2014 Fontenelle Forest Inspiration Catalog

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Fontenelle Forest Nature Center Bellevue, NE


Our Mission To provide a place where people can experience and enjoy the quiet wild of nature. We want to inspire current and future generations to care for the natural world.

Our Vision To be a national leader in environmental stewardship and education and the region’s premier nature center.

Who We Are Fontenelle Forest is one of Nebraska’s oldest conservation organizations and one of the largest private nature centers in the nation. Fontenelle Forest Nature Center in Bellevue and Neale Woods in Omaha encompass over 2,000 acres of forest, prairie, and wetlands along the Missouri River. Our education initiatives serve over 80,000 individuals each year.


4 Neale Woods Nature Center Omaha, NE - Opening Fall of 2014

Contents Welcome .......................................................... 6 Public Programs ............................................. 7 Nature On-the-Go........................................... 8 School Programs .......................................... 10 Teacher Trunks ............................................. 14 Nature Discovery Day Camps ...................... 15 Scout Programs ............................................ 16 Adult Programs ............................................. 17 Seniors Understanding Nature (SUN)......... 18 Volunteer Opportunities .............................. 22 Clubs .............................................................. 24 Visit ................................................................ 26 Membership .................................................. 27 Raptor Recovery ........................................... 28


Welcome Thank you for looking through the first edition of our “INSPIRATION CATALOG.” This book is more than just a program listing; it is an inspiration to you with the breadth of all of our offerings. Whether you are looking to participate in one of our many public programs during the year, have your school experience a forest field trip, get closer to nature with one of our adult presentations, or volunteer we are sure you will find something that invites you to experience the quiet wild of nature. This book is also a celebration of our Centennial during the years 2013 & 2014. The Centennial at Fontenelle Forest focuses on increasing our visibility and status; improving physical qualities of our nature centers; and putting Fontenelle Forest on the map locally, regionally, and nationally. Our new Education & Nature Center at Neale Woods and new permanent exhibits at Fontenelle Forest Nature Center are just two of the many exciting plans we have in store. It is our goal that 100 years from now, the people who are invested in these lands and resources will look back at us and say, “Look at the vision set forth that brought us here today,” much like we look back at the original founders. We have not strayed from the original articles of incorporation: “The object of this Association shall be the securing and developing, for the education of the public, of lands lying along the Missouri River in Douglas and Sarpy Counties, Nebraska.” And, we will continue the mission entrusted to us. If you would like to learn how you can sponsor Fontenelle Forest programs, please contact Christi Churchill, Director of Development, at 402.731.1108 or cchurchill@fontenelleforest.org. Take a moment to peruse these pages and start making your list of where you want to begin your journey with us. We hope to see you throughout the year.

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Public Programs

Fontenelle Forest offers year-round programming for families, adults, teens, and children. Below are just a few highlights of offerings. Times and information on public programs can be found at fontenelleforest.org/events-see-all.

FAMILY HIKES All Ages Join a Fontenelle Forest Naturalist on a nature hike. This program is offered at various times throughout the year.

FAMILY SUNDAYS All Ages Discover a new topic every Sunday. This program is offered throughout the year.

QUARRY FIELD TRIP Families - Ages 5+ Fossil hunters unite for this trip to an inactive quarry. Search for the remains of ancient organisms, learn about the exposed rock layers, and even take fossils home with you. Held in September.

BIRDING CLASS Ages 16 + This program is offered in conjunction with the Audubon Society of Omaha. This class teaches you how to better identify birds. Offered in the spring.

GEOLOGY CLASS Ages 16 + Learn about the rocks in Nebraska from certified Nebraska geologist Debbie Beck.

MUD PIES Ages Birth to 5 Each week, a different nature-based theme is explored. Choose which day you want to drop in and play with your toddler. Offered August through May, Monday - Thursday: 9:30a.m. - 11:30a.m.

NATURE EXPLORERS Ages 5 - 12 This program explores a different nature theme by season, and the group is divided by age. Offered one Saturday every other month; registration is required. Check the website for themes.

RAPTOR MEET & GREETS All Ages Fontenelle Forest offers many chances to meet our birds of prey. See these magnificent animals upclose and personal. Programming includes “Raptors...Live!� to more formal, sit-down presentations.


Nature On-the-Go

Nature On-the-Go traveling programs introduce hands-on natural science programs to your students. During each program, your students will explore a variety of topics. These are great to supplement your school-day lessons or as an after-school program. To schedule a program, call our Manager of Programming and Outreach at 402.731.3140 x1026.

