FOCUS Plant City 08-03 March 2009

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Ted Campbell

RCA Winners Which Restaurants Were Voted the Best?

FSGA’s Executive Director Talks Marketing

Tara Parker

Taking Great Strides Against Cystic Fibrosis

A.J. Garden Sets New Scoring Record

Plant City’s 50th Recipient of the

Outstanding Citizen Award

Bruce Rodwell

Two Doctors and a Piano: Concert and Health Lecture Series Presented by South Florida Baptist Hospital

Tuesday March 24, 2009 6-8pm Free Plant City Cornerstone Center (Former site of First Baptist Church)

Dr. Teo Kulyk

Dr. Scott Goldsmith

315 North Collins St. Plant City, FL 33563

This special event will feature Dr. Teo Kulyk performing on piano and will be followed by two important lectures. Ophthalmologist Dr. Teo Kulyk will present a seminar about Aging of the Adult Eye. This important discussion will include related topics such as cataracts, glaucoma and the effects diabetes has on the eyes. Dr. Scott Goldsmith, orthopedic surgeon, will give a seminar entitled A Global Approach to Hip and Knee Arthritis: Non-operative Treatments to Joint Replacement Surgery. You will learn what arthritis means, the various alternative options available and will be able to touch and hold actual ortho implants.

Call (813) 754-4444 to register. Light hors d’oeuvres and a question and answer session will follow the presentations. sjb090114-0309

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414 N. Alexander St. Plant City, FL 33563 (813)754-3561 ADDRESS (813)754-3450 (fax)| CONTACT INFORMATION

March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 5

table of contents Issue 8-3 - March 15 – april 15, 2009

Publisher Mike Floyd Editor in chief Aaron Oberlin Office Manager Dede Floyd



MAGAZINE 101 E. J. Arden Mays Blvd. Plant City, FL 33563 Phone 813.707.8783 • Fax 813.764.0990

Credit Manager Holly Dedon

The Florida Strawberry Festival brought 11 days of fun, family entertainment, and FOCUS was there to keep you informed about what went down. Many of the stories are here in the local section. Also, check out www. for footage on the festival.

Sales Sophia Hyde Tammy Simpson Adrienne Plati Lynne Warren Jane Waters Karen Thompson Production Coordinator Susan Riff Production Anthony Sassano Joe Pellegrino Jamie Konet Editorial Assistant Kevin Tall Distribution Doug McGee Belva DeVane Photographers Suzanne Gallagher Billy Friend Lori Blaser Staff Writers Cheryl Johnston Ruchelle Owens Cole Dodd Tracy Cox Kasey Miller Carolyn Miller Brian West Joe Bowles Krystel Knowles contributors Al Ruechel Bruce Rodwell Gil Gott Sherry Nueesch JoAn Lusk Nate Davis Natalie Sweet Editorial Intern Sara Wyman Marilyn Bistline Christian Van Norden Tanya Albert

standards of accuracy The goal of the writers at FOCUS Magazine is to provide heart-warming stories that are accurate from the start. Being human, however, we sometimes make mistakes. Please forgive us.


59 Spotlight 66 sports & fitness 92 dining & entertainment 108

So if you notice anything that is incorrect, then please do not hesitate to contact the editorial department and infor m it about the fact error. To do so, call (813) 707-8783 or e-mail editorial@floydpublications. com. The staff will fix the error in a timely manner.

The Outstanding Citizen of the Year Award is considered by many people to be the most prestigious award in Plant City. This year brought the 50th anniversary of the award, and Bruce Rodwell won. The award goes to people who devote much of their time to the betterment of the city. The story about Rodwell and the award is this month’s feature.

Readers who wish to respond to an article – not correct facts – can do so by writing a letter to the editor. If you need any other type of assistance, then please view the directory for the appropriate department.

The Florida Strawberry Growers Association named Ted Campbell its new executive director in August of 2008. He brings an extensive knowledge of how to market produce. He spoke with FOCUS about the agriculture industry and what the FSGA is doing to help push the strawberry as a product.

The staff at FOCUS Magazine is committed to serving their consumers and customers to the fullest of abilities. You’re paying attention to our words. Let us pay attention to yours.

FOCUS Magazine is published monthly and is available through local Plant City businesses, restaurants and many local venues.

A.J. Garden plays basketball for Durant High School. He is, however, more than just a player, he is the school’s all-time leading scorer. Find out more about the star athlete in the sports section.

Every year, FOCUS asks you, the reader, to vote for the best places in town to eat, and every year you continue to place your votes. Well the tally is in and the restaurants have received their awards.


Peyton Edison made top 10 in the Junior Royalty Pageant. Nathanael Cruzado was the senior patrol leader at the Friends of Scouting Dinner.

6 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – APRIL 15, 2009

Letters, Questions and Comments can be sent to us at editorial@



Advertisers warrant and represent the descriptions of their products advertised are true in all respects. Focus Magazine assumes no responsibility for claims made by advertisers. All letters and their contents sent to Focus Magazine become the sole property of Floyd Publications, Inc and may be reproduced thereof. All views expressed in all articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of Floyd Publications, Inc. Use or duplication of material used in this publication is prohibited without approved written consent from Floyd Publications, Inc.

Bruce Rodwell photo by S. Gallagher

published by:

floyd publications, Inc.

y p p Ha y a d h t r i B We would like to thank everyone for a wonderful first year. Thank you to all the family and friends that have helped us in reaching our 1st Birthday!!! Don & Susann Mitchell

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8 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – APRIL 15, 2009

A quote I will never forget from my years in school is, “If you are not growing, you’re dying.” I’m not sure who coined the saying, but it rings true in many aspects of the world. Obviously horticulture. Business? It depends who you ask. I know exactly how a cut-throat capitalist would answer. In the medical field, due to the fact that technologies are ever-changing, doctor’s must continually further their education – their minds must continue to grow. Next month, FOCUS will highlight several local doctors who stay up to date with their understanding of modern practices in medicine. When I think about knowing which doctors are the best, the most informed, I can’t help but remember reading about a doctor who was still using outdated techniques. He failed to further his education, and he was stripped of his license to practice medicine. His career died. In a sense, he is a plant who stopped getting watered. Ted Campbell is a man who never wants to see a water shortage for Plant City and surrounding areas, especially since he is heading an organization that is promoting the top cash crop in Hillsborough County: strawberries. He is the executive director of the Florida Strawberry Growers Association, and he is this month’s Spotlight interview. He shares what it is he and the FSGA are setting out to do to make sure Florida strawberries continue to be in demand. The Florida Strawberry Festival initially started as a celebration of the harvest of the strawberry, and it was used as a way to push strawberries. Well the festival has certainly grown since then. For those who didn’t get to attend, FOCUS has some stories about the festival in the local section for you. There is even a story about how the Strawberry Festival queen and court keeps getting more popular in an article titled, “Good Morning Strawberry Girls.” It is on page 40. The festival isn’t the only thing that has grown significantly in the past several decades. Plant City has definitely matured. In this month’s issue, there is a feature story about the people who have helped transform Plant City into a thriving area and the one thing they all have in common – they are recipients of the Outstanding Citizen of the Year Award. Find out more about them and the latest recipient, Bruce Rodwell.

Aaron Oberlin Editor In Chief

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March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 9


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10 • FOCUS Magazine plant City • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009


Hunnie is a 10 year old Dachshund mix.

She is owned by Joanne and Jim McFarland. She is so special because she gives nothing but love and devotion to her family. Her owners are very well trained and they obey her immediately. Her Dad loves her so much he got her, her own Veterinarian when he retired 6 years ago Photo By Robert Coates

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Carrying many items for St Patrick’s Day and Easter. Many strawberry items still in stock.



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813-752-8994 March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 11

local Keel and Curley Winery played host to an arts and crafts show Feb. 28 and March 1, featuring Plant City local and artist Jules Burt, who Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio recently presented with a key to the city. Approximately 2,500 people attended to enjoy the many vendors and live music. The winery will have a food and wine festival March 21 and 22 and a bridal show April 4 and 5.

CHAMPIONS Cadet League (ages 8-9 co-ed) Panthers Front: Chase Chaney, Chase Lawson, Jordan Bracewell, Jordin Vance, Derek Todd. Back: Jackson Nichols, Austin Eldridge, coach Chad Eldridge, Devonte Lowe, Logan DeShong. Not pictured: Annai Rivas.

Junior Boys League (ages 10-11) Hornets Front: Qumarrius Ross, Travis Riley, Ryan Conner, Joshua Boyd, Devin Rhoades. Back: Coach Mike Palestrini, Nicholas Palestrini, Zachary Smith, Ryan DeMello, Nehemiah McIntosh, Henry Yoho, and assistant coach Rob Yoho.

Senior Boys League (ages 12-13) Magic L to R, Front: Jordan Genevie, Jacari Stevenson, Theodus Holloway, Terran Winegeart, Dakota Benton, Will Hippler. Back: Coach David Delgado, Dustin McMath, Julian Kazenas, Matthew Tucker, assistant coach Steven Delgado. Not pictured: Garrett Wright.

12 • FOCUS Magazine plant City • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009

The 40th season of the Plant City Recreation and Parks Department / Optimist Youth Basketball Program has come to an end with champions crowned in six age groups. The 44-team, 440-player program started Jan. 6 and played 174 regular season games plus 38 tournament games. Pictured are the champions. Junior Girls League (ages 10-11) Nets Front: Taylor Edgemon, Tadajah Hunter, Tyra Mack, Courtney Bendorf, Crystal Johnson. Back: Arlancia Hargrove, Julia Mendoza, coach Josh Edgemon, Shayla Kelly. Not pictured: Drew Knotts.

Senior Girls League (ages 12–14) Stars Front: Kelsey Brevik, Ericka Lott, LaToya Nunley, Kasi Maguire, Domnique Dixon. Back: Haley Burleson, Stephanie Morales, coach Ramone Gregory, Aliyah Gregory, Erin Gregory.

Premier Boys League (ages 14–16) Nuggets Front: Spencer Mathis, Ricky Herring, Blake Sparkman, Michael Gary, Kion Richardson. Back: Coach Jeff Jacobsen, Joshua Jacobsen, Aric Aumond, Marshall Korattiyil, Harley Jerkins, Brian Collins, assistant coaches Steven Short and Ricky Herring Sr. Not pictured: assistant coach Richard Semple.


2009 April 5-8

Sunday Morning 10:30-12 Visitor Contest starts Sunday Night 6-8:30 “Hometown Heroes” Dress-up contest Come as a fireman, policeman, teacher, etc. Monday Night 6-8:30 “Super Hero” Dress-up contest Come as your favorite super hero or cartoon character “Fritzy the One Man Circus” will enterain!

Transform ation Town is h ere!

n w look of a tow e n r u o il e v n u will This spring we r KIDS Church u o d e rm fo s n a e have tr rmanent after of our own! W e p e b l il w t a ew look th a into a whole n rs we have held a e y 4 1 r fo r a e hy age Spring ’09. Eac for elementary k a re b g n ri p s uring t kids crusade d accepted Chris e v a h s id k f o s undred -packed with children, and h m ja is e ic rv e s ars! Each pets, through the ye sons, cool pup s le t c je b o , s e ag felpowerful mess d worship and n a e is ra p m a G te crazy games, TA lowship! Bring a Friend

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813.752.4591 Visitor Contest: The top eight winners will win a fun-filled day trip to Old Town in Orlando, lunch and dinner at Red Lobster with Pastor Greg and KIDS staff! The top winner of the visitor contest will win the Grand Prize- a Nintendo Wii! 15, be 2009 – april 15,and 2009 • FOCUS city • tag). 13 (Visitors must be age 5-12 or Kg-6th grade and be a new guest to our Kids Church.March They must signed in by adult eachMagazine visit and plant get a name


Desmond Clark, a tight end for the Chicago Bears, will be present at a scramble golf tournament, at Walden Lake Golf and Country Club, that raises money for three worthy causes: Highland Park Youth Camp Foundation, Teen Challenge Columbus Girls Academy, and the 88Wayz Foundation. These causes benefiting from the tournament are in memory of Brooke McDonald and Nick Dandridge, who both passed away in 2008. Clark will also be involved in a giveaway, a silent auction, and he will be present during lunch. Sign-in for the tournament is at 7:30 a.m., and a shotgun tee off takes place at 8:30 a.m. It is $100 per player. Call (813) 752-1171 for more information. Thirteen Plant City High School students received honors for their participation in an essay contest sponsored by the NAACP. Carlos Cardenas placed the highest, at second place, from PCHS. Pictured are Photo courtesy of Sherrie Mueller (first row) Nathan Cruzado, Max Girling, Trent Lott, (second row) John Kenney, Jaranqeua Hallback, Santos Cardenas, Victor Salgado, Taylor Flumerfelt, and Isis Ash. Not pictured are Ivan Gutierrez, Andrew Orso, Brennan Smith, and Gloria Estrada.

Already a tanner at Tanacabana? Bring a friend and receive a $10 off coupon.

Dustin Hinson, son of Rick and Dyanna Hinson, is the winner of the Outstanding Youth Award this year from Plant City High School. Angel Chavez, son of Romon Gonzalez, is the Outstanding Youth for Durant High School. These two students served as parade marshals for the 2009 Plant City Civitan Youth Parade on Feb. 28. This year the Outstanding Youth and Parade Marshals were recognized at the Citizen of the Year luncheon Feb. 18. The students were also honored at the regular meeting of the Plant City Civitan Club on Feb. 19, at Buddy Freddy’s Restaurant in Plant City. Ten area individuals were recognized for making extraordinary contributions to the Tampa Bay community through volunteer work. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers deemed Stacey Heckerman, a senior at Plant City High School, as a Community Quarterback for her more than 600 volunteered hours to the Best Buddies and Special Olympics programs. Pictured are Sandy Denham, Best Buddies sponsor and nominator; Stacey Heckerman; Sherrie Mueller, PCHS guidance resource specialist and nominator; and Nancy Heckerman, Stacey’s mother. Photo courtesy of Sherrie Mueller

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14 • FOCUS Magazine plant City • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009

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March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 15


around toWn

steer craZy

aFter Many teenS tUgged their SteerS FOr ShOw, One SOld FOr MOre than $13,000. s t o ry by t r a C y C Ox

Rodeo fans who see exciting and daring stunts when watching cowboys bucking around on cantankerous bulls needed to come to the annual Florida Strawberry Festival Steer Show and watch middle school and high school age boys and girls display their prized steers, which were born and bred in Hillsborough County and ranged in weight from 1,100 to 1,500 pounds. The youths hustled the steers around the ring hoping and praying that none of them got a wild hair. They knew how to persuade the cattle to move with a hard tug on their halter ropes or make them stand still by using their colorful show sticks to scratch just the right spots on the steers’ backs and stomachs. Wouldn’t you know it though, a steer show would not be complete without a few wild hairs getting out of place, especially at this year’s event held on March 4. The young handlers held on tight

as some of the contestants bucked their way to the announcer’s stand or took off across the ring. It is truly amazing to watch these cowgirls, who must not weigh 100 pounds themselves, handle more than onehalf ton of bovine energy. In case anyone reading this thinks it was only the young ladies who had some of the trying times, some steers were dragging strapping young men, too. Boss Man – weighing in at 1,225 pounds and raised by Darren Turner, son of Brad and Jill Turner – was this year’s Grand Champion out of the 117 entrants. At the Saturday night sale, the prize-winning steer went for approximately $11 per pound, bringing in a total payday for his young owner of over $13,000. Darren plans to use his funds to become a master welder and attend future steer shows as a buyer to support youth just like him. “It is the best thing ever because all I wanted to do is win. One day, I

am going to buy show steers because I know what goes into it, and I want to reward them,” said the Plant City High School senior. Katlyn Messick, 15-year-old daughter of Ted and Jimberly Messick, proudly showed off Buckwheat, the Reserve Grand Champion winner weighing in at 1,264 pounds. The Durant High School sophomore, who is a straight-A student and varsity volleyball team member, earned $6 per pound at the sale, bringing in more than $7,500 to go towards her future college plans of studying animal science. “I am very, very excited. I am so happy and proud. It is amazing and I will definitely do it again next year. I will never forget this,” said Messick. The annual steer show is a much-anticipated event for Eastern Hillsborough County middle and high schools’ National FFA Organization members and 4-H clubs. Many of the youths raise the steers not only for the experience and their love for agriculture, but also to raise money to enable them to go to college, many with hopes of pursuing careers in the fields of animal and veterinarian science. for more coverage of events go to

grand champion Darren Turner Plant City High School FFA reserve grand champion Katlyn Messick Durant High School FFA division champions Division I Derrick Knight J. G. Smith FFA Division II Darren Turner Plant City High School FFA Division III Katlyn Messick Durant High School FFA division reserve champions Division I Jesse Wall Antioch Critters 4-H Division II Jerrod Parker Plant City High School FFA Division III Haley Ours J. G. Smith FFA classes - 1st place 1. Zachary Lloyd Durant High School FFA 2. Jordan Butts Durant High School FFA 3. Derrick Knight J. G. Smith FFA 4. Jerrod Parker Plant City High School FFA 5. Jeffrey Hall Plant City High School FFA 6. Darren Turner Plant City High School FFA 7. Katlyn Messick Durant High School FFA 8. Haley Ours J. G. Smith FFA 9. Garrett Roberts Durant High School FFA

classes - 2nd place

Darren Turner won this year’s Grand Champion. Photo by Billy Friend

Katlyn Messick shows this year’s Reserve Grand Champion. Photo by Billy Friend

16 • FOCUS Magazine plant City • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009

1. Alicia Gilbertson Plant City High School FFA 2. Samantha Newman Newsome High School FFA 3. Jesse Wall Antioch Critters 4-H 4. Katlyn Davis Antioch Critters 4-H 5. Kelsey Hull Plant City High School FFA 6. Dillon Zimmerman J. G. Smith FFA 7. Brett Maxwell Plant City High School FFA 8. Caitlyn Wilson Lennard High School FFA 9. Devin Johnson Durant High School FFA


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March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant City • 17


around toWn

Ethan Sistrunk jumps his lamb over a bar. Photo by FSF



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18 • FOCUS Magazine plant City • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009

local stUDents wIn laMb shows s t o ry by C h e r y l J O h n S t O n

The Lamb Jumping Contest is an annual Strawberry Festival event that demonstrates teamwork between an animal and its youthful trainer. Even though ribbons are awarded, thanks to an encouraging crowd and the friendly competitors every entrant in this competition feels like a winner. The 2009 contest on March 2 was sponsored by CG Industries. Friends, family, old timers, and first timers filled the arena stands for this fun challenge. Applause and oohs and aahs followed each lamb’s two attempts to jump hurdles. Pinecrest Elementary fifth-grader, Ethan Sistrunk, earned first place in the short-legged division. His sister, eight-grade Turkey Creek student Morgan Sistrunk garnered first in the long-legged category. Both were winners last year as well. Along with older brother Kaleb, the family owns 14 lambs and competes regularly. Hillsborough County students, ages 6 and older who are members of FFA or a youth agricultural organization such as 4-H may compete. The audience enjoys lamb jumping for its sportsmanship and friendly cooperation. It is not uncommon for a competitor or club adviser to follow behind another’s lamb, clapping to encourage a hesitant animal to jump. At the signal, a contestant leads his or her lamb on a short rope to the bar, hoping it will jump as they’ve practiced. Sometimes they do, sometimes

they don’t. Two attempts are permitted. If the lamb jumps at least one, then the bar is raised and the team continues until the hurdle is too high. It’s an unpredictable event. The animal can decide to be stubborn and the young trainer wonders what happened. Fortunately, neither the crowd nor the contestants seem disappointed when a lamb didn’t cooperate. That’s just the way it goes. Lambs naturally enjoy jumping and usually respond well to competition. This exercise is good because walking on level ground does not build muscle tone. They also eat better and remain healthier. Conversely, the trainer must use caution. Too much exercise or overheating causes blue carcasses, not an admirable quality. The slick shorn lambs in this competition have obviously been lavished with tender loving care. Students in the junior livestock program interact with live animals and learn life skills. Working with, owning, and exhibiting animals in a competitive atmosphere develop character, decision-making abilities, and communication talents. Qualities also evident in the 2009 show’s competitors were confidence, pride in appearance, and helpfulness. With or without a cooperative lamb, they were audience pleasers. This event is an annual must see. for more coverage of events go to

