There are a lot of cliché’s regarding change – “Change is inevitable”, “Change is constant”, “Change is good” …. The list could go on and on. One of my favorites though – is “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”. In my new role as Publisher at Folio I want to continue the Folio tradition of looking at things differently, maybe being the weird one in the room at times, and never being afraid to have a strong clear voice. My goal is to open up even more paths of discussion, learn and share about all the things that make this area incredible and hopefully in the process entertain you, our readers.
Angela and her husband John own Folio Magazine. They share 3 boys, 2 dogs, and 4 fish. Angela grew up in North Carolina, lived in Miami for many years and holds a degree from University of Miami in Public Relations and Psychology and a minor in Marketing. After Miami Angela moved to Jacksonville in 2009 to open the market for a restaurant and entertainment group. Angela currently works full time in hospitality and serves on the Duval County Tourist Development Council. She also serves on the board of The Empowered Kitchen a local non profit that teaches and mentors women on how to run their own food business. Amongst other charity work The American Cancer Society holds a special place in her heart. Angela loves spending time with her family, Jaguars games, graphic design, arts & crafts, oil painting and gardening.
Well, we’re now settled into 2023 quite proper, and any hopes that this year will herald a return to relative normalcy have been dashed faster than a Tourette’s patient using Morse code.
MGA Entertainment is now facing legal action over its new Poopsie Slime Surprise, which isn’t a problem itself. The issue is their theme song, “My Poops,” is a transparent ripoff of “My Humps” which was a big hit for Black Eyed Peas in 2005. The suit also claims that the leader of pooping unicorns looks like Fergie (formerly of the BEP), and she’s probably thrilled to see her name brought up in this context.
Let’s keep talking about poop, because why not? Penguins poop and it’s a problem for the humans tasked with studying them. You thought we already knew everything about penguins? Nahhh. Their poop creates a variety of greenhouse gases, one of which is nitrous oxide, aka laughing gas, aka whip-its. Scientists from Denmark and China fell ill while studying a group of 300,000 king penguins in the deep South Atlantic. It was later determined that their symptoms were caused by just a few hours of exposure to the guano gas. I guess now we know how they got those happy feet.
A sailor from Dominica is starting his year off in the most unlikely condition: he’s still alive. He was quite lucky, having survived some 24 days at sea after he and his sailboat were swept out to sea during repairs in St. Martin. Having not planned for such an ordeal, he had nothing in terms of provisions, save for garlic powder, Maggi and ketchup, which he mixed with rainwater to create a magic potion that somehow kept him alive. We applaud his ingenuity under lethal conditions, and commend him for giving a whole new meaning to the phrase “struggle meal.” It’s only funny because it worked out OK.
It was “USA Today,” we believe, who first broke news late last year of an ongoing investigation by the Pentagon. Now, that could mean damn near anything, and it usually does. These fine men of the U.S. Army have apparently been thirst trapping by spicing up their uniforms with bondage gear, including leashes, chains and even the occasional leather dog mask. Of course, this was highly frowned upon by the brass, although the K9 units are already suffered by
online engagement. Officials are now trying to identify the weirdos, all of whom have been very bad boys, and they WILL be punished, offline.
The specific role of dreams in the human brain are still unclear, even as we know it has some fundamental importance. A new article in “Scientific American” posits that dreams can provide actionable intelligence in the fight against dementia. In particular, when people are physically acting out their dreams while asleep, it may be a sign of RBD, or “REM sleep behavioral disorder”, which affects about 1% of humans, most of whom will likely experience some form of neurodegenerative disease. It’s a small thing, but it will probably help improve a lot of people’s lives, eventually.
We’ll wrap up right here in Florida because that’s our birthright, I guess. A teacher in Franklin County was forced to resign, mere months short of retirement, after the local sheriff switched her out she got caught doing “intimate video chats” on the job with her boyfriend, who currently resides in the county jail. Ultimately, she only harmed herself, so hopefully she can claim her full pension. Our teachers get so little; let them have a little joy!
Are you fckn serious about this right now ? Ron DeSantis IS THE MAN! I insist yall publicly apologize before ya’ll get bombarded. There is no room in JAX for haters. Why do you think the rest of the USA wants to move here more than ever? Why do you think people from all over the USA would LOVE to have a Senator like Ron? Why do you think people from all over the USA want him to run for President?? One word #FREEDOM
The Jacksonville Humane Society for helping 8,407 animals in 2022. They provided 5,636 spay and neuter surgeries and kept 5,309 animals together. To adopt, donate or volunteer, visit jaxhumane.org for information.
Political candidates for airing personal dirty laundry to the public (looking at you, in particular, Daniel Davis and LeAnna Cumber). We know that politics can get dirty, but does it have to be that way? And honestly, the barrage of TV commercials isn’t helping us make an informed decision about who to vote for, especially when we don’t know who is telling the truth … if anyone even is.
Stop waiting for him to show up on your doorstep with flowers. Buy your own damn flowers. It’s the love month, and for you, Aries, It’s more about self-love. Face masks, flowers, candles, candy, ice cream … or if you’re one of those healthy people, some lettuce. Whatever it takes to not text your ex.
Most compatible: Scorpio
Least compatible: Aquarius who has an Aries moon
It’s time to get off of your high horse and let people in. More often than not, you pride yourself on doing things alone and being a private person. But that’s all gonna have to change when Venus reaches Neptune in Pisces on Feb. 15. The universe is going to nudge you to be more sociable and network!
Most Compatible: Cancer
Least Compatible: Aries
Happy Valentine’s Day! Get f***ed. Literally. It has been long enough, Gemini. It’s time to finally put yourself back out there. What’s the worst that could happen? Don’t let this be another solo Valentine’s Day (not that there’s anything wrong with that), but you might be pleasantly surprised with what the stars have in store for you.
Most Compatible: Aquarius
Least Compatible: Gemini
You have been putting in the work this month, Cancer. And it’s paying off financially and socially. But don’t get so caught up in work that you don’t have time to play. Toward the end of the month, you may enter your reflection zone and for a good reason too. Take this time for some self-care and self-love, you’re about to glow up!
Most Compatible: Capricorn
Least Compatible: Aquarius
It has been all work and no play recently, Leo. Keep your head up because all of your hard work will be paying off soon enough. It is finally time for you to have some fun for yourself. This February will prove to be quite eventful for you, Leo… if you know what I mean. ;)
Most Compatible: Virgo
Least Compatible: Libra
Is it hot in here or is it just you? As the first half of February has you feeling energized and productive, you’ve been able to get a lot of work done, and good work at that! Take the last half of the month to put some work into yourself and some potential relationships brewing. The universe wants you to find love so don’t ask, just do.
Most Compatible: Taurus
Least Compatible: Gemini
Uh oh, Libra. Spreading yourself too thin? While you are often considered the sign of partnership and love, it’s important to prioritize your independence every now and then. As the saying goes, you can’t love another until you love yourself. And in your case, that means taking a day off for some very much needed self-care.
Most Compatible: Scorpio
Least Compatible: Capricorn
It is time to tap into your determined and aggressive nature this month, Scorpio. You know what you want; it is time to get it. Whether it’s a romantic partner or a career move, make this month your bitch, bitch!
