annual report fy09
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town hall meeting: reporting back What did we hear and what have we done?
FOD’s Stockroom requires an overhaul – not meeting stock, service or resource needs of FOD. A consultant has been hired to review stockroom issues and make recommendations for improvement no later than July 31, 2009. Anne Pensyl and Keith Shockley are leading this effort.
staffing levels
Staffing levels vary within different areas; in some areas, resources are stretched and it can make completing tasks difficult. Regional Integrated Operations: 565 FTE’s, 33 currently vacant, predominantly custodial workers 3rd shift: 50 percent retention rate for custodial positions, we are focusing on improving to 70 percent. FOD is working with the university Office of Human Resources (OHR) to streamline the hiring process, while still following the Civil Service laws. Civil Service laws will change on July 1, 2009 for recruitment of classified positions, so we may see some positive impact. Over the past year, we have reduced the amount of time needed to fill positions from 175 to 74 calendar days. We would like to further reduce this time and are working with OHR on this process. Design and Construction: 93 FTE and 1 vacancy Utilities/Energy Services and Sustainability: 61 FTE and 3 vacancies Environmental Health and Safety: 36 FTE and 2 vacancies Planning and Real Estate: 26 FTE and 1 vacancy Business Management: 22 FTE and 2 vacancies Administration: 25 FTE and 1 vacancy h Page 3
tools, equipment and supplies
More tools, equipment and supplies are needed in the districts for staff to effectively do their jobs. Tools and Equipment: Several hundred thousand dollars of new tools and equipment were purchased for all groups over the last nine months. To see a list of equipment ordered (by District), please visit Supplies: Each district and central shop is given a supplies and services budget based on the historic needs of their buildings or activity. These budgets are reviewed annually and adjusted as necessary. If you have a specific request for supplies, please ask your supervisor to make the request of the district leader. Your input is valuable in helping to balance spending on staff versus spending on supplies. Vehicles and Transportation: We have replaced several old, unreliable vehicles with new ones, and reassigned some vehicles that were not getting as much use to groups with greater need. A detailed list of purchases, reassignments and rehabilitated vehicles can be found at
custodial supplies
Custodial staff often has problems with inventory, delivery and stock levels. A six-month pilot program for supplying custodial closets is being planned in Fisher Complex by the end of the summer using an automatic stocking/tracking program. We will use this to determine if this is a viable option for custodial supply needs. Aaron Ray is leading this program and an initial finding will be available by the end of December 2009.
building supplies
The attic stock of lighting and building supplies provided in new buildings needs improvement. FDC process is being developed for incorporation into the project transition process to ensure that adequate supplies are an element of each project. Brett Garrett and Cyndi Fout are coordinating this effort with September 2009 target completion date.
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customer communications
Staff asked that we educate customers about our services. FOD’s new service guide, Guide to Facilities Services, has been completed and posted online; copies are available upon request. FOD’s website was redesigned and went live in April 2009 for enhanced staff and customer communications. Guidelines for Planning and Project Delivery was developed to provide customers with an overview of project phases.
shift communciations
Communications between shifts requires improvement, including clear roles and responsibilities. A group of staff has been assembled from all shifts to develop new tools and processes to improve communications between shifts. Lead by Kenny King with timelines still under review. A new radio system is needed. District 2 is piloting a push-to-talk system with Verizon Wireless. Based on those results we will look to expand the pilot or research other options. Lead by Mark French with timelines dependent upon results; next decision point is September 2009.
Several staff members in grounds recommended a centralized business model for this group, as opposed to regional. A proposal to change the reporting relationship of the zone groundskeepers is currently under review. A recommendation is expected in July.
seasonal planting
Grounds staff wants to be involved in seasonal planning and considered for contracted plantings, including choices of plant materials, placement, etc. The University Landscape Architect (Steve Volkmann) is always willing to meet with individual zones and crews to discuss ideas on future involvement, plant choices and locations. Further process changes are being reviewed for more Grounds inclusion to determine seasonal planting. Additional Grounds review and reporting of findings will be available by early July 2009. h Page 5
building/area access
Staff doesn’t always have the right keys or access to rooms and areas within buildings and response is delayed. Many access issues have been worked out since the start of RIO. If you have an unresolved access issue, please ask your supervisor to bring it up with the appropriate district leader and we will attempt to get it resolved or explain why access is not available.
