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IT PAYS! A cobalt Van Cutsem ball
Come On, Pay Attention! Rants by Ralph Finch You would think that as old as the bottle hobby is now, and as advanced at the internet is, and as long as eBay has been in use, people would sure seem smarter. Still, I know better. I’ve been using eBay for a few decades, and I’ve been complaining that eBay should give an IQ test, and if you can’t prove you aren’t an imbecile, you can’t use it! I know people who couldn’t recognize the difference between a rock and the Hope Diamond, and also don’t seem to care. I have long ago given up trying to gently explain to eBay sellers that what they have is in error. I can offer websites where they can find information showing what they actually have, but all too often I’ve been told by sellers that, basically, they don’t care. In fact, a few of them seem proud to be stupid. I guess that explains the mess the country has gotten into. People go to the time and effort to offer a gizmo on eBay, and don’t bother to look
Antique Bottle & Glass Collector
that ten other similar — or exact — gizmos are listed. On the same day! For example, the other day on eBay I found a cobalt Van Cutsem ball listed. Several, in fact. (And, fyi, the Van Cutsem may be the most common target ball in the world.) Still, on the same day, three were offered, with minimum required opening bids of $255, $165, and $29 (most with shipping of $8). And most were described as “rare,” and “from the 1800s.” That certainly nails down the time frame. I know how long it takes to photograph, describe and list and then to pack and ship. Why not take five more minutes to try and figure out what you really have? Janet spends hours listing her items. eBay has done one thing for sure. It proved that Darwin was wrong. Each generation isn’t evolving or getting smarter. We are breeding a lot of dumb and dumber people.
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