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AB&GC Magazine
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For Sale d
Please include a name and phone number with your advertisements. Not everyone has a computer, and an address does help.
FOR SALE: Cobalt Blue!! American Eagle. Tobacco Works. Detroit Michigan. Jar is in perfect, pristine condition with original lid. Some minor lip chips from the factory grinding process. Rich cobalt blue color with strong embossing ... $6,800. Contact me for pictures or information. BOB KENNERKNECHT, 941-460-3245. sunburst4me@gmail.com 5/20 FOR SALE: Antique and vintage bottles for sale..NY, NJ, & PA.., all types..milks sodas beers medicines, etc. Call or email. EDDIE, doubledestats 7055@gmail.com Phone: 845-430-7965. 5/20
FOR SALE: Old Bottles - $2.00, 3 for $5.00. All types - beers, sodas, medicines. Some fruit & milks. No Hutch's or Blob Tops - you can restock for flea markets or bottle showers. STEVE SHOWERS, 651-380-2698 or 651-380-2699. 5/20
FOR SALE: Currently downsizing my bottle collection. I have a lot of random med bottles, flasks, inkwells and stoneware. Send email if interested. Let me know what you're looking for. DREW ZAMBELLA, Antiqueglass11@gmail.com 5/20 FOR SALE: Hundreds of Painted Labels and Embossed Sodas and Wooden Cases. Send for list. 400 Old Canning Jars, Lids Covers, Books, Openers. 50 year collection. All must go. No room. Send for list. JOHN HUMPHREY, PhoneL 607-639-2470. 187 Hunt Rd, Afton NY 13730. 5/20
Shows, Shops & Services d
Please include a name and phone number with your ads. Not everyone has a computer, and an address does help. Thanks. 12/18
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MOUNTAIN WEST in Montrose, CO. Runner Up to the Top Western Museums in the U.S. Also contains the largest collections of "Patent Medicines" in the U.S. in original labeled containers / bottles. Also visit 25 original buildings moved on to the grounds, many furnished. website: museumofthemountainwest.org Phone: 970-240-3400. 5/20
MUSEUM and see a collection of over 2,000 bottles dating from the 1700s to a few years ago. Learn about bottle manufacturing from the handmade era to modern day. 5/20
On Sunday May 3, 2020, the Mohawk Valley Antique Bottle Club will host its
& SALE at the Utica Maennerchor, 5535 Flanagan Road, Marcy, NY 13403. For information, contact PETER BLEIBERG at (315) 735-5430 or by email at pmbleiberg@ aol.com. www.mohawkvalleybottleclub.com 5/20
AND SALE, Sunday, May 17, 9 am-3 pm; (Dealer Setup: Sunday 7 am-9 am) at the Ellendale Fire Hall, 302 Main Street, Ellendale, DE. Admission $3.00. No early buyers. Antique Bottles, Milk Bottles, Insulators, Fruit Jars, Advertising, Breweriana, Small antiques, Stoneware and Tabletop Collectibles. Dealer loading and unloading at back of building - ground level!! Large Club Display!! ****FREE APPRAISALS*** For additional Info: KEITH FLEMING, 13798 Emerald Pine Rd., Ellendale, DE 19941 PH: 1-302-6848138. Email JohnKeithFleming@gmail.com 5/20
Always Some Bottle and Collectible Action Here! SHORE ANTIQUE
CENTER, 413 Allen Avenue, Allenhurst, NJ 07711, 732-531-4466. art1960@aol.com www.shoreantiquecenter.com 5/20 When in the Four Corners, look for bottles at the TRADITIONAL CHARM
COLORADO. Call DOUG, 970-560-6500 or LINDA, 970-560-4682. 6/20
Calling all New Englanders, COME JOIN
Visit us online at littlerhodybottleclub.org (all lower case) or rhodeislandbottleclub. com. Come to our Club meetings the 2nd Tuesday of every month at the Pontiac Free Library, 101 Greenwich Ave, Warwick, RI. Call Bill Rose at 508-880-4929. 6/20
Wanted d
WANTED: Hobbleskirt embossed Coca-Cola bottles: 1915's, 1923's, D-Patent's 6oz's and 6 1/2 oz's. Collector will buy or trade. JIM GEORGES, georges77@twcny.rr.com or 315-662-7729. 7/21
