Food and Beverage Magazine - October Issue 2024 - Brand Cover

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Border Grill


October 25, 2024 at Border Grill Mandalay Bay



U.S. Soy featuring Steve Reinhard, Ohio farmer and 2024 chair of the United Soybean Board




















We honor and remember the support of Chef Kerry Simon, Gary Cantor, Robin Leach, Chef Paul Prudhomme, & Gary Coles

Steve Reinhard, Ohio farmer and 2024 chair of the United Soybean Board, plants cover crops such as rye, barely and red clover in addition to soybeans.

His soybeans are almost 100% no-till, a practice which helps to preserve the soil health of the land


U.S. Soy farmers provide sustainable nutrition to meet growing demand

Across the U.S., farmers are not just producers of food— they are stewards of the land, dedicated to preserving its bounty for future generations. This commitment is particularly evident among soybean farmers whose efforts in sustainable agriculture are reshaping the food production industry. The versatility of soybeans, used in both food and non-food applications, make farmers a cornerstone of sustainable agriculture in the U.S. In terms of food, soy provides both protein and oil which can be used in everything from protein bars and tofu to crackers and salad dressings. They not only provide essential nutrition but also contribute to a shorter

supply chain for food companies compared to imported alternatives, thereby reducing transportation costs and carbon emissions.

With a dedication to sustainable farming practices, U.S. Soy stands at the forefront of agriculture as the half-million soybean growers in this country work to champion initiatives that protect and enhance soil health and natural resources.

U.S. Soy as a collective represents the positive global human impact of this U.S.-grown commodity and transforms global nutrition and climate-forward solutions.

Agronomist Jack Cornell, who focuses on soil management and crop productivity in addition to serving as the director sustainable supply for the United Soybean Board has seen first-hand soybean farmers’ commitment to growing more with less resources while mitigating environmental impacts. Practices like reduced tillage and cover cropping are integral to their approach, significantly reducing soil erosion and preserving vital nutrients essential for crop growth. By embracing these methods, farmers ensure that their operations remain efficient and environmentally responsible.

Consumer Demand and Sustainability

Consumer awareness and demand for sustainably sourced products have catalyzed change within the food industry. More than ever, consumers seek transparency in sourcing, with a significant majority expressing support for domestically grown ingredients. Food companies, in response to this demand, increasingly prioritize partnerships with U.S. farmers committed to sustainable practices. By doing so, these companies not only bolster the U.S. economy but also align themselves with consumer preferences for ethical and environmentally conscious products.

“When food companies purchase U.S. grown ingredients, they support the U.S. economy, investing in the long-term health of the land,” said Cornell. “Prioritizing domestic and sustainable sourcing is one of the most effective ways for food companies to reduce their carbon footprint, and thereby, a compelling purchase driver for more and more consumers.”

Pivot Irrigation
Soil Sampling
Terminated Cover Crop
Drone Spraying

Whether it’s through researching production practices, working with the supply chain or finding new markets for soy oil and meal both here and abroad, U.S. Soy promotes the development of and builds the market for the latest desirable soybean traits such as improved nutrition and functionality.

Soybeans grown in the U.S. have the lowest carbon footprint, compared to soybeans from other countries. This is likely a result of U.S. soybean farmers and the soy industry having invested in sustainability for more than 75 years. Recent measurements of progress since 1980 underscore the significant strides made by the U.S. soy industry in enhancing sustainability, such as:

48% land use efficiency improvement

46% energy use efficiency improvement

43% greenhouse gas emissions efficiency improvement

34% soil conservation improvement 130% crop yield increase

“Transparent supply chains from farm to fork empower consumers to be intentional with their dollars and support sustainable practices”
said Cornell

From substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions to significant improvements in land and energy use efficiency, the commitment of soybean farmers to sustainable agriculture is yielding measurable benefits. These achievements are not merely numbers as they reflect a profound dedication to continual improvement.

Despite the considerable advancements and achievements in sustainable farming, there remains a significant knowledge gap among consumers and even food companies regarding where and how their food is grown. This gap can hinder efforts to promote and support sustainable agricultural practices. Bridging the gap is essential for fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the importance of domestic, sustainably sourced ingredients.

Data from a 2023 survey indicates that nearly three-quarters

locally produced foods for sustainability reasons. With growing awareness of the benefits of plant-protein, soy foods are well positioned to meet diverse consumer demands

around nutrition and sustainability. Some companies use a “Made with U.S. Soybeans” icon on their packaging to indicate the source of their soy. These brands have acknowledged the importance of transparency, fostering consumer trust and encouraging informed purchasing decisions.

“While labels can be helpful, the key is for consumers to know which companies source their commodities locally,” said Cornell. “Transparent supply chains from farm to fork empower consumers to be intentional with their dollars and support sustainable practices.”

The Economic and

Over the past few years, many food companies have made significant strides to reduce their carbon footprint by reevaluating their supply chains and prioritizing partners committed to regenerative agriculture methods and transparent growing practices. This shift not only contributes

“...Sustainability looks differently on every farm and it is highly dependent on the farmer’s ability to take on additional risk incurred by changing to a new sustainability practice.”
said Cornell

to environmental sustainability but also results in economic benefits. Companies that highlight and advertise their domestic, sustainable sourcing practices tend to see an increase in sales, driven by consumer demand for environmentally responsible products.

“Soybeans as a versatile ingredient can be used in oil, fat, flour and protein applications,” said Cornell. “Food companies can benefit from this multifunctional, cost-effective ingredient options while working toward meeting their sustainability goals by choosing U.S. Soy ingredients.”

As new technology advances to help farmers monitor and manage their farms sustainably, accuracy and efficiency also advances. While U.S. Soy is not involved in any sustainability scoring system, there is value that comes from understanding the various components involved in the environmental and social impact of a food source.

Cornell explained, “A sustainability scoring system would never work as there are wide variants in weather, soil types, geography, and individual farming practices that can’t be easily summarized. Sustainability looks differently on every farm and it is highly dependent on the farmer’s ability to take on additional risk incurred by changing to a new sustainability practice.”

For some farmers, this additional risk can prove to be a financial burden, as access to resources can impact their ability to incorporate all the sustainable practices they would like to. Farmers for Soil Health, a joint initiative led by the United Soybean Board, the National Pork Board, and the National Corn Growers Association, is working to bridge the technology gap for growers.

Water Quality Testing

“Farmers for Soil Health is a program designed to help farmers mitigate the risk of taking on more sustainable practices. That aid comes in the form of cost share and technical assistance to help farmers incorporate more sustainability practices,” described Cornell. As someone who works closely with farmers from various geographies, Cornell emphasized how diverse the sustainable practice options are for farmers – especially when it comes to soil health as the foundation for farmers’ yearly crop.

“Taking care of the soil is a farmer’s number one priority. Building the health and the resiliency of the soil ensures the farmer’s continual productivity and profitability,” said Cornell. “These efforts also contribute to numerous environmental outcomes, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”

One key sustainability practice is reduced tillage or no tillage. Tillage is the preparation of soil through digging, stirring and overturning the soil. Farmers implementing reduced or no tillage see significantly less soil erosion and the vital nutrients that are applied throughout the year stay in place. If it wasn’t for modern tools and technology farmers would not be able to utilize this practice. Cover cropping is another one of the most effective sustainability practices to preserve the soil and reduce carbon emissions. A cover crop is grown to protect the soil from washing away when a commodity is not actively growing.

The United Soybean Board’s recent Life Cycle Assessment study, in collaboration with Sustainable Solutions Corp., analyzed soybean cultivation data from 454 farms across 16 states in 2020 and 2021. The study found the soybean

industry’s carbon footprint decreased considerably in 2021 for all U.S. Soy commodities compared to 2015. This decrease, includes many contributing factors from land management and efficiency, to pesticide application, energy consumption and manufacturing.

Looking Ahead and Planting the Seeds for Sustainability

As global challenges like severe weather and food security become increasingly apparent, the role of U.S. soybean farmers is as important as ever. Their ongoing efforts to innovate and adopt sustainable practices not only contribute to global nutrition and climate solutions but also support

businesses in focusing and measuring sustainability goals since they were established in 2015.

“The United Soybean Board took it upon itself to create an initiative that brought all the major geospatial scientists, NGOs, commodity groups, and corporations that are dedicated to building a common understanding about land use change and its impact,” said Cornell. “We are currently in our second year of this initiative, and I am amazed at the coalition of partners sitting at the table.”

U.S. soybean farmers have made impressive strides in stewarding their land. Measured from 2010 to 2021, soybean

per acre planted – a result of improved farming practices and management techniques to return more value for farmers, their customers and consumers alike. These advancements underscore the farmers’ commitment to continual improvement and sustainability. View Sources (Source 1, Source 2)

U.S. soybean farmers play a crucial role in implementing sustainability and environmental stewardship. Their dedication to innovative and responsible farming practices not only supports the U.S. economy but also meets the growing consumer demand for sustainably sourced products. As the food industry continues to prioritize sustainability, the efforts of U.S. soybean farmers will remain integral to shaping a more sustainable and resilient food system for future generations.

If you are a food industry professional looking for a way to be more environmentally conscious or to support companies that implement sustainable practices, take a moment to check out You can also see U.S. Soy’s new ingredient index page.

To request a sample or talk to an expert, contact U.S. Soy by clicking here

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David Bautista Co-Owner, Devil’s River Whiskey






















We honor and remember the support of Chef Kerry Simon, Gary Cantor, Robin Leach, Chef Paul Prudhomme, & Gary Coles

Page 50 Cookbook Ambitious Kitchen

Page 55 Chef Highlight Gameday Chef Recipes

Page 71 International Guava

Page 75 Editor’s Top Pick Top Fall Products

Page 125 Brand Cover Feature United Soybean Board PAGE 17 PAGE 19 PAGE 21

Things Are Heating Up For A Devilishly Good Whiskey

Exceptionally pure water — that’s what makes Devils River Whiskey the decorated, smooth small batch whiskey consumers savor and sip on today. Behind every bottle of this desirable spirit is a history as authentic as the favor it delivers. The purest water source in Texas was named ‘Devils River’ in 1840 by legendary Texas Ranger, John Cofee Hays.

