Fontenelle Forest Nature Discovery Day Camps 2014

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A summer's worth of fun every day.

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Fo Fontenelle ont nten e el elle le FForest ores or ess t (F (FF) F)) w welcomes elco el comes co come mes yo me you u to t a ssummer umme um m r of d me discovery issco c ve v ryy a and nd learning le ear a ning niing ng in in a place plac pl acce wh wher where e e th er thee qu q quiet ieet wi wild ld o off na natu nature ture tu re o offers ffer ff erss an u er unparalleled npar np aral ar alllle al lele led led opportunity opp op pport port po rtun unit un nitt y fo fforr yo your ur cchild hild hi ild tto o le lear learn. arn. ar r n. n Na Natu N Nature ture tu re D Discovery isco is isco cove very ve ry D Day ay Camps feature science based learning through play taught byy a co combination of feat fe eat atur uree sc ur scie ienc ie ncee ba nc b ase sed se d le lear a ni ar ning ng g tthrou hrou hr ou ugh g p lay ta la taug aught ug ght b comb omb m in mbin FF’s FF ’ss yyear-round earrea r-ro roun ro und pr und prof ofes ofe of fes eessi ssi sion ion onal al eeducators d ca du ato t rss a nd d ssummer umme um m r st me staf afff wh af ho ar a professional and staff who aree coll col co llleg lege eg ge stud st tud u en uden e ts ents t o grad adua ad ua ate tes. s A s. avee ex av expe peri pe rien ri ence en ce w orki or king ki ng w itth ch chil ildr dren n college students orr gr graduates. Allll h have experience working with children in na an no ou outd outdoor utd doo or se sett setting, ett ttin ing, ing g, a are ree eenthusiastic, ntthu n h si s as a ti t c, eenergetic, nerg ne rget rg etic et ic,, lo love ve cchildren, hiild ldre ren, re n, a and nd dh have a e av pass pa ssed ss sed db ackg ac k ro kgro kg roun und un d ch chec che ecks eec cks ks.. Ca C m staff mp st fff ccomplete ompl plete ete a o oneon e we eweek ekk ttraining rain ra inin inin ing ng passed background checks. Camp one-week sess se ssio ss ion io n an and d have have ccurrent urre ur rent re nt C PR a PR and nd d FFirst irst ir st A id ccertifications. erti er t fi ti fica ca atiion ons. s. O urr sstaff taff ta fff iiss session CPR Aid Our comm co mmit mm itte it t te ted d to p rovi ro vidi vi ding di ng yyour ourr ch ou chil ilild d wi w th h i h qu ig qual alit al ity, it y p y, o it os itiv ivve ex xpe peri rien ri e ce en c s. s. committed providing child with high quality, positive experiences. Wh het ethe herr yo he your urr cchild hild hi ld ccanoes anoe an a oess th oe thee Gr Grea e t Ma ea Mars rsh, rs h ttakes h, akes ak eess a llow ow rropes op pes ccourse ours ou rsee rs Whether Great Marsh, challenge, ch hal alle leng le ng ge, o orr bu buil builds ililds d a kkite, ds ite, it te, ee, w we’re e’re e’ re ssure u e th ur that att the they heey wi willll b bring riing h home omee om memories memo me m ries mo r ies and and kknowledge nowl no wledge w eed dgee tthat hatt will ha wiiillll last w las astt a lilife lifetime. feti fe time ti me.. me

NEW THIS YEAR!-ALL DAY CAMPS-SEE BROCHURE CHURE HURE FOR DETA DETAILS REGISTRATION SAVE $5 ON TUITION IF PAID BY MAY 12TH! Complete the registration and camper information form in this brochure and send with payment to: Fontenelle Forest Nature Discovery Day Camps 1111 Bellevue Blvd. North Bellevue, NE 68005 OR Fax to 402.731.2403 (PHONE RESERVATIONS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED) MULTIPLE ENROLLMENT DISCOUNT: When you enroll a child for more than one camp, you will receive a $5 discount on each additional camp for that child. CANCELLATION POLICY: A $40 administrative fee is charged on any cancellations with the balance refunded. Cancellations within five business days of the camp receive no refund. CHANGING CAMPS POLICY: A $25 fee is charged per camper per camp if a session change is requested after we’ve received your registration.



Save $5 per class when registered by May 12! FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FF provides a limited number of scholarships for our camps through the Bob Starr Memorial Scholarship Fund. For information about these scholarships, please call Deborah Woracek at 402.731.3140 x1016. Scholarships will be awarded after April 1, 2014, and recipients will be placed in an age-appropriate camp, if the space is available.