WANTED: U.S.A. Hospital Dept. and any pre-1866 embossed food bottles, mustards, early Baltimore, Wheeling, D.C., Alexandria sodas, beers (stoneware or glass) damage free. BRUCE, cwaddic@yahoo.com Phone: 703307-7792. 12/20
WANTED: Clarke's Vegetable Sherry Wine Bitters, Sharon, Mass & Rockland, ME. All bottle sizes & variants. Thank you. CHARLIE MARTIN, 781-248-8620. cemartinjr@comcast.net 5/20
Cabin Inks. BOB TERRY, 303-569-2502. llterryualusa@yahoo.com 9/20
WANTED: Old OWL DRUG Co. bottles, tins, boxes, paper, anything/everything from the Owl Drug Company. Paying TOP DOLLAR. MARC LUTSKO, Email: letsgo@montanasky.net PO Box 97, Libby MT 59923. 5/20
WANTED: Including these pontils: Avery's, Benson's, Bernard's, Brown's, Bull's, Burt's, Cannon's, Flander's, Frambe's Geoghegan's, Hamilton's, Jacob's, Lay's, McAdoo's, McElroy's, Parham's, Rhodes' Prov. R.I., Rohrer's, Rudolph's, Star-in's, Stone's, Toledo, Woodman's. ALSO BIMALS: Anchor, Bavarian Bitters, Beesting, Bixler's, Bliss, Boot's Indigestion, Bowanee, Bower's, Bradford's, Bromo Mineral, Bronson's, Bull's (Baltimore), Carey's CholiCura, Clement's Certain (green), Collins' Opium (aqua), Cook's Turpentine, Cowan's Certain, Davis Indian, Detchon's Infallible, Edelweiss, Electrofluid, Ewer's Arcanum, Forest Pine (unpontiled), Francisco's, Frog Pond 8", Green's King's Cure, Large Handyside's (chocolate amber), Helmer's, Hilleman's, Hinderman's, Holden's (green), Hungarian, Indian Mixture, JBF, Kauffman Phthisis, Keeley's (opium, neurotine, solution), Large Kellum's, Kid-Nee-Kure, Lenape's, Lindley's, Long's Malaria, Loryea (green), Marsden, McConnon Cough, Amber McLean's (8"), Miniotti's (clear), Morning Glory, Murphy K & L. Pageapfel's, Park's (clear), Peck's, Pennock's, Peterman's (green), Rattail, large River Swamp, Riverview, Scott's (bird), Streetman's, Struble's (aqua), Tremaine's, Universal, Vosburgh, Wadsworth (goat), Warner's K & L Rochester (green, aqua, clear), Wildwest, Wilkinson's, Wilson Footrot, Winan's (no Indian), York Corn Cure. Looking for many others, especially embossed with label, contents, box. Also would like data on unlisted cures for future Cure Book. JOHN WOLF, 937-275-1617. ohcures@yahoo.com 1186 Latchwood Ave., Dayton, OH 45405. 12/20
WANTED: Charley Ross Bottles; New Bedford, MA Bottles & Stoneware, Trade Cards and Matchcovers. Also New Bedford MA Souvenir China. RON TETRAULT, 508-999-0275. arjaytee777@gmail.com 5/20
WANTED: Buying collections of quality antique bottles, including flasks, bitters, sodas, medicines, etc. MATT LACY, 440228-1873. info@antiquebottlesales.com 5/20
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WANTED: McQuade Utica NY liquor bottles. SUE YOUNG, 315-724-2778. 6/20
WANTED: Paying $2000 for amber or unusual colored Wisconsin strapped-sided Flasks. Let me know what you have. Also looking for Wisconsin Whiskey advertisement especially Peter Barth - Milwaukee advertisement or signs. JOE WHEELER, 715-572-9810. llnur@uniontel.net PO Box 232 Plainfield WI 54966. 5/20
WANTED: Harley bottles of West Chester, Pa. and Philadelphia, Pa. The West Chester bottles display either J. Harley or James Harley. The Phila. Bottles display Edwd Harley, Schul (Schuylkill) 4th & Market St., Philada (Philadelphia) or E. Harley, 802 Market St or E. Harley, West Market St. These two bottling businesses operated in the 1840s through the early 1880s. BOB HARLEY, Phone: 215-721-1107. Email: rwh220@yahoo.com 12/20
WANTED: Buffalo, NY & Lockport, NY stoneware and bottles. Also, Buffalo beer trays and advertising signs. PETER JABLONSKI, 12489 Hunts Corners Rd, Akron, NY, 14001. Ph: 716-440-7985. 12/20
WANTED: Connecticut drug store,
pharmacy or apothecary bottles. Embossed or labeled. We collect, research and document Connecticut drug stores. STEVE POULIOT, 860-608-7208, steve@ctbottleman.com 12/20
