PORTFOLIO.YVR Business & Entrepreneurs Magazine | Volume 2 | Issue 3 | 2024

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P O R T F O L I O . Y V R

B U S I N E S S & E N T R E P R E N E U R S V O L U M E 2 | I S S U E 3













B U S I N E S S & E N T R E P R E N E U R S V O L U M E 2 | I S S U E 3
R T F O L I O . Y V R


Starting a successful business venture requires multiple crucial factors, such as a strong concept, initial funding, and, most importantly, an exceptional entrepreneur Those inspired transform their ideas into fully operational businesses by pursuing opportunities beyond their current resources

Great entrepreneurs, either alone or in teams, discover these opportunities throughout their personal and professional lives.

The world of entrepreneurship is filled with individuals of different backgrounds, and in this issue, PORTFOLIO YVR will introduce you to ten BC- based people at various points in their journeys.

Dawn Chubai is a familiar face, having worked in the broadcasting industry for the last 23 years! She has already positioned herself as an authority in this space, and her 'Live Selling School' is taking e-commerce by storm

Josh Rimer is no stranger to the spotlight, either! As he transitions from Influencer to Content Creator for international brands, this social media star will be sure to go viral again and again

Now calling YVR home, Julia Burakova has launched a successful photography business? Silver M oon Photography? in two years in a city saturated with shutterbugs. Her passion and personality hit the right notes for clients seeking a personal approach to creating genuine memories.

Kirsten Larsen recently wound down the Looks Great! Gallery, but that is only one of her curatorial endeavours She has already worked with over 250 artists, and in 2024, that number is going to go up exponentially!

Heather Urquhart of Huna Skin has a unique perspective on beauty, given her background as a Botanist, Herbalist, and Natural Cosmetic Formulator Operating differently from other mainstream brands, she outsources nothing and controls everything

From humble beginnings in the family corner store, Kristy O' Leary has designed her business? Decade Impact? to be a change agency that helps courageous people tell true stories that move the world to action.

A shopping trip for beauty products with his mother encouraged Nathan M ahey to start a side hustle in beauty Optical specialist by day and a beauty entrepreneur by night, Nathan's Divineness is just getting started.

Desire Dupuis has a vision for animal-free, sustainable, and ethically created footwear Already receiving recognition and awards, Voes & Co is adding a new casual canvas sneaker to its collection soon!

Jimi Brockett is a real estate agent driven to help people find their perfect home and the founder of Riders for Ryders. Passionate about cycling and fundraising, this Oakwyn agent has a heart as big as the giant cheques presented to the BC Cancer Foundation

Jill Sinclair is a renowned Training & Development Specialist, author, TEDx and International Keynote Speaker who has helped countless businesses and individuals achieve their goals. Always hustling, this sophisticated businesswoman is on her way to becoming 'the most booked speaker in the world '

Please enjoy our third issue and share with those around you who have chosen entrepreneurship as their vehicle to success

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Dawn Chubai has worked in the broadcasting industry nationally on television screens for the last 23 years.

In 2017, she took those on-camera hosting skills and actively immersed herself in the dynamic realms of ' TV Home Shopping' and ' Live Selling Platforms,' resulting in over $30 million in retail sales for hundreds of brands across all commodities.

Dawn has proven uniquely qualified to media train chefs, bartenders, sommeliers, interior designers, style experts, real estate professionals, athletes and personal trainers.

While Dawn continues to work as an in-demand media trainer, she has launched the next level of professional development for Brand Ambassadors and Influencers.

Drawing from her rich background as a media trainer and TV Home Shopping host, she launched Live Selling School and developed her signature Home Shopping Host (HSH) method of live selling.

As principal of Live Selling School, Dawn shares professional tips on becoming comfortable on camera while teaching the essential skills and livestream sales strategies necessary to convert customers from in- person shopping to e- commerce. Whether utilizing a specific live commerce platform or exploring other avenues, ' Dawn Chubai' s Home Shopping Host M ethod of Live Selling' is adaptable to all commodities and brand e-commerce strategies.

Currently an on-air host and salesperson at TSC, Canada's only television shopping network, memorable credits include hosting Breakfast Television in Vancouver and Toronto, Hometown Heroes Lottery spokesperson, and in-arena host for the Vancouver Canucks

Dawn's professional affiliations include the National Speakers Board, Canadian Women in PR, and ACTRA She is the recipient of awards from the BC Association of Broadcasters and the Alberta Recording Industry Association.

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"Early on, like most girls my age, I babysat. I had many regular customers and could charge premium rates on big nights like New Year' s Eve? we would call that surge pricing now.

"When I formed my first band, I started calling myself an entrepreneur There are a lot of logistics to handle, including managing the players, equipment, contract negotiations, schedule and vendor relations

"Shortly after moving to Vancouver in 2004, I began getting a lot of work as a public speaking and on- camera coach Then, I legally incorporated my company, King Willow M anagement, where my two businesses - Live Selling School and Dawn Chubai Media are housed

"I worked for free (or almost free) early on. Whether it was ensuring my musicians got paid their proper rate (and me having to use my share to make it happen) or making a whopping $15,000 annual salary for my first TV gig and then getting another job as a day bartender at Joey so that I could work in TV.

"I never complained. I just wanted what I wanted (best players, an opportunity) and was willing to figure out how to make it happen As a result of my sacrifice, I always had the very best musicians, ultimately positioning me to command higher rates and better venues.

"I started a 25- year career in TV as a prominent, award-winning national television host. I never felt taken advantage of or that I was being ripped off. I knew how important opportunity was, and I wouldn't let anything stand in my way from making the most of it and putting my best foot forward

"The public speaking, camera coaching and media training components of my business are a natural flow from my work as a broadcaster. Learning to be comfortable speaking and presenting on TV, video and stage is best learned from someone who has actually done it

"I was able to secure clients from all industries. I still work with everyone from chefs to CEOs, and their opportunities to make a great first impression became my opportunity to help get them there

"When I decided to leave TSC (The Shopping Channel) to return to Vancouver last year, I brought seven years of live commerce skills, passion, strategic insight and a new area of expertise to my client base. My entrepreneurial pursuits now include Live Selling School and Dawn Chubai Media Services

"Working in the media for 25 years, you are part of a community of people who, to some extent, become 'instant' friends.

"You receive invites to parties, dinners and openings You belong to a community that enables you to connect with people and businesses primarily because you are on television and the possibility that you may be able to help grow or amplify a person, company, message or cause in the media You are part of a marketing strategy

"I also had professional relationships with some of the top PR Agencies in Vancouver as their 'go-to' partner for media training their clients.

"I had already positioned myself as an authority in this space for individuals and businesses who couldn't afford PR but still needed skill development

"I had already built a professional reputation and provided value outside of being on television, so when I left Rogers Sports and media after nearly 19 years to focus on Dawn Chubai Media Services and Live Selling School, I didn't feel the same sense of loss that I am sure many in the media who leave that community may feel

"After giving my notice at Rogers, many people asked what I planned to do.

"When I told them I would grow my business to include Live Selling Talent Training and Live Commerce Strategy to retail brands, they would nod, knowing that if anyone were going to be a disrupter in this space, it would be me

"That was encouraging, but the FIRST validation that I was on the right path was when I received LinkedIn messages from nearly every Live Shopping Platform worldwide wanting to talk about my Live Selling School business and the ' Learn the HSH M ethod of Live Selling' video course.

"My first two weeks of full-time entrepreneurship had me on Zoom calls with people in Singapore, Tel Aviv, Copenhagen, London, New York, M ontreal, and Toronto

"Each platform's CM O or CEO would share how they also were growing the Live Commerce Market with their software and that the gap they constantly saw was finding qualified live shopping hosts.

"Each would tell me, "No one is doing what you are doing, Dawn " I knew this because of all the research I did before launching Live Selling School and creating the video course.

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"This brings me to my SECOND validation or pivotal moment people purchased my course I created something people were willing to pay for. Wow? what a rush it is opening up my dashboard and seeing SALES! I could offer insight that they couldn't get anywhere else. I was helping sales representatives and influencers up-skill.

"I had an idea and business outside of media to incorporate into retail and commerce strategy. I was taking everything I had done and knew how to teach and build a business around it that people and brands were willing to pay for To build video and camera confidence with media training and live e-commerce in a world where most interactions, business and shopping take place -


"I am constantly finding new ways to work with people I am continually prospecting and educating brands and agencies on what I do and how to help them reach new levels of confidence and sales.

"I host a video series on YouTube called Live Shopping Talk I say yes to every podcaster worldwide that asks me to appear on their program As an entrepreneur? there are no days off.

"I must acknowledge every PR person and agency who has partnered with me and still books me as a media trainer.

"Brands and agencies nationally who have been willing to hear my pitch about incorporating the 'Live Commerce Strategy' into marketing plans and then booking second meetings

"Thanks to TV Home Shopping host Carrie Olver for being my sounding board while the Live Selling School idea percolated

"Liisa O' Hare, former Sauder School of Business executive and fellow Terminal City Club member, who reconnected me with designer RozeM erie Cuevas (JAC by JC) to work with her on an upcoming series of live shopping shows.

