Food & Beverage Magazine August 2016

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rends, it is true that the culinary professionals lead in food trends. The staying power of upcoming trends can be best determined by its contributions to a society’s consumption traditions. As much as things change, they tend to remain the same. But I’ll get to that in a moment. Trending Food The ever-changing development of food products with new ingredients to match today’s trends in food and beverage, is more complex than ever: Restaurants, Chefs, and Food Shows are now educating the consumer to understand more about food culture – whether it’s farm to the kitchen, or all food niches, trends and preferences. Todays chefs are not just sticking with their own categories and specialties, but a broad base of food tasting improvements. Traditionally branding helps in forging relationship with customers while increasing awareness, identity and sales branding is an important service that helps in attaining a special image among the foodies. But, it is essential to get these and marketing services from organizations who will give your product the attention it deserves, creating special strategies for achieving success in the marketplace. Food & Beverage Magazine, has proven strategies with industry “know-how.” Providing the right effort to help upcoming as well as existing products achieve success in today’s trending market. Useful advertising creativity in achieving a desired reputation to increase sales.

Trending Beverages Restaurants are now realizing that some of their customers prefer cocktails throughout their meal, and are being served custom designed cocktails to complement their menu. In the quest to be hip and on-trend, and diet conscious, the modern craft cocktail recipes ingredients, have evolved with molecular mixology. This brings me to the latest trends Mocktails/Skinny Cocktail. ARKAY collection of alcohol-free liquor products. The taste gives you the same flavor and sensation as any alcohol based cocktails served today. Restaurants and bars should consider featuring Skinny cocktails on thier menu for guests who are counting calories. The market will see more of these drinks aimed to provide busy, health conscious consumers leading a guilt-free lifestyle. They are as popular as some of the retro classics that are being served. Everyone wants to enhance their lives and their health in some way. When there’s a product that promises to help with our health or with our well-being, we tend to give it a second look to see what it might be able to offer. ARKAY provides this latest trend. People love things that are new and different, so these drinks tend to be more popular than ever. And with cool colors. People will love to sit around, sipping and enjoying the taste of this new age beverages.

“We’ve got two perfectly good forks at the end of our arms” - Anonymous


FOOD & BEVERAGE MAGAZINE was created by Publisher Michael Politz with the expert help of original advisory board members: Bobby Flay, Wolfgang Puck, Emeril Lagasse, Mario Batali, Kerry Simon and David Burke.


Featured Product

ArKay Alcohol-Free Liquors Publisher - Micheal Politz • Food & Beverage Magazine® is owned and published electronically by Beautiful People LLC. Copyright 1995-2016 Beautiful People LLC. All rights reserved. Food & Beverage Magazine® and distinctive logo are trademarks owned by Beautiful People LLC. “” is a trademark of Beautiful People LLC. No part of this electronic magazine may be reproduced without the written consent of Food & Beverage Magazine. Requests for permission should be directed to: The information contained has been provided by such individual, event organizers or organizations. The opinion expressed in each article is the opinion of its author, organization or public relation firm. Nor are we afflicated with any other Food&Beverage or Hospitality publication. Articles and Comments are welcome, but they should be on-topic and well-expressed.



His Column Begins On Next Page





Making Friends With Benefits How to Utilize Cause Marketing in an Authentic Way

Throughout my career and life, I have always been lucky to work with companies that believe in giving back. I have come to experience the power of cause marketing and the mutual benefits that it brings to charities and to my clients.

This is not meant to take away from charity for its own sake, but quite the opposite. When charities are able to help their business partners achieve their goals, businesses are able to be more generous. Everybody wins.

Cause marketing is nothing new but recently it has gained popularity. The world seems a little darker these days and yet, people are inspired to do what good they can. The recent events struck a strong chord for me personally and yet the outpouring of love following the acts of terror and hate reminded us all that the there are good and generous people in the world. I think this is especially true in the hospitality industry. Giving seems to come naturally to people who dedicate themselves to nourishing others through warm hospitality and good food. Restaurant chefs and owners are very often found helping out their communities by hosting charity events, donating sales proceeds, participating in multi-party fundraisers, and auctioning off gift certificates or private parties for the charities they are passionate about. Social media has also increased opportunities for smaller actions to have greater impact.

By partnering with the right charity, a restaurant can introduce itself to a larger audience by gaining access to the charities supporters. At the same time, the restaurant can use the news to start a conversation about the cause with their own fan base – ultimately leading to loyalty, new business and new supporters for a cause. Additionally, if any media picks up the event or promotion, the restaurant and the charity stand to benefit from the press exposure.

So how do you decide what charity your business should support? Here are a few tips:

What can be missed, though, is that the there should be a return on investment for businesses that are generous. I don’t mean to sound disingenuous.


Continued on Page 14 Andrew Freeman Column, Continues On Next


Andrew Freeman • Making Friends With Benefits •

1. Choose What You And Your Team Really Care About Don’t pick a charity because it’s trendy. If you aren’t really passionate about it, it will become very obvious that your support is superficial. Many restaurants are involved in hunger issues, but if what you really care about is curing childhood cancer, then that’s where you should focus your efforts.

2. Be Creative. Donating an auction item or a percentage of proceeds from a certain night can be an easy way to support something, but don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Park Cafe Group in San Francisco donates $1 to the Center for Urban and Sustainable Agriculture (CUESA) for every person who signs up for their mailing list. This is an easy ask for CUESA to make to supporters and Park Cafe Group gains opt-in access to a new group of food and farm loving people

3. Make It A Partnership Don’t be afraid to ask what the charity is going to do in return for your donation– and give them ideas! You may have an experienced marketing team while a non-profit may lack the resources to effectively promote and magnify your support. So if you are going to donate $5 from a dessert on your menu to a charity for a quarter, make sure the charity is armed with flyers, social media graphics and other imagery. It’s also important to select a charity that you can impact with. If you are a smaller business, you may want to support a smaller charity where your donation will be large enough for the charity to support. You don’t want your efforts to be lost in the crow. Vice versa, if you have the ability to make $100,000 impact, a larger charity may be better able to support your goals. Ultimately, supporting causes you care about will be rewarding on it’s own, but the more return your business experiences, the more impact you’ll be able to make. Put simply – do good, get good, feel good. Written by: Andrew Freeman & Co. A high-energy hospitality consulting firm with a unique blend of expertise in marketing, publicity and creative services. The AF&Co team will do whatever it takes to build awareness for clients and ultimately increase sales. AF&Co offers tailored, flexible programs that include: creative/concept development, branding, recruiting, graphic design, public relations, sales/marketing, training, event management, and more depending on the clients’ needs. The AF&Co team is creative, direct and fun, and focuses on the areas that they are passionate about: restaurants and beverages, travel and hotels, and lifestyle personalities and products. For more information, visit or follow them on Facebook or Twitter.




Building a business in the food-

service industry can be a challenge for a veteran food manufacturer, and for someone new to the business, it may feel quite daunting.

No one knows this better than Suji Park, founder of Suji’s Korean Cuisine, who has more than a decade of international business experience in the restaurant, retail and foodservice industries.



AUGUST 2016 She shared her insights and pointers with attendees at the Summer Fancy Food Show’s Education Program, “Getting Started in Foodservice.” “The most basic and most critical pointer I have is to learn the industry before you try to enter it,” Park advised. “This can save you costly mistakes and considerable time. It will also reassure buyers that you are serious about partnering with them, and understand their unique business needs.” She explained that on her return to her native Korea after living in New York, she found she missed the relaxed and leisurely food culture of Sunday brunch, along with other American food traditions. This inspired her to open a New York style restaurant in Seoul, which grew into a group of restaurants, then a food development company producing convenient, all-natural foods from Korea, Japan, and the United States for easy preparation at home. But branching out into the culinary world of the United States was different. To educate herself on the industry here, she signed up at French Culinary Institute (now the International Culinary Center) where she honed her appreciation of good food and gained an in-depth understanding of food-business management techniques. Realizing the value that the right business partners could bring her endeavor, she worked with key industry players. Her company, Food Dreams Made Real (FDMR) Inc., was the first international company inducted into the massive Nebraska Innovation Campus, a 2.2 million square foot research campus designed to facilitate new and in-depth partnerships between academia and private sector businesses – a partnership that she feels has given her a technological edge in

in packaging and formulating her frozen and refrigerated line of entrees and meals. Park has distilled her advice for any food manufacturer wishing to enter the foodservice business down to three tips that have guided her own success. • Read The Trends Of The Restaurant Industry

The foodservice industry typically wants to provide restaurants with products that reflect what THEIR customers want. A foodservice provider understands and anticipates what the “end user” is seeking, so their customers are able to deliver products they need.

