FOCUS Plant City 22-06

Page 56


“We provide compassionate care for you and your family.”

It’s not just an ID badge. It’s a badge of honor.

At South Florida Baptist Hospital, the team members who wear this badge give you high-quality care in a comfortable atmosphere. Our wide range of specialty services includes comprehensive orthopedic care, sports medicine services and total joint replacement procedures. We have a comprehensive gynecology program that offers a variety of women’s services, and our weight loss surgery program meets nationally recognized standards. And if surgery is required, we have surgeons who are experts in minimally invasive robotic surgical procedures, which means shorter hospital stays and smaller incisions that reduce the risk of infection. All of this means you get outstanding, compassionate care right here in Plant City. Learn more:


Table of Contents



Celebrate the season with the family outdoors in and around Plant City. From flower fields to petting zoos, there’s something for everyone.



Meet Charlie, Serenity and Carter who earned tens of thousands of votes in our Facebook contest. The kids talk summer, food, and life in Plant City.



More than 100 Plant City kids were entered into our Cutest Kid Contest. See all of the cute contestants in this Feature.



Issue 22-06 / June 2023


Mike Floyd


Cierra Craft


Anthony Sassano


Candy Owens


Tony DeVane


Cheryl Johnston

Jennifer Jordan


Candy Owens

Natalie Sweet

Sam Poirier Dr. Chap. Dan Middlebrooks

Got a story idea?

Looking to advertise in Focus? Contact us for more information.

Floyd Publications, Inc. 702 W. Dr. MLK Jr. Blvd. Plant City, FL 33563 Office 813.707.8783

Standards of accuracy: The goal of the writers at FOCUS Magazine is to provide heart-warming stories that are accurate from the start. Being human, however, we sometimes make mistakes. Please forgive us.

So if you notice anything that is incorrect, then please do not hesitate to contact the editorial department and inform it about the fact error. To do so, call (813) 707-8783 or e-mail The staff will fix the error in a timely manner.

FOCUS Magazine is published monthly and is available through local Plant City businesses, restaurants and many local venues.

Advertisers warrant and represent the descriptions of their products advertised are true in all respects. Focus Magazine assumes no responsibility for claims made by advertisers. All letters and their contents sent to Focus Magazine become the sole property of Floyd Publications, Inc and may be reproduced thereof. All views expressed in all articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of Floyd Publications, Inc. Use or duplication of material used in this publication is prohibited without approved written consent from Floyd Publications, Inc.



If it isn’t apparent from my previous letters, my favorite job is being a dad. I’ve been blessed with two sons, Zane and Zy. Both boys are incredible, but uniquely different. One is reserved and the other is fearless, but they’re both smart and I’m glad they were raised in Plant City. As they get older, I’m excited to see where life takes them as they continue to shape and mold into young men.

I’m looking forward to spending time with my boys and my parents this summer. We will go on the boat, to the beach, and barbecue in the backyard. How are you celebrating the summer with the kids? To get kids off the couch this summer, we’ve got a list of seven ways to embrace the summer sun in Plant City; be sure to check it out for affordable family fun right here in town. We cover everything from kayaking to visiting local farms to pick flowers.

This past month, we also hosted voting for our Cutest Kid Contest over on Facebook. Our analytics revealed that one million unique Facebook users visited our page over the course of three days to cast votes. Our team was blown away by that; one million people wanted to cast their vote, with many voting for every child featured in the photo gallery. Charlie, Serenity, and Carter earned the most votes and are featured on the front cover. Each sat down with Editor Cierra Craft and shared their thoughts on living in the city, summertime fun, and their aspirations for the future. Thank you again to Gould’s Air Conditioning and Heating for sponsoring this contest and The Barber Company, Brick City Bricks, Florida Strawberry Festival, Pelican’s Snoballs, and Chick-Fil-A Plant City for providing prizes for our three winners. Thank you to Deanna Hurley Photography for lending us your time and talent to photograph our winners.

It was our hope to feature as many kids as possible in the pages of this issue. Meet teenagers like Gracie Garner who organizes an event to encourage freshman girls, as well as Abigail Mullis, who is one of the only females to compete in tournament fishing in the area. Additionally, Future Career Academy has worked tirelessly to connect employers with high school graduates ready to enter the workforce. Learn more about the program and the work being done now in preparation for the 2023 to 2024 school year.

My email is always open. For story ideas, to make connections, and for learning more about our community. Kids are our future–let’s make Plant City the best community we can for them!

Warmest Regards,

10 PAGE PUBLISHER From The Publisher

Celebrate Christmas in July to benefit Pediatric Cancer Patients

Plant City businesses are inviting the community to celebrate the spirit of giving with Christmas in July, a toy drive benefiting pediatric cancer patients. Christmas in July is organized by No More Umbrellas. The non-profit organization offers financial support and resources to pediatric cancer patients and their families throughout Central Florida. The organization is led by Emily Pierce and her family in memory of her daughter Morgan Pierce, whose wish for the future was a world with only rainbows, no more rain, and ‘No More Umbrellas.’

The community is asked to drop-off new, unwrapped toys and items like gift cards to any drop off location between July 1 and July 28. A full list of drop off locations can be found on Facebook at @nomoreumbrellas or on their website at

The toys will be delivered to pediatric cancer patients at All Children’s Hospital, St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital, and Tampa General Hospital. Often organizations like No More Umbrellas receive a lot of giving during the Christmas season, but the hospital’s social workers expressed a need for new toys this time of year.

“it is difficult to put into words how the Plant City area, and the Downtown Plant City community have supported our family’s mission to help local kids with cancer. Anytime I present a need these folks show up, and in a big way!” said Emily Pierce. “I am overwhelmed, and deeply grateful for [the business’s] contributions in the past, and now with this Christmas in July event. No More Umbrellas is proud to be from Plant City!”

For more information on No More Umbrellas or the Christmas in July Toy Drive, contact Emily Pierce at




A fiery horse with the speed of light, a cloud of dust and a hearty Hi-Yo Silver! It’s this month’s Plant City Personality!

This adorable little Nino was born in McAllen, Texas and moved to our fair city as an infant. As a child, he was taken with Transformers, Marvel Comics, and you guessed it…The Lone Ranger. By Elementary school age, he could be found singing in his church choir. In fact, it was discovered by accident, that this little Cowboy was indeed a MUSICAL VIRTUOSO! He learned to play the guitar and other instruments with the speed of light. His father, who was a musician himself, simply handed him a microphone and BOOM!!! He blew the audience away with his beautiful voice and perfect pitch. At age 15, he was the Lead Vocalist of his very own band. By popular demand, he and his band mates enjoyed much travel filling many bookings and musical obligations. Oh! Just another little tidbit about this person…EDUCATION is of the UTMOST Importance!. So important, that after graduation from PCHS, he actually earned not one, but two degrees from USF. A Degree in Marketing and a Degree in Business Management. These days, our P.C. Personality is a proud father who enjoys fishing and coaching soccer. WELL……..Any guesses as to who this person is???? Here is another hint, Our Personality of the Month really is like the Lone Ranger!!! He has become a Well Respected and hard working Entrepreneur in our city and well within the Latino Community.



The first 3 people to guess the correct person will win a PRIZE!!!!

(The TRUE identity will be given in next month’s FOCUS Magazine)

“Hi-Yo, Silver!”

Future Career Academy Gears Up to Help Plant City Students Reach Success

The Future Career Academy team is fueling up this summer to once again serve all 32 Hillsborough County high school seniors in the 2023 - 2024 school year!

The mission of Future Career Academy is to prepare and connect graduating seniors with great jobs and training opportunities in their communities. The program began as a partnership between Hillsborough County Public Schools and the business community in 2015 to bring greater awareness and access to students with the knowledge and skills needed for a wide range of careers.

The Future Career Academy is the signature program of the Florida-based nonprofit Workforce Development Partners Corporation and is dedicated to connecting students and adults to in-demand, living wage, entry-level jobs with longterm career growth and sustainable employment.

Plant City area schools and businesses are in partnership with The Future Career Academy in preparing students for life. Seniors will go through the Workforce Development training program which is enhancing English 4 and English 4 Honors classes once a week. The curriculum consists of Industry Exploration Videos, Life Skills and Workforce Planning Activities and Career Focused Professional Development. This program provides students with invaluable opportunities to explore

various career paths, gain practical experience, and develop the skills required to excel in their chosen fields.

Starting next year, The Future Career Academy will introduce Workforce Wednesday as a significant addition to its program. Workforce Wednesday will serve as a dedicated day of the week, during which all Hillsborough County schools will deliver workforce development. The implementation of Workforce Wednesday as part of The Future Career Academy’s program will undoubtedly have a transformative impact on Plant City schools and its students. By actively engaging students in career development from an early stage, we are empowering them to make informed decisions about their future and providing them with the tools needed to thrive in the workforce.

The Future Career Academy is a results driven initiative that seeks to bridge the gap between education and industry. By collaborating with local businesses, training professionals, and community leaders we are opening the doors to opportunities within each Hillsborough community. One of the key advantages of The Future Career Academy program is the networking opportunities it will provide.This innovative program exposes students to first hand experiences during the Business Panels, Business Tours, and Future Fair Hiring Events. Students will learn about a diverse range of industries and make direct connections to get

hired! Signing Day will commence in May 2024 to celebrate the early returns from the Future Fair Hiring Event.