CRITTERS ON THE MOVE Great for All Ages Have an up-close meet and greet with a few of our educational animals. Learn what different animal groups have in common and what makes them each unique as you observe their features and behaviors. This program provides an opportunity to introduce students to nature by providing “eye to eye” contact with multiple educational animals. Students will learn about each animal’s habits and habitats as they interact with live animals in their classroom. This program addresses NE State Science Standards SC2.1.1.a, SC2.1.1.d, SC2.3.2.b

RAPTOR-OLOGY® Great for All Ages

Meet live, non-releasable raptors while learning about their hunting skills, habitats, and other facts. Touch artifacts and hear the actual calls of these amazing birds. This program addresses NE State Science Standards SC5.3.4.a, SC8.1.1.e

IT’S A PLANT’S LIFE 1st through 3rd Grade What is it like to be a plant? During this one hour program, our educators will help your students understand the composition of a plant by discussing its basic parts and functions. Using props and costumes, our naturalists will transform students into plants to understand photosynthesis, life cycles, and adaptations. This hands-on, engaging program is sure to give students a deeper understanding of what makes a plant’s life. This program addresses NE State Science Standards SC2.1.1.a, SC2.3.1.c, SC5.1.1.b


All programs are aligned with Nebraska State Science Standards. Each program is 45-60 minutes long. Maximum 30 students per On-the-Go program. For groups larger than 30, multiple programs must be scheduled.

ANIMAL TRACKING 3rd through 6th Grade Animals are around us all the time, even in the city, yet we rarely see them. How do we know they are there? By using our skills of observation, we can begin to see the signs that they leave behind. This program will introduce students to the art and science of tracking, identification of common animal tracks and patterns, measuring trails and tracks, and how this is all relevant to our daily lives in the city. This program addresses NE State Science Standards: SC5.1.1.d , SC5.1.1.e, SC5.1.1.f, SC5.2.2.b, SC5.3.3, SC5.3.4.a, SC5.1.1.i, SC5.3.1.b

VERTEBRATE/INVERTEBRATE 3rd through 8th Grade Scientists love to organize things into groups, and this program gives your young scientists hands-on experience with classification. What is the difference between a vertebrate and an invertebrate? Are all vertebrates created equal? Learn how groups of living things are separated out by characteristics that tie them together. Through artifacts, pictures, and games we will bring knowledge of classification straight to your class. This program addresses NE State Science Standards: SC5.1.1.d, SC5.1.1.e, SC5.1.1.f, SC5.3.1, SC5.3.1.a, SC5.3.1.b, SC5.1.1.i

THORNS AND TEETH AND FEATHERS, OH MY! 4th through 8th Grade Why do animals have fur? How do honey locusts protect themselves? These adaptations and many more will be discussed in this program. Our educators will use interactive activities and observations to introduce students to physical and behavioral adaptations of plants and animals living in our area. Students will discover how all of these adaptations help plants and animals survive and will gain a new appreciation for the diversity of life surrounding them. This program addresses NE State Science Standards SC5.1.1.d, SC5.3.4.a

HABITATS: FROM ALLIGATORS TO ZEBRA MUSSELS 9th through 12th Grade Why do animals and plants live where they do? In this period-long program, our educators will help your students explore the differences in habitats. We will also examine which animals and plants belong to which habitats. Producers, consumers, keystone species, limiting factors, energy flow‌ it all comes to life in this program.


School Programs

Bring your school to Fontenelle Forest for a one-of-a-kind educational experience. Programs include an indoor lesson and an outdoor interpretive hike. All programs are aligned with Nebraska State Science Standards. To schedule a program, call our Education Assistant at 402.731.3140 x1005.

CRITTERS ON THE MOVE Great for All Ages One hour program

Students meet three live animals and discuss their habits, habitats and diets. This program addresses NE State Science Standards SC2.1.1.a, SC2.1.1.d, SC2.3.2.b

MUD PIES FOR PRESCHOOLS Pre-Kindergarten Two hour program

Bring your preschool class for a unique Mud Pies experience. Centers will be set up related to the weekly topic or topics can be developed based on your learning needs. Mud Pies for Preschools is available on Fridays only, and can be set up by contacting our Mud Pie Coordinator at 402.731.3140 x1021.

