August 13&14 and Citra on September 11&12. For more information, contact Merry Mott at FNGLA at 800-375-3642. Complete information about the Florida Water StarSM program can be found at or contact Deirdre Irwin at the St. Johns River Water Management District at 386-546-8437 or

Florida Water StarSM travels to Naples on August 13. Training and testing for FWS Accredited Professionals in landscape and irrigation will be offered at the Big Cypress Basic Service Center with the exam following the next day. Training for both landscape and irrigation is offered the first day of the program at a cost of just $15 per person. The optional exam in EITHER landscape or irrigation is offered the second day of the program at a cost of $50. Lunch will be included on training day thanks to Rainbird, our sponsors. CEUs are available. To register, contact Merry Mott at FNGLA at 800-375-3642.


INDUSTRY NEWS Golf Course and Landscape Programs Offer Online and Off Campus Options

Florida Gateway College (FGC) in Lake City is returning to a two-year format offering an Associate of Science (AS) degree in Golf Course Operations, which is how it started in 1967. But in keeping with the times, they have added an updated approach that requires a minimal amount of time on campus for students. Students can now take general education classes at any accredited college near them, take a limited number of online department courses from FGC, and complete one year of the program remotely. They would then need to be on the FGC campus for only two semesters (one academic year) to complete the Golf Course Operations program. The AS degree program in Landscape Technology runs similarly. It is also two years, and one can be completed on campus by taking local and online classes. And for those wishing to advance even further academically, Saint Leo University, which is based in Florida but operates campus locations around the country, accepts the courses from these two AS degree programs towards a four-year degree. In just two additional years, Florida Gateway College graduates can earn a Bachelor of Applied Science in Business Administration. Most of the Saint Leo courses are available online. For more information, contact: John R. Piersol at 386-7544225.

FFA Partners with Florida Farm Bureau: Headquarter Facilities to be Built in Gainesville The Florida Future Farmers of America recently announced plans to construct its new state headquarters on the property of the Florida Farm Bureau building in Gainesville. The FFA has rented space in the Farm Bureau Building for over 20 years. The project will cost about $1.5 million, said Florida Farm Bureau’s G.B. Crawford. Individual donors, businesses and private groups will contribute $150,000 toward the construction of the building, he said. Ronnie Simmons, the executive director of Florida Future Farmers of America Association, said, “Not only will the new facility give us quadruple the space, but it will allow us meeting space, conference facilities, dormitories for our student officers and an increased in-house production capacity to better serve the needs of our 17,000 Florida FFA members.” View the announcement of the project:


INDUSTRY NEWS Free University of Florida Center PIE Webinar Series Now Offers FNGLA CEUs The University of Florida’s Center for Public Issues Education, dubbed Center PIE, offers a free webinar each month aimed at increasing the industry’s knowledge of communication and/or knowledge of consumer perceptions about agriculture. As a newly added incentive to the industry to participate, FNGLA now offers certification CEUs to FNGLA webinar participants. The series is ongoing and topics are added a few months prior to their occurrence. The next two are:

Wednesday, July 17, 2-3 p.m.

Communicating with the News Media: How to Work with the Industry Everybody Loves to Hate Presented by: Dr. Ricky Telg, professor, UF Department of Agricultural Education & Communication Media relations is a strategy of working with the news media in order to get out information about an organization’s events and activities in news outlets, local, regional, or national. Developing an effective news media relations plan for your organization can be very beneficial in many ways. In this webinar, University of Florida professor Ricky Telg will detail how to develop a media relations strategy, prepare for news media interviews, evaluate yourself as a spokesperson, and integrate social media in your media relations strategy, all with the overall goal of helping you become a credible and trustworthy source of information for the news media. For more information about media relations, please see Telg’s publication series on media relations at

Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2-3 p.m.