"Additionally, PR superstar Kim Bowie has just returned to Vancouver from living in Mexico. While busy running her own business, she always makes time for me and shares her expertise as I grow my business

"Kevin Li from Little Ram Productions brought me into his livestream shopping project with FilmGear Canada as the Live Selling Talent Trainer, and actor/ comedian M ilton Ng for being such a good student.

"Carolyn Galvin from Clikit M edia who has brought me on to partner with her latest livestream shopping client, Toronto jewellery designer Erin Tracy

"Last but not least, my husband Brad, for all of the reasons that every entrepreneur reading this knows, which must be solidly in place to make any of this work and to start the journey in the first place

"Along this journey, I have honed my pitch, and I will share it here: "How would you like to see an increase in your e-commerce sales by up to 30%? How about accessing new customers, building community and cultivating brand loyalty in a modern way? Wouldn't you like to see more from your influencer marketing strategies? How about gauging success through actual sales rather than just likes? By adopting 'live commerce' early, you sit ahead of the curve and your competitors, tapping into a dynamic platform that merges entertainment with shopping and bridges the gap between in-person and online With consumers craving more authentic and engaging interactions, live commerce offers a unique opportunity to connect with your audience meaningfully, building trust and loyalty like never before."

"As a TV Home Shopping and Livestream Shopping Host selling over $30,000,000 in product, I know how to connect with an audience through the screen, motivating them to buy and creating an entertaining experience that meets the consumer where they are - on their screens

"Let me help your brand and existing talent navigate this emerging space through workshops, sales training, and live commerce strategy. From pitch to presentation, I can work with your team to take your e- commerce strategy to the next level

"People need to educate themselves about live and social commerce. If you are a brand that sells on e-commerce (or an agency that represents one), you need to learn more about this emerging space that is expected to reach 35 Billion by the end of 2024 and 68 Billion in the US by 2026 (Coresight Research)

"Suppose you are a brand ambassador, sales rep, or influencer passionate in any category (for example, fashion, beauty, lifestyle, fitness). In that case, I also invite you to see how you might bring more value to the brands you work with and represent Be a leader in this space. Learn the specialized selling skills through the screen and set yourself apart from everyone else in your space. Up- skill before you are out- skilled

"When you learn about live commerce, you will quickly see the advantage of my process so that when your competitors adopt this technique, you won't find yourself Googling it; you will already be benefiting from it!

"As 2024 moves forward into 2025, I look forward to working with at least one top-tier big Brand on their national live commerce strategy and several independent businesses looking for a competitive edge "

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Known as a Vancouver-based Influencer and Content Creator, Josh Rimer shares his extensive travels, culinary adventures, musings, and love of community events with a devoted following of over 60,000 across his social media accounts.

Infamous for creating and posting the " most discussed video of all time" on YouTube in 2007, Josh has since uploaded more than a thousand videos to the platform while also expanding to share accessible, inclusive, fun-loving, and very engageable content on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.

Originally from Alberta, Josh arrived in BC with a diploma in Broadcasting from M ount Royal College in Calgary.

He has a background in acting, singing and dancing He has also worked as a theatre and improv actor in various productions throughout that time.

In 2024, Josh works directly with brands of all kinds and sizes to help bring awareness of their products and services to his followers, who have come to know, like, and trust him over the years

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"I had an entrepreneurial spirit from a very young age When I was seven years old, I got into some trouble at home because I took all of my Dad's pop out of the fridge, mixed it all together into a giant jug, and then set up a little table on our front sidewalk to sell glasses of it to the neighbours It worked, though, because I could make some money from it, so I was hooked

"I took the earnings from that swamp water mix and bought cheap candies at the corner store that I sold at twice the price to the kids on the street.

"I also put on a magic show for my neighbours that they had to pay to attend.

"In the winter, I went door to door after it snowed to ask my neighbours if they would pay me to shovel their driveway and sidewalk My asking price was $2, and it didn't take long for someone to say yes It also took a little time to realize they were getting a good deal out of the bargain Figuring out the correct pricing is always tough at the beginning!

"As a teen, I did more traditional work, like having a paper route and working in fast food. I studied broadcasting in college, and when I graduated, I decided I wanted to have a TV show of my own.

"Rather than go the traditional route, I decided to do it alone I rented or borrowed all the equipment, brought on my brother to co-star with me and help me edit, found some volunteers to help be our crew, and bought infomercial time on a small TV network to air the episodes late at night

"I sold commercial spots during the show (primarily to relatives who had their own businesses) Although the show never got properly picked up (and I didn't sell enough commercial spots to break even), it set me on the path I am on now.

"I got a job at a TV station and focused on that for a while, but eventually, I needed to go out on my own again, so I started my own small video production company.

"It was just me (and whoever I could find when I needed a second camera person) I started out making DVDs of theatre productions so all the cast (and their relatives) could buy a copy, and then I started doing weddings because I realized there was a lot more money to be made in that industry than in the arts

"Later, I started doing corporate videos because it turned out that companies often have even more money than people do.

"When YouTube started to become popular, I also began using it to get myself noticed in front of the camera. The combination of my experience from being behind and in front of the camera has led me to where I am today

"My first real business was an incorporated company whose sole purpose was to produce the TV seriesit wasn't a money- making venture but a way for us to showcase ourselves and hopefully get picked up by an experienced production company or TV station.

"Eventually, we ran out of money because we needed to sell more commercial spots to cover the airtime costs since it aired at 1:30 am, and we were trying to be our salespeople in addition to the producers, writers, hosts, editors, etc.

"I then used that business for my video production work for theatre productions and weddings. This was all in Calgary, and I eventually decided to move to Vancouver, at which point I brought the company here while continuing to grow my YouTube channel on the side.

"I always kept the company small (myself and one other employee) Because I struggled so much with working in the business rather than on the business while also making two YouTube videos per week

"I eventually ran out of money and decided to close the company Luckily, around the same time, a TV station approached me to license my two weekly YouTube videos to air as interstitial content (during commercial breaks) on their network, so I continued to do that under my name.

"This was also when ' influencers' became an industry term, and companies began working with people like me to showcase their products to our subscribers/ followers.

"As my popularity on YouTube grew, I started to get more opportunities, like being invited to speak at events and conferences

"At one, an attendee came up to me afterwards and said that he worked with a tourism board that would be interested in bringing me to their destination to make a YouTube video about the visit.

"I went on that trip and was immediately hooked on making my content more focused on travel to encourage more opportunities like that It worked, and I began making all my content travel- focused, showing on TV, my YouTube channel, and other social media accounts

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"I focused my content on travel for gay couples so I could bring my partner at the time along with me, and for a year, we were almost travelling as much as we were home.

"In the Influencer industry, there are primarily one-time offers when a brand wants to hire you for one post on your social media The first time I got a big brand deal that was high pay and lasted over a few months was a definitive moment when I knew I could make this a sustainable career

"Not too long after that, I ended up securing a one- year partnership with a major brand, and I knew I was absolutely on the right path to finally having some income stability in my business.

"During the pandemic, I was forced to start making content that wasn't about travel, and I began to find myself with more paying opportunities from other types of brands in the broader scope of industries

"The different genres of content I was making were attracting more businesses As my local followers and engagement on posts grew, I continued to get noticed by more local and national companies.

"I also better figured out my pricing to stop struggling with undercharging, and I learned how to better sell myself to companies interested in working with me.

"It would be tough to be on an entrepreneurial journey without the support of family and friends. Especially with being an early adopter though, in an industry that was brand new and just getting started, it was hard for them (and even myself) to stay optimistic at times

"I spent years creating hundreds of videos on YouTube for very little income, so I'm sure it was challenging for them to see me struggle financially. "My parents especially supported me even when they saw me working endless hours for not much compensation They knew I had the passion and drive to turn this into a viable business that would eventually provide me with a good income and unique experiences ? which it finally did!

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"My best friend, M ary Sheridan (@maryinvancity), also had a successful blog while I was going through all this, so it was great to have someone to bounce ideas off of and learn from Now, we do a lot of content creation together, so we can help each other out and have a lot of fun while we do it!

"I work with everyone from small local businesses to large national chains with a product or service they want me to experience and share with my followers

"That can be anything from one post on one platform to multiple posts on multiple platforms I have an exceptionally high local reach, so companies trying to target Vancouverites can benefit from having me share what they offer - to a following who have come to know, like and trust me. When a business works with me, I provide video production, marketing, and spokesperson all in one!

"As I move forward, I'm looking to get more long-term partnerships with brands that see the value in working on an ongoing basis.

"The more I can use a product or service and continually share about it with my followers, the more authentic and effective the partnership becomes.

"Like with any good marketing, it's not just about hitting someone one time with your message, so while I do still like to randomly let my followers know about different types of things that they might enjoy, the best partnership for both myself and a brand is going to be in something that's on a more recurring basis.