WANTED: H. & J. F. Meyer / New York, aqua soda bottle. DAVID RAKES, 352-8175136 call or text. Barakes123@gmail.com 5/20
WANTED: Native Southern Californian still needs the sample bottle embossed,
AQUADUCT NOV. 5th 1913." It celebrated the opening of the 235 mile aquaduct from Owens Valley to L.A. and spawned one of the most aggressive growth spurts ever! MARTY VOLLMER, martyvollmer@aol.com Phone: 803.629.8553. 6/20 WANTED: USA Hosp Dept Bottles & Southern Pontil Sodas & Medicines. rfhjr5123@gmail.com 5/20
WANTED: Pre-1930 ephemera to include maps, broadsides, trade catalogs, pamphlets, historical documents, manuscripts, photo albums, scrapbooks, newspapers. Especially interested in material from Western and Southern states, Vermont, Eastern New York State. Will travel or pay shipping. Phone: 518-756-6492. 4/20
WANTED: Any signage or milk bottle go-withs; “lids”, tin cans, porcelain signage, etc, that has the name Maxbauer, having to do with the Maxbauer Meat Market and Maxbauer Dairy in Traverse City, Michigan. I have plenty of Milk bottles, but more interested in the other go-withs. Contact LIZ MAXBAUER at Liz@mcnamaraortho. com or call 734-645-5585. 12/21
WANTED: Dr Claris Buffalo NY bottles, jugs, billheads, advertising items, photos, All Buffalo NY bottles, stoneware and beer advertising. PETER JABLONSKI, Phone: (716) 440-7985. pjablonski66@gmail.com 12489 Hunts Corners Rd. Akron, NY 14001. 6/20
WANTED: Unusual and rare Cincinnati, Ohio bottles. Interested in anything you may have. Please call or email. ED, 513,732,1898. dkamann@fuse.net 6/20
WANTED: Collect BelAir, Baltimore MD, Delta, York PA Bromo bottles in colors. STEVE CIBOROWSKI, 410-459-7610. cobaltbot@yahoo.com 5/20
WANTED: Rare and unusual Dr. Kilmer bottles and advertising! Especially examples with original labels and boxes. Always looking for embossed lung cough cure and consumption oil bottles. Top prices paid. Call me first! TERRY McMURRAY, Phone: 607-775-5972. mcmurrayauctions@aol.com PO Box 939, Kirkwood, NY 13795. 7/20
WANTED: Twenty-six ogival Stiegel bottle. JAMES DUGUID, 540-937-4727. 5/20
STRAPSIDED or Seamed Whiskey Flasks. I collect and catalog these and also have an interest in Thomas H. Dillon (TD) Philadelphia mineral water bottles. Please contact me if you have any in your collection or wish to sell. ART MIRON, 215-248-4612. jestar484@verizon.net 4/21
WANTED: Paying $2000 for amber or unusual colored Wisconsin strapped-sided Flasks. Let me know what you have. Also looking for Wisconsin Whiskey advertisement especially Peter Barth - Milwaukee advertisement or signs. JOE WHEELER, 715-572-9810. llnur@uniontel.net PO Box 232 Plainfield WI 54966. 5/20
WANTED: Native Southern Californian
still needs the sample bottle embossed,
AQUADUCT NOV. 5th 1913". It celebrated the opening of the 235 mile aquaduct from Owens Valley to LA and spawned one of the most aggressive growth spurts ever! MARTY VOLLMER, martyvollmer@aol.com 803.629.8553. 6/20
WANTED: Bottles, glasses of Western theme - cowboys, horses, saddles, spurs, etc. OTIS HIBLER, 830-885-2322. 5/20
WANTED: Eagle Run Beer Items, Shamokin PA McHenry Brothers Pure Rye Whiskey, Shamokin PA Crocks. Thomas Maher script Jug, Shamokin PA crock. Beer, whiskey signs Shamokin PA. Back Bar Bottles Shamokin, PA. Fritz Iron pontil, Shamokin, PA. C. YODER, 570-898-5553. 5/20
WANTED: BENNETT PIETERS & Co / 21 RIVER STREET / CHICAGO in black glass (olive). Also, a C.F. GOODMANOMAHA NEB. (a square Cobalt blue drugstore bottle). Also, an ED.C.ERFLING OMAHA, NEB with an eagle on back (blob soda). LANSON RECKNOR, Phone: 308-940-0730. 5/20
WANTED: Common Embossed Pontiled Bottles. LEE BERNARD, 262-677-2789. bernardantiques@core.com 5/20