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Sister’s & Company’s 104 E. Reynolds Street • Plant City • 813.754.0990 Quality Care Massage March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 19


around town

Parents pulling their children on floats in front of hundreds of spectators is a common sight at the Baby Parade, which has been going on for more than 40 years. Photo by Suzanne Gallagher

Zy Floyd won Most Handsome in the 1-year-old category. Photo by Aaron Oberlin

PARADING FOR KING AND QUEEN S t o ry by T r a c y C ox

The morning air was filled with the sounds of crying babies, mischievous toddlers, and encouraging parents as the Plant City Junior Woman’s Club continued its longtime tradition of hosting the annual baby parade at the Florida Strawberry Festival on March 8, 2009. Sponsored by Verizon and emceed by Channel 8’s daytime TV co-

host, Cyndi Edwards, the parade was held before a crowd of cheering and waving grandparents, family, and friends as approximately 140 children ranging in ages from 1 years old to 4 years old walked, rode on homemade floats, or were carried in their parent’s arms across a stage in costumes from the very simple to the extremely elaborate. Nia Ramo, the club’s baby parade

20 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – APRIL 15, 2009

chairperson, said, “We are glad we have such a good relationship with the festival to do this. We do not know exactly how many years we have done the baby parade, but we do know that is over 40 years. It is awesome.” The baby parade is divided into four age categories with six subcategories: Most Handsome Boy, Most Beautiful Girl, Best Costume, Most

Personality, Most Original Float, and Most Beautiful Float. The king and queen were chosen from the first-place winners in the 4-year-old categories, who make up the court. The 2009 king and queen are Gerald Wayne Williams and Emma Reese Showalter. The court includes Haley Bell, Quinton Kahelin, Regan Esler, and Ashley Walls. continued on page 22>

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March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 21


around town

As the little girls paraded by, some waving or blowing kisses to their adoring fans, they were visions of springtime in their pretty pastelcolored dresses or fun in the sun splashes of fuchsia and aqua. The floats included butterfly princesses sitting among beautiful flower-filled gardens, ballerinas, patriotic Lady Liberty, strawberries sitting in the strawberry patch, and yes, evidently the timeless tradition, one with a pretty little girl riding in her red wagon being pulled by her mother. Not to be outdone by the girls, the little boys were dapper in their suits or sporting hometown pride in blue jeans and boots. Moms’ creativity and Dads’ late nights in the garage designing floats were evident as they road by on white horses in front of medieval castles or sitting on John Deere tractors in fields of strawberries that looked like they were ready to be picked. One little guy cruised by in his Corvette as the “Most Eligible Bachelor,” stopping to hand

out cash to anyone who might be a judge. The baby parade is one of the top two fundraisers for the club, which uses the proceeds for its annual shoe drive to buy athletic shoes and socks for needy children at Plant City area’s 14 elementary schools. Every September, club volunteers fan out among the schools and measure the feet of the children who are in need of a new pair of shoes. The shoes and socks are then delivered in October to the schools and are placed on the children’s feet by the volunteers to make sure they fit properly. This year’s baby parade raised more than $2,000. “You would be surprised how many kids in our community need shoes. They come to school in shoes that are two sizes too small or too big, with holes and duct taped wrapped around them,” said Ramo. continued on page 23 >

The “Most Eligible Bachelor” made sure he stopped and said “hi” to the Strawberry Festival queen and court. Photo by Suzanne Gallagher




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3012 James L Redman Parkway, Plant City FL 33566 • (813) 752-2379 22 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – APRIL 15, 2009


continued from page 22

The Strawberry Festival queen and court smile with the Baby Parade king, queen, and court, who are Gerald Williams (king), Emma Reese Showalter (queen), Haley Bell, Quinton Kahelin, Regan Esler, and Ashley Walls. Photo by Suzanne Gallagher

March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 23


around toWn

Michelle Stringer shovels strawberry shortcake in her mouth to become the 2009 Strawberry Shortcake Eatin’ Contest champion. Photo by Krystel Knowles

PIece of caKe MiChelle Stringer Made eating FOUr pOUndS OF Strawberry ShOrtCake Cake in 10 MinUteS lOOk eaSy, aS nO Other COMpetitOr CaMe ClOSe tO beating her. s t o ry by k r y S t e l k n O w l e S

Strawberries are beneficial for your skin! Arbonne’s new FC5 line is formulated with five fruits and vegetables, including strawberries. Call today to experience the benefits of Swiss Skin Care that hydrates and protects to give you youthful looking skin.

24 • FOCUS Magazine plant City • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009

Michelle Stringer, a 24-year-old resident of Philadelphia, is the new Strawberry Shortcake Eatin’ Contest champion. Ten people competed for the title, but no one had a chance of beating her, as she devoured four pounds of strawberry shortcake compared to the runner-up’s three and quarter pounds. The Philadelphian came to Florida to visit her sister, and said that last year she was planning to enter the contest but missed it. “After I missed the contest last year, I was determined to enter the contest this year and hopefully win,” Stringer said. “I was one of the first people to sign up. I jumped out of my seat.” Stringer said that she didn’t prepare for the contest, she ate breakfast and lunch as usual. Stringer added that she has always been a fast eater. “I didn’t realize the cake was so big, I didn’t realize it was going to be a four-pound cake,” said Stringer. She said she might compete again

next year if her spring break vacation is at the same time of the festival. Barb Caccamisi is the project coordinator for St Clement’s “Make your own shortcake” for the past 13 years. She said she enjoys coordinating the event because it is fun and guests look forward to the eating contest event. “Previous year winners can enter the contest to defend their title,” Caccamisi said. There are some rules to participate in the eating contest: Participants must be 18 years old or older, there is a 10-minute timeline to consume the four-pound cake, for the first seven minutes contestants are allowed to use a spoon, and for the last three minutes the cake has to be eaten with their hands. “This is one of the most fun things to do at the festival, and people seem to really enjoy it,” said Caccamisi. for more coverage of events go to

March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 25

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26 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – APRIL 15, 2009

Father Tom Anastasia proudly stands next to some of his Tampa Bay Rays memorabilia. Photo by Carolyn Miller.

In God’s Ballpark S t o ry by C a r o ly n M i l l e r

The Tampa Bay Rays exorcised the devil in 2008, creating a miracle of a season. Father Tom Anastasia of St. Clement’s Catholic Church had been there following the team all along. Father Tom’s lifelong love of baseball was recently rewarded at the 2009 Rays Fan Fest, where, along with five others, he was named Fan of the Year and received his very own jersey and trophy. The franchise was formed in 1995 as the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. While the Tampa Bay area was noted as a fantastic spring season training venue, fans in the area had never been lucky enough to attract a team permanently. A major-league-quality ballpark, now called Tropicana Field, served as the bait and the commissioner of Major League Baseball took it hook, line and sinker. The Tampa Bay Devil Rays were born but it wasn’t a sure thing that they would make money or win games; nothing is a given in baseball. That was when Father Tom

began to go to games. Having grown up in New Jersey, it was a given that he would be a baseball fan. He went to Veterans and Shea stadiums to watch Steve Carlton and the lefthander, Mike Schmidt; they were his main influences. Then he moved to the Tampa Bay area in 1977, but that didn’t dampen his enthusiasm; he attended Philly’s spring training in Dunedin. In 2008, the Rays kissed the devil goodbye and went all the way to the World Series. Divine intervention? Just ask Father Tom, he predicts they will be “better than last year with even a stronger team. You can bet that Father Tom will be there in his usual seat next to other members of the clergy, cheering on Tampa Bay’s dream team. In the end he had attended more than 200 games and plans on continuing his recordbreaking attendance. If asked about this year’s controversy he says, “The sport is great despite the people making a mess of it.” Congratulations Father Tom.


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DECORATED DIAPER WINNERS: Theme, Hometown Salute to America: Hayden Gabriel Neary Parents: John Neary and Meribeth Boggs Funniest Diaper: Kensley Ann Hiscock Parents: Kenneth and Julie Hiscock Kids TV Cartoon Character: Zoey Elizabeth Villa Parents: Tania and Cenovio Villa Most Creative Diaper: Bella Grace Bikowski Parents: Scott and Stephanie Bikowski

An assortment of contests allowed parents to receive trophies for their babies’ characteristics. S t o ry by J a c k so n S m i t h

Parents who wish to show their babies off had an opportunity March 1 at the Florida Strawberry Festival. There were three contests – Decorated Diaper, Baby Features, and Diaper Derby – for Hillsborough County babies ages 6 to 18 months. Each of the three categories had their own subcategories. The Decorated Diaper contest awarded babies for funniest, most creative, kids TV character, and Hometown Salute to America, which was the festival’s theme.

The Baby Features contest subcategories included prettiest girl, most handsome, chubbiest cheeks, biggest eyes, most hair, baldest head, and twins. The Diaper Derby contest pitted babies ages 6 months to 12 months against each other in a crawling race across the floor. Parents did everything from shaking a rattler to waving a favorite teddy bear to encourage their children to crawl faster. The winners of each event are listed.

Parents encouraged their babies to crawl faster in order to win the Diaper Derby. Photo by FSF

28 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – APRIL 15, 2009

Lyric Nahvae Judge won Prettiest Girl for 16-18 months. Photo by Suzanne Gallagher

BABY FEATURES WINNERS: Prettiest Girl 6-9 Months: Toriana Lyn Chancey Parents: Ashley Chancey and Bradly Robison Prettiest Girl 10-12 Months: Saige Alexis Timmerman Parents: Lee and Jade Timmerman Prettiest Girl 13-15 Months: Corys Audrey-Ann Buney Parent: Allison Trevathan Prettiest Girl 16-18 Months: Lyric Nahvae Judge Parents: Nakita and Rashad Judge Most Handsome Boy 6-9 Months: Grayson Alwin Frank Villar Parent: Trisha Villar Most Handsome Boy 10-12 Months: Jordan Brady Bagley Parents: J.B. and Shea Bagley Most Handsome Boy 13-15 Months: Ryan Restitue Staley Parents: Rosemarie and Brian Staley Most Handsome Boy 16-18 Months: Nevan Liam DeVereaux Parent: Shannon DeVereaux Biggest Eyes: Kyson Blake Iturriaga Parent: Brad Iturriaga Baldest Head: Hayden Gabriel Neary Parents: John Neary and Meribeth Boggs Chubbiest Cheeks: Alli Jo Taylor Parents: Lisa and Joey Taylor Most Hair: Amaya Patrice Comer Parent: Jolene Comer DIAPER DERBY WINNERS 6-9 Months: Jacob Michael Robens Parent: Angela Roben 10-12 Months: Alli Jo Taylor Parents: Lisa and Joey Taylor Overall Diaper Derby: Alli Jo Taylor


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Tara Parker shows a positive outlook on life with her beautiful smile. Photo by Christian Van Norden.



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30 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – APRIL 15, 2009

After taking a big step in her own battle, Tara Parker makes Great Strides to help others. S t o ry by C h r i s t i a n Va n No r d e n

Twenty-one-year-old Tara Parker described it as one of the greatest moments of her life – the day she was finally added to a list for liver transplant recipients, a call for which she had been waiting for years. When she was only 6-months-old, Tara was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, a life-threatening disease that causes mucus to build up and clog organs like the lungs and pancreas. By the age of 14, she had developed cirrhosis of the liver as a result of the disease. Tara and her family flew to Cincinnati to have her liver evaluated

but were told her liver was in too good of condition for her to be added to the list for a transplant. While Tara was growing up, life could sometimes be very difficult. At one point, she had to take more than 60 pills each day and dedicate more than two hours a day to breathing exercises. “I thought about death and of course I thought that any day could be my last,” she said. “But I have always tried to remain positive and continued on next page>


continued from page 30

Tara does her daily breathing exercises while cruising Facebook on her laptop computer. Photo by Christian Van Norden.

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Tara and her family flew to Gainesville for the surgery, where she had to tell she loved them, in case she never saw them again. Only five and a half hours later, Tara’s transplant was complete. Her faith, in both God and herself, was rewarded that day. Although she still lives with CF today, Tara is living life the way she has always wanted. She is now happily engaged, attending college, and about to start an internship with The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. “In 10 years I will probably be married somewhere here in Florida,” she said. “I think my fiancé [and I] will make a good team. We are both very passionate about The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and I think that will be our main focus in life. No matter what is going on around you there is a purpose for everything. Always hold your head high and keep a smile on your face. Bring happiness to others, glorify others, and change the world.” Tara plans to participate in the CFF’s “Great Strides” walk-a-thon on May 16, at Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa. For more information on the event, or to make a donation toward further research, visit and click the Great Strides icon.


keep smiling.” In 2001, shortly after she finished middle school, Tara was finally added to the liver transplant list; she said she was scared but also happy that she might actually have a chance to live a normal life. The next phone call came on the morning of Nov. 5, 2005; it was as joyous as it was unexpected. Tara awoke, at 6:30 a.m., to the phone call informing her that there was a liver waiting for her in Gainesville and that she should get there as soon as possible. Tara’s grandfather was with her as she received the good news. He called a radio station to request a song for her. “He requested ‘I Hope You Dance’ by LeeAnn Womack,” she said. “He just called and told them that he wanted to request it for me because I have never let anything stop me before now, so he wanted everyone to pray that things would go smooth and that after the surgery I would continue to dance.” Crying tears of joy together, they immediately began calling friends and family to give them the good news. “It was a sweet moment,” Tara said. “It was a very good moment in my life.”


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March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 31


around town

Rock the way it was meant to be played S t o ry by E l i z a b e t h E d wa r d s

As the hit song by Brad Paisley and Keith Urban goes, “When you’re living in a world that you don’t understand, find a few good buddies and start a band,” this is exactly what the members of the local group KA.G.E.D. did. With a style all their own, the boys blend classic and southern varieties of rock with a shot of country and a hint of blues to create a sound cocktail that ensures listeners will want another round. The band’s name comprises the first letter of each member’s name: KB, Alan, Graham, Elmo, and Dave. While the group has gone through a few different configurations as well as name changes, K.A.G.E.D truly

and literally encompasses the bunch as a whole. This eclectic group came together via the force that drives many great bands to form – the love of music. This rings true as soon as the rockin’ mix of sounds these five friends exude are heard. While all five men had nine-to-five grinds when they met, the same old same old wasn’t cutting it anymore. They exercised their need to rock out in a garage until they decided it was time to step out of the box and show the world what they were made of. It didn’t take the band members long to realize that they had an exclusive sound. They play an extensive spectrum of music, which reflects on each member’s individual tastes

KB, Alan, Graham, Elmo, and Dave make up K.A.G.E.D. a local band that plays at Raccoon’s Lounge and O’Brien’s. Photo by Aaron Oberlin

32 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – APRIL 15, 2009

and musical styles. Kerry’s primary influences are John Mellencamp, Motown, and Gershwin, whereas Alan has been dubbed the “Southern Rocker” of the gang. Graham favors ballads, such as hits from the Eagles, Elton John, and the Beatles. Elmo, or Chris, is known to his fellow musicians as the “Country Gentleman” who isn’t afraid to stretch his roots from a little John Mayer or Stevie Ray Vaughn. Dave is bluesier with an alternative twist. While the group members differ in their tastes, it provides for a diverse and entertaining show for all who filter in to watch their show. The fact that the crew has three lead singers also keeps their shows original and multifarious. “We’re like the Wii guys in the little car, ‘We come to play,’” said front man Kerry Beard. “You don’t

go to hear a band talk and make cute remarks. You go to hear them play music.” Play they shall. Some of the group’s favorite places to play are Raccoon’s Lounge in Valrico – where they got their start – and O’Brien’s in Plant City – a favorite among many locals and friends of the group. They have enjoyed other venues, including WFTS, Channel 28’s Extreme Home Makeover party as well as ABC’s Tampa Bay’s Got Game Super Bowl tailgate party. The band members say the best venue they have ever played is the South Florida Baptist Hospital Foundation’s Diamonds and Denim event in Plant City. While the music schedule for such an event isn’t as upbeat and rock-like as others, they enjoy the atmosphere and love that they can play for such a worthy cause.

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March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 33


around town

This shoebox float, which won first place for third and fourth grade, has strawberries sliding down into a pool of chocolate. Photo by FSF

Shoebox Floats Present Hometown Salutes S t o ry by C h e r y l J o h n s t o n

A delightful thing about the Florida Strawberry Festival is that folks in every age category have opportunities to participate. One of the favorite events for children is the Shoebox Float Competition. From the highcaliber work submitted this year, it appears Plant City may just have some future professional float crafters among its community youth. Thousands of people a day view the winning entries as they stroll past the glass case at the prime pedestrian corner in the main exhibition building. The adjacent displays of strawberry queens past and present and the annual amateur photography contest winners make this area a must-see, make-time-to-pause-and-enjoy stop. Each year the creativity crafted into the miniature floats captivates all who discover one of the great free things to do at the festival. Rainbow Vacuum sponsored the 2009 float competition. Jill Scott, the event chairperson, directed the processes for application, judging, and display. The tiny floats are always judged on originality, craftsmanship, use of materials, and overall appearance. The children did a great job this year, making the judges’ job to select winners especially tough. Children in first through sixth grades build floats on cardboard shoeboxes no larger than 9 x 13 inches, with decorations no taller than 14 34 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – APRIL 15, 2009

and a half inches. Common materials are fabric, foil, colored, crepe or origami papers, ribbons, pipe cleaners, popsicle sticks, and small toy items. This year’s theme was Hometown Salute to America. Many floats featured patriotic flags and symbols representing our American military. Obviously, hometown patriotism begins at an early age in Central Florida. Trophies for first, second, and third places were awarded in four categories: grades one-two, grades threefour, grades five-six, and all grades for Exceptional Education students. Fourth and fifth place winners received rosettes. This year’s first place awards went to S. O’Rourke, a firstgrader at Springhead Elementary, for “Tea Time;” A. Lane, a fourth-grader at Shiloh Charter School, whose float saluted military and civil servants; and S. Carter, a Pinecrest Elementary fifth-grader, whose “Berry Salute” float also paid tribute to the military. Additionally, from Willis Peters Exceptional Center, both S. Frederick and E. Leppert, won firstplace awards. Children never cease to amaze people with their imagination and fresh perspective. The shoebox float competition provides the perfect visual to illustrate this point. Homegrown and homemade – eastern Hillsborough County children are definitely proud of their hometown.