This iron-free, sweet spring water is ideal for crafting an unrivaled, sinfully smooth whiskey. It always comes back to the H20 and the purity of this particular water source unmasks all the delightful nuances that Mike Cameron, Devils River Whiskey Co-Founder and President, hoped to achieve. Cameron is a self-taught distiller who worked tirelessly to make a statement with every sip. Cameron attended the Michigan State Distilling Program and learned from over fve master distillers, which included multiple training sessions. Cameron made the most of every opportunity and experience in order to refne his craft. In a way, yes, he was self taught but from the best!

“This partnership has given me a unique opportunity to explore my passion for whiskey in a hands-on way,” said Bautista. “I’ve learned about the distillation process and what it takes to create a high-quality product, which has deepened my love for whiskey and opened my eyes to the industry’s intricacies.”

Since being introduced in 2017, Devils River Whiskey has expanded from its roots in San Antonio, Texas. The brand can now be found in thirty-eight states, fve countries, and on cruise lines. The spirit takes great pride in ofering premium and craft bourbons with a growing portfolio of favored expressions. From long-standing whiskey enthusiasts to those looking to expand their palates, Devils River Whiskey aims to be accessible and enjoyable to everyone. In this instance, ‘everyone’ just happened to include a bigscreen celebrity.


Devils River Whiskey doesn’t take shortcuts when it comes to the production and quality of their spirits. That dedication to excellence caught the attention of Dave Bautista, actor and producer. As a result, Bautista is now a part of the Devils River Whiskey ownership team and newest member of its Devils Advocates: a group of Devils River Whiskey and bourbon enthusiasts involved in supporting the brand’s social responsibility eforts and overall mission.

“Devils River Whiskey has a bold, robust favor profle across their portfolio of expressions that refects their authenticity,”

said Bautista. “The brand’s willingness to take risks with creativity to achieve something exceptional, really speaks to me. It felt like a natural ft because I approach everything in my life with the same passion.”

Devils River Whiskey ofers nine expressions ranging from premium Bourbon, Rye, and Barrel Strength to a growing assortment of favored whiskey that consists of Cofee, Agave and Cinnamon options. The brand also ofers ultra-premium whiskey, including its Single Barrel, Distiller’s Select, and the new 5-year Rye. With more than sixty-three national and international awards, Devils River Whiskey has earned a reputation as a rich and bold bourbon that delivers dependable high quality.

Through his involvement, Bautista has discovered that distilling whiskey is both an art and a science. It involves selecting the fnest grains, using the purest water, and implementing a meticulous aging process in carefully chosen barrels. Each step is crucial to creating the fnal product — a trifecta of components that come together to form the unique and crowd pleasing Devils River whiskey.

This three step process begins with a meticulous attention to detail as the grains

are carefully chosen to bring out the warm, golden notes. The whiskey is fermented with a proprietary yeast designed to bring out the bold favors. Additionally, the mash is distilled in traditional copper pot stills and the whiskey is aged in dark #4 charred oak barrels, which enriches the deep amber color and smooth fnish.

The second part of the process involves combining the whiskey with the pure, limestone-fltered spring water of the whiskey’s namesake, Devils River. It’s the excellent water quality of the Devils River that unmasks all of the pristine nuances. The world’s master distillers are in unanimous agreement that: the water makes the whiskey.

The third aspect and fnishing touch is the proprietary chill fltration process that lends the whiskey its signature smoothness. At the same time, it works to remove any harshness that might distract from the warm mouth-feel and favorful notes that have become synonymous with a glass of Devils River Whiskey.

“This partnership has given me a unique opportunity to explore my passion for whiskey in a hands-on way,” said Bautista. “I’ve learned about the distillation process and what it takes to create a high-quality product, which has deepened my love for whiskey and opened my eyes to the industry’s intricacies.”

Initially, Bautista was attracted to Devils River Whiskey’s quality and Cameron’s commitment to the art of whisky-making. The brand’s focus on fnding opportunities to give back and support the local community through various charities just added another layer to the overall appeal.


Bautista has always had a strong connection and respect for the military— supporting military families is a cause close to his heart. For that reason, he felt fortunate to participate alongside Devils River Whiskey in supporting Wish for Our Heroes. Since becoming a part of the team, Bautista has developed a meaningful connection with Devils River Whiskey and their work to support active-duty military members, their families, and veterans. And this is only a small piece of a larger impact the company intends to make in the long run.

“One of the many things I am passionate about includes animal welfare, and I’ve been able to align this cause with Devils River Whiskey’s social responsibility eforts,” said Bautista. “We are in the process of supporting an important animal welfare initiative, which will include fundraising and raising awareness. It’s been incredibly fulflling to see how our eforts have helped to make a diference.”

Bautista is thrilled to be part of a brand that aligns with his vision of making a positive impact and lasting legacy that quenches the need for outstanding whiskey and doing good.


Coming from a background in entertainment and sports, Bautista understands the importance of connecting with an audience, which has directly translated into his role with Devils River Whiskey. Whether through a bottle signing, a photoshoot, or a charity initiative, Bautista brings authenticity and passion into every aspect of the partnership, focusing on the story behind the product and how it resonates with people.

“On the business side, I have gained insight into the importance of branding, marketing, and connecting with consumers,” said Bautista. “Overall, it has been a fascinating journey, and I have a newfound appreciation for the complexity and dedication involved.”

There is a unique experiential aspect to the brand that further separates Devils River Whiskey from the competition. Hosting events that include tours, tastings, live music, and a chance to meet the maker. The venue

at Devils River Distillery, located in the heart of San Antonio, ofers the ideal setting for weddings, birthday celebrations, photoshoots, corporate outings, and more.

From the process to the people — every aspect of the brand serves a purpose. With a taste of Texas spirit in every glass, Devils River Whiskey is more than a drink. It is a culture, a frame of mind, and a passion for living a life that’s never short of extraordinary.


Devils River Whiskey is a premium craft distiller of bourbon whiskey based in San Antonio, Texas. Devils River Whiskey captures the spirit of the water from its river namesake in Southwest Texas, with bold favors in every sip. Founded in 2017, Devils River Whiskey is recognized nationally as an award winning brand, including multiple SIP Awards, The Fifty Best accolades, and International Spirits Competition gold medals.

Devils River Whiskey currently ofers nine expressions distributed across the U.S. in thirty-eight states and fve countries. For more information, visit and for inquiries, please email info@



2 oz. Devils River Cinnamon Bourbon

¾ oz. lemon juice

¾ oz. peach syrup


Shake & strain top with ginger beer

Serve in tall Collins glass

Lemon wheel garnish



2.5 oz Devils River Agave Bourbon

1⁄2 Fresh Cut Orange Slice

1⁄2 oz Club Soda

2 Maraschino Cherry From Syrup In Jar

2 dashes Angostura® Bitters


Muddle orange & cherry in shaker. Add other ingredients, shake with ice & fne strain into ice chilled glass. Garnish with an orange twist & Maraschino cherry, add a splash of club soda.



2.5 oz Devils River Agave Bourbon

1⁄2 fresh cut orange slice

1⁄2 fresh cut lemon slice

2 Maraschino cherry from syrup in jar 2 dashes Angostura bitters


Muddle orange & cherry in shaker. Add other ingredients, shake with ice & fne strain into ice chilled glass. Garnish with an orange twist & Maraschino cherry, add a splash of club soda.



1 oz. Devils River Cofee Bourbon

8 oz. Strong Brewed Cofee

½ oz. Pumpkin Spice Cofee Creamer


Combine cofee, cofee whiskey and and creamer in a mug Garnish with whipped cream, caramel, cinnamon spice and a cinnamon stick.

BeatBox, the trendsetting leader in the ready-to-drink (RTD) alcohol space, is thrilled to announce its latest flavor innovation, Orange Blast. Set to hit shelves nationwide just in time for the fall season, Orange Blast promises to be the go-to cocktail for tailgating and Halloween parties this year. The perfect flavor offering for exciting Fall festivities.

Orange Blast delivers a vibrant burst of juicy orange flavor, designed to evoke feelings of nostalgia with every sip. With an 11.1% ABV “punch,” this new addition to BeatBox’s popular flavor lineup packs bold flavor and premium taste in every drop.

“Orange Blast joins our expanding collection of nostalgic and innovative flavors, including fan favorites like Fruit Punch, Cherry Limeade, and Blue Razzberry,” said Zech Francis, Senior Vice President of Global Marketing at BeatBox. “We’ve listened to our consumers, and they want more variety. Orange Blast is just the beginning of our continued commitment to innovation and delivering exciting new flavors. Looking ahead to 2025, we’re building out what we call the ‘BeatBox Flavor Wall,’ giving consumers even more choices.”

In addition to the brands popular “Party Punches”, BeatBox offers a rapidly growing selection of Hard Tea flavors, such as Mango, Lemonade, and Peach. The launch of Orange Blast reinforces BeatBox’s position as a true pioneer in the RTD space, continually pushing boundaries with flavor-forward, convenient, and eco-friendly products.

Currently available in nearly 110,000 retail locations across all 50 states—including major chains like 7-Eleven, Total Wines, and Ralphs. BeatBox continues to revolutionize the alcohol aisles nationwide. To find a store near you, visit

True to its commitment to sustainability, BeatBox’s signature Tetra Pak packaging is fully recyclable, resealable, and designed with environmental impact in mind, underscoring the brand’s ongoing dedication to eco-friendly practices.

About BeatBox Beverages

BeatBox is the “Original Party Punch,” offering fun & nostalgic flavors in a sustainable & resealable package, now also offering an array of flavorful Hard Teas. With a deep passion for live music, our community of super fans, and creating fun, BeatBox has become the brand that’s bringing the party to the alcohol industry. The journey began in 2012 in the live music capital of the world, Austin, TX, and the energy was contagious. So much so, that BeatBox was able to secure the largest investment in SharkTank history from Mark Cuban who, “invested in BeatBox because at heart I’m a 25 year old and saw that this is going to be a party phenomenon.” BeatBox quickly built a team of beverage leaders helping to define a new category of “Party Punch.” BeatBox has an impressive roster of famous investors in music and entertainment, including Mark Cuban, Rob Dyrdek, Party Favor, Louis The Child, Good Times Ahead, and many more.

