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For Sale d


Please, if at all possible, include a name and phone number with your advertisements. Thank you for your consideration. 12/21

FOR SALE: Brown bleach bottles for sale $10 each plus postage. 1 Purex 1/2 gal, 3 Purex qt, 1 Fleecy White 1/2 gal, 1 Clorox qt, 2 Clorox pt, Fountaintown, IN conner-linda@att.net, 317-861-5319. 9/21

FOR SALE: Illinois bottles and marbles. WANTED: Anything CARM! Illinois. Please call me or email. HeathersTreasures@frontier. com, 618-384-2223. 11/21 FOR SALE: I put out a quarterly list of 200 bottles and go withs. As I sell I add new. List goes across the country and covers the major bottle groups. JOHN RONALD, Phone: 707-762-8515, 1512 McGregor Ave, Petaluma CA 94954. 10/21

Shows, Shops & Services d


ST. BENICIA, CA. When visiting the S.F. Bay Area or Napa Wine Country, be sure to stop in nearby historic downtown Benicia; a nationally designated small town “Main Street” with shops, restaurants and magnificent Bay views. Also location of the Gold Rush era brick State Capitol museum, Civil War Camel Barns military/ local museum, and legendary former waterfront Bottle Digging bonanza of the West (“Benicia Glass”, Balto torpedoes, cathedrals, sodas, bitters, pontiles). ANTIQUES ON FIRST has a rotating selection of locally dug Bottles, Clocks, Militaria, Railroadiana, Art, Advertising and more. Open Wed thru Sun 12:00 (often earlier) to 5:30. 9/21

SEE YOU IN RENO 2022! Where the TOP 25 Western Whiskys will be on display! RICHARD SIRI. 9/21

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AND SODA COLLECTORS: Large, older collection (mostly dug) is in need of dispersal. Digger since the late 1960s has passed away. Looking for someone to assist in bringing his widow reasonable compensation. JIM, 317-512-1856. 10/21


HAMMONTON, N.J. Several years ago the Batsto Citizens Committee, Inc. (BCCI) joined with the Cruisin’ Classic Car group for a spring antique, glass, and bottle show. It seemed that a show with antique and classic cars should have something else for visitors to enjoy. What better than antiques. Being held in the heart of Wharton Forest at Batsto Village where glass and bottles were produced after the iron industry financially could not survive also seemed appropriate. Because the spring show had to be cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions, the combined show will be held this fall. So iron is no longer produced at Batsto Village. The idea of British coming up the river to end the production of shot and cannon ball at the Village no longer exists. The history of such can be seen at the monument at Chestnut Neck and whispers of such at Batsto. September 19th will be a day to enjoy the quiet of a once noisy iron and glass producing town. A chance to walk around and remember some of American History. Not only the history of the Colonies before America was America can be enjoyed but some of the more recent history of toys without batteries, tin toys not plastic, records that were analog not digital sounds produced on your phone, bottles that were returned for 2 or 5 cents not throw away plastic. There will be food trucks to quench your thirst and satisfy your hunger. It is a rain or shine event, but let’s hope for sunshine. Hope to see you on September 19th at Historic Batsto Village from 9 to 3. 9/21

Wanted d

WANTED: Hobbleskirt embossed Coca-Cola bottles: 1915's, 1923's, D-Patent's 6oz's and 6 1/2 oz's. Collector will buy or trade. JIM GEORGES, georges77@twcny.rr.com or 315-662-7729. 7/21

WANTED: Better Albany N.Y. bottles and flasks, L.Q.C. Wisharts in rare colors / all variants. Guilderland, N.Y. Stoneware. DON KELLY, dmebottles@aol.com, Phone: 518365-3783. 12/21

WANTED: George Ohr Pottery Cabins. Or Cabin Inks. BOB TERRY, 303-5692502, llterryualusa@yahoo.com 9/21

WANTED: OWL DRUG bottles, tins, boxes, paper, anything from the Owl Drug Company. MARC LUTSKO, Email: letsgo@montanasky.net, 406-293-6771, Box 97 Libby, MT 59923. 1/22

WANTED: Harley bottles of West Chester, Pa. and Philadelphia, Pa. The West Chester bottles (3) display either J. Harley, James Harley or E.M. Harley. The Phila. Bottles (3) display Edwd. Harley, Schul (Schuylkill) 4th & Market St., Philada or E. Harley, 802 Market St. or E. Harley, West Market St. These bottling business operated in the late 1840s through the early 1880s. BOB HARLEY, rwh220@Yahoo.com, Phone: 215-721-1107. 12/21