CAMP LOCATIONS CB Lodge – Camp Brewster main lodge CB Acorn – Camp Brewster classroom behind main lodge FFNC – Fontenelle Forest Nature Center WLC - Wetlands Learning Center Directions to all locations can be found at

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GENERAL INQUIRIES: Deborah Woracek -

grands & me

Give Gi ve yyour ourr g ou gr grandchildren ran a dc dchi hild hi ldre ld ren re n wo wond wonderful nder nd erfu er full me fu memo memories mori mo ries ri es o off sp sspecial pecia eccia al ti tim times m wi th with wi t yyou ou iin n th thee g gr great rea eatt ou outd outdoors. tdoo td doo oors rs.. W rs Wee wi w will ill llearn earn eea rn a about b u nature bou bo tthrough th hro roug oug ugh gh ga g games, ame mes, s, h s, hikes, ikes ik kes es,, an animal nim imal al vvisitors, i ittor is o s, s a and nd dm more. o e. or e Each Ea ch ssession essi es sion si o iiss lilimi on mite mi ted te d to o 112 2 ca ccamper/grandparent mper mp er/g er /g gra rand ndpa nd pare pa rent re nt tteams. eams ea ms.. ms limited Campers C Ca mp per erss sh should hou ould ld b bring rring ri ng g the their h ir o he own wn llunches. unch un ches ch ess. Sn Snac Snacks acks ac ks p provided. rovi ro vide vi ded. de d d.

Save $5 per class when registered by May 12! Ages 4 – 8


9:00a.m. - 1:00p.m. June 16 & 17 WLC OR June 18 & 19 WLC Cost: $90 members | $145 non-members Ages 4 – 8

AGES 4 TO 13


9:00a.m. - 1:00p.m. June 30 – July 2 CB Lodge *3 Days* Cost: $135 members | $190 non-members

Ages 9 – 13


9:00a.m. - 1:00p.m. July 14 & 15 WLC OR July 16 & 17 WLC Cost: $90 members | $145 non-members


Each Ea ch ssession essi sion on iiss lilimi on mitted m mi ted to o 110 0 ad a ult/ ul t/to t/ todd to ddle dd leer te team ams. am s SSnacks s. nack na ckss ck limited adult/toddler teams. provided. id ded

A TREE & ME 9:00a.m. - 10:30a.m. June 2 & 3 CB Acorn OR June 4 & 5 CB Acorn Cost: $45 members | $100 non-members Who lives in trees and why? You and your child will discover the answers, while making friends with the trees and animals found at Camp Brewster.

THINGS WITH WINGS 9:00a.m. - 10:30a.m. July 7 & 8 CB Acorn OR July 9 & 10 CB Acorn Cost: $45 members | $100 non-members From buzzing insects to soaring birds you and your child will explore the world of flying things.


Exp or Explore Expl oree na n nature ture tu re w with itth yo your ur ttoddler! od ddl d er er!! T These hese he see ssessions essi es s on si onss ar a are ree geared ge ear areed ared d ffor o cchildren or h ld hi ldre reen ag a ages ges 3 a and nd du under nder nd der a accompanied ccom cc ompa om mpa pan pani ani nied n ied b byy an n adult. adul a ad dult. ull tt.


Join us in learning about animals that come out at night while we are sleeping. Go on a day time hunt for signs of ‘night time animals’.



9:00a.m. - 10:30a.m. July 28 & 29 CB Acorn OR July 30 & 31 CB Acorn Cost: $45 members | $100 non-members

Let Le et yo your our u ffour ourr or ffive ou ive iv e ye year arr o old ld e ld explore xplo xp lore lo ore tthe he FForest. ores or est e es st. t T t. These h se hese he e ffive ive iv e da dayy sessions se ess ssio siio ons a are re for for tthose hose ho se e not nott e entering n er nt erin ing in g ki kindergarten ind nder erga er gart ga rten rt en iin n th the e fa ffalllll o off 20 2 2014. 1 Each Ea ch h ssession essi es sion si on iiss lilimi limited m te mi ted tto o 112 2 camp ccampers. ca amp mper err s. s Sn Snac Snacks a kss p ac provided. ro ovi v deed. d

BELOW YOUR TOES 8:30a.m. - 11:30a.m. June 23 – 27 CB Acorn Cost: $110 members | $165 non-members Dig into the miniature world of wigglers and crawlers that creep beneath our feet. Have a chance to get “down and dirty” with the animals who live underground. Who knows who you will meet!

