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Taking over control of our own housing and infrastructure is not a new idea. First Nations have been talking about this for a long time. Now is the time to do it. We have the opportunity. It’s not going to be easy. These things are never easy. But we can do it if we all work together. We have to do it.
To guide and inform the creation of a truly First Nations organization the FNHIC conducted a thorough Participatory Engagement process to consult, inform, listen, educate and involve a broad spectrum of stakeholders. We reached out to a wide range of voices and built deep relationships with the many groups and individuals.
The FNHIC Phase 3 Engagement Strategy 2020–2021 was conducted within the context of government restrictions related to gathering because of COVID-19. Consequently, all engagement activities have taken place in virtual spaces. Flexibility and innovation became an essential component to our approach. To ensure all First Nations, large and small, and in every region, had an equal voice, we employed five regional engagement coordinators (RECs), assigning each a set of First Nations to be their focus. The RECs were in constant communication with each of the First Nations, updating them on the FHNIC’s work, sharing written material and inviting them to webinars and to participate in feedback focus groups.
We also established the Expert Advisory Group (EAG), a team of 12 First Nations people with expertise in the fields of housing and infrastructure. The EAG reviews and advises the work of the FNHIC Operations Team.
Phase 3 is part of the FNHIC’s ongoing series of outreach endeavours. In 2018, Phase 1 sought to inform First Nations about the upcoming transfer of authority and collect feedback on how to build a First Nations-led institution. In 2019, Phase 2 shared potential governance models that emerged from Phase 1 and gained valuable insight into other aspects of governance and service delivery. Phase 3 took the feedback from the two earlier phases and refined the topics and questions in order to ensure the new Authority is fully grounded on specific First Nations’ input. The FNHIC will roll out Phase 4 in the spring of 2021.