• Know The Foodservice Industry Specs

A good foodservice provider knows what works for his or her customer. They research package sizes that are needed (unit, case, pallet, LTL) necessary shelf life, how to provide clear and concise instruction manuals for both foodservice employees and, if appropriate, for the end-user.

• Exercise Patience

The foodservice industry usually plans six months or more in advance. There are often rotation cycles where they review certain types of cuisine, different food departments such as sauce, frozen, refrigerated, or specialty items. You, as a supplier, need to work on their schedule. “And perhaps the most important advice I can offer is to surround yourself with talent. I make it a point to work with outstanding managers and industry experts whose knowledge will make a difference in my business. Listening to these industry leaders and allowing them to do their job will move a company forward faster than any one person can do alone,” she said.

About Suji’s Korean Cuisine: Suji’s Korean Cuisine brings delicious, authentic Korean flavors to the home chef in easy to prepare and personalize “clean label” refrigerated and frozen meals as well as shelf-stable sauces.



His experience is vast, from his childhood spent on the family owned vineyard in Southern France to over 40 years accumulated experience as a Sommelier, 35 of them spent at The Stafford.

It is impossible to discuss

The Stafford London’s wine cellars without mentioning Master Sommelier Gino Nardella.


In addition to nurturing the thousands of bottles in the hotel’s cellars, Gino oversees the wine service in The Stafford’s restaurant. Working alongside Executive Chef Carlos Martinez, Gino provides complementary vintages for private dining menus as well as giving tips to would-be connoisseurs.



Ben trained at the Lycee Professional catering school in St Nazaire for five years before travelling around Europe. He joined The Stafford in 1993, planning to stay a year to improve his English, but proved to be so popular that he never left. Ben became Bar Manager in 1997, replacing the late and beloved Charles, who, having served for 42 years at The Stafford, would be proud to see the high standards and jovial atmosphere of the bar still going strong. Ben is the utmost professional but sees his work as pure pleasure, relishing interaction with guests and building up close friendships with many regulars.

Mr Provost says: “We see the same guests returning year after year. It’s so lovely meeting their families, watching their children grow up…I know they feel like they’re coming home when they visit us.”






Matt Erickson is the senior

vice president of food and beverage at SLS Las Vegas, named “Las Vegas’ Hottest Hotel for Foodies” by Forbes Travel Guide and “Hotel of the Year” by Eating Las Vegas. In this role, he oversees an acclaimed collection of restaurants including Bazaar Meat by José Andrés (Fox News “Top 5 Steakhouses in America”), Katsuya (Thrillist “Best Sushi Restaurants in Las Vegas”), and Cleo (OpenTable “Top 100 Hot Spot Restaurants in America”) as well as bars, in-room dining, mini-bars, banquets, and catering.

In addition to collaborating with some of the world’s most highly-regarded chefs, Erickson spearheaded concept development, operations, and sales and marketing, leading a team of over 1,000 restaurant professionals. Prior to his time with sbe, Erickson began his restaurant management career in 1996 at Armani Café on Newbury Street in Boston. He then moved on to New York where he bartended and managed several bars and restaurants including Aubette and Abaya. During his time in New York, Erickson opened Ono at the Gansevoort Hotel for China Grill and Jeffrey Chodorow before becoming General Manager of the Lakeside in Montauk New York. Erickson served as vice chairman of restaurants for the Nevada Restaurant

Erickson joined SLS Las Vegas from sbe, where he was instrumental in the opening and expansion of the worldclass restaurant group since 2006, instituting many of their key systems, policies, and procedures. Erickson oversaw the company’s award-winning portfolio of concepts nationwide, including The Bazaar by José Andrés, Katsuya and Cleo, to name just a few.


Continued on Page 14 Q&A With MATT ERICKSON, Continues On Next


Matt Erickson F&B • Matt

Everyone has a story. Tell us how you knew you wanted to enter the hospitality field. What was your “light bulb” moment? • After college, I moved into the city in Boston and took a job at an investment bank. In a short amount of time, I knew that’s what I didn’t want to do—sit at a desk and crunch numbers. My girlfriend at the time was in the hospitality industry and encouraged me to get into it. My “light bulb” moment was within the first two weeks of working as a bartender, because it didn’t feel like a job, it felt like fun.

F&B • Matt •

F&B • Matt •


Can you name a person who has had a tremendous impact on you as a leader? Why and how did this person impact your life? When I moved to LA from the East Coast, I was really fortunate to join sbe in its infancy. I was so intrigued by Sam Nazarian—his charisma, his excitement about his projects, how he wanted to change the world of hospitality. I was fortunate enough to move up the ranks with sbe. Within four years, I was reporting to Sam directly, and that allowed me to understand the business side of hospitality rather than just the operations aspect. Sitting next to Sam doing a big deal with Starwood or CIM or Stockbridge, that experience was invaluable to me and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It not only shaped who I am today, but I think it gave me a leg up on a lot of people in my position, because I was able to watch someone who’s brilliant in terms of vision and deal-making. What are the most important decisions you make as one of the leaders of your organization? What I do falls into two categories—financial and hospitality. Financials obviously have to be in line, we have to make money, but I think that culture is the most important aspect of what I do, and that’s what I really focus on most. You do that through spending a lot of one-on-one time with your people.



I take a lot of pride in promoting from within and in the personal relationships I’ve built with my staff and managers. I like to think of myself as the kind of guy who’s very encouraging, inspiring, and excited and passionate to come to work every day, and that’s what I ask of my people. If you can build a culture of enthusiasm and excitement, and people actually enjoy coming to work because their managers support and love them, then it translates directly into the guest experience, and ultimately the financial performance improves as a result.

F&B • Matt •

How do you encourage creative thinking within your organization? Since I’ve been in Vegas, I’ve realized that my style—built on a foundation of standalone restaurants, growing different brands, and working with different chefs and designers—is to foster a more entrepreneurial spirit and approach than you find in most large Vegas hotels. We really allow our executive chefs and general managers to run their business from A to Z. This empowers the team because they feel like they can make a difference in their venues. We want them to take ownership. We ask, “If you owned this business, what would you do?” And whatever that is, we try to let them run with it.

F&B • Matt •

As Senior V.P. at SLS, which do you think is most important to your organization—mission, core values or vision? Those all go hand-in-hand, and they’re all critical and highly impactful parts of your organization. But what’s really most important is hiring passionate and enthusiastic enough people who believe in your vision, mission, and core values. And that starts at the top—if upper management doesn’t eat, sleep, and breathe them, then no one else on the property is going to.

F&B •

When faced with two equally-qualified candidates, how do you determine whom to hire Personality.

Matt • F&B • Matt •

What is one characteristic that you believe every leader should possess? Competitiveness. Q&A Continues On Next Page



F&B •

Can you explain the impact, if any, that social media has made on your organization and you personally? Matt • It’s completely changed the landscape of hospitality. Between Yelp and Instagram and Facebook, it’s opened up communication between people to the extent that everyone has an opinion. And I don’t necessary look at that as a negative thing, like many others in hospitality. I think it’s great that everybody has a voice. If you stick with your core values and execute and do things the right way, then all of that feedback falls in line. F&B • What are a few resources you would recommend to someone looking to gain insight into becoming a better leader? Matt • Jack Welch has a great book called Winning, which I firmly stand by. I also love The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. And if you’re in hospitality, Danny Meyer has a book called Setting the Table that’s phenomenal. Those books have had a strong influence on the way that I do things. I also think that you have to look at everyone as a mentor. Whether I’m having a conversation with a busser, dishwasher, or our President and COO, I’m learning. Some people are teaching you what to do, others are teaching you what not to do, but every single meeting, conversation, and interaction holds within it the ability to learn and grow. You just have to recognize that and consciously capitalize on it. F&B • What are you doing to ensure your continued success, growth and development as a leader? Matt • Working hard, keeping my standards high, staying competitive, paying attention to the market and what the competition is doing, being smart enough to know that I don’t know it all, making sure that I hire great people. Not to oversimply it, but I think that’s the number one key to success—hire great people, train them well, put them in the right positions, and get out of their way.

F&B • Matt •

What, do you do to relax? I’m very athletic. I love to box, I love to play basketball, I love to play tennis, and you’ll see me in the gym four or five times a week. Las Vegas has been great for me in that there’s plenty of opportunity to play sports and be active.