Through career exploration, skill development, networking opportunities, and industry immersion, students will be equipped with the knowledge, confidence, and resources necessary to pursue their dreams and become future leaders in their respective fields. Plant City schools are taking a proactive approach to shape the future workforce, ensuring that students are equipped with the necessary skills, knowledge, and connections to thrive in their careers.

To further support this mission, The Future Career Academy invites local businesses to join hands in shaping the future workforce. Are you a business looking for talented, motivated individuals? To connect with The Future Career Academy and learn more about how you can be involved, please visit our website at Together, let’s create a bright future for Plant City’s students and foster a strong partnership between education and industry.

Remember, your support and engagement can shape the career paths of these young individuals and contribute to the growth and success of our community. Join us in building a workforce that is well-equipped, motivated, and ready to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.




Walden Lake

FOCUS REVIEW A Torch and a Light

She has become an icon to those desiring freedom, a national treasure for a nation to remember, as one of the most recognized figures in all the world. Each year, millions of people make the journey to see her and experience the history of her nation. Those that cherish her ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness marvel at her grandeur and size. She is the Statue of Liberty. She has become for the United States and the rest of the world, a symbol of freedom, inspiration, and hope. Lady Liberty was a gift from the people of France to the people of the United States to celebrate the centennial of our nation’s freedom on 4 July, 1776. It was designed by staunch American supporter and French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi and its metal framework was built by Gustave Eiffel. The statue was finished and dedicated by President Grover Cleveland on October 28, 1886. At the base of her marble foundation is a plaque that reads,

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempests tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

It is that very lamp that draws my attention, especially as we move through the month of May, June and into July. Although her torch has undergone multiple refurbishments and eventually a replacement, the very essence of the “Light of Liberty” continues to shine in New York harbor, in our hearts, especially in the hearts of our Veterans and First Responders. Men and women that have endured the darkest of nights, the worst of storms, and the greatest of sacrifices to ensure that freedom’s light will never do out. It is a light that has been tried and tested over the short history of our great country and will continue to be attacked by those that desire to snuff out this beacon of help and hope. From the voice of the Veteran, we hear, “Not on my watch!” From the voice of our First Responders, “Not during my duty!”. This light will not be damped, dimmed, or diminished. It will not be hidden or horded by tyrants, past or present, wanting its power nor will it be cheapened because of the attitude of entitlement and selfishness from those within country, community or cities! This light may flicker but it will not fade. It continues to pierce the darkness of deceit to bring through the night a morning of reassurance and restoration. Yet, as great as this torch of Lady Liberty is, there is a greater light that will never be put out, never extinguished, and will never lose its power to permeate, protect, and prevail against the powers and principalities of the land and air! In John 1:1-5, we see the greatest light known to all mankind as the Apostle John pens these words, “4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.” Just as Lady Liberty lights New York Harbor with her torch, the Lord’s light illuminates all our life to provide for us a hope for our future. Wow! What an incredible light. Just as the plaque calls for the “huddled masses”, the proclamation from our Spiritual Light is “Come to me all you who are burdened and heavy hearted and I will give you rest!” (Matthew 11:28). I have been honored to serve as a Veteran for the US Army for 26 years and as Chaplain for many great agencies. I am blessed to serve as a Warrior of the Light for almost 49 years. Both in the service of the country that I love and the King of Kings who loved me first, I see the torch and the light burning bright. As one Nation under God, we will continue to be that beacon of help, healing, and hope as long as there is breath in every Veterans and First Responder that stands to protect it! To all our Heroes past and present, “Stand watch and press on until we are fully relieved of our duty from the ultimate Commander and Chief of all creation!”

Walden Lake Community Association Board Meetings are held the third Monday of each month at 6:30 at the Walden Lake Community Association office building on Griffin Boulevard in Walden Lake. The next meeting will be held on July 17th . Please keep an eye on the announcement boards at all entrances for dates and times of special meetings and events. Meetings are now being held in person although you can still log in to and view the meeting virtually on zoom.

The City of Plant City Commissioners had planned 2 meetings in June to hear from the developer, Walden Lake LLC as well as the residents and interveners. Those meetings have been Cancelled. The developer had a meeting at Walden Lake Elementary on June 8th with some residents, and after that meeting, they requested additional time to review the feedback received at that meeting. No future meetings have been scheduled. Watch your email, the community board announcements and Nextdoor for information on when the next meeting(s) are scheduled.

The Walden Lake Market is coming to the HOA office area at 3035 Griffin Boulevard on June 25th from 9 AM to 3 PM. This is a great opportunity to support over 50 vendors.

The food trucks at the HOA Building/Sports Complex are on the second Fridays and last Sundays of each month. If you have not taken advantage of the delicious offerings, give them a try! Watch for more information from emails coming from the HOA, the entrance boards, and Nextdoor for updated information.

During the month of May, there were 6 sales in Walden Lake and 1 sale in Walden Lake East. The average sale price was $362,236 with an average of 1761 square feet, average of $196 per square foot and was on the market for an average of 28 days.

There are currently 15 active listings for sale in Walden Lake and Walden Lake East. The average list price of $513,007 and an average of 58 days on the market. There are 14 properties Pending Contract in Walden Lake and Walden Lake East with an average list price of $417,545 and an average of 12 days on the market.

This is still a great time to sell your home. Before you sell your home to an “I’ll buy your home for cash company, move when you are ready”, you should consult with an honest and experienced real estate agent that will be able to give you a value of what your home will sell on the open market. Feel free to contact me with any questions about this article or about your real estate needs. or 813-758-9586.

14 PAGE The May Sales are as follows: Address / Sales Price / Living Area / Garage / Pool 1001 Sandalwood Drive / $250,000 / 1594 / 2 Car / Community 4105 Longfellow Drive / $335,000 / 1625 / 2 Car / None 2601 Bridle Drive / $356,100 / 2035 / 2 Car / None 2939 Spring Hammock Drive / $479,900 / 2281 / 2 Car / Private 3043 Sutton Woods Drive / $515,000 / 2179 / 2 Car / Private 1707 Charleston Woods Dr / $539,000 / 2581 / 2 Car / Private 2895 Hammock Drive / $650,000 / 2902 / 3 Car / Private
15 PAGE BEST JEWELER 2023WINNER 1705 Jim Redman Pkwy Plant City, FL 33563 754-2360 We Buy Gold & Silver We Have A Wonderful Selection Of Class Rings And Gift For Your Graduate!

Plant City YMCA to Honor Paul Davis with Strong Leader Award

The Plant City Family YMCA is pleased to honor Paul Davis, a well-known local resident with the 20th annual Strong Leader Award.

The prestigious Plant City Y award honors a community leader annually for “echoing the Y’s commitment to youth development, healthy living and social responsibility.”

Paul has served on both the Brandon and Plant City Chamber of Commerce and for the past three years has been on the Unity in the Community Board of Directors. He was the Christmas Parade Grand Marshal in 2022 and the Strawberry Festival Grand Marshal in 2023. While at the Festival, he also served on the Florida Federation of Fairs Board as President. Under Paul’s leadership, The Florida Strawberry Festival has been the number one Festival/Fair in Florida for the past seven years and in the top 40 nationwide. The Festival has been rated as a Blue Ribbon event for many years, attesting to the highest standards set forth in Federation protocols. During his 15 years at the Festival, the group has completed approximately $15 million of construction and improvements.

“When I first received the notification that I had been selected for this award, I was so excited because I have been to every past celebration hosted by the Plant City Y since the award’s inception. I know all of the past winners and feel so honored to be added to that list. The Y is a great organization and does so much good for the community and all of our young folks, (not to mention us older folks). I was a charter member when this Y opened and I am looking forward to helping them in the future,” Paul comments.

During his law enforcement career, Paul ran several state, local and federal drug task forces; he was the Division Commander of the Homeland Security Division created after the 9/11 attacks. He was also on the Brandon Chamber Board, Plant City Chamber Board and the Hillsborough County Drug Alliance Board.

Paul has been happily married to Sheryl for 43 years. The couple has three children, and 10 grandchildren, who are the “highlight of my life for sure,” says Paul.

Paul Conley, Tampa Y’s District Executive Director for Plant City, East Pasco and Dade City notes, “Paul Davis is a prominent and respected fixture in the Plant City community and member of our Y.”

“He has represented the Florida Strawberry Festival and this community for so long and so passionately that our committee felt he was an obvious choice to be the 20th Strong Leader of the Plant City YMCA,” Conley enthuses.

Congratulations Paul!

WHAT: Strong Leader Award Dinner – Paul Davis

WHEN: August 24, 2023

TIME: 6:30 p.m. – Social / 7:00 p.m. – Dinner / 8:00 p.m. – Program

WHERE: TECO Exhibition Hall

SPONSORSHIPS/ TICKETS: Sponsorships are available and start at $1,250 which includes a table of eight. Individual tickets are $125 per person. All proceeds benefit children and families in Plant City through YMCA programs and services. Your generous contribution provides kids with values-centered summer day camp, sports and swimming experiences to help them grow strong in spirit, mind and body.

EVENT CONTACT: Paul Conley - or 813.757.6677.