Most Compatible: Libra
Least Compatible: Aquarius (men)
While you may have a smaller social circle this month, Sagittarius, just know that the universe did that to make room for all the new friends coming your way! Valentine’s Day isn’t only about being with your significant other, so make some plans to hang with your closest friends. They need it as much as you do. But don’t worry, things will get spicy for you once Venus enters Aries and your fifth House of Pleasure on Feb. 19.
Most Compatible: Aquarius
Least Compatible: Virgo
Much like every other month, you may be feeling a bit impulsive. Shopping trips, new tattoos, different hair colors, you name it. It is time to think with your head and not your heart this February. When you are feeling impulsive, let’s take a bath instead. Light some candles maybe? Focus on a less expensive self-care month. Your bank account will thank you.
Most Compatible: Sagittarius
Least Compatible: Cancer
Don’t worry, Aquarius, just because it’s time to pass the torch to Pisces doesn’t mean you don’t get to keep some of that fire for yourself. In fact, the flame is burning brighter in all areas of your life! When Mercury enters Aquarius (funnily enough) on Feb. 11, you will find it easier to communicate, meaning you should take advantage of what the stars have placed in front of you and stop internalizing all your thoughts.
Most Compatible: Gemini
Least Compatible: Taurus
It is love month, Pisces, you little sweetheart. Love loves you as much as you love it. This February will be quite fruitful for you. It will almost feel as if potential lovers are throwing themselves at you. There is nothing wrong with testing the waters; you know you want to. ;)
Most Compatible: Pisces
Least Compatible: Scorpio
On May 2022, “Indecent” was approved as Douglas Anderson School of the Arts’ spring theatrical production. Auditions were held in December 2022 and roles were cast before winter break started. The show was set to open in March, but on Jan. 5, the first day of rehearsals, the production was canceled.
“Indecent” is a Tony Award-winning play about the controversy surrounding “The God of Vengeance,“ written by Sholem Asch in 1918 which tells the story about breaking through social barriers and the consequences that follow. “Indecent” was written by Paula Vogel and premiered at the Yale Repertory Theatre in October 2015. “Indecent” goes beyond the history of “The God of Vengeance” and transcends into the matters of religion, love, culture and the Holocaust. The play also features a queer Jewish couple at the center of its story.
The story within “Indecent” meant so much to the cast and crew of Douglas Anderson’s scheduled production. “I think it gave all of us a sense of hope and pride that we were being trusted with such sacred theatrical material. ‘Indecent’ is a story for and by storytellers. It is worshiped and seen as a narrative of how resilient theater is,” said Madeline Scotti, a senior at Douglas Anderson and one of the leads in the play.
The school normally puts on a production every semester, including the summer. The decision to cancel “Indecent” came from the Duval County School Board. In a statement to WJXT and referenced on news4jax.com, Tracy Pierce, chief of marketing and public relations for Duval County Public Schools, said that the show’s content is “inappropriate for student cast members and student audiences,” adding the show contained “adult sexual dialog.”
The students in the cast were heartbroken when they learned the show was canceled. “[I felt] silenced as a student, as an artist and as a human. There is still so much heartbreak and grief over losing a show I love,” said Scotti. The students and staff all had been preparing over winter break and the news that something they were all so excited for had been canceled was devastating to learn.
“It is not uncommon for complex shows to grace the DA stage,” Scott added. “In previous seasons, we did ‘Rent’ and ‘The Shadow Box.’ In essence, choosing ‘Indecent’ —and all that it stands for—was not abnormal for DA,” said Scotti.
“Rent” and “The Shadow Box” both contain mature language, sexual references and drug-related themes. Douglas Anderson staged “Rent” in April 2021. In early 2022, Gov. Ron DeSantis, signed the “Parental Rights in Education” otherwise known as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, which reads, “Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.”
Some students at Douglas Anderson feel as if the bill might have influenced the school board’s decision to cancel the production of “Indecent.” Not so, according to Pierce, who said in his statement, “The decision has no relevance to any legislation but is rather a function of our responsibilities to ensure students engage in educational activities appropriate for their age.”
But Pierce’s statement contradicts the Douglas Anderson students’ claims against the legislation. The bill says that kindergarten through grade 3 are prohibited to discuss LGBTQ+ topics. So why is a high school forced to cancel a show deeming the material too mature for students in grades 9-12, if not to silence the voices of queer students who just want to feel represented on stage? Where does the line get drawn for queer relationships to be talked about in school then?
If Douglas Anderson is used to putting on productions with mature topics like sex, drugs and adult language, then what other reason does the school board have to cancel the show than because of the queer Jewish relationship that is at the heart of the story. This leads everything back to the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, a piece of legislation aimed at silencing LGBTQ+ voices in the Florida education system. The school board can give many reasons why they canceled the show, but the truth is they didn’t want to spread love and truth.
Queer love is something that is never going to go away. Legislation like the “Don’t Say Gay” bill merely creates obstacles for students to maneuver around in order to discover themselves. High school is the point in many young queer people’s lives where they finally feel comfortable to be themselves, and while school officials want to silence queer voices, the students will continue to speak up against the hate they are receiving.
“While there is an overwhelming amount of sadness, there is even more support and love from the theater community. This sense of community is something I will never forget,” said Scotti.
School officials replaced “Indecent” with “The Seagull “by Anton Chekhov.
Valentine’s Day is either right before or right after you read this, so it seems a good time to look briefly at how cannabis can enhance the reader’s romantic life. As always, our (possibly deliberate) failure to get the plant fully legalized here puts some limits on the options available, but online readers in more advanced states can take advantage of the full spectrum.
Gentle reader, be forewarned that we’ll be talking about sex here today. It’s a natural thing, practiced by all animal species around the world throughout history, including the most dangerous animal of all, humans. Your earthly existence is the result of sex. Heck, you may have it yourself on occasion, but that is entirely your business.
Cannabis has been utilized in fertility rituals and other forms of Sex Magick for probably as long as humans have known about the plant. Any substance that helps people relax and break down inhibitions will have its romantic value. Modern pop culture has seen it used by folks like Aleister Crowley, Charles Manson and Hassan Sabbah, but those are terrible examples. That is one area where the Anslinger types were right: cannabis does bring people together, whether it’s a political rally or a recording session or a movie set.
Cannabisseurs looking for love this Valentine’s Day or looking at love should start with a few quick tips: 1) Whatever your preferred smoking implement is, clean it thoroughly. Breaking in a new tool is also a fun bonding exercise, particularly if the new item is a gift for your paramour. 2) Get fresh flower, and have a backup lighter. A good perky puff hits different, and it makes a good impression. 3) Spend a bit extra on fancy rolling papers or a high-quality blunt wrap. Aesthetics are what make special occasions, um, special.
Now that you have secured the bag, let’s discuss the products to fill it. There are a wide range of cannabis-based lubes, delivering CBD and/ or THC via a variety of emollients, many of which are legal in Florida. Beyond that, countless companies make massage oils and lotions which can also have similar uses. Obviously, ask your doctor before trying, and maybe your lawyer, too. Any good dispensaries will have something that meets your needs.
The Cannadom company markets actual condoms that are not made from cannabis, but are infused with authentic cannabis flavor. Will they get you high? No, but that’s probably not a problem for anyone who would buy something like this. They also sell bacon-flavored condoms (which is even weirder) both in packs of up to 100.