Thank You Mr. Erickson PAGE 20




Section Continues On Next Page PAGE 21 >

PerfectlyPlated Chefs

Enhance Your Dining Experience with Kiln™

Kiln™ by Front of the House® Adds a little something spicy to your table and turn up the heat on plating colorful ethnic cuisine. The Kiln™ Collection’s organic shapes and wide range of sizes, come in five vibrant colors with a unique reactive glaze; Leek, Blood Orange, Chili, Pepper, and Vanilla Bean. PAGE 22


Adds depth to your dish while transforming your tabletop with the Front of the House® Banana Leaf Runner. Available in nine sizes, these long-lasting, easy care placemats can bring any table to life. You can also enhance your tabletop table with customizable Metroweave® mats, liners, and runners available in vibrant colors and unique weaves. Whether it’s a setting for one, or a banquet table for 20, custom Metroweave® will cover any size table with a look you’ll love.


PerfectlyPlated Chefs





Q&A with

Chef Ryan Sulikowski F&B • WHY CHOOSE FOH DISHWARE? RS • I love the selection. There is a plate line for every type of food and

the collection is always growing. Sometimes a plate will influence the food that goes on it as much as an ingredient that sparks an idea.

F&B • HOW IMPORTANT IS PRESENTATION? RS • Presentation is one of the most important aspects that we as chefs

have to pay attention to, but should be one of the last thoughts when composing a dish. When composing a dish, I will make sure the food on the plate is prepared properly and is easy to eat in a functional way. How a dish is plated should also highlight what I, as a chef, am trying to highlight in the dish. Most importantly, I need to always keep in mind that the first impression of my food a diner will have is when it is presented to them.

F&B • WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WAY TO PLATE? RS • My plating style continues to evolve as does my cooking style so it is always in the moment. I always consider how the dish should be eaten first and then plate from there. I like using negative space when plating appetizers and plating entrees more spread out on the plate.

F&B • WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LINE FROM FOH? RS • My new favorite plates are the “Tides” line. I love the colors and the shape of the bowl especially. I tend to grab those first when plating a new dish recently.

F&B • DO YOU HAVE ANY PLATING TRICKS YOU CAN SHARE? RS • Keep color in mind and texture. Be creative and try new things, but

always keep the functionality of the dish in mind. A plated dish may be beautiful, but difficult to eat. Don’t try to hide your food either, show off your skills by allowing the diner to see what you spent all day preparing.

Chef Sulikowski Q&A Continues On Next Page


PerfectlyPlated Chefs

F&B • WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE THIS WAS YOUR CAREER PATH? RS • I was always drawn to the kitchen when I was younger. Cooking was the one thing I always had a passion for and always strived to be better at. It’s one of the things in my life where I have always studied and tried to learn as much as possible. I don’t thing that I decided this was my career path as much as there was no other career I’d be as excited about everyday.

F&B • WHAT IS YOUR COMFORT FOOD? RS • There is nothing more comforting to me than a roasted chicken. I gener-

ally do not eat heavy foods but when it comes to roasted chicken, load up the mashed potatoes and braised greens.

F&B WHO WAS YOUR GREATEST COOKING INFLUENCE? RS • 5 years ago I would have given you one name, but as I continue to

grow as a chef I find that every chef I have worked with and for has become a great influence. Throughout your career, you take bits and pieces from chefs that help you become a better chef yourself, but it is also important to remember the things you have seen and experienced that you do not want to be as a chef. All of the previous chefs I have worked for have taught me so many valuable lessons, even if it was one important lesson over a 2 year period.

F&B WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DESSERT? RS • There is nothing more comforting to me than a roasted chicken. I generally do not eat heavy foods but when it comes to roasted chicken, load up the mashed potatoes and braised greens.

F&B • BEST THING ABOUT BEING A CHEF IS? RS • I love preparing desserts. I love the balance of sweet and savory while mixing up textures and temperatures on the same plate but I do not have a big sweet tooth myself. I will order and eat dessert out more to see what other chefs are doing for inspiration.

F&B • CHEF WHOSE STYLE OF COOKING YOU REALLY DIG? RS • Tom Colicchio’s style really impressed me recently. My wife and I ate

at “Colicchio & Sons” and the food was all about flavor. There wasn’t a ton of different ingredients on each plate, but the ones that were on there were extremely flavorful.




The focus was on proper preparation with high quality ingredients which were allowed to shine. It was a fun experience.

F&B • HOW DO THE TERM GLUTEN-FREE, MAKE YOU FEEL? RS • We cater to all guest requests when possible. If someone is glu-

ten-free or has an allergy, we make every attempt to provide them with the original dish with those tweaks when we can. Even if it is a preference, we will accommodate the guest to provide them with the best service we can. It personally doesn’t bother me when guests make requests because everyone has their own preferences.

F&B •


RS • Make sure this is a passion for you! The hours are long and the

stress is high. Without a true love for cooking you will become frustrated and lose interest. Also, learn the basics. Learn how to sharpen your own knife. Learn the classic knife cuts. Learn how to cook and properly rest proteins. Learn as much about the ingredients you are working with and strive to learn why things happen the way they do. Most importantly, do not settle. Do not get in the habit of sending out food that you are not 100% proud of. Ask your chefs questions. They would rather you ask and make sure you do what you’re doing properly than assume and do it wrong. Lastly, my secret personal advice, learn about pastry as much as you can. Not only will it make you a more rounded chef, it will also make you more marketable when searching for future jobs.

F&B • LASTLY, WHAT DO YOU TO WHEN RELAXING’S RS • I do exactly that, relax. After a long week it is important for me to have my down time. My wife and I enjoy going out and trying new restaurants. but what we enjoy more is making dinner at home and relaxing together. That is our time to catch up with each other. This industry is demanding, especially with the hours, so it is important that we spend as much time together when we can as possible.

Thank You, Chef Sulikowski Chef Sulikowski Plated Dishware Continues On Next


PerfectlyPlated Chefs Ryan Sulikowski, grew up behind the stove. From his Polish grandmother’s kitchen to working at multiple acclaimed eateries, Sulikowski has developed a rich and diverse culinary background. Sulikowski, a graduate of Le Cordon Bleu at the Atlantic Culinary Academy in Dover, NH, learned about Mediterranean flavors in Atlantic Highlands, NJ and Epping, NH. He developed his passion for farm to table cooking while in York, Maine at the Clay Hill Farm. But it was his time in Wilmington, DE that elevated his cuisine. He learned to think outside of the box and to meld unusual combinations of ingredients together while never losing respect for those ingredients. In 2012, Sulikowski joined Courtney Rozsas’ team as Executive Chef of Lotus Farm To Table in Media, Pennsylvania. The BYOB features healthy dishes, simply prepared in a relaxed environment. Ingredients are always sourced from local farms and combined in non-traditional ways. The menu is complemented by artisanal teas and a Market area filled with Sulikowski’s homemade jams, pickles, dressings and sauces. Kiln™ Plate, Vanilla Bean

Tides™ Plate, Mussel


Kiln™ Bowl, Pepper

Kiln™ Plate, Vanilla Bean



PerfectlyPlated Chefs





Q&A with

Chef Ryan Peters F&B • WHY CHOOSE FOH DISHWARE? RP • FOH plates are really a great product to me. They have such a vast

selection of plates, that really suit what I try to accomplish. Not to mention they are durable and hold up to many awesome dishes.

F&B • HOW IMPORTANT IS PRESENTATION? RP • Presentation is huge. Obviously taste is just as important, but we, as

chefs, need to make it visually appealing as well. And not only does it take great ingredients and technique to do so. It also takes great plates, such as FOH!

F&B • WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WAY TO PLATE? RP • I don’t necessarily have my own plating style, I don’t think. I really

just think in the moment when plating a dish. Each dish is different and needs to be plated in a different way.

F&B • WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LINE FROM FOH? RP • Right now, Monaco. I love the simplicity of it. theres so much to do with that line

F&B • DO YOU HAVE ANY PLATING TRICKS YOU CAN SHARE? RP • Don’t overthink it F&B • WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE THIS WAS YOUR CAREER PATH? RP • I’ve know I’ve wanted to do this since I was a little kid. Not sure where it started but its always been a passion of mine.

F&B • WHAT IS YOUR COMFORT FOOD? RP • Nothing beats a good omelet or scrambled eggs F&B • WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WHITE WINE? FAVORITE RED? RP • Plating last minute in a banquet setting is the key. We create a restaurant style catering experience. It’s all about the timing and good communication.

Chef Peters Q&A Continues On Next Page


PerfectlyPlated Chefs

Q&A with

Chef Ryan Peters

F&B WHO WAS YOUR GREATEST COOKING INFLUENCE? RP • It’s hard to name just one. I’ve been very fortunate to have some real-

ly amazing chefs to look up to. It started in Pittsburgh, working under Chef Kevin Sousa. Now at Ocean Reef, I’m exposed to an amazing lineup of chefs that I can learn from everyday. I’ve also been fortunate to be able to have had the chance to learn and work alongside chefs such as Brad Kilgore, Alter and Rich Rosendale, Richard Rosendale Collective. Chefs like that really inspire me.