parking assistance
Can we get parking on west campus and shuttles or assistance with parking fees? Transportation and Parking is willing to provide parking and shuttles that would accommodate shifts and schedules for FOD staff. However, the cost of these shuttles would be the responsibility of FOD and the staff utilizing the shuttle system. Parking rates for West Campus would be consistent with pre-determined rates/schedule recommended and approved by the university governance structure (i.e. we would need to pay the West Campus B rate, etc.). Based on funding, additional shuttles for FOD staff is not viable at this time. There is a current shuttle from west campus that staff can use. Links to maps and schedules can be found at
scheduling/four, ten-hour shifts
Are we ever going to get our four-day, 10-hour shift workweeks back? This could be especially helpful for Outdoor Lighting when darkness is helpful to check outages. FOD’s working on a flexible work policy, recommendations will be reviewed unit by unit. However, because of extended customer business needs and service hours and the current economic environment, it is unlikely that we will return to this schedule in the near future.
service2facilities concerns
S2F quality is a concern for staff. More training is needed on billable and nonbillable work and getting adequate information from the call center so the customer can be served without multiple calls. A new S2F manager, Ernie McVay, started in April 2009. S2F improvements are under review by Student Life and FOD, a focus component of the new customer service program in FY 2010. Elevator Entrapment Response Training was also provided in May 2009; additional review on continued improvements will begin with Student Life and FOD review of a Phase 2 program in June 2009.
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lock out/tag out concerns
Concerns were raised over lack of Steam Team and lock out tag out procedures. The Control of Hazardous Energy Policy is in its final stages as addressed by the FOD Safety Committee; it should be in effect by the end of July 2009. Steam Team staff are being hired. One new steamfitter began work in May and we are recruiting another. Many staff members have attended Steam Fundamentals class to provide them with basic knowledge to allow them to work safely around steam systems. Please contact Steve Elliott, EHS, 292-1284 or Keith Shockley, Administration, 292-5827 if you have any questions.
small project assignments to riops
It was requested that we explore the possibility of assigning small project work to RIOps as opposed to outsourcing. A RIOps representative is part of an FDC team that reviews all new weekly project requests. The list is then shared with other RIOps leaders with comments as to possible projects that could be handled by our staff. As a result of this new review process, RIOps staff has completed several projects. In the near future RIOps will take on interior signage installations currently performed by a contractor. We are exploring the possibility of partnering with OIT on classroom technology upgrades.
staff training
Staff requested more training in several areas: customer service, five steps of cleaning and training for handling chemicals. Customer service training modules are being explored as part of the new Customer Service Program that will be rolling out fall 2009. EHS Asbestos Abatement Process and Hazardous Material Awareness trainings were given to FDC staff in winter 2009. Safety meetings are held monthly with all RIOps staff. Other trainings that staff have received include: quality customer care, supervisor trainings (APPA Toolkit and others), first aid in the workplace. h Page 7
automation schedules
Automation schedules for buildings, peak and shut-off times are not being shared with Utilities staff. The Building Automation Shop (BAS) and Utilities staff met to discuss shared programming and systems access between the groups. As a result, BAS can now access programming for high-pressure steam converter controllers, thus BAS, Utilities and RIOps can bring steam stations online and troubleshoot and monitor them more safely. The position of System Specialist was created by Utilities and filled by BAS to provide energy conservation measures through direct digital controls (DDC).
power plant safety issues
Several safety issues were presented. Tunnel Access: There is a safety/security project to install additional security gates, install badge access at the entrance doors and install an emergency alarm system in the plant. Speaker outside of gate: This has been repaired. Camera in back parking lot: There is a pan & tilt camera covering the parking lot and gate. Roof safety: Lights in turbine room: New lights have been installed in the turbine room. Handrails: All the stairs, walkways and ladders on the roof have handrails. Basement Drainage: The drainage improvement project OSU-080269 has checked sources, drains and flow rates. A number of drains have been checked with cameras. Air Quality: Weekly housekeeping/safety inspections continue and both plant operating and maintenance personnel have been involved.
research relocations
EHS has a need for improved communications regarding research relocations. Dave Kos currently receives notifications of all space assignments, including assignments for new or additional research space. Please advise if other EHS staff should be notified. Space Planning can also provide staff with access to space database as well as training to enable EHS to monitor location of research in a live environment. Senior Leadership review to occur to ensure proper closure and protocol by July 2009.