Thinking inside the box: Creating a brand that is consistent, engaging and effective — Kevin Kent Presented by: Kevin Kent, assistant director, Florida FFA Association Let’s make one thing clear before we get started — branding is NOT putting your logo on everything. This presentation will challenge you to think inside and outside the box when it comes to your company or organization’s brand. How do you want your customers, clients, or stakeholders to feel, see, smell, think, hear about your brand? Learn about ways to create a multimedia brand that is consistent, engaging and effective. At the end of this session, you will be able to: identify your company or organization’s “zag,” evaluate the effectiveness of a brand, research your competition’s brand, develop a brand strategy, and identify your organization’s “big idea.” The University of Florida Center for Public Issues Education’s mission is to enhance public understanding of issues in agriculture and natural resources through practical research in education, communication and leadership development. For more details on the Center or to sign-up for either of these free webinars, go to


INDUSTRY NEWS BloomaPalooza Takes Place August 1 - 3

GIE Media, Inc., C. Raker & Sons Inc., and Hort Couture LLC have partnered to develop BloomaPalooza. BloomaPalooza is an innovative, outdoor business event dedicated to serving and celebrating the spirit of the independent garden center market. Part outdoor trade fair, part industry education, and part music festival, BloomaPalooza is designed to connect and energize plant breeders, growers and product suppliers with independent retailers from across North America. This 3-day pioneering business event will feature presentations from the most talented minds in the industry intermingled with live music acts on the main stage. Families are encouraged to attend, and events will include children’s activities and free admission for those under 18 attending the event with a paying adult. Visit and mingle with top industry vendors under the big tent to view latest technologies and products, and stroll through the famed Raker Trial Gardens to view over 3,500 unique plant varieties in multiple forms and settings. For more details, go to: http://


FPL Safety Posters Now Available During National Safety Month, Florida Power & Light Company is making available a new power line safety poster to help businesses, laborers and the public stay safe while landscaping and doing other work outside homes and businesses. The poster is available to download in English, Spanish and Creole at the company’s website page devoted to power line safety, safety.

Stay Safe Near Power Lines! ¡Manténgase seguro cerca de líneas eléctricas! Pran prekosyon bôkote lin kouran electrik yo!

Look out for power lines when working. Cuando esté trabajando, esté atento a las líneas eléctricas. Fè atansyon lè wap travay bôkote lin kouran electrik. for more information para obtener más información pou plis enfòmasyon

A safety message from Un mensaje de seguridad de Yon mesaj prekosyon ki soti nan

“Safety is a priority for FPL and our employees, and we want our customers to also stay safe,” said Red Dunn, FPL Transmission & Substation manager of safety and training. “People need to be aware and avoid power lines at all times, whether they be overhead or underground, especially when trimming trees, digging or doing any work around their homes and businesses.” FPL launched a Safety 6 program more than 10 years ago to alert businesses and their employees about the dangers of working near power lines. The program features six key safety rules to follow when working around power lines and includes U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations listing minimum safe approach distances from power lines for workers and equipment. Safety 6 is part of FPL’s numerous safety initiatives under its Zero Today! program, which demonstrates the company’s commitment to reducing occupational and non-occupational injuries. FPL worked with El Sol Neighborhood Resource Center, a day-labor center in Jupiter, Fla., that provides skilled workers to employers, to create the poster and educate its workers about power line safety. “This poster will help our English and non-English speaking day laborers easily identify the hazards of working in proximity to power lines,” El Sol Associate Director Dora B. Valdivia said. “We appreciate FPL working with us to provide this tool to help keep our workers safe throughout the year.” Each June, the National Safety Council encourages organizations to participate in National Safety Month, an annual observance to educate and influence behaviors around leading causes of preventable injuries and deaths. For more information, visit

CERTIFICATION & MEMBER NEWS PIA Announces 2013 Hall of Fame Inductees The lifetime achievements of John Mendozza (Morning Dew Tropical Foliage) and John Mini (John Mini Distinctive Landscapes)will be recognized by the Plantscape Industry Alliance (PIA) at the upcoming Plantscape Industry Expo, August 13 - 15 in Las Vegas. Honoring contributions to the interiorscape industry. two industry leaders will be inducted into the Hall of Fame during the interior plantscape Hall of Fame and Awards Celebration Gala to be held August 15. John Mini (John Mini Distinctive Landscapes, Congers, NY) will be inducted as the 2013 Plantscaping Professional. John passed away peacefully at his home on June 21. Born John Minutaglio , he took great pride in growing the business, along with the help of family, a valued partner and excellent employees, into one of the most notable landscaping companies in the nation. John was an industry visionary. John Mendozza (Morning Dew Tropical Plants, Delray Beach) will be honored as the 2013 Allied Professional Inductee. John started in the industry under the watchful eye of Dick Rosacker, Rosacker’s Plants and opened his own brokerage firm in 1994. He serves on the TPIE Planning Committee and the National Foliage Foundation Board. A frequent speaker for various industry happenings, John has also been honored by various organizations for his leadership and knowledge. For more details on the Plantscaape Industry Alliance, go to

