February 2014 tabletalk

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’ Net Working with Making Waves “Making Waves” is the name of a team of leaders, appointed last spring by the church council, that has read a book together, received a presentation by a synod official, held a variety of meetings, and enjoyed a planning retreat. This group has been challenged to help set a strategy for Family of Christ’s ministry over the next three to five years. The Making Waves team has reached a point where they are very eager and ready to ask some targeted questions of members and friends of our congregation. And that’s where you come in! Can you attend either an evening meeting or a morning meeting in early February? We’re calling these sessions “Net Working.” At each event, we will put you in a roundtable discussion with one of the members of the Making Waves team and other participants. We’ll ask questions, encourage group discussion, take lots and lots of notes, and give folks plenty of opportunity to share ideas, concerns, and dreams they have for Family of Christ. These won’t be the only conversation opportunities in 2014, but they will be our first attempt at reaching out and gathering feedback. Later on, there will be an online survey and chances for certain groups (such as staff or council) to give direct feedback, too. Plus, we will go out into our community and engage civic leaders for their feedback as to how a church like ours can be a blessing to our southwest metropolitan area. A report will be produced and submitted for the church council and anyone else who is interested. We cannot know the future, of course. But we can set some directional markers for us to rally around. Now, because we plan to serve refreshments at each of these events, we do ask that you sign up in one of the following ways: Sign up on the kiosk (This is the well-worn sign-up method established by Martin Luther and the 95 theses – good enough for him, so it’s good enough for us!) Email Marilyn at marilyn@familyofchristonline.com (This efficient computer-based sign-up has been effective since the 90s) Respond to the Constant Contact which you’ll soon receive (A fancy shmancy Internet way to sign up using clicks & links) Instagram us at… (Oh I’m just kidding, we don’t have an Instagram account at church yet! What do you think, we’re 14 years old?) The Making Waves team encourages you to sign up and attend. We need and want your feedback and your ideas! Let’s help rock our church boat a little bit, and make waves that get us moving in God’s direction.

~ Pastor Josh and the Making Waves team: Co-chairs Marcia Strand and Randy Ruckdashel, and Janet Boie, Leann Thompson, Rick Ulku, Brittney Unze, Jim Wall, Megan Woods, plus two liaisons from church council: Greg Kassebaum and Chris Nelson 2

& Table of Contents News & Special Events . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 & 5

Lent at Family of Christ

Adult Education & Study Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Community Events . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 How You Can Help . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Church Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Preschool & Children . . . . . . . . . 9 Confirmation & Beyond . . . . . . . 10 2014 Mission Trips . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Ash Wednesday March 5

Music Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . 12 Meet the Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Worship at 5:30 & 7:00 pm Reflective music led by Family of Christ Singers, confession of sins, & the imposition of ashes

Lenten Worship Wednesdays, beginning March 12 Worship at 12:30 & 7:30 pm At noon, a soup lunch is served, followed by a brief devotional service. At 7:30, the service follows Holden Evening Prayer.

See our complete online calendar at http://tinyurl.com/kjy643f


& FoC Annual Meeting Our congregation held its annual meeting after worship on January 26, and received a variety of reports from staff members and lay leaders. We also received the 2013 financial report, a report from Bishop Svennungsen, and the proposed budget. We did enjoy a vigorous conversation about our efforts at benevolence and how and when we give as a congregation -– a great discussion for a church family. Family of Christ President, Chris Nelson, shared that we, as a congregation, give into seven “buckets,” with the main one being our offering giving “bucket.” But there are others as well, such as giving to the boiler, or the Seeds of Hope program, or mission trips. Near the end of our annual meeting, the budget for 2014 was approved, though there is a $12,000 deficit between income and expenses, which will then serve as our challenge for faithful giving in this year ahead. We thanked the retiring council members: Kelly Woods, Mark Even, Rhoda Beaird, Todd Leone, and John Motschenbacher. And we welcomed and voted in the following new council members: Nick Hanson, Tracy Sudak (treasurer), Gary Lomauro, Sheila Walter, and Sara Welder. Both Earl Gebauer and Kim Weispfennig were re-elected to council, with Earl now taking on the vice president role. God bless us in our ministry work together for this adventurous year ahead! General Fund Balance as of 1/01/13 $17,535

Income Through 12/31/13 $823,608

Expenses Through 12/31/13 ($826,103)

General Fund Balance as of 12/31/13___ $15,040

Making Waves Net Working Sessions Thursday, February 6, 7:00 pm Saturday, February 8, 9:00 am The Making Waves team is a group that has been charged by the council to help set a ministry vision for Family of Christ over the next 3-5 years. They are at the point where they want to receive feedback from FoC members and friends in informal “Net Working” sessions. Please read Pr Josh’s letter on page 2 for more information and to find out how to sign up for a session.