Today, BeatBox has become one of the fastest growing brands innovating the alcohol industry and the drink of choice for Millennial and legal drinker age Gen Z drinkers. Its passion for music, and connection to its consumers, has also made it the fastest growing and most engaged alcohol brand on social media. Like Mark Cuban said, this is a company that sells fun, and if anyone ever asks what this brand is all about, tell them that “BeatBox Brings the Party!”

Follow on social media @beatboxbeverages and visit online at

Malfy Gin and Ambra Restaurant In NYC

Partnered For Italian Summer Brunch Series

Ambra Cucina Italiana in the West Village of New York partnered with Malfy Italian Gin for a beautiful Italian Summer Brunch dining experience and menu pairing series, aimed to transport their patrons to the Amalfi Coast.

Through delicious Mediterranean inspired brunch dishes curated by Chef John DeLucie, paired with a specialty cocktail menu of refreshing and gorgeous mixology served in beautiful, served limited edition Copa glasses reflective of an Italian Coastal Summer in design, they transported guests to the Amalfi Coast.

The featured cocktails highlighted the Malfy Gin flavor portfolio, such as the Bloody Sunday Mimosa (featuring Malfy Gin Arancia), the Amalfi 75 (featuring Malfy Gin Rosa) and the Malfy Golden Hour, (featuring Malfy Gin Limone). These mouth-watering cocktails paired with Ambra’s Italian Brunch specials such as Sicilian burrata, Italian Tuna Toast, Ricotta Omelette, to Amalfi Coast inspired pizza and intricate pasta dishes, have kept diners’ palettes engaged and delighted. The Italian Brunch summer collaboration which kicked off in July concluded on September 8th.

Malfy is about Italian values at its core, showcasing creativity, vibrance and Italian spirit through its flavors and custom cocktails. Their gin flavors elevate any brunch, or aperitivo hour by invoking the laidback luxury of the Amalfi Coast with every sip. The Malfy Italian Summer Brunch at Ambra was the perfect moment to enjoy the beauty of their Greenwich Village surroundings, great conversation with friends, and for patrons to savour the tastes of a perfectly crafted cocktail.

Ambra, the Italian Trattoria, has become one of the hottest reservations in Manhattan, especially downtown, since its opening in Fall of 2023. Ambra is nestled in the heart of the West Village on Hudson Street at West 12th, an area that has growingly become among the city’s hottest and most trafficked hospitality neighborhoods. The restaurant offers an intimate dining experience with 70 seats, a private dining area inside, and 56 seats outside – designed to feel as though you were dining in a cafe in Italy.

Ambra, part of Hudson Street Hospitality Group helmed by Eytan Sugarman with managing partner Andrea Ienna, as well as the Hudson Street leadership team of Shaun Rose , Matt Shendell and Richie Romero. Ambra features an authentic Italian cuisine menu by Executive

Chef John DeLucie with fresh bread, pasta, and desserts made on the premises. The menu highlights a commitment to true house-made elements and uses only the best ingredients. They aim to inspire an energetic, communal atmosphere that encourages sharing over multi-course dining - both brunch and dinner.

Ambra is open 6 days a week, Tuesday through Sunday, with Brunch offered Saturday and Sundays from 11am-5pm. Recent brunch celebrity diners have included Sistine Stallone, Jude Law, Leila George, and their dinner scene has a constant flow of talent from Liev Schreiber to Amy Adams to Elizabeth Banks to Laverne Cox to Sarah Jessica Parker.

The Executive Chef John DeLucie is the name behind famed restaurants like The Lion and Waverly Inn, bringing years of experience and a passion for serving exceptional food to Ambra, with a focus on neighborhood loyalty and authentic quality, from start to finish. The pizza dough is made with flour sourced from Italy, and pasta is made by hand paired with others sourced from Naples. Fresh fish and seafood, premiere meat, and excellent pastries, as well as vegan offerings.

Visit them online at and head to Resy for reservations. Brunch continues and Malfy Gin drinks will continue to flow all Fall season.

Follow on instagram @AmbraNYC @MalfyGin

The menu highlights a commitment to true house-made elements and uses only the best ingredients. They aim to inspire an energetic, communal atmosphere that encourages sharing over multi-course diningboth brunch and dinner.
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Taps Actor & Entrepreneur Oliver Trevena as the New Face of Wellness Innovation

BIOGENA ONE, a leader in green-based high-quality health and wellness products, is thrilled to announce actor and serial entrepreneur Oliver Trevena as their newest brand ambassador. Known for founding Caliwater and his investments in prominent health and wellness ventures such as Dogpound, Artha, Next Health, Happy Viking and Superpower, and fashion brands AllSaints & John Varvatos. Please note in the sub title we had to sub wellness for supplement as well.

BIOGENA ONE represents a breakthrough in wellness innovation, embodying the principles of quality, transparency, and a customer-first approach. This all-inone health companion drink is designed to support overall health and vitality, combining essential nutrients and cutting-edge formulations to optimize daily wellness routines. Each ingredient is meticulously selected to ensure maximum efficacy and safety, reflecting BIOGENA’s commitment to excellence. With 99 premium nutrients, it supports mental fitness, immune system, energy balance, and healthy aging.

BIOGENA ONE CEO, Martin Gratzer, shares his vision on the partnership: “BIOGENA stands for the highest quality, transparency, and a strong focus on both customers and employees. These values form the foundation of

our daily work and success. We act based on values, are honest, and place great importance on always acting in the best interest of our customers and employees. Furthermore, we always keep our overarching goal in mind: to create added value for society in the field of health through our products and services.”

BIOGENA is a pioneering health and wellness company dedicated to delivering the highest quality products with a focus on transparency and customer satisfaction. Through its commitment to excellence, Biogena continues to set new standards in the wellness industry, striving to make a meaningful impact on society’s health and well-being.

BIOGENA ONE is developed by one of the largest scientific teams in the industry in Austria. Their products are produced and bottled in their own factory in Salzburg with each batch tested by an external institute. For almost 20 years now, their family-owned company is renowned for its high level of trust by customers thanks to its uncompromising quality – made in Austria, and now flourishing in the US.

BIOGENA also recently opened their first U.S. retail facing shop in Venice, California on the popular Abbot Kinney Blvd. The new West Los Angeles store featuring “Green Wall” Venice is located at 1733 Abbot Kinney Blvd.

“BIOGENA ONE has a goal for its consumers to feel physically healthy and mentally sharper which can be quite simple,” adds Trevena. “By making BIOGENA ONE a part of your morning routine with their Greens Powder with Apple & Kiwi flavor, you provide yourself with a quick dose of essential vitamins and other nutrients right in the morning. It’s super convenient and applicable anywhere as a simple drink. Just dissolve the Greens Powder in cold water, stir, shake, and enjoy.”

Adds Gratzer, “When selecting a brand ambassador for our company, it was important for us to find someone who not only shares our values but also lives them authentically. In Oliver Trevena, we have found exactly that person. Oliver


He offers an incredible commitment and insight into the wellness and the health space, promoting a daily healthy and well-balanced lifestyle.

BIOGENA ONE is an all-in-one drinkable nutrient packed formula. With 99 premium nutrients, it supports mental fitness, the immune system, the body’s energy balance, and healthy aging. The pleasant, natural apple-kiwi flavor of ONE helps you follow a healthy morning routine—today, tomorrow, and the day after. The 99 carefully selected and well-dosed premium nutrients include all 13 vitamins, 11 minerals, 49 botanicals, and an additional 22 valuable nutrients. ONE offers 100% transparency about its ingredients and stands out with top quality that only nutrition scientists might notice—such as real wasabi, coenzyme Q10, quercetin, pro- and prebiotics, and vitamin D3. Equally noteworthy is what the drink does not contain: ONE is 100% vegan and free from gluten, sugar, milk, nuts, artificial colorings, artificial flavors, herbicides, pesticides, genetic engineering and nanoparticles.

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‘walks the talk,’ he embodies entrepreneurship, hard work, fitness, and health. Despite his considerable success, he remains humble and true to his principles. This is evident not only in his lifestyle but also in the fact that he consciously avoids endorsing random products just for quick profit.”

“Oliver Trevena stands for authenticity, integrity, and a clear focus on longterm success. These qualities make him an ideal ambassador for our company BIOGENA, which also emphasizes sustainability and values. His ability to inspire people while staying true to his principles is reflected in our latest product, BIOGENA ONE. In conclusion, Oliver Trevena is the perfect embodiment of the ‘All in One’ concept, just like our BIOGENA ONE—a product that combines the highest quality, transparency, and customer focus. We are proud to have him as our ambassador and to continue spreading BIOGENA’s values together. Let us make the world a little bit healthier!”

About Oliver Trevena: Born in England and professionally trained at RADA & The Royal London Ballet, Oliver had an extensive background in UK theater before making the jump to the states. Oliver spent a decade as one of the US’ most notable hosts - credits ranging from award shows like The Grammys and The American Music Awards, to programs like The Hollywood Reporter & Young Hollywood. Oliver then transitioned to a focus back on acting and has appeared in notable television shows such as “Leverage,” “The Good Guys,” and “The Forgotten.” Over the last 6 years Oliver has moved into a succession of feature film roles inclusive of a supporting role in “Plane” co-starring Gerard Butler, “The Bricklayer” with Aaron Eckhart and Nina Dobrev, “The Rising Hawk” with Robert Patrick & leading roles in “Wire Room,” alongside Bruce Willis & “The Paradox Effect” with Harvey Keitel and Olga Kuriyanko for which he just won the “Breakout actor” award at the Rome Film Festival. Additionally, Trevena has just wrapped production on “Misdirection” which he produced & starsin alongside Frank Grillo.

Oliver is also renowned for his philanthropic work globally, having been honored by the Duchess of York for his 9 years of work against slavery & human trafficking. He is the spokesperson for the global organization “Not For Sale” and has spent time in India producing a documentary around forced child marriage and the importance of education for girls in rural India, titled “Educated Not Trained.” Through his investment brands, Trevena leads charitable partnerships such as Caliwater’s $1 million donation campaign with No Kid Hungry and current partnership with Olive Crest, an organization dedicated to preventing child abuse in homes. He personally also supports organization’s worldwide, such as, Amend.Org, Unicef, AmfAR and more.

