April 2014 tabletalk

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’ Noise Ordinance It is interesting and fun how the solemn tones of Lent get so suddenly splashed with the colors of Easter’s joy. These two church seasons have co-existed so close to each other for centuries, and they do reveal a sort of whiplash of emotions that we Christians go through in marking the somber, dutiful days of Lent, along with those accompanying careful observances of Holy Week when our emotions get triggered on multiple levels. But then, the lights come on, the stone is rolled away, and Easter morning greets us with an abundance of flowers, bright clothing, joyous faces, and somebody turns the amp level up to 11. There was a real-life story a few months back of a call made to the Swedish police to come see about a domestic disturbance. Some neighbors were concerned over the awful racket coming from a particular house on their street, where there was yelling, and crying, and all kinds of carrying on. Worried neighbors called for some sort of police intervention. When the police arrived, their own presence further added to the noise because they woke the baby, and the dog started barking, and it was all a huge racket. What was the source of all this breaking of the noise ordinance? The couple in the house were simply trying to put together a piece of furniture they had purchased from IKEA. The kind that comes with a build-it-yourself kit with one small Allen wrench and a bag full of screws that are invariably the wrong number of what is needed. In putting together their Bjorquart or Ingrimollnyrut (I don’t quite remember which item it actually was), their frustration levels rose so high that the noise became loud enough to surprise their neighbors. Well, good Christian friends, I hope and trust we don’t mind making a little noise ourselves. We tend to be pretty subdued as Lutherans – and that gets doubled as Midwestern Minnesotans – and are fairly laid back in our religious observances and rituals. Sometimes that relaxed and laidback approach could even be mistaken for apathy…or a spiritual coma. I mean, I don’t need for us to go crazy, right? There’s no need to push the boundaries of our own Chanhassen noise ordinances. But then again, I doubt that’s the danger. And I certainly don’t suggest making noise just for noisy-ness’ sake. But I would love to see us take ourselves up a notch in lifting our Easter spirits this month. We deserve it, and so, too, does our God. Let’s make sure that the Author of life and love and victory over death knows that we cherish being part of that great reality of love crucified, risen. We cherish being a part of the divine arc of creation and redemption, where we know we belong to the One who makes all things new, who breaks through our fears, who builds from the ashes, and who leads us to life — abundant life, joyful life, eternal life. As you read this, we are still on our Lenten journeys, but our steps are quickening. We are entering the familiar streets of Jerusalem and there will be palms, bread and wine, a somber Friday observance, and baptism by candlelight. Suddenly the lights will come on, and we get to sing out our praise at the top of our lungs. Maybe – just maybe – the neighbors will think we are a people who have something to celebrate around here!

~ Pastor Josh 2

& Worship at Family of Christ

Table of Contents

Holy Week

News & Special Events . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 & 5

Palm Sunday • April 13

Adult Education & Study Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Worship at 8:00, 9:15, & 10:45 am

How You Can Help . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Maundy Thursday • April 17 Good Friday • April 18 Easter Vigil • April 19

Church Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Worship at 7:00 pm each evening

Music Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . 12

Preschool & Children . . . . . . . . . 9 Confirmation & Beyond . . . . . . . 10 2014 Mission Trips . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Meet the Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Easter Sunday April 20 Worship at 8:00, 9:30, & 11:00 am

Lenten Pilgrimage: Walking the Faith

Midweek Lenten worship Wednesdays, April 2 & 9: Noon – simple soup lunches 12:30 PM – brief midday worship services 7:30 PM – Holden Evening Prayer

Lenten Pilgrimages On Saturday, April 5, we pilgrimage to the Cathedral of Saint Paul (239 Selby Ave.) for a tour at 2:00 PM. See the beautiful artwork & architecture of this national treasure. Meet at church at 11:30 if you want to carpool/caravan & eat lunch at The Liffey Irish Pub (175 W. 7th St., St. Paul). RSVP for lunch to Pam Schumacher (pam@familyofchristonline.com). Or, you may just meet us at the cathedral at 2:00 PM. On Palm Sunday, April 13, Pr Kristie leads FoC pilgrims back to Pilgrim Lutheran Church in the Mac-Groveland neighborhood of St. Paul – this time to experience a Celtic Contemplative Communion service. The Celtic style of worship engages the imagination through visual and spatial imagery, and emphasizes the life of God within creation. This service begins with music at 6:30. We meet at FoC at 5:30 to carpool/caravan to Pilgrim. We’ll gather after worship at a neighborhood spot for dessert and conversation. See our complete online calendar at http://tinyurl.com/kjy643f


& Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, April 6 • 10:30 AM Our church council has called this meeting to vote on extending a call to Pastor Jeanne Aamot to serve our church as a half-time pastor from April 2014 to March 2015. Members of our church council and human resources committee interviewed Pastor Aamot on March 15, and now unanimously present her for Family of Christ’s consideration. Watch for more news about this change to our pastoral team in the April newsletter and the Pastors’ Ponderings. Direct questions to either of our pastors or to Congregational President Chris Nelson.

