FOCUS Student Magazine - Issue 12

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Østergade 16, 7400 Herning


Hello! I’m FOCUS Student Magazine. Check out what I have inside!

LIFESTYLE 15 30 42 44

Success / …aka common sense, dedication and attention to opportunities Summer Wallflowers / A peek into summer’s delicious new trends… 10 Tips on How to… Barbeque! / Fiery grill, coal and skewers and you’re ready for a juicy summer menu Strawberry Fields / Strawberries – for breakfast, lunch and late summer dinners


CAREER 10 12 18

Internship Hunt / Get in the driver’s seat and nail your career priorities In The Spotlight: AGURK / Scandinavian touch, minimum waste and feminine streetwear 10 Tips on How to… Succeed in A Job Interview / Exclusive insight from Bang & Olufsen


PERSPECTIVE 6 22 25 28


AU Herning: Explicit Version / ATTENTION! Abbreviations and highly judgmental stereotypes included! Meet Annet Muru / The feminine touch behind FOCUS Student Magazine Meet Janis Zirnitis / Our own Steve Mccurry and Bruce Wayne in one person A Story about Regular People / The ones you cross paths with every day, yet… p28


p6 A Sip of Vietnam / The shy people with a passion for white little lies… Summer Travelogue of 2015 / East or West, (sometimes) home is the best…



Remember what it was like to be a kid? Fun. Carefree. Remember that excessive fearlessness and recklessness? Everything seemed so easy and achievable, stress didn’t exist… not like now, right? I have something to tell you: you may be an adult now, but your inner child is alive and well within you, and it has got a lot of wisdom to share!

To reconnect with the fun-loving and exuberant part of you, you have to do some soul searching because it might be hiding under the piles of responsibilities, expectations, deadlines and life goals. But when you find it, refuse to outgrow of some of the childish things (in its very positive meaning) when reality settles back in: #1 Forgive fast. Kids don’t hold grudges and don’t need long apologies. Just fix it, forget it and move on. Stop obsessing over small things. Let go of worries and see if the world around you tumbles. Surprise! It doesn’t. What a lighthearted feeling! #2 Have fun and laugh. How obvious, right? But it’s actually astonishing how kids are always ready to have fun, no matter the circumstances. Because fun is a choice. And it leads to at least one good shriek of laughter. Your cardiovascular system flourishes with the entertainment! #3 Daydream. Every now and then, catch yourself dreaming about unsubstantial desires or being excited about the smallest things in life. Go outside. Stare at the trees. Catch some sun… While thinking big spontaneous thoughts. Relax and give yourself that kind of mental leisure once in a while. #4 Don’t give up. Did you ever take no for an answer when you really wanted something as a kid? It might have been a cupcake or the coolest new toy, doesn’t matter – a dream is a dream. And it’s worth fighting for. Your relentless inner child can help you not to back down when your dreams and desires are concerned.

What were those childhood fantasies that made you feel happy and fulfilled? Build on those things even when being a responsible adult – with a happy-go-lucky child inside. And I really do hope that some of the childhood dreams of my team members will eventually come true… You can get a glimpse of what these are on the next page. Stay adventurous and silly, and enjoy the simple things in life!

Annet Muru Executive Editor


SUB-EDITOR Ileana Cocoş



Wojciech Żmijski

CHAIRMAN Edvard L. Tramsen


Raluca Dumitru Simone Eriksen Cristina Maria Ieva Ozoliņa

Contributors Special thanks GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Agnieszka Łukasiewicz Sigita Sukackaitė Maria Bilkiewicz

PROOFREADERS Ileana Cocoş Raluca Dumitru Loredana Muşat


ILLUSTRATORS Teodora Anca Grete Astover Ieva Ozoliņa


Janis Zirnitis Grete Astover

Agata Doraczyńska Liva Nackalne Bang & Olufsen A/S

The Old Irish Pub - Herning

Contact us Copyright is reserved. ® Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited. FOCUS Student Magazine uses all the materials with permission from the owners. 2015 ®


Whatwas wasyour yourdream dreamprofession professionasasaachild? child? What ANNET ANNET classteacher. teacher.You Youknow, know,when whenI was I wasyoung youngand andnaive, naive,and andthought thoughtit’s it’s “A“Aclass surelysuch sucha afun funand andeasy easyjob jobtotodeal dealwith with2020kids kidsatata atime. time.Well, Well,now now surely I’mrunning running2020students studentsfor forpublishing publishinga amagazine... magazine...I can I cansee seethe thepattern pattern I’m already.” already.”

GRETE GRETE “Stillwondering...” wondering...” “Still

ILEANA ILEANA “Mygramma grammaalways alwaysused usedtotosay sayI should I shouldbecome becomea adoctor, doctor,and andcure cureher her “My whenevershe shewould wouldbebesick, sick,sosoinina away, way,doctor doctorseemed seemedlike likethe thebest bestjob job whenever have- -save savelives livesand andkeep keepfamily familyhealthy...” healthy...” totohave



“Architectand andartist. artist.I’m I’mstill stilldreaming dreaming/ /working workingononit...” it...” “Architect

dreamedabout aboutbeing beingIndiana IndianaJones. Jones.That Thatwould wouldbebea acombination combinationofof “I“Idreamed archeologistand anddetective. detective.Equipped Equippedwith witha awhip, whip,ofofcourse.” course.” ananarcheologist