F&B • WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE INGREDIENT TO COOK WITH? RP • That’s a really tough question. I really do love vegetables, so there’s that. But if I have to choose one ingredient, I would say vinegar. I love adding acid to dishes in different components.

F&B • WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WHITE WINE? FAVORITE RED? RP • That’s a really tough question. I really do love vegetables, so there’s that. But if I have to choose one ingredient, I would say vinegar. I love adding acid to dishes in different components.

F&B • BEST THING ABOUT BEING A CHEF IS? RP • Creative expression and being able to create something new with raw ingredients.



Push Yourself

F&B • LASTLY, WHAT DO YOU DO TO RELAX? RP • Just hang out with my wife and dog! Thank You, Chef Peters PAGE 32



Ryan Peters, was born and raised in Reading, Pennsylvania. He attended IUP Academy of Culinary Arts in Punxsutawney, PA and moved on to Ocean Reef following culinary school for his externship. Upon completion, Peters moved to Pittsburgh, PA to work under Chef Kevin Sousa at the acclaimed Salt of the Earth. This is where Ryan first gained his fine dining exposure. Much of his current work ethic and discipiline can be credited to the chefs at Salt of the Earth. He has also just started Ryan Peters Dinner Series, a series of Pop Up dinners in South Florida.

Spiral Round Plate

Spiral Round Plate

Nouvelle Rectangle Plate

Nouvelle Rectangle Plate


PerfectlyPlated Chefs




Q&A with

Chef FELIX TAI F&B • WHY CHOOSE FOH DISHWARE? FT • FOH has some great lines to choose from and each is unique, Chefs are artists and FOH creates great “canvases” for chefs to present their art on.

F&B • HOW IMPORTANT IS PRESENTATION? FT • Presentation isn’t everything but it is very important on how you pres-

ent your food, the world has so much to offer, each item on the dish should be a beauty of its own complimenting other components on your plate making it a perfect symphony, don’t they say you eat with your eyes first?

F&B • WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WAY TO PLATE? FT • I have no particular way of plating, for most of the time I listen to my heart and keeping it simple, there is no use of focusing so much on how it should look rather than how it should taste.

F&B • WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LINE FROM FOH? FT • My favorite line from FOH is definitely their new line the Kiln, organic shapes, I love it!

F&B • DO YOU HAVE ANY PLATING TRICKS YOU CAN SHARE? FT • Plating tricks? I don’t really have any tricks up my sleeve but I do know

that you can use color, texture, shapes, dimension and the balance of everything to present what you’re wanting to present and for me, this is expressed through my heart and of course your plate ware is very important!

F&B • WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE THIS WAS YOUR CAREER PATH? FT • I love cooking for others, and I started from young and I made it pretty clear to myself that I was going to be a chef, using food to see others being happy are a big joy to me. Food is love, the world needs a lot of love and maybe one plate at a time can make it a better place.

F&B • WHAT IS YOUR COMFORT FOOD? FT • My comfort food has to be the food I grew up eating, for breakfast, lunch

and dinner, available 24/7 at almost every corner of the street, Nasi Lemak, a classic with very unique elements, not everyone can understand this. This food literally brings comfort in my heart while I enjoy it. Chef TAI Q&A Continues On Next Page


PerfectlyPlated Chefs

Q&A with

Chef Felix Tai

F&B FT •

F&B • FT •

F&B • FT • F&B • FT • F&B • FT • F&B • FT • F&B • FT •

F&B • FT •

WHO WAS YOUR GREATEST COOKING INFLUENCE? My greatest cooking influence is my mother, this woman cooked with love, yet never once she allowed me in her kitchen until I was older, her strict discipline! And I learned so much silently observing her, I learned the importance of mis en place and cleanliness and preparation and quality long before I went to culinary school. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE INGREDIENT TO COOK WITH? Seafood, I love seafood, it’s a beauty of its own, I get to understand seafood even better now living in Hawaii, being able to go to their natural habitat and see how they live and then respecting their life and using that same respect while using them for your dish will create beauty. WHAT CELEBRITY YOU WOULD LOVE TO COOK DINNER FOR? I have cooked for some celebrities but Tyrese has been on my radar for a few years now. Dude is real, some celebs are different in real life than their personality on media but dude is real that’s all I gotta say. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DESSERT? So many to choose from, and I’m a fat boy, you’re killing me! I have to say chocolate. Chocolate everything. CHEF WHOSE STYLE OF COOKING YOU REALLY DIG? Zak Pellacio, real food, real colors, real flavors, real expression. BEST THING ABOUT BEING A CHEF IS? Being able to touch, hold, smell, look, taste food from its original form then transforming into art expressed by heart and passion, living my dreams every day. HOW DO THE TERM GLUTEN-FREE, MAKE YOU FEEL? The food industry is a money making industry, so is healthcare. Today there’s a niche, that some people just follow the hype without truly understanding. I do take serious care for some guest who actually explain to me that it is unfortunate for them to not have gluten in their diet and still allow me to do my thing but to those just follow the hype, I would suggest understanding gluten and what it is before just jumping the bandwagon. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO SOMEONE WITH ASPIRATIONS OF BECOMING A PROFESSIONAL CHEF? My advice would be work hard, work fast, work smart, be proactive, have common sense and if this is your life style, your passion, then always cook with your heart and never give up. It’s not an easy life, but to be able to express yourself in a daily basis is an opportunity not everyone in this world have.




Felix Tai, Born and raised in Malaysia then trained in classic French as well as specializing South east Asian flavors. Cooking is in my DNA, it’s in the family and the number 1 reason why I cook is because I love cooking especially for others, I have made new friends far and near, a simple dream I had. I am also living the dream here in Hawaii, being able to use real food, fresh, local and what the Island has to offer has made cooking easier! When I have free time, I spend it with my Beautiful wife and our 2 kids. Being away from my home country for so long, I have come to respect the land and country i reside, wherever that may be, respecting their cultures and traditions and a lot of times, it involves food, with that I pour my heart and passion and I get get to live my dream daily whether in a Michelin restaurant, food truck or a casual dining on the north shore of Hawaii!

Large Footed Kyoto™ Plate

Small Banana Leaf Runner

Large Footed Kyoto

Round Kiln, Vanilla Bean

Square Winged Bamboo Plate, Natural

“Kyoto™ Shallow Hanging Ramekin

Thank You, Chef Tai PAGE 37


ATLANTA, GA Chef Jones studied at the Culinary Institute of America and returned to Atlanta after graduating, determined to become a success. Sonya worked with Southern food icon Edna Lewis and opened a bakery, selling made-from-scratch desserts. After receiving rave reviews, Jones began a successful mail-order business. She also runs a catering service and sells a line of private-label jellies and dessert sauces.

By Donsh’e Usher, CHEF SONYA JONES is the owner of Sweet Auburn Bread Company, where she continues the traditions of southern African American baking. Her desserts have received praise from former President Bill Clinton and Food Network star Rachael Ray.

Her business was selected as one of the Best Bakeries in the South by Southern Living and has received praise from such publications as Flavors and Taste of the South, among others. Jones has made media appearances on Food Network shows with Rachael Ray and Bobby Flay. When CNN ran a segment about the economic crisis and its effect on small businesses, they dubbed Sweet Auburn “The Little Bakery That Could.” Jones lives in Atlanta, Georgia.

In 2008, she was honored by Ebony magazine’s “Taste of Ebony” awards as one of the nation’s top Black Pastry Chefs. PAGE 38


“ The Little Bakery That Could ”


F&B • SJ • F&B • SJ • F&B • SJ •

F&B • SJ •

F&B •


Really hard to narrow to just one… but I love meatloaf especially served with mashed potatoes green beans and cornbread. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DESSERT?

Pound Cake… I enjoy them served or with fresh seasonal berries.

Have an open mind. Constantly educate yourself about the industry whether its culinary school, apprenticeship or mentoring programs. Join bakery organizations, to meet and network with others in all facets of the industry. Find a mentor, someone you can go to for advise and counsel. Never give up!


My inspiration for creating Sweet Auburn Bread Company was to have a platform to present and share authentic southern desserts and breads. I feel it is important that these heritage recipes are not only preserved but shared to ensure they are not lost. The production method is a small batch -from -scratch bakery utilizing seasonal & local ingredients from recipes passed down to me from my mother and other family members and close friends. The memories of my mother preparing family meals from ingredients gathered from her garden and later years at her café is a constant reminder and inspiration. WHAT IS THE MOST REWARDING THING ABOUT YOUR PROFESSION?