Whoopi Goldberg is one of the funniest people ever, but she’s quite serious about women’s health. In 2016 (perfect timing), she launched whoopiandmaya.com to sell feminine health products that are infused with cannabis. This makes perfect sense, since the plant has been used for centuries to help with cramps, bloating and other symptoms, whether smoked, used as edibles or taken internally. The original incarnation closed during the pandemic, but Goldberg is back in business, along with other woman-owned companies doing similar work.
The market for hemp clothing is growing steadily, ranging from suits to sneakers to outerwear. That also includes underwear made by a bunch of interesting companies like Nomads, Magi, Object Apparel (my favorites, for some reason) and WAMA. These are more functional than frisky, designed more for athletes than as lingerie. But more sophisticated designs are surely coming soon, and there are plenty already perfect for boating, beaches and general lounging.
If you’re feeling extra frisky, one way to add a little spice to your relationship may be to introduce one of the many pot-themed sex toys available on sites like Etsy. Now, this is a family publication, so I’ll spare you any details. Suffice to say, though, that in the era of 3D printers, you can fill in any gap you want, literally.
Now, all of these are fine enough ideas, but if you don’t have time or money for mail order or a run to the dispensary, consider something very basic, like taking some edible chocolates and melting them under low heat in the microwave, then dipping the berries of your choice. Or try drizzling some warm cannabutter over oysters; you could put some in a squeeze-bottle and take it to the restaurant with you. If you can’t make friends that way, then you’re just beyond help, but everyone deserves love, so good luck!
I know what you’re thinking. We are done with the standards the patriarchy has instilled, and we don’t need outside validation as we should all love ourselves. And I am all for that. I write love letters to myself all the time and buy myself flowers and so on. But let’s be honest. Every now and then, it wouldn’t hurt to receive a personalized mixtape or a love letter that doesn’t end with “xoxo, yourself.” And for me it’s not about needing validation (though, I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I ask my boyfriend constantly if he still loves me) but about having that special someone who will go above and beyond to show me he loves me without having to ask for it. I once had a boy “indirectly” tweet about me and that was the closest thing I got to a love letter. Seriously… tweets! But I can’t speak for the whole as I am just one 23-year-old living in a man’s, man’s, man’s world, as James Brown put it.
Of course, love and relationships are a two-way street. And the root of the dying form of letters and personalized mixtapes isn’t due to romance being dead, rather it just being different … more evolved. No, it doesn’t help that we live in a digital world where handwritten letters are probably sent through text and dating sites have made finding love much like shopping online. But it’s more than that. Gen Z are more comfortable swimming within the gray areas of relationships. We’d rather stay single or in “situationships” than settle down with the wrong person. Which, can you blame us? Considering that most Gen Z and millennials are children of divorced parents (not all, but most), the only examples of “true love” we have to look up to are couples from rom-coms. That’s right. Fabricated relationships glamorized for the screen. So it’s no wonder that most of us are disappointed when we don’t get our own intimate kissing in the rain
scene. Also, while back in the day women had no other choice but to depend on men for financial stability and married just to fit the societal standards at the time, now women and men can provide for themselves. And some would rather be financially independent before bringing others into the mix.
While the traditional sense of romance is dead, a new and evolved idea of romance is looming. This generation is more into prioritizing themselves rather than basing the trajectory of their life on a relationship. That is, we are more in love with the idea of independence and the ever-changing aspects of life. More in love with the idea of loving ourselves before we love others.
So love letters and mixtapes have gone where all other things go to die, the past. But just as some advise, it wouldn’t hurt to get crafty when giving to your partner or even to yourself.
Throughout the month of February, love, relationships, and candy are shoved in our faces saying this is the way we need to appreciate those close to us. What we are told growing up is that we need to appreciate others before ourselves and care more about them. Now I’m here to tell you, that’s not the case. This month, make it all about loving yourself.
You exist, not to please others, but to reach your goals and make yourself happy. In the era of social media, online dating and so much more, it’s rather hard sometimes to truly think about ourselves. We are constantly looking at others and comparing ourselves to them. “How can we be like them? “How did that diet work on them but not me?” These questions are so toxic to our minds, so I’m putting my foot down. Let’s love ourselves first.
Did you know there are retreats you can go on that focus solely on loving yourself and learning new things, exotic things? There are photoshoots that teach you all about taking the right selfie to make you feel good. All of these things you can find here in Jacksonville.
Tina Musico is someone who offers all of that. Her SEXontop retreats are more than meets the eye. They offer a non-judgmental and fun space for women to crush taboos and increase confidence. Her goal is for people “to live their most badass confident sex life, for whatever that means for them.” This retreat is a place to be “your authentic self” and live however you want to in a space of like minded women who want to increase their sexual confidence and empower others. Count me in!
Musico offers retreats and “sexy selfies” photoshoots. This is all about teaching women how beautiful they can be. In these photoshoots she will go through taking photos on a phone and showing the models how they can take their own to make them feel confident. How many times do you go into a photoshoot where the photographer teaches you how to do it yourself from home? It is a unique aspect in which she knows you can just be your authentic self and that alone is beautiful, something we should all keep in mind.
It is time we take on a new view for Valentine’s Day and focus on loving ourselves. Whether that be with sexy selfies, a day all about self-care or even just sitting at home with a glass of wine and a movie. We need to learn we are not being selfish by taking time for ourselves.
When I started researching this article I was so set on discussing the art of sexual confidence and boudoir shoots (the world of sex), but after meeting with Tina, it really put into perspective that loving ourselves and being confident in our own skin is a right not a privilege. You’re not inviting anything or anyone, you are being yourself and that is more than enough. You can truly show love to others around you by loving yourself first, and that is what Valentine’s Day should be about.
You may have driven by the beach bars on a Monday night to see a line forming outside of Lynch’s and asked yourself why would anybody go to a bar on a Monday night. Well, there is a good reason for that and that’s to see Julia Gulia. And yes… the name comes from the movie “Wedding Singer” for all of you wondering.
Before Julia Gulia, bandmates Andrew Jones, John Jones and Mark McHone were just a bunch of musicians trying to make it in the world. Lead singer and guitarist Andrew Jones (commonly known as Andy) and drummer John Jones have known each other their entire lives, being that they are brothers, if the shared last name wasn’t enough of a hint. They’ve also known music their whole lives.
“I think I started like really singing when I was like 8 or 9 years old and then started playing guitar around the same time,” Andy said. “Our dad played guitar and sang and kinda showed John how to play the drums and taught me how to play guitar.”
As for bass player McHone, music was a big part of his life as well. Funnily enough, he was heavily influenced by his own big brother.
“My brother was in a lot of bands in the early ’90s and I kind of started getting into that, just going to shows around town in Jacksonville, [like] the old Milk Bar, old punk shows and stuff like that in the ’90s,” McHone said. “And then I started playing bass when I was 13 in a jazz band and symphonic, and I just played in a million bands since then.”
Julia Gulia was not the trio’s first rodeo of being in a band together though. In fact, Andy met McHone back in 2008 when they were in a band called Mind Slip. After a couple of months playing with the band for a couple of months, they decided they wanted to do their own thing. Luckily, Andy stayed in contact with McHone and let him know that if anything were to go awry with the next band, he would call him up.
