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Experiment: the results

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All participants of our interactive presentation of the dedesign of a rose were asked to write down their answers and impressions to our questions on an A3 sheet. We collected these sheets after our presentation and evaluated them in an Excel spreadsheet for simple comparison. The results were very interesting and different and underlined our thesis that a blind perception of the rose, without knowing that one experianced a rose, evokes completely different images, far from the known stereotypes. The results of our interactive presentation are presented here.


When asked what emotions the participants felt after being blindly touched by different parts of a rose, they said the following: gentle, comfortable, white, light, soft slapped → by Krampus, special surprised by the coldness of the flower; comforting and soft soft, initmate, felt like being touched by a person → felt calm, in the moment cold, hard & soft, warm tenderness, ticklish, funny calming, curiosity, fun free, floating, grass in breeze feels like gummi, surpriced, touching rose → soft smooth/softness warm welcome, happiness, coming home love, fear lovely, happy


These are the colors that the participants associated with the sounds of a rose that we played for them.

(dark ) green blue, green, brown different greeens and blues yellow-brown brown, yellow, orange brown green pink,red, brown yellow blue-greenish purple-rose blue smell/place scan me!

We had our comulitons smell different parts of the rose blindfolded and they were asked to indicate a location they associated with those smells.

Mall, Parfume shop

Spa, Cosmetic, Wellness Place

Spa my childhood bathtub → smelled like some soap-balls we dissol- ved in the water sun, grass, field a small cafe in Montmarte bath

House in a forest italy beach in summer highschool coffeshop, smelled like coffe taste/song muse-supremacy

We poured our fellow students a rose tea and let them experience it with their sense of taste. Then they had to name a song that came to their mind.

Taylor Swift song exp. Exile feat. Bon Iver a lullaby some slow song with just soft vocals and a gituar bitter sweet symphony smth from Lana del Ray, e.g. :Sommertime Sadeness: something by taylor swift or comfy song smooth jazz last christmas

Feliz Navidad, something Christmasy

/ no idea


For the last sense, the sense of sight, the participants were allowed to take off their blindfolds and we showed them a color gradient of the colors of the rose and they had to name an animal that they perceived.

catapiller flamingo,caterpiller, butterfly leopard small rainforest frog parrot fluffy rabbit bunny tropical frog

Butterfly bee, a flamingo/frog

Zebra, Tiger hummingbird

Person busy women in her 30s my boyfriend a grandma who dresses colorfully my grand-aunt a friend middle-aged women living in france and leading a decadent lifestyle some nice grandma, living in the countryside, who loves gardening a grandma a beautiful girl an actress my dreamed future girlfrind a lovely stranger

With all these experiences in mind, they should now imagine a person.


And finally, the participants were asked to draw the flower they thought they perceived through all 5 senses. Some recognized the rose, but not all.

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