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Free “FOR SALE” advertising in each issue of Antique Bottle & Glass Collector (AB&GC). One free “WANTED” ad in AB&GC per year each renewal. DEALERS: Sell your bottles in the Antique Bottle & Glass Collector. Change the bottles and your ad is free month after month. Include your website in your ad to increase traffic to your site. Send all advertisement info to FOHBC Business Manager, Elizabeth Meyer, P.O. Box 1825, Brookshire, Texas 77423 or best, email to: fohbcmembers@gmail.com


FOR SALE: Jar Doctor is for sale - includes equipment, inventory, supplies (shipping boxes, containers, etc.), molds, jigs, power tools, customer information, supplier information, and training. Please contact R. Wayne Lowry, JarDoctor@aol.com, 816.318.0161 for information and/or to discuss options. 01/01/23

FOR SALE: Book: A History of the Des Moines Potteries, with additional information on Boonesboro, Carlisle, Hartford, and Palmyra. 214 pages, 65 color. Cost $23 plus shipping, media mail add $4.50, priority add $6. Mail to Mark C. Wiseman, 3505 Sheridan Ave., Des Moines, Iowa 50310, 515.344.8333 01/23

FOR SALE: Mint: 1) Warner’s Safe Nervine half pt. slugplate. Light amber, $300 2) Warners’s Safe Cure London, half pint, green, $300 3) Warner’s Safe Kidney & Liver Cure. Pint, slugplate, A & D.H.C. on bottom, $250 4) Warner’s Diabetes Cure, pint. Melbourne, $150 5) Dr. Von Hopfs Curacoa Bitters, Chamberlain & Co., Des Moines, Iowa, yellow, $175. I have a lot more Warner’s for sale. Will trade for mini whiskey jugs. Stencil or scratch with maker and town and city on them. Jack Brower, 479.434.6306 01/23

FOR SALE: Brand new book, just finishing up before printing, Florida Advertising Jugs, 175+ pages, all color. By David Kyle Rakes, author of the recently released book, Early Georgia Sodas, The Bottles & Proprietors. Stay tuned for more information. email: barakes123@ gmail.com 01/23



Th. Crook Sky Light whiskey flask. I will pay $10,000 for a half-pint coffin or a pint coffin or a pint shoofly. Flask must be in mint condition and delivered to Colorado. Other Black Hawk bottles might be of interest if not already owned. Contact: David D. Spellman at spellmand@centurylink.net 01/23

WANTED: North Florida bottles, Southern Stoneware or unusual black glass forms. Contact Alan McCarthy 850.832.1882 (1/23)

WANTED: To buy Dr. Mitchell Sarsaparilla from Perry, NY in Wyoming County. Will pay $4k. Bours Cordial Tonic from Geneva, NY. Will pay $4k. Looking to buy large Milk Bottle Collections from all over the United States. Contact Jim 315.527.3269 (1/23)

WANTED: 1-Spencer Bros (Brothers) Oaklandvale Farm Saugus Massachusetts Milk Bottle. 2-PJ Spencer, Malden, MA Milk Bottle (Cardboard top says “The Old Spencer Farm”) 3-Frank P Bennett, Oaklandvale Farm Milk, Saugus MA Milk Bottle. Interested in tops or any other items or information related to these three farms. Any size bottle is fine. Please email lyork1@cfl.rr.com or leave a message at 407.416.2677. Call will be returned ASAP. Thank you. (1/23)

WANTED: Rare pontiled meds particularly Southern meds, Michael D. Morgan, mmorgandive@gmail.com (1/2/23)

WANTED: Dr. A. C. Daniels advertising signs–St. Johnsbury, Vermont Old Items, Dennis Daniels, 448 Pleasant St., St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819, 802.748.2274. (1/23)

WANTED: Colored Figural Bitters. Also other bitters that are unusually shaped or unusually colored, for their grouping! Mint specimens only please! Randolph Haumann, 10410 Gold Arrow Drive, Reno, Nevada 89521-5190 or cell 415.518.4124 (leave message) or email: hawkeye751@outlook.com, Call Now! So you are not sorry...Later! 11/24