"Although I already have a lot planned for the rest of the year regarding travel content, I will continue to work with businesses interested in working with me Everything is on a great trajectory!

"I want to continue bringing value to my followers, getting to know them as they get to know me, and bringing more of them along my journey

"The more I can connect with them, share with them, and entertain them, the more I get back in return ? so it becomes a win- win- win situation for them, me, and the brands I work with!"

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Julia Burakova, founder of Silver M oon Photography, is a passionate and dedicated professional photographer who focuses on capturing life's most precious moments.

As a mother of three young children, she understands the importance of cherishing every fleeting moment, so she approaches each photoshoot with humility and a genuine desire to help people create lasting memories

Through the camera's lens, she strives to showcase all her clients' true essence and inner beauty, ensuring that every image tells a unique and heartfelt story.

Whether capturing the joy of a wedding day or the tender moments shared between loved ones, Julia and Silver Moon Photography are committed to delivering photographs that will be treasured for a lifetime

Specializing in weddings, portraits, families, maternity, branding, and commercial photoshoots, she takes immense pride in her ability to freeze time and immortalize the beauty of each individual, family, and occasion.

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"I have always worked in big companies under someone else's supervision. But three years ago, when I was in my early 30s, I decided to give myself a chance and start my own business - a professional wedding and portrait photographer.

"I worked at a university in M anitoba for seven years My partner and I had three children within four years, so after arriving in BC, having a corporate job made no sense. I needed a pursuit that aligned more with my lifestyle I left my position and began a new chapter of my life.

"In the early days of my photography journey, I embarked on a somewhat unconventional venture that taught me valuable lessons about the business side of my passion.

"Eager to establish myself and gain exposure, I offered free portrait sessions to my friends. It seemed like a generous gesture at the time, but little did I realize the hidden costs involved. As word spread about my free sessions, I was overloaded with requests.

"While the experience was a fantastic opportunity to practice and build my portfolio, it soon became apparent that I needed to pay more attention to the time and resources required to deliver quality photographs

"Managing three little kids, the shoots, editing, admin, and all the bookkeeping made it challenging On top of that, the complete lack of daycare in the city meant we had to hire a nanny every time I had a client, and my husband was at work.

"Editing the photos took much longer than anticipated, and with the back- and- forth with clients, I soon found myself spending more on these aspects than I had initially budgeted

"In the early years, I dedicated significant time to self- education, learning the technical aspects of photography, mastering composition, and understanding the nuances of lighting

"At the start, I was driven by a passion for capturing memorable moments and emotions through my lens I built a portfolio by working with friends and family as I grew my skills, gradually expanding my network. The ensuing years brought exciting opportunities, including my first solo wedding shoot. For this 'big day,' I hired a professional wedding photographer to supervise and guide me. LOL! This experience tested my abilities and boosted my confidence in delivering high-quality work under the pressure of a live event

"Networking has also played a crucial role in my journey. This continuous learning process has been instrumental in refining my craft and keeping my style fresh and contemporary I want to thank photographer Yanina Sky for supporting me and always believing in me Jessica Liang at Nook and Brittany M ichalchuk of YVR Entrepreneur Club, thank you for connecting me with like-minded female entrepreneurs, and a big shout out to Dave Singh, the owner of Wellgroomed, a wedding attire boutique in Surrey, for being a kind soul and supportive in my creative shoots

"When I started, I offered $50 photoshoots and had over 75 bookings within the first month. When I got good client feedback, I realized that anything was possible. I am glad I faced my fear (I was so afraid of not having any experience or technical camera knowledge) and went in it anyway

"After two years in photography, I am a well-known photographer in the city. I have photographed celebrities and travelled for shoots. I do what I love, and I get paid for it All is possible if you believe in yourself and capitalize on your skills and interests My journey as a self- taught wedding and portrait photographer has been a fulfilling and dynamic adventure

"However, at the beginning of this journey, I searched for mentors in Vancouver from whom I could learn and get guidance. I only found those charging thousands of dollars for a Zoom call! So, I started consuming online education and applying what I learned to real-life experiences. I became fearless? always taking on projects and doing the best of my ability? and ensuring the communication between me and the client was clear

"I am a self- taught wedding and portrait photographer on a mission to capture love stories and individual moments as authentically and beautifully as possible My business model provides every client with a personalized and immersive experience I don't just take photos; I tell stories. I believe we are all unique and beautiful, and I see that beauty through my camera.

"I strive to create a comfortable and enjoyable environment, ensuring that every smile, glance, and emotion is preserved in its purest form

"I would love to travel more for work, whether weddings, events, portrait sessions, or brand photoshoots My favourite shooting locations are Kent Vancouver, The Vancouver Club, Westwood Plateau Golf Course, Hycroft M anor, Fairmont Pacific Rim, Whistler Fairmont, and Bella Casa Venue in Florida

"A year ago, I photographed a wedding for one of M ichael Buble's best friends, and Michael was also the officiant! As I took a selfie with him, I remembered how, four years prior, I was at his concert singing along to his songs. What a life- changing experience!

"The largest budget wedding I have ever shot was almost $200,000. Those types of weddings are always mind-blowing as the level of detail and beauty is exceptional

"When it comes to weddings, I have seen it all, including a red lipstick accidentally flying into the bride's wedding dress and leaving a 3-foot-long smear just 10 minutes before the ceremony. Or how about a groomsman dipping their tie in curry 30 minutes before the reception?

I always jump in and help - including washing that groomsman tie and using stain remover on that wedding dress!

I am not just a photographer capturing the day; I am a superhero with a camera - serving my clients in the best possible way - and sometimes saving the day!

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"In 2024, I am developing a comprehensive marketing strategy to increase visibility and attract new clients. I am open to working on strategic partnerships with vendors and local businesses. Strengthening my online presence through an updated website and active social media engagement will be crucial for reaching a wider audience and showcasing my portfolio

"My ideal collaboration would be with renowned wedding professionals such as Alicia Keats Weddings & Events, Laurie Arons Special Events in San Francisco, DreamGroup Weddings + Events, and luxury venues like Fairmont Vancouver or Hycroft M anor that align with the vision and aesthetic of Silver Moon Photography

"I am also interested in working with Amrit Photography or Blush Photography, as they inspire me in the photography world By partnering with these esteemed professionals, we would create unforgettable wedding experiences that exceed our client's expectations, elevating their special day to new heights of elegance and sophistication.

"I aim to grow my business by expanding my services to include personalized high- end branding portrait sessions and destination event photography

Additionally, I plan to enhance my skill set by investing in advanced education, such as specialized courses, furthering my knowledge of business and marketing strategies

"To take Silver Moon to the next level, an investment of $20,000 would allow the company to expand its services, reach a wider audience, and provide exceptional service to clients across different regions

"I hand edit all my work, so adding a skilled retoucher would maximize the number of clients I could work with in a month. I would also use the investment to upgrade my studio equipment with two Sony A1bodies, a 70-200 mm lens for more in-depth portraits and 16 mm for more creative shoots, hire an assistant for on and off-site shoots, and expand my studio portrait business as I also truly enjoy working in that field "

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BC-born artist and independent curator Kirsten Larsen has forged a powerful path for Vancouver's emerging artists for over a decade Somewhat of an enigma, she has helped shape the landscape of Vancouver's Arts & Culture sector

Having worked with over 250 artists and multiple spaces and organizations, Kirsten has a long-standing track record of transforming spaces and places into one- of- a- kind experiences Her ability to simultaneously build communities and bridge the gaps between the artists and the public is unprecedented.

Kirsten is deeply committed to projects that benefit the Arts and Culture community, and her out- of- the- box curatorial style has pushed the boundaries of the traditional gallery model. She hosted exhibitions in abandoned warehouses, luxury galleries, basements of motels, and old shops. Her method allows artists to explore the creative realm outside of white walls and bright lights and encourages them to go deeper, creating unique experiences for the viewer and the artist.

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Her most recent accomplishment was the creation of Looks Great! Gallery at the Bentall Centre Tower II - Vancouver's first pop-up hybrid art gallery and event space

Created in partnership with Bentall Centre, Well Strategies and Vancouver Art Attack, the goal was to highlight and showcase as many talented artists, makers, designers and creatives that makeup Vancouver's diverse arts and culture scene while bringing life to the empty and vacant retail space The project was a huge success and disrupted how traditional retail spaces can be utilized; its value to the ghostly downtown landscape is incalculable

Kirsten has been a past board member of both the Community Arts Council of Vancouver - North America's oldest arts council (2019 -2022) and the Vancouver Biennale (2018 - 2021), is a former gallery director of B1 Gallery at the Beaumont Studios (2019 - 2022), has worked as a volunteer curator in the Coast M ental Health Art Therapy room (2017), and producer for Portland Housing Societies A Native Perspective (2017)

Kirsten is well known for her highly sought-after underground, secret location art shows at undisclosed spaces all over the city.