“When the smell of my baking greets you at the door, bringing back memories…” The reaction from customers when they see my display of southern desserts validates my mission. I am constantly entertained by stories about the memories these items evoke as well as the person that prepared them! WHAT ADVICE DO YOU HAVE FOR SOMEONE CONSIDERING A SIMILAR CAREER PATH?

SJ • Start working at a bakery to gain experience and knowledge. Make sure you have a passion for this… That will be your foundation to endure the ups and downs.

F&B • SJ •


I was teaching Southern style cooking classes with Ms. Edna Lewis, Grand Dame of Southern Cuisine, and we prepared a Blackberry Roly-Poly for dessert. Fresh Blackberries sprinkled with sugar and spice, layered in dough, tied in a cloth then placed in a water bath and baked in the oven. It was served with a Blackberry sauce. I had seen my mother prepare several different variations of fresh fruit and dough such as Blackberry Dumplings, cooked on top of the stove in a stock pot but not in the oven. It was one of those rare moments that made me go Uhmmm!

F&B • WHAT’S NEXT FOR YOU? SJ • Well, I am really excited about

my 20th anniversary in 2017. I am looking forward to expanding on my Sweet Auburn Bread Company brand. I now offer a line of jams, jellies and sauces and would like to add dry mixes such as biscuits and muffins and a spice line.

Chef Jones Recipe Continues On Next Page



Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Tart with Chocolate Maple Drizzle By Chef Sonya Jones Tart Pastry Dough Ingredients 1 2 tsp. 1 1/2cup 1/2cups 1/4 tsp. 8 tsp.

Egg yolk Very cold water Unbleached all-purpose flour Sugar Salt (1 stick) cold unsalted butter,cut into 1/4 in pieces

Instructions 1. Mix the egg yolk & water in small bowl; In a separate bowl, combine and stir together the flour, sugar and salt. 2. Using a pastry cutter, cut the butter

pieces into the flour mixture until the texture resembles coarse cornmeal, with butter pieces no larger than small peas. 3. Add the egg mixture and mix with a

fork just until the dough holds together. Form into a ball and flatten into a disk. Wrap in plastic and refrigerate until well chilled, about 30 minutes.

Unwrap the dough and place on a lightly floured surface, gently flatten the disk with a few gentle taps of the rolling pin. Lightly dust the top of the dough roll it out, give it a quarter turn then roll out again. Repeat until the dough is about 1/8 inch thick. Use a 6 in round cake pan to cut out rounds 2 inches greater in diameter than your tart pans. Press dough on bottom and sides of tart pan,pressing down across top to level dough with tart pan and remove any excess. REFRIGERATE UNTIL READY TO POUR IN FILLING AND BAKE.

Filling Ingredients 1 cup Sugar 1 cup Maple syrup 1 cup Callebaut Semi sweet Chocolate Chips 3 Eggs 4 tsp. Melted Butter 1 tsp. Vanilla extract 3 tsps. Bourbon 1 1/2cup Pecan halves

Salt pinch PAGE 40

Preheat 350 degrees 1. In a large bowl, whisk the sugar & salt with the eggs, maple syrup& vanilla. 2. Place pecans into tart shell, sprinkle chips over pecans. 3. Pour the filling over pecans & chocolate in the chilled pie tart shells. 4. Bake in the oven for about 25 minutes, or until the center of the pie is set. 5. Transfer the tart to a rack and let cool for at least 30 minutes before serving.



Sweetened Whipped Cream Ingredients 1 cup Heavy Cream 2-3 tsps. Very cold water Confectioners Sugar

Instructions 1. Pour heavy cream in the bowl of an elec-

tric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment

2. Whip on medium speed about 3 to 5 min-

utes as it thickens,gradually add the confectioners’ sugar. A tablespoon at a time. 3. Continue whipping on high speed until the

soft peaks form.

3. A tablespoon at a time.

Chocolate - Maple Drizzle Ingredients 1/4 cup Maple syrup 1/2 cup Callebaut Semisweet Chocolate Chips

Instructions 1. Place syrup and chips in microwave safe


2. Microwave on medium for 30 seconds at

first, remove from microwave.

3. Stir and then return to microwave 20 sec-

onds additional,repeat as needed.

3. But don’t melt the chocolate completely in

the microwave.

4. Get it hot enough so about 2/3 is melted

and then let the remainder melt while stirring.


Remove Pecan tart from pan and place on serving plate. Put dollop of sweetened whipped cream on top. Drizzle Sauce across top and sides of Pecan Tart

“ The Little Bakery That Could ” Sweet Auburn Bakery, 234 Auburn Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30303 • (404) 221-1157Visit us online @ PAGE 41



Growing up in the restaurant industry with my parents who are both CIA Culinary graduates, we owned and operated several restaurant and catering businesses. I moved on to be a part of the opening of the Hilton Columbus in 1998, Easton Town Center, a five star hotel in the greater Columbus, Ohio area where I managed the restaurant, room service and banquets; five years after, I managed at PF Chang’s China Bistro for 5 years while employed, I assisted in the operation in Aladdins Eatery before starting my Personal Chef Business part time in 2006, full time in 2009. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

• Named, “best of” in Clevelands Hotlist and Thumbtacks Best Chefs and Customer Service.

• Private Hire for the Republican National Convention and Featured Chef on Fox 8, New Day Cleveland. 40 PAGE 38





Chef Delgado Q&A Continues On Next Page Continued on Page 42


Q&A with

Chef Lisa Delgado

F&B • DL •

IS THERE A PARTICULAR STYLE YOU LIKE AND WHY? Tapas. Small and medium plates that just burst with freshness and layers of flavors...I cook and plate my dishes in layers so when you take a bite, you can taste everything and then it all blends beautifully in you mouth instead of taking a bite and just everything is just mushed together. Its rather a cool eating experience!

F&B • DL DL ••

WHAT IS YOUR COMFORT FOOD? My mom’s and dad’s Sunday pasta dinners.

F&B • DL •

WHO WAS YOUR GREATEST COOKING INFLUENCE? The greatest cooking influence in my life are my mom and dad. Also I’m going to say my grandparents. I grew up in a huge cooking family, but my parents took it to another level by going to culinary school so I really learned a ton growing up without even knowing I was learning!

F&B • DL •

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE INGREDIENT TO COOK WITH? My favorite ingredient to cook with is fresh Snowville Creamery A2 heavy cream or Origin Creamery A2 heavy cream they are great base to a lot of food I make. Their quality makes all the difference in the taste of my dishes.

F&B • DL •

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WHITE WINE? FAVORITE RED? As for white wines I prefer champagne I’m not a white wine person. As for Reds I like Joel Gott Cab Sav and Chateau Montelena Cab Sav.I live in an area that has really amazing wines, M Cellars (both reds and whites) has exceptional wines.

F&B PAGE•39CHEF WHOSE STYLE OF COOKING YOU REALLY DIG? DL • I really like Anthony Bordain, his style, attitude, personality... I’ll tell you what I

would love to just have some fun in the kitchen drink some good wines and beers and cook a hell of a meal with him I think he would be fun to hang with in the cucina!




F&B • BEST THING ABOUT BEING A CHEF IS? DL • The best thing about what I do is watching my clients eat and enjoy what

I create. All of my dishes are original creations so whether they clap after their dinner is done or review me from an event, it really makes my heart skip a beat. I always say; “ to me it’s better than any paycheck.”

F&B • HOW DO THE TERM GLUTEN-FREE, MAKE YOU FEEL? DL • Oh man... gluten free. I get it, I understand it. But to me

its an epidemic because there’s no reason for so many to be gluten free. It doesn’t happen overnight either it goes from when your young or passed down biologically thru years of eating what you “thought”was’s what you eat and your body basically builds up “gunk”. Some of these food companys really ruined “food.” Prime Example: Milk allergies. The have released a milk /cream made from A2 cows(check it out), and believe it or not people that are allergic to milk products can actually eat and drink this type of milk .So many companies abuse the phrase... “Made from scratch” Also, many people anymore really just don’t have the time to cook a good homemade meal, and that’s where I come in. I take no shortcuts.


BECOMING A PROFESSIONAL CHEF? My advice to someone who is passionate about becoming a chef is just follow your heart. Your heart will never steer you wrong. Do not think for one minute that there will be no heartbreak here and there, because there will be but your heart repairs itself and become stronger and stronger and so will your passion and your talent.

F&B • LASTLY, WHAT DO YOU DO TO RELAX? DL • Chill at home with the family listening to music or watching a funny movie and maybe putting down a few beers. And each year I do take a month and go relax in Puerto Rico with my husband and daughter at our home in Yabucoa.