Andy’s next stop was Southwest Florida where he formed a hardcore metal band called Whispers.
“I met these guys off of Craigslist, and they were cool,” Andy recalls. “I sent ’em a couple songs, went down there, and then moved back up here, or I came up here to record and then went back down, played a show, and then I moved them back up to Jacksonville.”
It was all going well for Mind Slip until Andy had to find a new drummer and then shortly after, a new bassist. And so he called up his brother and McHone and Julia Gulia was born. Well … technically they were still going by Whispers at that time.
“We did that for a while,” Andy said. “Got a song in a video game and then, you know, got the record deal with that band, and then kind of been playing ever since that,”
We met on a Monday at Folio HQ. Though it was their first time properly meeting me, I embarrassingly have to admit it was not my first time meet -
ing them. That’s if dancing within a sardine-packed crowd and obnoxiously singing along with them counts.
Prior to our interview, I was lucky enough to be gifted with an acoustic version of their original songs (which you can watch by scanning the QR code at the end of this story). I saw a side to Julia Gulia that I had never experienced when watching them rock on stage.
While they mainly perform covers at their late-night bar shows, Julia Gulia has some originals up their sleeves and more to come. Their original songs still give off the same vibe that the ’90s punk music we all know and love. And when performing live, the transition from cover songs to originals is seamless. Their music depicts a true, unfiltered telling of their personal experiences.
Andy started writing music as soon as he learned how to play just a few chords on the guitar when he was about 10 years old.
“From there, I didn’t really wanna learn anybody else’s music,” he said. “I just kinda wanted to be creative and make my own.”
While Andy comes up with the lyrics, it doesn’t become a song until John and McHone take a look at it and create a beat for it. The band’s first EP, “No Place Like This,” was released in July of 2021. A couple of songs you may recognize from the album are “No Place Like This” and “I Need A Drink”.
“When I first started writing stuff for this, I wanted it to be stories about what we were doing,” Andy said. “I just wanna be as real as possible.”
Their original song “I Need a Drink” is self-explanatory and “No Place Like This” is directly inspired by performing at live gigs and not wanting to be anywhere else. As much as Julia Gulia fans love Julia Gulia, just know that they love performing for us just as much.
“I think knowing that I’m getting people energized at these gigs and moving to it is pretty awesome,” John said. “Plus the therapy that comes with it, man. Like when you’re physically and mentally exhausted from everything you’re doing and focusing on while you’re performing, that’s like, I don’t need booze, I don’t need anything. You know what I mean? That’s kinda like my escape.”
And now with a recently purchased tour bus (still under renovation) and a new song set to release, the band is about to embark on a new chapter. Fans can listen to the band’s latest single on all streaming platforms so make sure to keep an eye out on their Facebook page for release info.
Also a request from the band members themselves: please stop screaming “Freebird” at their gigs. The joke ended before it started.
Photo by Ambar Ramirez WATCH JULIA GULIA ACOUSTIC PERFORMANCEDating sites are a dime a dozen nowadays. And it seems like all the fish in the sea are swimming in the same pond.
As of 2021, the number of dating app users surpassed 323 million. That’s a lot of fish and a lot of pressure to stand out. Finding love at your fingertips can be exciting and exhausting, especially with the number of dating sites there are. I mean, even Facebook has a dating page, not to mention Craigslist (I pray no one is that desperate.)
With this, comes the paradox of choice—having too many options can quickly become overwhelming. When the number of choices increase, so does the difficulty in making a decision. How does one decide which dating site they’ll use? Are you a Hinge guy? A Tinder girl? A gender-fluid Bumble user? Do you spend your time on Foot Finder (to each their own)? And once you log on, you’re met with a plethora of options. Are you an avid right swiper in hopes a few will reciprocate? Or are you stingy with your likes, which is OK because there are some real characters out there. Not to mention how scary it is for women: one wrong swipe and we could end up in the trunk of a stranger’s car. But that is beside the point.
Dating is not easy. Hell, I wouldn’t even say it’s fun. And with the surplus of dating sites, it may feel like all the authenticity in dating has been washed away. You can perfectly sculpt your dating profile to show only the best parts of you—which isn’t accurate (no judgment, I did it too.) But if I’m being completely honest, who uses dating apps to date anymore? With a few exceptions, most of the users on the apps are there for one reason, a quick and easy hook-up. I can’t count the number of times I was under the impression my match and I were hitting it off until he invited me to his house to “watch a movie” (we all know what that means) and not on a date. Time and time again.
It is not all doom and gloom though. As I said, there are a few exceptions to this thing we call modern love. Dating sites are quick and efficient, and it’s possible to meet someone you would have not otherwise met if it weren’t for them. For someone looking for love, they can find it almost anywhere. I know a couple who are so perfectly matched it is hard to believe they met on opposite sides of a screen.
For Sidnie Anthony, it was the photo of Lucian Earle holding his two dogs dressed in Halloween costumes; she thought it was too cute to resist. For Earle, he bashfully admitted to Anthony having an “incredible body” but followed quickly with “she just looked like the type of person I would want to have around.” They matched on Hinge back in 2020, and for Anthony,
it was instant. From the second she stumbled across his profile, she knew this could be love (cue “(I’ve Had) The Time of My Life” by Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes.) But, much like any guy in his 20s, Earle was playing hard to get or as the Gen-Zs call it, “cool-guying,” not wanting to seem too interested for fear of scaring off a potential partner.
“It happened instantly for me,” Anthony explained. “Not so quickly for Lucian, though.”
After a few texts and a romantic first date, the rest was history. They mesh so well together, in fact, it seems like they were childhood friends who became lovers as adults (my favorite rom-com trope).
Falling in love with someone from a dating site seems so taboo to many. What do you tell your friends and family? Do you come up with an elaborate story of bumping into one another in a grocery store? That they are friends of friends? Or do you stick with the original script? That two people were looking for love and found it.
Earle didn’t care. He knew he met the one, and it didn’t matter to him how they met or how people might perceive it. Anthony, on the other hand, was a little hesitant to share that the perfect pair had met online.
“I just didn’t want to feel like that stereotypical Gen-Z that met her perfect match on a dating site,” Anthony explained.
But with the exponential growth of dating sites, the sense of taboo is slowly drifting away. At least for Anthony and Earle, as they have a wedding planned for this September . And while there are thousands of ponds and millions of fish, don’t let that discourage you. I’m sure you’re a great fisherman.
Jan. 9, 2023 was an even busier Monday than usual for John Phillips, attorney, TV personality and the now-former publisher of “Folio Weekly.” Phillips filed to run that morning, then formally declared himself a candidate for City Council District 7 at a press conference at his office in downtown Jacksonville that Wednesday. It would have been hard to imagine how Phillips could find a way to actually make himself busier, but somehow he did.
It was long speculated that Phillips might be running for office at some point. Many politicians are lawyers, or at least have been for all of our lifetimes. Only recently, with his kids all now in school, as well as a chaotic local election cycle, was the timing right. Phillips was also heavily influenced by the lack of civility in government and the vast increase in crime and murders in the city.