NATURALLY SENSE-SATIONAL! Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten One hour program

Students explore the sights, sounds, smells, and textures of nature during this program. Puppets are used to review the five senses and then the students are taken on a guided walk to experience the sense-sational world of nature. This program addresses NE State Science Standards SC2.1.1.a, SC2.1.1.d, SC2.3.4.a


Kindergarten and 1st Grade One hour program During this program, students learn about the adaptations and behaviors animals employ to survive their winter environments. They are then taken on a guided walk to search for evidence of wintertime animal activities. This program addresses NE State Science Standards SC2.1.1.a, SC2.1.1.d, SC2.4.3.c, SC5.3.3.d


Kindergarten and 1st Grade One hour and a half program Students observe the differences between living and non-living things. This program addresses NE State Science Standards SC2.1.1.a, SC2.1.1.d, SC2.3.1.a, SC2.3.2.b, SC5.3.1.a



1st and 2nd Grade Two hour program Students learn about the many uses of plants, their importance, their component parts, and how they make their own food. This program addresses NE State Science Standards SC2.1.1.a, SC2.3.1.c, SC5.3.1.b

HABITAT, HABITAT 1st and 2nd Grade Two hour program

Students learn the four components of a habitat and what makes a habitat a home for both plants and animals. This program addresses NE State Science Standards SC2.1.1.a, SC2.3.1.b, SC2.3.1.d


2nd through 4th Grade Two hour program Students learn about renewable, inexhaustible, and non-renewable resources and how the forest is continuously renewed. This program addresses NE State Science Standards SC2.4.2.b, SC5.4.2.c, SC8.4.2.h


3rd and 4th Grade Two hour program Students learn about food chains, the web of life, the source of all energy in ecosystems, as well as producers, consumers, and decomposers. This program addresses NE State Science Standards SC5.3.3.a, SC5.3.3.b, SC8.3.3.a, SC8.3.3.b

WHO GOES THERE? 3rd and 4th Grade Two hour program

Students search for signs of wildlife, including tracks, homes, and even scat. Students meet one of FF’s resident raptors and dissect owl pellets to discover what raptors eat. This program addresses NE State Science Standards SC5.1.1.a, SC5.1.1.d

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School Programs

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MY, WHAT SHARP CLAWS YOU HAVE! 4th Grade Two hour program

Students study remarkable animal and plant adaptations, both physical and behavioral, in this activity-filled program. Whether it is hawks with talons, owls with night vision, or snakes with expandable jaws, adaptations are the key to survival for all living organisms. This program addresses NE State Science Standards SC5.1.1.d, SC5.3.4.a

PREDATOR/PREY 4th and 5th Grade Two hour program

Students study the characteristics of predators and prey. This program addresses NE State Science Standards SC5.1.3.b, SC5.3.1.b, SC8.3.4.a

TAKE ONLY MEMORIES 4th and 5th Grade Two hour program

Students learn about natural and human-caused changes to habitats and the importance of preserving ecosystems. This program addresses NE State Science Standards SC5.1.3.b, SC5.3.3.d, SC8.3.3.g

AGENTS OF CHANGE 5th and 6th Grade Two hour program

Students learn about landforms and the forces that create, affect, and destroy them. Hiking past loess cliffs and seeing glacial erratics give students experiences to draw upon in the classroom. This program addresses NE State Science Standards SC5.4.2.b, SC5.4.4.a, SC8.4.2.e, SC12.4.4.a

GREEN’S THE THING 5th and 6th Grade Two hour program

Students study the differences between forests and prairies. Through observations and research students learn how plants are adapted to survive in these distinctly different habitats. This program addresses NE State Science Standards SC5.1.1.d, SC5.3.1.b


TEACHING WITH TALONS 6th and 7th Grade Two hour program

This program introduces students to the world of hawks and owls – nature’s airborne predators. Demonstrations with live raptors help the students gain a deeper understanding of the adaptations of raptors and their roles as predators. (Please note this program was formerly named “Rappin’ with Raptors”). This program addresses NE State Science Standards SC5.3.4.a, SC8.1.1.e

BIRDS OF A FEATHER 7th Grade Two hour program

Students investigate the world of birds as they discover what makes a bird a bird. Activities include observing the scientific process of bird banding, looking for birds in the wild using binoculars, and learning to use a field guide. This program addresses NE State Science Standards SC5.3.4.a, SC8.1.1.e, SC8.1.1.g, SC8.3.4.a

OWL ABOUT POPULATION DYNAMICS 8th Grade Two hour program

Students learn about owls, dissect owl pellets, and then make statistical inferences about rodent populations based on analysis of the owl pellets. This program addresses NE State Science Standards SC8.1.1.d, SC8.1.1.e, SC8.1.1.g, SC8.1.1.j, SC8.3.3.e


Teacher Trunks

FF Teacher Trunks are filled with resource books, activity guides, and artifacts surrounding the trunk’s theme. Although each trunk is designed for a certain age, the suggested activities can be modified to fit a wider range. Trunks are designed to help meet education science standards. You might consider partnering with another teacher or home-schooled family to share a trunk. Each trunk rental is $25 for two weeks. Please call the Manager of Programming and Outreach at 402.731.3140 x1026 to reserve a trunk. Reserved trunks can be picked up at Fontenelle Forest Nature Center.

