5 minute read




Naamsestraat 96 3000 Leuven

Cinema ZED-Vesalius

A. Vesaliusstraat 9c 3000 Leuven

17u30 The Personal History of David Copperfield 20u00 Rocks


Woe 7 oktober

17u30 20u00

Shirley Cunningham 14u30 The Secret Garden 15u00 De wraak van de Ninja 17u00 Misbehaviour 17u30 M – eine Stadt sucht ein Mörder 19u30 On the Rocks 20u00 Corpus Christi 21u30 Relic 22u15 Tenet

Woe 14 oktober

17u00 20u30 14u30 15u00 17u00 17u30 19u30 19u45 21u30 22u00

Berlin Alexanderplatz Hope The Secret Garden De wraak van de Ninja Misbehaviour Casablanca QT8: The First Eight Babyteeth Misbehaviour Tenet

Woe 21 oktober

17u30 20u00 14u30 15u00 17u00 17u30 19u30 20u00 21u30 22u00

Germany Anno Zero Hope The Secret Garden De wraak van de Ninja Babyteeth Misbehaviour Lara I Am Greta Corpus Christi On the Rocks

Woe 28 oktober

17u30 20u00 14u30 15u00 17u00 17u30 19u30 20u00 21u45 22u15

Hope Berlin Alexanderplatz Zussen De wraak van de Ninja Undine The Big Heat Corpus Christi Drunk ADN I Am Greta Lara Capital in the 21st Century Babyteeth Sneak Preview Corpus Christi Misbehaviour Hope Rocks Tenet Honeyland Corpus Christi On the Rocks Relic Babyteeth Hope Cunningham Corpus Christi On the Rocks Babyteeth Relic I Am Greta Lara Hope The Painted Bird Touching Infinity Relic ADN I Am Greta Corpus Christi Drunk 17u30 Rocks 20u00 The Personal History

25.09 – 03.10.20 WWW.DOCVILLE.BE

Do 8 oktober

17u00 17u30 19u30 20u00 21u45 22u15

of David Copperfield

Vr 9 oktober

17u00 Berlin Alexanderplatz 20u30 The Personal History

17u00 17u30 19u15 20u00 21u15 22u15

Corpus Christi Relic Lara Misbehaviour Tenet On the Rocks

Do 15 oktober

17u30 20u00 17u00 17u30 19u45 20u00 22u00 22u00

17u30 20u00 17u00 17u30 19u30 20u00 21u30 22u30

Hope Berlin Alexanderplatz Babyteeth Relic I Am Greta Le père de Nafi Corpus Christi On the Rocks

Do 22 oktober

17u30 20u00 17u00 17u30 19u30 20u00 21u45 21u45

Do 29 oktober

17u30 20u00 17u00 17u30 19u30 20u00 21u15 22u00

of David Copperfield

Vr 16 oktober

Vr 23 oktober

17u00 20u30 17u00 17u30 19u30 20u00 21u15 22u15

The Painted Bird Hope Lara I Am Greta Honeyland Misbehaviour Babyteeth Relic

Vr 30 oktober

17u30 20u00 17u00 17u30 19u30 20u00 21u15 21u45

For Sama Hope Corpus Christi Drunk Touching Infinity Undine Color out of Space Relic

17u30 The Personal History of David Copperfield 20u00 Rocks

Za 10 oktober

Rocks Touching Infinity Lara Misbehaviour Tenet On the Rocks Corpus Christi The White Line Babyteeth Relic

Za 17 oktober

Cunningham Hope Lara Honeyland Babyteeth Misbehaviour Corpus Christi On the Rocks Tenet Relic

Za 24 oktober

Hope Berlin Alexanderplatz Corpus Christi Misbehaviour Touching Infinity Relic Lara On the Rocks Antebellum Misbehaviour

Za 31 oktober

For Sama Yummy 14u30 The Nightmare Before ... 15u00 I Am Greta 17u00 Antebellum 17u30 Undine 19u30 Color out of Space 20u00 Drunk 22u00 The Night of the Living Dead 22u15 Relic

15u00 17u30 10u30 11u00 14u30 15u00 17u15 17u30 19u30 20u00 22u15 22u15

Ridder Muis Rocks / 20u00 Shirley De wraak van de Ninja On the Rocks Tenet Capital in the 21st Century QT8: The First Eight On the Rocks Tenet Babyteeth Lara On the Rocks