CLAWS AND PAWS 8:30a.m. - 11:30a.m. June30 – July 2 CB Acorn *3 Days* Cost: $66 FF members | $121 non-members From a tiny mouse’s to the eagle’s; we look at different animals’ feet and how they move. Games, songs, and activities are included to give us a chance to move like our favorite animal.

COLOR MY WORLD 8:30a.m. - 11:30a.m. July 14 – 18 FFNC Cost: $110 members | $165 non-members Red is for ladybugs; blue is for Blue Jays; yellow is for dandelions…during this fun camp we will concentrate on a different color each day. We will learn about what animals or plants come in that color, then go outside and look for more things that color.

Save $5 per class when registered by May 12! 6

NATURE THROUGH ERIC CARLE’S EYES 8:30a.m. - 11:30a.m. July 21 – 25 CB Acorn Cost: $110 members | $165 non-members Back by popular demand, this camp will take a storyland journey through our favorite nature stories. Campers will learn about the animal featured in each story through art activities, outside explorations, and animal guests.

PUDDLE DUCKS 8:30a.m. - 11:30a.m. July 28 – Aug. 1 FFNC Cost: $110 members | $165 non-members

AGES 4 & 5

Save $5 per class when registered by May 12!

Make a big splash with us as we experience the wondrous world of water. Wading is an option so bring your old shoes and join the fun as we investigate the world of ducks and other water things. Water babies are sure to be around this wet camp!



These Th hes ese e ca camp camps mpss are mps mp a e designed ar desi de sign si gn ned e ffor or children or chi h ld dre ren n en ente entering teri te ring ri ng g kkindergarten inde in derg de rgar rg gar arte t n in te in tthe he h e ffall alll a o 2 of 2014. 014 01 14. 4. Each Ea ch h ssession essi es sion si on iiss lilimi limited m te mi ted d to to 112 2 camp ccampers. ca amp mper err s. s Sn Snac Snacks a kss p ac provided. ro ovi v deed. d

A IS FOR ANTS; B IS FOR BEETLES….S IS FOR SPIDERS 8:30a.m. - 11:30a.m. June 16 – 20 CB Acorn Cost: $110 FF members | $165 non-members We will explore the habitats around Camp Brewster as we investigate the insects, spiders, and other critters that live there. Which insects like the forest, which ones prefer the prairie or the pond…..if your child likes to go on bug hunts…this is the camp for them. On the last day we will have a ‘release party.’

NATURE DETECTIVES 8:30a.m. - 11:30a.m. June 23 - 27 WLC Cost: $110 FF members | $165 non-members Put on your detective hats and join us as we unravel the mysteries of nature by looking for animal signs, sounds, and smells. We will solve the mystery of which animals are active in the wetlands.

Save $5 per class when registered by May 12! 8

Dinosaurs Rock! 8:30a.m. - 11:30a.m. July 7 - 11 FFNC Cost: $110 FF members | $165 non-members Back by popular demand but with new will travel back in time to the Mesozoic Era and discover the wonder of these prehistoric creatures. In the great outdoors of our forest, we’ll become dinosaurs and hunt for our basic needs. We’ll play dino games, make dino costumes, create dino sounds, explore dino life cycles and fashion dino fossils.

Nifty Night Critters 8:30a.m. - 11:30a.m. July 14 – 18 CB Acorn Cost: $110 FF members | $165 non-members Whooooo is out there when we are asleep? What goes bump in the night? Delve into the mysterious world of the after dark creatures that live in the forest and prairie. Using our senses and imaginations we discover what happens when the sun goes down. Games and hikes further enhance this adventure.

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cont’d on next page


Save $5 per class when registered by May 12!

KINDERGARTEN cont’d from previous page ALL ABOUT AMPHIBIANS (AND REPTILES, TOO) 8:30a.m. - 11:30a.m. July 21 – 25 FFNC Cost: $110 FF members | $165 non-members How does a frog swallow his food? Can toads swim? How can a snake climb a tree? Is a salamander an amphibian or a reptile? These are a few of the questions you have will answered during this camp. You will discover the differences and similarities between these unique animal groups through interaction with our resident reptiles, chelonians, and amphibians.

OPEN THE DOOR, LET’S EXPLORE 8:30a.m. - 11:30a.m. July 28 – Aug. 1 CB Lodge Cost: $110 FF members | $165 non-members There are exciting secrets hidden in nature around Camp Brewster. If you love the idea of trying simple experiments and using science tools, this is the camp for you. Each day you’ll explore a different natural concept including simple plant and animal life cycles, and adaptations. Who knows what you will discover!