DISCOVER THE FIVE SENSES Preschool through Kindergarten Prepare your senses toolbox: taste, touch, see, hear, and smell your way through a variety of activities. Matches Head Start Domains.

CRITTERS Preschool through 1st Grade What separates a frog and a toad? Is that a mammal, bird, reptile, or amphibian? Through books, artifacts, games, and activities, students will find the answers.

ASTRONOMY 6th through 8th Grade Galaxies, asteroids, nebulas! Oh my! Explore outer space and all of its wonders.

SUBPHYLUM: VERTEBRATA 7th through 12th Grade Examine actual specimens. Compare and contrast the five vertebrate classes and then test your knowledge with Vertebrate Jeopardy.


Nature Discovery Day Camps

Fontenelle Forest welcomes you to a summer of discovery and learning in a place where the quiet wild of nature offers an unparalleled opportunity for your child to learn. Nature Discovery Day Camps feature science based learning through play taught by a combination of FF’s year-round professional educators and summer staff who are college students or graduates. All have experience working with children in an outdoor setting, are enthusiastic, energetic, love children, and have passed background checks. Camp staff complete a one-week training session and have current CPR and First Aid certifications. Our staff is committed to providing your child with high quality, positive experiences. Whether your child canoes the Great Marsh, takes a low ropes course challenge, or builds a kite, we’re sure that they will bring home memories and knowledge that will last a lifetime. Registration begins in late January. For questions or information, contact our Manager of Day Camps at 402.731.3140 x1016




Grands & Polliwogs A Grand Adventure

A is for Ants; B is for Beetles.... S is for Spiders Nature Detectives Dinosaurs Rock! Nifty Night Critters All About Amphibians (and Reptiles, too) Open the Door, Let’s Explore Pond Discoveries

Marsh Music Take a Hike Scat, Tracks, & Trails Nature’s Engineers Skeeters, Ticks, & Flies, Oh My! Gals in the Wetlands Guys in the Forest Time Travelers



Ages 4 to 8 Ages 9-13

Grands in the Wetlands


Ages 3 and under A Tree & Me Things with Wings Night Time at Camp Brewster

DISCOVERERS Ages 4 and 5

Below Your Toes Claws & Paws Color My World Nature Through Eric Carle’s Eyes Puddle Ducks


3rd & 4th Grade

1st & 2nd Grade Crazy about Critters Boys at Brewster Glorious Girls A Planting We Will Go Wetlands Wonders Habitat Havoc Up, Up, and Away....the Sky’s the Limit! Inspect an Insect Oh, What a Tangled Web We See A Sample of Science


5th & 6th Grade Canoeing 101: A Beginning... All Day Adventures Camp Canoeing 102: The Next Chapter... Zombie Camp or How to Survive in the Wild!

Scout Programs

Want to go on a hike, see live animals, or work on a badge? Then our scout programs are for your troop! The time can be catered to the needs of any scout troop. Fees vary with program length. For more information, contact our Scout Coordinator at kfischer@fontenelleforest.org.

INSTRUCTOR LED PROGRAMS One to two hour program

Schedule an interactive and engaging program led by a naturalist. Our Scout Coordinator will meet you at one of our properties or come to your location.


Rent a backpack to use with your troop while you hike the trails at Fontenelle Forest. The backpack has everything you need to guide your group. FF membership or daily admission for each person and a rental fee for the backpack is required.


Adult Programs

With these programs, Fontenelle Forest invites you to reconnect or deepen your relationship with nature. Geared to serve our community members from ages 18 to 118. The contact information for each program is included in the listing.

EMBARK INTO SUMMER New adult program for 2014 This new five-day program offers an opportunity for adults to encounter the natural world through presentations, field study, and integrative experiences. We’ll explore geology; forest, prairie, and wetland ecology; and human inhabitants from ancient to current times. Contact Catherine Kuper at ckuper@fontenelleforest.org for information about college credit or CEUs. Join us for the week of June 16-20, 9:00a.m.-4:00p.m. daily.