? Kirsten is also the founder and artistic director of Vancouver Art Attack, a creative consulting agency she founded in 2013 that specializes in curated art experiences and acquisitions, artist representation and the Vancouver Art Attack Award of Excellence in Visual Arts at Emily Carr University of Art & Design

In the past decade, she has worked and collaborated with Ola Volo (Art Rapture), an installation at Rumble Boxing Gym, Celestia with The Social Concierge (Westin Bayshore), pop-ups at Rosewood Hotel Georgia, and the Pinnacle Hotel, Diner en Blanc (Van Dusen Gardens, Devonian Harbour Park and Harbour Green Park), and many more


"When I was young, I tried my hand at the lemonade stand business with my friend, but it is evident from the beginning that I have never really fit in I have always had to find my way and have been hustling since high school

"In 2014, after attending many events at the Waterfall Building in False Creek, I saw it sitting empty with a giant For Lease sign in the front window.

"Sensing an opportunity, I researched why it was empty, who owned it, and anything else I could find. I began approaching the man who engineered the building, bypassing the leasing agent, with a proposal

"I sent him proposal after proposal, pitching myself as an Event Coordinator and listing all the reasons why he needed me.

"Eventually, I got called in for a meeting

The first thing he says to me is, " You are RELENTLESS!" Truer words have never been spoken. I do not take "No" for an answer He says, "I figured you wouldn't leave me alone, so how about I make you the Gallery Director? Do we have a deal?"

After that beginning, he became my mentor and friend and guided me to build my first 6 figure business in less than a year

"But I quickly learned that fast money can really change a person, especially if the business expands faster than one person can handle. I became greedy. I could feel it I was irritable I was overindulging in all the things.

"All of it came crashing down when the building was sold I lost everything, my money, my drive, my identity. It was brutal I was a ghost I went into a crazy depression; I was suicidal and almost walked out in front of a bus I was put on suicide watch and prescribed anti-depressants I was lifeless; the world was grey, and I wanted to die.

"Well, many entrepreneurs do not know that there is no government Employment Insurance (EI) - you don't qualify as you are not paying into it The best you can get is welfare assistance, so that's what I took. I ended up taking a year-long 'employment' program to find out I am ' unemployable' because - guess why - I am an employer! I am not kidding I spent a year learning what I already knew At least I have the certificate

"Along my journey, there have been many highlights of incredible projects that were pulled off by sheer will and determination.

- Kiki' s Brawlys (2008 - 2009) / / Prototype stage project in Hong Kong - the manufacturer 'lost it,' suddenly no longer spoke English, stopped communicating, and a recession hit

- Vancouver Art Attack (2013present) / / What started as a one-off fundraiser for the HIVEVAA, has survived many incarnations over the years.

- Waterfall Events & Weddings (2014-2016) / / Full-scale event and wedding planning, art exhibitions and fashion shows.

- The Hygge Brand (2000 - 2021) / / I started a kombucha company in my kitchen with a friend. We grew it to the Coho Commissary, garnered media coverage, and some other cool things Still, my partner and I parted ways after differing opinions on how to scale the business.

- The Well Studios - At City Centre Artist Lodge (2022 - present) / / Created an affordable community event space in the City Centre Artist Centre basement

- Looks Great! Gallery (2023) / / A pop-up-style, hybrid art gallery at Bentall Centre.

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"With Looks Great! Gallery, even though it was temporary, I never told anyone it was, so we all went into it fully invested

"I employed this strategy so that I could honour the integrity of the creative process and not have its ending foreshadow its existence.

"Even in 2024, Looks Great! Gallery is easily one of the most talked about and celebrated creative spaces to be launched in the city

"My journey has had many ups and downs, twists and turns. It is a genuinely never-ending story, not for the faint of heart. Being labelled (and self-labelled) a lone wolf and a disruptor, I must rely heavily on my intuition and trust my guidance system

"I have a process that I follow, and to the outsider, I most likely look insane. I have been super strategic with most thingseverything from the places and events I go to to the organizations I've worked for or with, as well as the places I've volunteered for - they all go to PURPOSE

"Even though I am hyper-independent and focused by nature, some have pushed and supported me

"My mom has always been my biggest cheerleader. The legendary Brian Jessel mentored me with Kiki's Brawlys - from the design phase, marketing, and strategies, connecting me to all the right peoplesome of the best business schooling in real life

"Many friends and mentors: M irjana Galovich helped me shape the vision of Vancouver Art Attack; Bahman Sanii of the Waterfall Building who saw my potential before I was ready to receive it

"Barrie M owatt of the Vancouver Biennale has been an integral part of my journey in the Arts his belief and encouragement has meant the world to me. I served as a board member for two terms and travelled to Brazil on behalf of the organization, and David Duprey for challenging me in all the right ways, even when it hurt.

"In 2024 and beyond, a few things are on the table I will offer one- of- a- kind creative experiences for artists and clients, seeking to acquire a large commercial space for a minimum of five years to house what I created at Bentall? but on a grander scale, and an investment of $250,000 to start up and move forward "Before we wrap this story, two points I want to share:

- Follow the breadcrumbs - as your network truly is your net worth

- The creative pursuit owns me - I am in service to CREATIVITY

"The next level is about to reveal itself "

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Huna Skin Inc products are formulated using fresh, high-potency plant-based ingredients for unparalleled efficacy and results. Heather Urquhart, a Botanist, Herbalist, and Natural Cosmetic Formulator, founded Huna to bridge the worlds of herbal medicine and botanical science with luxury beauty

Huna formulates, manufactures, and distributes organic, sustainable, high-performance plant-based skincare, cosmetic, and wellness products. Huna is unique because it grows its botanical actives on a 30- acre regenerative farm in BC's beautiful Okanagan region

Huna grows the botanicals, hand-harvests them at peak ripeness, extracts and develops the exclusive active ingredients, and professionally handcrafts every product in a fully vertically integrated operation.

Huna operates very differently from the mainstream beauty industry, where most companies outsource manufacturing to a few major contract manufacturers using the same off-the-shelf formulas.

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"I was healthy, in my early 30s, and vivacious, but my skin looked dull and lacklustre? it was lacking in brightness and vitality, and dare I say, it was starting to show the first signs of aging.

"I am a health nut and enjoy nourishing my body with nutrition- packed foods, and I know my skin will benefit from the same treatment externally

"In my search, I kept coming across so- called natural brands - traditional synthetic mass-produced products with the same ingredients as mainstream brands, with just a touch of natural ' coconut oil' or ' rosehip oil' - and passed off as a 'natural product '

"Some brands with better intentions would offer naturally derived, synthetically processed or altered ingredients I was looking for healthier, safer alternatives to what mainstream beauty brands offered and searching for a healthy ingredient list that I could recognize and understand

"I am very aware and conscious of what goes into and onto my body, and I wanted to find a brand packed with phytonutrient nutrition to feed and nourish my skin.

"I wanted fresh and natural? really natural? authentically natural So I concluded that to get what I really wanted, I would have to make the skincare and did just that!

"After over a year of solid book study, lab-based experimenting and skill-building in botanicals and skincare science, I developed the initial ' Huna Skin Nutrition' Skincare line and launched it to the world in November 2014

"I am definitely not the person who was ' born to be an entrepreneur.' I remember when I was five, I started a business selling mini floral bouquets with flowers from my mom's garden I went door to door and sold the mini bouquets for .10 cents a piece to our neighbours

"I was so proud of myself, and when I showed my mom the money I had earned, she did not think it was cute She definitely did not see my entrepreneurial potential then, and she made me return the money to each neighbour.

"That was my first official business venture, and it was a failure, but I learned a lot about setting up a proper business structure before launching

"While working in the corporate marketing world, I was dabbling into making skincare and cosmetics purely as a hobby I was already a Botanist, so I loved working with plant ingredients; then, I furthered my studies and became a Natural Cosmetic Formulator and Chartered Herbalist

"I kept formulating and making better and better products as I studied and experimented more I launched the Huna Skin website in 2014 with a small line of sustainable organic plant-based high-performance luxury skincare products.

"The moment I realized I was indeed an entrepreneur, I was 35 I had just won first place in my first entrepreneur startup pitch competition, winning $100,000 in non-diluted funding, business mentorship, and support for a year Out of a room of fierce competitors who were well-versed in business and finance, I was the only female and the only solo entrepreneur.

"Huna had made only a meagre $13,000 in sales revenues at that time, and we competed against companies with five business founders with commerce degrees and $500,000 in sales And Huna won! I was so shocked that I did not believe the announcers when they called it out? I hesitated thinking, wha? No way

"I had joined the startup competition only to learn what angel investors were looking for and how to improve my pitching I had zero expectations of winning, and suddenly, I was celebrating a first- place win! It was an incredible feeling, and it was the first time I began considering myself an entrepreneur, that was the moment I realized this was my path.