POND DISCOVERIES 8:30a.m. - 11:30a.m. Aug. 4 – 8 WLC Cost: $110 FF members | $165 non-members This fun camp will be delving into the underwater world of water tigers, dragonfly larvae, baby fish, etc. You will discover the incredible, exciting lives of the pond inhabitants. From the microscopic animals to the frogs around the edge… will learn about them all. Be ready to get muddy!


Each Ea ch ssession essi es sion o iiss lilimited on imi m te ted d to o 116. 6. Pa Part Participants art rtic rti icip ic ipan ip ants an ts sshould h ul ho uld d br brin bring ing in g th thei their eirr ei llunches. lu nche nc hes. he s. SSnacks n ckk s pr na prov ovid ov ided id ed. ed d. provided.

CRAZY ABOUT CRITTERS 8:30a.m. - 2:00p.m. June 2 – 6 CB Lodge Cost: $155 FF members | $210 non-members If you love animals, this is the camp for you! From reptiles & amphibians to mammals, birds, and insects….we will look at all of them up close. Learn how these creatures move, eat, and spend their days. You will have a chance to meet some of our resident educational animals during this informative week.

BOYS AT BREWSTER 8:30a.m. - 2:00p.m. June 9 – 13 CB Lodge Cost: $155 FF members | $210 non-members Bring your backpack, wear your hiking shoes, and head out to explore the forest and prairies of Camp Brewster. On the trail discover the wilds of the great outdoors. This camp is a perennial favorite; each year features new activities.

Save $5 per class when registered by May 12! 11


cont’d on next page


Camp Camps mp ps fo for or gi g girls, rls, rl s, ccamps s, amps am ps ffor or b boys, oys, oy s a s, and nd ccamps am mps ffor or a all. lll. Th Thes These ese es e camps camp ca amps mp ps ar are re fo f r ch for children hilildr dren e dr entering ntter nt erin er ing in ng 1s 1 t or 2 1st 2nd nd g grade rade ra de in in th the he fa ffalllll off 2 2014. 014. 014 01 4

1ST & 2ND GRADE cont’d from previous page

Save $5 per class when registered by May 12! GLORIOUS GIRLS 8:30a.m. - 2:00p.m. June 9 – 13 FFNC Cost: $160 FF members | $215 non-members Note: Cost includes pottery to paint and take home. Enjoy a week of hiking, discovering, and exploring the upland forest’s ridge tops and hollows. Get crafty, as this camp includes pottery to paint and take home. Have fun making new friends! HURRY! This camp fills quickly

A PLANTING WE WILL GO 8:30a.m. - 2:00p.m. June 16 – 20 FFNC Cost: $155 FF members | $210 non-members If you have a green thumb or just like to get muddy and dirty this is the camp for you. We will study how plants grow and work and then do a little planting ourselves. We will investigate the differences between a forest and a prairie from a plants’ point-of-view. Games and exploring are also included.

WETLAND WONDERS 8:30a.m. – 4:30p.m. *New this year! Full day!* June 23 – 27 WLC Cost: $225 FF members | $280 non-members Here’s an opportunity to jump feet-first into the wetlands. Come spend ALL DAY with us as we learn about the water-loving animals that call our marsh and streams home. Meet frogs, turtles, crawdads, and dragonflies. Plan to get muddy. Bring your old clothes!


it fe lt re to g ally g ood et o utsid HABITAT HAVOC July 7 -11 CB Lodge e Cost: $155 FF members | $210 non-members Everything has to have a habitat but what is a habitat? We will learn about the different habitats found at Camp Brewster. Habitats can be found in all sorts of places from the prairies to under logs in the woods. You will have a chance to explore many of them during this fast-paced week and may meet one of our educational animals.

UP, UP, AND AWAY…..THE SKY’S THE LIMIT! 8:30a.m. - 2:00p.m. July 14 – 18 WLC Cost: $155 FF members | $210 non-members This camp is back by popular demand. You will love this high-flying week of birds, bugs, and flying machines. Using hands-on experiences and experimentation, you will explore the world of wings & flight and then go outside to see the real things.