Net Working Sessions Our visioning task force, “Making Waves,” is holding another Net Working session on Sunday, April 27, 10:30-11:30 AM, in the conference room. If you haven’t been able to make it to one of the previous sessions, please plan to attend this one. We’d like everyone to take part in this important ongoing conversation about the shape of our future ministry. Let us know your dreams, ideas, & hopes for FoC as we move forward. In April, Making Waves members will talk with our church council, and in May they’ll meet with church youth and staff.

Internships at FoC Family of Christ is searching for 1 or 2 summer Faith Formation intern(s). The position is approx. 10 hours per week, and you will receive a scholarship at the end of the summer. Applicants must be at least one year out of high school. Responsibilities include helping plan/lead Mission Day Camp, helping with Luther Crest Day Camp and the Musical Day Camp, leading a weekly college-aged small group, and possibly coming on the high school mission trip to Heifer Ranch. Contact Lindsey Ruhland ( lindsey@familyofchristonline.com ) for more information or to apply. Application deadline is April 15.

Stewardship Corner In April, we have many exciting worship services as we conclude our Lenten themes and journey into Holy Week together. Then we celebrate Easter and the joyful season that follows. In these many worship services, we’ll have opportunities to make our offerings and gifts, which can truly strengthen us as we prepare for moving into the summer months of ministry. Ours is a church that doesn’t slow down. Sure, we change a few things up in the summer. But ministry continues to bounce along at top speed. Let us be generous in our giving of time and talent, because a giving church is a living church.


Strength for Your Journey of Grief & Loss Losing someone we love is one of life’s most challenging passages. Learning about the process of grief, along with sharing our experiences in a caring, supportive, and confidential setting, helps us to cope and leads to personal growth and healing. The churches of the Southwest Grief Coalition are working together to provide support and education for those who are grieving by offering the ongoing series, "Living & Growing Through Loss." Beginning Monday, April 7, the series will be held at Family of Christ. Anyone who feels they’d benefit from this is welcome. People experiencing similar losses have the opportunity to meet in small groups to share concerns. These groups include:  Loss of a parent  Loss of a spouse/partner  Loss of family member/friend  Loss of a child  Young adult group (20 – 35)  Suicide survivors  Teen group (ages 13 – 19)  Children’s group (ages 8 –12)** Small groups are facilitated by those who are trained in the grief process and group dynamics. Many have experienced the death of a loved one. Session Format:     

5:30–6:00pm Gathering (a delicious supper is provided at each session) 6:00–6:30 pm: Speaker 6:30–7:30 pm: Adult Small Groups 6:00–7:30 pm: Children’s Group (ages 8-12)**

** Telephone interviews are necessary before attendance in children’s group due to the sensitive nature of the topic and ages of the attendees. To register for the Children’s Group, call Karen Atkins: 952-460-0030. Scheduled Sessions at Family of Christ: * April 7: Healing Through Grief: The Reverend Josh Nelson; Family of Christ * April 14: Embracing Grief: The Spiritual Practice of Healing Through Art: Matthew Nelson; Certified Chemical Dependency Counselor; Artist in Residence, Luther Seminary * April 21: Faces of Grief: Heather Koster; Psychotherapist, Quiet Mind Counseling Center * April 28: Sustaining & Building Relationships After Loss: The Reverend Jerry Wahl; MAS/ELCA * May 5: From the Dead Earth Rises a Green Shoot: Gordy & Betty Olson; Founders, Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry * May 12: Life After Loss: How to Put the Pieces Back Together: A panel discussion by The Renaissance Ladies-Marjie, Laurie, & Linda * May 19: The Way Forward: The Reverend Kristie Hennig; Family of Christ There is no cost to participate in Living and Growing through Loss. Church affiliation is not required. To register for free childcare, contact Marilyn Syverson (952-934-5659) before Thursday, April 3.