He goes in knowing it’s an uphill battle to bring change to governance. “In talking with former city council members, they have reminded me that I’m only one of 19 votes,” he said with a smirk. “So the possibility of enacting legislation immediately depends on camaraderie and figuring out where we can go. Now that said, there is something to be said for me being a litigator and an advocate, and representing 10,000 people, one by one.” He added, “However, from day one, we will bring compassion and action to city hall and build bridges which have been destroyed by apathy and division.”
Phillips was born and mostly raised in Mobile, Alabama. He attended public school and comes from a family of relatively meager means. Phillips was interviewed for his first job as a lawyer in 2001 and recalled sitting at The Jacksonville Landing and reading “Folio.” He moved here shortly after. He has since gotten married and had three sons, all while building his private practice in a city with a legal scene that’s very dense and very competitive. In the process, he has gained a national media profile and accumulated a huge base of contacts, which he’s now leveraging. He’s been endorsed by civil rights lawyer Ben Crump, environmentalist Erin Brockovich and his former client and now U.S. Congresswoman Lucia McBath (Jordan Davis’ mother), as well as a host of local leaders.
“It’s one thing to try cases and get justice after the fact, to take families through the civil justice system or criminal justice system,” he said. “It’s another to get it before the fact—prevent the pieces from breaking. With 1,000 murders in seven years, we can enact measures and mobilize non-profits, which can hopefully save lives pretty quick. We will activate some of these core groups and show them how to get city funding. They are walking the blocks and know these families, and we will pretty quickly generate action. We can get the business community and the underprivileged to join hands, as we’ve done, and help heal the city, unite it, and develop it.”
While Phillips will continue working at the law firm while campaigning, he has decided to step down as publisher of “Folio.” He is succeeded by his
wife Angela. The two set up Boldland Press in order to acquire “Folio” (and later, “EU”) in June 2020, just over a month after the publication closed up shop. They moved all the archives and files into the firm, then built a new team from scratch, led by Teresa Spencer and Rob Nicholson, along with a continuing stream of new talent. Running the paper has been a family affair from the start. Their sons helped John begin the process of sorting and digitizing the old issues, while Angela designed the original “Folio 2.0” logo. The transition has been pretty much seamless. “We could not lose an independent voice,” Phillips added, “I am not and never have run for office, been a repeated or will ever be a future lobbyist and don’t trade favors for power.” He believes the constant “next political job” has been handcuffs to most who run for office.
During those two and a half years at “Folio,” Phillips was about as handsoff as a publisher can be. He sat in on editorial meetings and participated in the read-through of the copy before it went to print, a process he was often present for, as well. Like any publisher, it was his prerogative to make assignments or establish editorial boundaries, but he generally didn’t. Personally, I’ve written dozens of articles for “Folio” under his watch, and only one—a cover story commemorating the 60th anniversary of Ax Handle Saturday—was directly suggested by him.
Phillips is clearly the most prominent public figure in the District 7 race, but he is hardly the only candidate who qualified. There are five in the race, four are Democrats, chief among them being Jimmy Peluso, whose own candidacy was inevitable until Phillips jumped in. Peluso has fought to represent Riverside, having run a strong campaign for what was then District 14 in 2015. Peluso is a rising star among local Democrats, and he’s been running aggressively since summer 2022. While Phillips has certainly come in hot, drawing many fresh eyes in the process, Peluso remains the closest thing this race has to a frontrunner largely due to the fact he’s been running in parts of the district for half a decade.
Kim Pryor is a solid sleeper candidate. Her “Pryorities” (great branding, by the way) reflect her long standing connection to Springfield, whose political fortunes are now tied to those of Riverside, thanks to redistricting. This election is kinda like a shotgun wedding between very different communities, and the eventual winner will spend much of their time playing counselor for this arranged marriage.
Joseph Hogan is the only Republican in the race, but he brings a political pedigree, being the son of Mike Hogan. His father held a variety of positions in local and state government, including eight years on the Jacksonville City Council, four years in Florida House, eight years as Duval County Tax Collector and eight years as Duval County Supervisor of Elections, a tenure that ends in July. He also narrowly lost to Alvin Brown in the 2011 mayoral race, the closest in Jacksonville’s history.
Parrish King is the only person running NPA (no party affiliation) in this
Jacksonville’s new City Council maps may bring more change to City Hall than anyone ever expected.
race, but his politics lean strongly libertarian. He is probably the most avowedly outsider candidate to qualify for any election in the current cycle, and he brings a bit of mirth to a process that’s generally humorless. In an effort to provide the most balanced view on this race, we offered interviews to candidates. Only Phillips was recorded. I prepared a list of questions for all the candidates. Some of the questions were the same for all, while others were tailored to areas of specific interest. Hogan and Pryor opted not to participate, but the full interviews with Peluso and King are included in this issue. The full interview with Phillips can be found at folioweekly.com.
The role of fundraising in local elections is, frankly, way overhyped. The idea that interest follows the money, to the cent, is a fiction cultivated by political media, which is the main beneficiary of these funds, in the form of flacks, fixers, handlers, strategists, consultants. (The coverage of the mayoral race reflects such bias, as local media fixates on the petty bickering between LeAnna Cumber and Daniel Davis, while mostly ignoring Donna Deegan, who was first to declare for the race, and who is better-known than both her competitors, combined.) Money is not nearly as key a factor in the council races, but it’s actually somewhat instructive here, since the political dynamics of this newly formed district are still being defined in real time. The most recent disclosures show Peluso slightly ahead of Phillips with both well over $100,000 raised, Pryor way back with about $15,000, while Hogan and King have yet to break $10,000.
“This is the second time that I’ve ever had to raise money, and it’s super awkward,” Phillips said. The first time was a multi-year effort for Real Men Wear Pink, an affiliate of the American Cancer Society, which ultimately led to Phillips briefly wearing a pink mustache. “There’s certainly some conflict in that because I’m also for campaign finance reform. You’re darned if you do and darned if you don’t, to some extent, because you gotta get out there, you gotta send mailers, canvassing, yard signs, all of that costs money. As a pre-candidate, I didn’t understand why they needed to raise $200,000 for a $45,000 a year job. That’s a crazy situation, and then you extrapolate that to the mayor’s race, and you’re talking about millions.”
“We, as a family, made the decision that we could self-fund this campaign,” he adds, “That can be a dirty word, but let’s look at statistics. With the housing crisis, with inflation, with the crime and joblessness in some communities, a lot of people just can’t afford to give me five dollars. They can vote to decide if the investment in me is worth it.”
According to the most recent demographic analysis by the Supervisor of Elections Office from November 2022, District 7 has 44,328 registered voters. This only ranks 10th among the 14 regular council districts, but the numbers don’t reflect the district’s sheer physical size. District 7 runs as far north as Martin Luther King Boulevard, and as far south as Ortega, as far east as the Mathews Bridge, and as far west as Cassat Avenue. The space in between encompasses much of the Northside, Eastside, Westside, Downtown, Brooklyn, LaVilla, Riverside, Avondale, Ortega, Murray Hill, the stadium and entertainment district, the entire Northbank Riverwalk, and six of the city’s nine bridges. The official legal description of its boundaries runs 672 words. It’s a massive, unwieldy labyrinth of races, religions, nationalities and general cultural cues. It’s majority-Black, majority-female, and 60% Democrat. This new District 7 is a rare slam dunk for local progressives, but the logistics will surely prove problematic to whomever
ultimately wins this race.