WANTED: Dr. Ball’s Vegetable Stomach Bitters, O.P., Mint. Contact: Michael Willbanks, WANTED: Hobble skirt embossed Coca-Cola bottles: 1915s, 1923s, D-Patent’s 6 oz and 6 1/2 oz. Collector will buy or trade. Jim Georges, georges77@twcny.rr.com or 315.662.7729. 07/24

WANTED: U.S.A. Hospital Dept. and any pre1866 embossed food bottles, mustards, early Baltimore, Wheeling, D.C., Alexandria sodas, beers, (stoneware or glass) damage free. Bruce, cwaddic@yahoo.com, 703.307.7792. 12/22 WANTED: Colored Illinois and Missouri Sodas. Also Colored Fruit Jars. Top $$$ Paid. Call, text or email. Steve Kehrer, email: kehrer00@gmail.com, 618.410.4142. 03/23

WANTED: Hobble skirt embossed Coca-Cola bottles: 1915s, 1923s, D-Patent’s 6 oz and 6 ½ oz. Collector will buy or trade. Jim Georges, georges77@twcny.rr.com or 315.662.7729. 07/24

WANTED: CABINS such as: GV11 2 Harrison Tippecanoe Cabin, P132 Prairie Plantation Bitters, W160 Woodgates Bitters, M42 Martins Bermuda Bitters, C698 Pottery Ink, C675 Cabin Ink, L62 Lediard 1863 OK Plantation (no lettering), Wiggs Bros. Cabin, Roehlling & Schultz Cabin, George Ohr Pottery Cabin, Bennington Pottery Cabin, “The Log Cabin” Portland, OR, Bob Terry, 303.569.2502, email: llterryualusa@yahoo.com 12/22

WANTED: Harley bottles of West Chester, Pa. and Philadelphia, Pa. The West Chester bottles (3) display either J. Harley, James Harley or E.M. Harley. The Phila. Bottles (4) display Edwd. Harley, Schul (Schuylkill) 4th & Market St., Philada or E. Harley, 802 Market St. or E. Harley, West Market St. or Edw. Harley, 1838 Market St., Phila. Bob Harley, email: rwh220@yahoo.com, Phone: 215.721.1107 12/22

PERMANENT WANT: OWL DRUG bottles, tins, boxes, paper, anything from the Owl Drug Company. Marc Lutsko, letsgo@montanasky. net, 406.293.6771, Box 97, Libby, MT 59923 TOP DOLLAR paid 01/23

WANTED: Philadelphia Strap-sided or Seamed Whiskey Flasks. I collect and catalog these and also have an interest in Thomas H. Dillon (TD) Philadelphia mineral water bottles. Please contact me if you have any in your collection or wish to sell. Art Miron, email: jestar484@verizon.net, 215.248.4612. 06/22

WANTED: Volunteers to help the FOHBC. Help our organization stay strong by writing an article, be a magazine proofreader or a Virtual Museum researcher. Post on our social media sites and share our posts. There are many ways you can help. Donations to our non-profit organization are always accepted. Thank you. 01/23

WANTED: Damaged: early, whittled, colored “squares” or damaged, scarcer Pikes Peak flasks. Tom, 707.397.1815 or pontil1903@ yahoo.com. 09/22

WANTED: Embossed Ford City, PA bottles. Also, Mechling & Kramer, Kittanning Hutch and Remember the Maine Hutch. Keystone Bottling Works, Sagamore, PA Hutch. Bill Oleksak, billoleksak1947@gmail.com. 724.859.0113 01/23

WANTED: Always looking for medicinal tonics, prefer embossed. Please call 260.367.2400. Leave a message or email roadrunner@centurylink.net, Thank you. 01/23

WANTED: Hello Levi Strauss and Western collectors! Years ago, a well-known California dealer discovered a major California gold rush archive from the Hardy-Kennedy store in Forest Hill, California. In it were a number of Levi Strauss billheads from the 1850s. We are looking for collectors who may have bought one or more and are soliciting copies of these billheads for an important paper I am working on. The information contained on these may be integral to the substance of my proposed paper and may enhance the value of your billhead! I am looking forward to some discoveries. Thanks in advance. Fred Holabird, fredholabird@gmail.com, 775.851.1859 01/23