See our complete online calendar at http://tinyurl.com/kjy643f


& Classes Discerning Our Call for Economic & Social Justice Wednesdays, April 2, 9, & 16 • 6:30 PM On the first three Wednesdays of April, we are holding conversations called "Turning Back to God." Gary Dosdall & Cher Sulerud co-lead these conversations, which help participants engage in prophetic discussion about God’s call, racial and economic injustice, and our own faith journey and sense of call. From this, we may wish to form an interest group to keep the conversation going concerning immigration, racial injustice, and economic fairness, especially from a faith perspective. The study takes place in our conference room, and all are welcome, including high school students. These sessions will end in time to let participants attend the Holden Evening Prayer worship service on the 2nd & 9th. Bible Dive — A Sunday School Class for Adults Sundays • 9:15-10:15 AM We meet on Sundays to dive deeper into the Bible texts used in worship that day. Feel free to join us at any time. Facilitated by Randy Ruckdashel, Bible Dive meets in the conference room throughout the school year.

Women’s Study Groups You’re invited to join one of our women’s study groups. This is a summary of the groups, along with the name of the person to contact if you have questions or would like to join. Additional information, including study content and start dates, is available at the Women’s Ministry display in the narthex.

Making Connections Our booklet entitled “Making Disciples, Making Connections” is available in the narthex. It lists more opportunities for study, learning, & discussion.

Book Study Group Monday afternoons • meets twice per month • 4:00 PM Usual meeting place: The Bistro in Chanhassen Contact Kris Spangrud: kris@familyofchristonline.com Bible/Book Study Groups Monday evenings • meet twice per month • 7:00 PM We meet at rotating locations Contact Tracy Sudak: tracy.sudak@embarqmail.com Tuesday afternoons • meets weekly • 1:30 PM We meet in the conference room at church Contact: Tracy Woods: tjwoods82@hotmail.com Friday mornings • meets weekly • 9:30 AM We meet at Family of Christ Contact: Leann Thompson, leann@familyofchristonline.com


Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. ~ Psalm 119

Volunteer Opportunities

Bread Bakers Needed Bakers are needed to make communion bread for Sunday worship (especially Palm Sunday & Easter services). We provide you with the simple recipe, which uses frozen dough. If you can help in this special ministry, please contact Pam Schumacher at pam@familyofchristonline.com

April Bountiful Basket Need: Cash for meat purchases (A list of needed items is always posted on their website: bountifulbasketfoodshelf.org)

El Salvador Mission Trip Our mission team traveling to El Salvador is collecting a different item each month from now until July. During April they’re asking for money to buy books in Spanish. In addition, each month they’re collecting hotel size toiletries for the moms of our sponsored students. Look for a collection box in the narthex. Thank you!

Feed My Starving Children Help end starvation in children around the world by packing meals at FMSC. FoC has committed to working on Wednesdays, April 2, 9, & 16, 9:30-11:30 AM. No need to sign up. Just show up at 18732 Lake Dr E, Chan. Questions: Ron & Elaine Larson — lars710@mediacombb.net Nursery Volunteers Needed The nursery needs extra volunteers over the next couple of months: * Monday evenings in April and May • 5:20 to about 7:45 PM This is for the Grief Coalition taking place at Family of Christ * Holy Week Services: April 17, 18, & 19 • 6:45 to 8:15 PM * Easter Sunday, April 20 • 9:30 and 11:00 AM services Please contact Teri at teri@familyofchristonline.com. BINGO! FoC is hosting a bingo event for our special-needs friends on Sat., April 12. Christians in Action and Lutheran Social Services sponsor this event. Thank you to everyone who’s volunteering — we have all the volunteers we need! Watch for opportunities to volunteer at future bingo games. Looking for a Few More Volunteers During Holy Week & Easter, there are many opportunities for our church family to worship together. Each service needs acolytes, communion servers, greeters, & ushers. If you can help in any area for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, or Easter Sunday worship services (which are at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00AM), sign up on the kiosk or contact Pam Schumacher: pam@familyofchristonline.com ; 934-5650, ext. 29. Ho Ho Ho!! Men's Group invites everyone, men & women, to take part in Chaska’s "Christmas in May" service project Sat., May 3. In its 17th year, the event is held to improve homes for residents who are unable to do it themselves. Activities include home fix-up, yard clean-up, & accessibility repair. Meet at the Guardian Angels school cafeteria (217 W. 2nd St.) at 7 AM for continental breakfast and to receive an assignment. You’ll be done late morning to mid-afternoon. Lunch and snacks are provided. Questions? Kelly Lynk ( m_lynk@hotmail.com ) Calling All Handymen Luther Crest Bible Camp in Alexandria needs us to help get the camp ready for summer. The Men’s Group is coordinating a service project, which is open to all men (even if you’ve never attended Men’s Group meetings), for May 16/17. Watch Family News & the May Tabletalk for more details. Questions? Gary Dosdall: garyd@fapw-cpa.com

