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Education Perfect Challenges
Education Perfect Challenges
Juliet Anderson Marketing Specialist Education Perfect
Here at Education Perfect, we’re thrilled to continue building on our partnership with FOBISIA in the 2021-22 academic year.
So far this year, we’ve run three online events especially for schools in the FOBISIA network.
Our FOBISIA International Science Championships - ‘The Next Frontier’ saw Year 7-9 students from 28 FOBISIA schools engage with a range of future-focused science topics and have fun competing with their peers from across the region.
In early December, we ran our first ever IGCSE Revision Challenge. In this online competition, KS4 students were able to engage with learning and revision materials for IGCSE English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, and Science. We were thrilled to have over 1,579 students answer over 434,000 questions during this event - a fabulous break from completing endless past papers!
Our FOBISIA Primary Literacy & Numeracy Festival has just wrapped up - our first ever event specifically designed for upper Primary (Key Stage 2) students. We were delighted to see 20 FOBISIA schools take part in this special competition.
Congratulations to all students who participated, as well those students and schools that achieved ‘top 3’ places across these first competitions.
Coming up next? Our March FOBISIA Languages Champs (8-15 March) and our FOBISIA Junior Humanities Champs (7-9 June). We look forward to seeing even more FOBISIA students competing in these events!
Here at Education Perfect, we support over 3,000 schools and 1 million students worldwide with great learning, all year round. With extensive resourcing and powerful assessment tools for English, EAL, Maths, Science and all major Foreign Languages, we are proud to be a fullschool solution that truly makes a difference. FOBISIA schools are eligible for a special discount on Education Perfect subscriptions. Reach out to our team at global@educationperfect.com to learn more.