PAGE 40 Chef Delgado Continues On Next Page

Chef Lisa Delagdo PAGE 46





ArKay is 100% Alcohol free Gluten free Sugar free Guilt free Worry free






you’re looking for a great way to promote and add profitability to your tavern, bar or Lounge. Arkay product line could be just the thing. ArKay is the perfect blend between flavor and sensation, so you won’t feel left out! These popular drinks are great to enjoy with a group of friends without the risk associated with alcohol infused drinks. Now you don’t have to choose between having fun and being safe. Let’s face it, before being the designated driver wasn’t all that great. ArKay has a molecule specially designed to stimulate your taste buds. Mocktails are becoming the ‘In Thing. So you don’t have to miss out on all those colorful drinks you look forward to when it’s time for a night out on the town. Our team of Mixologists are dedicated to creating a plentiful variety of cocktails for all occasions. We’ve experimented with all textures, colors and flavors to create a line of exquisite beverages of our own for even the most refined clients We are the ones who define the guilty free pleasures in life, making sure you don’t have to hold back from visiting your favorite bar, club, tavern or sky lounge or fun around the pool. Arkay products are perfect for frozen drinks or tequila cocktails.

By purchasing the entire product line. You will see for yourself how your profit margin will increase since, these cocktails are becoming increasingly popular with summer party goers. Whether you’re a weight watcher, carb counter, or simply chosen as the designated driver of the night, ArKay will always be your best wingman. This unique variety of molecular cocktail syrups are available on our website along with all of our best recipes so you can show off at home with all your guests. Offering delicious Mocktails without the calories that are usually associated with alcoholic beverages. ArKay products are perfect for the creating any frozen drink or cocktail. This product is for all barmen, mixologist and women. By purchasing the entire product line, you will see for yourself how your profit margin will increase dramatically. Take a look at ArKay’s complete list of diet-friendly non-alcoholic drink recipes on the next few pages. There you will find some of your favorite cocktails and several sugar free alternatives to try next time you’re in that favorite bar or lounge. We are sure these diet friendly drinks will surprise you.


Recipes Continues On Next Page








1 oz. ArKay Alcohol Free Spiced Rum 1 oz. ArKay Alcohol Free Amaretto ½ Oz. Cranberry Juice (Not Included) Splash Of Fresh Lime Juice (Not Included) Splash Of Sweet And Sour Mix (Not Included) Ice Cubes (Not Included) Garnish Lime / Cherry (Not Included)



½ oz. ArKay Alcohol Free Vodka ½ oz. ArKay Alcohol Free Rum ½ oz. ArKay Alcohol Free Tequila ½ oz. ArKay Alcohol Free Gin ½ oz. ArKay Alcohol Free Blue Curacao 2 Oz. Sweet And Sour Mix (Not Included) 2 Oz. 7 Up On Top (Not Included) Ice Cubes (Not Included) Garnish Cherry (Not Included)



2 oz. ArKay Alcohol Free Gin ½ Oz. Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice (Not Included) ½ Oz. Simple Syrup (Not Included) 4 Basil Leaves (Not Included) (Muddle Basil, Lemon And Sugar Syrup) (Not Included) Garnish Basil Leaf And Lime Twist (Not Included)


2 oz. ArKay Alcohol Free Whisky 1/2 Oz. Lemon Juice (Not Included) Simple Syrup (Not Included) ½ Oz. Orange Juice (Not Included) ¼ Oz. Grenadine (Not Included) 2 Dashes Of Bitters (Not Included) G - Lemon/ Cherry (Not Included)

Recipes Continues On Next Page









1½ oz. ArKay alcohol free Vodka 1 oz. ArKay alchol free Amaretto ½ oz. ArKay Alcohol Free Coffee Liquor 1 Tps Vanilla Sugar (Not Included) Ice Cubes (Not Include)


1½ oz. ArKay Alcohol Free Tequila ½ oz. ArKay Alcohol Free Orange Napoleon ½ oz. ArKay Alcohol Free Margarita


Splash Of Sweet/Sour Mix (Not Included) 1 Oz. Fresh Lime Juice (Not Included) Garnish Lime Wedge Salt To Rim Of Glass (Not Included)


1½ oz. ArKay Alcohol Free Vodka 1 ½ oz.ArKay Alcohol Free Limoncello Splash Of Club Soda (Not Included) Splash Of Sweet Sour Mix (Not Included) Ice Cubes (Not Included) Garnish Lemon Wedge (Not Included)


2 oz. ArKay Alcohol Free Vodka 1 oz. ArKay Alcohol Free Peppermint 1¼ Oz. Cream (Not Included) ½ Oz. Simple Syrup (Not Included) Ice Cubes (Not Included) Garnish Lemon (Not Included)



A taste of summer. Synonymous with salsa and fresh salads,

These Roma tomatoes are perfect for

our Windset FarmsÂŽ Roma tomatoes

aspiring chefs who wish to craft the world’s

with their sweet delicious taste, provide a

best soups, sauces, salsas and scintillating

versatile tomato ideal for all recipes.

fresh summer salads.






Lentil & Goat Cheese Salad This quick, easy lentil dish featuring Windset Farms® plump and full flavored Roma tomatoes makes for a hearty yet healthy, main course salad. SERVES 4.

INGREDIENTS • • • • • • •

4 Roma tomatoes 250 g puy lentils ½ red onion, thinly sliced ½ cup fresh basil, thinly sliced 2 Tbsp sherry vinegar 3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil 150 g soft goat cheese

INSTRUCTIONS Bring a large saucepan of water to boil and season with salt. Add the lentils and simmer for 25 to 30 minutes until tender. Drain and set aside to cool a bit. Roughly chop the Roma tomatoes and place in a large bowl with all of their juices. Add the onion and basil. Mix in the sherry vinegar and extra virgin olive. Add in the cooked lentils and season to taste with salt and pepper. Transfer the salad to bowls and top with the crumbled goat cheese and serve.


THERE is good news for potato salad lovers just as the season for chilled potatoes officially heats up. New research published in the scientific journal Food Chemistry adds to the growing body of evidence that shows that cooking and cooling potatoes can significantly increase the amount of Resistant Starch (RS)., Resistant starch is gaining momentum in the nutrition community due to emerging evidence in animal studies and some limited evidence in human studies suggesting that RS may positively affect body composition, favorably impact blood lipid and blood glucose levels and increase the amount of good bacteria in the colon, and may enhance satiety when consumed with whey protein. (Birt et al. 2013, Gentile et al. 2015, Higgins 2014, H iggins 2014, Higgins and Brown 2013, Keenan et al. 2015, Robertson 2012, Zhang et al. 2015). Cooking and cooling potatoes can significantly increase the amount of Resistant Starch. container .inline-carousel. In the most recent study, researchers examined the amount of RS in three popular potato varieties (Yukon Gold, Red Norland and Russet Burbank) prepared in two different ways (baked and boiled) and served at three different temperatures (hot, chilled for six days, and chilled followed by reheating). The results showed that the RS content of potatoes varied significantly by method of preparation and temperature but not variety (Raatz et al. 2016). More specifically, regardless of potato variety, the baked potatoes had more RS (3.6 grams of RS per 100 grams of potato) than the boiled potatoes (2.4 grams of RS per 100 grams of potato). Also on average, chilled potatoes (whether originally baked or boiled) contained the most RS (4.3 grams of RS per 100 grams of potato) PAGE PAGE 60 59

followed by chilled-and-reheated potatoes (3.5 grams of RS per 100 grams of potato) and potatoes served hot (3.1 grams of RS per 100 grams of potato). “The potato varieties used in this latest research all had similar levels of RS; thus, the key to maximizing Resistant Starch levels in your favorite spud is to serve them cold,” says Dr. Katherine Beals, RD, nutrition consultant to Potatoes USA. “But, it’s not just RS that makes potatoes a nutrition powerhouse. One medium-sized skin-on potato has just 110 calories, contains 45 percent of your daily value of vitamin C and has more potassium than a banana. Potatoes belong on the plate no matter the temperature.” Given potato salad is one of summertime’s most cherished foods, the time is now to enjoy chilled potatoes. With crisp potatoes and a lemony dressing, this light and bright summer salad packs deliciously tangy flavor.



Roasted Fingerling Potato Salad with Lemon and Thyme Salad INGREDIENTS 1 1/2 lbs. Fingerling potatoes, cut into ½-inch circles 1

Red bell pepper, cut into 1-inch cubes


Red onion, cut into 1-inch cubes (do not separate layers)

3 tsp. Extra virgin olive oil 1/2 tsp.

Kosher salt

1/8 tsp.