See our complete online calendar at http://tinyurl.com/kjy643f


Newcomers’ Events Whether you’re brand new to Family of Christ or you’ve been around for a while, if you want to know more about us, come to a Newcomers’ Event. Enjoy a light lunch in a casual social setting...meet other newcomers, church council leaders, pastors, & staff...tour the building & learn more about FoC...ask questions, theological & practical…explore ways to get connected. Professional childcare is provided for age 4 & younger (let us know if you need it for older children). You may let us know at that time if you’d like to join FoC. For more info, please contact Pam Schumacher at pam@familyofchristonline.com .

We’d love to get to know you better! Scan the code to introduce yourself to us and/or to sign up for our e-newsletter.


Yoga Opportunities Instructor Kim Motschenbacher is extending her Thursday evening yoga classes here at FoC. Remaining classes are April 3, 10, (Wed.) 16, 24, & May 1. There are two class options: 6:00 PM — Yoga for All: A one-hour beginners’ class focusing on stretching, breathing and finding stillness within. 7:00 PM — Yoga Sculpt: A one-hour advanced class combining yoga and weights. Fee: $15/class (for either Yoga for All or Yoga Sculpt). Limit of 14 people per class. Sign up on the kiosk. Dana Burns Concert All are invited to attend a “mini-concert” Sunday, April 6, at 2:00 PM, at FoC. The concert is being given by 9th grader Dana Burns as her Faith in Action project in preparation for her Affirmation of Baptism later in the month. She will sing a medley of songs, including songs she has written. Dana will be accompanied by her voice/piano teacher, Andrea Jeitz. Funds from a freewill offering will be donated to a children’s charity. Downtown Lunch Bunch Work in downtown Minneapolis? Join us the second Monday of each month at 11:45 AM for lunch & conversation at an area restaurant. Our next get-together is April 14. FMI, contact Rod Bubke: rod.l.bubke@ampf.com

Our Saviour’s Shelter On Friday, April 18, FoC serves a meal at Our Saviour's Shelter for homeless men and women in Mpls. Volunteers are needed to prepare food (residents enjoy our home-cooked meals), serve or both. Watch for a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board near the kitchen. Label your food & container "Our Saviour’s,” and bring to church by 5:45 on the 18th. If you’re serving, be at church by 5:45 to carpool. Questions? Elaine Larson: lars710@mediacombb.net Silent Auction & Fundraiser for Southern Valley Alliance for Battered Women is on April 25 in the Grand Ballroom at Mystic Lake Casino. Tickets are $50/person, which you must purchase by April 18. Seating is limited. To buy tickets or donate to the auction call 952-873-4214.

& Family of Christ Preschool Important Dates: * Wed., April 9: Mike the Baker (storyteller) is here, 9:30-10:15 AM * Fri., April 11: Country Fair, 5:00-7:30 PM * April 18: Good Friday — No preschool classes * April 30: Field trip to Gale Woods Farm for the Monkey, Bumblebee, & Frog classes

Register for Fall Preschool Registration for 2014-2015 preschool classes is now open! FoC Preschool offers classes for 2-, 3-, 4-, & 5-year-olds, a Jump Start Kindergarten class, afternoon enrichment classes, and optional Lunch Bunch and Stay & Play for afternoon care. For more info or a tour, contact Susan Schmidt: preschool@familyofchristonline.com ; 952-3809838.

Silent Auction Items Needed We are holding a silent auction the week before our Country Fair, to raise funds for programming needs and classroom equipment. If you have a special craft talent or own a business and would like to donate something to be auctioned off, please contact Susan Schmidt (952-380-9838: preschool@familyofchristonline.com ) COME TO THE COUNTRY FAIR! Please join us for Family of Christ Preschool’s annual Country Fair on Friday, April 11, 5:00-7:30 PM — a great evening filled with games, prizes, food, & FUN for the entire family! Try your luck at the mini cake walk, the fish pond, enjoy some dinner, or have your face painted! This event is best suited for children ages 2 years old - 2nd grade and, of course, their families!