SIGITA SIGITA “Anartist artistorordesigner designer- -I liked I likedtotodraw drawa alotlotwhen whenI was I wasyoung.” young.” “An

WOJCIECH WOJCIECH alwayswanted wantedtotobebea asoldier... soldier...Honest Honestversion: version:the thegarbage garbage “I“Ialways truckdriver.” driver.” truck


“Duringday-time day-timea abanker, banker,because becauseI assumed I assumedhehehas hasa a “During money,and anda asinger singerduring duringthe thenight.” night.” lotlotofofmoney,

EVA EVA wantedtotobebea aballerina ballerinabut butthen thenI found I foundout outthat thatit’s it’snot notjust just “I“Iwanted aboutwearing wearingtulle tulleskirts skirtssosoI switched I switchedtotobeing beingany anykind kindofofdriver. driver. about Yeah,I just I justliked likedcars carsthat thatmuch.” much.” Yeah,



hadmany manydream dreamprofessions professionsasasa achild. child.I wanted I wantedtotobecome become “I“Ihad architect,jeweller, jeweller,professor, professor,chemist chemistororfarmacist... farmacist...actually actuallyI am I am architect, stilllooking lookingfor formy mydream dreamprofession.” profession.” still

“I’vealways alwaysbeen beenprecise precisewith withwhat whatI was I wasdoing, doing,sosomy my “I’ve dreamwas wastotobecome becomea apathologist pathologist(too (toomany manycrime crime dream series).Nowadays NowadaysI’m I’mcutting... cutting...fabrics.” fabrics.” series).

IEVA IEVA “Automechanic mechanicasasLetty Letty(from (fromFast Fastand andFurious)” Furious)” “Auto


“Funnyenough, enough,I wanted I wantedtotobebea anun. nun.Not Not “Funny becauseofofmy mydeep deeplove lovefor forJesus, Jesus,but butout outofof because laziness.Somehow SomehowI thought I thoughtallallnuns nunsdodoisis laziness. aroundthe thewhole wholeday dayand andbebereally reallyquiquisitsitaround youknow, know,chilling chillingand anddaydreaming daydreaming seemedlike likea apretty prettydamn damngood goodjob!” job!” seemed

CRISTINA CRISTINA “Dreambig bigwasn’t wasn’ta athing thingfor forme. me.I wanted I wanted “Dream librarian.Still Stilldodocome cometotothink thinkofofit.” it.” totobebea alibrarian.

JANIS JANIS “WhenI was I wasa akid, kid,I wanted I wantedtotobebea adentist dentistbyby “When dayand andprofessional professionalhitman hitmanbybynight. night.Succeeded Succeeded day onlybyby50% 50%- -Batman Batmanpower.” power.” only


Text Textand andphotos photosby byEva EvaCao CaoThi Thi

Since Sincemany manystudents studentsfrom fromVIA VIADesign Designare aregoing goingon onaastudy studytrip tripin in Vietnam Vietnamand andmany manymore moreare arethinking thinkingabout aboutapplying applyingnext nextyear, year,we we have havedecided decidedto togive giveyou youguys guysaataste tasteof ofthe theland landof ofnon-stop non-stopsmiling smiling people peoplebefore beforeyou youpack packyour yourbags. bags. This Thisisisgoing goingto tobe beaashort shortstory storyabout aboutaacountry countrythat thathas hasalways alwaysbeen been just justaamemory memoryfor forme, me,aaland landfar farfar faraway. away. It’s It’snot notgoing goingto tobe bejust just descriptive, descriptive,it’s it’snot notaaclipping clippingfrom fromaatravel travelguide, guide,IIwill willshare sharewith with you youaapiece pieceof ofme. me. Vietnam Vietnam isis aa communist communist country country which which isis in in the the bloom bloom of of consumerism. consumerism. People People are are in in the the haze haze of of buying, buying, trying trying and and being being high highon oneverything. everything.Don’t Don’tget getscared scaredaway, away,the theprocess processhere hereunravels unravels itself itself differently differently than than everywhere everywhere else; else; you you can can still still feel feel the the Asian Asian culture culturein inthe theair. air.

“People “People are are in in the the haze haze of of buying, buying, trying trying and and being being high high on on everything.” everything.” Vietnamese Vietnamesevalue valuefamily familyover overmoney, money,and andthey theystill stillvalue valueVietnamese Vietnamese over overother othernations. nations.You Youwalk walkinto intoaastreet streetmarket marketas asaaforeigner foreignerand and chances chancesare areyou’ll you’llmost mostprobably probablyget getscrewed. screwed.You Youcan cannever neverwin winaa bargain bargainwith withaaVietnamese. Vietnamese.ItItisisthe thesame samerule ruleas asyou youwould wouldnever never win win an an argument argument with with your your parents: parents: they they are are always always right. right. That That makes makesthis thisnation nationone oneof ofthe thebest bestat atdoing doingbusiness businessand andthey theyhave have been beenproving provingthat thateverywhere. everywhere.

“We “We are are never never on on time time and and we we expect expect you you to to know know that.” that.”