16 PAGE Community CHECK



VP, Private Relationship Manager

The Bank of Tampa has announced that Polly Wiggins has been appointed to vice president, private relationship manager at its Plant City office, which is located at 509 W Alexander Street in Plant City.

“When you look at Polly’s success and knowledge in the areas of banking and finance, coupled with her deep connections in the Plant City market, she really is the perfect fit for The Bank of Tampa’s culture and relationship-based approach to serving our clients,” said Matt Buzza, Plant City market director at The Bank of Tampa. “With more than 30 years banking and finance experience directly in Plant City, she will be a wonderful asset to our Plant City banking team as we continue to grow.”

Prior to joining The Bank of Tampa, Wiggins served as a relationship banker at Regions Bank. She is active in the Plant City community, serving as an ambassador with the Greater Plant City Chamber of Commerce.


Emily Iola Alexander OBITUARY

Iola Alexander, 91, of Plant City, Florida, passed away on June 06, 2023 in Plant City Florida.

She was born to Frank Reese and Emily LaVielle in Los Angeles, California.

She graduated from El Centro High School and she attended The University of Miami.

Iola worked as a PBX Switch Board Operator for Bell Telephone until she retired.

She enjoyed spending time with her family at the lake or gathered around the dining table. She loved to play games with family and friends and she loved being an involved member of the Plant City Church of God.

Iola was married to Howard William Alexander Jr and they raised 6 children together; Howard William III, Debra Lynn, Mark Wayne Duke, Diane Gail, John Lee and Linda Kay.

Iola is survived by son Howard (Sherrie), daughter Debra (Gary), daughter Diane (Mike), son John (Lori), 12 grandchildren, 23 greatgrandchildren and 1 great-great-grandchild.

She was preceded in death by her husband Howard Jr., her son Mark and daughter Linda.

A memorial celebration is scheduled for Saturday, June 10 at 11am at the Plant City Church of God.

Pastor Jeff Robinson and Dr. John Alexander will officiate the ceremony.


To thank you for these incredible 20 years, we are celebrating with a 'Cheers to 20 Years' sweeps! One lucky winner will win a trip for two to Napa Valley! This includes flight, hotel, and a wine tasting!

Win a trip for two to Napa Valley! ENTE R T O WIN W i n n e r s w i l l b e a n n o u n c e d o n A u g u s t 1 1 , 2 0 2 3 No purchase necessary to win, all terms and conditions on

tarting high school can be daunting–larger campus, a lot of new people, trying to navigate a classload, and get involved in sports, clubs, and programs. But, what if freshman girls could start high school on the right foot with an easy way to make friends? PCHS senior Gracie Garner had a bright idea.

Garner was homeschooled up to the end of 8th grade and decided to attend PCHS for the “full high school experience.” However, Garner said she had a bit of a culture shock and was thankful to have a friend who navigated traditional school for years to help her acclimate while remaining true to herself.

Gracie said when she entered her sophomore year, she noticed the Freshman girls finding it difficult to navigate high school.

Garner leaned on her faith, praying for an answer. With the encouragement of her parents, she created Bright Night, a faith-based night for freshman girls for encouragement, inclusion, good decision making, and support by building solid friendships. Garner says the 2022 event was a success with 50 to 60 girls in attendance and the 2023 Bright Night is scheduled for August 12.

Those who want to attend Bright Night 2023 are encouraged to follow Bright Night on Instagram @brightnight_pc. Once girls have

reserved their spot, they will be given the time and address of the event.

9th Grader Girls: Bright Night Scheduled August 12 S

“Bright Night is for girls attending Plant City, Durant, or Crest,” said Garner. “We will have guest speakers, pizza, and encourage one another. If we say, ‘hey, let’s band together,’ we can get through high school together.”

Garner says since Bright Night 2022, she saw so many friendships built over the school year. She says her and her friends make it their mission to make a connection with every girl who attends Bright Night.

Garner says Sandee Sytsma, Candy Mayor, Dr. Tandria Callins, Jessi Rae Varnum, and Stephanie Shuff will be back to share a word with this year’s attendees.

“Our speakers are all so strong in their faith and just said all of the right things,” said Garner. “We’re looking forward to hearing from these women again this year.”

Garner says she is looking for businesses that would like to contribute a gift to the Bright Night attendees. Those who are interested in making a contribution can email Gracie at brightnightpc@


Summer Safety Tips from Plant City Police Department

The kids are out of school and summer vacation is here! To help families stay safe this summer, the Plant City Police Department has created the following list of summer safety tips. FOCUS sat down with Public Information Officer Captain Al Van Duyne to remind you and your family to make summer safety a top priority.

Water Safety

Little kids need to have a “Water Watcher,” a responsible adult who agrees to watch the kids in the water without distractions, before getting in the water. Remove any pool toys that could attract children to the water. Prevent unsupervised water access by installing a barrier around your pool and hot tub

“These pool barriers can be purchased at pool supply stores like Pinch-A-Penny, Lowe’s, Walmart, or ordered online from Amazon,” said Capt. Van Duyne. “If you have a sliding glass door to access your pool patio, install a latch that is out of reach of small children

and keep it locked to prevent an accident when children are not meant to be swimming.”

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children ages 4 and older learn to swim. Learning how to swim should be a fun activity, promoting aquatic awareness and minimizing intimidation. To find swimming lessons in or near Plant City, contact the YMCA at (813) 757-6677 or find a local swimming school.

Kids Left in Cars

“In 2018 and 2019, we saw a record number of hot car deaths—53 children died each year—the most in at least 20 years, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,” said Capt. Van Duyne.

A child’s body temperature rises three to five times faster than an adult’s. When a child in left in a hot vehicle, the child could die within minutes. Heatstroke begins when the core body temperature reaches about 104 degrees and a child can die when their body temperature reaches 107 degrees.

Parents and caregivers, get in the habit of always looking inside your car before locking the doors. Remember Park. Look. Lock. And always ask yourself, “Where’s Baby?” The National Safety Council recommends placing a purse or even a shoe in the back seat to force you to take one last look before walking away.

Going on Vacation

If you’re planning a vacation, don’t broadcast that you’re leaving on vacation or post pictures on social media until you return. It would also be wise to turn off your appliances, consider turning your A/C off, and ask a neighbor or friend to keep an eye on your home.

“Timers or systems like Apple Siri or Amazon Alexa to control your lights via an app and if you can afford it, invest in a doorbell camera or security cameras that can be viewed from your smartphone,” says Capt. Van Duyne.

Celebrate July 4 with Safety in Mind

Please celebrate the 4th of July responsibly and safely. Consider all safety measures when barbequing and closely supervise children when using celebratory devices.

“Be mindful of the amount of alcohol you may consume and have a designated driver or use a ride-sharing service such as Uber, Lyft, etc. to get home safely,” says Capt. Van Duyne.

“We hope you take all these suggestions to heart,” said Capt. Van Duyne. “Our goal is to ensure all families, especially children, have an enjoyable and safe summer.”

22 PAGE Community
24 PAGE Commercial Insurances: Aetna • Avmed • Blue Cross Blue Shield • Cigna Humana • MultiPlan • United Health Care Medicaid: Humana Medicaid • Simply Healthcare United Health Care Medicaid • Sunshine Health Our providers provide gentle, compassionate care to each patient, offering quality healthcare. Emily Buchholz, PA-C Hernando Valero, DNP-APRN Chandra Williams, M.D., F.A.A.P. Timothy B. Williams, D.O., M.Ed., F.A.A.P. Katherine Puisis, APRN Cynthia Garcia, APRN WE’RE EASY TO GET TO - WORTH THE DRIVE! Swap Shop every Sat. and Sun. 4100 U.S. 92 W. Lakeland Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Limit 1 per car. Not valid with any other offer. Present this coupon for

East Hillsborough Law Enforcement Appreciation Dinner honors Four LEOs

On May 9, the East Hillsborough Law Enforcement Association hosts its 61st annual dinner. The event brings officers from Plant City Police Department, Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission, and Florida Highway Patrol to honor these organizations and its personnel for their service to our community.

The evening begin with a message from EHLE chairman Bill McDaniel, a former member of Plant City Police Department. Held at the Florida Strawberry Festival TECO Expo Hall, the Presentation of Colors was a joint agency honor guard and committee member Jodi Stevens led attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance. Plant City Police Department Chaplain Jeff Howell offered the Invocation.

Dinner was served by Johnson Barbeque & Fred’s Market as the Alex Belliveau Jazz Quartet provided entertainment. Following dinner, the presentation of awards began for the night’s four honorees. Each were presented with a plaque, a $500 check, and a customized Sig Sauer P226 pistol courtesy of Seattle Engraving.

PCPD Officer Josh Snyder began his career at PCPD in 2007. He served in the Investigative Service Division’s Street Crimes Unit as a Detective, including as assignment as a Task Force Officer. Officer Snyder worked cases involving narcotics, firearms violations, prostitution, and human trafficking. After a successful stint as a

Detective, Officer Snyder returned to the patrol division where he currently serves as a Field Training Officer.

FHP Trooper Wesley Kelly has been employed by the Florida Highway Patrol for eight years. He is a member of the Criminal Interdiction Unit, a specialized unit with specially trained troopers assigned throughout the state to patrol the interstate, state highways, and other local roadways.

HCSO Detective Michael Fernandes has been with the sheriff’s office since 2014 and was assigned to District II, primarily patrolling the Dover area. In 2022, Detective Fernandes was instrumental in the development and execution of several operational plans targeting violent gang members.

