3 minute read

From Our CEO

John Gwyn Jones MBE



It has been a very exciting few months for us at FOBISIA HQ. The team returned to work in the first week in August and we have all been busily preparing for what is a very busy academic year ahead. The flurry of emails you received reflect this, and I am sure many of you are pleasantly surprised as to what is on offer to your schools. This is the value that Membership to FOBISIA brings, as we not only enjoy a dynamic and supportive network, but also offer amazing events and activities for everyone within your school community. We are very fortunate in having a great team at FOBISIA HQ that are so enthusiastic in supporting our membership.

• Welcomed 19 new Heads and Nick Magnus has done a great job buddying each one up with a current

FOBISIA Head. • Launched the Friends of FOBISIA Membership which has already generated an interest. We are predicting that we will have at least 4 Friends of FOBISIA Members by the end of this first term (maximum 18 members). • Been in touch with 28 Aspirant Schools (schools that have expressed interest in becoming members of

FOBISIA), added three new schools and have one new school applications in process. • Communicated with all 109 of our Affiliate Members regarding the renewal of their membership and are confident that this category of membership will continue to see growth. (currently 97 have renewed their membership) • Announced information on the 70 + events this term, which includes Conferences, Job Alike Work

Shops (JAWS), Webinars, Student events and Executive Committee Meetings hosted by HQ. • 32 schools and 700+ students took part in the FOBISIA Under 15 Friendly Games in November, which is fantastic. • Around 50 member Heads met face to face at our Annual AGM and Heads Business Meeting hosted by

The British School in New Delhi in November • Organised meetings for FOBISIA Leads, new Heads of PE, Music, Drama, Safeguarding and CPD

Leaders with each of the respective Executive Committees • Launched our new communication portal - FOBISIA CONNECT- which allows our community to interact, share good practice and exchange resources…. and more. Please encourage your staff to join the community and take part in conversations with their peers across Asia. We currently have 950 staff registered on the platform.

So as you can see, we have been busy maximising the benefits as well as the value-added activities that membership to FOBISIA brings to your school.

Of course, we are very mindful that we remain in a pandemic and are conscious that some locations have greater challenges than others. It is, however, very encouraging to see that most borders are now open with very little restrictions, and long may this last and continue. For our schools that still have restrictions placed on them, we will fully support you by making our activities as inclusive as possible.

Do make us aware of any special events that you have planned in your schools so we can celebrate these with our community. We also ask that you promote the FOBISIA activities with your staff, students and parents. Do please display the FOBISIA Member Badge on your website, letterheads, social media etc. as this is a “stamp of approval” and recognises the status of our schools in them having attained the extremely high expectations, quality and international standard that is associated with FOBISIA. It also gives your school a sense of belonging to a community of THE premier British International School organisation in Asia - FOBISIA!

Let us wish you all a wonderful academic year ahead. We remain very passionate, committed and supportive in providing you all with the very best services we can offer.

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