As an entrepreneur and investor, under his Ollywood Media umbrella, Oliver is also active with several emerging brands across health and wellness, food & beverage and fashion. His main brands include the cactus-based functional beverage Caliwater which launched in April 2021, Vital Red Light, a red light therapy company new to market, alongside Dogpound, Artha, Next Health, Mobot, Happy Viking, and SuperPower. He has also been the global ambassador for AllSaints for over a decade, and featured in campaigns such as Andretti Eyewear, William Henry, and more. He offers an incredible commitment and insight into the wellness and the health space, promoting a daily healthy and well-balanced lifestyle.

BIOGENA ONE represents the next phase of Oliver’s commitment to bringing important, eco-conscious and wellness focused brands with a purpose to the forefront through an elevated lifestyle approach, attention through mainstream media initiatives, collaborative brand marketing, content creation, event curation and social media initiatives.

Billboards are now currently live on Melrose Avenue and La Cienega Blvd in Los Angeles plus additional billboards and window screens will be rolling out in Venice and New York City to follow.


With 99 premium nutrients, it supports mental fitness, the immune system, the body’s energy balance, and

Caliwater, A Leader In Plant-Based Hydration Beverages Founded by Vanessa Hudgens

Launched Peach Mango Flavor Profile

Exclusively with GNC Stores Nationwide

Leading plant-based hydration beverage innovator Caliwater launches its newest and fifth flavor, Peach Mango, exclusively in partnership with GNC stores nationwide. Joining the flavor offerings of Prickly Pear, Ginger & Lime, Watermelon and Pineapple, GNC officially debuted Peach Mango along with Pineapple and Wild Prickly Pear on shelves across the United States as of July 10th. Caliwater is an all-natural functional cactus water with half the sugar and calories compared to coconut water, it not only tastes better but supports hydration, immunity, digestion, and skin health.

Caliwater has grown tremendously since coming to market in January, 2022. Caliwater is the ultimate hydration solution. Derived from the desert superfruit, Prickly-pear, it boasts abundant antioxidants and 5 naturally occurring electrolytes, with superior taste and is a sustainable beverage.

“We are thrilled to launch nationwide in GNC, a brand that stands for wellness, which is the essence of Caliwater! Peach Mango is absolutely delicious, and we are excited for the GNC consumer to now experience the benefits of cactus water.”

Oliver Trevena and Vanessa Hudgens

Caliwater is defined by a drive to create innovative, functional, plant-based hydration beverages that bring us closer to the planet and each other. Inspired by the lush and varied landscapes of California, Founders Oliver Trevena and Vanessa Hudgens looked to their own desert regions in the Sonoran Desert of Mexico to source prickly pear cactus fruit, known for its rare and potent healthful properties. Their vision - to sip on Cali in a can. Prickly Pear Cactus Fruit, known for its rare and potent healthful properties, is brought to life in their first, brand new, canned beverage product, which is not only delicious, but super hydrating, refreshing, and filled with antioxidants and digestion benefits.

Other investors behind Caliwater that join Vanessa Hudgens and Oliver Trevena include actors Gerard Butler, Glen Powell, Ross Butler, Gregg Sulkin, fitness personality Brooke Burke, UFC champion Claudia Gadelha, actress Nikki Reed, NFL star Aaron Rodgers, DJ Ruckus, and MLB player, Cody Bellinger.

The benefits of Prickly Pear fruit are endless. It is one of the few natural products in the world that can boast excellence in nutrition, taste, color, and health benefits due to its rare combinations of phytonutrients. It is superior to other super-fruits, having been shown to benefit cardiovascular health by maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and promoting cell growth.

Prickly Pear contains five naturally occurring electrolytes, including potassium, magnesium, and sodium, aiding in rapid hydration, muscle control, and recovery. It also has high levels of antioxidants, broadly classified into four types: flavonoids, betalains, phenols, and vitamins C and E, which help quench free radicals in the body, reduce oxidative stress, support skin health, and provide other anti-aging benefits.

Additionally, Prickly Pear is an excellent source of dietary fiber, known to aid digestion and possess anti-inflammatory properties. It is one of the few non-animal sources of taurine, a key element for vegetarians and vegans, known to help regulate blood pressure.

“We wanted to build something that would be a positive influence in people’s lives and offer innovation, but also reflect a characteristic of fun and excitement, hence the fresh, clean and bright branding elements, as a big part of both of our lifestyles is finding that balance. The passion and the amount of love that has gone into Caliwater comes from the purest parts of our hearts.”Co-Founders, Oliver Trevena and Vanessa Hudgens

“Partnering with Caliwater aligns perfectly with GNC`s commitment to offering innovative and high-quality wellness products. We are excited to bring Caliwater`s delicious Peach Mango flavor to our customers nationwide, providing them with a nutritious hydration option,” said Michael Costello, CEO of GNC

Caliwater is available in over 10,000 locations nationwide, and online on Amazon, Walmart Marketplace and Thrive Market. Find Caliwater at: Wegmans, HEB, Ralphs, Pavilions, Fresh Thyme, Gelsons, Bristol Farms, Pete’s Market and more, plus their kids line, now available on Amazon and Walmart Marketplace!

GNC stores are focused on a wide range of products geared toward weight loss, bodybuilding, nutritional supplements, vitamins, natural remedies, and health and beauty products, in both its owned brands as well as third-party brands. Its products are also sold on and on GNC’s Amazon Marketplace. The company offers consumer products and services via retail locations, franchises, online, digital commerce and wholesales and retail partnerships. Featuring over 325 brands, GNC offers an endless supply of health and wellness products.

Follow @Caliwater on instagram and visit them online at

“We wanted to build something that would be a positive influence in people’s lives and ofer innovation, but also reflect a characteristic of fun and excitement, hence the fresh, clean and bright branding elements, as a big part of both of our lifestyles is finding that balance. The passion and the amount of love that has gone into Caliwater comes from the purest parts of our hearts.”
Oliver Trevena and Vanessa Hudgens
Co-Founders, Caliwater


Can Green Logistics Practices


Shipping is a major source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and while it may be a vital practice for our interconnected planet, it also takes a negative toll on our environment and ecosystems. More businesses are implementing planet-positive solutions to reduce waste and combat climate change. Will yours be one of them? It may seem challenging, but with green logistics practices, you could operate more sustainably and improve your supply chain efficiency.

It turns out that being sustainable and being more strategic often go hand-in-hand. In shipping, this is largely attributed to the fact that sustainable practices revolve around optimization, space-saving techniques, and streamlining existing procedures.

In this guide, we explore how green logistics practices can make supply chains more efficient through operational improvements.

What Are Green Logistics Practices?

Green logistics, or sustainable logistics, is a business mindset that aims to reduce waste as much as possible across the supply chain.

Green logistics practices include internal and external operational techniques that help a company be more mindful about the lifecycle of its products and conscious of its environmental impact.

Green logistics practices include:

• Planet-conscious, cost-effective solutions that deliver a higher ROI over time, giving your business the financial perks of being ecofriendly while contributing to a greener Earth.

• Eco-optimization techniques like utilizing recycled and recyclable materials, hybrid or electric vehicles, and strategic inventory positioning to reduce transportation times and carbon emissions.

• Route planning software that helps organizations deliver shipments faster, lowering their fuel consumption and reducing vehicle emissions.

• Efficient cargo loading to reduce the number of trips required to make deliveries.

Improving supply chain sustainability is an ongoing process. Companies will each have their own key areas for improvement, and they will likely change their approach multiple times before arriving at a solution that delivers the desired results.

The good news is that green logistics practices are always improving, giving managers new opportunities to make their supply chains more efficient and eco-friendly.

How to Identify Green Logistics Opportunities

Every company can perform an environmental logistics assessment to determine how their current workflows are impacting the planet. Key metrics to evaluate include fuel consumption, fuel costs, emissions, recyclability of packaging materials, and current recycling or waste-reduction practices.

By identifying the smallest area for change first, companies can start with simple adjustments, then build up to larger, more strategic changes. For example, digitizing paper documents whenever possible can largely reduce how much waste the company produces and how much it spends on paper annually.

Consider speaking with suppliers and carriers about their green practices as well. Often, their existing policies can help your organization identify opportunities for change.

How to Implement Eco-Friendly Transportation Solutions

There are several areas companies can focus on to improve their supply chain sustainability:

Enhance Shipping Practices

Shipping typically has the highest environmental impact due to the heavy consumption of fuel. Shippers can utilize a variety of optimization and consolidation strategies to reduce fuel consumption and GHG emissions. Route optimization ensures direct and multi-stop shipments follow the most efficient, environmentally-friendly route. Mode optimization ensures the right vehicle is used to transport every shipment by matching the shipment to the vehicle based on shipment size, vehicle capacity and fuel efficiency. Shipment consolidation combines two more shipments into a

single shipment, reducing the number of miles driven, fuel consumption, and GHG emissions.

Another effective way to make shipping more green is to consider packaging materials. By switching to recycled or biodegradable packing materials, companies can lower pollution without compromising quality or security.

You can also show customers a green option, allowing them to receive their package a few days later to prioritize the environment. While this may not work in every industry, it can be a highly effective way to improve sustainability while lowering fuel costs.

Explore Reverse Logistics

Focusing on the return of items helps businesses reduce waste on products traveling backwards through their supply chain. A 2018 research study of reverse logistics in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods industry found that several aspects of the practice can positively impact sustainability and social performance.

With e-commerce returns alone generating over 15 million metric tons of carbon emissions each year, it’s vital that companies consider the entire lifecycle of their products. Consider how much your own industry produces and how reducing trips or streamlining returns could lower your carbon footprint.

Consider Blockchain Technology

Creating a blockchain ecosystem allows for greater transparency by making shipments completely traceable. Every supply chain partner that joins the blockchain network can see the other’s actions.

The Institute of Sustainable Supply Chain Studies explains that blockchain technology can improve supply chain visibility, which in turn holds partners to higher standards and prevents illegal or harmful business practices that could harm the environment.

Furthermore, having blockchain technology gives companies the ability to collaborate with their partners better and improve operational efficiency.

Risk Assessment — What Are the Costs of Going Green?