EMBARK: JOURNEY INTO NATURE Returning for the third year This program is designed to deepen your relationship with the natural world by combining information, field study, and other experiences. Through presenters, storytellers, field trips, nature journaling, and integrative activities, you will gain a greater sense of what the natural world has to offer. Class size is limited to 15-18 adults, 18 years or older, with a desire to explore the natural world. These nine full-day sessions will be held on the second Saturday of each month and run September 2014 to May 2015. To learn more about the above programs and to apply, visit www.fontenelleforest.org/embark or contact the Embark Coordinator at 402.731.3140 x1026 or echalen@fontenelleforest.org.

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Adult Programs

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Many seniors grew up in a time when nature was a big part of everyday life; SUN (Seniors Understanding Nature) & Traveling SUN programs enhance that experience, as well as give participants an opportunity to reminisce about past experiences. Traveling SUN is designed for seniors unable to come to Fontenelle Forest Nature Center. Our staff will travel to facilities where seniors live or gather to facilitate one of our 16 interactive programs. Thus, seniors at an assisted living facility or a senior church group can learn about Butterflies and Wildflowers or Secrets of the Prairie.


Join us at Fontenelle Forest Nature Center on the second Tuesday of each month from 9:45a.m. to 11:00a.m. Refreshments served at 9:45a.m., followed by an indoor program, and completed with an optional nature walk. Previous topics have included Birding in Nebraska, Natural Landscaping, Swans in Iowa, Dragonflies and Damselflies, and other nature related subjects. Specific program information can be found in our Leaflet newsletter, online, or by calling our Visitor Services Desk. January 7, 2014 - NOTE: DATE CHANGE THIS MONTH! Ron Cisar, musician, with “Earth Music” February 11, 2014 “Tales of the Forest” with artist, Andrew Peters


March 11, 2014 Blake Bell, National Park Ranger from Homestead National Monument, on “The Homestead Act & Immigration” APRIL 8, 2014 John Pollack, retired National Weather Service meteorologist on “Climate Change” MAY 20, 2014 - NOTE: DATE CHANGE THIS MONTH! Debra Beck, Fontenelle Forest Educator on “Nebraska Geology“ SUN PROGRAMS WILL RESUME IN SEPTEMBER 2014. CHECK THE WEBSITE FOR PROGRAM LISTINGS.


This is an on-the-go program designed specifically for older Americans wherever they gather. Nature programs can be presented at a variety of facilities such as long-term care, assisted living, independent living, memory support, senior centers, and church groups. Each program is 45 minutes in length and includes a variety of hands-on artifacts relating to a particular topic from the natural world. Currently there are 16 programs available. For reservations, contact our SUN Coordinator at 402.731.3140 x1019. January & February

Animals in the City (New & Improved)

New slides about common animals like skunk, fox, groundhog, and raccoon show how these animals are surviving in the city. Other hands-on items make them very real. A live rabbit adds to the fun.

All about Owls

Learn about these birds of prey with their unusual behavior and nighttime activities. Participants handle feathers, bones, talons, and owl pellets. We bring a large Barred Owl specimen.

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Adult Programs

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100 Years of Fontenelle Forest (New 2014)

Travel back in time to discover the many events that have led to the Forest today. We’ll explore loggers, fur trappers, early Indians, and the people whose original love of this land created this wonderful place.

Secrets of the Prairie

Reminisce about our prairie ancestors and how they survived harsh conditions. Examine unique flowers, butterflies, and a real badger specimen. May & June

Birds You Know and Love (New 2014)

Woodpeckers, robins, and cardinals are a few of our common birds. Learn how these birds and a few others live and what a delight they are to watch. Spring is a great time for birds.

Animal Houses

Discover the variety of places that animals use for shelter and raising young. See a real squirrel nest, a woodpecker hole, and an empty hornet’s nest plus learn other interesting facts. July & August

A Country Pond (New 2014)

Ponds are an interesting part of our natural landscape. Discover what organisms and wildlife call natural ponds home.


These tiny birds are fast, colorful, and full of surprises. Learn how they fly, where they get food, and see a tiny nest. Be delighted with beautiful pictures and fun facts. September & October

Animals of the Great Plains (New & Improved)

Buffalo, bobcat, mountain lion, prairie dog, and antelope once plentiful are still surviving. Slides, bones, and fur will make them seem present even today. A live box turtle will come along.


Autumn Adventures

Experience the wonderful mysteries and magical colors of fall. Why do leaves change color? Enjoy scenes of fall accompanied by the song “Autumn Leaves.” November & December

Talking Turkey

Find out more about these intriguing birds who are the focus of our Thanksgiving celebrations. Hands-on items include turkey calls, feathers, eggs, and more.