Horticulture Students Complete FCHP Testing for School Year Of the more than 250 students who took FNGLA’s Certified Horticulture Professional (FCHP) exam in school year 2012-2013, 150 have earned this industry certification – including the son of FNGLA members Terri and Marvin Pinder of Pinder’s Nursery. 2013 marks the 4th year high school students throughout Florida have taken the FCHP exam – with increasing success. For the first time, students demonstrated a nearly 60% pass rate. Broward County leads the way with 58 students earning their certification this year alone. FCHP continues to be the recognized certification for high school horticulture students throughout Florida. For more information on career development, contact Merry Mott at FNGLA at 800-375-3642.



CERTIFICATION Orlando Landscape Certification Exams Scheduled for Fall 2013 FNGLA offers two exam dates this Fall for its landscape technician and maintenance technician certification programs. Applications are available online at Plan to take part in one of the following exams:

FNGLA Certified Landscape Maintenance Technician (FCLMT) September 7– Deadline to apply is Friday, August 16

FNGLA Certified Landscape Technician (FCLT-Installation) September 28 – Deadline to apply is Friday, September 6 SeaWorld has established a successful Central Florida test site and will once again host both the FCLMT and the FCLT exam at its horticulture offices this Fall. With outstanding support from SeaWorld staff, this site is centrally located and a perfect venue for certification. For more information on these exams, and to receive study materials, contact Merry Mott at FNGLA at 800-375-3642. Complete information about the exam – and a short 10-minute video that describes FNGLA’s certification programs – can be found on the certification section of FNGLA’s website at http:// For the current Greenline flipbook: Greenline, master archive: greenlinearchive2012.aspx (this is member password protected. You’ll need to login to view.) Ben’s Bullets, master archive: (this is member password protected. You’ll need to login to view.)

For details on advertising in FNGLA’s communications, contact Jennifer Nelis,



Welcome New Members The following are new FNGLA members: from May 22, 2013 - June 21, 2013 ACTION Bender Board Southeast, Inc. Cindy Swisher 2693 W Fairbanks Ave Winter Park, FL 32789 407-421-7624

Things That Grow, Inc. David Sellards 7322 McGill Rd Groveland, FL 34736 352-394-1249 Rec’d by: Dick Hufnagel, C & C Peat Co.

OUTSIDE FLORIDA Greentec Innovations, Inc. Dave Winter 7650 N Austin Ave Skokie, IL 60077 847-983-8675

Carroll Brothers Nursery Richard Carroll Victoria Bay 4950 38th Ave N St Petersburg, FL 33710-2140 727-527-5418

Economic Recovery Group Roger Rolewicz 1936 Lee Rd Ste 105 Winter Park, FL 32789-7229 888-270-6288

HIGHLANDS HEARTLAND Griffin Trees, Inc. Sheri Griffin 16500 S Jefferson Ave Lake Placid, FL 33852-5905 863-465-7702

InStock Companies Katy Fontaine 128 Holiday Ct Ste 105 Franklin, TN 37067 615-790-2934

Carroll Brothers Nursery Gary Neville (Associate) 3110 42 Ave N #103 St Petersburg, FL 33714-4561 727-526-8749

Town of Carrboro Racquel Benedict (Supportive) 201 NC 54 W #503 Carrboro, NC 27510 239-770-4274

ROYAL PALM Gardenbleu Landscape Management William A. Abshire 84 Myrtle Ter Naples, FL 34103 239-430-9995

Matlack Tree Farm Ty Matlack 11631 County Rd 561 Clermont, FL 34711-8587 352-406-9735 Rec’d by: Dick Hufnagel, C & C Peat Co. University of Florida Lourdes A. Almonte (Supportive) 1501 New Abbey Ave Leesburg, FL 34788 352-343-9985 BROWARD Broward County Public Schools Gary Hines (Supportive) 3200 Dockside Dr Hollywood, FL 33026-3729 954-441-8102 Broward County Public Schools Cynthia Griffin (Supportive) 5394 SW 61st Ave Davie, FL 33314-5307 954-817-4810 Kenworth of South Florida Todd Hays 2909 S Andrews Ave Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316-4032 954-523-5484 COASTAL SPIRNGS Sumter County Extension - Central Jim Davis (Supportive) 7620 State Rd 471 Ste 2 Bushnell, FL 33513-8716 352-793-2728 FRONTRUNNERS Central Florida Community College Robert DuMond (Supportive) 3001 W College Rd Ocala, FL 34474-4415 352-854-2322