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computer access
Many websites are restricted to minimize the risks involved with open web access. Staff are having trouble logging on, changing/remembering passwords. If anyone has trouble with access to any work-related websites, they should contact the FOD-IT help desk. FOD-IT will investigate the request and, if appropriate, provide access. Any questions about the appropriateness of any particular request will be routed through the District Leader and/or the Senior Director for approval. Additional Resources: Every Zone, DRT and Central Services area will receive additional terminals to ensure the appropriate number of resources is available during break and shift times. This work is currently underway and will be completed as the terminals are received from the manufacturer. Improvement Investigation: FOD IT is investigating different methods to sign onto the network (web kiosk, biometric/fingerprint scanners, etc.) to reduce the number of passwords and increase access to available information. FODIT is leading this effort and a report will be issued to the Senior Director of Operations in July 2009.
seasonal plan development
This is a work in progress. Every seasonal change teaches us new lessons and we are continually improving this process and the associated documentation. For questions related to Seasonal Planning or responses to specific suggestions, please contact Jennifer Smith, 292-4259. h Page 9
notable success over the last year
administration/ business management
Exceeded MBE purchasing goals
New staff and customer communications: FOD website redesign, Guide to Facilities Services, Guidelines for Planning and Project Delivery, redesigned staff/ customer newsletter – People & Place Worked to develop process to reduce the average time to fill a professional staff position by four weeks Led the development of the Energy and Green Build Policy in partnership with Utilities and successfully rolled out university wide Supported the development of FOD’s 5-year business plans and supporting metric development Contracts closed out 580 of 792 backlogged projects (as of June 22, 2009)
Grounds appearance is much improved in many areas of campus Consistent specifications for in-house and contract custodial services Increased the number of staff and service compliments from customers, many resulting in formal recognition Reduced the average time to fill a position by 50 percent
design and construction
Main Library project completed on time and on budget Successfully implemented the “DoPs & Ops” relationships and coordination Improved customer relationships (Athletics, Student Life, Physics, T&P, etc.) Successful kick off of University Infrastructure Plan and projects
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Completed building condition and space needs assessments completed for academic and academic support facilities Automated signage ordering process implemented; integration with Estores in progress Developed “Project Request Status Log� to be accessed online by customers. Completed eight planning studies, including Lake Erie facilities assessment, Athletics master plan, Optometry feasibility study, Mansfield student life feasibility study, Instructional space study
Laboratory inspection, initial cross training of staff and implementation of coordinated inspection process completed Increase in savings through chemical redistribution program Collaboration with Office of Research to implement on-line research protocol submissions Business Continuity Plans updated Customer satisfaction rate >95% with laboratory inspection process Implemented radioactive materials security review program Completed BSL3 certification Implemented Clean Water Act best management practices for FY 09
utilities/ ESS
The university community was given access to the campus utility metering database in April 2009 The draft 15-year Energy Plan was completed in December 2008 and is under review Residence hall recycling increased from 68 tons in 07/08 academic year to 101 tons during 08/09 74% of Lord Hall and 71% of Brown Hall demolitions were recycled The All-in-One recycling program will be launched in all campus buildings beginning fall 2009
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continued challenges for focused effort in FY 2010
administration/ business management
Alignment of staffing and business plans by end of summer 2009 Customer Service Program Development Continue to work on staff and customer communications improvements Continued Recognition Program Improvements, including expansion of events to 2nd and 3rd Shifts Leading Asbestos Program redevelopment project Leading Elevator Program redevelopment project
Rebalancing staff, supplies and equipment with limited financial resources Creating effective stockroom program and supporting processes Support the redevelopment of key programs, including elevator program, asbestos, steam team and other key department and university priorities Developing new and creative ways to improve communications ... ∙ Between shifts ∙ With customers ∙ From management
design and construction
Better integrated and seamless transition of completed construction projects to RIOps and Utilities. Improve consistency of “One FOD” concept to our customers Formalize the small project process for FDC and RIOps
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Continued development of capital planning process moving from college-centric process to one university, integrated model Development of academic and academic support facilities scenario for 11-12, 1314 biennia and beyond Completion of Renewal and Deferred Maintenance (RDM) program development, including condition assessments, establishing facility condition targets, identifying funding gaps and strategies to bridge those gaps
Research safety, including laser safety and support, for Institutional Review Board Chemical facility anti-terrorism standards BSL3 certification, training and inspections Business Continuity Planning drills and plan updates Emergency planning for disasters Electronic submission improvements for laboratory inspection program Accident rates
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Facilities Operations and Development 150 Central Service Building 2003 Millikin Road Columbus, OH 43210 (614) 292-0257 (614) 292-6751 fax