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March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant City • 35


around town

RESTORING THE CLASSICS Not only are there restored muscle cars from the ‘60s and ‘70s at Florida Mustang and Muscle Cars, but there are also some that are completely original. S t o ry by C h r i s t i a n Va n No r d e n

In today’s difficult, economic times, business owners face larger-than-life profit losses. Some businessmen have no other option but to pull the plug and close shop. Thousands of business owners in Florida are feeling the wrath of the recession – there aren’t many consumers out there willing to spend extra money on luxury items. However, partners Stan Adams and Phil Vinson, the car restoration masterminds behind Florida Mustang and Muscle Cars, say they are enjoying continued success in their enterprise, for which they are grateful. With the amount of knowledge, passion, and experience the two men share, their success should not come as a surprise to anyone. “Stan could take a ‘65 Mustang apart with his eyes closed and put it back together again,” Vinson said. The two have been in business to-

gether for almost two years, after buying the shop from a retiree. The shop also includes a showroom, which displays some classic beauties priced and ready for sale. “Stan saw it as a good opportunity to do something he had a real passion for,” Vinson added. “He has been tinkering around with Mustangs since he was a kid.” While the original plan was to focus on restoring classic mustangs, so many customers came to them for restorative work on other classic cars that they expanded their services to work on other cars, as well. Unable to do this all alone, Adams and Vinson have brought on some very skilled men to work for them and help them exceed their customers’ expectations. “What we’ve done is, with the economy the way it is and the dreams that we have, we tried to diversify as

An employee works on restoring a car. Some cars at the shop are survivors, including a ’65 Shelby that is signed by Carroll Shelby. Photo by Sophia Hyde

any company would and try to adapt,” Adams said. “We’ve noticed that there will be customers that come in that don’t particularly want to wait six months to a year to have their car done so this gives them the opportunity to walk in and drive out.” The two plan to continue improv-

ing their establishment, reviving classic rides of various makes and models, and making sure every car owner leaves with a bit of skip in their step. “For some reason nobody ever leaves here slowly in these cars,” Vinson said with a smile, “and I consider that a job well done.”

This classic mustang has a menacing profile. Photo by Sophia Hyde

36 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – APRIL 15, 2009


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March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant City • 37

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around toWn

GooD MornInG strawberry GIrls the 2009 Strawberry FeStival QUeen and COUrt wOke Up One day and FOUnd OUt they were gOing tO be On natiOnal tv. s t o ry bya a r O n O b e r l i n

It is not a secret that the Strawberry Festival queen and court are admired like celebrities – in Plant City that is. After more exposure by a national medium, the glam that comes with the positions is on its way to a new tier. A film crew from “Good Morning America,” an ABC morning news show, visited the queen and court twice during February to film a segment for its Saturday morning feature series, “American Snapshot.” Juju Chang, a “Morning Show” correspondent, spent time with the ladies – Queen Lauren Der, First Maid Sara Beth Newsome, Megan Cochran, Jocyln Emerson, and Morgan Feaster – documenting an

in-depth look at them and the 74year Plant City tradition. “We’re looking at Americana. We’re looking at American traditions and what they say about American cultures and how they’ve evolved. Sara Beth was terrific in describing how there are slices of the old, with pig races, and yet modernization with the BMX shows at the festival,” said Chang moments after interviewing Newsome on video. “How could we not be interested in the story?” said Jennifer Pirone, a producer for the show. “It showcases a beautiful place with the strawberry fields and the orange orchards, and continued on page 42>

Juju Chang and Lauren Der discuss where to film. They decided to get bread and feed a donkey for the interview. Photo by Aaron Oberlin

Juju Chang, an Emmy Award-winning correspondent for ABC news, interviews Lauren Der at her house. Photo by Aaron Oberlin

40 • FOCUS Magazine plant City • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009


continued from page 40

it has a central character to the story. That’s where the strawberry court fits in.” When ABC airs the segment it will not be the first time the national media covered a story on the queen and her court. Washington Post journalist Anne Hull, a former Plant City resident who won a Pulitzer Prize for her article on inadequate care of wounded war veterans at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, wrote “The Strawberry Girls,” which is a nine-page article that was published Aug.11, 2008, in The New Yorker magazine. Hall’s story detailed 2008 Queen Kristen Smith’s and her court’s routine during the Florida Strawberry Festival. “We read [about the queen and court] in The New Yorker article last year,” said Pirone. “I held onto it and said, ‘I am going to go back next year and profile them.’ So I stuck to it.” In light of the girls receiving

national attention, the pressure of possibly more than a million viewers didn’t seem to affect their poise. Chang interviewed them without any hesitation in between questions, and the girls answered her confidently. “I am a little nervous,” said Newsome a few minutes before the film crew arrived at her rural home to interview her in front of her steer. During the interview, however, Newsome showed zero signs of anxiety, and even Chang commented on her ability to speak well in between takes. Der also spoke with authority during her interview, and she is no stranger to speaking in public. As a member of the National FFA Organization while she was in middle school and high school, she won several speaking competitions. She even won a competition on a national level, the National FFA Creed Speaking Contest.

The Strawberry Festival queen and court got a taste of stardom during a Brenda Lee concert at the festival, looking out to a crowd of thousands of people. Photo by Al Berry

42 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – APRIL 15, 2009

During the Florida Strawberry Festival, Der and her court would be called up on the Festival Soundstage where she would speak briefly to crowds of thousands of people peering upon her. That is when the girls got a taste of what celebrities – Taylor Swift, Jessica Simpson, and Jeff Foxworthy were a few of the acts at the festival in 2009 – experience in the national eye. “It was kind of scary at first,” said Der about speaking on the festival stage. “But you just kind of get used to it. After you do it 10 or 12 times, you don’t get as many butterflies as the 13th time.” “These aren’t your regular pageant girls,” said Chang. “They are girls who are studious. They are athletic – one girl is a body builder, one is a volleyball player. They are Bright Futures scholars. “They sort of break the mold.”

Juju Chang, Sandee Sytsma, and ABC producer Jennifer Pirone stand in the orange grove behind Lauren Der’s house. The three smiled for the camera after Chang finished interviewing Der. Photo by Aaron Oberlin


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chamber column

THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OFFERS A LOT TO BUSINESSES S u b m i t t e d by B r uc e Ro d w e l l

Congratulations to Dean Snyder on being named Plant City’s Honoree at the Friends of Scouting dinner, which was held at the Trinkle Center on Feb. 3. This annual event helps support the cost and programs of scouting for the 15 units in Plant City. Snyder is a Greater Plant City Chamber of Commerce member. His business, Snyder Investments and Financial Services, is located at 1703 Thonotosassa Road. ······················································· Kelleigh Klein, executive director of the United Food Bank of Plant City, wants to say thank you to all whom supported the very first Annual Celebrity Chef’s Dinner, which was held Feb. 7, at the Trinkle Center. World renowned chef Jon Ashton, originally of Liverpool, England, who now hangs his hat in Orlando was the star of the show, accompanied by local celebrity chefs Rich Glorioso, Mark Ober, Dan Raulerson, and Jason Strunk. The need at the Food Bank is growing. In 2007, 7,900 clients were served. This past year, in 2008, 12,500 clients used the Food Bank. That is an increase of 36 percent. The Plant City Food Bank is located at 712 E. Alsobrook St., Suite 9. Its hours of operation are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; and 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday. The need for food, toiletries, and monetary donations has never been greater. The Food Bank relies on the generous support of the community, business, and individual

donors. Clients come by referral only, thus insuring only the truly needy receive assistance. ······················································· Come on out to the Greater Plant City Strawberry Classic Car Show on Saturday, March 21. This event takes place in downtown Plant City and gets started at 4 p.m. ······················································· On March 20, the GFWC Woman’s Club of Plant City will play host to its Annual Card Party. This event will take place at 1110 N. Wheeler St. It starts at 11a.m. For more information, call Jean Ann Eatman at (813) 7523737. ······················································· On Saturday, March 21, the Plant City High School football team will hold a golf invitational at Walden Lake Golf and Country Club. They are asking for support along with businesses and other community partners in taking part in this event. All of the proceeds will benefit the Raiders’ football program. Registration is at 7:30 a.m., followed by a shotgun start with a scramble format at 8 a.m. A lunch and awards ceremony will follow the golfing along with raffle prizes and silent auction items. For more information call the football team’s hotline at (813) 441-4197 or log onto its Web address at ······················································· Anyone who lives in Plant City knows about its rich railroad history. On Sat-

Bruce Rodwell, Citizen of the Year, and Jodi Smith, Chamber Ambassador of the Year. And of course the cover of FOCUS showing the 2009 Strawberry Queen.

44 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – APRIL 15, 2009

urday, March 21, the H.B. Plant Railroad Historical Society will hold a train show and swap meet from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the John R. Trinkle Center, Hillsborough Community College, 1206 N. Park Road. Admission is a $6 donation and children under 17 are free with a paid adult admission. Here is an opportunity to enjoy railroad memorabilia, participate in hourly prize drawings, purchase railroad related gifts, and view some terrific model trains. For show information, call Arthur Chappell at (863) 682-3439. ······················································· Also on March 21, and the 22nd, Keel and Curley Winery will hold a Food and Wine Festival. The winery is located at 5202 Thonotosassa Road. Call Amanda at (813) 752-9100 for details. ······················································· From March 22 – 28, UNICEF is conducting the Annual TAP PROJECT. Local Judy Glorioso is heading up this project. At press time, the following local restaurants have signed up to participate: Fred’s, The Whistle Stop, Carrabba’s, Joey’s Place, and Outback. Here is how it works. These restaurants will ask their patrons to donate $1 for the tap water they usually enjoy for free. All the funds raised will support UNICEF’s efforts to bring clean and accessible water to millions of children around the world. ······················································· Registration begins March 23 for the Recreation and Parks Department of the City of Plant City Planteen Summer Program. This program, which runs from June 8 to Aug. 14 is open to kids ages 6-15. Call Chris Washburn at (813) 659-4256 for additional information. ······················································· The First Baptist Church of Plant City will hold its third annual Great Egg Drop on March 28, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the church property located on Route 39 South, opposite Sparkman Road. Additional information can be obtained by calling Bill Bender at (813) 752-4104. Plant City Photo Archives, Inc. will present An Evening of Picture Perfect

Memorieson March 26, at the Red Rose Ballroom. This gala kicks off at 6:30 p.m. with a champagne reception along with elegant hors d’oeuvres. There will be entertainment. The Heritage Award Presentation will honor Gladys Jeffcoat. Make reservations by calling (813) 754-1578. ······················································· The Little Miss Plant City Pageant will take place at Plant City High School on March 28, starting at 6 p.m. Call Bobbie Ehrenfeld at (813) 967-2597 for further information. ······················································· Dinosaur World has a deal for all home-schooled children. There is a $5 group admission charge. This offer is available the entire month of April. ······················································· The Greater Plant City Chamber’s Bike Fest will take place Saturday, April 4., in downtown Plant City. It is a great family, fun event that starts at 5 p.m. ······················································· On Wednesday, April 8, the Greater Plant City Chamber will hold the monthly Contact Breakfast at the Red Rose Inn and Suites. The speaker is Scott McCampbell, with the ATF. Starts at 7:30 a.m. Please call the chamber office at (813) 754-3707 to reserve a place. ······················································· The Recreation and Parks Department will hold the 20th annual City Wide Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 11. The event takes place at Otis Andrews Sports Complex, 2602 E. Cherry St. The fun gets underway at 10 a.m. This is open to the following age groups: 3 – 4, 5 – 6, 7 – 8, and 9 – 10. Event tickets are $1 to each kids station. Additional information can be obtained by calling (813) 659-4255. ······················································· Dates to remember: Children’s Class Golf Tournament – April 17. American Cancer Society Relay for Life – April 17. Rainbow Ball – April 18. Call the chamber office at (813) 7543707 for additional information and contacts on these events.

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local history

did you know

Willard Dean McGinnes Sr. received the award for Excellence in Citizenship on March 4, 1964. Photo courtesy of the Plant City Photo Archives.

A fire broke out at McGinnes Lumber in 1966. Photo courtesy of the Plant City Photo Archives.

10 YEARS HAVE PASSED SINCE McGINNES LUMBER WAS SOLD S t o ry by P l a n t C i t y P h o to A r c h i v e s

The McGinnes Lumber Company was a major industry in Plant City for nearly 65 years, dominating a portion of the neighborhood along South Collins Street, just south of the central business district of this quiet Southern town. For most of those years, the driving force behind this lumber and building supply business was Willard Dean McGinnes Sr. Born in 1910 in Ocala, Fla. to D.U. McGinnes and Hallie Bourne McGinnes, Willard Dean McGinnes Sr. was raised in Lakeland. He graduated from Lakeland High School in 1928 and attended the University of Florida until 1931, at which time he returned to Lakeland to work with his father, who had just established the McGinnes Lumber & Supply Company. Willard Dean McGinnes Sr. was an adroit athlete and was a standout on the Lakeland High School tennis team, and later on the University of Florida tennis team. In 1931, he won the Masters Tennis Tournament in St. Petersburg and continued to play for many years after. Helen Sanders had been a friend to Willard for many years – a school

mate in elementary and high school – and they were married in 1935. Around 1935, D.U. McGinnes purchased the Glover Lumber Company in Plant City from Annie Lou Glover. The new company was operated as a branch of the McGinnes Lumber and Supply Company and Willard McGinnes Sr. served as the manager. He and Helen moved to Plant City in 1936. Once established in Plant City, Willard became active in civic and community affairs and would remain active until his death, in 2006. He was active in the East Hillsborough Chamber of Commerce and served as president and board member, and as president and director of the Plant City Kiwanis Club. He was also active in church affairs, as was his wife and family for years after. In 1947 the Plant City branch of the McGinnes Lumber and Supply Company became incorporated as the McGinnes Lumber Company at Plant City, with Willard McGinnes Sr. as president. That same year Willard Dean McGinnes, Jr. was born. Known as “Dub”, Willard Dean McGinnes, Jr., was later to join the

48 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – APRIL 15, 2009

business with his father. With the business flourishing, Willard Sr. was asked to serve as a director of the Hillsboro State Bank in 1953. He was also influential in the founding of the hospital and, in 1954, he became chairman of the board of South Florida Baptist Hospital, and remained chairman until 1966; he served on the board until his death. In 1954, Willard McGinnes Sr. flew to Washington to promote the establishment of a savings and loan in Plant City in order to facilitate home ownership. He helped establish the First Federal Savings and Loan Association in Plant City, serving as the first chairman of the board and continuing on the board of directors until his death. The financial institution is now known as Sunshine State Federal Savings and Loan. The Chamber of Commerce and the City of Plant City formed a joint industrial expansion committee in 1955 and Willard Dean McGinnes Sr. served on that committee. Through the efforts of this committee, the Hillsborough Aviation Authority released some of its property around the Plant City airport, and the 300acre industrial park was established. Although he was known as a man of few words, Willard Dean McGinnes Sr. was an effective civic activist, promoting his lumber and building supplies business along with the interests of the City of Plant City. He was also technologically progressive and, in 1957, began to promote packaged homes. These homes were constructed in segments, shipped to the home-site, and assembled there.

They were very popular for a time, as bargains in a time when housing was booming. McGinnes Lumber was known for its family atmosphere and friendly and helpful staff – willing to assist in minor repair projects and major additions. They also participated in the growing Florida Strawberry Festival, and McGinnes trucks pulled many a float through the city streets in Christmas, Festival, or rodeo parades. In 1962, Willard helped organize the United Fund drive in Plant City and became its first president. In 1964, the combined civic clubs of Plant City selected Willard Dean McGinnes Sr. as Citizen of the Year for his “excellence in citizenship”. Despite a horrible fire in 1966, McGinnes came back, rebuilt, and his business continued to flourish. After graduation from the University of Florida in 1970, Willard Dean McGinnes, Jr., “Dub”, returned to Plant City and joined the firm with his father, becoming vice president. The business had the best of both worlds: it offered a wide selection of quality materials as well as the latest in building technology, and it offered personalized service with a family atmosphere. Since its inception, McGinnes offered the highest quality materials and fair and competitive prices. McGinnes Lumber was sold in 1999 to Carolina Holdings, Inc., operating under the business name of Stock Lumber Supply. Willard Dean McGinnes passed away in November 2006 at the age of 95.

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WE HATE OUR TRAINER. BUT WE LOVE THE RESULTS! Many Americans have the desire to get in shape, but the idea of joining a gym and disciplining themselves to go frequently prevents them from moving forward. Mike realizes people need convenience and accountability if they are going to live a healthy lifestyle. After 17 years experience in fitness clubs and personal training, Mike decided to start a different style of personal training, which has proven to be successful for many people in Plant City. Elite Home Fitness is a unique style of personal training where the trainer brings the workout to you at home. The program is completely personalized and designed to fit around your schedule. No matter how early or late, you can arrange to have a fitness program brought to your doorstep. Some appointments are as early as 5 a.m., others as late as 9 p.m. The wonderful thing about having a personal trainer come to your house is that you know you cannot make up excuses for not going to work out. If you have a set appointment for someone to come to your home, you will most likely be ready and accountable. When you decide to use Elite Home Fitness, the first thing you will notice is Mike is not just your personal trainer; he becomes a friend. The added benefits of having a fun and up-beat personality as your trainer make the work out less dreadful. Mike will push you to your limit and help you get the results you are looking for. “I can help people get into the best shape of their lives,” said Mike. However, to truly make a strong difference in your life, the changes cannot be solely physical. Although working out is a necessity, Mike also encourages his clients to keep a nutrition diary. He provides his clients with nutrition counseling so they can eat healthy, feel confident and look great. “I’ve helped people lose 60+ pounds,” said Mike. Mike can train all ages, shapes and sizes. You will certainly experience results with the one-on-one personal attention he can provide. Couples-training is also available where Mike can train both husband and wife at the same time so they can get in shape together. In today’s world, everyone is short on time and heavily burdened with stress. This is a great way to relieve stress, gain energy and lose weight without inconveniencing your schedule. The workout usually lasts between 45-60 minutes. Each workout is designed personally for each client, including cardio, toning, strength training and stretching. “The reason I do fitness is because it is a gratifying business,” said Mike, “I get to help change people’s lives for the better and help them to enjoy life more. It makes you feel good when you help others feel good.” If you have been procrastinating on getting in shape, you are really running out of excuses now. It’s time to make a change in your life and have fun doing it!

Call Elite Home Fitness today at 813-786-1541.

Community Services Sponsored by the local churches of Plant City

Community Good Friday Service April 10th - 12 noon First United Methodist Church 303 N. Evers St. (Rev. Ron Churchill preaching, special music by Plant City Community Choir and area local church music directors and musicians)

Community Easter Sunrise Service 7:oo am Lakeside Park at Walden Lake

(Rev. Don Mason & Rev. Earl Smith officiating)

Pssssst! I’ve been trying to get your attention. We need to talk. Meet me at my house 10:30 a.m. this Sunday. — God Trinity United Methodist Church, 402 W. English Street, Plant City 1 block west of Wheeler St., south of I-4 (813) 752-9316

50 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – APRIL 15, 2009

March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 51

303 N. Evers St; Plant City, FL

First United Methodist Church of Plant City

Invites you to our Lenten/Easter Services

St. Clement Catholic Church invites you to

Walk with Jesus to Easter Sunday Parish Mission – March 28 through April 1 Fr. Roderic Petrie, OFM and Fr. Martin Bednar, OFM

Holy Thursday, April 9

Thursday, April 9th

“The Living Last Supper” based on the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci. This presentation will be in the Sanctuary starting at 7 P.M. Jesus’ twelve Disciples appear, one at a time, introduce themselves and describe how their lives were changed after meeting and being with Him. It all culminates on the night of Jesus’ last supper with them before He was betrayed. This is a powerful performance, one that you, your family, and friends will not want to miss.

Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7pm – This bilingual liturgy will lead into adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until Midnight in the Chapel.