INTERNATIONAL CTi Plastic, Inc. Sean Mosher 2336 Bloor St W Toronto, ONT M6S 4Z7 Canada 416-767-9574 ext 28 Rec’d by: Jose Garces, First Foliage Bandit Industries, Inc. Paula Balhorn 6750 Milbrook Rd Remus, MI 49340 989-561-2270 MANASOTA Adam Trott 4934 Windflower Cir Sarasota, FL 34241-6260 203-253-3052 MIAMI-DADE Foliage Group, LLC Israel Delgado 35601 SW 212th Ave Homestead, FL 33031 786-554-8059 Rec’d by: Ross Pivnik, Arborbrace Staking Systems Green-Land Tropical Nursery David Perez 18795 SW 216 St Miami, FL 33170-1303 305-234-2741 Mario & Son, Inc. Mario Ortigosa 20500 SW 198th Ave Miami, FL 33187 305-256-0088 Rec’d by: Bill Hunt, Bill Hunt Co.

Virginia Cemetery Service, LLC Greg Bates PO Box 70 Port Neches, TX 77651 409-450-1243 PALM BEACH Horizon Wholesale Nursery Debbie Glass 18035 134th Way N Jupiter, FL 33478-3607 561-747-7253

Juarez Lawn Care, Inc. Aaron Juarez 3572 Plover Ave Naples, FL 34117-8413 239-354-3128 Rec’d by: John Schwind/Steele Truck Center, Inc.

LidoChem, Inc. Don Pucillo 1109 Morning Dove Ln Wellington, FL 33414-7925 732-888-8000 Meagan Mottinger (Sudent) 221 Linda Ln Palm Beach Shores, FL 33404 808-205-6588 Signature Staffing, Inc./Impact Staff Leasing Dick Pelchen Full 250 W Indiantown Rd Ste 108 Jupiter, FL 33458-3549 561-743-0065 Wedgworth’s, Inc. Jeremy Fountain Full3 PO Box 2076 Belle Glade, FL 33430 561-996-2076


Calendar of Events

Contact Us

See and submit events at under calendar




IFAS/Florida Turfgrass Assn. CEU Roundup Workshop - Palm Beach


Florida Chapter ASLA Annual Conference and EXPO, Vinoy Resort & Spa, St. Petersburg


Caladium Festival, Stuart Park, Lake Placid

Phone: 407.295.7994 Toll-free: 800.375.3642 Fax: 407.295.1619 E-mail: Web:

CEO/Executive Vice President


Green Industries Best Management Practices (GI-BMPs) Class, Marion County Extension - Central, Ocala

Ben Bolusky

3 1 - 2:

Florida Water Summit, Hosted by the Florida Irrigation Society, Sheraton Sand Key Resort, Clearwater Beach

Jennifer Nelis

August 1 - 3:

BloomaPalooza, Raker Trial Gardens, Lichfield, MI

2 - 4:

Florida Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises Conference, Osceola Heritage Park, Kissimmee

5 - 7:

SNA Show, Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA


Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance (LCLM) Workshop, Alachua County Extension Service, Gainesville

15 - 17:

Nursery/Landscape EXPO 2013, Dallas Convention Center, Dallas, TX

Greenline Editor

2012-2013 State Officers

President Mike Marshall Marshall Tree Farm 17350 SE 65th St Morriston, FL 32668-4508 (352) 528-3880

President-Elect Sandy Stein The Jungle Nursery 29100 SW 162 Ave Homestead, FL 33030 (305) 246-5324

Past President Wes Parrish Parrish Nursery 5900 SW 185th Way Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33332 (954) 680-3544

Secretary/Treasurer Billy Butterfield AmeriScapes Landscape Management Services, Inc. PO Box 568762 Orlando, FL 32856-5041 (407) 872-0855

Connect with us: About FNGLA This publication is produced by the Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association (FNGLA) as a service to its members. The statements and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Association, its staff, Board of Directors, Greenline or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers or their identification as members does not constitute an endorsement of the products or featured services. The mission of the Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association is to promote and protect the success and professionalism of our members.


1533 Park Center Drive Orlando, FL 32835-5705

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