Shrek: The Musical Tickets are now on sale! Friday, February 28 • 7:00 PM Saturday, March 1 • 2:00 & 7:00 PM Sunday, March 2 • 2:00 PM Tickets: $10.00 $12 at the door Buy tickets at church on Sundays; email tickets@familyofchristonline.com with the date you want to attend & the number of tickets needed, or stop in the church office during the week.

Give the Gift of Life Register now to give blood on Sunday, February 23. The Memorial Blood Centers Bloodmobile will be at Family of Christ from 8:30-11:30 AM that day. To reserve your time, go to http://allstarclub.mbc.org/mbc/mobilesch/search.php?searchtype=code& and enter sponsor code 4049.

A Heartfelt Thank You We recently received a letter of thanks from Christian Chavarria, our Salvadoran friend who visited us last fall. Here are excerpts: On this occasion I would like to thank you from the depths of my heart for all the time that you devoted to my recent visit to the United States. It was great to see how much interest and love you have shown with this dream for our building of Resurrection Lutheran Church in San Salvador. This dream only will become a reality thanks to all the support that we have received. I want to tell you that I appreciate every gesture, every word of solidarity, each prayer that you dedicate to this project, each contribution that you have done, what they are doing, and will continue to do throughout the year of construction. TODAY IS THE TIME TO SHARE AND THIS IS THE TIME TO BUILD … Our commitment is to build and dedicate the temple to God on the day of November 5, 2014 … November 5 is a powerful day in our history. On November 5, 1811, our nation of El Salvador declared our independence … We will keep you updated step by step with this whole process on the web through www.buildresurrection.org … You have invested in eternity. Your offerings have now become blessings for thousands of people in El Salvador. We can only say what we say with deepest thanks in El Salvador, “May God repay you for what you have done.” ... Immense thanks for all your love. Your brother in Christ, Christian Chavarria Ayala See our complete online calendar at http://tinyurl.com/kjy643f


& Classes Bible Dive — A Sunday School Class for Adults Sundays • 9:15-10:15 AM We meet on Sundays to dive deeper into the Bible texts used in worship that day. Feel free to join us at any time. Facilitated by Randy Ruckdashel, Bible Dive meets in the conference room throughout the school year.

Women’s Study Groups You’re invited to join one of our women’s study groups. This is a summary of the groups, along with the name of the person to contact if you have questions or would like to join. Additional information, including study content and start dates, is available at the Women’s Ministry display in the narthex. Book Study Group Monday afternoons • meet twice per month • 4:00 PM Usual meeting place: The Bistro in Chanhassen Contact Kris Spangrud: kris@familyofchristonline.com Bible/Book Study Groups Monday evenings • meet twice per month • 7:00 PM We meet at rotating locations Contact Tracy Sudak: tracy.sudak@embarqmail.com

Making Connections Our booklet entitled “Making Disciples, Making Connections” is available in the narthex. It lists more opportunities for study, learning, & discussion.

Tuesday afternoons • meet weekly • 1:30 PM We meet in the conference room at church Contact: Tracy Woods: tjwoods82@hotmail.com Friday mornings • meet weekly • 9:30 AM We meet at Family of Christ Contact: Leann Thompson, leann@familyofchristonline.com

In Our Community “Living & Growing Through Loss” Through the Southwest Grief Coalition, area churches (including FoC) work together to provide support & information for adults & children who are grieving. Several series of sessions are offered during the school year. There is no cost to participate and church affiliation is not required. The 7-week winter session is underway at Immanuel Lutheran Church (16515 Luther Way, Eden Prairie). Light supper is at 5:30, a presentation at 6:00, & break-out groups from 6:30-7:30. Questions? Contact Immanuel at 952-937-8123.