"It was important to me that we build a solid foundation and profitable business model before we take Huna to the next level Over the years, we have kept everything in- house - formulating, growing, harvesting, processing, extracting, manufacturing, filling, packing, and distributing We are experts now in every step of the value chain of our business

"It is extraordinarily rare to operate this way these days. Still, it was important for us to oversee and fully control all aspects of creating our skincare, literally from seed to serum bottle

"We leveraged scientific and government grants to help with funding and focused on organic customer growth, which has allowed us to grow steadily year over year Since we are a small, lean team, we have always maintained a close, tight relationship with our direct customers, which has developed into a super loyal customer base.

"Since we grow our herbs and flowers on our organic farm as botanical actives for Huna, we had assumed that Farmer' s M arkets would be a great place to launch our products in the early days We were so wrong Being a higher-end and premium brand meant the product-market fit was for something definitely other than local Farmer's Markets!

"We would show up and make a few sales, but most customers wanted to learn how to make their own natural skincare and lip balms, so they would ask us plenty of questions about how to formulate and make the products

"Ultimately, very few people would purchase due to the price point It did not take long for us to realize that we needed to invest money to elevate our branding to match the product quality So we rebranded, elevated our packaging and introduced Huna into premium retail and spa.

"M aking mistakes is part of launching a business; it' s a given But being able to recognize and understand the error quickly, pivot the business and adapt to changes overnight? to me, that makes a true entrepreneur Understanding customers' needs, reading the market, following your instincts, and finding the right solution. I love that part.

"Shifting to high- end retail and spa was the right move for Huna In the following years, we saw unprecedented growth of 150- 200% year over year

"We won dozens of prestigious international product innovation awards, and our company was named ' Best Organic Skincare M anufacturer in North America' in 2019 There is much to say about listening to the market and following your instincts I have never looked back.

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"I want to shout-out my husband and business partner, Corrado Radicchi I started Huna as a one-woman show ten years ago, and I ran it solo for the first few years, doing everything from making the product to delivering it to my customers' doorstep.

"As Huna grew and blossomed, Corrado quit his full-time sales career and joined me as Director of Operations. He is now COO, overseeing everything from the Huna Gardens and Farm Operations to Production, Order Fulfillment, and Shipping & Logistics. Corrado is also a Huna loyalist to the max; he will not use anything but Huna and insists it's the secret to his healthy, age-proof skin

"My mom has been my other massive supporter since day one. She has worked at the Huna Gardens, helped us in production for every major contract we landed, and made our drying racks for all our herbs by hand; she truly amazes me.

"She is the most resourceful person I've ever known She's always interested in hearing how Huna is doing and what new products I am working on, and she is an ear when we are going through tough times and encountering obstacles

"My mom has been an enormous support, and her optimism and true grit have driven me through some of the worst days

"There was a point early in this entrepreneurial journey when two of our friends passed away unexpectedly and tragically, and it shook me to my core.

"First, my husband' s best friend passed away at 35 from cancer Then, a few months later, our dear childhood friend was suffering silently from severe postpartum depression and shockingly took her own life and the lives of her two babies

"I was depressed and at an all-time low in my life. I needed to find happiness again, so I began dabbling into my old hobbies and passions of making skincare and playing with plant ingredients My happiness and joy returned, and I eventually found my life's passion and purpose in Huna.

"A few years after my friend's passing, I launched a charity fundraiser called ' Huna for Compassion,' where we donate $2 from every product sold to mental health and postpartum depression support initiatives. 'Huna for Compassion' was very successful and well received from the start - people were so open, supportive and receptive to the narrative and help for mental health and postpartum depression, so we have turned it into an annual fundraiser that we look forward to every year at Huna

"We now commit 5% of our annual revenues to supporting our community and the environment We are proud and humbled to have donated over $200,000 to mental health, postpartum depression, environmental initiatives, disaster and emergency relief, women's shelters, and cancer care over the past decade!

"Life can be really funny and unpredictable. I took something dark, low, and sad in my life and turned it into something really beautiful. If anything, I hope that this might inspire and motivate someone to do the same. Sometimes, hitting rock bottom is the start of something new and amazing? you just don't have the whole perspective to see it yet

"At Huna, we have bootstrapped for ten years and built an incredible, stable, sustainable, and profitable Canadian business with a beautiful story and purpose.

"We love what we have grown, and we'd like to go bigger. We have a vision that Huna will be the top sustainable herbal skincare, cosmetic, and wellness company globally.

"We want to bring more plants into more households and show people what plants can do for their skin, health, and wellness at the same

"Huna is sold online, in retail beauty boutiques, and through luxury spas and aesthetics partners across Canada, the US, and New Zealand. We will soon launch in Australia

"Huna has secured its first key corporate chain partnership and just signed with a major distribution partner in North America.

"We would like to take on investment partners with a similar vision, define a killer clear global expansion and D2C strategy together, and grow Huna into the innovative, sustainable global plant- based powerhouse it was born to become

"We will need help in making that vision happen My next focus will be finding the right partners and securing the right capital

"By the end of 2024, I see Huna having an established expert team and funding in place for real scalable growth I see us having strong D2C growth."

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" We eat, breathe, and sleep mission. Everywhere we look, we see opportunities for good people to step into their greatness."

Decade is a change agency that builds strategy and culture clubs to educate people so they might wield impact and make their mark today to ensure a beautiful future for all.

Decade helps courageous people tell true stories that move the world to action.

Decade Impact's Chief Strategist, Kristy O' Leary, is a multidisciplinary systems thinker with an innate ability to identify leading-edge entrepreneurs and align them with untapped opportunities to drive breakthrough change

She was raised in an entrepreneurial family, attained a unique fine arts and political theory education, and is a natural facilitator.

Her passion and purpose have coalesced around empowering entrepreneurs to affect positive social, environmental and economic change

With over a decade of impact design, she is a veteran in this space and uniquely positioned to translate how today's ideas become tomorrow's impact

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"I grew up in a corner store and it was that experience that planted the seeds of my passion for everything that impacts my business.

"I learned what empathy in business meant. It was better for me than any M BA program. It was a cultural centre and hub in our community My parents and by extension, myself, were nimble and responded to our community's needs in ways that corporates never could.

At the corner store, if someone needed credit, they got it. We gave rides home to those who stumbled in after one too many and offered extra support to our customers of varied abilities. Many of these folks also shared holidays at our home We donated vast portions of our revenues to community programs and friends in need and, in the mid-90s, offered debt forgiveness

"My parents allowed me to get the greatest MBA possible before I was even out of high school. My mother never told me to be who she wanted me to be; she told me to go my own way.

"After years of working for my parents and witnessing their wins and losses, my father offered me a piece of advice that shaped my approach to entrepreneurship throughout my life:

" Always, always be by appointment only." I took that to heart. After learning the ropes of entrepreneurship in retail, I resolved to craft a business that fed my passion and allowed me to eat with my friends and family

"When I went to university, I resolved never to own a business It makes me chuckle now - how cute little Kristy thought she could ever be an employee!

"I studied Political Science at Carleton University and then did a second undergraduate degree in M edia Arts from NSCAD University in Halifax

"For quite a time, I spent most of my days considering how to dismantle capitalism rather than how to become a capitalist.

"My first business was founded upon the idea that I could use the media arts, politics, and stories to help the good guys save the world

"I opened my first business in my late 20' s I did work for my parents in a series of companies; as a teenager, I worked in a series of start-ups my father had. They included one of Ontario's first dial- up internet providers and a company that offered online discounts for products and services (think Groupon 1995)

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"My parents modelled a very high degree of risk tolerance for me I knew what it meant for the buck to stop at my door, which provided me with exceptional experience - when I decided to open my own business, I knew what that meant. I knew what was at stake and what could be gained I witnessed wins and losses early in life and was present for critical conversations Our family businesses were the primary topic of conversation around our table.

"In 2006- 2007, I was one of two first artists in residence for the UNESCO town of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia I spent two years building an online archive of centenarians' observations of client change The hundred-year-old ladies I spoke to told me about the old world and shared their stories of times passing. It was beautiful, a life-changing experience. That project convinced me to step into entrepreneurship.

"After that and until 2010, my best friend and I started Lalanova Communication Design in a heritage house we rented in Old Town Lunenburg $300 each a month in rent, living on the edge of the North Atlantic with the wind coming through every crack and cranny in that house.

"She had the eye, I had a Media Arts degree, and we had a lynda com membership. We taught ourselves as we went.

"It was amazing, and it was my first step into B2B entrepreneurship, which is a massive departure from B2C But, I wanted to be by appointment only.

"Lalanova was also a combination of my two loves: business and design I had this big idea that I could use my skills to help good companies steal market share from the dinosaur capitalists

"In 2013, I left Lala and joined a few fellas from art school to start a boutique creative agency - Napkin Works

"Unbelievably, we got a year's worth of work in the first month! It was an exceptional learning experience.

"We got to work for the likes of Romeo Dallaire, help raise capital for wind farms, and support small operators in taking on multinationals

"Napkin allowed me to level up my projects' ambition and make critical connections between information design, business strategy, and shared value creation, in other words, sustainable business!