We Welie, lie,accidentally. accidentally.In Inour ourcore, core,we webelieve believein intruth, truth,we wehate hateto tobe be lied liedto. to.White Whitelies, lies,that thatisisour ourthing. thing.You Youjust justhave haveto todig digreally reallydeep deep to tosense sensethat thatwe weare arenot notcompletely completelyblank blankabout aboutthings. things.We Weavoid avoid telling tellingyou youanything anythingstraightforward. straightforward.You Youhave haveto tobe beaamaster masterat atde de tails tailsin inorder orderto tomanage manageto tocatch catchour ourlie. lie.Small Smalldetails detailsare arethe thecore core of ofour ourculture. culture.When Whenyou youserve servedinner, dinner,the thefirst firstpeople peopleto toreceive receive food food are are the the ones ones who who are are considered considered most most important, important,hence hence the the elders. elders.You Youshould shouldnever nevergive giveanother anotherperson personsomething somethingwith withjust just one onehand; hand;you youdeceive deceivethem themin inthat thatway, way,use useboth bothof ofyour yourhands. hands. Age Ageisisvery veryimportant importantfor forus; us;ititindicates indicateshow howyou youshould shouldbehave. behave.ItIt isisall allabout aboutrespecting respectingthe theelder elderwho whoknows knowsbetter. better. We Weare arenever neveron ontime timeand andwe weexpect expectyou youto toknow knowthat. that.Vietnamese Vietnamese weddings weddingsare arefull fullof ofdelicious deliciousfood foodand andstarving starvingpeople. people.ItItusually usually starts startsaafew fewhours hourslater laterthen thenititisiswritten writtenon onthe theinvitation. invitation.Dinner Dinner isisserved servedunderstandably understandablywith withthe thesame samedelay. delay.

“We “We enjoy enjoy life, life, we we eat eat anytime.” anytime.” We Weenjoy enjoylife, life,we weeat eatanytime. anytime.You Youcan canget getany anymeal mealyou youwant wanton on one one single single street, street, just just sit sit tight tight and and enjoy enjoy the the ride. ride. ItIt usually usually conconsists sistsof ofaahot hotbowl bowlof ofsoup soupwith withany anytype typeof ofnoodles, noodles,any anymeat meator or any anyveggies; veggies;super supercrispy crispycakes cakesfried friedin inaasecond, second,with withfillings fillingsvaryvarying ingfrom fromsweet sweetbeans beanswith withsesame sesameto torice ricewith withmeat meatin inthe themiddle. middle. The The only only thing thing you you are are going going to to miss miss isis the the variety variety in in the the choice choice of ofalcohol. alcohol.We Weare areunfortunately unfortunatelynot notgood gooddrinkers. drinkers.On Onthe theother other hand, hand,we weare arebest bestin inserving servingcold coldicy icysmoothies smoothiesand andtotally totallyyummy yummy ice icecream creambased basedfruit fruitdrinks. drinks.And Andour oursweet sweetand andmilky milkyice icecoffee? coffee? That’s That’saawinner! winner! Lastly, Lastly, your your Denmark Denmark proven proven biking biking skills skills are are going going to to save save your your life. life.The Thetraffic trafficthere thereisisterrible, terrible,but butififyou youembrace embraceyour yourinner innersoul soul of ofaasurvivor, survivor,you youshould shouldbe befine. fine.IIwould wouldhighly highlyrecommend recommendtaking taking aa bike bike trip trip outside outside the the rush rush of of the the city. city. The The watery watery rice rice fields fields in in combination combinationwith withnever neverending endinggreen greenlands landsare areto todie diefor. for.The Thesea seaisis going goingto totake takeyour yourbreath breathaway awaywith withits itsgreatness greatnessand andsolitary solitaryrocks rocks thrown thrownabout aboutin inthe themiddle middleof ofnowhere. nowhere.







BIRK e e r r o o m m t t i i e e ... .aannddmmasasokokmmee?? aawwee

ItItisisyour yourchance chancebecause because Student StudentActivity ActivityAssociation Association isislooking lookingfor forNEW NEWVOLUNTEERS! VOLUNTEERS!





Contact ContactususNOW NOWthrough throughour ourFacebook Facebookpage! page!


INTERNSHIP HUNT A hunt to trap yourself in the body of a narcissist. Text by Eva Cao Thi Illustrations by Teodora Anca

VIA Design is known for offering students a mix of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. The school’s mission is to function like a facility where we get the chance to transform ourselves into multi skilled professionals. Throughout the studies, we have a few chances to try out our limits outside the school properties. And the best one is an internship. Whether you choose to stay in Denmark or go abroad, it is still the nearest to reality option to find your true path. In this article I would like to talk about the first step, how to introduce yourself to a company - just a few tips for you to take under consideration. Nothing is guaranteed.

Where should I apply?

Alice asked the Cheshire cat, who was sitting on the tree, “What road do I take?” The cat asked, “Where do you want to go?” “I don’t know.” Alice answered. “Then,” said the cat, “it really doesn’t matter, does it?” If you don’t have your future lined up on a piece of paper, it’s the best time to find out what you want to do. Don’t restrict yourself by anything but your abilities. It is very useful to sit down and think about questions like: “What am I good at?”, “What have I achieved so far?” However, these are not the hardest questions. You shouldn’t be looking just at what you can do, use the analytical part of your brain and rediscover yourself - find out what you aspire to be.

What am I good at? What do I aspire to be? Writing this down is like making lemonade, despite the fact that you do not have enough lemons. You just have to squeeze out what you got until the last drop. Then sweeten it up with enough spoons of sugar to make it the best lemonade in your neighbourhood.


My personal tactics are: Gather the work done so far. Step back and be a good judge of yourself.