FWC Officer Specialist Hunter Caldwell joined the Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission in 2011. His passion for resource protection and public safety is reflected in his continued outstanding performance and was recognized by command staff when they assigned him to the unmarked resource protection unit for three years. He made significant cases in protecting federal protected birds, a case of illegally harvesting gamefish, and played a leading role in arresting individuals commercially gill netting thousands of fish and a juvenile dolphin in the bay.


Laurel Candelario People of Plant City

Pittsburgh native Laurel Candelario is a lifelong learner. As the cosmetology instructor at Plant City High School, she explained, “I’ve gone to high school for 32 years of my life! The salon industry is all I’ve ever known. This year, I’ve graduated with the class of 2023!”

She has loved her work and students, but now it’s time to enjoy those well-deserved retirement years. “It’s my prayer I’ve made a difference in the lives of kids,” she added. “Beauty is way more than esthetic. It comes from the heart. It’s beautiful to serve others.” Share a little about yourself and family.

I’m the widow of the late Sgt Maj Rafael A. Candelario, United States Marine Corps. My greatest joy is being the mother of two daughters, Lindsay, and Kirsten Ritenbaugh, both Plant City High School graduates. I’m a member of Nativity Catholic Church in Brandon, where I enjoy involvement in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program. My Plant City neighborhood is the best! Seven households get together for dinner every Sunday night. We’re all from different states and have made our own little “family.”

How did your cosmetology career begin?

My very beautiful Aunt Jeanne was so glamorous and still is. As a little girl, trips with her to the salon were amazing. She encouraged me, so I attended my high school’s cosmetology program. Since then, I’ve been a licensed cosmetologist in Ohio, North Carolina, Florida, and Pennsylvania, from where I earned a Vocational Education certificate at the University of Pittsburgh and have a cosmetology instructor’s license. I’ve taught 28 years in the Hillsborough County School District and spent 20 years working in salons - ten each at The Hair Shapers by Cassano and with Penzone Salon and Spas.

Appointed by governors Bush, Scott, and Crist to the Florida Board of Cosmetology, I served 17 years and became a Regional Director for the National Interstate Council of Boards of Cosmetology for a time and participated in national exam development.

What do you love about your work?

My favorite part has been relationships with fellow professionals, clients, and students. My co-teachers, the late Ginger Forte’ and now, Irish Miller have truly become my sisters. Irish and I sing together every day! I’ll miss that!

My salon guests became friends and together we journeyed through life’s ups and downs. Students often call me “Mom,” which is such an honor and I’ve shed many tears at graduations.

When I first meet new students, some as young as 14, they’re children who can’t hold a comb and scissors at the same time. But once they gain knowledge, skill, and confidence, they win Skills USA regional, state, and national competitions. By graduation time, they’ve become licensed adults with a means to support their families. Whether they pursue cosmetology as a career or not, I’ve always made it a point to remember they’re God’s creation. It’s my calling to love them where they are.

Share a special memory of Plant City life.

One of my fondest would be the first year my class did Fairy Princess Makeovers in memory of Megan Carpenter, our Angel in Heaven. My students and this community came together in a very large way! It was a testimony not only to sweet Megan and the lives she touched, but also to our little town. We continued the tradition from 2007 through 2019, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for the American Cancer Society.

My PCHS class has a special relationship with our ESE students. We served them many years in the school salon and hosted the annual “Every Buddy is Beautiful” fundraiser show for our Raider Buddies, formerly “Best Buddies.”

Being voted PCHS Teacher of the Year in 2008 by my fellow faculty members was also very humbling!

Any hobbies and retirement plans?

I love to ride my bike and have summer trips planned to visit my parents and Pittsburgh family, too. I’m fascinated by the history, pageantry, and traditions of British Royalty and hope someday to visit England. My little dog is a Yorkie mix named Britain.

I hope to find a way to see former students. My daughter suggested a Sunday afternoon drop in at Roots in Plant City. Students could visit and maybe donate to the PCHS cosmetology program…a wonderful “give back” to support the future of the salon industry!

I’m very excited for our students’ next school year because my replacement is our very own, PCHS Cosmetology’s Class of 2000 graduate, April Brooks. She and Irish Miller will take the program into the future.

27 PAGE UNCLE G’S BED & BISCUIT 1821 Stephens Ln, Dover, FL 33527 Phone: (813) 689-6725 | Call For Pricing on Boarding Or Grooming. We offer pet boarding in a state of the art facility with television for the pets to watch. We are located on 5 acres of land. BARKER CARD STAY PROMOTION! STAY 6 NIGHTS AND GET THE 7TH FREE! Our NEW GROOMER has 14 years EXPERIENCE and SPECIALIZES IN DOGS THAT DO NOT LIKE TO BE GROOMED! GROOMING REWARDS! WITH 5 GROOMS THE 6TH GROOM IS FREE! GROOMING SPECIAL! $10.00 OFF FIRST GROOM FOR NEW CUSTOMERS

Know? Did You

Womanless Weddings

The smell of fresh cut flowers, the shimmer of white chiffon, and rows of family and friends looking on as their loved ones say, “I do”. There is nothing quite like a wedding. However, these photos from our collection tell a slightly different story about the matrimonial ritual. You might notice that these depictions of weddings are set on the stage and are missing something one would normally see at the proceedings – women. On closer inspection, we come to realize that these eccentrically dressed cast of characters in the wedding party are made up entirely of men. These plays are known as “womanless weddings” and often featured notable local men of the community acting out a bizarre ceremony.

The satirical skits seem to have started around the turn of the 20th century and quickly gained popularity, particularly in the south. The earliest mention we found of a womanless wedding in Plant

City was in a Tampa Tribune article from March 5, 1922. The Woman’s Club hosted the program as a fundraiser as part of their efforts to build a new clubhouse. About 30 of the city’s prominent men were cast. This became a go-to fundraising event for local organizations, including Parent Teacher Associations, civic clubs, and churches. By the 1950s and 1960s, the play often took place at the annual school Halloween carnivals. D. E. Bailey, Jr. directed one for the Springhead PTA whose theme was “All Work and No Play? That’s Not the Together Way”. Key features of the pretend nuptials were a large (sometimes bearded) bride, small groom, ridiculous attire, and very bad acting. As a comedic production, the more outlandish the proceedings, the better. But don’t worry, women had their fun too. According to The Tampa Times, the Pinecrest homemaking department performed a “manless” wedding at the high school assembly as the conclusion to their unit on weddings in 1957.

We are constantly discovering more about the habits and events that made up the day-to-day lives of our forebearers and community members. If you have personal stories and experiences to share or happen to know individuals who have been captured in our photographs, please reach out to us. The context behind some of the photographs in our collection is sometimes unknown to us and we would love to be able to share the history with the current community. You can stop by the Plant City Photo Archives, located at 106 S. Evers St., to share your photos and history, or simply volunteer with the Archives. You can also contact us by email or call the office at 813.754.1578.


The Tampa Tribune, 5 Mar 1922, p.3

The Tampa Times, 28 May 1957, p. 5

The Tampa Times, 6 Nov 1958, p. 13

The Tampa Tribune, 23 Oct 1960, p. 54

Dr. Scotty & Hsiu Huang History Center Plant City Photo Archives, Inc.
31 PAGE Never Had a Dog! Whoever said Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend 3012 James L Redman Pkwy, Plant City, FL 33566 (813) 588-3540 Plant City’s Only Boutique Pet Store Pet Clothes, Collars, Leashes & More! Highest Quality Dog & Cat Food & Treats Grooming starting at $47
32 PAGE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 809 South Evers Street Plant City, FL 33563 Please email resume to or contact Eve Tidey 813-752-1680 for more information. We are looking for a licensed customer service representative or agent with experience for personal and commercial lines. Monday-Friday 9-5 at our Plant City location. Auto, Trucking, and Homeowners Insurance Made Easy!

SUMMER SUN Ways to EMbRacE the 7

In this area, whether you’re in a flower field in the country or in a boat on the water, you can celebrate the season–and its beauty–in the great outdoors.

ExperiEnce agricUltuRE

The sweltering heat is the first sign that summer has arrived. You know, the kind of hot that is hotter than hot. For Kristi Grooms Barnes of Fancy Farms Market, the sight of brightly colored zinnias popping up in the fields, just waiting to be clipped–and the little mouths stained with a blueberry cobbler in the market barn–are among the first sights of summer.

Barnes, the daughter of strawberry growers Carl and Dee Dee Grooms, knows that most people never see where their food comes from or have an opportunity to immerse themselves in agriculture, and she wants to change that. The u-pick zinnias are a great place to start–and serving up blueberry, blackberry, and peach desserts on a hot summer day doesn’t hurt either.

“My brother and I are going to continue my parent’s legacy and keep educating kids on where food comes from,” said Barnes in a previous FOCUS interview. “When kids visit the Market, I like to spend time with them in the field explaining what it takes to put food on their plate. It’s amazing how eager they are to learn about farming. We need the next generation of farmers.”

The Parke family opened Berry Sweet Acres in 2022, offering zinnias and sunflower u-pick opportunities at 5621 W US Hwy 92. Since its opening, the property now includes a “Barntique,” with trendy clothing and accessories. Announced new to this year’s flower crop, a flower field maze and yoga classes will be offered. For more information, follow Berry Sweet Acres on Facebook and Instagram.