"It was a great year, but I left the creative agency to start my first management consulting firm. It was an incredible learning experience and a colossal failure

"At this time, I began using the B Impact Assessment (B Corp) to design business policies and practices I knew that data could tell powerful stories, but I started to see data as a building block for impact and sustainability strategy

"I also began to connect the dots between everything I had learned about business from my parents' social enterprise and the clients I was working with

"Twenty years later, I could understand just how deeply committed to impact my parents were in their business I also saw that very few businesses prioritized care for the community in the way they did.

"In 2017, I was involved with Uncommon Cocoa, and although it was not my venture, it was a venture that taught me so much about supply chain impact, source communities, cultural immersion, etc I worked in Guatemala and Belize for months, researching, writing, and designing Uncommon Cacao's 2016 impact report

"Decade opened on January 1, 2020. I had been watching the pandemic take hold and was sweating.

"I had failed previously and did not want to go through that again. Because we are in the business of helping passionate, justice- minded entrepreneurs do things that most people think are impossible. We do not want to be traditional management consultants - we want to exercise our agency to leave this world better.

"We are in an acute crisis - a climate crisis - an economic crisis - a crisis of confidence, and a crisis of spirit This is not a drill - something must be done.

"Our little motley crew of women and the ' imagineering' entrepreneurs we work with will take a bite out of the universe and use our time and passion to find new ways of being and knowing and maybe transform capitalism in the process.

"Taking my business to the next level requires me to take myself to the next level I have been investing in therapy and self- care I have been ruminating on what ' winning' looks like for me and how that translated into Decade outcomes

"I am relentlessly trying to understand how to cultivate value for clients As entrepreneurs, we can develop ' main character syndrome,' but I am not the hero in this story Our clients are the heroes in this story - we need to give them the talisman that will help them realize their greatness.

"Our current business model is simple. We are impact management consultants that support for-profit businesses in further developing or creating impact business models. We help companies leave the world better than they found it every time they turn a dollar. We do this through teaming, bringing teams together to explore how they might be better and how that might be implemented We develop policy and measurement structures that embed practices, get folks on the same page, and provide guidance for continuous improvement.

"We make magic happen by creating space to imagine how businesses might leave the world better What can happen when we make space for new ideas or reflections on existing practices is incredible.

"Our team is reaching beyond B Corp. That is how many folks know us; we are the B Corp women, but we are, and we are not. Our work is so much deeper than a certification.

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"We are culture builders, analytics experts, ESG practitioners, communicators and storytellers We love the B Corp framework and believe deeply in the social movement that underpins it

"So many clients come to us seeking the certification, which is fantastic Often, they need to learn what that means; they cannot know how deeply we can change their business and culture for the better if we focus on continuous improvement and cultivating as much business value as possible.

"B Corp is a blueprint; it is the legend on the future map of their world-saving company.

"B Corp has been a deep love of mine for many years - it is evolving just as I am, just as our team is I have learned more about good business and human motivation from practicing B Corp than I could ever have learned in school

"My dad used to take me out of school to bring me to work He always offered the school the same note: " Kristy is doing business today because you don' t teach this in school " Save the MBA; I got mine from continuously applying the B Corp framework to businesses across a spectrum

"So many incredible people have supported me over the years I am childless and fabulous - this was a lifelong goal - and I have never regretted it for a moment

"I met the love of my life in December 2020, and together, we parent a lazy cat with a weight problem named Tigger, aka Tiggy Smalls? the goodest of boys. My partner is incredibly supportive of Decade's work and empathetic to my seemingly endless work commitments.

"I'm surrounded and supported by incredible women like M ichelle Austin, Kate Smith, and M airin Shields- Brown, all of whom are on the Decade team and whom I learn from every day.

"Huge props to them and the Decade team for leaning into the work and entertaining my impromptu conversations? " Are we on the right track? Where' s the value? Where' s the impact?" That also goes both ways, and it is absolutely thrilling when they come up with incredible ideas.

"By the end of 2024, I see Decade engaging with various new clients, continuing to serve our long-term clients, growing our team further, and preparing for our annual two-week rest period "

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From a sixteen- year- old knowing that the traditional path was not for him to an optical specialist venturing into the beauty industry, Nathan M ahey's dreams include friends and family

The idea of Divineness skincare began after Nathan's mother's 50th birthday She became more concerned about the effects aging would have on her skin and wanted to ensure she found a product that helped her skin from aging and was ethically made Before this birthday, she had never used anything for her skin except a few products

With a schedule already packed - Nathan juggled a full-time position in the optical industry and attended full-time courses at the award-winning Blanche M acDonald Centre - all the while developing his beauty line.

Nathan launched Divineness into the world in 2022 With a beautifully designed website, his background in online/ IRL sales and dropshipping, and a strong network, he has begun to see the possibilities and has put together a plan for growth in 2024.

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"I was around sixteen when I realized my path was to be an entrepreneur and create a brand and name for myself, but I needed to learn how to do so After some thought and consideration, I launched my first online business selling through a furniture dropshipping business and curated a collection of carpets, home décor, and blankets.

"For the dropshipping business, the journey progressed slowly I learned how to reach out to influencers, create social media ads, create social media posts, grow social media followings, etc. Through learning these skills, I learned how to make sales online.

"I studied Tai Lopez and Oberlo's online courses to educate myself on selling online through dropshipping. Together, they were a wealth of knowledge on how to find/ source products, price products, and so on

"The business model was attractive at first because everything shipped on my behalf, and all I had to do was focus on making the initial sale. Ultimately, after two years, I lost interest in online selling because I had lost my passion for selling home décor and really wanted to focus my future on something I was more passionate about - beauty products

"I got into skincare at a young age through my sister. Growing up, we put on face masks together twice a week and slowly became interested in that. I was also influenced by the creative ads and campaigns that skincare brands designed for their marketing

"When I used to go skincare shopping with my mom, I found she always bought the same few products but would be disappointed when they were discontinued. She always mentioned how they worked well for her skin and made her look and feel good. It was at that time that I knew that is what I wanted to move towards as an entrepreneur: to create a skincare line that was locally produced and ethically made and had the potential to impact people's lives positively.

"When I started the skincare brand, my first round of testing was with family, including my mom and sister, who tried the products before launching and were impressed with the results received.

"I felt empowered by their reactions and the testing results At that point, I widened the availability and began to sell to my friends, additional family members, and the clientele I built from my full-time optical job

"Creating a skincare line is no small feat There is a lot of research to do if you do not have a science background You need to find the right partner to look after the formulations and manufacturing, especially if you want to keep it local.

"I researched online skincare lab manufacturers in Canada and found most were located in Toronto across the country Through patience and diligence, I found one that was based in Vancouver.

"I reached out through their website Contact Form, and a few days later, a follow-up call explored my goals in creating a skincare brand, product types, who was my audience, etc. It was a great call as I was able to really widen the scope of my dreams.

"We began working together and created my first product, a moisturizer with an avocado and basil base. The manufacturer had a selection of roughly 8-10 different styles for the packaging Of course, I chose the most elevated and elegant one, called ' Chanel ' The packaging had the most luxurious look and feel to it.

"The name Divineness came to me as the perfect name to capture luxury and was reflective of the person who would wear it - a divine persona - if you will

"I launched Divineness in October 2022, with sales primarily to friends, family, and associates In 2023, even though I was in school full-time at Blanche M acDonald for Fashion M arketing, sales grew over 450%. Finding the strength to balance school, my optical job and building the brand was challenging, but the numbers and a passion for growth inspired me.

"Unfortunately, my first product - an avocado basil moisturizer - was not much of a success. This, of course, was disappointing, but everyone must learn from their efforts! It was definitely a learning opportunity to gain knowledge of the process of creating a product

"Using what I learned from the first product launch, I used the feedback to create a second product, which was the Kombucha Crème moisturizer

"The feedback was positive, and it was much more of a success than the first product, so I discontinued the original product and focused on the Kombucha Crème.

"I began working on a second product and launched Sheen Serum Hyaluronic Acid - named after my sister's nickname 'Sheen' - which contains caviar, which gives it a sparkly and shiny texture Based on industry trends and consumer demand in January, I launched an under-eye crème named M urumuru Butter Eye Crème.

"There are many who are supporting me along this entrepreneurial journeymy family and my close friend Kuljeet Kaila Before launching the brand, I asked everyone for their advice on what products to develop and where the growth focus should be for a skincare brand

"Sadly, Kuljeet passed away from brain cancer on September 10, 2023. Before she passed away, she messaged me saying how proud of me she was and that she 100% supported me She also mentioned that I would do great things in life, and I appreciated her message greatly.

"It was only a few weeks later that I found out she passed away Hearing this news was so hard to take. She was among the few who believed in me and supported me throughout everything

"When I saw her in her casket at the funeral, I decided on the spot that everything that I achieve and all the great things I plan to accomplish in life will be dedicated to her

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"In 2024, I plan to continue to push Divineness to new heights. Knowing that the product line of quality ingredients and effective formulations will produce more positive reviews and testimonials, I will roll out effective marketing strategies, build distribution channels, and increase customer engagement/ loyalty

"To date, I have been self- funding Divineness, and recently, I have begun working with a bank to access more funds to accelerate and grow the brand quickly this year

"M anaging finances is something I advise all entrepreneurs to be involved in Early on, I engaged an influencer with a fee of $700 to promote the brand but did not request details about followers, engagement or statistics. She turned out to be a fraud

"After receiving the fee, I waited for the promotion, but it never happened. I learned from that experience that you have to be careful who you reach out to and check the person's social media statistics before wanting to get involved with them!