Good Friday, April 10

Commemoration of our Lord’s Passion 3 pm – English • 7 pm – Spanish

Holy Saturday, April 11

Blessing of Easter food & baskets – 11:30 am Easter Vigil 8:30 pm – Bilingual and lasts approximately 3 hours

Easter Sunday, April 12

Sunrise Mass – 6:30 am English. Bring lawn chair and gather in front of Education Center. Mass will be moved to church in case of inclement weather. 8:15 am - Spanish • 10:30 am – English • 7 pm - Spanish

St. Clement iS loCated at 1104 n. alexander St. (off i-4, exit 21 South) Plant City, Fl. 33563 • (813) 752-8251 •



Special Drama & Musical Presentations on: Palm Sunday, April 5th at 9am & 11am Easter Sunday, April 12th at 9am & 11am Last Supper Drama & Communion Thurs. April 9th at 7 pm Community Good Friday Service Fri. April 10th at noon Complimentary Hot Breakfast on Easter Sunday at 8:15 am & 10 am Lenten Sermon Series on John 3:16

For more information call: 813-754-3519 or Visit:

Sunday, March 1st—1st Sunday in Lent. Pastor Earl starts a sermon series on John 3:16. Sunday, April 5th—Palm Sunday A dramatic presentation of the last week of Jesus’ life as told by the disciple, Peter This will include special choral and praise music. Friday, April 10th—Good Friday Community service 12:00 noon—Wesley Centre Music groups from many churches will lead our worship. It will also include some dramatic storytelling and the preaching of Rev. Ron Churchhill Sunday, April 12th—Easter—Sunrise Service at Walden Lake - time 7:00 a.m. No 8:00 am service Easter Breakfast will be served from 8:15 – 9:00 and again from 10:00 – 10:45 a.m. Two worship services that day at 9:00 and 11:00. It will include the second half of Peter’s dramatic monologue concerning the Resurrection Story. Special choral and praise music will highlight the day!

52 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – APRIL 15, 2009

Cafe 813.747.3032 •

A powerful presentation of the Passion of Christ in the Worship Center located at 503 North Palmer Street in downtown Plant City.

For more information call 752-4104. Tickets available for April 11th and 12th!

Saturday & Sunday,

April 11 & 12 7:00 and 6:30 P.M.

Presented by Choirs, Orchestra and Drama Team of First Baptist Church Plant City, FL

s e t r y u E o C e d h n t a n h e Throug of the Que The Strawberry Festival queen and court have a busy schedule during the festival. All day long it seems as if they are all over the place, making appearances at concerts, contests, and any other type of entertaining venue. The ladies took several photos while they were there, and they shared some of their experiences. moment in g in n w o r c ne. cted our ueen thro Q y r r We reena e b w le’s Stra Parkesda

Making pillowc ases for a Lakeland ch fun. Even th ildren’s home ough none of was us had ever they turned sewn before out great. ,

Morgan Feaster signs an autograph for a little girl, maybe in hopes that she will someday make the court herself. 54 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – APRIL 15, 2009

We enjoyed being inside a fun house on what we called the “hamster wheel.”

We spent some time with news anchor Kelly Ring before the Taylor Swift concert.

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Sweet & Seedless Valencia Oranges - 1.39 per bag



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e! k a tc or sh t es h es fr e h t r fo te la It ’s not too E

Everything is coming up Berries..... Cookies & Bread 3.98

Mrs. Ro y Pa

NewStrawberryYBouu’ltltLeovre It! 813-752-0502 • 3702 W. Baker Street

rk e

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Byrd & Barnhill, P.L. AttorneyS At LAW


206 n. Collins St.· In Historic Downtown Plant City

Johnnie B. Byrd, Jr.

David H. Barnhill The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based upon advertisements. Before choosing a lawyer ask for written information about the lawyer’s legal qualifications and experience.

March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 57

• Food Plot Mix • Attractants • Feeders • and much more!

Harold’s Feed & Pet Supply

Open: M-F: 8 to 6 pm Sat: 8-5 pm Closed Sunday

Full Line of Feeds 813-689-1570

Corner of Martin L. King Blvd. & McIntosh Rd. Dover, FL 33527

We’re More Than Just A Feed Store! SPRING SALE

While Supplies Last Good Through April 30, 2009

Nothin’ But the Best!

Building Plant City with good, old hard work The Outstanding Citizen of the Year Award, which is considered by some people to be the most distinguished award in Plant City, has alumni who continue to forge the city ahead.

March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant City • 59

By Tracy Cox Plant City is not only the Winter Strawberry Capital of the World, but it is also now a destination for business and industry and, yes, for families who still long for a different kind of place to raise their children and to live a slower pace in life. Who helped bring about all of this growth and change that placed Plant City right square in the middle of the I-4 corridor between Tampa and Orlando? I can not think of a better answer than to look to the hard work and dedication of the recipients of the annual Outstanding Plant City Citizen of the Year award.

After a career spanning almost 50 years in the produce business, the 72-year-old retiree is best known for his tireless civic activism on behalf of the Greater Plant City Chamber of Commerce, service on more than a dozen boards, ranging from the United Food Bank and Services of Plant City to the South Florida Baptist Hospital Foundation, and as a volunteer for the Florida Strawberry Festival and Boy Scouts of America. He is also an active member in the Plant City Toastmasters Club and the Plant City Elks Club.

Bruce Rodwell, a civic activist and community volunteer, has the distinction of being named the 2009 Plant City Citizen of the Year, the 50th honoree in a long line of men and women who have contributed, through their leadership and heart-felt desire, to the goal that Plant City could be whomever she wanted to be with the right direction and a can-do attitude.

Ours was a small town and anyone that calls themselves a multi-generation Plant Citian surely has stood on the small concrete step at the window of the little square building on the corner of Mobley and Reynolds streets to breathe in the cool, clean, vanilla aroma of our favorite ice cream shop, the Dairy Queen, to order an ice cream cone dipped in chocolate. If you had a craving for pizza, then you went downtown to Gino’s Pizza Shop to order and pick it up, not pick up the telephone and order home delivery from Pizza Hut, Papa John’s, Hungry Howie’s, or Domino’s. I do not ever remember having the culinary experience of eating Chinese food or even knowing what a taco was until I was in the sixth grade in the late 1960s, after integration, at Lincoln Elementary School where I

A common denominator, however, with the previous Citizens of the Year, is his hard work and dedication to our community and to the welfare of others during the 12 years he has been here that makes it seem like he has always been a part of whom we are and a face of Plant City.

“I want to stay involved and see things prosper. One of my real passions is the food bank. People do not realize how tremendous the need is. People are coming in that have never come before due to the economy,” said Rodwell as he expressed his concern for those who are reeling from loosing their jobs.

“I am very humbled and honored to have been chosen as the Citizen of the Year. When I look down through the list of the past recipients, I see the people I have looked up to

themselves to whom we have become. I grew up during what is remembered by many as a simpler time in our then small town, even though America was in an upheaval and at unrest due to the war protesters, the free love ideology of the hippie movement, and the struggle for civil rights for all.

tory of the Plant City Citizen of the Year award is his relatively short time as a citizen of Plant City. A graduate of Kingsborough College with a degree in food marketing, he relocated to Plant City in 1996 from Pennsylvania to establish and manage a strawberry marketing facility until his retirement in 2001. He and his wife, Margaret, have six children and 13 grandchildren.

since I have been here, and I feel very privileged to be the 50th recipient,” said Rodwell.

I can’t help but remember Plant City as it once was when I was a little girl growing up in the 1960s, especially when I drive – or more like bounce – over the old brick street where the once stately homes lined North Collins Street. I can’t help but think about the changes I have witnessed as each year passed with another Citizen of the Year added to the list of men and women who have given so much of

One distinction that sets Rodwell, who is originally from Oakfield, N.Y., apart from previous awardees in the his-

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Recipients of the Outstanding Citizen of the Year Award

Names You Know force who worked primarily in agriculture or phosphate production. We watched old Mud Lake, surrounded by cow pastures and oak hammocks, become beautiful and serene Walden Lake, with a community of homes and a country club surrounding it. Wal-Mart came and changed the face of our shopping district. Now, depending on your mood, you can choose to dine on more than the fare of our hometown diners or the fast food outlets: We have Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, Cuban, Mexican, Italian, Mediterranean, Southwestern, and American – upscale or low brow.

was exposed to city kids who knew more about these exotic cultures than this country kid from Springhead. As a young teenager, I did not believe my hometown, which at times seemed to have only one stoplight, would ever grow and have really great places to eat like the folks did in Lakeland – they were lucky because they had a McDonald’s. Remember, it was a simpler time, no fast food unless you count my dad whipping the family station wagon into one of the parking spaces at the Whataburger Drive-In on Collins Street where we ate burgers and fries from a serving tray hanging on the car window. In the late 1970s, I was a junior at Plant City High School before we had our first home of the Big Mac and “would you like some fries with that?”

Martin Sadye Gibbs Martin won the award in 1997. Photo courtesy of Plant City Photo Archives

Trinkle Robert S. Trinkle won the award in 1966. Photo courtesy of Plant City Photo Archives

Time did not stand still and progress was not stopped in Plant City because of the men and women who moved us forward, and for the past 50 years, the most outstanding of them has been chosen for distinction above all others.

Yet, my little home town grew into a city with its own version of hustle and bustle, not on the grand scale of the larger cities to the west of us, Tampa, or to the east of us, Orlando, but nonetheless on a larger note than we had ever known before. Industries and manufacturers vied for a labor

Bailey David E. Bailey, Jr. won the award in 1978. Photo courtesy of Plant City Photo Archives

The Outstanding Plant City Citizen of the Year Award, which is referred to in the book “Plant City: Its Origins and History,” by Quintilla Geer Bruton and David E. Bailey, as possibly the most prestigious to receive, was established and first sponsored in 1960 by


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James L. Redman won the award in 1976. Photo courtesy of Plant City Photo Archives

March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 61

D. Bruton, Jr.; Dr. A. R. Larrick, retired Presbyterian minister; and W. A. Smith, president of W.P.L.A. Broadcasting Co. In subsequent years, the award became a combined effort of Plant City’s civic organizations and is now sponsored by the Kiwanis Club. The requirements for selection have been updated to recognize a nominee based on his or her local community contributions above and beyond the function of the nominee’s job, not to be seeking political office and to have given of him or herself freely over many years and asked for nothing in return.

Bruce Rodwell holds his Outstanding Citizen of the Year Award for a crowd of people who wanted a photo of him and his award. Photo by Aaron Oberlin

the First National Bank. The nominating and selection committee, known as the judges’ panel, was chosen from among Plant City’s prominent citizens to choose the most outstanding of their peers. The criteria set by First National Bank was that the recipient was chosen on the basis of his contribution to the growth of the community, his public service toward the section’s welfare, and his extraordinary service, which was performed without remuneration. The award, a hand-lettered scroll, was to be given during a luncheon of the city’s combined civic clubs at the Hotel Plant during the Strawberry

Festival. The scroll read: “The First National Bank in Plant City, Florida, hereby awards this certificate for excellence in citizenship because he rendered to Plant City and its environs the most outstanding civic service and for having forgotten self and evidenced his affection to Plant City by his unselfish devotion to the city and community.” The first committee of prominent citizens included E. L. House, Jr., president of the East Hillsborough Chamber of Commerce; D. A. Storms, Sr., head of the Presidents’ Roundtable; Clay C. Codrington, editor and publisher of the Plant City Courier; Attorney James

62 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – APRIL 15, 2009

A representative of each of the following civic organizations comprises the judges’ panel: American Business Women’s Association, Civitan Club, Daybreak Rotary Club, Greater Plant City Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis Club, Lions Club, Optimist Club, Pilot Club, and Rotary Club. Over the past 50 years, the one selection requirement that has remained the same is that the recipient must be a citizen of Plant City who has performed or taken a leading part in either one or a number of important public services, entirely unselfishly and without compensation. Eligibility is not limited to one year’s service but may embrace continued civic service for a period of years. As would be expected, the professions of past Citizen of the Year honorees include politicians, attorneys, bankers, business owners, physicians, clergy, educators, and community activists. Honorees have resided in Plant City either from birth or have lived here

for several decades, until this year. “When I think of the way Plant City has grown since we came here – the population was about 25,000 and is now approximately 35,000 going on 36,000 – I think of the wonderful, wonderful place that it is and that the people are special,” said Rodwell. With the march of time, as new names are added to the list of honored men and women, we only have to look around our city, the once small railroad town, to see the signs of progress as we are ushered into the future. Names of our roadways, municipal buildings, and parks ring familiar and were chosen in honor of the hard work, diligence, and tenacity demonstrated by their namesakes: James L. Redman Parkway, Paul S. Buchman Highway, Arthur Boring Building, Bruton Memorial Library, Nettie Berry Draughon Municipal Building, Sadye Gibbs Martin Auditorium, Michael S. Sparkman Police Center, John R. Trinkle Center, and Otis M. Andrews Sports Complex. New names in time will become synonymous with the continued march forward for the City of Plant City and its citizens, perhaps on a new roadway bringing another visionary. “We need to concentrate on the economic development to bring businesses and industry to attract high-wage jobs. I would like to see good progress in Plant City. It has a lot to offer,” said Rodwell as he thought about the future he would like to see for mine and his hometown.

SOMETHING WORTH SHARING We’re proud of the news coverage we’ve received, and we hope to build upon these accomplishments. We know that our success is your success. Thank you. FORTUNE Magazine, Jan. 26, 2009 For the 10th year, Edward Jones was named one of the “100 Best Companies to Work For” in America by FORTUNE magazine in its annual listing. The firm ranked No. 2 overall and No. 1 on the magazine’s Best Large-sized Company list. These 10 FORTUNE rankings include top 10 finishes for seven years and consecutive No. 1 rankings in 2002 and 2003. SmartMoney, June 2008 Edward Jones was named the No. 2 full-service brokerage firm in the June edition of SmartMoney magazine. The firm placed ahead of six other firms and received high marks in the four categories surveyed by the magazine: stock picking, customer satisfaction, trust and customer statements. Edward Jones, which ranked No. 1 in 2007 and 2005, received five out of five stars in client statements and customer satisfaction. BusinessWeek, March 3, 2008 Edward Jones was the highest-ranking brokerage firm on BusinessWeek magazine’s second ranking of “Customer Service Champs.” The firm ranked No. 8 among 25 national and international companies that are the “best providers of customer service” based on techniques, strategies and tools used to deliver great service, according to the magazine.

For all your service needs, call on Stephen W Shouse, Financial Advisor, AAMS • 1514 S Alexander Street • Suite 206 Plant City, FL 33563 • 813-752-9400 Michael Cameron, Financial Advisor • 2501 Thonotosassa Rd Plant City, FL 33563 • 813-759-1491 Tim Shuff, Financial Advisor, AAMS • 104 N Evers St Suite 102 Plant City, FL 33563 • 813-752-1071 Jeff Dove, Financial Advisor • 1904 James Redman Pkwy Plant City, FL 33563 • 813-754-6983 March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 63


Extreme Supreme and Motown sounds will grace the stage in the Red Rose Ballroom. Come dine and dance the night away to some of the best songs in music history! P.J. Leary and the Las Vegas Sounds before and after the show. Dinner will be served in a Supper Club atmosphere in the Red Rose Ballroom.

MAR. 28, 2009 RALPH ALLOCCO & SECOND WIND In the Red Rose Dining Room


The Kings of Retro Swinging Blues! Their sound is authentic, gritty, down & dirty, roadhouse music - boisterous, enthusiastic, and raucous - serious purveyors of retro cool!


The Marvelettes gave Motown its first certified number one hit with “Please, Mr. Postman” which set into motion the Motown sound worldwide. Ralph Allocco and Second Wind before and after the show in the Red Rose Dining Room.


8:00 pm - Three hour Las Vegas style show! Adult Contemporary music including show tunes - In the Red Rose Dining Room.


“DooWop At its Best” with P.J. Leary and the Las Vegas Sounds before and after the show.


Bring the family to dine and celebrate Easter in the Red Rose Ballroom.

APR. 17, 2009 RALPH ALLOCCO & SECOND WIND 8:00 pm - Three hour Las Vegas style show! Adult Contemporary music including show tunes In the Red Rose Dining Room.



64 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009

PJ Leary and the Las Vegas Sounds before and after the show with special guests “Cover to Cover.”

APR. 24, 2009 CHARLIE VEGAS AND THE NEW BLUES COMBO The Kings of Retro Swinging Blues!


Featuring Carl Gardner’s Original Coasters plus P. J. Leary & the Las Vegas Sounds. Also featuring special guest Vondal Moore before and after the show in a Supper Club Atmosphere in the Red Rose Ballroom.


8:00 pm - Three hour Las Vegas style show! Adult Contemporary music including show tunes In the Red Rose Dining Room.


The Red Rose house band! This three piece group that plays everything from soothing dinner music to rockin’ dance numbers.


In the Red Rose Dining Room.


Ron McPhatter “The Legacy of Clyde McPhatter & The Original Drifters” P.J. Leary and The Las Vegas Sounds before and after the show.


In the Red Rose Dining Room.



PJ Leary & the Las Vegas Sounds w/special guest Ken Brady of The Original Casinos (“Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye”)



In the Red Rose Dining Room.


Signature group of The Red Rose Dining Room. Performing popular tunes for your enjoyment. The group performs EVERY SATURDAY, unless other shows are booked.

“DooWop At its Best” with P.J. Leary and the Las Vegas Sounds before and after the show.




8:00 pm - Three hour Las Vegas style show! Adult Contemporary music including show tunes - In the Red Rose Dining Room.

SPECIAL ROOM RATES! Enjoy one of the shows and then stay the night in one of our Signature Polo Club Rooms for a special price. Late check out is included! Join us for our Champagne Sunday Brunch.

Put on your dancing shoes as the House Band of the Red Rose Dining Room performs EVERY THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.


FREE TIME JAZZ This relaxing Jazz band performs EVERY TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY EVENINGS (6 p.m.-11 p.m.) during and after our SEAFOOD AND





March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 65

Maximizing the marketplace for strawberries Interview by Aaron Oberlin

In the last year, the Florida Strawberry Growers Association appointed a new man to the helm: Ted Campbell. Campbell, who seems to be a straight-forward businessman, is excited to lead FSGA in a direction that will ultimately stimulate the strawberry sector. He spoke with FOCUS about some of the goals he and FSGA have, and he even shared a little about his recent experience at Florida Strawberry Festival. FOCUS: “You became the executive director for FSGA on Aug. 1, 2008. Were you involved with FSGA at all before then?” TC: “No. I wasn’t even involved in growing before that. I have been in the retail, supermarket business for most of my life, and then spent eight years in nursery production growing orchids before I came here.”


Ted Campbell shows the place where the Festival strawberry was bred. It is in a green house at the FSGA. Some farmers say the berry is the best ever cultivated.

66 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009

FOCUS: “So then how did you get here?” TC: “FSGA was advertising for a new director and I had several friends who called me up and said I should give it a look. And based on my past in-

dustry knowledge of produce and my love of the produce industry, I came up here and we talked about the opportunity of me being the new director and I took the job. It is quite a different channel for me in terms of what I have done in the past because I have always been on the procurement side the business rather than the production side. This is a new experience.” FOCUS: “So why do you think FSGA picked you, forgive the pun?” TC: “I wasn’t on the selection committee. It is pretty hard to say. Probably because of the marketing aspect of things. We, as an organization, have spent a lot of time in some really worthy areas in terms of research and growers’ issues, and we have spent less time toward selling and what the

marketplace requires to move the crop. We look at expanding acreage every year, along with production, and a shrinking selling period. “As the California crop begins later in the season, it hurts our start, and they begin early n the spring, so that contracts our selling window even more. So I think the association is interested in how we can better market our crop, sell more, and create more of a demand for the Florida crop.” FOCUS: “There are several people who have heard of the FSGA. They don’t, however, really know what it does. Will you shed some light on the association?”