“The thing about me,” said Phillips, “is I stand eye to eye with millionaires and billionaires in my practice, but I stand eye to eye with people who have their backs against the wall. I have represented—and united—both. I’m a different voice. I’ve had so many arrows in my back, some deserved, that I don’t care anymore. I’m not beholden to anyone. I don’t need donors, but I want them!”
A substantial uncertainty in this race will be whether anyone utilizes the services of Tim Baker or gets the Lenny Curry and Brian Hughes endorsement. Phillips said, “Mayor Curry publicly called me a media whore and a chump for simply asking him about Kent Stermon, corruption and nepotism in Jacksonville. It’s not personal, but I don’t want their support.” Phillips then loosely referred to the “Curry-Crat” in the race and directed us to many friendly exchanges between Peluso, Curry and his allies, including tweets by Peluso praising Curry’s handling of Confederate monuments. Phillips points out this will be perhaps the most important case of his life and one where his enemies will be actively working with Peluso because he is the favorite and is close friends with Rory Diamond and others who have run around city hall.
The first election is scheduled for Tuesday, March 21. As always with local elections, the top two vote-getters will then face off in the General Election, scheduled for Tuesday, May 16. It’s anyone’s guess who will claim those two spots, but it seems clear that no candidate will be able to score the 51% total needed to obviate the runoff and take the seat outright. Whether Phillips wins or not is entirely uncertain, but we know that, win, lose or draw, he’ll get up before the crack of dawn the next morning and get back to work, as he’s done for years. The only question is, what job will he do next?
You’re running NPA, but do you have a general party affiliation?
No. I typically vote Republican these days, as a safer vote. I voted for Obama twice. I voted for Yang in the primaries because of his stance on circumcision. I’m for women’s rights over their body. As I’m for men’s rights over their body, specifically at birth, but that’s a little advanced for the average American. The left is becoming too soft and weird. The right can be close-minded and slow. We’re way ahead of these parties. Time will tell.
Who were your last choices for mayor, governor and president?
For mayor, I voted for Lenny Curry. The guy who kept Jacksonville free during the pandemic. Who brought Street League Skateboarding here, the UFC, and made building the skatepark under the Fuller Warren bridge in Riverside by the world’s premier skate park builder a NECESSITY in the park budget plans. For governor, DeSantis. For president, Trump. Once again, these guys aren’t on my level. These guys are not my leaders. The lesser of two lames.
Who is your pick to be the next mayor?
I’m picking Al Ferraro currently. This can change obviously. He has a humble, trustworthy vibe about him and carries himself well at the council meetings. Runner ups are Omega Allen and Daniel Davis. Still undecided.
What are the general advantages and disadvantages of running NPA in a city where party affiliation is such a big deal?
Well, 25% of ALL registered voters in Jacksonville are registered NPA! That’s a lot. They just need a guy they can get behind. Advantages are people don’t slam the door as hard when they find out you’re not a member of their party.
Is your campaign a “serious” campaign? Do you really want to win or just shake things up a bit?
LOL. I love this question. I really want to win. I’m prepared to win. But I get it. LOL. I’m calling my opponents and critics out to a friendly cage fight. I’m not concerned about who I offend. I call out religions. I call out hospitals. I call out corruption. I have no professional help. I’m self- funded. I’m running because I know for certain I’m the best possible candidate. Realistically it’s a long shot to win. This is about principles and my own personal conscience, as well as potentially winning. Of course I’m going to shake things up a bit. Let the people know Parrish King is out here. And build my base for what’s to come.
How do you overcome the fundraising disadvantage?
With local elections, we have the ability to reach out to every single home in our district. I’m like $6,500 in so far of my own money, and I’m not begging anyone for money. No one has hit the streets harder than me. I know many of you have gotten my door hangers or flyers I passed out personally. I work all day, then pass out flyers. Almost everyday. I would have the entire district canvased, but the redistricting delayed my game plan. Some neighborhoods may be left out.
Are there any of the other candidates that you find completely unacceptable?
LOL. “Folio” trying to start some beef? We share a common goal, so for that it’s all love. My primary critique is, they’re not me. I’ve had to endure immense struggles, poverty and hopelessness. My mom and little sister have been put out on the streets from evictions multiple times. We’ve stayed at Hubbard House. My aunt’s house over and over. I rode the city bus for years. I’ve eaten many meals at Sulzbacher. Everything that comes with addiction in the family. But the poor continue to vote for rich liberals, who’ve never endured actual struggle, and can’t solve their issues. Another critique is that we have grown adults here, running for office, who haven’t figured out we live in a genital cutting culture, separate from the rest of the developed world. Like little bots walking around, without any critical thinking skills.
“They know, deep down, subconsciously... there’s a new King in town.” CM
How would you describe the current physical boundaries of District 7 to the casual reader?
The District goes from Ortega, to Riverside-Avondale, Murray Hill, Mixon Town, New Town, EWU, Springfield, Eastside, Brooklyn and Downtown.
How dramatically have the boundaries for the district changed because of the redistricting?
Substantially. We are now in a more compact and Democratic leaning seat that is far more diverse. The district contains all of the oldest neighborhoods in Jacksonville, many of which have not received much funding in years. To have such a mix of both wealthy and historically disadvantaged neighborhoods will mean this is a seat with very different needs.
What sets your candidacy apart from the others?
As someone who works in government affairs (I am both a registered state and city lobbyist), it means I understand a lot about our local government that my opponents may not. I am also on a number of boards throughout the County: Changing Homelessness Continuum of Care Board, Northeast Florida Literacy Alliance, Veterans Council of Duval County, Memorial Park Association and the Riverside Avondale Preservation Committee on Infrastructure. Sitting on these boards have been enlightening and helped shape my policies and relationships. I’m eager to bring my knowledge and policy focus to City Hall.
How have you evolved as a politician since your last campaign? What was the most important thing you learned?
The idea of being a “politician” feels so wrong. However, the most important thing I learned was to do a lot of work before ever thinking of running again. I had no intention of running until Councilwoman DeFoor said she wouldn’t run again (back when I lived in D14). During that time, I had been working for years on the boards listed above and in the community. Both Councilwoman DeFoor and Sunny Gettinger taught me the value of being involved without it being political. It feels much more freeing to do good work in the community without thinking politics are in play, and when the D14 seat randomly opened up, people immediately asked me to run. And as mentioned before, sitting on those several boards helped guide the policies that my campaign is pursuing.
Does the overall chaos among Florida Dems in 2022 have a negative impact on local elections in 2023?
I think that it could, especially in May. I fear the Florida Democratic Party is low on resources, whereas the RPOF and DeSantis are quite flush. Though if this race becomes a referendum on DeSantis (you know he’ll end up endorsing the emerging R for Mayor) being able to call in national figures, such as Senator Warnock, Michelle Obama, and President Obama could make this a key race in Florida. It’s unfortunate we don’t have major state leaders who can encourage voter turnout, but at the national level we have some heavy hitters.
Who’s your pick for mayor this year?
Donna Deegan. Though as someone who worked for Senate Victory in 2018 to push for a Democratic majority that would install Senator Gibson as Senate President, I have a lot of respect and admiration for her.