"I am a people person, and from the beginning, I took it upon myself to jumpstart Divineness through networking with key persons in the city.

"This led to me meeting new people who would invite me to other events they knew about or events they were hostingthis was a successful way to increase my client base

"By the end of 2024, I see Divineness reaching new heights in terms of new products, new partnerships and collaborations, and the development of an Amazon FBA to grow the brand to new levels.

"In addition to the online market, I want to expand to BC-based medical clinics and spas with stellar reputations, such as GlamM ed Aesthetics, to reach a projected $5,000-$10,000 a month mark by the end of the year From 2025 to 2027, the plan is to collaborate with high- level influencers within the city and celebrities such as Shay M itchell. "

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Everyone at Voes & Co shares an unshakeable philosophy: Standing for love and the rethinking of fashion

The company is 100% committed to not using leather, suede, or other animal-based materials in its designs.

Through intention, Voes & Co seeks to contribute to creating a world based on love, kindness and compassion for the planet, animals, and all living beings through creativity and designer fashion

A purpose of advocating for kind, compassionate, conscious living through ethically sourced, sustainable, 100% vegan (plantbased) designer footwear, and a mission to help pioneer the use of next-generation materials to help eliminate the use of plastic in the vegan fashion industry.

Founder Desiree Dupuis is at the helm and feels the momentum growing as the demand for vegan options in fashion, food, and lifestyle explodes.

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"I was not entrepreneurial when I was young; I was always taught that the path was to go to university, get an education and get a good job with benefits

"So, when I was a teenager, I loved watching Ally M cBeal, and I wanted to be a career woman; I wanted to be a lawyer I went to UVIC and completed a Bachelor of Commerce in International Business The funny thing is that the program had two options: International Business or Entrepreneurship.

"At the time, I thought, "I will never be an entrepreneur," so I chose International Business. [Now, I am an entrepreneur building a global international brand ]

"Then at 27, while climbing the corporate ladder, I realized that no matter how high I climbed, I would constantly be reporting to somebody, working under someone else's agenda, being dispensable at some point if and when there was any financial turbulence, and still not having job security I realized that the only way to enjoy absolute freedom and job security was to be my own boss and entirely responsible for myself

"I had an epiphany working in marketing for a national wine company, I quit my job instantaneously and got a job as a server while figuring out what I would do. I barely made it past my training shifts when I realized I did not want to serve people food and drinks while they were out with their friends, plus I wasn' t any good at it!

"I quit that job right after I spilled a large tray of drinks on a table of guests My best friend Kelly Strongitharm was self-employed as an insurance agent, so I decided to go into business with her.

"We were the perfect pair. As an extrovert, I would handle all outside sales, lead generation, and marketing. As an introvert, Kelly would meet 1:1with clients and have deep conversations, following up with personal planning

"I was so excited to launch this business and become an entrepreneur. Being an entrepreneur meant I would be free to work less and make a lot more money. In my first year, I made $12,000 and realized that as an entrepreneur, I would never actually be 'off' work and would be working all of the time.

"It took about three years to finally start making the same income I made in my previous full- time marketing job. Although I wasn't getting rich, I did feel extremely wealthy regarding the freedom I felt managing my own time and schedule, the relationships I was building, and the meaningful work I was doing

"I invested so much of my time in networking, which included many learning opportunities, and my personal growth journey soared at that time, as did my database

"As of the five-year mark, we continued to enjoy financial success. In 2018, after a decade in the industry, my business partner and I decided we did not see ourselves spending our lives as insurance agents

"Our business had grown significantly, and we had recurring revenue, which meant we would be able to get a 2- 3x return on our annual revenue by selling our book of business We decided to sell and invest our time into Ruben' s Shoes Society, an NGO we had started five years earlier

"My life did not change much during the ten years I ran Three Sixty Financial Group (Insurance) and Ruben's Shoes. I moved from Kitsilano to Port M oody and spent almost a decade there building up my network in the Tri- Cities area.

"All the while, I continued to enjoy personal growth, developing a stronger mindset, becoming laser- focused in business and doubling down on my health.

"Then, out of the blue, I received a text from one of my mentors, Carlo Zarrillo, saying he had an opportunity for me that aligned with all of my values When I spoke with him, I learned that it was an opportunity to join as a founding partner of a seaweed company based on Vancouver Island to launch a food brand. As a vegan marketing person with a love for branding and the environment, this opportunity aligned with my values and felt like a dream come true.

"The following two years, I worked as VP Sales of M arketing to launch a food brand for Cascadia Seaweed. That brand became Kove Ocean Foods, and in the fall of 2022, I left Cascadia and took over full ownership of Kove. In the spring of 2023, I brought on three partners to help manage Kove in Vancouver while I was living overseas.

"In 2016, after eight years of following a vegan lifestyle, I realized how frustrated I was with the lack of designer footwear that was not made of leather, suede, or other synthetic petroleum-based products From that frustration and desire came the vision for my brand, Voes & Co

"You may ask why I would go to such lengths for footwear, and to that, I say I love animals like they are our friends and want to do everything in my power to help take care of them and advocate for their well- being Also, I and all the vegans I know are frankly really tired of having to sacrifice style and sustainability with synthetic, cheap, petroleum-based products We love this incredible planet and have the privilege of calling it home We want to do what we can to lead the industry to more ethical options that would make M other Nature proud.

"This idea continued to percolate for two years when, in 2018, came the launch of plant-based leathers such as pineapple leather from Pinatex and cactus leather from Desserto; at that point, I decided to start looking for a manufacturer that could make Chelsea boots with cactus leather and in February of 2020 I invested in creating a prototype with a private label factory in midtown M anhattan to start to bring my passion project developing vegan footwear to life

"Within a matter of days, the production of my first boot was put on hold due to the pandemic, and I waited until the factory reopened its doors in the early summer

"With a prototype in hand, I took it to Kickstarter with the help of my friend and filmmaker Andrew Santos to raise a bit of capital and drum up some pre-orders The Kickstarter was the pre-launch of the brand, and through the pandemic, I had to overcome several hurdles with the manufacturing of my first 100 pairs of boots

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"By 2022, after months of frustration working with the manufacturer in New York, I found a new, fully vegan manufacturer based in Brazil I decided to move forward with a full production run with them.

"In 2023, after being freed from my full-time job and with production underway, I focused all of my time, money and energy on the official public launch of Voes & Co at the Vegan Woman Summit in New York.

"During this time, I also began working with a publicist, Vikki Lenola of Lenola PR, and we began to get some impactful coverage in Forbes, Cosmo, and, most recently, Vogue

"After a year of building the brand at events in person and online, Footwear M agazine recognized us as the Vegan Brand of the Year, and I am currently working on building the collection with a new casual sneaker I am grateful to work with a manufacturer that aligns with my values

"In 2024, with Kove, we have launched at Whole Foods along with Sobeys (Thrifty' s, Safeway) and are working to secure some other significant retail partners. Having worked together at Vega, my business partners have outstanding relationships in the food industry We have excellent sales and distribution partners and the best merchandising team at Hive Naturals

"We will continue with store activations and placement to increase sales, brand awareness, and customer loyalty. We know that once people get Kove Sea Spice into their homes, it will become a daily staple, enhancing their meals

"I am currently Chair of the board for Ruben' s Shoes Society, an NGO that since its inception in 2013, has sent 100,000 pairs of shoes worldwide to help children access education We now fund and operate an elementary and secondary school with over 550 students in the Dominican Republic

"By the end of 2024, I see both brands having achieved key milestone moments of success, with Kove being available nationally and entering the USA. I see us making a mark for the brand online via Amazon and receiving rave reviews, making waves as a unique product positioned as a vegan, gluten- free, low- sodium furikake.

"And definitely see Voes & Co. launching with a key retail partner and having a few sales partners in South America.

"I see us heading into 2025 with a solid and ambitious plan to build in Europe and launch another one to two styles!"



Jimi Brockett moved to Canada in 1999 to pursue his dream of living the fullest life possible in one of "the most beautiful places on Earth."

Born and raised just outside M anchester in the UK, Jimi trained in IT while in the British Army. He eventually became an independent IT consultant, where he learned the value and importance of providing the best possible service to clients and developed extensive and professional customer service skills

To him, selling and buying real estate is undeniably a significant endeavour.