Holiday in the Woods

Beautiful and poignant slides of winter and holiday scenes invite participants to recall special memories. Touch and smell holly, evergreens, and pine cones to add to the fun. THESE PROGRAMS ARE AVAILABLE ALL YEAR

Lewis & Clark

Learn more about this amazing journey by examining replicas of artifacts and equipment used on this trek across the Louisiana Purchase.

Delightful Ducks

Observe five wild duck specimens that migrate through the Midwest. Learn about the fascinating colors and behaviors of this diverse bird group.

Summer in the Forest (May through August)

See the forest come alive after spring rains. Listen to raindrops on leaves, see slides of baby animals, and discover how insects really see. A live rabbit makes an appearance.

Visit to Fontenelle Forest (May through October)

Bring a group to the Forest for your very own visit led by Catherine Kuper. Learn about some of what lives in the forest. We’ll go out onto the handicapped accessible boardwalk to see and hear what’s going on. Rain or shine.

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Volunteer Opportunities As a non-profit organization, Fontenelle Forest relies heavily on our volunteers. In fact, we simply could not provide all of the programming, services, and experiences that we offer without the help of a dedicated and active volunteer staff. Details and an application can be found at fontenelleforest.org/volunteer or by contacting our Development Associate at 402.731.3140 x1024 or khickman@fontenelleforest.org.


Land Stewardship. Work outside with the rangers on special projects at both Fontenelle Forest and Neale Woods Nature Center. At Fontenelle Forest Nature Center, volunteers meet every Tuesday and Thursday and one Saturday a month, most months. Additional opportunities are available as needed at Neale Woods Nature Center. Appropriate for ages 16 and older. Teacher Naturalist (TN). Volunteers lead weekend and evening education/recreation programs. Programs include guided hikes, lectures, and presentations with Fontenelle Forest’s resident animals. Teacher Naturalists attend monthly training sessions on a wide range of science and ecology topics led by experts from academia, government organizations, and regional institutions. Most of all, they inspire others to care for the natural world. Facilities Assistant. Help with repairs and miscellaneous projects. Apple Pies. Prepare and bake apple pies that are sold in our gift shop. Volunteers meet as needed (about six times a year) on Mondays. Raptor Rehabilitation Center. Located near Elmwood, NE, volunteers are needed on a regular basis. The duties of volunteers helping at the Raptor Rehabilitation Center could include but are not limited to assisting with animal intake and triage, cleaning cages, washing carpets, disinfecting raptor mews and carriers, and feeding raptors. Volunteers can also assist with special construction or building projects at the center. Raptor Relay Team. Members of the relay team take calls from members of the public who have found or captured an injured raptor. Volunteers pick up and transport raptors to appropriate caregivers or other relay team members. These volunteers are very important to FFRR, as they help transport the injured and sick raptors to Elmwood for much needed care. Time commitment varies depending on your schedule and area of the state. Hours and travel distances are quite variable due to the unpredictable nature of the public discovering injured and sick birds. Raptor Education & Programming. Assist with display tables, crafts, and activities. This position provides an opportunity to learn about FFRR’s raptors and interact with the public.


Service Learning Volunteers. We welcome middle school or high school students who are interested in earning service hours for school credit to help with our annual Trick-or-Treat in the Forest and other special events held throughout the year. Middle school students should be accompanied by a parent or advisor. Teen Naturalist Trainee (TNT). This program is for youth between the ages of 14 and 18 and attending high school. Program requirements include the completion of 24 hours of service at Fontenelle Forest and attendance at six trainings per year.



Fontenelle Forest’s Guild is a group of dedicated volunteers who share their time and talents with the Forest through fundraising and “friendraising” initiatives. Proceeds from the Guild’s fundraising efforts support environmental educational programs and initiatives for youth in our community. The Guild’s “friendraising” events expand the Forest’s reach, introducing new friends to the Forest. Details and an application can be found at fontenelleforest.org/guild or by contacting our Development Associate, at 402.731.3140 x1024 or khickman@fontenelleforest.org.

