PHOTO CONTEST 2022 Vote for your favourite picture!
Our beneficiary partners were asked to send us their best photos demonstrating the impact of their engagement, or what they hope to achieve with the support of the foundations under the aegis of Fondation de Luxembourg.
An independent jury, chaired by Delphine Munro, Head of Arts & Culture at the European Investment Bank, pre-selected 26 pictures from the submissions. These pictures are presented on the following pages.
Beneath each photo, you will find the project description, the name of the beneficiary partner, the location of the project, as well as the name of the foundation that supported it.
VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE PICTURE BY CLICKING ON THE PHOTO! Please select your favorite picture from the following categories: Biodiversity & Climate Change Culture & Diversity Health & Science Poverty Reduction & Social Cohesion Universal Education The 10 winning photos (two from each category with the most votes) will be published in the Fondation de Luxembourg’s 2021 Annual Report. For any further information about the photos, please feel free to contact us at
Biodiversity & Climate Change
Jagaran: Women participating in the Farmer Field School, where they learn climate adaptation practices, Nepal Aide à l’Enfance de l’Inde et du Népal The Mangrove Foundation
Production of organic detergent, Mayotte
Yes We Can Nette Akuo Foundation
Biodiversity & Climate Change
Misolia with her elder brother Megia in the garden learning climate-smart agriculture, Zambia
Kindernothilfe Luxembourg Stiftung Pflanzen für Menschen
Collection of food waste in Strasbourg, France
Sikle – Les Composteurs de Strasbourg Fondation PRAIRIAL
Culture & Diversity
Digita Vaticana: digitization of Vatican manuscripts, Vatican City
Vatican Apostolic Library
Fondation Avita Novare
Sudanese refugee friendship, Luxembourg/France
Martine Pinnel Fondation ETE
Culture & Diversity
View of the exhibition William Kentridge: More Sweetly Play the Dance, Luxembourg MUDAM The Loo & Lou Foundation
Djammo Djammo brings together youth and the elderly through music, Luxembourg
Fondation EME Fondation Marienburg
Culture & Diversity
Improvisation workshop at the Chateau Beauchêne, France
Creative Dialogue France
Maire and Carl Gustaf Ehrnrooth Foundation
Dance battle at the Centre Culturel Les Etoiles de Jamaa Elfna, Marrakech, Morocco
Fondation Ali Zaoua Fondation pour l'éducation et la santé PIOU REDO
Health and Science
Bio monitoring by spectrometric analysis of hair, Luxembourg Luxembourg Institue of Health Fondation COVID-19
Spa time for cancer survivors, France Siel Bleu Fondation Engeleefer, Fondation PRAIRIAL
Health and Science
Little girl tutored at the hospital, Lebanon
Myschoolpulse Fondation Josée Wolter - Hirtt
Mother-and-child clinic in the Burj al Barajneh refugee camp, Lebanon Médecins Sans Frontières Fondation Liberté
Health and Science
Handi’chiens project at the «Beim Goldknapp» care home, Luxembourg Association Luxembourg Alzheimer Fondation Wivine
Poverty Reduction & Social Cohesion
Animal therapy in the prison environment, France
Association Evi’dence Fondation Alliances du Vivant
Joseph: South Africa’s first blind barista, South Africa Innovation for the Blind The Covenant Foundation
Poverty Reduction & Social Cohesion
Women attending tailoring training to become financially independent, Nepal
Aide à l’Enfance de l’Inde et du Népal Fondation Engeleefer
Garbage collection at sites currently inhabited by indigenous children and youth, Guatemala Bischöfliche Aktion Adveniat e.V. Maßvoll Stiftung
Poverty Reduction & Social Cohesion
Girls from nomadic families receiving feminine hygeine products, Mongolia
UNICEF Luxembourg Maßvoll Stiftung
Mother and child being treated at the health centre, Niger
CARE in Luxembourg a.s.b.l. Stiftung Pflanzen für Menschen
Universal Education
Back to school, Bangladesh
Friendship Luxembourg ATOZ Foundation
Hospitality training at the «Birdhouse», Switzerland
Fondations Apprentis d’Auteuil International Eduq Foundation
Universal Education
The Bibliobus: providing reading materials to children, Cambodia SIPAR Fondation Mosaïque
First day of training, Bangladesh
Friendship Luxembourg Nurturing Dignity Foundation
Universal Education
Elisa, volunteering for Amitié Am Sand-Amizero, Rwanda
Amitié Am Sand-Amizero Vera Nijs & Jens Erik Rosborg Foundation
Photographers Name of photo Photographer Jagaran Shabir Shrestha Lessive bio Yes We Can Nette Misolia Kindernothilfe Déchets alimentaires Lucia Palenzuela Digita Vaticana Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana Maw & Marco Martine Pinnel William Kentridge Marion Dessard Djammo Djammo Fondation EME, Sébastien Grébille Improvisation workshop Muriel von Braun Battle de dance Imane Birdaha , Ossama Mazouze Analyse spectrométrique Eric Chenal, LIH Mise en Beauté ! Sébastien Goua
Tutoring in hospital Myschoolpulse
Name of photo Photographer Burj al Barajneh Sophie Mueller Câlins Association Luxembourg Alzheimer Sunny Sabine Zinck Joseph Sharon Truter Photography
Tailoring Shabir Shrestha Müllsammler Achim Pohl Articles sanitaires Odontungalag Buyanjargal, UNICEF Mongolia Hadiza Zara Djibo, CARE Back to school Véronique Barbieux
Dressage Table Fondations Apprentis d’Auteuil International Bibliobus Molika Sok
First day of training Suman Ghosh Rwanda Elisa Bertrand
Thank you very much for your participation! Members of the Jury
Delphine Munro – President of the Jury, Head of Arts & Culture, European Investment Bank Silvano Vidale Associate designer Vidale-Gloesener, Graphic designer, Luxembourg Nicole Wiesner Fondation de Luxembourg