PORTFOLIO.YVR Business & Entrepreneurs Magazine | Volume 2 | Issue 5 | 2024

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SA RA H M A WJI : V ENTURE STRA TEGI ES PR Va nc ouver- b a sed b outiq ue p ub lic rela tions firm, Vent ure St ra t eg ies PR, is b uilt for the b ra nd s of the future. Helmed b y Sa ra h M a w ji, the firm is d ed ica ted to a mp lifying the voices tha t d rive c ha ng e, innova t ion, a nd imp a c t in tod a y's fa st- p a ced world . With a strong b elief tha t every story, reg a rd less of size, d eserves to b e hea rd , Venture Stra teg ies emp owers b ra nd s to sha re their messa g e with cla rity a nd conviction. The firm sp ecia lizes in a ra ng e of ind ustries, includ ing t ec hnolog y, w ea lt h ma na g ement a nd fina nc e, c ommod it ies, lifest yle a nd hea lt h, ret a il, a nd more. Venture Stra teg ies offers ta ilored PR solutions for b usinesses of a ll typ es, from emerg ing st a r t - up s to esta b lished enterp rises a cross the p ub lic a nd p riva te sectors.


Althoug h b a sed in Va ncouver, the firm?s scop e of op era tions extend s b eyond the West Coa st , working with clients a cross North America a nd interna tiona lly.

Venture Stra teg ies ma na g es the comp lexities of p ub lic a nd med ia rela t ions, includ ing PR la unches, ea rned med ia , thoug ht lea d ership , a nd sta kehold er eng a g ement. This a llows clients to focus on g rowing their b usiness while the firm ha nd les t he int ric a t e d et a ils. The firm?s comp rehensive services includ e ea rned med ia , med ia tra ining , p ress relea ses, socia l med ia stra teg y, rep uta tion ma na g ement, a wa rd sub missions, event a nd onsite p ress ma na g ement, a nd custom communica tions consulting . From p ress conferences to imp a ctful content crea tion, Venture Stra teg ies ensures tha t ea ch client?s messa g e resona tes with the rig ht a ud ience. At Venture Stra teg ies, the g oa l is not just to tell a story, b ut to c rea t e mea ning ful c onnec t ions tha t eleva te b ra nd s a nd help them t hrive. If a client ha s something to sa y, the firm help s them sa y it in a wa y tha t t ruly ma k es a n imp a c t .

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