Fancy Farms Market hosts a zinnia & sunflower field in May and June. Field entry is $5; zinnia cup is $5; sunflowers stems are one free and each additional is $1 each.

GettinG DoWn oN the FarM

At Lum’s Farm & Farmers Market at 4898 James L. Redman Parkway, this unsuspecting roadside little market features fresh produce, a dessert stand, and a taco truck out front.

But, in the back is a free petting zoo–yes, free–but there is a charge to feed the animals. Owned by the Lumley family, this family-friend farm hosts a longhorn bull, donkeys, sheep, and more. Some kids will only see farm animals in a book, so this real-world experience gives parents an opportunity to introduce kids to animals in an affordable and accessible way.

EMbRacE liFe oN the Water

We dare you to find a better place to be on a sunny Florida afternoon than the water. Rent a canoe or kayak at Hillsborough River State Park at 15402 U.S. 301 North and cruise along the river. Paddling from Hillsborough River State Park to Dead Park River is about a three-mile beginner-level trip. Rentals are available for $25 for the first two hours and $5 for each additional hour. A canoe/kayak launch is available at parking lot #4.

Lake Thonotosassa is the largest natural lake in Hillsborough County, with over 800 acres. Parking and the boat ramp entrance are on the southeast corner of the lake at Baker

Creek Boat Ramp at 12095 Thonotosassa Rd and boaters can take the canal north to the lake. Lake Thonotosassa and Baker Creek are popular spots for fishing. Varieties include channel catfish, largemouth bass, and crappie.

After a day on the water, head to LakeSide Grill at 11502 Thonotosassa Road for a bite to eat. The lakeside grill serves up pulled pork sandwiches, burgers, and Key Lime Pie. Sit by the water and take in the million-dollar view of the lake at sunset. LakeSide Grill is open Tuesday to Sunday, 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Lum’s Farm & Farmers Market is located at 4810 James L Redman Parkway. This unsuspected roadside produce market features a petting zoo in the back. Guests can purchase feed or carrots for the four legged friends. Lake Thonotosassa is the largest freshwater lake in Hillsborough County and a popular spot for boating and fishing. Use the Baker Creek Boating Ramp to enter the lake and spend the day on the water.
SUMMER SUN i N pla N t city
Photo: Engel & Volkers

perUSe the parkS

McIntosh Preserve is a destination park with approximately 425 acres of various habitats, including wetlands, an assortment of pines, oaks, cypress, and magnolias. Crushed shell pathways lead through the preserve, where wildlife has been spotted, including bald eagles, red-shouldered hawks, deer, American alligators, raccoons, bobcats, and suspected Florida panther sightings.

An observation tower is at the end of the green trail with two stories to overlook a nearby wetland. There’s also a nearby playground for the kids, and benches and picnic areas line the trail at various points. Pack a lunch, wear sneakers, and hike through this nature preserve. The property is a popular one for nature photographers.

Families can channel their inner Yellowstone by taking in the views of Medard Park on horseback. Turkey Creek Stables, 5534 Turkey Creek Road, offers up to a four hour horse rental and offers guided and unguided trail rides through the county park. Riders have access to 2,700 square feet of wooded trails to enjoy fresh air and summer sun.

Horse rentals cost $20/person for 1 hour, $35/person for 2 hours, $50/person for 3 hours, and $55/person for four hours. Volunteer guides work for tips only so, if you enjoy your ride, please tip generously. Rides begin from 8am to 6pm, so plan accordingly for your desired trail ride.

Go patio hoppinG

Don’t let your outdoor adventures stop when it comes time for dinner. Meet for 14 ounce smoked ribeyes on the patio at Johnson Barbeque, served only on Friday and Saturday nights after 5pm. Grab a bite at Linda’s Crab Shack. Enjoy fried fish tacos, served in a warm tortilla with fresh Cole slaw or one of the restaurant’s iconic Devil Crabs. Grab a glass of wine at Roots Tap Room & Wine Bar and enjoy views of downtown Plant City or stop by Smokin’ Aces BBQ for a cold beer on draft or bottles on the outdoor patio.

37 PAGE SUMMER SUN i N pla N t city
Turkey Creek Stables offers guided and unguided rides on wooded trails through 2,700 acres of land on Medard Park. Photo: Turkey Creek Stables Facebook Johnson Barbeque offers a 14-oz Smoked Ribeye on Friday and Saturday nights. Enjoy it on the patio and enjoy the summer sunset views.

If there’s any doubt Plant City is a community passionate about local agriculture, stop at Forbes Road Produce also offers seasonal produce including peaches, watermelon, shelled peas, and much more to give you a taste of summer. The market also offers a selection of plants to improve your lawn and garden including rose bushes, crotons, and marigolds.

Residents and out of town guests like support Parkesdale Farm Market and getting fresh produce, shopping for jarred sauces, salsas and jams, and grabbing a dessert to cool down. Take your milkshake or Dole whip into the greenhouse and peruse the selection of flowers, trees and garden decor. Then, take a photo in the strawberry throne, a landmark of the market.

Shop FREsh & local Join the y

A membership to the YMCA not only gives you access to the Plant City Family YMCA, but locations across the Tampa Bay Metropolitian area with perks and benefits for the entire family.

The Plant City Family YMCA offers 10 weeks of Summer Camp for ages 6 to 12 years old for $184/week for members and $235/week for non-members. Campers will have the choice of Day Camp, Swim Camp, Basketball Camp, Soccer Camp, and Performance Camp. Weekly Add-Ons are available as well. Learn more about camp at or visit 1507 YMCA Place, Plant City, FL 33563.

“Summer Camp is a special time where kids get to be kids!” said Paul Conley, Executive Director of the Plant City Family YMCA. “...The best part about Y camps is that children go the

entire day without screen time, which in a world dominated by the screen, is a fantastic way for kids to be active.”

This summer, the Y will also offer swimming lessons from ages 6 months up to teen/adult and also offers private and semiprivate swim lessons. Lessons start at $70/month for members and $120 for non-members and private & semi-private lessons require a package purchase.

With all skill levels in mind, water safety is key to a happy, safe summer.

“Drowning is a leading cause of death amongst children and Florida is a state surrounded by water,” said Conley. “At the Y, it is our mission to ensure that each child has the skills necessary to be safe around water! When a child learns to wim, not only are they safer, but they learned a new skill, become a participant in a lifelong activity, and gain a newfound confidence.”

38 PAGE SUMMER SUN i N pla N t city
Parkesdale Farm Market, located on US Hwy 92, offers fresh produce, sweet desserts, and a selection of jarred jellies, jams, and salsas, and a plants for your garden. The YMCA offers swim lessons for ages 6 months to adult, with group swim, private and semi-private lessons available.
40 PAGE Order Online: culvers. com 2023 WINNER BEST BURGER Scan for TOY WISH LIST & Scan for TOY WISH LIST & DROP OFF LOCATIONS DROP OFF LOCATIONS No More Umbrellas Foundation will deliver the toys to local pediatric cancer centers DRIVE DRIVETOY TOY
41 PAGE 813-966-4304 SUMMER TIME IS FUN TIME! BEST REAL ESTATE OFFICE Stunning Jack Bartlett Custom Estate Home located in the private gated community of Hawk Creek. This Elegant estate features Four Bedrooms with an o ce/den, Three and one half baths, 1200 sq foot lanai,outdoor kitchen, salt water pool on 1 acre lot $1.7 million. DON’T WAIT ON A BUILDER! West Bays Key West Plan 3 YEAR OLD pool home Stunning, classy and ready for summer. $995K 2023 NOMINEE 601 North Miller Road (At Miller’s Crossing) Valrico, FL 33594 COMING IN SEPTEMBER OPEN AIR FARMERS MARKET AND CRAFT FAIR! SATURDAY MORNINGS Call Bonnie @ (678) 308-0142 for info, applications and table reservations. AVAILABLE PLANTS: Daisy a Day Farm Store Sat, Sun, Mon July 1, 2, 3, 2023 Hours Sat 8-4, Sun 10-4, Mon 8-4 CASH & DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED GIANT PLANT SALE! Violets Lillies Hostas Impaitens Purple iris Paper iris Amarillys Irish moss Wild crocus Ferns Pineapples Banana plant Giant elephant ears Rain lillies And more..





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44 PAGE WORSHIP THIS SUNDAY | 9 AM + 10:30 AM At First Baptist Church Plant City, family and friends gather each week in a comfortable and familiar environment to encourage one another as they live life together. It just feels right. home/hōm/noun: a comfortable and familiar place where family and friends gather; especially somewhere that just feels right. 3309 James L. Redman Pkwy Plant City, FL 33566 Join us! Scan the QR code or go to WELCOME HOME!

FOCUS Magazine is proud to support the kids in our community through sponsorships and feature Plant City kids in the magazine every month. We attend dozens of annual events for kids, including pageants, parades, agriculture shows, and sporting events.

Kids are the future of our city, and we wanted to shine a little light on our city’s youngest citizens. The Cutest Kid Contest is a great way to showcase just a few of our wonderful kids. For two weeks, we collected submissions and asked you to vote for the three contestants to be featured on this month’s cover. We had over 1 million Facebook users visit our page to cast their vote; thank you to all who voted! We’d like to thank everyone who participated; you’ll find your cute kid featured in this issue as well.