DRESSING 1/4 lbs. Cup light or olive oil based mayonnaise

1 1/2 tsp. 2 tsp.

Lemon juice Extra virgin olive oil

2 tsp. Fresh thyme leaves 1 1/2 tsp. Lemon zest 1/2 tsp.

Kosher salt

1/8 tsp.



Preheat oven to 425°F. Toss all salad ingredients together in a large bowl. Spread in a single layer on a large baking sheet and cook for 20 to 25 minutes or until potatoes start to brown. Let cool for at least 10 minutes. Meanwhile, whisk together all dressing ingredients in a medium bowl; toss with cooled vegetables. Serve at room temperature or chilled. Makes 6 servings Calories: 210; Fat: 12g; Cholesterol: 5mg; Sodium: 330mg; Vitamin C: 1.1%; Carbohydrates: 24g; Fiber: 2g; Protein: 3g; Potassium: 81mg.

About Potatoes USA

Potatoes USA (formerly the United States Potato Board) is the nation’s potato marketing and research organization. Based in Denver, Colorado, Potatoes USA represents more than 2,500 potato growers and handlers across the country. Potatoes USA was established in 1971 by a group of potato growers to promote the benefits of eating potatoes. Today, as the largest vegetable commodity board, Potatoes USA is proud to be recognized as an innovator in the produce industry and dedicated to positioning potatoes as a nutrition powerhouse.

PAGE 61 60





THE VOLLRATH COMPANY, a Sheboygan, Wisconsin based leading manufacturer of smallwares and equipment for the foodservice industry, announced today Jason Prange has accepted the position of district sales manager for Vollrath’s foodservice division. As district sales manager, Prange will oversee sales, territory growth and market development in North and South Carolina. Prange is a graduate of the Vollrath Sales Trainee Program and has over the past year, worked with multiple departments within the organization, including shipping, technical service, customer service, marketing and fabrication, along with field sales. Prange has also worked as an intern at Vollrath Company while obtaining his Bachelor’s degree in criminal justice at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville.

Prior to joining Vollrath, Prange has held successful positions in both loss prevention and credit fraud. He resides in Charlotte, North Carolina.





1 Continued On Page 65

CORRIDOR SHAKES UP MID-MARKET WITH ELEVATED COMFORT FARE, HAPPY HOUR DELIGHTS, AND HIGH-LEVEL HOSPITALITY Hi Neighbor, the San Francisco restaurant group behind beloved establishments Trestle, Stones Throw, Fat Angel, and the new Corridor Café, today announces the opening of Corridor. The restaurant delivers an upscale counter-service concept in a fine dining environment with a focus on delicious food and thoughtful service. Corridor’s menu features an elevated take on comforting culinary classics, reflecting Hi Neighbor’s defining hallmarks including “ The Model Of Corridor Is a supremely high level of service, warm hospitality, and delectable cuisine led by Executive Chef/Partner Unique, So The Teamwork Of Jason Halverson. The restaurant will open during se- Our Staff Is What Really Sets lect lunch and/or dinner hours seven days a week, The Bar Here. “ boasting a thoughtfully curated menu and wine and beer selection. PAGE 66


Hi Neighbor, the San Francisco restaurant group behind beloved establishments Trestle, Stones Throw, Fat Angel, and the new Corridor Café, today announces the opening of Corridor. The restaurant delivers an upscale counter-service concept in a fine dining environment with a focus on delicious food and thoughtful service. Corridor’s menu features an elevated take on comforting culinary classics, reflecting Hi Neighbor’s defining hallmarks including a supremely high level of service, warm hospitality, and delectable cuisine led by Executive Chef/Partner Jason Halverson. The restaurant will open during select lunch and/or dinner hours seven days a week, boasting a thoughtfully curated menu and wine and beer selection. The beverage program encompasses one of the best new happy hour deals in town – from 3-6 p.m. daily, every single menu item including wines by the glass, draft beer, and delectable cocktails, will be available for only $5 per beverage. “We set out to create a new type of dining experience with Corridor – a central gathering spot that offers the perfect blend of thoughtful service, a convivial atmosphere, and high-end, quality food… all in a casual and fun setting,” said Ryan Cole, partner at Hi Neighbor. At Corridor, diners can plan ahead with reservations or visit on a whim, with an array of dining options to enjoy delicious food and drinks in a variety of settings including the main dining area, bar or mezzanine. With a mix of table sizes and 70 spaciously appointed seats, it’s the perfect gathering spot for any and every occasion. The restaurant holds a significant portion of seats for walk-ins, where diners are greeted by a host or hostess upon arrival and personally guided through the ordering process step-by-step. This includes placing their order at the counter before taking a seat to await their food, where they’re fully serviced from that point forward. Reservations will be limited to 10 tables of seating on the spacious second-floor mezzanine for a more traditional sit-down dining experience, and the space will also serve as a private dining venue. The unique concept of Corridor underscores Hi Neighbor’s innovative approach to the art of dining and hospitality, particularly in consideration of the challenges presented by San Francisco’s current dining scene. Cole added, “The model of Corridor is unique, so the teamwork of our staff is what really sets the bar here. We’re fortunate to work with the City’s top talent at Hi Neighbor, who go above and beyond to deliver the best hospitality and service in San Francisco. The Corridor team brings extensive experience from noted restaurants across the Bay Area.” “We are striving to have the entire Corridor dining experience be swift, thoughtful and seamless from start to finish... You place an order at the counter but never have to get up again once you’re seated. It allows guests to have any type of dining experience they wish.”

Article Continues On Next Page


The food menu features seven distinct sections, with the majority of dishes coming in at under $20. “Shareables” include items such as Crispy Falafel Croquettes ($9) and a savory Monkey Bread ($6). “Soup & Salad” features a Corn Chowder ($9) and Crispy Duck Confit & Chicories salad ($16). “Pasta” dishes pay homage to favorites from sister restaurants Trestle and Stones Throw, including the Squid Ink Conchiglie ($22) and Garganelli Bolognese ($16). “Square Meals” are entrées that come with the choice of one or two sides, and include hearty and wholesome items such as Vegetable Pot Pie ($17) and the Chicken Parm Sandwich, beloved from Outside Lands 2015 ($14). “Sides” offer something for everyone at just $6 a la carte, including Pommes Frites, Asparagus a la Plancha, and Espresso-Roasted Carrots. “Daily Eats” are specials available at 3 p.m. every day, running the gamut from Slow-Braised Beef Shortribs ($26) to Fried Chicken ($20). “Sweets” feature elevated versions of nostalgic favorites in distinctive Hi Neighbor style by pastry chef Tara Lewis, such as a ‘Nilla Pudding Tart and a Cherry Crostata – for $8 each The beverage program is thoughtfully curated by partner Jason Kirmse and comprises sections for Draft Beer and Wine by the Glass with one selection in each major category; and creative “Low Proof” and “No Proof” cocktails. Corridor’s daily Happy Hour will swiftly become a neighborhood favorite with an entire menu of $5 offerings. Corridor is located on the ground floor of the striking 100 Van Ness high-rise, which is nestled amid the Van Ness “Corridor” in San Francisco’s newly trending Mid-Market district. The restaurant, boasting an open kitchen design and large floorto-ceiling windows, is in the heart of it all and within a few blocks’ walking distance to numerous arts, cultural and entertainment institutions such as City Hall, Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, and San Francisco Symphony, as well as new eateries, bars, and prominent tech headquarters like Twitter, Square and Dolby.

Corridor opens next to – and on the heels of – Corridor Café, which debuted this past March offering gourmet grab-and-go food and creative coffee beverages by LAMILL COFFEE. Corridor is the latest concept by Hi Neighbor, the young, dynamic San Francisco restaurant group comprising partners Ryan Cole, Tai Ricci and Executive Chef Jason Halverson (all MICHAEL MINA alums), along with Jason Kirmse. This is the team’s fourth restaurant opening in the past 2.5 years, including the year-old Trestle which received status as a Michelin Bib Gourmand recipient and one of Michael Bauer’s San Francisco Chronicle Top 100 Restaurants for 2016. Corridor is located at 100 Van Ness Ave. (at Fell). Hours of operation are 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekdays and 3 to 11 p.m. on weekends. www.