Adult Leaders are needed for the high school mission trip to Heifer Ranch in Arkansas July 26-August 3. If you are interested, contact Lindsey Ruhland: 952-934-5659, ext. 30; lindsey@familyofchristonline.com

February Bountiful Basket Need: Rice & Pasta (A list of needed items is always posted on their website: bountifulbasketfoodshelf.org)

Worship Volunteers Thank you for helping our worship services run smoothly. Please click here to see when you are scheduled to help: http://tinyurl.com/lb7wx6b If you aren’t volunteering, but would like to, please contact Pam Schumacher: pam@familyofchristonline.com

Volunteer Opportunities Feed My Starving Children Help end starvation in children around the world by packing meals at FMSC. FoC has committed to working on Wed., Feb. 19, 9:30-11:30 AM. No need to sign up. Just show up at 18732 Lake Dr E, Chan. If you have questions, contact Ron & Elaine Larson at lars710@mediacombb.net Our next packing session is March 19. Our Saviour’s Shelter On Friday, Feb. 21, FoC serves a meal at Our Saviour's Shelter for homeless men and women in Mpls. Volunteers are needed to prepare food (residents enjoy our home-cooked meals), serve or both. Sign up on the bulletin board near the kitchen. Label your food & container "Our Saviour’s,” and bring to church by 5:45 on the 21st. If you’re serving, be at church by 5:45 to carpool. Questions? Contact Elaine Larson: lars710@mediacombb.net Tree House Every other month, FoC provides a meal for at-risk youth who utilize Tree House, a Christian outreach program in Chaska. Volunteers are needed to provide food & to help serve Tues., March 11. Youth or adults may help. There is a sign-up sheet on the CIA bulletin board near the kitchen. Contact Dawn Peterson (tdnjkpeter@aol.com) if you have any questions. Volunteers Needed During Lent We need people to heat & serve soup for Wednesday noon lunches. Lenten lunch is served on March 12, 19, 26, & April 2 and 9 at noon. Servers need to be at FoC by 11:30 am. If you can help, contact Pam Schumacher at

Committee Meeting The CIA (Christians in Action) committee will meet after worship on Sunday, Feb. 23 at noon. This is the committee members’ annual opportunity to allocate many of the benevolence dollars which we share with organizations that work for God’s Kingdom, such as Bethania, Bountiful Basket, Treehouse, Luther Crest, LWR quilts, and more. We thank Bob Erickson for all his good and faithful service and his heart for service ministry. Bob is stepping down as chairperson of CIA, and we welcome Erin Kassebaum and Jim Seifert who will co-chair the committee this year. CIA...a ministry of sharing time, talent, and treasure with people locally & around the world.

See our complete online calendar at http://tinyurl.com/kjy643f


Newcomers’ Events Whether you’re brand new to Family of Christ or you’ve been around for a while, if you want to know more about us, come to a Newcomers’ Event. Enjoy a light lunch in a casual social setting...meet other newcomers, church council leaders, pastors, & staff...tour the building & learn more about FoC...ask questions, theological & practical…explore ways to get connected. Professional childcare is provided for age 4 & younger (let us know if you need it for older children). You may let us know at that time if you’d like to join FoC. The next Newcomers’ Event is scheduled for Sunday, March 16, at 12:15 pm. For more info, please contact Pam Schumacher at pam@familyofchristonline.com .

We’d love to get to know you better! Scan the code to introduce yourself to us and/or to sign up for our e-newsletter.


Town Hall Meeting February 2, 8:45 & 10:15 AM Meet with church council members, ask questions about FoC, and offer your feedback. Bring your coffee & doughnut and join us for this informal gathering. (Depending on room availability, meetings are held in either the conference room or the narthex.) Common Thread Gathering at the Farm Embrace winter with friends! If you’re 50+, join us at Tim & Dawn Peterson’s farm (1300 Deer Creek Road, Maple Plain) on Sunday, Feb. 16, 2:00-8:00 PM. Walk, ski, or snowshoe in the woods. Sit by the fire, play cards or a board game. Spend an afternoon with old & new friends in a beautiful setting. This is a potluck, so when you let us know you're coming you'll be given the opportunity to bring a soup, salad, snack, or sweet. We'll provide egg coffee, water, & cider. Please bring anything else you'd like to drink. RSVP by Feb. 9 to Dawn & Tim: 952-443-2573; tdnjkpeter@aol.com.

Downtown Lunch Bunch Work in downtown Minneapolis? Join us the second Monday of each month at 11:45 AM for lunch & conversation at an area restaurant. Our next gettogether is Feb. 10. FMI, contact Rod Bubke: rod.l.bubke@ampf.com

Girls’ Night Out Monday, February 10 • 6:00-9:00 PM Join us for fun, painting, and light snack. We’ll paint “Spring Vase,” pictured at right. Cost: $35.00/person, which includes the supplies and art instructor to guide us. Please sign up soon, as space is limited. Register at http://tinyurl.com/mo9nbrw Questions? Contact Pam Schumacher at pam@familyofchristonline.com

