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Dec 2022 Elevating the EAL Framework for Personalised Provi sion EAL EJAWS
EDITOR Swati S. Bedi
COVER PAGE CREDIT Bangkok Patana School
BACKGROUND PAGE CREDIT Freepik - <a href=”http://www.freepik.com”>Designed by s.salvador / Freepik</a>
CPD Announcements
• The JAWS and Conference 2023-24 Bidding Form will be released at the beginning of Term 2, around mid - January 2023. • The bidding for Webinars for Term 2 & Term 3 is now closed. The Committee is going through all the proposals and will soon release the list of shortlisted
Webinars. • Going forward, we would like to celebrate the CPD achievements of our Member Schools.
In case you would like to share an article/blog post/photographs of CPD-related events at your school to be published in the FO-
BISIA CPD Digest, please get in touch with us at cpd-safeguarding@fobisia.org The priority would be given to FOBISIA CPD
Events, however, we will try to share as many articles as we can with our CPD community. The Academic Year 2022-23 has had a great start. Term 1 has been a very exciting one - full of interesting CPD JAWS, Conferences and Webinars, in different formats - In-Person, Virtual and Hybrid. I hope we have been able to cater to all our Member Schools.
The CPD Leaders’ Conference was a huge success, it was wonderful to meet many of our CPD Leaders in person. Diana Osagie, who opened the Conference, was dynamic and inspired us all! She left us with a secret sauce recipe (more about this on page --).
We are already all set for Term 2 - we have a great line of JAWS & Workshops. FOBISIA HQ is also busy planning the FOBISIA Annual Leadership Conference which will be held in Bangkok in March.
FOBISIA will soon go on Christmas break (19th December - 3rd January). FOBISIA HQ wishes you and everyone in your Team a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Looking forward to many more great events and opportunities to meet all of you.
Happy Reading!
Editor’s note
CPD & Safeguarding Executive, FOBISIA HQ cpd-safeguarding@fobisia.org