Thank you to the 2023 Cutest Kid Contest sponsor Gould’s Air Conditioning and Heating. With Gould’s support, we were able to have the kids on the cover, individual interviews on the following pages and have a photoshoot with Deanna Hurley Photography. Thank you to Deanna for lending us your time and talent!

We’d also like to thank Chick-Fil-A, Brick City Bricks, The Barber Company, Pelican’s Snoballs and The Florida Strawberry Festival for donating prizes to our three winners. The kids are big fans and were excited to see prizes from each of these businesses in their goodie bags.

Plant City, we’re proud to introduce the 2023 Plant City Cutest Kid Contest winners: Carter, Serenity, and Charlie. See what these cute kids have to say about their life here in our sweet little town.



Charlie just moved to Plant City and says he has enjoyed his time here and making new friends. He hopes to play soccer next season and making memories with his family this summer before he goes to the fifth grade.

Charlie, you just got out of school for the summer. What are you looking forward to this summer? We’re going to Universal! I’ve never been, so I am excited!

You just moved here not to long ago. Do you like living in Plant City? Where do you like to go with your family?

I’ve lived here one year and I do like Plant City. I like my school and I have a lot of friends. I like to play outside during P.E., we play soccer. It’s the only sport people at my school like to play. My favorite subject is math, I’m good at it and I like to eat at Outback, I get steak and potatoes.

You’re almost done with elementary school. What advice would you give other kids?

Listen to your teachers; do your homework; and I was new, I had to make new friends. So, play with the kids in your class and you’ll make new friends, too.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I love to play soccer, I hope to play for a team next year. I also like to watch videos, mostly YouTube shorts.

Is there anything you’d like to say to the people reading this?

I’d like to say thank you to Auntie Arricka for taking care of me and my brother. Thank you to everyone who voted for me for this contest.



Serenity loves fashion, art, and LEGO! This sweet girl aspires to be an artist, but with her personality, this writer thinks she has a future as a talk show host.

Serenity, what are your hobbies?

Well, I like art, I want to be an artist. I like to draw and paint Sonic.

Do you mean Sonic the Hedgehog?

Yeah! Sonic the Hedgehog!

I also like to go to the park and play on the swings, it’s my favorite thing to do at the playground. I’m also in Daisy Scounts.

What is your favorite television program?

I like to watch Sailor Moon, I love her hair. I want hair like hers, but I don’t have blonde hair. It’s just so cute, I like to draw her, too. I like to stay home and watch TV–there are always new episodes waiting for me.

What do you like to do with your Dad? What are you going to do this summer?

I love to go shopping for toys and clothes, I mostly go shopping with my Dad. My favorite store is Target! This summer, I am going on a cruise and for the first time. I also might ask my dad to buy me a tie-dye set and a kit to make-your-own headband. I’m heading to Disney and Legoland for the first time.

Where do you like to eat and why?

Chick-Fil-A, they give me a lot of good chicken nuggets. The regular is very crispy and I love it.

You told me a little bit about your school. What are your favorite classes?

Definitely art and music. I like the xylophone, it’s my favorite because of it’s calming melody.



At this age, Carter is all boy– he loves trucks, fishing, and spending time with his family. For this interview, his grandmother–who he calls Teta–Venus Stone helped answer these questions.

Hey Carter, what do you want to do when you grow up? What’s your favorite kind of truck? Do you like fire trucks, Monster trucks or Semi Trucks?

I want to drive trucks! Semi-trucks are my favorite. I went to Monster Jam with my Mommy, Uncle Gary, Teta, and Papa.

What’s your favorite TV show and who are your favorite characters?

Paw Patrol. I like Chase and Rocky.

What do you like to do with your Teta and Papa? I like to go to their house. I like to go fishing and go on the boat.

What are you going to do this summer? My birthday is in June, I’m going to have a rainbow and truck party at the pool.

We are going to Kentucky. My daddy is going to teach a football camp and I’m going to watch the kids.

We will go to the beach. I saw a shark at the beach before and I am taking swim lessons.

Carter, what kind of music do you like?

My favorite song is Gummi Bear, it’s a fun song. My second favorite song is Hallelujah, I like to sing Hallelujah.

Where do you like to eat with your Mommy?

Chick-Fil-A [Carter calls it “Chicka-Fil-A”]. I get chicken nuggets and fry fries. Fry fries make me the most happy!

Sponsored by Gould’s A/C
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Mullis Abigail

When thinking of competitive fishing, it isn’t unusual to imagine it as a boy’s sport, but Abigail Mullis is swimming upstream as the only girl competing with the Plant City Bassmasters. The team fishes competitively as a part of Florida B.A.S.S. Nation. Abigail and her partner, Tucker Garner have a had a very successful year, placing in the top 25 at most tournaments where there are typically more than 200 participants.

“I’ve always been interested in fishing because I grew up on that,” shared Abigail, who attended a tournament before her freshman year and was encouraged by the head director to get involved. After her first season, she thought, “I really like this, I think this is what I’m going to do.”

The next year, she became more serious about competing, obtaining sponsors and reaching out to more people. Now, she is heading into her Junior year and is hoping to continue fishing competitively in college. In September, she will attend the Bassmasters College Combine, an opportunity for juniors and seniors to meet multiple colleges and vie for scholarships. Abigail fishes every Saturday, having completed all of the Fall Trail and the Spring Trail, and competes in a tournament once a month.

She enjoys being one of the only female competitors.

“It’s really cool to be the only female in a male sport,” she explained, “It really gives you a big confidence boost.” She also appreciates the opportunity to be a role model for other little girls who are watching and may want to follow in her footsteps one day.

8470-3680KEYS_CATER_APP_TT_3.indd 1 6/20/22 10:37 AM


Ling David

“I used to go to the Lightning games with my Dad when I was super young,” he shared, “and when I was three I learned how to skate and then I began to start playing hockey.”

At age six, David started playing travel ball in association with the Florida State Hockey League and moved up to a different team every year. He has traveled the southeast for eight years, visiting

and competing in many cities including Nashville, Atlanta, and Charleston. He has also had the opportunity to skate at Amelie Arena with his teammates during a Youth Hockey Intermission Game, and to be the Thunderstruck Skater Kid on multiple occasions. Now that he is fourteen, he has qualified to become a referee and hopes to ref games throughout high school.

His main position on the team is forward, which means it is his job to, “get the puck and score goals.” Though he could continue playing travel hockey, David has opted to play for Durant High School on a club team made up of players from several schools in the area. Most recently, he tried out for the Spring Team at Durant and had the opportunity to skate up with the Varsity players. He is a skilled competitor, but what he loves most about hockey is, “All the people I meet and make friends with.”

Looking to the future, David hopes to pursue coaching hockey, or to become a realtor like his dad.

A rising ninth grader at Plant City High School, David Ling is a local hockey player whose love for the game began at a very young age.
62 PAGE Trinkle Redman, P.A. Attorneys at Law *The hiring of a Lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide,ask the lawyer to send you free written information about their qualifications & experience. 121 North Collins Street Plant City, FL 33563 • 813-752-6133 Corporate & Business Law • Incorporations, Partnerships & LLC”s • Acquisitions, Sales & Mergers Estate Planning & Probate • Will & Trust Drafting • Probate & Administration of Estates Real Estate • Commercial & Residential Closings • Title Insurance • Development, Planning & Zoning • Foreclosures • Landlord -Tenant Litigation & Lawsuits • Commercial Litigation & Collections • Real Estate • Property Damage • Probate 2023 WINNER

Chris Welbon Karate Club

For two decades, the Chris Welbon Karate Club has offered classes in karate and selfdefense to the Plant City community. Since opening in 2003, thousands of students, ranging in age from three and half to sixty, have come through their doors. The family friendly dojo specializes in Shotokan karate, a Japanese art of self-defense. They focus on character building skills for youth, fitness for adults, and overall self protection for everyone. The dojo is run by Chris Welbon, who began studying karate at the young age of eight.

“I was kind of a rambunctious kid,” he recalls, “My mom needed to do something with me and karate worked out. I took to it really well…I liked the structure and the discipline.”

As he got older, Welbon entered the competitive arena.

“I did well in competition,” he remarked. “I

competed at the State level, and then I started competing at the National level and did really well there and I got chosen for the AAU/U.S. Karate Team.”

Welbon traveled with the U.S. team for three and a half years prior to getting married and starting his family. Now, he instructs his own competitive team. The team competes from January to August, and is currently preparing to travel to Fort Lauderdale for the National Tournament held July 4th weekend. Tournaments are broken down into four different divisions based on years of training: Beginner, Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced. These are then divided by age level. Four of the team’s eighteen competitors were recently chosen to join the Amateur Athletic Union’s (AAU) National Team. Mason Green, Terrance Bright, Nathan Gould, and Elijah West are the four advanced candidates who will have the opportunity to

represent the USA in Dundee, Scotland at the World Karate Championships held July 13th-16th. These hard-working students are currently accepting sponsors whose 501c3 tax deductible donations will help to offset the cost of their travel expenses to Scotland. If you are interested in sponsoring, more information can be obtained by emailing

In addition to their normal classes, the club will also be offering several summer camps during the months of June and July for children ages 4-13. They offer both full and half day options with discounts for those who sign up for multiple weeks. The themed camps include karate instruction, games, and a field trip. For more information about classes and camps, visit plantcitykarate. com. Offering classes in weapons, self-defense and karate to children and adults of all ages, Chris Welbon Karate Club has something for everyone.