For a fruit, the Fresh California Avocado does yeoman’s work on meatless menus. Its culinary attributes–a rich, luxurious taste and smooth, silky texture–ensure vegetarian dishes enhanced with Fresh California Avocado both please and satisfy. Today’s vegetarian benefits from the global resources and inspiration available to innovative chefs. Ginger, Thai chiles and rice wine vinegar give Spicy Carrot, Cucumber and Fresh California Avocado Salad a distinctively Asian flavor profile. From Persia, Vegetarian Kufteh with Fresh California Avocado Salsa delivers a hearty grain and legume croquette topped with a lemon and cumin-scented avocado relish. For a vegan version of a popular appetizer, two tropical fruits get a creative spin in Coconut-California Avocado Ceviche. Visit for more vegetarian and globally inspired menu ideas with Fresh California Avocados. While on the site, browse the Fresh California Avocado recipe database and serving suggestions, and find a variety of helpful resources–nutrition, selection, storage and handling information–for optimizing Fresh California Avocado usage. About the California Avocado Commission Created in 1978, the California Avocado Commission strives to increase demand for California avocados through advertising, promotion and public relations, and engages in related industry activities that benefit the state’s nearly 4,000 avocado growers. The California Avocado Commission serves as the official information source for California Avocados and the California avocado industry. For information about California avocados, visit, or join us on Facebook at and @CA_Avocados on Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram for updates.


AUGUST’S ‘BURGER OF THE MONTH’ FEATURES DELICIOUS TWIST ON THE CLASSIC SALAD STARTING MONDAY, Caprese lovers across Louisiana are invited to Walk-On’s Bistreaux & Bar to taste a uniquely hearty twist on the beloved salad. Walk-On’s all-new Caprese Burger is an 8-oz. seared burger topped with fresh mozzarella, basil pesto, Roma tomatoes, balsamic glaze and garlic aioli served on a warm brioche bun. For only $12.99, this limited-time burger even comes with a side of crispy fries. For all the adults indulging in the Caprese Burger, Walk-On’s recommends pairing it with a Michelob Ultra for a truly satisfying experience. But don’t wait too long to visit your nearest Walk-On’s. This Burger of the Month will only be around through August 31! Baton Rouge-based Walk-On’s – voted “Best Sports Bar in North America” by ESPN – now has eight locations throughout Louisiana – three in Baton Rouge and one each in New Orleans, Lafayette, Houma, Shreveport and Lake Charles. Other locations are on the way in Zachary, Covington, Alexandria, Bossier City and Metairie, as well as Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, Lubbock and Tyler, Texas. Several additional markets across the Southern United States are likewise on the drawing board.

ABOUT WALK-ON’S ENTERPRISES Walk-On’s Enterprises is arguably the most distinctive restaurant company in America. Its concepts are fresh, fun and original, from Walk-On’s Bistreaux & BarSM – voted ESPN’s “#1 Sports Bar in North America” in 2012 – to Happy’s Irish Pub and WalkOn’s Catering. Additional growth lies ahead, as the company expands on its winning combination of delicious, affordable food and drinks presented in an uncommonly warm and friendly atmosphere. For more information, visit, or contact Ladd Biro at Champion Management at or 972.930.9933. ........................................................................................................

To inquire about franchising opportunities, qualified applicants may contact Walk-On’s Enterprises President & COO Scott Taylor at




SUMMER is the perfect time to enjoy a great cheese board with fresh compliments of the season. The Cheese Guy, New York-based specialty cheese producer and affineur of over 25 vegetarian, artisan, family farm, kosher (and many organic) cheeses has compiled a few recommendations on preparing the perfect summertime cheese board.

ON PREPARATION On a wood, marble or slate slab, place all cheeses out to sit at least an hour to reach room temperature before serving. Allow guests to cut their own cheeses so that they don’t dry out. Serve a variety of cheese logs, wheels, wedges and squares for a beautiful arrangement of cheeses.

Headquartered in Westchester, New York the cheeses are produced on small family-owned farms and creameries primarily in the U.S. - New York, Vermont and Ohio, as well as internationally in Italy, Argentina and Israel. Some of the varieties include: Argentine Specialty Cheeses, Asiago, Parmesan, Romano, Brie, Blue, Cheddar, Goat, Gouda, Havarti, Mozzarella and more. How many and what kind of cheeses? Providing a balance of flavors is key to a good cheese board. First, combine a variety of five cheeses ranging from mild to sharp, with different textures of soft ( goat, brie), semi-soft ( cheddar, Monteray Jack, Gouda) and hard cheeses (Parmesean, Asiago and Romano). They should be arranged in order from the lightest and freshest to the ripest and most intense. SERVING SUGGESTIONS Include savory and sweet extras on the board. This can range of crackers, salted or smoked nuts, marinated olives and bread sticks to fresh or dried seasonal fruits, preserves and honey. The Cheese Guy has both crackers and preserves perfect for serving with cheeses. Accompany the cheeses with your favorite wine, beet or sparkling juices



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Dole Packaged Foods, LLC announces the promotion of Keith Weiner to Director, National Accounts. Since joining Dole in 2013, Weiner has demonstrated an aptitude for cultivating new chain business while expanding purchases from existing accounts. “Keith performed exceptionally well in his role as National Accounts Manager,” says Stuart McAllister, Dole VP Foodservice, Industrial and Specialty. “With his new responsibilities, we recognize both his professional growth and his capability to grow sales for the company.” In his new role, Weiner will maintain key accounts and reassign others to national sales team members. Weiner is a graduate of the University of Nevada Las Vegas with a BSC in Hotel Administration, and holds a Certified Culinary Sales Professional credential from the Culinary Institute of America.


Trends in Produce



AUGUST 2016 Homegrown Sustainable Sandwiches on your radar, a fast casual restaurant that also owns and operates a farm. This September Homegrown Sustainable Sandwiches will be opening up its first store outside of Washington in the heart of San Francisco. This summer, Homegrown Sustainable Sandwiches is conducting bi-weeklies field trips for its staff to learn more about the food they serve. Every other Thursday until the end of August, founders Ben Friedman and Brad Gillis pack a van full of Homegrown staff and drive to Sprouting Farms, Homegrown’s urban farm about 30 minutes away from the flagship store. The farm was founded in 2014 and supplies Homegrown Sustainable Sandwiches with all of its seasonal produce (about two tons a year).

The farm is a small part of the business but it allows them to supply their stores with local, certified organic produce for seasonal items. These outings give employees the unique opportunity to see directly where the stores source ingredients and learn about Homegrown’s sustainable initiatives from the ground up (literally)! All of the employees who sign up for the trips are paid as if they were in store Other employee programs include paid paternity and maternity leave, free yoga classes, team entry in charity runs and walks and team volunteer days. The shop also extends the Seattle paid sick leave and minimum wage ordinances to all of its stores operating in the Pacific Northwest.



David Parrish: The Veteran Wine Star DRIVING THE FUTURE OF PARRISH FAMILY VINEYARD As a child working the 740-acre vineyard planted in Atascadero by his grandfather, David Parrish knew he wanted a life among the rolling vine rows of wine country. Years later after graduating from UC Davis, Dr. Mark Kliewer, the then-head of his alma mater’s Viticulture Department, recruited Parrish to assist in a 5-acre vineyard trial exploring new trellis techniques.

The trial not only helped boost Napa Valley vineyards, his work led Parrish to develop 24 proprietary patents for modern trellising systems and structures that are still used today. His trellising work caught the attention of the then-fledgling Napa community, and soon, in the late 1970s, Parrish was working alongside Napa’s most innovative grape growers, including the legendary Robert Mondavi. Mondavi and his neighbors believed Napa could be a worldclass wine region, and that it all started in the vineyards.

David Parrish helped them achieve that lofty goal. “It was quite an exciting time. None of us knew we were making history. We were just going for it and working our tails off,” says Parrish. “What I did know while working up there, and with Mondavi, was that this idea of transforming an area into a world-class region was not exclusive to Napa—that the same could be done in Paso Robles. To put it another way, as I finished up in Napa, I knew my work was just beginning.” With the vision of continuing the family legacy on the central coast, David planted 40 acres of Cabernet Sauvignon on his Creston ranch in 1995. In 2004, David crafted his first vintage of Cabernet Sauvignon; in 2011 he and his family opened the tasting room in Downtown Paso Robles; and in 2013 and 2014 he planted 80 acres in the Templeton Vineyard, and 30 acres in the Adelaida Vineyard. Follow Parrish Family Vineyard on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, or visit


“Much has changed in Paso Robles since I was a kid working alongside my grandfather. We have become a world-class region and we’re dedicated to ensuring that continues for generations to come. Parrish Family Vineyard is proud to be part of this community that knows the key to great wine starts with the farming, and farming requires constant innovation,” says Parrish. “This brings up another thing I learned from my days working with Mondavi, that the key to success is to wake up every day with one single goal: to make each vintage better than the last.” Today, Parrish Family Vineyard is a notable marquee destination for discovering award-winning Cabernet Sauvignon and Bordeaux varietal wine. David and his family will be opening a new winery and tasting room in the Adelaida District of Paso Robles next year.

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