TC: “The FSGA does a lot of things. We actually have three companies. First is the growers association, which is a spokesperson for the industry, for the growers, and handles all the legislative issues, regulatory affairs, and generic marketing. The second piece of the puzzle is the patent service, where we do all the licensing of the patented Florida varieties and handle royalties that come from the patented plants, all in conjunction with the University of Florida, which does all the actual breeding and research work. Then we have a third organization called the Florida Strawberry Research and Education Foundation. The foundation is another nonprofit branch that takes all


Ted Campbell takes a look at his map that shows the locations of the different kinds of agricultural land uses in Hillsborough County.

“Agriculture is incredibly dominant in Florida. It is a tremendous amount of business here. We are glad to see it growing. In today’s economy, a growing industry is a real star. American agriculture right now is a shining example of new growth.” – Ted Campbell March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 67

the revenue brought in and reinvests that into scholarships for the children, along with the research and development that goes into the industry. So you have one organization that makes all the revenue and you have one company spend all the revenue. It is one big circle to keep the money going and keep the industry growing.” FOCUS: “What is the value of the agricultural industry to the country?” TC: “Total produce is huge, and right now agriculture is No. 2 in the state of Florida to tourism. I think you’re seeing a lag in tourism right now, and ag in Florida just recorded a 25 percent gain in the last year. So the gap is closing quickly. Strawberries right now are a $350 million crop. They are the largest farm-gate value crop in Hillsborough County by far, 40 percent of the county’s income in ag. So when you relate that to the total market impact, it is huge. We all depend on it…


When examining strawberries Campbell looks for many qualities including color and shape.

“Agriculture is incredibly dominant in Florida. It is a tremendous amount of business here. We are glad to see it growing. In today’s economy, a growing industry is a real star. American agriculture right now is a shining example of new growth.” FOCUS: “So I understand you just had your first experience with Florida Strawberry Festival. How was that?” TC: “The festival was amazing. It was my first experience. When I got there, there was this huge poster on the wall of an aerial display of the festival in full swing with a huge crowd. I was so awestruck when I saw that picture and imaging 800,000 to 1 million people attending the festival, and what that means. The festival really helps us promote our product in a nice way. We have a tractor there to show people how we sow the lands, and we even have farmers there to answers questions for people. The festival is great for the strawberry industry.”


Ted Campbell examines some of the strawberries at the Florida Strawberry Growers Association office in Dover.

68 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009


Did you know you can still sell your home even though you are “underwater” in it? There are several options available to sellers who owe more than what the home is currently worth. Contact for more details!

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March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 69

business & finance Business Profile

Tellers Leticia Rios and Carol West work diligently at their stations at Sunshine State Federal Savings and Loan. Photo by Aaron Oberlin

Sunshine State Federal Savings and Loan Making saving easy. S t o ry by E l i z a b e t h E d wa r d s

In the economic struggle our great nation is facing, people have less opportunity to enjoy leisure activities, while they strive to save all the money they can in hopes of another prosperous year – or in many cases, just another year with a job. Citizens must remember the organizations that are there to provide support for dwindling wallets and help out through these hard times. One such company that still holds hometown

values near and dear, while looking out for the everyday neighbor, is Sunshine State Federal Savings. The Sunshine State Federal Savings has held a home in the Bay area since 1954. The organization offers a variety of personal services, including personal checking accounts, Internet banking, safe deposit boxes, CDs, passbook savings accounts, retirement plans and Visa check cards. Additionally, the organization offers

Sunshine State Federal Savings is located at 102 W. Baker St. A second branch is at 2400 Jim Redman Pkwy. Photo by Aaron Oberlin

70 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009

unique business services, such as commercial checking, money market, remote deposit and small business checking. Its Web site also provides annual percentage yields and interest rates on loans and deposits, which are updated weekly. With the wide amount of options available to the consumer, this is without a doubt an institution that cares. Another great benefit of Sunshine State is the loans that they offer. In today’s market, loans are a precious commodity to receive. Thankfully, loans are a major part of the organization and with the amount they have to choose from, it’s easy to see why. With a variety of loan selections including mortgage, consumer, commercial, home improvement, and business loans, Sunshine State Federal Savings ensures they can accommodate all different types of lifestyles. The organization also has a staff of experts ready to assist their customers with advice to help meet their financial needs. While some may feel that our negative economic situation can hinder even the most upstanding citizen from getting the financial help that they deserve, Sunshine State Federal Savings is out to prove them wrong and work with their customers to achieve any goal they may

have from an extravagant cruise for a deserving husband to a child’s college education. The people at Sunshine State pride themselves in the company’s involvement with the community. Many of the employees are involved in a variety of different activities in the community and are members of multiple civic clubs. Sunshine State Federal Savings supports multiple organizations throughout the community including South Florida Baptist Hospital, the YMCA, the Greater Plant City Chamber of Commerce, Child Abuse Council, Plant City Photo Archives, Hillsborough Community College, United Food Bank and the Pregnancy Care Center to name a few. With such prominent presence in the community, Sunshine State is one corporate identity that proves their actions speak louder than words. Sunshine State Federal Savings has locations in Plant City, Walden Woods, Riverview, Zephyrhills and Brandon. For more information on this business, please visit their Web site at www.sunshinestatefederal. com or call the Plant City location at (813) 752-6193 for a customer service representative. The Plant City office is open from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. Friday. Drive-up hours are from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Sunshine State Federal Savings and Loan www.sunshinestatefederal. com 102 W. Baker St. (813) 752-6193 2400 Jim Redman Pkwy. (813) 754-1844 Hours 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., on Friday. Drive-up hours 8 a.m. – 6 p.m., Monday through Friday.



9:50:03 AM




Insertion Date: 3/15/09 Client: Keiser-Shared-Bach Job Number: 231-9031-FM-PYP-mstrs-4x4 Product/Pub: Focus Magazine Size: 4.375 x 4.785 Production: MF Work Date: 2/13






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CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Guy Markley Dr. Robyn Markley Judy Markley A.P.

Insertion Date: Client: Job Number: Product/Pub: Size: Production:

Prove Your Potential with a

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March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 71

business & finance


hoW to inveSt during a receSSion

813.717.7700 1505 South Alexander Street Suite 102

Hair a mess after the Fest?

Mistie Snell can make you look your best!

$10 OFF for first time clients with Mistie exp 4.15.09

72 • FOCUS Magazine plant City • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009

We are now finishing the 16th month of the recession, which began in December 2007, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research. Not only is this a long recession, but it’s also a severe one, marked by painfully high levels of job losses, a sharply reduced credit flow and a drop in the value of many investments. Still, despite all the bad news, there are valid reasons to believe that brighter days lie ahead. But you don’t have to wait for things to turn around before taking steps to help your own financial future. Here are some actions to consider: – Don’t cut back on your 401(k). During difficult economic times, it’s hard for many people to assume their jobs are safe. But if you are fairly confident your employment situation is secure, continue investing in your 401(k) or other employer-sponsored retirement plan. The tax advantages of these types of plans — not to mention the employer’s match, if one is offered— make them ideal savings vehicles for retirement. Of course, your plan probably has taken a hit over the past year, but that’s the case for many investments. If you’ve chosen a good mix of investments, your plan should recover at some point. – Diversify, diversify, diversify. Generally speaking, it’s not a good idea to tie up more than 5 percent of your portfolio in a single investment. Spread your investment dollars among a wide range of stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit and other securities. For a rough idea on how well you’ve diversified, ask yourself: “If the value of a few of my stocks and bonds declined and didn’t recover, would it be extremely painful for me financially?” If the answer is “yes,” you probably need

more diversification. Of course, diversification by itself cannot guarantee a profit or protect against loss, but it can give you more chances for success and reduce the effects of volatility on your portfolio. – Think long term. Your investments may have lost 30 percent to 40 percent of their value from October 2007 to the present — which may seem like a long time. Yet quality investments often need much longer periods to show significant growth. So while it can be painful to endure short-term losses, you need to develop the discipline to hold your investments for many years. – Don’t reach for high yields. When the stock market is down, many investors turn to bonds that offer high yields, reasoning that bonds are always safer than stocks. Don’t be fooled into this line of thinking; high-yield bonds mean high-risk bonds. If the issuer defaults, you could lose your principal. Stick with investment-grade bonds. – Look for opportunities. Instead of avoiding the financial markets, look for good investment opportunities. Because investment prices have fallen so much, your dollars can now buy more shares. Historically, buying shares at lower prices has often led to higher returns over the long term. If you’re receiving dividends, now is an especially good time to reinvest them. – You probably can’t avoid all the negative effects of the recession. But by following the above suggestions, you can help avoid getting thrown off track on your journey toward your financial goals.


send questions and comments to

Call Today about Allstate’s Safe Driver Discount Ralph L. Feola, CLU, ChFC, LUTCF 1003 S. Collins Street Plant City


Discount and insurance offered only with select companies and subject to availability and qualifications. Discount amount may be lower and applies to most major coverages.Allstate Insurance Company and Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. © 2007 Allstate Insurance Company.

March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 73

business & finance


Ways to reduce premiums for automobile insurance s u b m i tt e d by C ou r t n e y Pa at

March Mower Madness Please join First Baptist Church Durant for the first annual Durant Lawnmower Race, parade and fish fry. Event is free so bring out your whole family. There will be events for the young and young at heart.

Saturday, March 21 11am- 4 pm

We will be serving fried fish, grits, beans, cole slaw and refreshments (sorry, no take home plates) You must have a drivers license to be in the riding lawnmower race

Decorate your push mower and enter it into the push mower parade Bring your lawn chairs or blankets

at it If you think your mower has got wh ing begin takes, bring it out and let the rac


First Baptist Church Durant

7725 S. Turkey Creek Rd, Durant FL 33567 For registration forms and rules call 813-737-2556 or email 74 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009

If you’re like me, then you’re always looking for a smart way to save money. Sometimes, saving money can come in the most unlikely place – such as your insurance. There are several ways you may be able to cut your auto insurance costs. Higher deductibles can lower your premium as will selecting only the coverages you feel you need. Many insurance companies offer different discounts. Here are a few. When shopping for auto insurance, be sure to ask about the availability of these discounts and whether the insurer offers them: • New business discount: May offer you a discount as a new policyholder if you have been accident-free for a specific period of time. • Accident-free: Policyholders who have been accident-free while being insured with the same insurance company for several years may be eligible for reduced premiums. • Discounts for other insurance lines: Premiums may be reduced if you insure your home, life, or health with the same company that covers your car. • Multiple cars: Premiums may be reduced if there are two or more private passenger cars in the household insured by the same

company. • Air bag/passive restraint: Cars that are from 1993 or older and are equipped with air bags or automatic seat belts may receive this discount. Certain makes and models of newer vehicles may receive the Vehicle Safety Discount because of the lower medical payments associated with them. The Vehicle Safety Discount is for autos from 1994 or newer. Certain makes and models may have a decrease in their premiums because of lower medical payments associated with those specific makes/models. • Antitheft devices: Some insurance companies offer discounts on comprehensive coverage premiums when certain antitheft devices are installed or built into a vehicle. • Defensive driving course: Premium discounts sometimes are offered for the voluntary completion of specified driver improvement courses. • Good student: Full-time students (high school or higher level) maintaining at least a “B” average may qualify for reduced premiums with many companies. These are just a few of the common discounts offered by insurance companies. For more details contact your insurance company or agent. Above all, drive safely.



WA L 200 DEN L A 1 CL UBH KE CLU Pla B O ww nt City USE D w.w , FL R I V E: alde 3 nlak 3566 e gol TEL EPH m ONE 813 752 11 7 1

April 4 2009


1/3 of Proceeds will be split between Plant City Church of God Youth and Teen Challenge Tribute to Life Golf Tournament In loving memory:



HPN Youth camp foundation provides teenagers an opportunity to connect with God and learn to serve others during their summer breaks. As teens grow and work through learning to serve, they find purpose in life and the ultimate connection with Christ. TEEN CHALLENGE


For more information and updates on our causes go to the website:

4 Person Scramble to Raise Money for 3 Worthy Causes

Tourney T y Details SATURDAY APRIL 4TH

8:30AM Shotgun

Brooke McDonald

Nick Dandridge

1990 to 2008

1988 to 2008

The Teen Challenge Columbus Girls Academy is a 15-month Christian therapeutic boarding school For girls age 13-17 with life-controlling problems. The campus allows for students and families to experience peace and tranquility as they work through the process of restoring relationships. As the girls grow in faith and selfesteem, they are able to work through the problems that brought them into the program. 88WAYZ FOUNDATION

Registration and Donations Contact:

Mitch McDonald 813-244-2381

The causes benefiting from the tournament are in memory of Brooke and Nick. Our desire is for teenagers to be connected to help and hope through organizations such as these. Will you help?


Desmond Clark founded this program (born in Lakeland and graduated from Kathleen High School) out of a desire to see young people receive opportunities they would otherwise not be afforded. Clark provides services and mentoring programs aimed to lead youth to becoming productive citizens.

Special Guest: DESMOND CLARK (NFL, Chicago Bears) Giveaways, Silent Auction, & Lunch

Contacts: Jim Dandridge | 813-298-2252 | | Mitch McDonald |

business & finance


Tay l o r & a l l e n ’ s


New Location 702 S. Collins St. 813.759.4620 Tires • Wheels • Lifts • Lowering • Hitches • Bedliners • Toolboxes

76 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009


He humbly answers why he and his family, the owners of brook and poor surplus, are successful. Background: I was born and raised in Plant City, and I graduated from Plant City High School in 1985. I worked 10 years with Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union as a loan officer and left there to work for my parents here at Broke and Poor Surplus.

low tolerance for hate of any kind. I've learned that surrounding yourself with people who actually care about the happiness and well-being of all people in society tends to create the positive energy needed to be successful.

Aspiration: To oversee continued growth of our family business. I'm very proud of the business my dad started and will continue to keep it strong by providing those same values and ethics instilled in me long ago.

Why I’m a Success: That's a good question for my Dad, I consider him successful. I consider myself lucky to trail in his wake of success. I'm still learning from him daily and cherish every bit of it.

Inspiration: Good people. I have a

What’s Next? More happy customers.

Trinkle, Redman, Swanson, Coton, Davis & Smith P.A. Attorneys at Law Our Practice Corporate & Business Law • Incorporations, Partnerships & LLC’s • Acquisitions, Sales & Mergers • Employer & Employee Relations Family Law • Dissolution of Marriage • Alimony, Child Custody & Support • Adoptions Estate Planning & Probate • Will & Trust Drafting • Probate & Administration of Estates • Guardianship Proceedings

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121 North Collins Street • P.O. Drawer TT, Plant City, Florida 33564-9040


*The Hiring of a Lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask the lawyer to send you free written information about their qualifications and experience.

March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant City • 77

business & finance


Pumps • Motors • Filters • Leak Detection • Solar Systems Heat Pumps • Gas Heaters • Pool Cleaners & Heating Systems FREE In-Store Water Analysis Weekly Pool Maintenance & Pool Repairs

Sales -- Service Service -- Repairs Repairs -- Supplies Supplies Sales Hours: Mon. - Sat. 9am - 6pm

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78 • FOCUS Magazine plant City • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009


joe WilliamS attOrney at law.

Background: I am a Plant City native, and I went to Plant City High School in 1985, Florida A&M University in 1989, and Texas Southern University in 1992. I have practiced law for 15 years in Plant City. Aspiration: To be the best that I can be at all times. I have found that all rewards come with a price. The larger the reward, the greater the sacrifice. I look forward to the challenge. Inspiration: First God and then family. In my professional life, it inspires me to help someone through my legal experience.

Why I’m a success: Waking up every day and knowing that with a day of hard work and by treating people fairly, I have gained something. I look at success as a personal ladder, and a person makes his own decision as to how high he will climb that ladder. What’s next? I will continue to practice law with integrity and a spirit of service. I would also like to establish a stronger presence in the Plant City community by offering services that best serve the community.


send questions and comments to




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March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 79




Beautiful 2 bedroom 2 1/2 bath condo in the Preserve. Loaded with upgrades. Crown molding and chair rail in the kitchen and master bedroom. New air conditioner in 2007. Master bath features double sinks, a Jacuzzi tub with jets, a shower, and a built-in ironing board. Have your morning coffee on the lovely brick pavers patio out back while you sit and watch the birds in the pond and the golfers on the golf course. Original owners relocating out of state. Offered at $225,000. MLS #T2351536. Call Christine Weber at (813) 992-5872.


3 bedroom/2 bath home on a fenced, cul-de-sac lot with a great pool and a 14’x12’ patio (all weather). Double-sided fireplace. Immediate occupancy available. Home warranty included. Offered at $194,900. MLS #T2343867. Call Jean Bridgmon at (813) 478-3107.


Darling house - great location!!! Quiet, shaded street of well-maintained homes. Close to shopping, schools and entertainment but still private. This 3/2 has fresh interior paint, newly-remodeled bathrooms, new hot water heater & a new roof on the screened porch. Fenced yard has big shade trees, avocado & loquat trees as well as additional flowering shrubs. So pretty! All appliances stay - includes washer & dryer! You won’t believe your luck when you see this one. Special pricing at $159,402. MLS #T2324378. Call Roger Burrage at (813) 675-5140.


No HOA - no deed restrictions. 8-stall barn w/tack & feed rooms, water + electric in each stall. Fenced & cross-fenced. Pond. 3922 sq ft, 2-story, custom-built home w/4 BR & 3.5 BA. Kitchen remodel just completed - granite counters, new appliances. Master bath remodeled with new counters, mirrors & fixtures. Formal living & dining areas, Family room w/wood-burning fireplace, and huge bonus room currently used as additional dining area. Inside laundry/storage room. Oversized, screened lanai, in-ground pool, several utility sheds including one for horse trailer, boat or RV. Hookups for travel trailer. Offered at $634,848. MLS #T2311859. Please Call Lynne Halleran, (813) 763-1881 or Call Jimmie Robinson (813) 390-6441.


Commercial building near hospital zoned for offices. Under remodel now. Buy now; pick carpet colors and layout for your particular business. Offered at $375,000. MLS #T2330860. Call Dave McCarthy at (813) 263-4797.


SPOTLESS!!! You’ll appreciate the care given to this well-maintained 3 bedroom/2 bath low-maintenance home convenient to shopping, schools and entertainment. Offers a master suite with separate shower, walk-in closet for your wardrobe, family-friendly kitchen with breakfast area. Laminate countertops, closet pantry, tile flooring, all appliances including washer and dryer - you can move right in! Offered at $149,923. MLS #T2357455. Call Lynne Halleran at (813) 763-1881.


Over 3,200 square feet on one acre with 2 car detached garage. Custom cherry cabinetry, hard wood floors, huge kitchen with new stainless steel appliances and an additional building ready for an office, storage, or could be converted to an in-law suite very easily. Offered at $306,000. MLS #T2328244. Call Malissa Crawford at (813) 967-0168.


Country living on 10 acres MOL. Priced to sell. 4 bedroom/1 ½ bath home with workshop/barn to store your farm equipment. Three sheds for storage. Owner’s relocating out of state. Don’t let this one pass you by. Zoned PDH multi-housing development. Offered at $375,000. MLS #T2354446. Call Christine Weber at (813) 992-5872 or Call Jimmie Robinson (813) 390-6441.


New Listing! Single family detached “condo” located in Laurel Lake. Waterfront and conservation location. Gardenia plan features eat-in kitchen, dining and lanai. Offered at $189,900. MLS #T2357611. Call Maddie Alford to preview (813) 382-8382.