Children’s Ministry Sunday School  

April 13: Palm Sunday — We’ll have a large group Easter-themed class with a skit from the Drama Ministry kids April 20: Easter Sunday — No classes today; please worship as a family

Christos     

Sun., April 13 • 4:00 PM: A Seder experience for fourth-graders & their parents Wed., April 16: Ventures drama dress rehearsal, 6:00-8:00 PM Thurs., April 17: Fourth-graders receive first communion at the Maundy Thursday 7:00 PM worship service Sat., April 19: Ventures drama dress rehearsal at 5:30 PM, followed by the performance during worship at 7:00 Wed., April 30: Last night of Christos for the school year. We are having another food drive, so we meet from 6:00-7:15 PM. This is our service event for Make a Difference Day. See our complete online calendar at http://tinyurl.com/kjy643f


& Confirmation Important Dates  April 2: 6:30-8:00 PM th  April 9: 6:30-8:00 PM — 9 grade Faith in Action project displays are due th th  Sat., April 12: Make a Difference Day for 6 -8 graders  April 16: No Wednesday activities — Holy Week  April 23: 6:30-8:00 PM  April 30: Last confirmation class of the school year * 6th-8th grades meet 6:30-8:00 PM * 9th grade meets 7:30-9:00 PM for Affirmation of Baptism rehearsal

Middle School Middle School Event Saturday, April 5 • 11:15 AM-8:30 PM Meet at FoC & head to Base Camp in Minneapolis for an afternoon of archery, rock climbing, & team building. Then we head back to FoC for pizza, a service project, and a movie on the big screen in the sanctuary. Cost: $15. Contact Lindsey to see if there are still openings.

High School Bagels and Bible Study Sundays, April 13 & 27 • 10:15 AM Meet in the youth room to enjoy an Einstein Bros Bagel & a casual discussion of the day’s scriptures. Newcomers are always welcome! What Now? Wednesday, April 2 • 8:00 PM High school seniors, come for pizza, pop, & a time to talk about life as you transition out of high school. This group is led by Dean Brown.

Watch Family News, Facebook ( http://tinyurl.com/lnkyqtw ), or Twitter ( https://twitter.com/FoCYouth ) for more info to come about small groups and regular service opportunities.


Mission Trips Preparation Mission trip training for middle and high school trip participants and adult leaders is Sunday, April 6, 6:30-8:00 PM. Trip forms are also due this day. You will receive the forms via email. Reminder: If you are using the installment plan for your trip, your final payment (for all mission trips) is due May 1. There may still be spots available on the mission trips. Please contact the trip leaders to find out more (p. 11). Adult leaders are needed for the high school trip. Talk to Lindsey if you’d like to be a leader or if you need more info.

For info about this year’s middle- & highschool mission trips & retreats, see page 11.

2014 Middle School Youthworks Martin, South Dakota • July 27-August 3 Martin offers a warm mix of a small town South Dakota community with Native American heritage. Martin boasts a Native American population of nearly 50%. Martin is the county seat of Bennett County, in which about 35% of the population lives below the poverty line – nearly three times more than the South Dakota state average. Spend the week leading Kids’ Club and working on home improvement projects. At the end of the week, visit popular tourist sites around Rapid City. Contact Lindsey Ruhland with questions ( lindsey@familyofchristonline.com ).

PLEASE CHECK WITH TRIP LEADERS TO SEE IF THERE ARE ANY SLOTS OPEN ON THE MISSION TRIP THAT INTERESTS YOU. Adult leaders are needed for the high school trip. Talk to Lindsey if you’re considering being a leader and for more information.

NEW! The Soul Sisterhood Retreat July 6-10 • South Fork Farm • Lester Prairie, Minnesota For girls who have completed 6th-8th grade. Spend a week on an all-girl adventure! The Soul Sisterhood retreat inspires young women to learn new skills, discover new passions, make new friends, and build confidence through trying and creating — all in a Christ-centered, supportive environment. For more information, check out www.thesoulsisterhood.com or talk to Lindsey Ruhland.