Membership Benefits • Membership Directory • Invitation to Friends, Fireside and the Forest, Annual All-Guild Meeting, and Holiday Shopping Extravaganza • Invitation to Guild “Friendraisers” • Invitation to “Feather Our Nest,” Fontenelle Forest’s annual benefit • $5 discount on a Fontenelle Forest Household Membership • Tax deduction for your membership contribution, if qualified

Event and Volunteer Opportunities • Feather Our Nest - Friday, April 25, 2014 • Livestock Exchange Building Celebrate the Forest’s Centennial at our annual fundraiser featuring live and silent auctions, a raffle, dinner, and drinks. Join us as “we celebrate the past, take pleasure in the present, and prepare for the future.” • Fall Friendraiser – Sunday, September 28, 2014 • Fontenelle Forest Enjoy Fall at the Forest with your family, featuring old-fashioned fun for adults and kids of all ages. • Fireside, Friends and the Forest - Monday, November 10, 2014 • Fontenelle Forest Join us for our annual meeting and get a jump start on your holiday shopping while raising funds for the Forest. Enjoy this one-of-a-kind boutique, eat lunch, have a fun afternoon with friends, and learn about the Guild’s recent activities.



The Fontenelle Forest Bird Club (a.k.a. The Down and Dirty Birders) welcomes everyone interested in birding to join the growing number of people who find birding to be an enjoyable and relaxing hobby. We offer regular monthly field trips to local birding sites, as well as regional, national, and international destinations. To become a member, please fill out the application located at fontenelleforest.org/birdclub.pdf and return via mail or bring to a meeting along with your yearly dues. For questions about membership or activities, please contact Rick Schmid at 402.731.3140 x1018 or rschmid@fontenelleforest.org. Cost of Membership: • $12 per individual/$18 per family per year • Fontenelle Forest Membership Club Meetings Are Held: • The first Thursday of each month at 7:00p.m. • Every month except July and December • At Fontenelle Forest Nature Center, unless otherwise advertised/announced


This is the inaugural year of Fontenelle Forest’s newest club. If you are interested in learning more about the most numerous animals on earth, please join us. To become a member, please fill out the application located at fontenelleforest.org/insectclub.pdf and return via mail or bring to a meeting along with your yearly dues. For questions about membership or activities, please contact Rick Schmid at 402.731.3140 x1018 or rschmid@fontenelleforest.org. Cost of Membership: • $10 per individual/$15 per family per year • Fontenelle Forest Membership Club Meetings Are Held: • The fourth Thursday of February, April, June, August, & October at 7:00p.m. • At Fontenelle Forest Nature Center, unless otherwise advertised/announced



The Fontenelle Forest Photography Club is dedicated to the pursuit of photography and friendship with like-minded people from the Omaha metro area. Our membership includes photographers of all levels, from beginner to advanced. We are affiliated with Fontenelle Forest and our photographic interests lean toward the flora and fauna of the natural world. However, we have been known to focus on other areas as well.

Meetings We generally meet on the third Thursday of each month (except July and August) at 7:00p.m. at Fontenelle Forest Nature Center in Bellevue, NE. Our monthly programs and activities include presentations by noted photographers, hands-on workshops, annual competitions, and periodic field trips. Visit our calendar page at fontenelleforestphotoclub.org/calendar/ for specific program information.

Join Prospective members may attend any meeting as our guest. Annual dues for the Fontenelle Forest Photography Club are $12 for an individual and $20 for a family. You also must be a member of Fontenelle Forest to be eligible to join our club. For questions about membership or activities, please visit fontenelleforestphotoclub.org/contact/.



Imagine a haven of the natural world just minutes from downtown Omaha. A place where the quiet wild of nature envelops you as you walk a mile-long boardwalk, gazing upon the Missouri River and by chance glimpsing a wild turkey or deer as it dashes across your path. Perhaps a hike along a dirt trail, taking you deeper into the forest, is more your style, or, gazing across a prairie as it was seen hundreds of years ago when the first people entered the region. All of this is right in our backyard at Fontenelle Forest and Neale Woods, the region’s premier nature centers that encompass over 2,000 acres of forest, prairie, and wetlands along the Missouri River. Each year, over 80,000 people come to explore and to learn about nature from guided hikes, live animal demonstrations, natural science exhibits, lectures, classes, camps, and even snow shoe rentals. With year-round programming, there’s always a reason to drop in.


One Day Membership Free for FF Members and children under age 2 Non-members: $7 per adult | $6 per senior (62+) | $5 per child (2-17) Fontenelle Forest is a member of the ANCA Reciprocal Membership Program

Fontenelle Forest:

1111 Bellevue Blvd. North, Bellevue, NE 68005 402.731.3140 // fontenelleforest.org Open Daily 8a.m. – 5p.m. // Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas, & New Year’s Day (Please note if OPS Schools are canceled due to weather - Fontenelle Forest Nature Center is closed)

Directions: From I-80, take Hwy 75 (Kennedy Freeway) south to Chandler Road. Turn left onto Chandler. Stay on Chandler approx. 1 mile until the road ends at the stop sign at Bellevue Blvd. Turn right onto Bellevue Blvd. Continue approximately .5 of a mile to the nature center (on the left). Parking is free.