66 PAGE A magical savings club just for kids ages 0 - 12 featuring Max & Rex! Perks Included: • Special Interest Rates • Fun Financial Learning • Grade Payouts Platform 81⁄ 3 Federally Insured by NCUA 813.800.TRAX

Meet the Maker:

Ella Erickson

Born in Cedar City, Utah, Ella Erickson recently relocated with her family to Plant City. At only 15 years of age, she is starting her own small business where she sells her crocheted creations. She specializes in Amigurumi, the Japanese art of crocheting stuffed yarn creatures, but is able to make “just about anything.” Though her skill is evident, she has only been crocheting for the last four years.

“I was interested in it when I was younger, and my mom taught me,” she shared. Now the student is the teacher, and Ella is passing on her skills to her two younger sisters.

In the beginning, her creations consisted mostly of doll blankets, but at age 13, Ella had the opportunity to participate in an entrepreneurial event for kids where you could sell anything from $0.25 to $1.00, and she tried her hand at Amigurumi for the first time.

“I made these tiny snowmen,” she recalled, “and I wish I had one because it was one of my first Amigurumi that I ever made.”

After the event, Ella was inspired to continue selling her creations, and Ella’s Cookies and Crochet was born. At first she sold to family, which then became family and friends, and her customer base has grown as word of mouth has spread. She has now rebranded, and offers her items under the name of Ella’s Off the Hook Crochet. Her latest ventures into Amigurami are very detailed Harry Potter dolls inspired by the upcoming Last Friday in Downtown event (where she hopes to have a booth) hosted by Plant City Main Street.

She explained, “I chose that one because it had a whole bunch of unique touches you could put on it, including clothes and accessories that could come on or off.”

These dolls are quite impressive, but it is a tiny cow that made Ella an award winner. This cute little creature was taken from a pattern that she customized and entered into the Strawberry Festival youth competition, where she was awarded First Place in her age group, as well as Youth Grand Champion in her category.

“I love seeing a finished work come together,” she remarked, “and being able to make something with my own two hands and just seeing other people’s joy when they see what I’ve made.”

If you’re interested in making one of her products your own, you can find her on Facebook at Ella’s Off the Hook Crochet.


Leaders in Faith

Pastor Daniel Braddock

After serving 45 years as a minister, Pastor Daniel Braddock has officially retired. He’s grateful for the opportunity to have served the last 27 leading the congregation at First Assembly of God- Plant City. On June 4, the church honored he and his wife Frances at celebrations in the morning and evening.

Now they will rest and spend more time with family, while Pastor Braddock hopes for extra hunting and freshwater fishing hours. He also expects a little travel as he fills in occasionally when other ministers need help. Ultimately, they plan to continue enjoying the friendly lifestyle and traditions of the Plant City community.

His favorite gospel song is “Beulah Land” and favorite Bible verse is Psalm 27:1 -- “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”

Tell us a little about your family.

Frances and I will celebrate 57 years of marriage in August. She has worked as our church secretary also. Our daughter, Kimberly Moore, is a pianist and married to John. Both serve here at First Assembly. Their daughter, Audry Terryn, is 13 and active with our youth. Although our son, Grady Terrell, was killed in 1998 in the line of duty as a deputy in Orange County, Florida, we remain close with his wife. Those who knew Grady said he had two callings: his Bible and his badge. Our children’s faith in God means so much to us.

What compelled you to become a pastor?

My father was also a pastor, so I grew up knowing God, but I accepted the Lord personally as a junior in high school during a youth camp in Marianna, Florida, near Bonifay where I grew up. Being a preacher’s kid, evangelists would often stay with us, which exposed me to their work. After graduating in 1964, I attended Southeastern Bible College (now University) in Lakeland for a year. There I received God’s call to preach but left school for a time. (I knew in my heart I would one day pastor a church but resisted the call for 10 years). When I returned to school, I met and married Frances, then joined the Army on our first wedding anniversary. I served four years, which included 19 months at Homestead Air Force Base and two years in Germany. While in Germany, we led a fellowship group three times weekly with military families mostly from Pentecostal backgrounds.

One month after being ordained as a minister in 1975, I accepted the position to pastor West Scenic Park Assembly of God in Lake Wales. For a few years I also drove a truck to deliver air conditioning ductwork. Pastor Ernest Holbrook recommended me for the position at First Assembly- Plant City.

What have you loved most about your work?

To see how God has changed people’s lives for the better is so encouraging. I’m a people person who loves ministry in general, but doing what I can in times of critical need helps me, too. I just want to be there during their hospital stays, deaths, and tragedies. Those times bring people closer together and closer to God.

What would you advise Christ followers?

There is no stopping in the work of the Lord. Continue to grow in Him, to meditate, and get alone in the secret place with Him. He will direct your life. By example, encourage others to know Jesus, too.

And to those considering the Christian faith?

We all need the Lord. Take a step toward Him and He will guide you.

Join the friendly family of First Assembly of God- Plant City at 602 Charlie Griffin Road for Sunday School at 9:30AM, Morning Worship at 10:30, and Evening Worship at 6:00PM and then again on Wednesday nights at 7:00PM for Adult Bible Study, Youth Ministry, and Missionettes. Here you will discover folks empowered by the Holy Spirit to “Love, Live, Give, Serve, and Pray like Jesus.”


Candy’s Corner

How beautiful is the rain!

After the dust and heat. In the broad and firey street. How it clatters along the roofs, like the tramp of hoofs. How it gushes and struggles out from the overflowing spout. Across the window-pane it pours and pours; and swift and wide, like the river down the gutter roars. The rain, the welcome rain!

I was sitting at my desk yesterday and happened to look out the window and noticed that it was raining. It looked like one of those beautiful soft summer rains. I thought to myself and hoped that the weather would clear up before time to go home so that I would not mess my hair up, get wet, and get mud in my car. As luck would have it, the rain got heavier and louder. Before long, the Lightning began to strike and the Thunder let out a roar. The electricity went out in my office for a minute. When it was time to go home, I ran to my car and got soaking wet, my hair melted into Cotton Candy, and I got mud in my car. I was not a happy camper. On the drive home, I started to have thoughts of the power going out where I could not get into the garage, cook dinner, do laundry, watch Television, take a shower, blow-dry my hair, and et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Once I pulled into my driveway, the rain had slowed down, my garage door opened, and the Electricity was in full operation. When I was safely in the garage, I got out of the car and looked out at the beautiful soft rain trickling from the sky. It made me think back to the days when I was a little girl who loved to play in the rain. If there was no Thunder or Lightning, my Mother would let my sister and I play outside on the driveway. We would ride our bikes, dribble our basketball, hop on our hippity

hops, hula hoop, grab our umbrellas and dance around like Gene Kelly in “Singin in the Rain”, put on our bathing suits and turn on the water sprinklers in the yard, and my favorite of them all, was walking down to the edge of our yard barefoot and kicking and splashing water at my sister along with the neighborhood kids. I can still hear my Mother yelling out the front door for us to get out of the gutter before we got “Ground Itch”. My sister would scare me and tell me that I would get worms and bugs in my feet from walking bare foot in the gutter when it rained. I never thought to ask her why she wouldn’t get worms and bugs in her feet if she was walking and splashing water while barefoot along-side me. I’ve learned through the years that that is what older sisters do. They make you crazy!

If a bad storm came and our Electricity went out, my sister and I would get a little scared but our parents tried to make it fun. I can remember my Father would get his flashlight and go out in our garage and get the old Kerosene Hurricane lamps that belonged to his Grandmother and placed them in the Kitchen, Dining Room, Family Room, and the Bathrooms while my Mother would light candles. My Father would turn on his radio and listen to the weather, music, and his favorite: “Radio Free Europe”. We thought that was so cool to hear people from all over the world speaking. Hey!...that was something for the late 1960’s and early 1970’s.

After a while my sister and I would get a little bored so my parents would have us play cards, tell jokes, stories, do shadow puppets on the wall, sing songs, dance, color by flashlight, and tell Ghost Stories… until I got scared. (Then it was time to change the subject.)

When it was time to eat, my parents

would go in the Kitchen and build us a picnic “fit for a King”. We would have something like: Ham and Pineapple sandwiches, pork and beans right out of the can, potato chips, cookies, and if we were real lucky, my parents would put “Jet Puffed” Marshmallows on a fork and light them with their lighters so we could have a roasted yummy treat. Hey!!!! How cool was that?

When it was time for bed our parent would put a lamp in my Bedroom so that I would not be afraid. Soon, my sister would join me under the pretense of: “protecting me from the Boogie-Man!” HA! HA! When we woke up the next morning, the sunshine was out and all-the world was good again. My Sister and I had wonderful tales to share with our friends about our picnic by candlelight, the games that we played, and the Ghost Stories we told in the dark.

We were too young at the time to think about all the things that parents worry about when there is a bad storm, like: A leak in the roof, Lightning striking the house, all the food in the Fridge going bad, the Electric Garage doors not opening, and no Electricity to get ready for work the next day.