The greatest risk a company faces in green logistics is supply chain disruption. Without planning ahead, their newly implemented practices could ultimately make it more difficult for shipments to reach their final destination, or cost the company significant expenses in investments without any measurable ROI.

Any organization that wants to become more sustainable has to first consider where it can do so without negatively affecting its productivity. This requires aligning directives with executives and shareholders to ensure that any green practices your company adopts suit your current resources and objectives.

Upfront costs of more eco-friendly technology or materials can beexpensive; and you may lose revenue as you dispose or phase out old materials or methods that no longer suit the company’s eco-friendly focus.

Having clear standards, goals, and KPIs in place will help your organization minimize losses as it works toward a more sustainable, efficient supply chain.

Nick Fryer has over a decade of experience in the logistics industry, spanning marketing, public relations, sales enablement, M&A and more at 3PLs and 4PLs including AFN Logistics, GlobalTranz, and Sheer Logistics


Back by popular Demand once again! Get ready for a hauntingly delicious

thrilled to announce the return of its special edition Cookie Pop OREO®

real OREO® cookie pieces and drizzled to perfection with orange-colored creme, this festive popcorn is perfect for witches, goblins, mummies, and

Cookie Pop OREO® Halloween Edition is a sweet and salty sensation that’s sure to be a top favorite this Halloween. Its exciting packaging adds an eerie excitement, making it an ideal addition to Halloween parties, spooky movie marathons, and trick-or-treat bags. Whether you’re hosting a haunted house or looking for a fun and festive snack to share with friends and family, Cookie Pop OREO® Halloween Edition is a frighteningly good choice.

Available nationwide at major retailers including Walmart, Publix, H.E.B., Meijer, ShopRite, and more, as well as on e-commerce at this limited-edition Cookie Pop OREO® Halloween Edition is priced at just $3.99 for a 5.25oz bag. Don’t miss out on this devilishly good flavor combo that’s perfect for adding a unique twist to your Halloween celebrations.

“Popcorn mixed with cookie and candy are must-have combos you never knew you needed until Cookie Pop and Candy Pop disrupted the snack aisle. We are thrilled to bring back this spooktacular edition, offering the perfect blend of salty and sweet for the Halloween season,” said Adam Cohen,

of America’s favorite holidays, and we are excited to share this with snack lovers nationwide.”

SNAX-Sational Brands’ premiere power duo, Cookie Pop and Candy Pop, continues to lead the snack industry with innovative popcorn creations that combine America’s favorite cookies and candies with low-sodium, non-GMO popcorn. At only 150 calories per serving, Cookie Pop OREO® Halloween Edition is a better-for-you snack that doesn’t compromise on flavor. Since its debut, the line has become a go-to treat at Hollywood premieres, Gen-Z snacking events, and at-home movie nights.

As part of SNAX-Sational Brands’ ongoing “SnackGiving” initiative, a portion of proceeds from all sales benefit The Ryan Seacrest Foundation and their efforts to bring entertainment and education to children in hospitals nationwide. The Seacrest Studios provide a unique opportunity for children to engage in original TV and radio programming during their hospital stays, offering a creative outlet and entertainment during a challenging time.

SNAX-Sational Brands Group is the leader in the sweet and savory snack industry, with its premiere brands Cookie Pop, Candy Pop, and Cereal Pop. The better-for-you snack is made 100% in the U.S. with nonGMO corn, low in sodium, and only 150 calories per serving. The line has garnered attention from celebrities and media alike, with flavors such as Cookie Pop OREO® Halloween Edition, Candy Pop made with TWIX®, and their latest addition, Cereal Pop made with Fruity Pebbles®.

POP, continues to be an innovative popcorn snacking leader combining everyone’s favorite things; ready-to-eat popcorn featuring America’s cookie and candy favorites, yielding the perfect, must-have snack creation, and recently adding CEREAL POP to their portfolio. The better-for-you-snack is made 100% in the U.S. with non-GMO corn, is low in sodium and only 150 calories per serving. The popular, lowcalorie, cookie or candy-coated line was named a “Top 20 Snack” by Buzzfeed and continues to garner attention amongst consumers, media and celebrities, from Cardi B., Lance Bass, David Dobrik, Joey King, Victoria Justice, Kourtney Kardashian, Mario Lopez, Kevin Hart, Lucy Hale.

Additionally, SNAX-sational Brands is a proud supporter of the Ryan Seacrest Foundation Children’s Hospital Network nationwide. (www. The Seacrest Studios make it possible for children and teens to get behind the camera and mic to develop, star and interact in original TV and radio programming during their hospital stays, as well as provide entertainment to families and patients of the Children’s Hospitals that are there for care.

Follow @CookiePop_CandyPop #CookiePop #CandyPop #CerealPop on social media for news and updates, and visit the brand’s website inclusive of their e-commerce shop online at www.

Sales Inquiries: Chris Orland, Snax-Sational Brands, LLC

Press Inquiries: The Influence,

OREO and the OREO Wafer Design are trademarks of Mondelēz International group, used under license.

The Future of Sustainable Food Packaging PHA:

Approximately six hundred million tons of food packaging waste were generated in 2022, and much of that waste was comprised of plastic.1 The plastic waste issue and the environmental and health dangers it presents are well documented. Plastic breaks down into microplastics, and these can enter the body through ingestion, inhalation, or other routes. To underscore the extent of the problem, a study conducted by Toxicological Sciences to determine if microplastics are in placentas found that they were present in all sixty-two placentas that were tested, illustrating the pervasive nature of these pollutants.2

There is now a promising solution available that can help make food and beverage packaging and serviceware more sustainable and reduce its impact on the environment: polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) biopolymers.

The Key Benefts of PHA in Food Packaging and Serviceware

PHA is a biobased, biodegradable polymer that can be composted in a variety of environments, making it an attractive alternative for companies seeking to minimize their environmental footprint. Derived from nature, and produced sustainably, PHA can be used as building blocks to replace and improve the functional characteristics of a broad range of polymers that are used to develop food packaging and serviceware items that are on the market today. The renewable raw materials used to create PHA are sugars sourced from plants like sugar cane, tapioca, corn, and cellulosic biomass, amongst others. They are produced through aerobic fermentation, converting these renewable raw materials into PHA polymers directly inside microbial bio-factories.

There are potentially hundreds of PHA variations that can be produced, but in terms of basic properties, today there are two forms of PHA that can and are

1Marsh, Jane, ”Food Packaging Waste Statistics: Understanding the Rise of Food Packaging Waste,”, 3 May 2021, updated 20 May 2024,,increasing%20waste%20generation%20per%20home. Accessed 12 Aug 2024

2McMahon, Katherine, “New Study Finds Microplastics in All Human Placentas Tested,” Environmental Health News, Environmental Health Sciences, 29 Feb 2024, html?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5ea1BhC6ARIsAEOG5pzv4gf9tV5VUwkU9pWn0cRmTsjfJr43FE-rALbGDWQcftacJ2lwDHoaAuOHEALw_wcB Accessed 12 Aug 2024

being used to make plastic food packaging and serviceware more ecofriendly. other polymers and biopolymers (such as polylactic acid, or PLA, and other biodegradation and improve its functional properties, including structure, that is strong enough to be used on its own to create articles such as cutlery, drinking straws, and other end products.

Responding to Consumer Demand for Sustainable Packaging

Eighty-six percent of consumers are more likely to purchase a product from a brand or retailer if the packaging is considered sustainable3, and the end-oflife advantages are what is driving interest in PHA from the food and beverage industry. PHAs ensure that plastic products break down naturally in various environments, positioning PHA as a key material in the shift towards more sustainable packaging solutions. However, when considering which PHA to use,

TÜV based in Austria, and BPI based in the USA, are examples of and/or biodegradable under a variety of conditions. When PHA is used for compostability, and sometimes marine and soil biodegradability. The home and becoming required standards by brands and retailers. Industrial compostability, where the waste products must make their way through an established industrial PHA, but has been hampered by a lack of developed infrastructure required to support the recovery and processing of the waste.

To be a useful packaging material, the PHA selected should also be included on and approves it for use in the packaging for all food sold in the U.S.

Regulatory Impact: SB 54 and Beyond

be either recyclable or compostable, pushing companies to explore alternatives make compostability an attractive option, and PHA’s ability to meet industrial compostability standards positions it well in this regulatory landscape.

greenhouse gas. PHA can play a role here by being used to create compostable bin liners, which are essential for facilitating the composting of food waste. As the infrastructure for industrial composting expands, PHA and similar biopolymers will be critical in meeting the goals set by these regulations.

Applications of PHA in Food Packaging

PHA is already being used in a variety of food packaging applications, with used for roasted chickens or clear covers for plastic tubs, is an area where PHAbased materials can be thermoformed at high temperatures to create durable, compostable containers. Flexible packaging, particularly in food applications, is another area where PHA is increasingly being used, often in combination with alternative to traditional plastics.

Established players and emerging startups specializing in home compostable cutlery are commercializing new products using PHA as the main component and responding to the demands of their customers for more sustainable potential in this market. Similarly, other organizations are using PHA to develop in meeting the highest environmental standards.

A Look Ahead

The market for PHA-based food packaging and serviceware is experiencing dynamic growth, driven by both regulatory pressures and increasing consumer demand for sustainable products. More importantly, brands are beginning to recognize the importance of addressing sustainability concerns and are turning

become more environmentally conscious, they are demanding the companies making the products they buy use packaging that aligns with their values.

The broader adoption of PHA technology in the food packaging industry faces challenges, primarily related to cost and scalability. The production of PHA is currently more expensive than traditional plastics, and there is a need for continued technological advancements to improve the economics of production. by internalizing the environmental costs of traditional plastics, which are potential for PHA to become a more widely used material in food packaging and serviceware will grow.

3 ”The 2022 Sustainable packaging Consumer Report,” Shorr, 20 July 2022, the,products%20in%20the%20near%20future., Accessed 12 Aug 2024


The Manhattan mainstay hotspot Hunt and Fish Club is approaching its 10 year anniversary celebration later this Fall, as the restaurant continues to bring energy and delicious cuisine to midtown. Hunt and Fish remains an in demand dining destination to Broadway stars, Sports figures, Celebrities and New York notables alike, all the while catering to an upscale Manhattan crowd, with sold out private rooms and full reservations in the main room nightly. They cater to business elite, Broadway show-goers, New York residents and business travelers all the same.