Zo 11 oktober

15u00 17u00 20u30 10u30 11u00 14u30 15u00 17u00 17u30 19u30 20u00 21u30 22u30

Ridder Muis Berlin Alexanderplatz The Personal History of ... The Secret Garden Misbehaviour De wraak van de Ninja On the Rocks Babyteeth Misbehaviour Lara Duga QT8: The First Eight On the Rocks

Zo 18 oktober

15u00 17u30 20u00 10u30 11u00 14u30 15u00 17u00 17u30 19u30 20u00 21u45 22u15

Ridder Muis Hope Cunningham Corpus Christi De wraak van de Ninja Misbehaviour De wraak van de Ninja Corpus Christi Touching Infinity Tenet Relic QT8: The First Eight Babyteeth

Zo 25 oktober

15u00 17u00 20u30 10u30 11u00 14u30 15u00 17u00 17u30 19u30 20u00 21u45

Ridder Muis The Painted Bird Hope Babyteeth De wraak van de Ninja The Secret Garden I Am Greta Babyteeth On the Rocks Corpus Christi Misbehaviour Antebellum / 22u15 Relic

Zo 1 november

15u00 17u30 10u30 14u30 15u00


17u30 19u30 20u00 21u15 21u45

Ella Bella Bingo Hope / 20u00 For Sama Zussen / 11u00 Drunk Corpus Christi Undine ADN Drunk Touching Infinity Relic I Am Greta Undine

17u30 20u00 14u45 15u00 17u00 17u30 19u45 20u00 21u45 22u00

Lara On the Rocks Tenet Babyteeth QT8: The First Eight On the Rocks Tenet Babyteeth

Ma 12 oktober

17u30 20u00

Cunningham Rocks

14u30 Lara 15u00 Capital in the 21st Century 17u00 Tenet 17u30 On the Rocks 20u00 You Will die at Twenty 20u00 M – eine stadt sucht ein Mörder 22u15 Relic 22u30 Corpus Christi

Ma 19 oktober

17u00 20u30 14u30 15u00 17u00 17u30 19u30 20u00 21u15 22u15

The Painted Bird Hope Corpus Christi On the Rocks Tenet Touching Infinity Honeyland Casablanca Misbehaviour Lara

Ma 26 oktober

17u30 20u00 15u00 15u15 17u00 17u30 19u30 20u00 21u30 22u15

Hope Germany Anno Zero Misbehaviour Honeyland Lara Relic Antebellum Drunk Corpus Christi On the Rocks

Ma 2 november

17u30 20u00 14u30 15u00 17u00 17u30 19u30 20u00 21u45 22u00

Hope For Sama

Zussen Ella Bella Bingo Corpus Christi Undine Drunk The Big Heat Undine ADN

17u30 Rocks 20u00 The Personal History of David Copperfield

14u30 15u00 17u15 17u30 19u30 20u00 22u00 22u15

Tenet Babyteeth Lara On the Rocks Tenet Capital in the 21st Century On the Rocks QT8: The First Eight

Di 13 oktober

17u30 20u00

Rocks Berlin Alexanderplatz 10u30 Cinema Poussette: On the Rocks 14u30 Corpus Christi 15u00 On the Rocks 17u00 Babyteeth 17u30 Relic 19u30 Talking about Trees 20u00 Misbehaviour 21u45 Tenet 22u15 Relic

Di 20 oktober

17u30 20u00 14u30 15u00 17u00 17u30 19u30 20u00 21u45 22u15

Hope The Painted Bird

Lara Touching Infinity Tenet On the Rocks Misbehaviour For Sama On the Rocks Corpus Christi

Di 27 oktober

17u30 20u00 14u30 15u00 17u00 17u30 19u30 20u00 21u15 22u00

Cunningham Hope Babyteeth I Am Greta Corpus Christi Misbehaviour Touching Infinity On the Rocks Lara Relic

Di 3 november

17u00 20u45 14u30 15u00 17u00 17u30 19u30 20u00 21u15 22u00

Berlin Alexanderplatz Hope Zussen Ella Bella Bingo Touching Infinity Undine ADN I Am Greta Corpus Christi Relic

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