It made me realize one more time, that we as adults need to learn to not sweat the small stuff! We need to relax and enjoy our lives. We need to laugh more and make the best of every situation. As-long-as we have our health, a roof over our heads, family and friends, and our Faith, WE HAVE IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!

813-752-1111 WELLS
78 PAGE Plant City Happenings June 23 Happier Hours with Bud & Tommy 5PM to 8PM Live Music | All Genres 1916 Irish Pub @ 2309 W. Thonotosassa Road Cost: Free Info: (813) 756-6504 July 7 LANNY Z 7PM Live Music | Acoustic Performance | Bar Setting Duke’s Plant City @ 2212 James L. Redman Parkway Cost: Free Info: LANNY Z, (813) 391-1910 July 11 Harry Potter Trivia 6:30PM Costumes Encouraged | Prizes | Ciders, Ales, & Wines Keel Farms @ 5202 Thonotosassa Road Cost: Free Info: 813-752-9100 July 17 to July 21 Vacation Bible School 9AM to 1PM VPK to 5th Grade | Bible-based Life Gets Wild- God is Good Liberty Baptist Church @2505 W Granfield Ave Happy 4th of July! July 4th Celebration 6PM to 9:30PM Fireworks | Face Painting | Live Music Plant City Stadium @ 1810 E Park Road Cost: $5 Parking; Free Admission Info: Ivanna Ibarra, 813-659-4255 June 18 Rev’d Up Father’s Day Car & Truck Show 12PM to 2PM Antique | Muscle | Exotic Plant City Church of God @ 2103 Mud Lake Road Cost: Free Admission Info: Church Office 813-752-4591 June 23 to 25 Summer Blast 2023 Friday & Saturday: 6:30pm; Sunday:10am & 6:30pm Worship with Jubilee Gang Ministries GraceWay Church @ 3106 S Wiggins Road Cost: Free Info: (813) 752-4879 June 25 Walden Lake Market 9AM to 3PM Vendors | Shopping | Family Fun Walden Lake @ 3035 Griffin Road Cost: Varies Info: Entire month of July Christmas in July New Unwrapped Toy Collection for Pedatric Cancer Patients Drop Off Locations in Downtown Plant City Info: 813-967-0481 or Member FDIC 509 W ALEXANDER ST. | PLANT CITY, FL | 33563 813.707.6506 Committed to Plant City. Staffed with bankers who have deep roots in the Plant City area, our bank’s focus for the past 38 years has been to serve owner-managed businesses, professional firms, and families that want a strong, local connection with their bank and banker. Come grow with us. Member FDIC 509 W ALEXANDER ST. | PLANT CITY, FL | 33563 813.707.6506 Committed to Plant City. Staffed with bankers who have deep roots in the Plant City area, our bank’s focus for the past 38 years has been to serve owner-managed businesses, professional firms, and families that want a strong, local connection with their bank and banker. Come grow with us. 2023WINNER BEST BANK
79 PAGE Ray Gutierrez, DMD - General Dentist 512 E. Alexander Street | Plant City, FL 33563 CALL TODAY! 813.305.1382 (Reg. $6,810) Offer expires in 90 days. Includes retainers. Subject to clinical eligibility and Dr.’s discretion. One or more of the following ADA codes may reflect the treatment rendered under this offer. D8660, D8030, D8040, D8080, D8090, D8680. Offer cannot be applied toward account balances or dental services already delivered or in conjunction with other offers, discounts or reduced-fee plans. | 040622 $500 O F F Invisalign® Treatment Cleaning, Exam & X-rays $99 (Reg. $305) Offer expires in 90 days. New Patients Only. Includes exam, cleaning (prophylaxis) & x-rays. Advertised fee is the minimum fee. Subject to clinical eligibility and Dr.’s discretion. One or more of the following ADA codes may reflect the treatment rendered under this offer. D0150, D0330, D0272, D0210, D1110. Offer cannot be applied toward account balances or dental services already delivered or in conjunction with other offers, discounts or reduced-fee plans. | 040622 -ORIT IS OUR OFFICE POLICY THAT THE PATIENT AND ANY OTHER PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT HAS THE RIGHT TO REFUSE TO PAY, CANCEL PAYMENT OR BE REIMBURSED FOR PAYMENT FOR ANY OTHER SERVICE, EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT WHICH IS PERFORMED AS A RESULT OF AND WITHIN 72 HOURS OF RESPONDING TO THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE FREE, DISCOUNTED-FEE OR REDUCED-FEE SERVICE, EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT. DN18996. Invisalign®, the Invisalign logo, and iTero®, among others, are trademarks and/ or service marks of Align Technology, Inc. or one of its subsidiaries or affiliated companies and may be registered in the U.S. and/or other countries. Gentle, Professional Cleanings Comprehensive Exams Advanced Oral Cancer Screenings Teeth Whitening Wisdom Tooth Extractions Extractions Root Canal erapy Mouth/Night Guards Crowns & Bridges Lumineers Veneers Invisalign ® Treatment Dental Implants COMPREHENSIVE CARE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY: ADV58030KS 2023NOMINEE BEST DENTAL PRACTICE
80 PAGE TH JULY 4 50/50 Raffle Live Music Vendors 6:00 P.M. - 9:30 P.M. Plant City Stadium 1810 East Park Road, Plant City FL 33563 (No street parking on Park Road or Jim Johnson Road) FREE ADMISSION PARKING GATES OPENS AT 5:30 P.M. $5 PER CAR (CASH ONLY) GRAND ZAMBELLI FIREWORKS FINALE AT 9:15 P.M. The City of Plant City Parks & Recreation Department Greater Plant City Chamber of Commerce Tuesday, July 4, 2023 (rainout date Wednesday, July 5-fireworks only) A FAMILY ORIENTED EVENT Please follow Stadium and parking lot policy: No alcohol on the property (Sec 10-2). No coolers or outside food or drink are to be brought into the Stadium. No pets! No loitering outside the Stadium or in the parking lot.

Gallery of Plant City


On May 9, Plant City played host to the 61st annual East Hillsborough Law Enforcement Appreciation Dinner. The event honors one officer from Plant City Police Department, Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission and Florida Highway Patrol for his or her exceptional service to East Hillsborough. Meet this year’s honorees:

Senior Office Joshua Snyder, PCPD

Trooper Wesley Kelly, FHP

Detective Michael Fernandes, HCSO Officer Specialist Hunter Caldwell, FWC

a. PCPD Officer Joshua Snyder (right) was recognized for always conducting quality investigations and being proactive in the community. He can always be relied upon as a Field Training Officer. Officer Snyder was presented with a plaque by PCPD Chief James Bradford (left).

b. FWC Officer Specialist Hunter Caldwell joined FWC in 2011 and moved back to Tampa in 2015. He was recognized for making arrests of subjects shooting federally protected birds, a case of illegally harvesting 61 gamefish, and played a leading role in the arrest of individuals commercially gill netting thousands of fish and juvenile freshwater game. He was recognized by FWC Captain Evan Laskowski (right).

c. Trooper Wesley Kelly (right) has been with FHP for 8 years and served 3.5 years with Criminal Interdiction Unit. In a recent case, Trooper Kelly’s instincts led to the discovery of six pounds of heroin in the vehicle of two undocumented aliens. Trooper Kelly was presented his plaque by Major Richard Benton (left).

d. HCSO Detective Michael Fernandes (right) has been with HCSO since 2014, primarily patrolling Dover. He has dedicated himself to combating violent gang activity. In 2022, 45 criminals were arrested on felony charges, including 14 gang members/associates, and the recovery of 25 firearms, and the execution of 4 search warrants. Fernandes was recognized by HCSO Sheriff Chad Chronister (right).

a b c d
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Be a bright light for children like Leo during what can be an overwhelming time in their lives. Making a donation during the Christmas in July event is a way to give kids comfort and help them cope while they’re in the hospital.

You can help:

JULY 1–28
23-2808201-0523 Meet Leo Medulloblastoma patient, age 3

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Articles inside

Gallery of Plant City

pages 82-87

Candy’s Corner

pages 74-81

Leaders in Faith

pages 72-73

Meet the Maker: Ella Erickson

pages 68-71

Chris Welbon Karate Club

pages 64-67

Ling David

pages 60-63

RISING STAR Mullis Abigail

pages 56-59

Shop FREsh & local Join the y

pages 38-55

Go patio hoppinG

pages 37-38

perUSe the parkS

page 37

EMbRacE liFe oN the Water

page 36

ExperiEnce agricUltuRE

page 35

Know? Did You Womanless Weddings

pages 30-34

Laurel Candelario People of Plant City

pages 26-29

East Hillsborough Law Enforcement Appreciation Dinner honors Four LEOs

page 25

Summer Safety Tips from Plant City Police Department

pages 22-24

9th Grader Girls: Bright Night Scheduled August 12 S

page 21

Emily Iola Alexander OBITUARY

pages 18-21


page 17

Plant City YMCA to Honor Paul Davis with Strong Leader Award

pages 16-17

Walden Lake FOCUS REVIEW A Torch and a Light

pages 14-15

Future Career Academy Gears Up to Help Plant City Students Reach Success

page 13

Celebrate Christmas in July to benefit Pediatric Cancer Patients

page 12


pages 10-11

Table of Contents

page 6
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