Tucked away on a private road in SE Plant City, this custom home sits on a beautiful 2+ acre conservation lot near the end of a cul-de-sac. Split bedroom plan 5BR/3.5BA + den, 3-car garage, screened salt water pool, spa with oversized lanai, 10x20 utility shed & 17x19 bonus room! Hardwood flooring and ceramic tiles are in the traffic areas. The kitchen features 42” wood cabinets, stainless appliances, solid surface counters, 2 convection wall ovens and a back-saving drawer-style dishwasher! Real wood fireplace, in-the-wall pest control. Offered at $419,514. MLS #T2340295. Call Lynne Halleran at (813) 763-1881.


One acre lot in the small community of Seven Acre Groves consisting of 6 custom built homes, this is the LAST one acre parcel left. Great location, convenient to everything, close to Lakeland and the interstate. You won’t be disappointed. Offered at $55,000. MLS #T2357651. Call Malissa Crawford at (813) 967-0168.

Call us for your Residential and Commercial Real Estate needs

1513 Jim Redman Parkway, Plant City


80 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009


Thank You Plant City for a successful 2008!


On the golf course - 2 BR/2.5 BA condo in gated community of Walden Lake. Home features lots of upgrades in over 2000 SF living plus new A/C in 2007, brick paver patio, Jacuzzi tub in master and so much more. $225,000. MLS#T2351536



Beautiful two-story 4 BR/3 BA/3+CG home on the golfcourse (Hills-16th hole) with over 2800 SF living area and garden bath in master suite. PLUS solar heated pool in oversized lanai that has a nice outdoor grilling area for summer parties. $375,000. MLS#T2348609.

8-stall barn w/tack & feed rms, water + electric. Fenced & cross-fenced. Pond. 3922sq.ft, 2-story, custom-built home w/4 BR & 3.5 BA. Kitchen remodel just completed w/granite counters. Master bath remodeled w/ new counters, mirrors & fixtures. Formal living & dining areas, family rm w/wood-burning fireplace & huge bonus rm. Inside laundry/storage rm. Oversized, screened lanai, in-ground pool, several utility sheds. $634,848. MLS #T2311859.





10 acres MOL with a workshop/barn & 3 sheds for extra storage. Property includes a 4 BR/1.5 BA home with 1700SF+ living area. Zoned PDH for multiple housing-income potential. $375,000. MLS#T2354446

Commercial office and warehouse building with 5,000 total Square Feet and 4,000 Square Feet heated and cooled. Extra lots totaling .8 acres. Zoned C1 and M1. Offered at $475,000.


Unique 3 BR/2 BA brick home with wonderfully shaded 1/2 acre yard situated in family neighborhood-no HOA fees. Home features 2300+ SF living, brick fireplace, unique floor plan and lots of room to entertain for family & friends. Now only $209,900. MLS#T2313351



Valrico- Custom built 5,200+ sq.ft. home in gated Cambridge Cove is on a cul-de-sac with beautiful lake & golf course view. Formal living/dining room features Brazilian Mahogany floors. Lush tropical pool area w/spa & outdoor kitchen is perfect for entertaining along w/comfortable theater room . Huge kitchen w/double ovens, an island & breakfast nook. $599,000. MLS #T2338175




WHAT A BARGAIN! 2 BR/1 BA mobile home in Thonotosassa. Ideal for a fixer upper or investment opportunity as a rental. Being sold AS IS. Now only $29,900. MLS#T2325499.



3 BR/2.5BA brick home with side-entry 2 CG, over 2600 SF living, hardwood floors, split bedroom plan and much more. Sits on oversized lot with beautiful landscaping in friendly established neighborhood convenient to everything. Move right in! $209,900. MLS#T2354681.

Commercial building near hospital and I-4 Currently in the remodel stage. Buy now; pick carpet colors and layout for your particular business. Offered at Now only $375,000. MLS #T2330860.




ROLLING VISTA LP-DOVER Perfect building lot in new community of larger homes. Ready for your dream home of 2400 SF living or more. Reduced to $72,400. MLS#T2324771



4 acres on Wiggins Rd with pond. Great location for 5 acre homesite w/grandfather oaks and 1.3 acres in Stone Hedge subdivision-waiting One acre with oak trees off Knights Griffin Rdyour new home and some privacy too! Drastically the privacy of a dead end road. $275,000. for your dream home to be built. $94,900. some deed restrictions. Now only $69,900. reduced to $125,000. MLS#T2334292. MLS#T2339960. MLS#T2318671. MLS#T2347973 2 acre parcel with grandfather oaks, paved road frontage and small pond on the property. Your new home would be a perfect fit - mobile homes OK. Now only $45,000. MLS#T2270664.

E TERRACE DR-PLANT CITY SOUTHWIND DR-MULBERRY 1.68 acres in area of newer homes conve- Building lot with easy access to the airport. nient to I-4. Restricted to homes of 2000 SF Two separate lots available-$49,900 each. or more. Owner Financing Available. $79,500. MLS#T2333753 MLS#T2339873.

Dedicated to the Value of Home & Family


1513 J. L. Redman Pkwy Plant City, FL 33563

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LITTLE CHARMER - Be smitten by this 2Bd/1Ba home with new carpet, fresh paint, bright cheerful kitchen & inside utility room. $54,900. #72

2 HOMES ON COUNTRY LANE! - Beautifully maintained 3Bd/2Ba, DW-completely remodeled offers everything you need! Enjoy 2nd SW - 2Bd/1Ba-shows great for rental or in-laws! Also, garage, office & 2 sheds a great value on quiet country retreat located on gorgeous 1.19 acres w/ citrus galore - Price to sell at $179,900. #79

PRE-FORECLOSURE-WALDEN LAKE-FLAWLESS INTERIOR - 3Bd/2Ba, 2091 SF, located in desirable Forest Hammock. Separate LR, FR & DR. MB features tray ceilings, H & H closets, separate garden tub & shower. Plenty of room for parking and a steal at only $180,000.#76

BRING THE SWIM SUITS! – Sparkling pool w/ deck, 1900 SF, 3Bd/2Ba home on beautiful 1.20 ac. Large FR, huge kitchen w/appliances. Dad’ll love work shop & garage w/RV parking. Priced at $165,000.#50

RESTFUL RETREAT - Enjoy serenity in this 2Bd/2Ba home in gated section of Walden Lake. Home features 12-foot ceilings, master suite w/garden tub and large enclosed back lanai. REDUCED to $239,900. #8

COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL - 3Bd/2Ba, 1144 SF home is located walking distance to Plant City Hospital & medical offices. Built in 1989, features separate family, dining and inside ldry. Kids’ll love fenced back yard w/plenty of play area & above ground pool. Priced at only $99,000.#55

PARK-LIKE SETTING AWAITS YOU! 3Bd/2Ba, 2005 DW, better than new, beautifully maintained country setting. $127,900. A must see! #17

POPTARTS OR PANCAKES? Enjoy meals at huge granite breakfast bar, new CB, 3Bd/2Ba on ¾ acre. 1588 SF, 12ft ceilings, gourmet kitchen, s.s. appliances, wood cabinetry, only $199,000. #28

BREAKING SELLER‘S HEART! But you can profit! 2Bd/1.5 Ba Condo in Tampa - Short Sale! Carefree living is yours, community pool, tennis courts - A steal of a deal only $89,900. #69

HUMBLE HOME - Welcome guests into cozy 2Bd Bungalow, w/gracious LR, huge DR & remodeled kitchen. 2 ½ huge city lots on corner! 1/3 AC, 3 sheds & 2 C Cpt. A great value @ $102,900. #56

Enjoy Romantic Sunsets on 80 Acre Ski Lake - You will swell with pride when coming home to model perfect, 1820 SF, 3Bd/2Ba w/decorator touches thru out, all upgraded appliances including washer & dryer, gourmet kitchen w/pantry, crown molding & impeccably maintained. A must see & priced to sell at $214,900. #57

A SMALL SNUG SETTING SURROUNDED BY CENTURY OLD TREES – 2Bd/1Ba home is move in ready w/freshly painted interior, new carpet, new cabinets in kitchen & bath. Who cares if it drizzles? Move the picnic under cover of this large screened patio. Beautifully wooded grounds provide shady comfort with plenty of room for parking. Only $105,000. #83

FIT FOR A KING – Royal Hills beauty, 1738 SF in this 3Bd/2Ba. Soaring cathedral ceilings, wood cabinetry in eat in Kit, Huge LR, FR. Take advantage of this Short Sale but you won’t be short changed - Only $ 138,900. A Must see! #11

CONTROL THE CHAOS - Kids can run wild in huge fenced backyard of this great Walden Lake 3Bd/2Ba, 1600 SF CB home w/cathedral ceilings delivers family friendly floor plan. Fully equipped kitchen, 2 car garage. Priced to sell, only $174,900. #81

LAND, GIVE ME LAND - 4.04 acres are grand & include a charming 824 SF home. 2Bd/1Ba, includes pole barn, detached garage & charming front porch. Live in home while building your dream home or sit back on the front porch & enjoy the land. Price reduced to$179,900. #16

OUT BUT NOT “FAR OUT!” 3Bd/2Ba sits on .32 of an acre surrounded by mature oak trees. Home is completely fenced w/separate living/dining rm combo & separate family rm. Inside laundry rm includes washer & dryer. Enclosed screened patio overlooks a peaceful backyard w/spa. $100,000 #67

ACREAGE, COMMERCIAL & RENTALS COMMERCIAL ZONING – Ideal Interstate visibility, 2.13 acres w/660 ft of road frontage this parcel has city water & sewer available and a multitude of commercial uses. Hotel/Motel, retail, restaurant & more. A great find, call for more info. $899,900. #26

Seller’s Pain Can Be Your Gain - We are working for you in the Best of Times & the Worst of Times.

COMMERCIAL SITE Hwy 92 - Plant City, 1.78 acres, zoned CG, with 185 ft. on U.S. Hwy. 92 offers myriad of uses! Build offices or lease land - Owner Build to Suit! Great visibility, over 13,800 trips/day. $399,900. #94

Bank Owned Homes & Short Sale Specialist - You

SUNNY ITALY IS JEALOUS of the vineyards, chestnut trees, peach trees, pecan trees, citrus & more! 17 beautiful acres minutes from I-4 in Thonotosassa approx. 235 ft. on Road. Great Development site! $1,200,000. #6

can find a Steal of a Deal Here!

CREATE AN OPPORTUNITY ORNAMENTAL PLANT NURSERY. 5 acre property features 3 greenhouses, warehouse includes office, break rm, 2 restrooms & plenty of storage. Work & live on the property with 2 single family residence. 3Bd/1Ba, 1044 SF concrete block home & 3Bd/2Ba, 1620 SF doublewide mobile home. All for only $499,900. #41

Call Vogel Realty & Consider “It” Sold!

CHARMING BUNGALOW FOR RENT Delightful 3Bd, w/Family rm, lovely hardwood floors. You’ll enjoy almost 1/2 acre on on fully fenced corner lot. Single car, detached garage is great for storage. $1195/Month COUNTRY RENTAL – 1.48 acres located in Plant City. 3Bd/2Ba, 1788 SF w/FR, LR. Neat, clean & shows well! Only $1350/Month. Call for more info.

(813) 659-3306

real estate

Election Day is here s u b m i tt e d by N ata l i e S w e e t

The Walden Lake Community Association Members Annual Meeting will be held April 2, at the Walden Lake Golf and Country Club. The membership will be electing three directors, and Alan Steinbeck has decided not to seek another term on the board. Current board members, Bob Williamson and Jan Griffin, will be running for reelection along with Jim Chancey of the Hammocks, Jon Courson of Forest Club, and Dick Shiller of Sutton Woods. It would be greatly

appreciated if anyone who is unable to attend the meeting would fill out the proxy they received in the mail with the notice of the meeting and return it to one of the board members or to the WLCA office. Also, please vote on the one-time assessment and the director election. Residents need to understand that they are subject to towing if they don’t have a current sticker on their vehicle. If they have guests who are driving their own vehicles, then please be sure they have a note in

84 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009

their car window to that effect. The residents of Walden Lake pay for the upkeep and care of the parks and therefore the parks are reserved for residents only. The Dog Park Committee said the golf tournament was a success and they have sold several pavers. Anyone who notices the thermometers at the Timberlane entrances will see that they are almost filled in red. It won’t be long before we will see the fruits of their labor. The board voted to keep the 45-day policy on past due accounts rather than going with a 30-day late policy that the management company, Rampart, uses. A pre-lien letter will go out 45 days after the bill is due and then a $47 late fee will be applied. Marlene is busy riding around the communities that have asked the association to handle their deed restriction compliance. Violations are being corrected. This process has been reviewed by an attorney and found to be in compliance.

The board will be having the dead landscaping and plants cut back as soon as there is no fear of another freeze. If the plants don’t come back, then they will be replaced. The board is looking into drip systems for the front entries to the neighborhoods. This is the most efficient system to watering. Patience is the key word when dealing with a freeze. For anyone who is looking for a place to have an event, tournament, fundraiser, etc., Walden Lake Golf and Country Club is the place to have it. Check out all the renovations at the club. Michele is happy to give personal tours. There are memberships that fit what anyone is looking for, from as little as $2 per day. Call Michele at (813) 752-1171, extension 222, for information on booking events or for membership information. Also, be watching for the new and improved Web site that is coming soon.

Natalie Sweet 813-758-9586

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Executive Home w/over 3000 sq’ & an additional 500 sq’ waiting for your finishing touch. Built to be energy efficient. Tons of custom features like granite countertops, Brazilian Cherry woods floors & more! $420,000

You’ll have many happy days in this 2500 sq’ 4 Bedroom Walden Lake Pool home on the golf course. Beautiful Southwestern tile & wood floors throughout the home, newer AC & Roof for peace of mind. $309,900 Call Natalie 758-9586

2635 Sq’ of Living Area w/4 Bedrooms, 2 1/2 Baths & Huge Bonus Room in Walden Lake. Beautifully decorated & lovingly cared for on large fenced corner lot. Priced right at $245,000




4 Bedroom, 3 Bath Walden Lake custom built home featuring Living, Dining & Family Room w/Fireplace. Solar Heated Pool and lush landscaping for your outdoor fun. A must see at $257,500

Fabulous 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath Home with Formal Living & Dining Rooms, Huge Family Room w/ Fireplace. Huge Lanai w/outdoor Kitchen, Huge Solar Heated Pool * Fence Yard. Don’t Wait! $269,900

1 A MOL lot in desirable Clubhouse Woods neighborhood. 3 Bedroom plus Office/Den, 3 Baths, Formal Living & Dining Rooms. Huge Kichen opens to the Family Room. Pool & Spa completes the package. $319,000 Call Natalie 813-758-9586.




You will love this 3 Bedroom 2 Bath home. Huge great room w/cathedral ceilings & fireplace. Oversized master bedroom, with large secondary bedrooms. Enjoy your pool in the fenced back yard. $172,500 Call Natalie 758-9586

Distinctive Golf Course Pool Home with Fabulous Entertaining Floor Plan in Walden Lake. Over 2600 sq’ w/4 Bedrooms, 2 1/2 Baths, Formal Living & Dining Rooms & Family Room. Only $279,900



Move right into this 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on large conservation lot. You will love this enormous yard with lush plants, flowers & fruit trees. Enjoy the enlarged lanai for those relaxing times. $225,000 Call Natalie 758-9586


Exquisite 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath 2430 sq’ home in Plant City. Fabulous Kitchen w/Granite Countertops, 42” Cabinets & Stainless Appliances. Tons of custom features! Just waiting for you to move in! $295,000

Gorgeous Bungalow w/front porch in the heart of Plant City. Over 1200 sq’ of living area! Completely remodeled from the roof to the floors. Nothing to do but move right in! $115,000 Call Natalie 758-9586

3 Bedroom, 2 Bath home with almost 1700 sq’ of living area on 2 1/2 Acres. The kitchen has been remodeled with new cabinets & corian counter tops, large living room and huge bonus room. 4 horse stall barn with tack room & pasture area. $180,000 Call Natalie 813-758-9586.

Renee CoRzine

real estate



Realtor multi-million Dollar Producer

1607 S. Alexander Street • Suite 102



EAGLE GREENS IN WALDEN LAKE 2/2/2, 1364 SF, Granite, Wood Cabinets, on Golf Course, Split Bedrooms, Scnd Lanai



4/2/2, 2170 SF, Fireplace, Lg Kitchen, FR, Scnd Lanai, Fruit Trees, 1/3 Acre



3/2/2, 1704 SF, Vaulted Ceilings, Screened Lanai, Fenced, Corner Lot



4/2/2, 1946 SF, French Doors, Scr Lanai, 1/4 Acre Corner Lot, Wood Cabinets


2/1, Updated in 2006, Tile/Carpet, Huge Fenced Backyard, Cul-de-sac




2/1/1.5, Block, Fireplace, Wood Laminate, 2-carport, Fenced, Workshop


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86 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009

BUY A HOME AND GET MONEY TO FIX IT UP S t o ry by N at e D av i s

Did you know that FHA has government insured loans for people who would like to purchase a home while also receiving additional funds to improve the home? FHA offers a 203K streamline product that will allow buyers to purchase a home with a very small down payment (3.5 percent) and receive up to an additional $35,000 in repair/update escrow money. These loans are easy to qualify for, like a traditional FHA loan, and allow for the seller to pay for closing costs. These loans are in high demand right now since there are so many great deals on foreclosures, bank owned homes, and short sales that present a great value, but just need a little updating here and there. The additional funds (up to $35,000) can be utilized to: – Repair/Replacement of roofs, gutters, and downspouts – Repair/Replacement/upgrade of

existing HVAC systems – Repair/Replacement/upgrade of plumbing and electrical systems – Repair/Replacement of existing flooring – Minor remodeling, such as kitchens, which does not involve structural repairs – Exterior and interior painting – Purchase and installation of appliances, including free-standing ranges, refrigerators, washers/ dryers, dishwashers, and microwaves – Repair, replacement, or the addition of exterior decks, patios, and porches – Window and door replacement and exterior siding replacement – Well or septic system repair or replacement To learn if you qualify for an FHA 203K loan, consult an FHA approved mortgage professional.



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88 • FOCUS Magazine plant City • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009


real eSTaTe

time For a good deal S u b M i T T e d by J O - a n lU S k

It seems these days everyone is looking for a good deal. Why pay full price for anything…and just what is full price? I know you also have heard over and over again: Now is the time to buy. Well, I can surely tell you that this statement is true for practically everything you need. For example, the price of a gallon of gas has been steadily below $2 for months. What about the price of HDTV’s? Many of us are still living in “lo-def”, but you don’t have to be among the wealthy to afford one lately. So what is up with the price of houses? Natta, zip, nothing is up with the price of houses. Some of the best deals you will ever encounter are out there today. Just last week a home was sold in Plant City for $24,000. That’s right…much cheaper than most cars. Realtors have witnessed the average price of a home per heated square foot drop from an average of $132 in January of 2007 to an average price

per square foot of $66 in January of 2009. That is crazy. The average price actually dropped nearly $20 per square foot between December and January. (Based on homes in Plant City, up to 2,100 square feet.) The unfortunate side to this is the real loss – those who have lost their home to foreclosure or forced short sale. For the average sellers just trying to sell their home, this is the competition. Now I’m not trying to cause you further depression – the economy is doing its part with that. I’m hoping to encourage those of you who are waiting…waiting…waiting for what? If you feel like spending money just to spend it, then buy a car. Those prices really haven’t changed much. But, if you want to do something stimulating, then buy a house. For as long as we have known, real estate is still the best investment. There is no doubt that prices will go up. It’s inevitable. Don’t get caught sitting on the fence.