“What have you actually achieved, what have you learned and what do you suck at?” On a second thought, throw away the last mentioned. You do not want to make lemonade out of bad lemons. And the last question:

“What could I do, but I never find time to do it?” “What do I love to do, but there is just not enough time to do?”

Now, you have plenty of options on how to display your work, do it with love and do not keep your creativity on a leash. You are more than prepared to find your lemonade lover. Keep a neat database of the potential ones, just in case somebody falls through. Give the name a face. Make the first move.

Lastly, the common idea of job hunting is: “The company picks you, you have to fight for it.” but if you take enough time and do the “picking” yourself, you have higher chances to at least make the right kind of lemonade.

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10 TIPS ON HOW TO... SUCCEED IN A JOB INTERVIEW From Sr. HR Business Partner Lone Qvist, Bang & Olufsen Photos by Bang & Olufsen

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Text Textand andillustrations illustrationsby byIeva IevaOzolina Ozolina Photos Photosby byJanis JanisZirnitis Zirnitis

FOCUS FOCUS isis always always bringing bringing you you uplifting uplifting stories stories about about outstanding outstanding people, people, enjoyable enjoyable places places and and important important happenings happeningsin inand andaround aroundthe thecampus, campus,but butwhat whatwe wehaven’t haven’twritten writtenabout aboutso sofar farisiseven evenmore moreinfluential influentialin in terms terms of of making making itit all all happen: happen: the the wonder-team wonder-team behind behind FOCUS FOCUS Student Student Magazine! Magazine! So So here here itit isis -- starting starting from fromthis thisissue, issue,we wewill willintroduce introduceyou youthe theenergetic energeticand andhard-working hard-workingstudents studentswho whoare areputting puttingall allof oftheir their efforts effortsin inmaking makingthe thestudent studentlife lifein inBirk Birkmore moreentertaining, entertaining,one onearticle articleat ataatime. time.

1. 1.Tell Tellus usshortly shortlyabout aboutyourself? yourself?Where Whereare areyou younow? now? What Whatare areyour yourplans plansfor forthe thenext next55years? years? Shortly, Shortly, I’m I’m an an overly-active overly-active person person whose whose intention intention was was to to come come to to Herning Herning just just for for 22 years years to to obtain obtain aa MasMaster’s ter’s degree degree (in (in Marketing Marketing and and Business Business Innovation), Innovation), but but life life has has had had its its own own plan plan and and most most probably probably II will will stick stick around around much much longer longer than than II had had initially initially planned. planned. In In five five years, years, II will will hopefully hopefully be be working working in in aa position position where where II can can continue continue ‘running ‘running around’ around’ and and being being busy busy as as aa bee bee with withdifferent differentprojects. projects.And Andhaving havingthe thecutest cutestdog dogas asaapet. pet. 2. 2.You Youare arethe theexecutive executiveeditor editorof ofFOCUS FOCUSmagazine... magazine... how howdo doyou youfeel feelin inthis thisposition? position?What Whatare are your yourfears fears and andaccomplishments? accomplishments? Being Beingin inthis thisposition positionisisaahuge hugeresponsibility responsibilityand andthere thereare are soooo soooomany manydifferent differentthings thingsto totake takecare careof. of.IIhave haveto tobe behonhonest, est,IIdidn’t didn’texpect expectTHAT THATmuch muchwork workwhen whenIIinitially initiallyagreed agreed on onaccepting acceptingto tobecome becomean aneditor, editor,but butit’s it’sdefinitely definitelyall allworth worth itit when when another another issue issue isis successfully successfully launched. launched. The The biggest biggest fear, fear, for for sure, sure, isis to to let let my my team team down down in in any any possible possible way. way. 3. 3.How Howhas hasFOCUS FOCUSStudent StudentMagazine Magazinegrown grownfrom fromits itsfirst first issue? issue? The The framework framework of of the the magazine magazine has has been been the the same same from from the the very very beginning: beginning: giving giving students students the the opportunity opportunity to to show showtheir theirskills skillsto tothe theopen openpublic publicand andget getbetter betterat atthese these article article by by article; article; and and giving giving readers readers the the opportunity opportunity to to enjoy enjoy all all kinds kinds of of entertaining entertaining and and educating educating student-restudent-related lated writings writings and and being being up-to-date up-to-date with with what what isis haphappening pening around around the the campus. campus. Of Of course, course, we we have have improved improved along alongthe theway wayand andestablished establishedsome somestandards: standards:worked workedout out aa new new logo logo and and chosen chosen aa fixed fixed format, format, furthermore, furthermore, paypaying ing extra extra attention attention to to the the quality quality of of the the paper paper and and colors. colors. 4. 4.How Howititisisto tobe beaapart partof ofsuch suchaacreative creativeand andamazing amazing team? team? Well, Well, you you already already said said itit –– it’s it’s amazing! amazing! II get get to to learn learn so so