INSPECT AN INSECT 8:30a.m. – 4:30p.m. *New this year! Full day!* July 21 – 25 CB Lodge Cost: $225 FF members | $280 non-members Head, thorax, abdomen….come explore the world of insects. You will enjoy this exciting ALL Day camp as you learn all about insects, from their life cycles to how they use their senses. You will discover the important role these fascinating creatures have in the environment.

cont’d on next page 13

1ST & 2ND GRADE cont’d from previous page OH, WHAT A TANGLED WEB WE SEE… 8:30a.m. - 2:00p.m. July 28 – Aug. 1 FFNC Cost: $155 FF members | $210 non-members It will be hunter versus hunted during this week of games, activities, and adventures as you learn about the ways of the wild. You will explore food webs, chains, and the adaptations animals and plants use to survive close encounters.

A SAMPLE OF SCIENCE 8:30a.m. - 2:00p.m. Aug. 4 – 8 CB Lodge Cost: $170 members | $225 non-members This is the camp for a budding scientist! Pique your curiosity through experiments, model-making, and outdoor observations. Equipped with hand lenses and nets you will discover a whole new world of science in the forests and the prairies. The cost of this camp includes a take home Arawak Kit.

Save $5 per class when registered by May 12!

. o d o t n u f y er v s a w it d e k I li AWESOME! 14

Each limited Participants bring their Ea ach ssession e si es sion o iiss lilimi on imi m te ted d to 116. 6 Pa 6. Part rtticcip rtic pan nts sshould ho oul uld d br brin ing in g th the e lunches. provided. lu unc nche he h es.. Sn SSnacks ackks ac ks p rovi rov ro vvide vi ide ded. ded ed d.

MARSH MUSIC 8:30a.m. – 4:30p.m. *New this year! Full day!* June 2 – 6 WLC Cost: $225 members | $280 non-members From trilling toads to buzzing mosquitoes, the sounds of the wetlands will be the stars of this fun ALL DAY camp. Using their ears and imaginations, campers will have the opportunity to explore the marsh from a different perspective. You might even be part of a frog and bird chorus!

TAKE A HIKE 8:30a.m. – 4:30p.m. *New this year! Full day!* June 16 – 20 WLC Cost: $225 members | $280 non-members Grab your backpack, put on those hiking shoes, and be prepared for an ALL DAY adventure. While exploring the many floodplain trails, you will also have an opportunity to sharpen your outdoor skills, and learn about the history of the river and wetlands in Fontenelle Forest.




Thes These T Th hese e ca camp camps mpss are mp are designed desi de sg si gned gn ed ffor or children or chi h ld ldre dre ren ne en entering nte teri ring ri ing g3 3rd r or 4th grade g grad gr ade ad de in i the the he fall fal all of o 2014. 201 014. 4. Fr FFrom om e exploring xplo xp lori lo ring ri ng tthe he w wetlands etla et land la nd ds to t llearning lear le ear a n ning ni ng ga about bout bo b ut a animal n ma ni mall en engi engineers, g ne gi neer err s, s, e everyone very ve ryon ry o e wi on will ill ffind i d a le in learnearr niing in g ad adve vent ve ntur nt ure ur e th thi his is ssummer. um mme m r. mer. r adventure this

3RD & 4TH GRADE cont’d from previous page

Save $5 per class when registered by May 12! SCAT, TRACKS, AND TRAILS 8:30a.m. - 2:00p.m. June 23 – 27 CB Lodge Cost: $155 members | $210 non-members Who goes there? Transform into a detective and search for clues. Each piece of evidence gets you a little closer to the animal that left its calling card. Hey, would you like to know which turkeys leave j-shaped scat?

NATURE’S ENGINEERS 8:30a.m. – 4:30p.m. *New this year! Full day!* JULY 7 - 11 WLC Cost: $240 members | $295 non-members Come and spend the WHOLE DAY with some of nature’s most skilled engineers: beavers and muskrats. This year’s building camp will be held in the wetlands so our campers can go see their work first-hand. We will also learn about other nature engineers. Camp cost includes a takehome ARAWAK field kit.

SKEETERS, TICKS & FLIES, OH MY! 8:30a.m. - 2:00p.m. July 14 – 18 CB Lodge Cost: $155 members | $210 non-members If you are interested in the buggy side of life, this is the camp for you. Skeeters, ticks and flies are everywhere – so let’s learn about them. Some say they’re gross, some say they’re scary, but actually, they are pretty cool! We will spend time exploring the forest and prairie around Camp Brewster in search of them and other weird and wonderful critters.