WANTED: U.S.A. Hospital Dept. and any pre-1866 embossed food bottles, mustards, early Baltimore, Wheeling, D.C., Alexandria sodas, beers (stoneware or glass) damage free. BRUCE, cwaddic@yahoo.com, Phone: 703-307-7792. 12/21

WANTED: Colored Illinois and Missouri Sodas. Also Colored Fruit Jars. Top $$$ Paid. Call, text or email. STEVE KEHRER, kehrer00@gmail.com, 618-410-4142. 3/23

WANTED: Emerald Green Christmas Salt made by Sandwich Glass Works. Also Ives Trains. JEFF IVES, 860-639-9881, 36 Geer Rd., Lebanon CT 06249. 9/21 WANTED: Looking for Anchor Strapside, any color/size. twaller@htfinc.com, Phone: 757-442-6099. 9/21


WANTED: Including these pontils: Avery's, Benson's, Bernard's, Brown's, Bull's, Burt's, Cannon's, Flander's, Frambe's Geoghegan's, Hamilton's, Jacob's, Lay's, McAdoo's, McElroy's, Parham's, Rhodes' Prov. R.I., Rohrer's, Rudolph's, Star-in's, Stone's, Toledo, Woodman's. ALSO BIMALS: Anchor, Bavarian Bitters, Beesting, Bixler's, Bliss, Boot's Indigestion, Bowanee, Bower's, Bradford's, Bromo Mineral, Bronson's, Bull's (Baltimore), Carey's CholiCura, Clement's Certain (green), Collins' Opium (aqua), Cowan's Certain, Davis Indian, Detchon's Infallible, Edelweiss, Electrofluid, Ewer's Arcanum, Forest Pine (unpontiled), Francisco's, Frog Pond 8", Green's King's Cure, Large Handyside's (chocolate amber), Helmer's, Hilleman's, Hinderman's, Holden's (green), Hungarian, Indian Mixture, JBF, Kauffman Phthisis, Keeley's (opium, neurotine, solution), Large Kellum's, Kid-Nee-Kure, Lenape's, Lindley's, Long's Malaria, Loryea (green), Marsden, McConnon Cough, Amber McLean's (8"), Miniotti's (clear), Morning Glory, Murphy K & L. Pageapfel's, Park's (clear), Peck's, Pennock's, Peterman's (green), Rattail, large River Swamp, Scott's (bird), Streetman's, Tremaine's, Vosburgh, Wadsworth (goat), Warner's K & L Rochester (green, aqua, clear), Wildwest, Wilkinson's, Wilson Footrot, Winan's (no Indian), York Corn Cure. Looking for many others, especially embossed with label, contents, box. Also would like data on unlisted cures for future Cure Book. JOHN WOLF, ohcures@yahoo. com, 937-275-1617, 1186 Latchwood Ave., Dayton, OH 45405. 2/22

WANTED: California Pontilled Sodas ROBERT LUTHI, 408-892-3530. 9/21

WANTED: Dr. LeRoy's Antidote to Malaria, Morris, Illinois. RUSS SINENI, bottlenut@ aol.com, 815-501-6820. 9/21

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WANTED: Detroit Area Old Bottles bottlemike@outlook.com, 586-219-9980. 9/21

WANTED: Bliss Bottles and go-withs and Speta milk bottles and go-withs from Cleveland Ohio. bdbliss@hotmail.com, 814765-5911 or 814-553-9701. 9/21

WANTED: PHILADELPHIA STRAPSIDED or Seamed Whiskey Flasks. I collect and catalog these and also have an interest in Thomas H. Dillon (TD) Philadelphia mineral water bottles. Please contact me if you have any in your collection or wish to sell. ART MIRON, Email: jestar484@verizon.net, 215-248-4612. 6/22


WANTED: Milk,Soda or Beer Bottles from the following Connecticut towns - Ansonia, Derby, Shelton, Huntington, Seymour, Oxford, Monroe & Trumbull. MARK PEDRO, 203-650-9190. MDPedro1979@ gmail.com 9/21

WANTED: Strapside Flasks from NY Capital District and Utica. JOHN, ifishaway@msn. com, 518-393-1814. 10/21

WANTED: Still looking for Dalton or Houghton Pottery and am adding, looking for Greentown Glass items. Contact me about items for sale! JAMES D. HOUDESHELL, 419-352-7789, 918 Deer Ridge Run, Bowling Green OH 43402. 9/21