much much every every day, day, and and I’m I’m incredibly incredibly excited excited and and proud proud of of my my team team members members and and the the outcome outcome of of their their work work all all the the time. time. II have have the the deepest deepest respect respect towards towards them. them. 5. 5.ItItseems, seems,you youare arevery veryactive activein inthe thestudent studentlife, life,II bet betthere thereare areother othervolunteer volunteerorganizations organizationswhere whereyou you invested investedyour yourfree freetime timeand andskills? skills? You You can can say say so. so. II was was the the president president of of Student Student Activity Activity AsAssociation, sociation, also also the the chairman chairman of of the the International International CommitCommittee tee in in 2013-2014; 2013-2014; aa student student representative representative of of HK HK StuderenStuderende de (former (former LAK) LAK) –– an an organization organization for for communication communication and and marketing marketing specialty specialty students; students; and and one one of of the the organizers organizers of of the the Startup Startup Weekend Weekend Herning Herning 2013. 2013. Outside Outside of of school, school, I’m I’m the the board board member member of of JCI JCI Herning Herning International. International. Plus, Plus, II like like to to volunteer volunteer at at all all kinds kinds of of sports sports events events happenhappening ing in in Herning. Herning. There There isis AA LOT LOT happening happening around around here! here! 6. 6.IfIfyou youwould wouldmake makean anarticle articleabout about––“Places “Placesyou youmust must visit visitin inyour yourlife”, life”,what whatwould wouldyou youwrite writeabout? about? Tartu, Tartu,Tallinn, Tallinn,Võru, Võru,Pärnu, Pärnu,Kuressaare, Kuressaare,and andother otherplaces placesin in Estonia Estonia:):) 7. 7.What Whatsmall small‘piece ‘pieceof ofyou’ you’could couldyou youshare sharewith withthe the readers? readers? I’m I’maabig bigdreamer dreamerand andtend tendto tobe beaabit bittoo toooptimistic optimisticat at times times––my mypersonality personalitytest testsuggested suggestedto to“temper” “temper”my myoptioptimism mismwith withrealism realismand andkeep keepreturning returningto tothe therealities, realities,haha. haha. IIam amvery verykeen keenon onthe thesaying: saying:“Everything “Everythingends endswell. well.IfIfitit isisnot notwell, well,itithas hasnot notended endedyet.” yet.”(that (thatisisclearly clearlyclosely closelyconconnected nectedwith withmy myoptimism…) optimism…) II have have the the worst worst memory memory (ask (ask my my boyfriend boyfriend what what he he thinks thinksabout aboutthat). that). I’m I’mquite quiteof ofaa‘grammar ‘grammarnazi’ nazi’and andeven evenwon wonaaregional regional linguistics linguisticscompetition competitionin in9th 9thgrade grade(so (somuch muchwin). win). IIplayed playedbasketball basketballand andvolleyball volleyballwhen whenIIwas wasyounger, younger,but but now nowIIprobably probablysuck suckat atboth bothof ofthem… them…


Undoubtedly, the best illustration of me is drawn by 7-year old Oskar: “How would Annet look like if she’d be a monster”.



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Text and illustrations by Ieva Ozolina

“Some friends of mine were already part of the team and I thought why not try something out of my comfort zone, so I joined Focus family. As it turned out it is so much fun, I have a chance to show others my way of looking at the world through my Canon.� Text & Illustratios by Ieva Ozolina


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Text Text by by Cristina Cristina Maria Maria Illustrations Illustrations by by Grete Grete Astover Astover Crossroads Crossroads are are an an interesting interesting thing thing and and II mean mean this this in in the the most most metmetaphorical aphoricalsense sensepossible, possible,unless unlessyou’re you’resome somekind kindof ofroad roadaficionado. aficionado. Every Every now now and and then then we we find find ourselves ourselves faced faced with with one, one, and and whether whether we we like like the the choice choice aspect aspect or or the the promise promise of of change change or or not, not, these these dedecisions cisionsare areoften oftenreflected reflectedin inthose thosewho whosurround surroundus. us.It’s It’seasy easyto tokeep keep people people close close (is (is it?) it?) when when you you want want to, to, but but what what happens happens to to all all those those that thatyou youleave leavebehind behind-- the theacquaintances acquaintancesrather ratherthan thanthe thefriends, friends,not not out out of of some some sense sense of of enmity, enmity, but but simply simply because because you’re you’re moving moving on. on. I’m I’m aa people people person, person, not not in in the the sense sense that that II am am aa social social butterfly butterfly who who navigates navigates between between festivals festivals and and secret secret parties, parties, but but in in the the sense sense that that II generally generally find find people people utterly utterly fascinating fascinating and and completely completely binding. binding. Their Their strange strange quirks quirks and and secret secret gestures, gestures, coupled coupled with with some some oddity oddity that that gives gives character character to to aa sum sum of of features, features, isis what what fuels fuels my my interest. interest. It’s It’s why why I’ve I’ve always always felt felt that that photographs photographs with with no no people people in in it, it, are are aa waste waste of of paper. paper. Nature Nature isis aa wonder, wonder, but but more more so so isis Man. Man. Spending Spending aa lifetime lifetime (at (at least least that’s that’s how how itit feels) feels) writing writing about about extraordinary extraordinary people people has has made made me me appreciate appreciate the the ordinary ordinary ones ones so so much much more. more. This This being being said, said, the the international international lives lives that that we we have have and and share share here here in inthese thesepages pagespush pushus usrelentlessly relentlesslyto tomeet meetpeople peopleand anddiscuss, discuss,and andto to use use that that magic magic word word that that everybody everybody loves loves nowadays, nowadays, to to “network”. “network”. We We find find ourselves ourselves stuck stuck in in this this web web of of contacts contacts and and colleagues. colleagues. We We barely barely skim skim the the surface surface of of their their personality, personality, maybe maybe we’ve we’ve only only met met on on Facebook, Facebook, but but we we always always “know “know the the guy”. guy”. The The Internet Internet isis the the apex apex of of knowing knowing people people that that you’ve you’ve never never met. met. This This situation situation got got me me thinking. thinking. In In two two years years of of university university I’ve I’ve come come across across more more people people than than II did did in in 18 18 years years of of life. life. Add Add the the fact fact that that some some were were aa motley motley crew crew of of nationalities, nationalities, others others more more exotic exotic than than the the ones ones before, before, while while most most exhibited exhibited wild wild different different customs customs from from mine mine or or barely barely any any distinction distinction other other than than aa passport. passport. AA paradox paradox alaltogether. together. II was was fascinated fascinated before before they they even even opened opened their their mouths. mouths.