The multi level venue at the hand of Eytan Sugarman and Nelson Braff boasts a gorgeous chandelier that encompasses the entire ceiling as focal point in the main room, with multiple private rooms ranging in size to accommodate 24+ guests to 75+ guests. There is an inviting arrival bar and lounge area, and lower bar in the private room. Special programming also takes place each month, such as guest Broadway stars for a cabaret night.

In the last month they have welcomed the likes of Jerry Seinfeld, Derek Jeter, Alex Rodriguez, US Open tennis star Andrey Rublev, Kelly Clarkson, Rob Lowe, Judd

Apatow, Floyd Mayweather Jr, John Gotti III,, Foodgod, and many more.

Their expansive steak, seafood and New American menu with pastas, salads and meat dishes offers something for every palette, currently at the hand of their well known chef, Herb Wilson, who you can often see gracing the screen on Food Network and Bobby Flay programs, among others, showing off his top skill.

Herb Wilson is an award-winning and accomplished Executive Chef, with international and domestic experience in all facets of culinary, with more than 30 years of industry experience. Featured chef at the James Beard House. He is also featured in Anthony Bourdain’s novel “Kitchen Confidential.” Chef Herb Wilson is now back in his hometown of New York City since Spring, based at Hunt and Fish Club on West 44th Street. In addition, Chef Herb Wilson is now on the inaugural James Beard Foundation Culinary Advisory Board.

Located at 125 W 44th Street, NYC. Follow on social @huntandfish


Nestled in the picturesque, unassuming town of Sun Valley, Idaho—a ski town with a population

event like no other. It brings together top foodservice manufacturers and operators in a setting that blends intimate collaboration with the breathtaking beauty of the outdoors. If you’ve never heard of it, you’re not alone. FoodOvation is a hidden gem experience that quietly shapes the future of foodservice, powered by Revelry Group.

Imagine walking into Sun Valley Resort’s charming cottages, where companies like Hershey Foodservice, Tillamook, and Tabasco have tailored their presentations specifically for you. The open floorplans, complete with cozy fireplaces and spacious back patios overlooking the mountains create an atmosphere where creativity and innovation can truly flourish.

Over two days, operators such as Shake Shack, Burger King, IHOP, and Texas Roadhouse rotate between cottages, each meeting designed to spark new menu ideas and culinary breakthroughs. Manufacturers aren’t just pitching products; they’re working side by side with operators to craft the next big menu items, specifically designed with their brands in mind.

Hershey Foodservice, for example, met with a Fried Chicken Chain at FoodOvation in 2022. Although dessert wasn’t a priority then, by January 2024, they were ready to introduce a Reese’s shake, which launched this summer. They are now discussing a full conversion to Hershey-branded syrups—a testament to the event’s long-term impact.

But FoodOvation isn’t just about food; it’s about connection. After a day of meetings, attendees head outside to explore the natural beauty of Sun Valley. Whether it’s fly fishing in pristine streams, hiking through mountain trails, or biking across scenic paths, the goal is to get people out of their comfort zones. These outdoor adventures foster an environment where conversations flow naturally, helping build relationships that go beyond business. As Frank Alfaro of BelGioioso Cheese puts it, “This is like getting through the first six sales calls in two days.”

Over two days, operators such as Shake Shack, Burger King, IHOP, and Texas Roadhouse rotate between cottages, each meeting designed to spark new menu ideas and culinary breakthroughs.

There’s something magical about the mix of business and nature. “I feel like it’s a completely different experience because of the intimacy you get to share with the different suppliers,” says Claire Brandenburg of KFC. “You walk away with ideas, not just brochures.” It’s a sentiment echoed by Joshua Rappaport of Buddy’s Kitchen, who finds FoodOvation “everything that a tradeshow is not: intimate, meaningful, intentional.”

After a day of ideation and outdoor bonding, attendees gather for group dinners in iconic settings like the rustic Trail Creek Cabin. Under the open sky, with a barbecue feast and a crackling fire pit, the lines between business and friendship blur. As Katy Velazquez of Qdoba says, “Nothing was rushed, everything felt smooth and easy, and yet I got incredible face time with 13 new vendors.”

In this timeless setting, FoodOvation stands as a breath of fresh air, where the old-world charm of a mountain town meets cutting-edge menu innovation. It’s more than just an event; it’s a collaborative, immersive experience that helps shape the future of foodservice. Whether you’re savoring a new menu item or casting a fly into the river, FoodOvation is where lasting relationships form and industry-changing ideas are born. It’s not just about what happens during the two days; it’s about the lasting impact those two days have on your business.

For those lucky enough to attend, FoodOvation is an event that leaves a mark—not just on the menus of tomorrow but on the people who create them. As Emra Nation of Oregon Fruit Co. perfectly sums it up, “As far as I am concerned, FoodOvation is the most valuable event in our industry.”

To learn more, visit: foodovation-exchange

In this timeless setting, FoodOvation stands as a breath of fresh air, where the old-world charm of a mountain town meets cutting-edge menu innovation. It’s more than just an event; it’s a collaborative, immersive experience that helps shape the future of foodservice.

the newest release from michael david winery now available nation wide


Fhas been a staple ingredient in the diet of many cultures, and today, it continues to be an essential part of our kitchens. But

questions that Pure Flour From Europe created a project supported by ITALMOPA (the Italian Milling Industry Association) and co-funded by the European Union, consumption and export of organic soft wheat and durum everyday ingredients.

The Origins of Flour

back thousands of years. According to recent discoveries,

Archaeologists have even found evidence of this early bread in Tuscany, Italy. Before this discovery, historians years ago.

and portable food source. While many people assume the cultivation of cereals began in the Middle East, some sources suggest that Europe played a key role in developing these essential crops.

Flour and Language: Where Words Meet Food

to modern bread. Puls was a staple food for centuries before bread took center stage.

When Europeans made contact with the Americas, they encountered corn, which would later become the key ingredient in polenta. This dish is a descendant of the today.


What About Cereal?

agriculture, and encompasses a wide variety of grains, including wheat, rice, corn, barley, oats, and rye. These plants are vital to the world’s food supply and have been cultivated for millennia. Though most cereals come from the Poaceae family, others like buckwheat and quinoa also fall under the cereal category due to their usage in food production.

Flour Types and Their Uses

(the coarsest), while durum wheat is typically used for semolina are also available. versatile and ideal for a wide range of dishes, including bread,

pizza, and focaccia. Wheat, both soft and durum, belongs to the Gramineae family, recognized by its spikelets. Along with rice, wheat is one of the most cultivated crops globally, forming the backbone of many diets around the world.

Pure Flour From Europe: Promoting Organic Excellence

Today, Pure Flour From Europe is working to bring this rich history

the initiative seeks to highlight the quality and heritage of these essential ingredients. Whether it’s soft wheat for your morning toast or durum wheat semolina for your pasta, Pure Flour From Europe connects consumers with products that have stood the test of time, while maintaining high standards of organic farming and milling.

From ancient discoveries to modern initiatives like Pure Flour From Europe, this essential ingredient continues to shape the way we eat, one meal at a time.


Gocha Hawkins is the visionary celebrity chef behind Atlanta-based Gocha’s Restaurant Group, developing breakfast, brunch & tapas recipes that provide a unique twist on progressive Southern cuisine.



3 cups all-purpose flour

3 teaspoons baking powder

2 teaspoons baking soda

1 teaspoon salt

6 tablespoons sugar

1 teaspoon any flavor…lemon, almond or vanilla if you like

1/2 cup olive oil

3 eggs

3 cups buttermilk

1/4 butter

Use 1/4 to pancakes at the end


2 cups of peaches

2 cups of sugar

1 tablespoons cinnamon

1 tablespoons of Lemon juice

2 tablespoon of cornstarch slurry


1 tablespoons Cinnamon

1/2 tablespoons Nutmeg

3 tablespoon Brown sugar

3 tablespoons White Sugar


Mix all dry ingredients together, and then all wet ingredients together. Then slowly add dry mix into wet; 3 cups of buttermilk or more depending on how thick or thin you desire. Get a skillet and pour a small amount of olive oil and let heat up. Next, pour pancake mix in using a 3 oz ladle. Let the mixture bubble before flipping. Once bubbling, flip on the other side and let cook until golden brown. Serve hot with real melted butter and sprinkle with cinnamon spice mix!


GRITSfast Bar)

4 cups water

1 1/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoons pepper

1/4 Butter

Let the water come to a rolling boil, add salt and grits, then stir continuously for 2 minutes and turn heat off.


1/2 pound fresh shrimp peeled and deveined Salt

1 teaspoons Pepper

1 tablespoons Cajun seasoning

1 tablespoons Lemon juice

1 teaspoons Garlic powder

1 teaspoons Smoked paprika

1/4 cup Olive oil

Wash shrimp with water pat dry sprinkle lemon juice on shrimp place in skillet with olive oil and cook til light color flesh


1/2 pound Flounder

2 cups Cornmeal

1 cup Flour

1 teaspoons Salt

1 teaspoons Pepper

2 tablespoons Cajun

2 tablespoons Garlic powder

1 teaspoons Cayenne pepper

1 tablespoon Paprika

1 cup Corn starch

1 tablespoons Lemon juice

2 Eggs

4 cups Olive oil

Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl and stir. Rinse fish well and pour lemon juice on fish, and then pat dry. Next, take the fish and dip in egg wash, then in cornmeal mix, and place in oil 350 degrees until crispy and brown.


1 tablespoon fresh Parsley

1 tablespoon Green onions


1 cup Red and green Bell peppers

1/4 cup Onions

2 cups Veggie stock

1/4 Butter

1 cup grated Parmesan cheese

1 tablespoons Salt

1/2 tablespoons Pepper

1 tablespoons Onion powder

1 tablespoons Garlic powder

1 tablespoons Fresh thyme

3 tablespoons Cornstarch slurry

3 tablespoons Olive oil


To cook, add olive oil in a pot with peppers and onions. Once cooked down, add veggie base and all seasonings. Then to thicken, add cornstarch slurry; remember, your sauce is only as thick as the slurry. If your slurry is thick, the sauce will be thick; if your slurry is thin, the sauce will be thin.