Team Wainoris...Selling Plant City and Lakeland

Randall & Kathleen Wainoris

813-997-3000 863-608-1557

REALTOR® / Attorney at Law

REALTOR® / Notary


Charming two story turn of the century colonial. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths with new roof and a/c. Home has been completely rewired with a totally remodeled kitchen. Large corner lot with beautiful mature trees and detached garage. Short sale: asking just $159,000

Multi-Million Dollar Producers

BRING THE FAMILY Lakeland Highlands area: 5 bedroom pool home with breathtaking views. Great schools, and just minutes to Polk Parkway and shopping. Asking $269,000.


TOLL FREE: 888-488-2822 • FAX 813-659-0196

PANORAMIC WATER VIEWS! Incredible 4 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath pool home with spectacular waterfront views from virtually every room. Tremendous pool area with water falls and outdoor kitchen. Enormous master suite with sitting area and fireplace overlooking Walden Lake. Volume ceilings, gourmet kitchen, 2 wine cellars and custom wood work throughout. Asking just $879,000.



Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home directly on Lake Parker. Property includes fishing pier and boat ramp. Large F/R, L/R w/ fireplace. Huge deck overlooking water. Reduced to $247,000.


Wonderfully maintained manufactured home on beautiful one acre lot surrounded by premium homes. No deed restrictions. Asking just $124,900.


Adorable 2 bedroom/2 bath on quiet Lakeland street. Very open floor plan with volume ceilings. Short Sale. Asking $85,000.


Completely renovated pool home on beautiful property in Plant City. New granite kitchen, formal LR/DR, family room w/ stone fire place, 4 bed/2.5 bath plus In-Law suite with add’l bedroom, living room, bath and kitchen. Reduced to $349,000.


Beautiful 4 bedroom home is nestled on a quiet gated street in the Wedgewood golf community, directly on Lake Gibson in Lakeland. Huge gourmet kitchen with wood cabinets and granite counters. Large wrap around deck overlooking pool and lake. Short Sale. Asking just $395,000.


Enjoy country living in beautiful Plant City. 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home with bonus room, l/r, d/r, f/r and huge country kitchen. Wonderful fenced property with multiple out buildings, shed, and large deck with pool! Asking just $139,000.

We keep reading about bailouts, government incentives, low interest rates and low prices........but is it really time to buy? The trick may be to catch as many incentives and programs as you can..... and use them all! We may be in that window of opportunity right now; here is why: The $7,500 IRS tax credit program to first-time home buyers just got even better! Now the tax credit is $8,000! * Interest rates are still very low, and most experts predict that they won’t go much lower. Our local market has really picked up since the new year and the election of our new President; especially in the low to middle price ranges. Since market prices are still a determined in large part by supply and demand, it appears that the recent trend of falling prices is finally coming to an end. Although much of the country is still suffering from falling prices, our local market has been showing signs of stabilization.... finally! Contrary to what you may see on TV, banks are still lending money! Here at Team Wainoris, we have many resources to help you find financing....don’t worry! Are you a first time buyer? Thinking of buying or selling? Have you heard about short sales and wondered what a short sale means to you? Do you need to sell your home but owe more than it is worth? Please call us here at Team Wainoris today! Let’s see how we can help you!

*Please consult your tax advisor for your individual tax considerations.

Exit Realty is Growing WWW.TEAMWAINORIS.COM March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 89


All drywall walls - no typical manufactured home wall seams here. 3/2 and a Den. Vaulted Family Rm with Fireplace on 1.21 acres. $179,500 Brenda Salyers 813-230-1120

FOR RENT - Move right in 3br/2ba all new carpet and totally repainted on the inside. A great floor plan with split br. A small extra room for office. Sliding glass doors to the back yard Can’t ask for more. $ 1200 a month Call Becky 813-376-2100

Walden Lake What a great home 4/2-1/2 with lots of room. The master br is down Kitchen opens to family room with tile floors and wood burning fireplace. Sliding glass doors to enclosed screen lanai with brick pavers. Call for app Becky Bowdish 813-376-2100 $ 232,500

Excellent condition single family home/condo in Walden Lake. 2BDRM + Den/Office AND A 10X18 Florida RM. EXCELLENT PRICE $219,000. CALL JANET CALVELLO 813-967-1939

FOR Rent - Lots of room with this open kitchen to great room formal dining and 4br split plan 3 full baths. Kitchen has all appliances including the washer & dryer. Full 2 car garage with opener. A must to see Call Becky 813-376-2100 $ 1250.00

3 Bed/2 Bath Immaculate 2248sq.ft. home in Sutton Woods. Split Bedroom plan w/ granite countertops, tile floors, walk in closets. Master bedroom has additional area for sitting room or computer area and Garden tub w/ separate shower. All the upgrades including crown molding in Family Room -Leaded front doors. All for $289,000. Call Barbara Layton (813) 967 1937


105 N. Granada Ct / Walden Lk 2/2/2 Villa on Golf Course; golf cart included. $138,900. Janet Calvello 813-967-1939

607 S. Alexander, Suite 213 • Plant City, FL 33563 • 813-759-0002 90 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009

C12 Coming to Plant City

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Scott Hitchcock, Tampa Bay Area Chair • (813) 991-6482 March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 91

sports & fitness baSeball

maKing the right callS plant City’S MaJOr leagUe UMpire–Mark wegner. S T o ry by J O e b O w l e S

One of the most replayed managerial meltdowns in Major League Baseball history occurred on June 2, 2007, when Chicago Cubs manager Lou Piniella was ejected for arguing a call at third base. Piniella threw his hat, kicked it, and then went on a lengthy tirade by bumping the third base umpire and then kicking dirt on his shoes. Major League Baseball publicly reprimanded Piniella and suspended him for four games, the longest suspension of his career. What many people don’t know is that the umpire involved in the altercation was Plant City’s Mark Wegner. Wegner grew up playing baseball in Minnesota. In 1990, as a high school senior, he served as the co-captain of the school’s baseball team, along with Chris Weinke – future Florida State Quarterback and Heisman trophy winner. Wegner helped lead the Cretin-Derham Raiders of St. Paul to the state high school baseball championship. During his first year in college, Wegner ran into his high school coach, who suggested that Mark attend an umpire’s clinic. “I wasn’t interested at first, but they were paying $25 for Little League games and I needed the money,” Wegner said. Much to his surprise, he loved umpiring from the very start. That winter, Wegner enrolled in the Joe Brinkman Umpire School and, at the age of 19, was offered a job in the minor leagues. In 1998, he was invited to MLB spring training. That summer, Wegner officiated for 70 major league games and, the following spring, he was offered a full-time job in the major leagues at the age of 26. “Being a major league umpire has been a goal and dream of mine ever since I started,” he said. “It is definitely a job. It’s hard traveling away

from my wife and children, but I make up for it when I am home. I have a good life. There is nothing that I’d rather do.” Wegner’s connection with Plant City began when he was working in the minor leagues. He went to a local gym to work out and met his future wife, Michelle Mullins of Plant City. Today, Michelle is a fitness instructor at the Plant City Family YMCA. Michelle and Mark have three children: Nathan, Joseph, and Tori. During the off-season, Mark spends a lot of time with his family. “I take the kids to school, I do school functions, and I try to be involved in all of their activities,” he said. Wegner also volunteers at his church and is widely known for his charitable work with BLUE for Kids, an organization that provides memorable sports experiences for at-risk youth and children coping with serious illnesses. Interestingly enough, the video replays confirmed that Wegner had made the right call in his dust up with Piniella. After seeing the replays, Piniella publicly acknowledged that he was wrong and apologized through the media to Wegner for his actions. A few weeks later, Piniella offered a personal apology. “He actually came into the locker room and I believe that his apology was sincere,” Mark Wegner said. “When I went to shake his hand, he gave me a big hug. Overall, Lou is pretty fair to the umpires. It was just a tense situation. The Cubs were on a losing streak and it just happened.” A lot of things have “just happened” to Wegner, mostly positive things. Not only did he make the right call that day in Chicago, he continues to make the right calls in life.


send questions and comments to

92 • FOCUS Magazine plant City • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009

Mark Wegner was offered a full-time job in the major leagues at the age of 26. Picture Courtesy of Mark Wegner

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March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant City • 93

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Andy and Jeanne Knotts congratulates Josh Thiebe for being March’s athlete of the month. Photo by Kasey Miller

joSh thiebe S T o ry by k a S e y M i l l e r

Josh Thiebe is able to skillfully shoot a basketball as well as successfully handle his academic and volunteer activities. He shows the hard work and drive it takes to be a leader, which is why he is the athlete of the month for March. Although he came to Plant City High School in his junior year, Thiebe immediately stood out to the head

coach, Wardell Chambers, as a strong and defensive player. This year, he leads the team as captain and held his position as shooting guard—enabling him to score points, in a position that also requires someone with controlled hand skills. Chambers believes that Thiebe’s defensive tenacity is what makes him such a vital part of the team.

94 • FOCUS Magazine plant City • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009

“He has physically sacrificed his body for the team,” Chambers said. “He was a joy to coach for two years and will truly be missed…he is going to be successful in life just because he has that drive.” Growing up in Indiana, Thiebe first started playing basketball with his older brother when he was 7-yearsold, and joined his first team in the Amateur Athletics Union when he was in the fourth grade. He continued playing on his AAU team, which placed third in national competition, until he was in eighth grade. He has a lot of appreciation for his parents

for taking him to every practice when he was younger. He is also grateful for all the play advice he has received from his dad and older brother. Now, as a Plant City Raider, Thiebe has helped push his fellow teammates to play their best and has used his knowledge of the game to lead the team on different plays. During the season, the team practices six days a week; individually, he shoots the ball around 250 times at every practice. He believes his shooting ability, court vision, and physical drive are what make him a competitive athlete. For a player like Thiebe, basketball is more than just a sport; it is a life changing experience. “It has helped me to deal with adversity because a lot of things happen during a game but you just have to get through it,” he said. He feels that basketball has also helped him to become more involved with school activities and clubs. Not only is he a member of the National Honor Society, he is also involved with the Best Buddies program, the Students Against Drunk Driving organization, and the Senior Executive Council. Thiebe plans to attend the University Of South Florida and major in sports management, a worthwhile goal for a talented young student, athlete, and leader.


send questions and comments to

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Your support of Lighthouse Ministries Family Stores makes a difference. Lola found herself in need of Lighthouse after she and her son made the move to Florida to live with her mother. After attending a Lighthouse chapel service, she knew she had found her new home. Lola and her son both turned their life over to the Lord while in the program, and as a graduate, she has devoted herself to the ministry. Lola now helps run the distribution center, which sorts all of the donations that come in. These donations are then sent to one of our three thrift shoppes.



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Must be used before April 15, 2009

March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant City • 95

sports & fitness basketball

A. J. Garden beats a defender to the basket. Photo by John Mitchell

A.J. Garden is Durant High School's all-time leading scorer. Photo by Joe Bowles

Turning sadness into joy A.J. Garden is looking to duplicate his success at the next level. S t o ry by J o e Bo w l e s

There is a certain amount of sadness that comes at the end of a high school career. This year, that sadness will be felt not only by a graduating senior but also by the entire Durant basketball community. They will be saddened by the upcoming graduation of Aaron John (A.J.) Garden, whom many believe has been the best basketball player ever to play for the Cougars. If not the best, he is certainly the most productive; this season he became the all-time, career-scoring leader in Durant High School history. Garden moved to the local area from Ft. Lauderdale when he was in the

second grade. He played recreational basketball and, even at a young age, his talent was evident. The Brandon Bolts, a travel team with the Amateur Athletics Union, recruited Garden to play. He played for the Bolts since the age of 10 and honed his skills as the team traveled all across the United States, competing against some of the most talented teams in his age group. Garden left the team last year. Garden, a 6’1” scoring guard, was a four-year starter for the Cougars. In his sophomore and junior years, he averaged 17 points per game, but the team struggled for wins. This year, his

96 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009

scoring average is less than 13 points per game and he isn’t complaining; several of his teammates stepped up their level of play, making the team’s scoring more evenly distributed. Although his production was down, he was able to play more effectively and it translated into more wins. “It was exciting this year playing in the Christmas tournaments and in packed gyms against rivals like Lakeland and Plant City, especially when we knew we had a good team,” Garden said. “This year everybody had a role and when everybody played their role, we were hard to beat. This year we were so well-rounded. Everybody stepped up [his] level of play.” When he was a freshman, DHS lost twice as many games than it won, finishing with a record of 7-14; this year,

the team won more than three times as many games as it lost, improving to a 21-6 record. “Coach [Jeff] Shotwell has done a great job this year. We’ve improved every year since he has become our coach,” Garden said. At this time, Garden is undecided about his basketball future. He has drawn interest from several colleges, including Jacksonville, Stetson, Florida A&M, and Eckerd. Shotwell is involved with calling college coaches about Garden’s potential. “One of the things I like about our coach is that he is always on the phone talking to some college coach about us,” Garden said. Before he makes his final decision, Garden will participate in the Rick Ball Basketball Showcase, in Clearwater, on March 7. He will play before various college scouts who will evaluate his talent. Basketball, however, isn’t the only interest Garden has. In college, he plans to major in exercise science with an emphasis in sports. After college, he would like to develop exercise programs for different sports. Garden could use his knowledge to help people rehabilitating injuries, but he is more interested in enabling athletes to become better, faster, and more explosive. Although there might be a sense of sadness for Garden when he leaves Durant after four years of doing what he likes to do best, there will probably be a sense of excitement that will quickly turn sadness into joy, especially if he can continue to achieve like he has as


Chuck’s Tire & Automotive Complete Auto Care

813.759.TIRE (8473) 600 South Collins St. Plant City, FL 33563 Hours Mon-Fri 7:30a.m til 5:00p.m.

March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 97

Grand OpeninG

Since opening last fall, Bartow Chevrolet has experienced great success. Much of that credit goes to the Plant City community who has supported the dealership since its change in ownership. After Katie Sparkman reopened the Tanacabana tanning salon, Mike and Chris Sparkman decided to bring back a used car dealership to the location. The Sparkmans wanted to create a more convenient way for their Plant City neighbors to buy high quality

vehicles at a great price without driving to Bartow. “Plant City currently represents about twenty percent of our total sales,” said Billy Herold, General Manager and previous owner of the Alexander Street location. With real estate being soft, the property was sitting vacant, so it seemed a perfect fit re-opening the location. So far it has been a home run.

for customers viewing,” said Herold. The location offers all the same financing as Bartow Chevrolet, including GMAC. A lot of the inventory comes from new car trade-ins and the GMAC Smart Auction, made available only to new car dealers. The lot is open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday and until 5 p.m. on Saturdays. Closed on Sundays. For more info call 813-754-3311

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611 S. Alexander St • Plant City, FL 33563 • 813-754-3311 • 98 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009

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March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 99









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Monday-Friday 9-5 Saturday 9-12 March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant City • 101


Seniors of the


Zaxby’s Plant City • 2901 ½ James L. Redman Pkwy. Plant City, FL 33563 • 813.752.1971 call in orders

JEFF MINAYA AND MEGAN COCHRAN S t o ry by K a s e y M i l l e r

Senior of the month is an honorable title that many senior students strive to receive before they reach prom night. That is because recipients of this award are the ones who make up the court for prom king and queen. This award, however, is given to only two seniors per month who show outstanding hard work and dedication not only in the classroom, but out of the classroom as well. No matter how different each senior’s interests and activities are, the winners are all chosen for their exceptional effort put into each activity. The winners for January were announced in February, and they were Jeff Minaya and Megan Cochran. In addition to showing an overwhelming commitment to many activities at school, these two seniors also managed to devote some of their time helping around the community. Minaya has spent much of his time as the announcer of all the sport games at school. He has filmed the football and flag football games from last year and this year, and also hosts the sports segment on the school morning show. Furthermore, he helps out his youth group at church and

maintains his job at Publix. One can find Minaya filming or announcing at almost every school event. Using his extensive knowledge in film, he placed first in the Digital Video Production competition in all of Hillsborough County last year. He is even responsible for helping bring back the school newspaper this year. While Cochran’s activities for January revolve mainly around her preparation for strawberry queen, the work she put into it was by no means considered easy. She sacrificed much of her time and self-earned money for her training before the pageant. After winning a place on the 2009 strawberry court, she has had to manage her time wisely. Not only does she attend many events during the Florida Strawberry Festival, but she also helps plan a lot of school activities and events as a member of the Senior Executive Council. Additionally, she spends every Sunday with her Best Buddy from the Best Buddies program at school and maintains her job at Cracker Barrel. Minaya was proud to accept the award as senior of the month. “There are only a handful of se-

102 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009

Jeff Minaya and Megan Cochran were January’s seniors of the month. Zaxby’s would like to say, “Congratulations.” Photo by Kasey Miller

niors that get picked and I wanted to stand out from the other seniors… when I found out I was really excited because a lot of people were congratulating me and it made me feel good,” said Minaya. Cochran feels honored because

“it’s such an accomplishment to be named senior of the month. Each one inspires students to do great things when they are mentioned and pictured not only at school, but in the FOCUS, too.”

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March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 103


al ruechel

Screaming Bloody Murder! “Without a doubt we are traveling in dangerous territory these days. We’ve never seen such bleak economic news that seems to be getting worse by the day. We don’t know if any or all of the parts of the president’s recovery plan will work.”

S u b m i tt e d by A l Ru e c h e l

Remember "Network," a movie from 1976, Howard Beal was a popular anchor who was literally losing his mind and even threatened to commit suicide on the air. He would go into these great tirades and then have a grand mal seizure, as he would pass out on the TV studio floor. During one of those screaming fits he asked the viewers to go to their windows and open them up and start screaming, “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore.” The network kept him on TV because he attracted huge ratings numbers. And, yes, everyone did go to their windows

and started screaming. I won’t give away the ending in case you haven’t seen the movie. The bottom line on this movie was exploitation. Howard Beal was exploiting his audience and playing to his fears, which became their fears. The network was exploiting Howard Beal by failing to treat his obvious mental condition all in the name of ratings. At the end of the movie you ask yourself who was the greatest villain: the network, the anchor, or the people for being sucked in? I happen to think we have several Howard Beals out there who believe

104 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009

they are the voice crying in the wilderness when it comes to the economy. I don’t fault them for taking a brave, bold look at the worst-case scenario. I do fault them for not realizing the fires they are stoking could rise up and consume us all. Without a doubt we are traveling in dangerous territory these days. We’ve never seen such bleak economic news that seems to be getting worse by the day. We don’t know if any or all of the parts of the president’s recovery plan will work. We do know there are just as many economists telling the president you must do something as there are telling the Howard Beals of the world we should let the marketplace fix itself. Fact is, when so many people are hurting it’s hard to believe that if we just let the market place correct itself we will eventually right the flagging ship of state. And why is it that most of the pundits who are making those claims are swimming in multimillion dollar contracts? Can you spell “disconnect?” I disagree with those who say capitalism is on trial, as if the free market itself is to blame for greed and stupid monetary policy. What’s clearly on trial is our ability to recover from the excesses of the few and the well-

meaning. We got into trouble because well-meaning politicians thought by pressuring banks to make loans to folks who normally wouldn’t qualify the playing field would somehow level itself. Problem was those entering the field didn’t come prepared with the right gear for the game being played. Even in a perfect scenario they were doomed to fail by the same policies that opened the door for them. It isn’t enough to simply acknowledge the mistakes. We have to put the best economic minds together and hope and pray and believe they will come up with some concrete plan that will work. Wall Street will be the last to buy in so don’t expect recovery before we see results. It’s not enough to bury our heads in the sand till the storm has past. We all have to gut up, take a deep breath, and come together on ideas we may actually find revolting. Yes, democrats and republicans must ditch their labels and work together for the good of all. And when that plan emerges, let’s hope the Howard Beals are smart enough to say, “I want you to go to your windows and scream, ‘I’m glad as heck and I’m going to back this plan no matter how much it may hurt me personally.’” Now, that’s courage.