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So So there there itit was was –– the the first first day day of of university. university. We We were were all all randomrandomly ly thrown thrown together, together, in in aa foreign foreign country country with with nothing nothing but but hopes hopes and and dreams dreams to to keep keep us us going, going, and and the the only only thing thing II was was able able to to think think about about was was just just how how many many people people had had tattoos tattoos all all over over their their bodies. bodies. Hers Hers was was aa special special one, one, aa sprawling sprawling rose rose dead dead centre centre on on her her chest, chest, colors colors and and vines vines and and thorns thorns and and all. all. Smoke Smoke was was constantly constantly rising rising up up from fromthe thecorner cornerof ofher hermouth mouthand andnimble nimblefingers fingersreplaced replacedcigarettes cigarettes with with practiced practiced ease. ease. Later, Later, she’d she’d make make aa habit habit of of wearing wearing aa military military jacket jacket that that appealed appealed to to my my inner inner comic comic book book hero hero fan fan and and II thought thought she she was was simply simply the the coolest coolest thing thing to to walk walk the the earth. earth.

from from the the impossibly impossibly talkative talkative marketing marketing people people to to wildly wildly imaginaimaginative tive designers. designers. ItIt adds adds to to the the regret regret as as well. well.

Her Her friend friend had had plenty plenty of of tattoos tattoos as as well, well, but but in in his his case, case, itit didn’t didn’t draw draw the the eye eye in in the the same same way way that that the the tank-top/shorts tank-top/shorts combo combo did. did. AA man man as as laid laid back back as as possible, possible, he he betrayed betrayed his his Scandinavian Scandinavian roots roots but but lacked lacked the the general general sullen sullen look look of of aa Dane. Dane. His His way way was was that that of of tietiedye dye and and galaxy galaxy prints, prints, caps caps and and no-name no-name glasses glasses as as opposed opposed to to the the Ray-Bans Ray-Bans that that were were on on everyone’s everyone’s faces. faces. ItIt took took aa while while to to get get over over ‘so.much.nonchalance.’, ‘so.much.nonchalance.’, but but II did did and and II realized realized II never never met met somesomeone one with with that that kind kind of of warp warp speed speed functioning functioning brain, brain, work work ethic ethic and and aa general general ‘endearingness’ ‘endearingness’ that that simply simply gets gets under under your your skin. skin. II still still cringe cringe every every time time he he curses curses in in presentations, presentations, but but you you can can blame blame itit on on the the little little Captain Captain America America righteousness righteousness in in me. me.

And And then then there there were were people people who who II never never got got to to meet. meet. That That tall, tall, skinskinny ny thing thing with with curly curly hair hair and and aa contemptuous contemptuous attitude attitude to to everything everything eluded eluded my my analyses analyses every every time, time, except except for for the the rumors rumors that that he he was was as as hard hardaaworker workeras asone onecould couldfind. find.These Theseguys guysbecame becamedefined definedthrough through associations. associations.They Theywere weremany manyothers otherstoo: too:the thegirl girlwith withthe theblack black14in 14in Cambridge Cambridge Satchel Satchel that that II checked checked every every other other day day to to see see ifif itit was was on on sale; sale; the the one one with with the the colors; colors; the the dancer... dancer...

Some Some of of the the people people II met met on on that that first first day day are are the the ones ones that that II got got to to know know quite quite well well later. later. II spent spent my my time time in in constant constant amazement, amazement, that that students students from from the the Baltic Baltic countries countries could could look look so so much much like like Legolas, Legolas, while while navigating navigating those those awkward awkward days days with with not not knowing knowing ifif II have have to to wave wave or or hug hug or or just just pretend pretend that that II don’t don’t know know you you when when II see see you you on on the the street. street. We We are are fortunate fortunate enough enough to to be be in in aa teamwork teamwork obsessed obsessed environment, environment,therefore thereforewe wehave haveto tointeract interactwith witheach eachother otherwhether whether we we like like itit or or not. not. It’s It’s easy easy to to find find aa comfort comfort group group and and work work within within itit every every time, time, but but novelty novelty equals equals excitement, excitement, so so branch branch out out and and mix mix things things up. up. This This was was an an opportunity opportunity for for me me to to see see how how other other people people work, work,how howthe thethings thingsthat thatwe wechose choseto topursue pursueinfluence influenceour ourmind-set, mind-set,

II wish wish II had had more more chances chances to to talk talk to to the the girl girl with with the the papaya papaya tree tree in in her her backyard. backyard. She She was was aa contrast contrast in in motion motion with with everything everything that that set set her her apart, apart, buried buried inside inside aa relentless relentless mind mind and and under under impeccaimpeccable ble work. work. Clean Clean cuts, cuts, expert expert finishes finishes and and basic basic colors colors were were the the first first things things you you noticed noticed -- so so the the soft soft spoken, spoken, delicate delicate inflections inflections of of her her voice voice were were always always aa surprise. surprise. You You would’ve would’ve thought thought she she was was Anna Anna when when in in fact fact Grace Grace had had been been her her kindred kindred spirit spirit all all along. along.