Common Thread Night Out for Dinner Monday, February 24, 6:00 pm If you are 50+ and enjoy life, good food, & good company, please join us at Houlihan’s in Chan ( http://www.houlihans.com/my-houlihans/chanhassen ) No need to sign up, just show up on the 24th. Any questions? Contact Ron Larson at lars710@mediacombb.net

& Family of Christ Preschool Important Dates: * February 5 — Stages Theatre field trip for the Monkey class * February 12-14 — Valentine’s Day classroom parties * February 17 — Presidents’ Day — No preschool classes

Register for Fall Preschool Registration for 2014-2015 preschool classes is now open! FoC Preschool offers classes for 2-, 3-, 4-, & 5-year-olds, a Jump Start Kindergarten class, afternoon enrichment classes, and optional Lunch Bunch and Stay & Play for afternoon care. For more information or a tour, contact Susan Schmidt at 952-380-9838 or preschool@familyofchristonline.com .

Children’s Ministry Sunday School 

February 2: This morning in Sunday school, we will have a great skit on Daniel and the lions.  February 16: Another skit about Jesus as a boy at the temple.  February 23: All the Sunday school kids get to sing in worship!!

Christos  

February 5: The fourth- and fifth-graders will be trained on how to acolyte. February 26: No classes — it’s dress rehearsal week for “Shrek!”

Looking Ahead No Christos classes on Ash Wednesday, March 5. Ventures will begin for the Christos kids the following Wednesday, March 12. Watch your email for all the details!

See our complete online calendar at http://tinyurl.com/kjy643f


& Confirmation Important Dates  Feb. 5: 6:30-8:00 PM  Feb. 12: 6:30-8:00 PM  Feb. 19: 6:30-8:00 PM  Feb. 26: No Wednesday activities due to the dress rehearsal for “Shrek!”

The Famine is Still Coming! Due to the hectic church schedule in February, we have decided to move the 30 Hour Famine to the spring. We are finalizing details for a date in March or April. More information will be available soon. The Famine is an event for middle school students. We spend time learning about world hunger and how we can help fight it. We do a service project, play games, and visit “Jump and Jam.” Keep watching Family News for details!

High School Bagels and Bible Study Sundays, February 9 & 16 • 10:15 AM Meet in the Youth Room to enjoy an Einstein Bros Bagel & a casual discussion of the day’s scriptures. Newcomers are always welcome! What Now? Wednesday, February 5 High school seniors, come for pizza, pop, & a time to talk about life as you transition out of high school. This group is led by Dean Brown. Watch Family News, Facebook ( http://tinyurl.com/lnkyqtw ), or Twitter ( https://twitter.com/FoCYouth ) for more info to come about small groups and regular service opportunities.

Mission Trips

The musical is coming! A reminder that we need each mission trip participant to help with the musical in 3 ways:   

sell a minimum of 6 tickets, bring 2 dozen cookies or bars for intermission either participate in the show or volunteer to usher, take tickets, help with intermission food, etc. An email will be coming with all the specifics and a way to sign up to help.

Mission Trips There are still a few spots available on the mission trips. Please contact the trip leaders to find out more (p. 11). Adult leaders are needed for both the middle- and high-school trips. Talk to Lindsey if you’d like to be a leader or if you need more info.

For info about this year’s middle- & high-school mission trips & retreats, see page 11. 10

2014 Middle School Youthworks Martin, South Dakota • July 27-August 3 Martin offers a warm mix of a small town South Dakota community with Native American heritage. Martin boasts a Native American population of nearly 50%. Martin is the county seat of Bennett County, in which about 35% of the population lives below the poverty line – nearly three times more than the South Dakota state average. Spend the week leading Kids’ Club and working on home improvement projects. At the end of the week, visit popular tourist sites around Rapid City. Contact Lindsey Ruhland with questions ( lindsey@familyofchristonline.com ).

Please check with trip leaders to see if there are any slots open for the mission trips. Adult leaders are needed for both the middle and high school trips. Talk to Lindsey if you’re considering being a leader and for more information.

NEW! The Soul Sisterhood Retreat July 6-10 • South Fork Farm • Lester Prairie, Minnesota For girls who have completed 6th-8th grade. Spend a week on an all-girl adventure! The Soul Sisterhood retreat inspires young women to learn new skills, discover new passions, make new friends, and build confidence through trying and creating — all in a Christ-centered, supportive environment. For more information, check out www.thesoulsisterhood.com or talk to Lindsey Ruhland. Limited number of spots available, so sign up ASAP!

