When looking for advice, a roadmap even, of how to prepare for a career working with an NGO such as Médecins Sans Frontières, we were left with many questions...
Realising such a document wasn’t readily available, members of Friends of Médecins Sans Frontières (FoMSF) Manchester, set out to create a concise and comprehensive document to help students and young professionals like us and like you, achieve their dreams.
And the best part is that it is completely FREE! All we ask is that if you enjoy our ebook and find it useful, that you share it with your friends, and - if you can - donate to our JustGiving link where all proceeds go directly to MSF! You can access the JustGiving link by clicking on the title or the logo on PAGE 1 of the document.
*This ebook has been written by volunteers from Friends of Médecins Sans Frontières Manchester.
We would love to hear from you with any feedback or questions! Contact us on: fomsf.mcr@gmail.com Instagram/Facebook @fomsfmanc