What kind of voter turnout do you expect to see in March?
In the City? Perhaps as high as 33%. In District 7? Likely less.
What areas do you consider your current base of support? In what areas do you need to see more growth?
I live in Riverside-Avondale and I hope to do well there.
How important is the active duty and veteran military vote in this district, and the city in general? What percentage of the voters are military? How did the redistricting alter those proportions?
I don’t really know how large the percentage is in the new D7, but I believe the City’s electorate might be 15-17% veteran.
First: February 21, 2023
General: April 17, 2023
Deadline to Request a Ballot to be Mailed
First: March 11, 2023
General: May 6, 2023
Early Voting
First: March 6, 2023 - March 19, 2023
General: May 1, 2023 - May 14, 2023
Election Dates
First: March 21, 2023
General: May 16, 2023
On Jan. 26, 2017, the world stopped moving for Latasha Hobbs when she lost her 18-year-old son, Maurice Hobbs, to a fatal gunshot wound. For six years, this case has run cold. For six years, Latasha has fought tirelessly for gun safety and education. For six years, Latasha has been trying to navigate through her grief while still fighting for her son’s life, fighting for her daughters’ lives and fighting to stay afloat.
On the night of Jan. 26, only two days after Maurice’s 18th birthday, Latasha was driving through Southside Estates to pick her son up from a friend’s house. On the way, Latasha approached a fork in the road. Not knowing where to turn, she called her son for directions. After a quick phone call and an exchange of “I love yous,” Latasha turned right. Soon after, she heard a gunshot. At that very moment, Latasha had no doubt in her mind, she knew who was in front of the gun. She called her son repeatedly but to no avail. Maurice was shot and killed only a few blocks from his mother.
“I felt something that I had never felt before,” Latasha explained. “I believe at the moment of his harm, what I couldn’t identify at that time, I now know. At that very moment is when he began to live through me.”
A painfully beautiful moment shared between a mother and a son whose bond is so powerful it transcends the physical world. Something that is not meant to be explained or described. Something solely for Latasha and Maurice.
When Latasha lost her only son, rather than letting the gut-wrenching grief and suffering take over, she found purpose in her pain. She used it to push herself forward. She knew her son would want her to fight back, to fight the horrific gun violence that continues to go unaddressed in Jacksonville (and around the country.)
“I didn’t have a choice to walk this journey,” Latasha continued. “But I do have the choice to make a difference. I owe justice and change to my son.”
Latasha wasted no time hitting the streets of Jacksonville advocating for gun safety education. She found herself in high-crime neighborhoods talking to youths and their parents, praying she can prevent another family from embarking on the journey she now finds herself on. She has attended City Council meetings and rallies and has poured her heart out at the State Capitol.
“His fight is my life,”
When you ask her why she does it? The answer is simple. For love. For the unwavering love, she has for her three children. For her grandsons and nephews. For the families who have gone through similar tragedies. For the strangers she meets every day. Latasha is driven by love, a mother’s love.
“[A mother’s love] is something magical and indescribable,” Latasha said. “It’s a bond between a mother and a child that can never be severed. It’s endless. My son lives and breathes through me.” Many of Latasha’s friends tell her, “There are mothers who love their children and then there’s you.” A mother who will never stop fighting. A mother who lost her son but didn’t lose her way. Someone who needed to be there for her two grieving daughters while trying to grieve herself.
Kienna Hobbs was only 15 years old when she lost her big brother; Chyann Hobbs was 19. There are no words in the English language to describe the feeling of losing a brother or son, but the Hobbs family was in this together. They had each other to lean on for support. In the shock of it all, when Latasha was broken and lost, Chyann became the glue that held the family together. She pushed for her mother to get up and fight back, which is exactly what Latasha did.
“I love my children with every fiber of my being. When you’re a mom, you no longer live for yourself, you live and breathe for your kids,” Latasha explained. “But this journey doesn’t come with a guide or a manual. You don’t know what to expect. You don’t know how each member of your family is going to manage their own pain. You just have to love each other through it. It’s a very forgiving journey. You have to be willing to forgive.”
Latasha believes the bond between her and her son is so powerful because of a heartbreaking experience they shared in the early years of Maurice’s life. Something no person wishes to go through, let alone a mother with her three children.
In 2004, the unspeakable happened. Being a single mother of three, Latasha had become a target for a home invasion, and to Latasha’s dismay, the man who broke in was no stranger to the family. During the horrific incident, Latasha was tied up, sexually assaulted and brutally beaten; all while her three children were hiding inside the house. She believed this was her time, that there was nothing she could do to escape her fate, that is, until 3-year-old Maurice came charging at the grown man with a kitchen fork in hand screaming for him to get off his mommy. Seeing her baby boy show such bravery triggered something inside of her. With the perpetrator’s hands still around her neck (and distracted by Maurice’s appearance), she managed to wrangle herself out from under him and yelled for her daughters to call the police.
“I think at that point when I had no more air, my children’s lives started to flash before my eyes. At that moment, this power came over me. I was able to break free from my ties and I was able to fight back.”
Latasha thinks of this moment when she is out advocating for gun safety. She thinks of her hero Maurice when she is fighting for his justice. She thinks of her two daughters who have to live in a world where gun violence robbed them of their brother and the mother they once knew.
“I’m still here,” Latasha explained. “I just want them [Kienna and Chyann] to know how much I love them. The connection we have is infinite. I know I put a lot of time and effort into Maurice, but I am a forever mom of three. The love I have for my daughters and my son will last to infinity and beyond.”
CARMEN: Ambar and I have been working together for seven months and within those seven months we realized … We are the exact same person. We aren’t the only people who had this aha moment. Our coworkers confuse us all the time. So we decided to take our combined minds and create a column where we are going to be talking about everything.
AMBAR : Literally everything. From social experiments to conspiracy theories. Music, art and entertainment. You name it, and we are going to talk about it and be as real as possible with our one shared brain cell.
CARMEN: For our first go-round we decided to go all out. Have you ever heard of pheromones?
AMBAR: According to trusty, dusty Google, pheromones are a naturally released molecule, widely used by invertebrates for mating. The release of pheromones often signals a specific response, and in recent years, pheromone spray has been fabricated and used for attracting the opposite or same sex.
CARMEN: So, we put it to the test. We decided to buy some pheromone spray off Amazon and hit the beach bars. Obviously, we had to control the experiment, so we enlisted fellow writer and friend Molly Britt to be our guinea pig … while we observed the results.
AMBAR: For the first hour, Molly was pheromone spray free. We wanted to see what her natural pheromones would attract. And after the hour was up, we would lather her … literally, lather her in pheromone spray.
CARMEN: Without the enhanced power of pheromones, Molly’s first victim was a fossil of a man. Maybe it was the beautiful rendition of “Come Together” by the Beatles that brought this unlikely pair together.
AMBAR: Then for the rest of the first hour, Molly was more engaged with the basketball game on TV than anything else.
CARMEN: After the hour was up, we stole Molly from the bar, covered her in pheromones, and sent her to the dance floor. Within the first five minutes, her fossil was back. I’m telling you, repeat offender.
AMBAR : I would also like to note that Carmen put on pheromone spray, slightly compromising our experiment.