All All in in all, all, we we move move on on from from this this type type of of things things with with every every crossroad crossroad that that we we face. face. There There isis no no tragedy tragedy in in it, it, only only aa little little regret. regret. New New peopeople ple will will show show up, up, networks networks will will expand expand and and soon soon enough enough we’ll we’ll get get in in touch touch for for aa favor favor or or two. two. Mock Mock the the Internet Internet all all you you want, want, but but itit has has made made forgetting forgetting aa lot lot more more difficult. difficult. Exactly Exactly as as itit should should be. be.


Photos by Janis Zirnitis Styling and concept by Raluca Dumitru Make-up and hair by Theodora Cucu Models: Misha Ursu, Dumitrita Negoită, Karolina Galczak

31 PREVIOUS PAGE Misha: Denim shirt Lee, Shirt Samsøe&Samsøe, Shorts Minimum all from Sektion 1 Dumitrita: Top by Malene Birger, Shorts by Malene Birger all from Jydepotten CURRENT PAGE Dumitrita: Dress Second Female from Jydepotten Karolina: Shorts Storm&Marie from Rikki Vandgaard

32 Dumitrita: Shirt by Malene Birger from Jydepotten, Shorts Storm&Marie from Rikki Vandgaard Karolina: Jacket by Theodora Cucu SS15, Dress Y.A.S. from Jydepotten


Karolina: Shirt Naja Lauf, Skirt Naja Lauf from Rikki Vandgaard, Sandals Bianco Dumitrita: Top Gai+Lisva from Rikki Vandgaard, Pants InWear from Jydepotten, Sandals Bianco


Misha and Dumitrita are both wearing clothes from Theodora Cucu SS15


Karolina: Dress Rabens Saloner from Rikki Vandgaard, Sandals Bianco Misha: Shirt Minimum, T-Shirt Wood Wood, Shorts NN.07 all from Sektion 1

By Malene Malene Birger Birger •• Diesel •• Diesel •• Ilse •• Ilse Jacobsen Jacobsen •• Gustav •• Gustav •• Bitte •• Bitte Kai Rand Rand •• Copenhagen •• Copenhagen Luxe Luxe •• Prepair •• Prepair •• Second •• Second Female Female ByBy By Malene Malene Birger Birger Diesel Diesel Ilse Ilse Jacobsen Jacobsen Gustav Gustav Bitte Bitte KaiKai Kai Rand Rand Copenhagen Copenhagen Luxe Luxe Prepair Prepair Second Second Female Female •• French •• French Connection Connection •• Philosophy •• Philosophy Blues Blues Original Original •• Rue •• Rue de Femme Femme •• Masai •• Masai •• InFront •• InFront •• Erbs •• Erbs •• Luxzuz •• Luxzuz •• InWear •• InWear French French Connection Connection Philosophy Philosophy Blues Blues Original Original Rue Rue dede de Femme Femme Masai Masai InFront InFront Erbs Erbs Luxzuz Luxzuz InWear InWear •• Soaked •• Soaked in Luxury Luxury •• Saint •• Saint Tropez Tropez •• Yas •• Yas •• Mansted •• Mansted •• Mos •• Mos Mosh Mosh •• Denim •• Denim Hunter Hunter •• C-RO •• C-RO •• Etage •• Etage •• Butterfly •• Butterfly Soaked Soaked in in in Luxury Luxury Saint Saint Tropez Tropez Yas Yas Mansted Mansted Mos Mos Mosh Mosh Denim Denim Hunter Hunter C-RO C-RO Etage Etage Butterfly Butterfly •• Fonnesberg •• Fonnesberg •• LB •• LB DK •• Stylesnob •• Stylesnob •• Pavement •• Pavement •• Cat •• Cat & & •• Depeche •• Depeche •• Tif-Tiffy •• Tif-Tiffy •• Våga •• Våga •• Falke •• Falke •• Decoy •• Decoy Fonnesberg Fonnesberg LB LB DKDK DK Stylesnob Stylesnob Pavement Pavement Cat Cat & Co. Co. & Co. Co. Depeche Depeche Tif-Tiffy Tif-Tiffy Våga Våga Falke Falke Decoy Decoy •• Rønhoff •• Rønhoff •• United •• United Nude Nude •• Sargossa •• Sargossa •• Soon •• Soon •• Birkenstock •• Birkenstock •• Fitflop •• Fitflop •• Karen •• Karen By Simonsen Simonsen •• Cero •• Cero •• Pelsnoer •• Pelsnoer Rønhoff Rønhoff United United Nude Nude Sargossa Sargossa Soon Soon Birkenstock Birkenstock Fitflop Fitflop Karen Karen ByBy By Simonsen Simonsen Cero Cero Pelsnoer Pelsnoer •• Bæltekompagniet •• Bæltekompagniet •• Dansk •• Dansk Smykkekunst Smykkekunst •• Yeti •• Yeti •• Rains •• Rains •• •• Bæltekompagniet Bæltekompagniet Dansk Dansk Smykkekunst Smykkekunst Yeti Yeti Rains Rains