High School Heifer Ranch, Perryville • Arkansas July 26-August 3 (tentative) Heifer’s Alternative Mission Trips combine experiential learning, team building, and service activities. Participants experience the challenges of living with hunger and poverty. They develop a deeper understanding of the complications that hunger and poverty present, and become inspired to create change that brings possibility and hope to the world. The program is a great educational tool that teaches about the value of giving your service to others. The week will end with a fun sightseeing activity in or near Little Rock. Contact Lindsey Ruhland with questions ( lindsey@familyofchristonline.com ).

College & Adult El Salvador ● July 10-20 Learn how the legacy of the civil war impacts the building of peace in today’s El Salvador. Enjoy amazing hospitality, participate in a work project, and meet your sponsored student! Qualified participants will have completed their junior year in high school AND been on a previous mission trip. This is for college students and other adults, too. For more information, contact Pr Kristie, kristie@familyofchristonline.com ; 952-934-5659, ext.12 See our complete online calendar at http://tinyurl.com/kjy643f


Instrumental Groups Chamber Players This group of instrumentalists plays during worship periodically throughout the year. All skill levels are welcome. Brass Ensemble If you play a brass instrument, please consider joining this fun group which plays occasionally during the school year. Questions about the above instrumental opportunities? Contact Mary Renz: mrfluteloops@gmail.com

Bell Choir We rehearse on Thursdays, 8:00-9:00 PM, & play one Sunday per month. If you can’t commit for the full year, come to a rehearsal and we‘ll work out a time frame that includes you. Questions? Contact Lynn Miller ( lynnmillerhandbells@gmail.com )

All Family of Christ music groups are open to everyone. Interested in one? Just come to a scheduled rehearsal! Rehearsals are listed on our website calendar at http://tinyurl.com/mf6vm6z


Vocal & Instrumental Praise Unlimited (3rd-5th grade) We practice Wednesdays, 5:30-5:55 PM, & sing songs during Sunday worship about 4 times during the year. Lux Aeterna (6th-8th grade) We practice Wednesdays, 6:00-6:25 PM & sing in church approximately one time/month. EPIC! (high school) We rehearse every other Wed. night at 8:00 PM (after confirmation), and lead worship the 4th Sunday of each month at 10:45. PFH (Praise for Him) A music group for adults (16 or older). We lead worship in church for the 9:15 and 10:45 AM services the first Sunday of the month. Our practices are on the Tuesday night (7:00 PM) and the Saturday morning (9:00 AM) before we sing. ROJ (River of Joy) A music group for adults (16 or older) that leads worship in church for the 9:15 and 10:45 services on the third Sunday of the month. We practice the Tuesday night (7:00 PM) and the Saturday morning (9:00 AM) before we perform. For more information on any of the above music groups, contact Jessica Gensmer (612-483-5843; jessica@familyofchristonline.com ) Family of Christ Singers Directed by Ron Larson & Mary Renz, we sing at the 9:15 worship service on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. We rehearse on Thursdays from 7:00 - 8:00 PM, always starting & ending on time. Questions? Contact Mary ( mrfluteloops@gmail.com ) or Ron ( lars710@mediacombb.net ). Exsoultation Directed by Andrea Jeitz, we rehearse contemporary music on the first two Saturdays of the month at 11:45 AM, and play for the 10:45 worship service on the second Sunday of the month. Please contact Andrea ( andreajeitz@yahoo.com ) with your questions.


Senior Pastor Josh Nelson 952-934-5659, ext. 13 josh@familyofchristonline.com

Pastor Kristie Hennig 952-934-5659, ext. 12 kristie@familyofchristonline.com

Leann Thompson Director of Faith Formation 952-934-5659, ext. 24 leann@familyofchristonline.com

Lindsey Ruhland Minister to Youth & Families 952-934-5659, ext. 30 lindsey@familyofchristonline.com

Teri Burns Minister to Children & Families 952-934-5659, ext. 21 teri@familyofchristonline.com

Pam Schumacher Connections Coordinator 952-934-5659, ext. 29 pam@familyofchristonline.com

Jessica Gensmer Director of Worship & Music 952-934-5659, ext. 23 jessica@familyofchristonline.com

Susan Schmidt Family of Christ Preschool Director 952-380-9838 preschool@familyofchristonline.com

Kris Spangrud Finance 952-934-5659, ext. 18 kris@familyofchristonline.com

Marilyn Syverson Church Administrator 952-934-5659, ext. 10 marilyn@familyofchristonline.com

Jolene Satre Communications/Website 952-934-5659, ext. 11 jolene@familyofchristonline.com

Greg Provo Custodian 952-934-5659, ext. 26 greg@familyofchristonline.com

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