CARMEN: I wanted to see if my boyfriend would put the moves on later. (He did).
AMBAR: Anyway, back to our controlled subject. Molly went to the bar to grab another drink.
CARMEN: In comes flannel guy! We loved the flannel guy.
AMBAR: They seemed to hit off and spoke for about 15 minutes, but then Molly had to scamper off to the restroom. Leaving flannel guy all to his lonesome. I think he went off in search of her, but by this time Molly was out on the back patio.
CARMEN: In comes the blue polo guy!
AMBAR: We were outside watching some guys play cornhole, naturally, and the blue polo guy promised to win for Molly. But, alas, he lost… losing Molly in the process. I think he was too distracted by her presence, and it messed up his game. On to the next!
CARMEN: We all knew this time would come. There were too many pheromones in the air and Molly started to hit on me, shamelessly.
AMBAR : That did indeed happen. And I would also like to mention that it was around this time that a man started to hit on me, pheromone spray free. Shoutout JOJO (not Jojo Siwa, just a local)!
CARMEN: This is about two hours into our experiment, it was getting pretty late and the pheromones were working so my boyfriend and I went home… if you know what I mean. ;)
AMBAR: After Carmen left, Molly ran into her next and final victim … tattoo/firefighter guy. Now they really seemed to be hitting it off. Chatting for 30 minutes or so. This guy was practically on his hands and knees begging for Molly’s number, so she caved and gave it to him.
CARMEN : I wonder if there will be a first date on the horizon?
AMBAR: I hope so. He was a cutie.
So we ask you, did the pheromone spray work? Or was it the increased amount of alcohol in everyone’s bloodstream? What do you think?
Words by Molly Britt
Oysters, pineapple, dark chocolate…we have all been there, trying to find out the truth if these foods actually do stimulate a sexual desire or drive. I know you have, so do not try and deny it (wink, wink). Well, we are about to jump into the deep end of aphrodisiacs to find out the truth so you don’t have to…unless you want to.
Aphrodisiacs are defined as any food or drug that arouses the sexual instinct, induces venereal desire, and increases pleasure and performance. According to wellness dietitian and author Elaine Magee, “No food has been scientifically proven to stimulate the human sex organs. But foods and the act of eating can suggest sex to the mind, which in turn can help stimulate desire in the body.” The aim is to find certain foods that stimulate your senses.
While there is no proven scientific evidence of foods stimulating the human body’s sexual organs, they can have an effect on the way your mind reacts to them and actually create desire.
“Desire is physical, psychosocial and relational, and involves a lot of variables,” Nan Wise, neuroscientist, sex therapist and relationship specialist told BBC.com. “If you believe food increases desire, the psychology of the placebo effect affects our capacity to get turned on or off.” In other words, it’s all about context.
At this point, the placebo effect is in play more than any real physiological reaction, but if it produces the same result, who are we to say aphrodisiacs don’t work?
That said, there are five types of aphrodisiacs. 1) Foods that create warmth and moisture. They signify a “heated” passion vs. cold foods signifying a “chilling” passion. 2) Foods that look like sexual organs (every eggplant emoji user’s favorite). I guess eating an oyster or a carrot in front of your significant other can be a turn on if you can do it without laughing. 3) Reproductive organs like fish roe, bird eggs, and animal genitals. All I would be able to think is “I’m eating an animal’s ‘hoo-hah’...ouch” but to each their own. 4) Exotic and rare foods, like when cocoa first became popular. 5) Foods that stimulate the senses in a pleasurable way.
What is funny to note is that most foods have been thought to be an aphrodisiac at one time or another. Vegetables were considered to stimulate sexual desire and increase sperm count, while fruits like pears and apples were seen as erotic. Seeded fruits were seen as the “seeds of fertility,” and oysters were thought to contribute to many sexual exploits and desires.
Aztecs once believed chocolate was a powerful aphrodisiac. In the 1980s scientists actually discovered a chemical in chocolate called
phenylethylamine, which acts as a central nervous system stimulant present in the human brain thought to help arouse emotions. However, the body actually absorbs very little of the chemical from chocolate so it cannot affect us.
Throughout the centuries things like spices and potatoes were believed to be aphrodisiacs simply because they were new and people did not know how to react to them. Certain foods have been considered “sexy” just based on their textures, like foods that are smooth, rich, creamy, exotic and spicy.
Now I hate to crush your bubble of sexy foods to eat with your significant other, but the real reason this idea has survived for so long is simply because it draws people in with fancy promises, like many other things. Unsolicited opinion, but maybe if aphrodisiacs are all you are counting on to stimulate you and your significant other, you should see someone, not eat something. BUT if this is just for fun, keep at it. Who am I and tons of scientists to tell you not to have fun in the bedroom?
like a regular sudoku, but instead of using numbers, use the letters B-O-Y-LA-N (for Jacksonville City Councilor Michael Boylan) to fill each row, column and box.
Solve this
Thank you for your podcast. You both are so real and fun. One day I hope to meet someone like Shari to be my sidekick.
I did have someone until recently. I’m 52 years old and she is 44. We got along great at first and then seemingly out of nowhere [she] developed a disdain toward me that sometimes turned physical. She started to judge everything I did. She had opinions on everything. Nothing was off base to her. She had something to say about my friends, if I took a nap, what time I walked the dog, everything I did in the house and the big no-no, she started to tell me how to do my job of 17 years.
At first I let all of this slide. Chalking it up to she was having a bad day. But one day I had enough and told her to get out of my shit. That’s when she got violent by verbally assaulting me and throwing things. I wasn’t sure how to handle the outbursts so I just left the house. I’m thinking that was the wrong move. In choosing not to fight she decided that this would now become her normal behavior.
Years ago Terry said on this big show, “You have to ask yourself if you want to live the rest of your life like this?” It stuck into my head for some reason, so I put some serious thought into it and made the decision to ask for a divorce. Now that that war is over she takes every moment she can to bash me to our friends and on social media.
Do you think this will ever end? I fear she will get violent if I challenge her on her antics.
Ian W. St Augustine, FLTERRY: I’m so sorry to hear about your divorce. But it seems like a great decision, even though I now feel somewhat responsible.
SHARI: Good job, Ian! Glad to hear you ditched her. It sounds like your relationship was pretty toxic.
TERRY: So we all agree on that. This is a good start. I have personally seen this play 1,000 times. The jilted one acting out trying to make the other look bad. When you’re in it, it seems like it’s the end of the world. In reality, your ex just looks crazy, and everyone in question is happy for you.
SHARI: I think she’s lonely and secretly wishes she was still with you, Ian. Why else can’t she move on with her life?
TERRY: She has issues, and everyone is tired of hearing about them. If you’re responding to her in any way, I would stop. Don’t try to reason with her. Don’t do any damage control with your friends because that will get back to her and she will only continue.
SHARI: I agree. If she knows she’s getting a reaction from you, she’ll just keep it up. Even negative attention is attention. Ghost her and eventually she will lose interest. As for your friends, every time she bad mouths you, she makes herself look bad. Your true friends know that you’re not the person she thinks. Hang tough!
TERRY: Yes! Shari nailed it. Zero contact and zero reaction. It may get a little worse before it gets better so fasten your seatbelt. If all else fails call 904-444-4444 and get a restraining order. LOL.