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Text Textand andphotos photosby byAgata AgataDoraczyńska Doraczyńska

IfIfyou’re you’renot notaafan fanofofstrawberries strawberriesalready, already,you youshould shouldbe. be. Strawberries Strawberriesare arean anexcellent excellentsource sourceofofvitamins vitaminsCCand andKKas aswell wellas as providing providingaagood gooddose doseofoffiber, fiber,folic folicacid, acid,manganese manganeseand andpotassium. potassium. They Theyhave havebeen beenused usedthroughout throughouthistory historyininaamedicinal medicinalcontext. context. People Peoplesay saythat thatleaves leavescan canbe beeaten eatenraw, raw,cooked cookedor orused usedtotomake maketea. tea. But Buteveryone everyoneknows knowsthat thatstrawberries strawberriesare arealways alwaysaagood goodchoice, choice,so so let’s let’scelebrate celebratethe thestrawberry strawberryseason seasonwith withsome someunique uniqueand anddelicious delicious recipes recipesfor forevery everymeal. meal.

45 45

GUACAMOLE GUACAMOLE Ingredients: Ingredients:

Recipe: Recipe:

22ripe ripeavocados, avocados,halved, halved,pitted pittedand andscooped scooped 11shallot, shallot,finely finelyminced minced 11fresh freshjalapeno jalapenoseeded, seeded,deveined deveinedand andfinely finelychopped choppedororpowdered powderedspice spice 11lime, lime,finely finelyzested zestedand andjuiced juiced 44ounces ouncesstrawberries, strawberries,chopped, chopped,plus plusaalittle littleextra extrafor forgarnish garnish

In Inaabowl, bowl,mash mashavocados avocadoswith withaafork. fork.Add Addthe theshallot, shallot,jalapeno, jalapeno, lime limezest zestand andjuice juice(about (about22tablespoons) tablespoons)and andstrawberries, strawberries,and andmix mix altogether. altogether.Season Seasonwith withsalt. salt.Serve Serveimmediately, immediately,sprinkled sprinkledwith with additional additionalchopped choppedstrawberries strawberriesfor forgarnish. garnish.

Salt, Salt,tototaste taste

BROWNIE BROWNIE Ingredients: Ingredients:

Recipe: Recipe:

150g 150gdark darkchocolate chocolate 100g 100gmilk milkchocolate chocolate 150g 150gbutter butter 3/4 3/4cup cuppowdered powderedsugar sugar 100g 100gflour flourwithout withoutbaking bakingpowder powder 44eggs eggs 250ml 250mldouble doublecream cream 22tbsp tbsppowdered powderedsugar sugar

Melt Meltthe thebutter butterand andthe thechopped choppedchocolate chocolateininaasmall smallsaucepan, saucepan, stirring stirringconstantly. constantly.Remove Removefrom fromheat heatand andlet letititcool. cool.Beat Beateggs eggsand and sugar sugarwith withan anelectric electricmixer, mixer,then thenmix mixininmelted meltedchocolate. chocolate.Next Nextadd add sifted siftedflour flourand andstir stirgently gentlytotocombine. combine.Pour Pourthe thebrownie browniebatter batterall all over overthe theprepared preparedbaking bakingpan. pan.Bake Bakefor forapprox. approx.25 25minutes minutesatat180 180 degrees degreesCelsius. Celsius.Allow Allowthe thecake caketotocool coolcompletely. completely.

strawberries/berries strawberries/berries

Pour Pourthe thedouble doublecream creaminto intothe thebowl bowland andwhisk whiskuntil untilsoft softpeaks peaksform. form. Once Oncesoft softpeaks peaksstart starttotoform, form,add addsugar. sugar.Decorate Decoratethe thecake. cake.

46 46

PASTA WITH SNOW PEAS AND STRAWBERRIES Ingredients: Ingredients: 200g chicken chicken 200g 100g pasta pasta 100g cups water water 33 cups cup balsamic balsamic vinegar vinegar ¼¼ cup tablespoons honey honey 33 tablespoons cloves garlic, garlic, minced minced 22 cloves teaspoon onion onion powder powder ½½ teaspoon teaspoon salt salt ½½ teaspoon teaspoon freshly freshly ground ground black black ¼¼ teaspoon pepper pepper 100g snow snow peas, peas, strung strung 100g 200 gg strawberries, strawberries, hulled hulled and and 200 quartered quartered 1/2 cup cup fresh fresh basil, basil, chopped chopped 1/2 Goat cheese cheese for for serving serving Goat Recipe: Recipe: Place chicken, chicken, pasta, pasta, water, water, Place vinegar, honey, honey, garlic, garlic, onion onion vinegar, powder, salt, salt, and and pepper pepper in in aa powder, very large large skillet. skillet. very Bring to to aa boil boil and and then then reduce reduce Bring heat to to aa simmer. simmer. heat Cook until until chicken chicken isis cooked cooked Cook through and and pasta pasta isis tender. tender. through Mine took took about about 15 15 minutes, minutes, but but Mine may be be different different depending depending itit may on the the pasta pasta you you use. use. on Stir in in snow snow peas, peas, strawberries, strawberries, Stir and basil. basil. and Cook just just until until snow snow peas peas and and Cook strawberries are are hot. hot. strawberries Serve with with additional additional goat goat Serve cheese on on top. top. cheese

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