High School Heifer Ranch, Perryville • Arkansas July 26-August 3 (tentative) Heifer’s Alternative Mission Trips combine experiential learning, team building, and service activities. Participants experience the challenges of living with hunger and poverty. They develop a deeper understanding of the complications that hunger and poverty present, and become inspired to create change that brings possibility and hope to the world. The program is a great educational tool that teaches about the value of giving your service to others. The week will end with a fun sightseeing activity in or near Little Rock. Contact Lindsey Ruhland with questions ( lindsey@familyofchristonline.com ).

College & Adult El Salvador ● July 10-20 Learn how the legacy of the civil war impacts the building of peace in today’s El Salvador. Enjoy amazing hospitality, participate in a work project, and meet your sponsored student! Qualified participants will have completed their junior year in high school AND been on a previous mission trip. This is for college students and other adults, too. For more information, contact Pr Kristie, kristie@familyofchristonline.com ; 952-934-5659, ext.12 See our complete online calendar at http://tinyurl.com/kjy643f


Instrumental Groups Chamber Players This group of instrumentalists plays during worship periodically throughout the year. All skill levels are welcome. Brass Ensemble If you play a brass instrument, please consider joining this fun group which plays occasionally during the school year.

Vocal & Instrumental Praise Unlimited (3rd-5th grade) We practice Wednesdays, 5:30-5:55 PM, & sing songs during Sunday worship about 4 times during the year. Lux Aeterna (6th-8th grade) We practice Wednesdays, 6:00-6:25 PM & sing in church approximately one time/month. EPIC! (high school) We rehearse every other Wed. night at 8:00 PM (after confirmation), and lead worship the 4th Sunday of each month at 10:45.

Questions about the above instrumental opportunities? Contact Mary Renz: mrfluteloops@gmail.com

PFH (Praise for Him) A music group for adults (16 or older). We lead worship in church for the 9:15 and 10:45 AM services the first Sunday of the month. Our practices are on the Tuesday night (7:00 PM) and the Saturday morning (9:00 AM) before we sing.

Bell Choir We rehearse on Thursdays, 8:00-9:00 PM, & play approximately one Sunday per month. Questions? Contact Lynn Miller ( lynnmillerhandbells@gmail.com )

ROJ (River of Joy) A music group for adults (16 or older) that leads worship in church for the 9:15 and 10:45 services on the third Sunday of the month. We practice the Tuesday night (7:00 PM) and the Saturday morning (9:00 AM) before we perform. For more information on any of the above music groups, contact Jessica Gensmer (612-483-5843; jessica@familyofchristonline.com )

All Family of Christ music groups are open to everyone. Interested in one? Just come to a scheduled rehearsal! Rehearsals are listed on our website calendar at http://tinyurl.com/mf6vm6z

Family of Christ Singers Directed by Ron Larson & Mary Renz, we sing at the 9:15 worship service on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. We rehearse on Thursdays from 7:00 - 8:00 PM, always starting & ending on time. Questions? Contact Mary ( mrfluteloops@gmail.com ) or Ron ( lars710@mediacombb.net ). Exsoultation Directed by Andrea Jeitz, we rehearse contemporary music on the first two Saturdays of the month at 11:45 AM, and play for the 10:45 worship service on the second Sunday of the month. Please contact Andrea ( andreajeitz@yahoo.com ) with your questions.



Senior Pastor Josh Nelson 952-934-5659, ext. 13 josh@familyofchristonline.com

Pastor Kristie Hennig 952-934-5659, ext. 12 kristie@familyofchristonline.com

Leann Thompson Director of Faith Formation 952-934-5659, ext. 24 leann@familyofchristonline.com

Lindsey Ruhland Minister to Youth & Families 952-934-5659, ext. 30 lindsey@familyofchristonline.com

Teri Burns Minister to Children & Families 952-934-5659, ext. 21 teri@familyofchristonline.com

Pam Schumacher Connections Coordinator 952-934-5659, ext. 29 pam@familyofchristonline.com

Jessica Gensmer Director of Worship & Music 952-934-5659, ext. 23 jessica@familyofchristonline.com

Susan Schmidt Family of Christ Preschool Director 952-380-9838 preschool@familyofchristonline.com

Kris Spangrud Finance 952-934-5659, ext. 18 kris@familyofchristonline.com

Marilyn Syverson Church Administrator 952-934-5659, ext. 10 marilyn@familyofchristonline.com

Jolene Satre Communications/Website 952-934-5659, ext. 11 jolene@familyofchristonline.com

Greg Provo Custodian 952-934-5659, ext. 26 greg@familyofchristonline.com

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