WANTED: Dr. Boyce's Tonic Bitters, Rutland VT. bruceamaheu@icloud.net 10/21

WANTED: Small town Micanopy FL Medicine/Druggist bottles. I also collect Alachua County bottles that I don't have. Will pay top reward! IRV STERLING, silver@gru.net, 352-514-7222. 9/21

WANTED: Bitters Ky, Tn and Southern States. Also Shaker Bottles. SHELDON BAUGH, sbi_inc@bellsouth.net, 270-7262712, 252 West Valley Dr., Russellville, KY 42276. 9/21 WANTED: Albany & Troy, NY pre-1900 Beers, Sodas, Whiskeys, and Stoneware. Albany Paintings especially David Lithgow Paintings. STEWART C. WAGNER, SWagner@NorthernIndustrial.com, Phone: 518-698-7325. 10/21

WANTED: Pictures of the following Great Falls, Montana bottles and jugs for purposes of a future book: 1. Emporium Drug Store / Realty Block / Great Falls, Mont. 2. Seltzer Chas. Gies, Great Falls, age etched clear, not sure of exact lettering 3. Jug Hrvatski. dom / Great Falls / Montana 4. Quart green crown on bottom (not base) - squirt beverages / Rainbow Bottling Great Falls Montana or something similar. HENRY THIES, bottlerx@gmail.com, 406-873-2811 or 406-229-0356, PO Box 1363 Cut Bank, MT 59427. 9/21

WANTED: Pictures of the following Great Falls Montana bottles: 1. Emporium Drug / Realty block / Great Falls, Mont. 2. Char. Gies clear seltzer acid 3. Green Quart Cabin acl - around base of bottle Property of Squirt Bottling Co. Great Falls, Mont or something similar 4. Labeled only bottles from either Montana Distilling Company, Manchester Montana or Manchester Distilling Company, Manchester Montana or Sun-River Distilling Company, Manchester Montana (from same distillery but different owners and years of operating). Will consider outright purchase also. For purposes of writing a book. HENRY THIES, bottlerx@gmail.com, 406-873-2811 or 406-229-0356, PO Box 1363, Cut Bank MT 59427. 9/21

WANTED: Looking for St. Alban's, Vermont and Swanton, Vermont Drug Store, Medicines, bitters bottles. 802-370-6139, call or text. 9/21

WANTED: Palmetto Bottling Works, Campobello, S.C. Soft Drink; Four Column Farm Dairy, Landrum, SC. 864-641-9044, chris@IndFabCon.com 9/21

WANTED: George Troyansky New York seltzer bottles and any bottles from Croton - On- Hudson, NY. 845-381-3059 text. 11/21 WANTED: Celebrated Peninsular Bitters semi-cabin from Grand Rapids, Jerome National Bitters Detroit, Ancora Bitters from Menominee, Mich., Snake Bite Bitters, other bitters and mineral waters from Michigan and Mississippi. BRUCE SCHAD, brschad@ aol.com, 662-237-4365 or 662-299-7975, Carrollton, MS. 10/21

WANTED: Signet Ink, 1 gallon solid white stoneware jug with handle, pour spout blue lettering stating "Russia Cement Co., Sole mf'rs of Signet Ink and LePage Glue". Interested in any other Ink or Paste Stoneware that i do not already have. Call, email or text. DAVID CURTIS, dcu8845@thewavz.com, 567-208-1676. 10/21

WANTED: ACL's North and South Carolina BOTTLE BROTHER CHUCK, 704-7320373. BOTTLE BROTHER STAN, 704530-3941. 10/21

WANTED: WARNER Advertising, Bottles with Labels, Posters, Almanacs. Any WARNER or DR. CRAIG Bottles and Advertising. mwseeliger@gmail.com, Phone: 608-575-2922. 11/21

WANTED: Baltimore, D.C., Northern VA. Bottles. We buy collections. Call JEFF at 443-904-0566 or 410-335-1383. Call ROB at 443-417-0109. Leave message! J & R FINE JUNK AND COLLECTABLES 11/21

WANTED: Fitzgerald's Improved Invigorator with label; Arabian Elixter of Life, Dexter, ME. probably a label only bottle, any other Dexter, Maine medicines. RICK WHITNEY, history@dextermaine.info, 207-924-3443, 215 North Dexter Rd, Dexter, ME 04930. 10/21

WANTED: Ugly. Brown Bottles . . . with Eagles & Flags - open pontils - sheared lips. Whittled and Crude - embossed or with Labels ... Keene or Stoddard, N.H. origin the best. ALSO, Bisque & China doll heads from priveys or dump diggin'. withington@ conknet.com, 603-478-3232. 10/21

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