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WANTED: California Embossed Drugstore Bottles. PAUL ACKERMAN, Email: jptahoe2@icloud.com 5/20
WANTED: Buckhannon, WV Stoneware. DON HENDERSON, 304-266-5523. buckantmal@aol.com 5/20
WANTED: U.S. Lighthouse Service or U.S. Life Saving Service artifacts. Rare, labeled, or colored New Hampshire pharmacy bottles, medicine bottles and stoneware. Galveston and Houston, Texas medicine, pharmacy and soda bottles as well as pottery jugs. BRANDON DeWOLFE, 713-2479555. brandondewolfe@hotmail.com 5/20
WANTED: Looking for Antique Bottles from the Following Towns: Greenwich, East Port Chester, Norwalk, South Norwalk, Stamford, Glenbrook, New Canaan, CT; East Port Chester, Port Chester, Armonk NY. Please email if you're interested in selling. Also, check out Ashdigger on YouTube for live bottle digs! KAMIL, nebottleshop@gmail. com 5/20
WANTED: U.S.A. Hospital Dept, Qt in rare unusual colors. Prefer mint if possible. Dog license from Nevada before 1920's. Thanks! HENRY GUILLEN, 760-668-0117. 5/20
WANTED: Fruit Jars. Collect rare pints, unusual closures and colored jars. Looking for J.C. Baker pint, lid for Trademark Advanced pint (small mouth), band for A.E. Bray Flaccus bands and original closure for Commodore. JERRY IKEDA, 916-4247204. ikeda.jerry@gmail.com 5/20
WANTED: Syracuse & Central New York (Utica, Auburn, Liverpool, Spafford) investment grade advertising and especially bottles (J.F. Barker, H. Lakes Indian Specific, Wahoo & Calisaya, MacArthur's Genuine Yankee Liniment). Ridiculous prices paid!! Please call. ED KANTOR, 315-706-5112. ekantor@twc.com 5/20
WANTED: Collector of unusual pint fruit jars. Buy or trade. DAVE, 302-388-9311. 6/20 WANTED: Any information on bottles with the embossing "BILLIE TAYLOR WHISKEY" probably supplied by Henry Fleckenstien Portland, OR. Also, info on bottles embossed "RATHJEN MERCHANTILE" with 3 addresses and any "RATHJEN BROS. WINE MERCHANTS S.F. CA" even if not for sale. Please call. LES RATHJEN, 701-301-9483. 5/20
WANTED: Stoneware bottle, A.F. Dietz, Peerless Aqua Lid Qt. BILL SCHLUTOW, 518-861-5994. 5/20
seeking bottles, postcards, and advertising from the village and town of AVON SPRINGS or AVON, NEW YORK. Many categories of bottles - milks, bitters, Saratoga's, cures, druggists, beer, soda, etc. Does ANYONE have a REXALL bottle from
- AVON, N.Y.? Please call, text or email. JIM BARTHOLOMEW, 585-705-8106. barthology@frontiernet.net 5/20
WANTED: Pontiled Soda's from Baltimore & Eastern Shore of Maryland. MELVIN G. SMITH, 443-417-3916. 5/20
I love fruit jars and closures. Buying one or a collection. Currently trying to find the following: Root Mason lids, Colored Mason 1858 jars, Embossing errors, over sized jars. DAVE EIFLER, Phone: 269-362-1302. eiflers@comcast.net 4048 Wildon Ct., Buchanan MI 49107. 5/20
WANTED: Deep Rock Springs Saratogatype Mineral Water Bottles. Rare colors or variants. Would like to buy advertising items or go-withs from this spring. Also wanted large size 754 Austens Oswego Bitters. BARRY HAYNES, 315-963-3749. 5/20
WANTED: Harpers Ferry WV bottles and go-withs. Also Charlestown WV, Shepherdstown WV and Brunswick MD. I have some of these bottles for sale or trade. Call or email. fitzh20s@aol.com Phone: 703-929-8144. 5/20 WANTED: Pontiled Sarsaparillas. Must be in mint or near mint condition. Call or email. MARK DUMOND, 207-607-0058. dumondmd55@gmail.com 5/20
Notice of Fraud Alert!
Readers: Please be aware of solicitations to “WANTED ads” in the magazine. Specifically, a "bob chris," email bobchris463@gmail. com, or Darlene.makowski123@ gmail.com. Several folks advertising in the magazine have been contacted by this person claiming to have items they are looking for in their "Wanted ads.” It is always prudent to be cautious when sending money to people who you do not know.
The staff at AB&GC