Neale Woods:

14323 Edith Marie Ave., Omaha, NE 68112 402.731.3140 // fontenelleforest.org

Directions: From I-80 take Hwy 75 north. Merge onto Storz Expressway towards Florence Blvd/Eppley Airfield. Take the Florence Blvd. ramp and turn left at the stop sign. Florence Blvd. becomes J. Pershing Drive. Turn north at the T intersection at Mormon Bridge onto River Road. From there, you will travel 2.7 miles to White Deer Lane (past NP Dodge and Hummel Park, stay to the right at the fork in the road.) Turn a slight left onto White Deer Lane and left again onto Edith Marie Ave. Parking is free.



As a private non-profit organization, Fontenelle Forest depends on the generosity of our members’ support. Membership dues help protect over 2,000 acres of forests, savannas, prairies, wetlands, and waterways, maintain 26 miles of walking trails and two equal access boardwalks, create and maintain hands-on exhibits, annually serve over 20,000 school children with curriculum-based natural science education, offer public education programs and events to people of all ages throughout the year, and provide our community with opportunities to relax and enjoy the natural world.

To become a member of Fontenelle Forest, go to fontenelleforest.org/membership or visit Fontenelle Forest Nature Center. AS A FONTENELLE FOREST MEMBER YOUR BENEFITS INCLUDE

• FREE admission to Fontenelle Forest & Neale Woods for 12 months • 26 miles of marked trails within the extraordinary Loess Hills • Two equal access boardwalks with Missouri River and wetland views • Diverse ecosystems, hidden lakes, & rare wildflowers • A premier birding location with over 246 recorded species • Family-friendly exhibits • Acorn Acres: A forest playscape with nine exploration areas • Habitat Hollow for indoor play & learning • Unique entertainment options: critter encounters, guided hikes, children’s programs • FREE members-only and other programming • Discounts on Nature Discovery Day Camps & Winter Camps • 10% discount at The Gift Shop at Fontenelle Forest • Subscription to Fontenelle Forest’s newsletter “The Leaflet” • Free or discounted admission to over 100 nature centers nationwide through ANCA • Every time you visit, two of your guests can receive 1/2 priced admission • Monthly discounts at attractions across the metro area with the Metro Arts & Culture Pass • Access to trails before and after hours


Fontenelle Forest’s Raptor Recovery Raptor Recovery Nebraska began in 1976 as a volunteer project of the Wachiska Audubon Society (Lincoln, NE). In July of 2013, Fontenelle Forest & Raptor Recovery Nebraska joined efforts to create Fontenelle Forest Forests’s Raptor Recovery (FFRR). The trained staff and volunteers travel statewide educating audiences and rescuing raptors in need.

Fontenelle Forest’s Raptor Recovery (FFRR) is part of Fontenelle Forest in Bellevue NE, a 501(c)(3) education non-profit organization and one of Nebraska’s oldest conservation organizations. It is the only group in the State of Nebraska permitted by the state and federal government to rehabilitate orphaned or injured raptors. FFRR does the following: • Provides care and support for injured and orphaned raptors in preparation for release • Assists in the management of raptor populations and raptor research • Generates public support for raptor conservation through educational programs, displays, and special events utilizing live (non-releasable) raptors as ambassadors for their kind Each year, FFRR receives between 400-500 injured, sick, poisoned, or orphaned birds of prey. FFRR works with private citizens, the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, law enforcement, animal control agencies, and humane societies throughout the state. A network of volunteer transporters and trained rehabilitators provides emergency treatment and stabilizes the birds for final transport to our center near Lincoln. Raptors needing surgery are seen by a veterinarian. At the treatment center, the birds receive medical care while minimizing human contact. Once restored to health, they’re banded and released. In some cases, even after treatment a raptor might be unable to fly or hunt and cannot be released. Whenever possible, non-releasable birds are channeled into breeding programs, recruited as “foster parents” for young orphans, utilized in research, or added to the roster of FFRR’s Educational Birds (Ed. Birds) for outreach and educational programs. Trained volunteer facilitators, with the help of our Ed. Birds, conduct programs state-wide throughout the year to increase public awareness about raptors, their role in our ecosystems, and habitat conservation.





Fontenelle Forest 1111 Bellevue Blvd North Bellevue, NE 68005

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