GALS IN THE WETLANDS 8:30a.m. - 2:00p.m. JULY 21 – 25 WLC Cost: $160 members | $215 non-members Spend time mucking in the pond as we dip for macro-invertebrates and search for frogs and tadpoles. Wear your old clothes so we can get up close with these creatures. Hike on trails that lead deep into the wetlands and spend time in a bird blind searching the Great Marsh for wildlife. This camp is very popular so sign-up now. Camp cost includes the cost of pottery and firing.

GUYS IN THE FOREST 8:30a.m. - 2:00p.m. July 21 – 25 FFNC Cost: $155 members | $210 non-members It’s back! Guys will enjoy this week of outdoor adventures with new games and activities. Plan on getting grubby as we have lots of outdoor activities planned for this fun week.

TIME TRAVELER 8:30a.m. – 4:30p.m. *New this year! Full day!* Aug. 4 – 8 FFNC Cost: $225 members | $280 non-members Who or what made those bowl-shaped circles found in the forest? Were they really here 800 years ago? What did the houses look like? What happened to them? Who else might have walked in our forest? Come and travel back in time….and into the future during this fun camp!

your l l a e t recia p p a d n ta o l a fun. d e d n r a h a e l y I reall I . k r o hard w 17

Explore xpl plor o e mo or m more! ore ree! Ca Cano Canoe noee lo no longer!! ong nger err!!! SSpend p nd pe n A ALL LL D DAY AY o on n th thee Gr Grea Great eatt M ea Marsh!! We a are r o re offering ffer ff fer erin ing ch in chil children illdr dren ren en eentering ntteerrin r in ing g 5t 5th h & 6t 6th h gr grad grade ad de in tthe he ffall alll off 2 al 2014 0114 a chance ch han ance nce cee tto o sp spend pen e d mo m more r ttime re imee ho im h honi honing ning ni n ng ttheir heirr sscience he heir ccien ci ence en nce sskills killlllls as ki a tthey hey he ey en enjo enjoy joyy a jo week w we eekk o eex exci xci citti citi ting eexplorations, ting xplo xplo xp lora ora rati tion ti on ns, a ctiv ct ivvit itie i s an ie a d game ga ame mes. off exciting activities and games. Each Ea cch h ssession e si es sion o iiss lilimi on limited mite mi ted te d to o 116. 6. P Participants arti a ar rt r tticip ticipa p nt pa ntss sh should hou ould ld b bring ring ri ng g ttheir heir he ir llunches. unch un ches ch es.. es provided. SSnacks Sn acckss p rovi ro v de vi ded. d.

CANOEING 101: A BEGINNING… 8:30a.m. – 4:30p.m. *New this year! Full day!* June 9 – 13 WLC Cost: $250 members | $305 non-members Have you always wanted to know how to canoe? This is the camp for you! This canoe camp is especially for campers who have not canoed before or who want a little more practice. Come learn or review the basics of canoeing. You will also spend time exploring the wetlands around the Great Marsh and have a chance to practice team building skills through games and water activities. Plan to get wet & muddy, so wear your old clothes.

ALL DAY ADVENTURE CAMP 8:30a.m. – 4:30p.m. *New this year! Full day!* June 30, July 1 & 2 WLC *3 Days* Cost: $135 members | $190 non-members BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Practice outdoor skills and stretch your knowledge during this fun camp. Go on a low ropes challenge course at Gifford Farm taught by their trained instructors. Explore the less travelled trails. Learn to use proper fishing techniques through catch and release fishing in the Great Marsh. Practice basic survival skills. Sign up for this popular camp before it is full!

Save $5 per class when registered by May 12! 18



8:30a.m. - 2:00p.m. July 7 – 11 WLC Cost: $170 members | $225 non-members This camp will be geared towards campers with canoeing experience. We will explore the wetlands for part of each day from the seat of a canoe so don’t forget your sunscreen and bug spray. Wear old clothes and plan on a great time in the marsh.

ZOMBIE CAMP OR HOW TO SURVIVE IN THE WILD! 8:30a.m. - 4:30p.m. *New this year! Full day!* July 28 – Aug. 1 WLC Cost: $225 members | $280 non-members Would you know what to do if the zombies came? How to build a shelter? How to survive? What to eat? Where to go? These and other burning questions will be answered in this super, fun camp! We will practice our survival skills when the zombies (our TNTs) come and take part in the final day for a mock battle using water pistols!




Thanks for t he epic camp ! You know, to get outsi it felt really de. So I ho good pe to come back soon.



Phone: 402.731.3140 Email: Web: Find us on:



1111 Bellevue Blvd. North Bellevue, NE 68005

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