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The Via Dolorosa is an ancient pathway through the streets of Jerusalem; a pathway that is believed to be the path that Jesus walked to his crucifixion. This path holds utmost importance for all followers of Christ, as pilgrims stop at each of these stations for prayer and to contemplate the love and suffering of Jesus for humanity.
In this season of Lent, we invite you to journey with Jesus on His “way of suffering” right here in Foochow Methodist Church.
You may choose to put on your earphones and scan the QR codes in your devotionals for the audio guide as you walk through each of the five rooms, and you will be greeted with the sights and sounds of Jesus’ last journey from table to tomb.
Let us take time to consider Jesus’ final journey to the cross, tarry and pause before each painting. Meditate on the verses, allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you and rediscover anew Jesus’ love for you.
Before we embark on our journey today, let us go to the Lord in prayer: Lord Jesus, prepare my heart to encounter you anew as I accompany you on your Via Dolorosa – your way of sorrow.
As we embark on this journey together, would you open my heart and mind by the power of your Holy Spirit. As I stand before each painting, remind me afresh that the weight you bore was not only that of the cross but of my sins. May your precious word warm my spirit with the knowledge that you suffered and died out of your boundless love for all humanity.
Lord, by this journey, strengthen my faith and stir me to respond to you in word, thought, and deed.
In Jesus’ most precious name I pray. Amen.