Take 6oz of grits and put in the center of the plate, then add fish on top and add 3 0z of sauce. Lastly, add shrimp on top and garnish with parsley and green onions



3 cups all-purpose flour

3 teaspoons baking powder

2 teaspoons baking soda

1 teaspoon salt

6 tablespoons sugar

1 teaspoon any flavor…lemon, almond or vanilla if you like

1/2 cup olive oil

3 eggs

3 cups buttermilk


1/4 cup Favorite Bourbon burn off liquor

1 cup Maple syrup

1/4 cup Strawberries

1/4 Blueberries

1 tablespoons Powdered sugar

Vanilla bean sauce

1 cup Milk

1/4 cups Sugar

1/2 tablespoons Vanilla bean paste

1 teaspoons Lemon juice

1 teaspoon cornstarch slurry

Put all ingredients in pot let come to a small boil add cornstarch slurry 10”Skewer


1/2 pound

Wash chicken pat dry

Dip the chicken in egg wash then in flour. Next, batter fry until crispy and brown–normally about 5 minutes depending on how big the tenders are. To note, make sure the grease is 350 degrees!


Place the batter in your waffle machine and cook for about 2 1/2 minutes. Once the waffle is done, take and cut the waffle into four pieces. Next, get your skewer and take one waffle and one chicken tender and keep repeating the process until you have four tenders and four waffles on the stick. Lastly, add berries, vanilla bean and powdered sugar to garnish.



3 eggs

2 cups Half and half milk

1 tablespoons Cinnamon

1 teaspoons Nutmeg

1/4 cup Strawberries

1/4 cup Blueberries

1/4 Vanilla bean

3 tablespoons Powdered sugar


Mix all ingredients together, then dip the Texas toast in the batter to get an even coating. Next, cook on both sides for about 3 minutes each side


Cut bread in diagonal pieces and place on a plate. To garnish, add berries and drizzle with vanilla bean and powdered sugar

Award-Winning Ingredients


is the founder of Ambitious Kitchen, a recipe platform dedicated to celebrating wholesome, delicious recipes that feed the body and nourish the soul. The healthy living and food blog, inspired by the passion her parents had for cooking and baking, and the memories made in the kitchen at a young age, has millions of followers with over 5 million visitors a month.

Inspired in the rich culinary traditions of her Puerto Rican heritage, Monique’s love affair with cooking began under the guidance of her single mother, who taught her how to make big batches of Puerto Rican rice and beans, homemade empanadas, pozole and enchiladas, all passed down from her Grandmother.

Inspired in the rich culinary traditions of her Puerto Rican heritage, Monique’s love affair with cooking began under the guidance of her single mother, who taught her how to make big batches of Puerto Rican rice and beans, homemade empanadas, pozole and enchiladas, all passed down from her Grandmother. Monique also spent her most-loved childhood memories in her father’s kitchen as he taught her how to bake homemade yellow cake and skyhigh lemon meringue pies. Her family’s beautiful recipes and pride associated with cooking and baking instilled in her a deep appreciation for the power of food to create connection and joy.

Yet, Ambitious Kitchen was created during one of the darkest periods of Monique’s life. While struggling to cope with the sudden loss of her father when she was just 18, she sought solace in the rigid confines of calorie counting, spiraling into the grips of

anorexia and ending up being hospitalized. It was through this difficult journey that she discovered the transformative potential of cooking as a source of healing and empowerment. For her, ambition meant reclaiming the warmth and comfort that her father’s kitchen provided her.

Her journey from struggle to strength resonates deeply with her audience, inspiring countless individuals to embrace food as a pathway to selfdiscovery and well-being.

Monique’s recipe creations transcend mere sustenance, embodying a vibrant tapestry of flavors, textures, and memories. Her signature Best Chicken Soup, infused with healing properties and the comforting aromas of home-cooked goodness, and her legendary Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies (which she made in her father’s memory), a symphony of sweet indulgence, have captivated audiences worldwide. Their viral rise to fame, becoming the most searched recipes on Google, is a testament to Monique’s unwavering dedication to culinary excellence and soulful nourishment.

As a beacon of authenticity and resilience, Monique Volz continues to inspire and uplift, reminding us all that true nourishment begins with a love for oneself and a passion for good food.

She is set to release her debut cookbook, Ambitious Kitchen for Clarkson Potter on September 17, 2024.





2 delicata squash

1½ cups panko bread crumbs Nonstick cooking spray

4 ounces grated Parmesan cheese (½ cup)

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 teaspoon Italian seasoning 1 teaspoon sweet paprika

¾ teaspoon kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper

2 large eggs

1 tablespoon whole milk or dairy-free milk of choice


2 tablespoons Quick Hot Honey (page 231) or plain honey

1 to 2 teaspoons fresh thyme leaves

Flaky sea salt (I like Maldon)

Ranch dressing or another dipping sauce (optional), for serving


If you haven’t yet had delicata squash, it’s time! You can actually eat the thin, tender, nutrient-packed skin, which means it’s perfect as the base for a quick side dish that even my kids adore. The squash gets a coating of crunchy panko and flavorful Parmesan cheese, bakes until golden, then gets a drizzle of hot honey. I love this paired with Hot Honey Glazed Salmon That Goes with Everything (page 193) or as a beautiful holiday appetizer or side. My husband and kids love to dip the squash in ranch dressing—figures!

• Preheat the oven to 400°F.

• Prep the squash: Slice the squash in half lengthwise and scoop out the seeds with a spoon. Cut each half into ½-inchthick half-moon slices. Set aside.

• Place the panko on a large baking sheet, spread out in an even layer, and coat with cooking spray. Bake for 3 minutes, stir the panko (or just shake the pan), then bake until golden brown, 2 to 4 more minutes. (Keep the oven on—you’ll need it later.) Transfer to a medium shallow bowl and cool for 5 minutes. Whisk in the Parmesan, garlic powder, Italian seasoning, paprika, salt, and lots of pepper. Set aside.

• In another medium shallow bowl, whisk the eggs and milk until well combined. Set aside.

• Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper or foil for easy clean up, then place an oven-safe wire metal rack on top. Coat the wire rack with cooking spray.

• Dip each squash slice into the egg mixture, then use tongs or your hands to transfer to the bread crumbs and turn to completely coat. Transfer to the wire rack. Repeat with the remaining squash slices, placing them about ½-inch apart.

• Bake the squash: Generously spray the tops of the squash slices with cooking spray. Bake until fork-tender, 20 to 25 minutes.

• Garnish and serve: Transfer the squash to a platter or large plate and drizzle with hot honey, then sprinkle with fresh thyme and sea salt. (Alternatively, you can serve them with your favorite dipping sauce, such as ranch dressing, if you like.)

• To store: Keep any leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days. To reheat, place the squash on a parchment paper– lined baking sheet and bake at 350°F until heated through, about 10 minutes.




2 tablespoons salted butter

1 pound medium or largecarrots, cut diagonally into ½-inch slices

½ teaspoon kosher salt

Freshly ground black pepper

3 garlic cloves, thinly sliced

1 tablespoon honey


3 tablespoons Spicy Cilantro Yogurt Sauce (page 236)

A mix of torn fresh basil, cilantro, and mint

2 to 3 tablespoons chopped honey-roasted peanuts or cashews


I’m always looking for new ways to jazz up vegetables and make them unbelievably delish so that you’ll want to keep making them again and again. Enter these beautiful, caramelized carrots that aren’t your typical (ahem, boring) carrot side dish. The carrots cook with garlic in a little butter until tender and golden, then they’re topped with creamy Spicy Cilantro Yogurt Sauce, tons of fresh herbs, and crunchy roasted nuts that keep you coming back for more. (Need convincing? The leftovers are great served warm or cold, mixed with arugula and cooked quinoa.) They may taste as if they were made by a fancy restaurant, but this one is all you, baby!

• Cook the carrots: In a large skillet, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the carrots, salt, and pepper to taste, stirring well to coat.

• Cover the skillet and cook until the carrots tenderize a bit, stirring occasionally to prevent the carrots from burning, 10 to 15 minutes. Remove the lid, add the garlic, and cook uncovered, stirring occasionally, until the carrots are forktender and caramelized on the edges, 8 to 10 minutes.

• Garnish and serve: Add the honey and cook, stirring frequently, until the carrots are well coated, 1 to 2 minutes.


• Add 3 to 4 cups of arugula to the platter before you top with the warm carrots.


• Keep any leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 4 days.



The Butcher’s Cellar | Shrimp Toast (Waco, TX)

Elevate your game-day experience this season with savory Shrimp Toast by Executive Chef Alejandro Najar. The crispy bread meets tender, favorful shrimp, making every bite a touchdown for your taste buds.

Ingredients :

• 1/2 pound of peeled and deveined raw shrimp

• 8 pieces of sliced sourdough bread

• 2 tsp of sesame oil

• 1 egg white

• 1 tsp white pepper

• 1 tsp salt

• 1/2 tsp soy sauce

• 1 cup Duke’s mayonnaise

• 1 Tbsp white miso paste

• 1 tsp rice wine vinegar

• 1 tsp salt

• 1/2 cup of thinly sliced chives (for garnish)


• Take a small ring mold and cut out circles from your sourdough bread. Cut out as many as you’d like.

• Take your shrimp, sesame oil, egg white, white pepper, salt, and soy sauce and add them into a food processor. Process the mixture until it turns into a thick paste and almost sticky.

• Assemble your shrimp toast. Take one piece of your cut out sourdough and put ½ to 1 ounce of shrimp paste on it. Next take a second piece of sourdough bread and place it on top of the shrimp paste (It’ll essentially look like a sandwich. Don’t press too hard on it because the paste will squish out.)

• Once you’ve assembled your shrimp toast “sandwiches,” preheat a pot with oil at 350 degrees. Once your oil is up to temp, drop the shrimp toast in and cook until golden brown. Be sure to flip them half way through to ensure an even cook and even brownness. Once done, drain them on a paper towel and let them cool slightly.

• While your shrimp toasts are cooking, grab a small mixing bowl and mix the mayonnaise, salt, vinegar, and miso paste. Whisk it until it’s fully combined and smooth.