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Accident injury usually results when the car stops, and the body keeps going – forward and back and forward again. Some injuries occur when part of the body hits a hard surface within the car. Others, more subtle and more common, happen as the head whips back and forth, straining the neck.

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That’s whiplash. The pain may be perceptible right away, and the soft-tissue damage is not seen in x-ray, but the damage is done. PROMPT treatment prevents the headaches; neck, shoulder, back, and extremity pain so often accompany auto accident injuries. Ease discomfort so when you heal there is a better opportunity to heal correctly and try and reduce arthritic development. The care also helps to reduce the potential to use drugs. Special Note: On Sunday April 12, 2009 is Easter Sunday- Please join with us in Prayer and Thanksgiving for serving a Risen Saviour. Blessings, Dr. Dukes and Staff

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Dr. Dukes encourages you to write her with any questions concerning chiropractic care. March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant City • 105

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106 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009

FEATURING FINE CHOCOLATE At The Daily Grind, we are proud to feature only the most exquisite chocolate bars. All of the chocolate bars in our cafe are made with over 50% pure cocoa and do not have any unnatural additives or substitutes. The beans are sent straight from the farmers to a roaster where the chocolate liquor is formed, refined and monitored carefully so that the process is all natural and good to the last bite!

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Espresso / Events / Art / Desserts / Fine Chocolate / Signature Drinks / Daily Papers


2008 FOCUS

Whether a gourmet or a gourmand, these restaurants – 2008 Readers Choice Award Winners – will serve you some of the best dishes in town.

Best Salad

The Greek salad $7.55 ABC Pizza 114 Alexander Street Mon-Sun 11-11 p.m.

Best Milkshake

Best Italian

Carrabba’s Pasta Weesie $14 Carrabba’s 1205 Townsgate Court Mon-Thur 4 p.m. - 10 p.m. Fri-Sat 4 p.m. - 11 p.m. Sun 12 p.m.-9 p.m.

Best Breakfast

2008 FOCUS

Best Asian

The Shrimp Delight $6.95 China One 1862 James L. Redman Pkwy Mon-Sun 10 a.m.-10 p.m.

Best BBQ

Best Home Town Cooking

A small milkshake costs $2.39 Dairy Queen 1902 W. Reynolds St. Mon-Fri 10 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. Sun 11 a.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Best Wings

Ten wings at Kazbor’s cost $8.95, 15 wings cost $12.95, and 20 wings cost 15.95. Bring your appetite Plant City. Kazbor’s 2212 James L. Redman Hwy. Sun-Wed 11a.m. - 10 p.m. Thurs - Sat 11 a.m. - 2 a.m.

The breakfast buffet costs $7.49 and the lunch buffet costs $8.99 Fred’s Market Restaraunt 1401 Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd. Mon-Sat 6 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Sun 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Best Fried Chicken

A two-piece set of chicken costs $5.15. Maryland Fried Chicken 315 N. Alexander St. Mon-Sat 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Closed Sunday

The Rib Combo costs $10.99. Grandpa Johnson’s BBQ 1305 Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd. Mon-Sat 11 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Closed Sunday

Best Mexican

The Pepper Chicken con Queso costs $10.79 Mi Casa 2613 Thonotosassa Rd. Sun-Thurs 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Fri-Sat 11 a.m. - 10 p.m.

Amazing Autos We would like you and your family to have a good experience in buying your next used vehicle, whether it’s the family car or your teenagers first car, or maybe the work truck for your business, if we don’t have it, we can get it. We are a Christian family owned and operated business. We offer bank and credit union finance and offer Buy Here - Pay Here with low weekly payments. Bad Credit, No Credit, No Problem! We are here to serve you with Honesty and Integrity GREG DAVIS

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618 S. Collins - 813-850-3795 Bring in this Ad for a 10% Discount (Not applicable to headliners) March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 109

2008 FOCUS

Whether a gourmet or a gourmand, these restaurants – 2008 Readers Choice Award Winners – will serve you some of the best dishes in town.

Best Pizza

A medium thin-crust pizza costs $10.65. A thick Chicago-style is also available. It is filled with gooey mozzarella.

Best Steak

The sirloin comes in three portions. The 6-oz. sirloin costs $9.95, the 9-oz. sirloin $13.95, and the 12-oz sirloin costs $16.95.

Olde Town Pizzeria 3011 James L. Redman Pkwy Mon-Sun 11 a.m. - 10 p.m.

Outback Steakhouse 1203 Townsgate Ct. Mon-Thurs 4 p.m. - 10 p.m. Fri 4 p.m.- 11 p.m. Sat noon - 11 p.m. • Sun noon - 10 p.m.

Best Strawberry Shortcake

Best Hamburger

Best Soup

You can get Panera’s French onion soup in a bread bowl for $3.29.

Panera Bread 2909 James L. Redman Pkwy # 113 Mon-Sun 7 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Best Seafood Best Dessert Best Service Most Romantic

For $3, you can eat the best strawberry shortcake in Central Florida. Just ask anyone.

Parkesdale Farms 3702 U.S. Hwy 92 East Mon - Sun 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

For only $2.39, the best hamburger is available at Snellgroves.

Snellgroves 109 S. Collins St. Mon-Thur 6 a.m. - 8 p.m. Fri - Sat 7 a.m. - 9 p.m.

Best Cuban

The people of Plant City have chosen Strawberry Hutt as the best. A half costs $3.95, and a whole one costs $6.40.

Strawberry Hut 1505 N. Wheeler St. Mon - Sat 6 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed Sunday

The Red Rose Inn and Suites provides the most elegant and romantic setting around. Perfect for wooing a loved one.

2008 FOCUS

Red Rose Inn and Suites 2011 N. Wheeler St. Lunch Mon-Fri 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Dinner Mon-Thurs 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. Fri - Sat 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. Brunch Sun 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.

March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 111

dining & entertainment



Not only did the Red Rose serve up another delicious menu, but the entertainment also was unforgettable, including an amazing performance by Jason D. Williams. S t o ry by L i n d a L aw so n

Could he be Jerry Lee Lewis’ son? Jason D. Williams played the piano with his feet, on his head, behind his back, you name it during a show at the Red Rose Inn and Suites. Photo by Dave Wright

Black satin tablecloths, sparkling candlelight, phenomenal food served up in a supper club atmosphere set the tone for the evening at the Red Rose Ballroom. The absolutely delicious dinner consisting of a beautiful cheese and fruit selection, a fresh field greens salad and Kings Choice tomatoes, a choice of delectable entrees of chicken parmesan, salmon with dill sauce, or New York strip steak, and decadent chocolate mousse with chantilly crème and strawberry

garnish was fit for royalty. The evening began with the smooth ‘60s sound of P.J. Leary and the Las Vegas Sounds and special guests The Dukes before as well as after the show. They sweetly crooned great songs from the past as couples, dressed in evening attire, swayed on the dance floor to songs such as “Lonely Girl.” Then, the wildly talented Jason D. Williams, reported to be Jerry Lee continued on page 113 >


112 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009


FO 2008







D E R’ S C H O











D E R’ S C H O





Plant City FL, 33563








Come visit us at

dining & entertainment Lewis’ son, rocked the house. He played and sang in a most explosive boogie woogie style. The talented Williams’ playing ability and showmanship is unparalleled. He sang and played from raucous to religious. As he bounced up and down on the piano bench, with hands flying effortlessly over the keyboard, he belted out tunes such as “What made Milwaukee famous, made a fool out of me,” “Lucille,” “I’ll fly away,” and “When the roll is called up yonder.” Williams not only played the piano with his hands, but he also played with his feet clad in blue suede shoes and red socks. At times he played while sitting on the bench, on the floor, with his hands behind his back, or lying on top of the piano. He entertained with all his might until he was saturated and dripping with perspiration. It was obvious he loved to entertain and thrived off the crowd. He expressed his desire to perform at the Florida Strawberry Festival sometime in the future and his sincere appreciation to

continued from page 112

Mrs. Evelyn and Batista Madonia Sr. The hospitable and gracious Mrs. Evelyn and Batista Madonia Sr., proprietors of the Red Rose Inn and Suites, elegantly dressed in evening attire were the perfect hosts. Mrs. Evelyn’s careful oversight of every detail always makes an evening at the Red Rose a memorable experience. The food presentation and service are always impeccable. Upcoming headliners are “Grand to Be Irish with Cahal Dunne and Dancers,” on March 15, with dinner and dancing before and after the show. On March 21, the “Dream Girls Tribute,” featuring Extreme Supreme and Motown sounds, will grace the stage in the Red Rose Ballroom. Both shows will also feature the smooth voices and music of P.J. Leary and the Las Vegas Sounds. Come and dance the night away to some of the best songs in music history. Call (813) 752-3141 to make your reservations, or log onto to view upcom-

ing shows and to make a reservation for that special date, anniversary, or birthday. Overnight stays are avail-

able in the stylish and well-appointed Red Rose Inn and Suites.

Mrs. Evelyn and Batista Madonia Sr. hosted another fantastic night at the Red Rose Inn and Suites. Photo by Dave Wright

March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 113

Dinner $7.95

Chicken Fried Steak, Mashed

Pot ato & Green Beans

After 5:00 Meal Deal

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Terrific Breakfast At Terrific Prices!


D E R’ S C H O

















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114 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009

Cafe 813.747.3032 •

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We Celebrate Friendship, Fine Teas, and the traditional English tea time with a Southern Flair Our gift shop is filled with everything a woman loves! Open 10:00am - 5:00pm • Tuesday - Saturday

120 North Collins Street • Plant City, FL 33563

813.659.TCUP (8287) March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 115

dining & entertainment

Event Calendar M a rch 15 – a pr il 15, 20 09

Sat Mar. 14

Kids Night with a Mardi Gras theme at the Planteen Recreation Center at 301 Dort St. Children 6-12 are welcome. Event lasts from 6 p.m.9 p.m. Features outdoor games, search for money, and door prizes. Admission is $5. For more information, call (813) 659-4256.

Sun Mar. 15

Cahal Dunne Grand To Be Irish Show with P.J. Leary is at 5 p.m. at the Red Rose Inn and Suites ballroom. Cahal Dunne, an international singer, songwriter and pianist, graces the stage with worldrenowned Irish dangers. For more information, call the Red Rose Inn and Suites at (813) 754-1578.

Thu Mar. 19

Backyard Habitats is at 6:30 p.m. Children of all ages are welcome to attend a workshop on providing backyard habitat. Students are welcome to bring recycled or special materials from home to decorate their stones with. Class will be held at the Utilities Maintenance Warehouse located at 1804 Spooner Drive. Please pre-register by calling (813) 757-9289 ext 2249. Class is free.

Fri Mar. 20

The GFWC Woman’s Club of Plant City is hosting its annual Card Playing Fundraiser at the Woman’s Clubhouse. Admission fee is $20. The silent auction begins at 11 a.m. For more information, call Jean Ann Eatman (813) 752-3737.

116 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009

Sat Mar. 21

The HB Plant Railroad Historical Society Train Show and Swap Meet begins at 9 a.m. and lasts till 3 p.m. at the HCC Trinkle Center on 1206 N. Park Rd. For more information, call (813) 757-2180. Evangelical University offers six new classes. The university is located at 105 E. Baker St. Call (813) 704-4404 for more information. The Strawberry Classic Car Show is on 102 N. Palmer St. in downtown Plant City from 4 p.m.-9 p.m. There are vendors and music, and shops are open late. For more information, call (813) 754-3707. Keel and Curley Winery presents its annual Food and Wine Festival. Festivities begin at 11 a.m. and end at 5 p.m. For more information, call Amanda Dixon at (813) 752-9100.

Sat Mar. 22

Keel and Curley Winery presents its annual Food and Wine Festival. Festivities begin at 11 a.m. and end at 5 p.m. For more information, call Amanda Dixon at (813) 752-9100.

Thu Mar. 26

Evening of Picture Perfect Memories is sponsored by Photo Archives and takes place at the Red Rose Inn and Suites ballroom. For more information, call (813) 754-1578.

Sat Mar. 28

Florida Opry is at the 1914 Plant City High School. It begins at 7 p.m. and features the Southern Bluegrass Band, Rhonda Kelly, Tina Dallman, and the Gospel Quartet. For more information, call Randy Dallman at (813) 659-1849.

dining & entertainment

Event Calendar M a rch 15 – a pr il 15, 20 09

Sat Mar. 28

The First Baptist Church of Plant City is sponsoring the 3rd Annual Great Egg Drop beginning at 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. There will be a helicopter egg drop, free food, and games for the entire family. For more information, call Bill Bender at (813) 752-4104.

Sat Apr. 4

The Bike Fest begins at 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. in downtown Plant City and features vendors and live music. For more information, call (813) 754-3707. The “Bridal Show” at Keel and Curley Winery begins at 5 p.m. and ends at 11:30 p.m. For more infor-

mation, call Amanda Dixon at (813) 752-9100. The Tribute to Life’s First Annual Golf Tournament with special guest Desmond Clarke of the NFL’s Chicago Bears at the Walden Lake Club 2001 Clubhouse Dr. in Plant City. Teams of four must participate in a four-person scramble. $100 per player. For more information, visit or call (813) 7521171.

Sat Apr. 5

The “Bridal Show” at Keel and Curley Winery begins at 5 p.m. and ends at 11:30 p.m. For more information, call Amanda Dixon at (813) 752-9100.

Wed Apr. 8

Contact Breakfast at the Red Rose Inn and Suites begins at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 9 a.m. Each month features a different sponsor and guest speaker. There are door prizes and a cash pot drawing. For more information, call (813) 754-1578.

Thu Apr. 9

Master gardener Virginia Overstreet presents “Favorite Plants of the Florida Nursery Growers and Landscape Association.” Event begins at 7 p.m. and ends 8 p.m., at Bruton Memorial Library at 302 W. McLendon St. Admission is free but guests are encouraged to bring a plant to exchange. For more information, call (813) 757-9215.

Sat Apr. 11

the Foothill Bluegrass Band, Tina Dallman, and others TBA. For more information, call Randy Dallman at (813) 659-1849.

Sun Apr. 12

Easter in the Ballroom at the Red Rose Inn and Suites allows families to celebrate Easter in the Red Rose Grande Ballroom. For more information, call (813) 754-1578.

Tue Apr. 14

Leadership Plant City Class of 2009 is at the Plant City Chamber of Commerce. The class meets once per month from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and prepares current and future leaders of Plant City for decisions that must be made as the city grows. For more information, call (813) 754-3707.

The Florida Opry is at the 1914 Plant City High School and features

($50 Gift Card for Single Membership) Expires 4/30/09

March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 117


CHICKEN & SEAFOOD Fresh Chicken, Never Frozen

Pressure Cooked in Pure Peanut Oil Complete Dinners Eat-in or Take-Out


The Difference is Delicious



D E R’ S C H O













D E R’ S C H O



At the corner of Thonotosassa & Alexander St




813-752-9200 CALL AHEAD FOR FAST TAKE-OUT Mark, Bill, Beverly, Tavia and Kim



celebrated their 80th Birthdays, this year. Being

High School sweethearts, they were Prom King &

Queen of their Jr & Sr. Class. They were married on April 9th 1950 in Watertown, WI. Join our family in wishing them


They moved to Plant City in 1957. Bill taught at

Plant City High School. He also, worked for a period

Served At The Daily Grind & News

of time at First National Bank.

Bill & Beverly have been the proud owners of

Maryland Chicken for 40 years. They have two

sons, Craig Naset of CA, Mark Naset of Plant City, Kim McElveen of Plant City and Tavia Cowell of

118 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009

Cafe 813.747.3032 •

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Thank you for voting for the






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Snellgrove’s Family Restaurant

813.752.3652 2 Egg (Your Way), 1 Strip Bacon, Toast, Coffee and Choice of: Grits, Hash Browns or Home Fries

Mon-Thur 6am–8pm Fri -Sat 6am–9pm Sun 7am–2pm 109 S. Collins Street Plant City, FL 33563

Cowboy Cheeseburger with French Fries

March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 119



dining & entertainment

arTiST of The MonTh

FearleSS in the eXpreSSion oF art

Eric Barber shows some of his artwork. He does, however, dabble in several other media. Photo by Suzanne Gallagher

Meet plant City’S kilt wearing artiSt. STory by he ather dav iS

When someone first meets Eric Barber, his or her first impression may be that of a big, tough, CSX Railroad man who competes in Highland Games and who has been known to wear a kilt. But behind a first impression beats the heart of an artist. Barber’s love for artistic expression created within him a desire to fearlessly explore all types of artistic me-

dia. This desire has resulted in a wide range of different types of artwork, which have evolved and changed with his moods and the circumstances of his life. Barber’s works range from acrylic paintings and charcoal drawings, to old-school style street signs and murals, as well as tattoo design. Barber’s interest has been drawn to photography due to the success and encouragement he received about

120 • FOCUS Magazine plant City • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009

pictures he took while on a recent trip to Alaska. His keen eye is naturally drawn to the contrasts that are found in nature and is revealed in his photographs, which capture the raw, subtle power of nature. Besides working for CSX Railroad, Barber also works for J&G Jewelers, where he has the opportunity to explore artistic expression as a jeweler and goldsmith. As busy as he is, he looks to art as a way to center himself, as well as gain

the ability to take a step back and look at life’s big picture. In regards to the future, this kiltwearing artist hopes to continue to grow in his ability and broaden the spectrum of his work while fearlessly exploring all types of artistic expression and mediums. For more information on Barber’s artwork, call him at J&G Jewelers, (813) 752-9629.


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March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 121

dining & entertainment

JuST for fun

a good egg Su bM i TTed b y C a lv i n & JaC k i e Mat h e w S

Isn’t it beautiful? Let’s keep it that way!

(813)431-9686 LICENSED INSURED Professional & Affordable Pet Care • Dog Walks • Pet Sitting • Plant Care • Yard (Poop) Clean Up • Pet Taxi • Weekly/Monthly Special Rates

122 • FOCUS Magazine plant City • March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009

Here, miracles are delivered

every day.

South Florida Baptist Hospital’s Family Childbirth Center provides expert, individual care for women and newborns right here in Plant City. Our affiliation with St. Joseph’s Women’s and St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospitals enables us to care for your medical needs, from gynecological to neonatal services. Our Certified Nurse Midwives and Neonatal Practitioners are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week with access to St. Joseph’s Level III NICU. And with a consistent patient satisfaction rate of 99%, you can trust that South Florida Baptist Hospital delivers.

301 N. Alexander St. Plant City, FL 33563 813.757.1200 March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 123


At The Daily Grind we select only the highest quality Arabica beans and have them hand roasted in small batches to ensure the highest quailty product. So when your taste buds demand a satisfying aroma filled cup of coffee, come in and try one of our daily selections, such as: Toasted Southern Pecan, Toasted Almond or Kona Macadamia.

Cafe 813.747.3032 •

Espresso / Events / Art / Desserts / Fine Chocolate / Signature Drinks / Daily Papers

Emma Reese Showalter

2009 Baby Parade Queen

Congrats Emma!

We are so very proud of you. Love Mom, Dad and your loving family.

March 15, 2009 – april 15, 2009 • FOCUS Magazine plant city • 125

It’s been a rough winter Does your landscape look like this now?



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