WANTED: Dandelion Bitters, Beggs Dandelion Bitters (B 51, Flask), (B 52, square, Chicago, Ill.) and (B 53, square, Sioux City, Iowa) plus D 11, D 12, D 14, D 14.5, D 14.7 & D 15. Start calling & stop stalling! 415.518.4124 or email me at hawkeye751@outlook.com. All colors–Perfect only. 01/23

WANTED: New members to join the St Louis Antique Bottle Collectors Association. We meet at the Family Life Center at First Baptist, 2012 Missouri State Road, Basement, Arnold, Missouri, 1st Tuesdays (except July when we don’t meet) at 6:30 pm. Always a lively discussion. Patsy Jett, Show Chair, 314.570.6917 01/23

WANTED: Rare Dr. Kilmer examples (such as sample bottles of Cough Cure or Female Remedy) or any examples with contents/boxes/ circulars. Also, rare cobalt “Extract of Witch Hazel, 8” (see Adams’ Bottle Collecting in New England, page 30). Also, if anyone has the prices realized list from the 1976 Charles Vuono auction, I would greatly appreciate it if they would scan it and email it to me. Mike, maleect@aol.com (preferred) or 623.440.1929. and Somerset County bottles, picture beers, sodas and Hutches. Contact: Ray Buch, 908.735.5014. 01/23

WANTED: Dr. Ball’s Vegetable Stomach Bitters, O.P., Mint. Contact: Michael Willbanks, 179 Cottage Street, New Bedford, MA 02740; Phone: 508.542.2750 01/23

WANTED: Authentic bottle or jug with name Morton on it. This was my father’s name. No preference as to size of any item. Contact Darlene Furda: Email: dfurda@roadrunner.com or landline: 818 889.5451. 01/23

WANTED: Pontiled Vermont bottles. Contact: David Mosher, Email: dachamo@comcast.

net 05/01/22

WANTED: “Dr. Leroy’s Antidote to Malaria Morris Illinois” Russ Sineni, 815.501.6820 or bottlenut@aol.com 05/01/22

WANTED: Blob sodas from Central Illinois. Also, beer bottles from Peoria, Illinois. Contact: Jim Searle 309.346.7804 or Email: skyjames962@gmail.com 05/01/22

WANTED: Williamsport, PA—all rare bottles from Williamsport, PA including labeled, colored hutches/squats from Muncy, Watsontown, Lock Haven, Lewisburg, Milton, Jersey Shore, Renovo, Bloomsburg, Berwick, Danville. Dr Porter bottles from Towanda, PA. Minnequa Springs bottles from Canton, PA/Bradford County. Also, blue decorated crocks from Williamsport PA such as Slpe, Moore, Nichols, Hobart, or Rexford & Gordon. Contact: Bob Kane 570.220.5982. 01/23

WANTED: I seek to offer in trade following Antique Early 19th Century PA Coal Region stone bottles, one from a Pottsville brewery and the other Shamokin. Large early large lip bottles. Also, seek in trade certain Weissport PA bottle. I do not have certain early bitters, Amber Wishart’s Pine Tree bottle and others. Contact: David and Joann of Limerick, PA area, Email: cestia777@gmail.com 01/23

WANTED: For research project: Vermont drugstore bottles: JERICHO DRUG STORE / JERICHO, VT and also, DR. W.S. NAY / UNDERHILL, VT. Also want genuine Colorado Territory map. Thanks. Don Fritschel, donfritschel@gmail.com 01/23


NEEDING: Historical pictures for the online FOHBC Research Library. 03/01/23

REMEMBER: Please keep up with your membership to avoid interrupted service.

AUCTION PRICE REPORT: Remember, all FOHBC members get access to the Auction Price Report website. Visit the FOHBC.org Members Portal.


With this January–February 2023 issue of Antique Bottle & Glass Collector (AB&GC) we are completing six bi-montly issues since Bottles and Extras merged with AB&GC. Remember, you can read all past issues of Bottles and Extras and the merger copies of AB&GC online at FOHBC.org/Members Portal. We are also currently digitally archiving all past issues of AB&GC prior to the merger. You will also find online at FOHBC.org/Members Portal.

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