Photo Contest 2021 Fondation de Luxembourg

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PHOTO CONTEST 2021 Vote for your favourite picture!


Our beneficiary partners were asked to send us their best photos demonstrating the impact of their engagement, or what they hope to achieve with the support of the foundations under the aegis of Fondation de Luxembourg. An independent jury, chaired by Delphine Munro, Head of Arts & Culture at the European Investment Bank, has pre-selected 30 pictures among all those received. These pictures are presented on the following pages.

Beneath each photo you will find the project description, the name of the beneficiary partner, the location of the project, as well as the name of the foundation that has supported it.

VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE PICTURE BY CLICKING ON THE PHOTO! Please select your favorite picture from the following categories: Biodiversity & Climate Change Culture & Diversity Health & Science Poverty Reduction & Social Cohesion Universal Education The 10 winning photos (two from each category with the most votes) will be published in the Fondation de Luxembourg’s 2020 Annual Report. For any further information about the photos, please feel free to contact us at

Biodiversity & Climate Change

Promotion of climate adaptation and mitigation practices to enhance livelihoods of vulnerable communities, India Aide à l’Enfance de l’Inde et du Népal The Mangrove Foundation

Improving infrastructure at a primary school, Senegal

PADEM Fondation Enovos

Biodiversity & Climate Change

Economic empowerment of local women: Micro-entrepreneur Pétronilla transforms manioc into Chikwangue, Democratic Republic of Congo Louvain Coopération The Mangrove Foundation

Reforestation: raising awareness of the environment, Democratic Republic of Congo Louvain Coopération The Mangrove Foundation

Biodiversity & Climate Change

Indigenous men delivering emergency supplies in the Amazonas, Brazil Casa Social-Environmental Fund Wild Flowers Foundation

Spawning grounds and nature experience in the Grote Netewoud, Belgium Natuurpunt Beheer Fondation Campine Vivante

Culture & Diversity

Vespasien on horseback, painted enamel plate attributed to Jean Limosin (c.1528-1610), France Musée du Louvre Fondation La Marck

“Rentrée Culturelle” in Esch sur Alzette, Luxembourg

Kulturpass/Cultur’all asbl Fondation Enovos

Culture & Diversity

Group sessions and workshops: Bullying, Cyber-bullying, and the lockdown, Luxembourg La Main Tendue Asbl Angela Fondation Marienburg

Reaching great heights: restoring the main organ at the Notre Dame de Luxembourg cathedral Kierchefong/Fabrique d’Eglise Cathédrale Fondation Notre Dame

Culture & Diversity

French historian Pierre Birnbaum speaking at the conference «La leçon de Vichy. Une histoire personnelle», Luxembourg Institut Pierre Werner Fondation Candida

Health and Science

Laura, “Warrior”, photographed underwater in Paros, Greece as a demonstration of "Rebirth" Warriors Against Cancer Fondation Alijul

Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Bethlehem, West Bank

Caritas Baby Hospital Fondation Hope

Health and Science

Everyday life with a guide dog, Luxembourg Chiens guides d’Aveugles au Luxembourg Fondation Josée Wolter-Hirtt

Music connects, Germany Kinder- und Jugendhospiz Balthasar Annen Stiftung

Health and Science

EpiShuttle for highly infectious patient transport, Luxembourg Luxembourg Air Rescue a.s.b.l. Fondation COVID-19

Students at Saint Boniface college, Inclusive Education for visually-impaired children, Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo Light for the World Belgium Fondation Dr. C Moitzheim

Poverty Reduction & Social Cohesion

Syrian refugee, Salam, adapting to her new prosthetic leg, Jordan Handicap International Fondation Liberté

Bibliobus: Raising awareness for the environment, Cambodia SIPAR Fondation Mosaïque

Poverty Reduction & Social Cohesion

The «car à vrac» (bulk wagon) an itinerant community grocery store, France Association L’ELFE Fondation Jeankerber

Women producing masks and soap to protect community members from the virus, Niger CARE in Luxembourg a.s.b.l. Stiftung Pflanzen für Menschen

Poverty Reduction & Social Cohesion

Supporting mother and children’s healthcare, Democratic Republic of Congo Handicap International Fondation Jos et Mimieke

Hug from afar – Chilean outreach team, South Africa

Joseph Project The Micah 6:8 Foundation

Poverty Reduction & Social Cohesion

Enjoying the color at a youth programme, Spain Fundación Young Life The Covenant Foundation

Universal Education

Summer workshop in pandemic times, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg UP_FOUNDATION Eduq Foundation

Ecole Kokoro II, Bangui, Central African Republic

SOS Villages D’Enfants Monde ATOZ Foundation

Universal Education

“Outside the classroom”, Building schools on the remote river “Inspiration”, Improving access to education for vulnerable communities on the remote river islands of the islands of the Brahmaputra and Jamuna Rivers, Bangladesh Brahmaputra and Jamuna Rivers, Bangladesh

Friendship Luxembourg ATOZ Foundation

Friendship Luxembourg ATOZ Foundation

Universal Education

12 year old Trésor, a polio survivor, attending his inclusive Education for all: Access to school and professional training for children and teens, Democratic Republic of Congo school and wearing his orthopaedic brace, Democratic Republic of Congo Handicap International ATOZ Foundation

CSI Luxembourg ATOZ Foundation

Photographers Name of photo Photographer Promotion of climate adaptation Françoise Binsfeld Improving infrastructure Pascal Hus Economic empowerment Isabel Carthier Reforestation Isabel Carthier Indigenous men Marcia Tenharim Spawning grounds Manu Büscher Painted enamel plate, Jean Limosin Musée du Louvre/Hervé Lewandoski Rentrée culturelle Vincenzo Cardile Group sessions Jennifer Schrank-Torzoni Reaching great heights Maurice Barnich Pierre Birnbaum Institut Pierre Werner Laura Peter De Mulder Pediatric ICU Razi Mukarker Everyday life Matthias Schmitt Music connects Kathrin Menke

Name of photo Photographer Epi’Shuttle Luxembourg Air Rescue Students at Saint Boniface college Anneleen van Kuyck Salam Said Khlaifat/Handicap International Bibliobus Rithidet Kim Car à vrac Angelique Borniche Women producing masks Moustapha Abdoulwahab Supporting mother and children’s healthcare Krel Prinsloo Hug from afar David Salida Torres Enjoying the color Ariel Esteban Summer workshop Ville d’Esch Ecole Kokoro II Conor Ashleigh Inspiration Geoffrey Poupier Outside the classroom Véronique Barbieux Trésor Thomas Freteur/Handicap International Education for all CSI Luxembourg

Thank you very much for your participation! Members of the Jury Delphine Munro – President of the Jury, Head of Arts & Culture, European Investment Bank Silvano Vidale Associate designer Vidale-Gloesener, Graphic designer, Luxembourg Nicole Wiesner Fondation de Luxembourg

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