PORTFOLIO.YVR Business & Entrepreneurs Magazine | Volume 2 | Issue 5 | 2024

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PUBLI SHER'S M ESSA GE: Ent rep reneurs a re t he hea r t of our c ommunit ies a nd t he eng ines of innova t ion in our ec onomies. They a re the d rea mers a nd d oers who crea te b usinesses, sp a rk id ea s, a nd ma ke thing s ha p p en. This issue is a ll a b out celeb ra ting tha t sp irit, showca sing ten incred ib le ind ivid ua ls who a re p ushing b ound a ries a nd sha p ing the future. Their stories a re filled with insp ira tion, a nd we ca nnot wa it for you to meet them. Let us sta rt with Ant hony Green, a tech wiza rd from Va ncouver. Anthony?s journey b eg a n in Richmond , tinkering with comp uters a nd exp loring softwa re. Tod a y, a s the co- found er of Op enRep , he is ma king wa ves in cyb ersecurity a nd AI- d riven ma rketing . Simila rly, Jenna Herb ut ?s story shines with crea tivity a nd p a ssion. As the found er of Consc ious La b a nd M a k e It , she ha s sp ent over 16 yea rs help ing others b ring extra ord ina ry id ea s to life.


For those who love b ea utifully orchestra ted events, look no further tha n Ka vit a M oha n a nd Pri ( @ia md jp ri). Ka vita , with her 25 yea rs of exp erience, is a ma stermind of b esp oke wed d ing s a nd events tha t lea ve la sting imp ressions. Mea nwhile, Pri?s exp ertise a s a n event p rod ucer a nd filmma ker ensures every d eta il is sea mless, from lig hting to log istics. Both a re p roof tha t ma g ic ha p p ens when crea tivity meets p recision. Ed uca tion a nd emp owerment ta ke center sta g e with Fra nk ie Cena a nd Ka sia . Fra nkie found ed the Fost ering Deb a t e Ac a d emy (FDT Ac a d emy), a n institution tha t ha s help ed thousa nd s of stud ents world wid e b uild confid ence a nd communica tion skills.

O n the other ha nd , Ka sia , a multifa ceted entrep reneur b ehind Bloom, Ka si Ba mb oo, M yst ic M ed it a t ions, KASIA, a nd ZHI Rec ord s, b lend s sp iritua lity, music, a nd a ca d emics to ma ke the world a b etter p la ce. Her work is a ll a b out lifting others up a nd ma king mea ning ful imp a cts. In the world of b ra nd ing a nd storytelling , Sa ra h M a w ji a nd Leea nn Froese a re setting the sta nd a rd . Sa ra h, the C EO of Vent ure St ra t eg ies PR, is a p owerhouse in med ia a nd p ub lic rela tions, ensuring her clients?voices a re hea rd loud a nd clea r. Leea nn, co- found er of Tow n Ha ll Bra nd s, lea d s a b outiq ue a g ency tha t crea tes unforg etta b le ca mp a ig ns a nd connections for her clients. Tog ether, they show us how p owerful storytelling ca n b e. For lovers of timeless cra ftsma nship a nd crea tive enterta inment, meet Za hir Ra ja ni a nd And y Chu. Za hir, the force b ehind The Sa r t oria l Shop , ha s b roug ht new life to luxury b esp oke clothing , continuing a leg a cy of eleg a nce a nd p recision. And y, the visiona ry b ehind Arc 2 Int er t a inment a nd FM A Ent er t a inment , d elivers excep tiona l content a cross television, film, a nd live events, p roving tha t innova tion a nd a rtistry g o ha nd in ha nd . These ten Va ncouverites insp ire us with their d etermina tion, crea tivity, a nd p a ssion. Their stories a re a remind er tha t with vision a nd p ersevera nce, a nything is p ossib le. As you flip throug h this issue, we hop e you find yourself a s ca p tiva ted a nd motiva ted a s we d id while b ring ing it to life.

k a w i S n e l e H

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