"I won't downplay its importance, nor will I attempt to persuade you with empty lines to choose me as your realtor Instead, I'll share a fundamental belief that drives me: putting others first and offering assistance whenever possible." Through this approach, he has discovered that life becomes more fulfilling the more he can give to others" "My genuine passion lies in aiding others in their real estate journeys, and I consider myself fortunate to have made this my life' s calling. "

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Jimi possesses the traits of a creative problem solver, a strategic thinker, and a tireless negotiator His mission revolves around helping clients achieve their real estate aspirations, whether that entails discovering their dream home, securing top dollar for their property, or expanding their real estate portfolio

With a foundation built on hard work and efficiency, Jimi brings a fresh perspective to the real estate landscape. By harnessing cutting- edge technology and innovative marketing strategies, he presents his clients' properties in the best possible light Additionally, Jimi produces informative and often entertaining Instagram and YouTube videos that offer tips and resources for home buyers and sellers.


"From a young age, I always sought ideas and avenues to make money and create wealth or a business I started a gardening business in my late teens, which I kept running for a few seasons

"In the mid- 1990s, I was in my early 20s. I invested 2,500 pounds into an opportunity, and a week later, it hit the news that it was a pyramid scheme

"I lost the 2,500 pounds, but through the whole mishap, I gained so much knowledge that there are no shortcuts, and no matter what, you have to roll the dice sometimes to find the hard way

"In 1997, I founded an IT Consultancy in the UK and ran it until I moved to Canada

"Once settled in Vancouver, I bought a bike shop (Sharpey' s Cycles) in 2007 to follow my passion for downhill mountain biking and operated it for three years During that short period, I increased sales by 52% from $359,000 to $549,000

"In 2008, when I was 38 years old, my life changed dramatically. My 4-year-old son was diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer. This event sent my life in a different direction, especially after his passing just before his sixth birthday

"Sometimes, it takes a huge event to shake us up and make us realize what is most important in life

"Watching my brave son battle for his life with an amazingly positive attitude and indomitable spirit made me realize how important our attitudes are and how crucial it is to give back to others positively.

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"Since then, I have been passionate about giving back to honour my son and be true to myself.

"Over the past 12 years, I have primarily done that through the events The Ride to Conquer Cancer and now the Tour de Cure, which benefit the BC Cancer Foundation and raise much-needed funds to support cancer research

"I assembled a team of just 13 riders for the inaugural event in 2009, and we raised over $60,000

"Since then, Riders for Ryders has grown dramatically and now is one of the largest teams each year in this event. It has collectively raised over $4,000,000 and participated in all four rides across Canada. With teams in BC and ON, we continue to grow and bring in even more money to fund cancer research.

"In 2015, I became a Licensed Real Estate Representative and began with Dexter Associates Realty.

"Fast-forward to July 2020, when I moved over to Oakwyn Realty Ltd. Within a month of arriving, I had an epiphany. Why not me? Why couldn't I be the recipient of all I was striving for?

"I had a new mission; through it, I discovered my self- worth and self- acceptance and opened myself up to self- love

"I realized the abundance in this universe and that it's available to everyone, not just certain people Once that shift happened, my business changed overnight.

"M ichael Yu, the founder of Oakwyn Realty, told me the very first day I met him, "You can achieve your dreams; I believe in you " It was an emotional moment because no one had ever said that to me before.

"My best advice would be from Nike. ' Just Do It.' It sounds so simple but so true. As humans, we doubt so much and never pull the trigger on reaching for our dreams If you don't ever try, you always fail.

"My business needs amazing clients who are embracing this thing called life and who need real, authentic, genuine, and no- BS help with their real estate needs

"My approach has always been to help people first. That' s my passion. I am not for everyone, but those who want to join together will achieve their goals.

"My journey has been long and varied. I've always been open to trying and taking educated risks most of the time, and as such, by the end of 2024, I will project doubling my business and achieving the top 1% of all Greater Vancouver Realtorscurrently, I am in the top 10%."

"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." ~Muhammad



Jill Sinclair is a renowned Training & Development Specialist, author, TEDx and International Keynote Speaker who has helped countless businesses and individuals achieve their goals.

With her no- nonsense approach, she crafts messages that speak directly to the needs of her audience, providing tangible, real- life examples that can be implemented to drive positive change

Jill has shared the stage with Ryan Serhant from M illion Dollar Listing New York and will be featured in an upcoming television series called ' COACH' with Ed M ylett, David M eltzer, Jim Kwik, and many more. Her commitment to helping others reach their full potential is evident in everything she does, from her speaking engagements to her training sessions and coaching programs, and volunteer mentoring youth

With 79 jobs and entrepreneurial experiences, Jill is a true collector of experiences who is always up for a challenge She does not shy away from anything and is known for her oft-used retort" Watch me!" - when faced with naysayers saying something cannot be done

Jill's mission is to help others step into their brilliance and lead with their genius to achieve their life's goals She is serious about changing lives and believes that training is not just about memorizing information but about living your learning out loud in your daily life to achieve success.

Jill's passion for being a Keynote Speaker, Training & Development Specialist, and Performance Coach is unmatched Her reputation for excellence and her unwavering commitment to helping others succeed make her a valuable asset to any business or individual looking to take their performance to the next level.

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"At 23 years old, I worked in Human Resources at Surrey M emorial Hospital and took fitness leadership and personal training courses at night When unexpectedly laid off, I took a four- month trip to Asia and then returned and started a fitness company. I had 18 employees, held fitness classes at the community hall, and rented out gymnasiums at four local schools

"When I was still in Health & Fitness, one of my clients worked for ICBC and said they had a new program they were trying to launch called the Recovery M anagement Program This program was an external contract to work with people who had been in car accidents where their injuries were mostly soft tissue damage and bring them back to their pre-injury state

"As I travelled to all of the ICBC locations, I became known as " Jilly Wonka" because when I met with the adjusters to convince them about this program to benefit their centres and help their clients, I would always attach a Hershey Kiss to my business card It was always a sweet visit, and I certainly convinced them to utilize this very successful program

"I have had over 79 job experiences and entrepreneur opportunities. That is neither praiseworthy nor cringe- worthy; it is simply a part of my journey. I have been a trampoline instructor, shoe salesperson, radio show host, janitor, hair apprentice, 3rd mate on a sailboat, CEO, furniture designer, speed dating host, author, realtor, and so many more

"Looking back, I've always been especially taken by the kinds of experiences that have enabled me to solve problems and help people succeed. I got into business coaching and consulting as a realtor very organically.

"I was doing exceedingly well, and the other realtors kept approaching me and asking me how I was doing it. So, I began training others and knew, without a doubt, that THISwas my jam. Training and development and keynote speaking are my life's blood. They get me out of bed in the morning and put a smile on my face daily!

"From 23 to 25 years old, I operated the fitness business and then sold it. This was the era of the new women' s only gyms with all the fancy new equipment, powder rooms, and sparkle opening up left and right. So it was either to get some investors and build a copycat or sell it to the person who wanted a small and manageable business that focused more on the community.

"From 36 to 38 years old, I had a furniture design company and sold it to my business partner as he wanted to move in a different direction

"My life is continually evolving joyfully, and I am eager to collect even more experiences! You know, the older I get, the more I am at peace with myself, my surroundings and my future I do not get emotional about inane things. Although I am an extremely passionate person with the life-changing work that I do, I do not get hung up on the dumb shit Life's too short to be anything but grateful and joyful.

"The young people I volunteer mentor are who genuinely deserve to get the props and the accolades. These young people are hungry to learn, be accepted as they are, and be a better human.

"It Is so humbling knowing that my time with these young people is making a difference in their lives, and even though most of them come from broken families, poverty, abuse and neglect, they thrive when someone believes in them and invests their time with them. They make ME want to be a better person and keep helping others.

"At one point, I did take a slight detour to be the CEO of a company after many requests from the owners. As I immersed myself in the role, I soon found that these owners lacked integrity, morals, and business sense. When I realized this, I quickly resigned, promptly went home, and re-created my website for my business training and development and keynote speaking.

"The first business and sales conference I put on was called ' Hustler Sophisticate Speaker Series' (after my book of the same name published in 2019)

"I produced, hosted, keynoted, sold all the sponsorships, handled the logistics, and more I had a reality television and media star, Ryan Serhant, come to be the headliner, and I was also a Keynote Speaker for this event. I thought, if I do this, I will go big!

"People said I would lose money on this and it wouldn't be as successful as my first conference I said, watch me It was sold out and launched my speaking career and led to me being asked to do my TEDx Talk, guest star on television shows and put me on the map with other keynote speakers that had been in the industry for at least 15 years more than me I've been named in the ' Top 30 M otivational Speakers in the World by Global Gurus' for 2024

"Ultimately, my goal is to be the most booked speaker in the world. That means I get to change more lives by getting on more stages, training, and helping more people I was told that " I don' t just motivate, I inspire" because of my ability to share my lived experiences and truly connect with my audiences beyond the stage

"By the end of 2024, I plan to be booked on 25 more stages to share communication and leadership training for businesses, inspiration for conferences, and tangible takeaways for all to implement into their lives for positive change."

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Helen Siwak, EIC & Publisher

EcoLuxLuv Marketing & Communications Inc.



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