• Now to assemble the final touches on your shrimp toast: Take one of them, put a small dollop of miso aioli on the top and smooth it out. Next press the top of the toast with the aioli on it into your thinly sliced chives so that it’s completely covered (The aioli helps the chives to stay put and gives it not only a delicious flavor but also an appealing look.)

• Repeat until all your shrimp toasts are done. You can also add caviar or trout roe for a special touch!

Commons Club at Virgin Hotels New Orleans | Fried Green Tomato Sliders (New Orleans, LA)

Executive Chef Chris Borges puts a Southern twist on sliders this football season. This unique dish features a crispy tomato, pecan romesco, fennel chow-chow, yellow cornmeal, and more, using a green tomato patty instead of meat. The Fried Green Tomato Sliders are the perfect addition to any game-day feast.

Ingredients :

• 4 medium green tomatoes, sliced 1/2-inch thick

• Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

• 1 cup all-purpose flour

• 3 large eggs, whisked

• 2 cups yellow cornmeal

• Canola oil for frying

• ¾ cup pecan romesco (recipe follows)

• 1.25 cups fennel chow chow (recipe follows)

• ¼ cup mayonnaise

• 12 soft mini buns, such as Martin’s, split and lightly toasted


• For the fried green tomatoes, season the green tomatoes on both sides with salt and pepper. In separate shallow dishes, combine the flour, eggs, and cornmeal and season all three with salt and pepper.

• Heat a few inches of oil in a cast-iron skillet over medium heat until it begins to shimmer or a deep-frying thermometer registers 350 degrees F. Dredge the green tomatoes in the flour, tap off the excess, and dip in the egg wash. Let the excess drip off, then dredge in the cornmeal.

• Fry the green tomatoes in batches until golden brown on both sides, 1 to 2 minutes per side. Drain on paper towels to blot excess oil and season with a bit more salt.

• Schmear a tablespoon of pecan romesco on the top bun. Schmear mayo on the bottom bun. Place approximately 2 tablespoons of creamy fennel chow chow over the mayo. Place a warm fried green tomato on top of the chow chow, place the top bun back on, pick, and serve.

Pecan Romesco: (makes about 1½ cups)

Ingredients :

• 1 each slicer tomato

• 1 each large red bell pepper, roasted and peeled

• 1 each garlic clove

• ½ cup pecan halves or pieces, toasted

• ¼ cup tomato purée

• 1 Tbsp chopped flat-leaf parsley

• 2 Tbsp sherry vinegar

• 1 tsp smoked paprika

• ½ tsp cayenne pepper

• ½ cup extra-virgin olive oil

• Salt & Black Pepper to taste


• Cut tomato in half and char in broiler, cut side up. Transfer to a 200 degree F oven (low fan) and slow roast until very wilted, approximately 3 hours; remove skin.

• Add all ingredients to a blender and puree until smooth.

Fennel Chow Chow: (makes 3-4 cups)

Ingredients :

• 1 cup finely chopped napa cabbage

• 1 cup fresh corn, off cob

• 1 cup diced yellow onion

• 4 cups finely chopped fennel, both bulb and stalks

• 1 cup diced shishito peppers

• 1 Tbsp kosher salt

• 1.25 cups cider vinegar

• ¾ cup water

• ¾ cup sugar

• ¼ Tbsp ground ginger

• ½ Tbsp fennel seeds, toasted and ground

• 1 Tbsp yellow mustard seeds

• ½ tsp ground turmeric

• 1 tsp crushed red pepper


• Mix all ingredients together in a pot and bring to a boil. Reduce liquid by half and allow to cool.

Executive Chef Marcus Woodham | Yield: 60

The Bower | BBQ Shrimp & Beef Meatballs Pistolettes (New

Orleans, LA)

Move over sandwiches and make room for a Louisiana pistolette! Executive Chef Marcus Woodham shares his delicious recipe for a a un stu ed shrimp and meatball roll. The combination of favors will impress your guests for your ne t game day watch party.

Meatballs Ingredients:

• 5 lb ground grass-fed beef

• 3 lb ground Gulf shrimp

• 1 onion small dice

• 5 oz minced garlic

• 2 bunches fresh parsley

• 1 cup chopped rosemary

• 3 eggs

• 2 cups Italian bread crumbs

• 2 cup Parmigiano grated

• 5 lemons zested (save juice for sauce)

• 6 Tbsp. black pepper

• Salt and creole seasoning to taste


• Combine all the ingredients into 2 oz portions and roast at 400 degrees for 8-10 minutes.

Sauce Ingredients:

• 4 Abita ambers

• 3 cups Worcestershire

• 5 sprigs fresh rosemary

• Juice from 5 lemons (from above)

• 2 Tbsp. raw cane sugar

• 5 Tbsp. minced garlic

• 1 lb butter

To Serve:


• In a pot big enough to fit your meatballs, add olive oil and sweat out garlic.

• Then add the remaining ingredients for the sauce EXCEPT the butter and reduce the liquid by half.

• Once reduced, add butter. When that’s melted, add roasted meatballs and let simmer for 45 minutes.

• Blue Plate Mayo, Pistolettes, Add Your favorite slaw


behind The Bower |

Crawfish Deviled Eggs and Praline Cream Filled Beignets (New Orleans, LA)

These aren t your typical deviled eggs made with ouisiana craw sh tails, creole seasoning, ouisiana hot sauce, and more, this recipe will be a hit at any gathering.


• 12 Boiled Eggs (halved with yolks and whites separated)

• Blue Plate Mayonnaise

• 1 T Dijon mustard

• 1 cup Louisiana Hot Sauce

• 1 cup buttermilk

• 1/2 lb Louisiana crawfish tails

• 1 cup all-purpose flour

• 1/2 cup corn flour

• 1/2 cup corn starch

• 2 T creole seasoning


• Marinate crawfish in buttermilk and 1/2 cup hot sauce and set aside.

• Take the remaining hot and reduce over medium heat until very thick.

• For egg yolk: Push boiled egg yolks through a fine mesh, then add dijon mustard and enough mayonnaise to make a smooth, fluffy yolk mixture. Season with salt and pepper. In a piping bag, fill each egg white generously with yolk mixture.

• In a preheated pot of oil to 350 degrees, fry crawfish in two batches for 2 to 3 minutes or until crispy and golden brown.

• Once the crawfish are drained, garnish the deviled egg with fried crawfish, a bit of the hot sauce reduction, and green onion.

Executive Chef Marcus Woodham

Birdy’s Behind The Bower | Praline Cream Filled Beignets (New Orleans, LA)

hef ichael Thibodeau is also sharing his outhern fair with raline ream lled eignets for a sweet addition to game day. These pillowy treats are stu ed with pecan praline pastry cream and are an e cellent balance of sweetness and crunchiness.


• 1 package active dry yeast

• 1½ cups warm water (100 to 115 degrees F)

• ½ cup granulated sugar

• 1 tsp salt

• 2 large eggs

• 1 cup evaporated milk

• 7 cups all-purpose flour

• ¼ cup vegetable shortening

• Oil for deep frying

• Powdered Sugar for dusting


• Put the warm water into a large bowl, then sprinkle in the yeast and a couple of teaspoons of the sugar and stir until thoroughly dissolved.

• Let it proof for 10 minutes.

• Add the rest of the sugar, salt, eggs, and evaporated milk.

• Gradually stir in 4 cups of the flour and beat with a wooden spoon until smooth and thoroughly blended.

• Beat in the shortening; then add the remaining flour, about 1/3 cup at a time, beating it in with a spoon until it becomes too stiff to stir, then work in the rest with your hands.

• Refrigerate overnight in a greased bowl, covered with plastic wrap.

• Roll the dough onto a floured board or marble pastry surface to a thickness of 1/8 inch, then cut it into rectangles 2 1/2 inches by 3 1/2 inches with a sharp knife.

• Heat the oil in a deep fryer to 350 degrees F.

• Fry the beignets about 3 or 4 at a time until they are puffed out and golden brown on both sides, about 2-3 minutes per batch.

• Turn them over in the oil with tongs once or twice to get them evenly brown since they rise to the surface of the oil as soon as they begin to puff out.

• After removing from the oil, put the beignets into a brown paper bag full of powdered sugar and shake to coat.

• Fill the inside of the beignet with a piping bag filled with Pecan Praline pastry cream until it’s about to burst.

Pecan Praline Pastry Cream


• 1 ¾ cups (455g) whole milk

• ½ cup praline liqueur (or bourbon as a substitute)

• 2 teaspoons vanilla extract

• ½ Tablespoon ground cinnamon

• ½ cup dark brown sugar

• 3 Tablespoons cornstarch

• ¼ teaspoon kosher salt

• Yolks from 4 large eggs

• 2 Tablespoons unsalted butter (cut into ½-inch pieces)

• 1 large bowl with an ice bath (ice with a little water to keep it loose)


• In a medium pot, combine the milk, vanilla extract, and praline liqueur (or bourbon) and simmer on medium/low heat for 10 minutes.

• In a separate medium-sized heat-proof bowl, combine and mix the sugar, cinnamon, cornstarch, and salt. Once combined, whisk in the egg yolks until pale yellow and fluffy for about a minute.

• After preparing your egg mixture, slowly start pouring your milk mixture into your egg mix while whisking, until everything is incorporated.

• Once everything is incorporated, add everything back into your medium-sized pot on medium heat and continuously whisk until your pastry cream has thickened. (This should take no more than 5-7 minutes.)

• Finally, after your pastry cream has thickened, off-heat whisk in your butter until it’s fully incorporated, then strain the mixture through a fine mesh sieve into a clean bowl.

• Place the bowl with the mixture over the larger bowl with the ice bath, and let it cool for 30 minutes undisturbed. Then, transfer it to the fridge to set for at least 2 hours.

• Fill a piping bag with pastry cream and start filling your beignets… enjoy!

The Pool Club at Virgin Hotels New Orleans | Hail Mary, Halftime Margarita, Rookie, and Touchdown Tea (New Orleans, LA)

The Pool Club at Virgin New Orleans is putting the fun in game-time fun this season. Lead Bartender Heather Blanchard has created an exciting lineup of fun and creative libations for game day. Visitors can enjoy the Hail Mary, Halftime Margarita, Rookie, and Touchdown Tea at The Pool Club or make at home for the ultimate watch party imbibing.

Halftime Margarita


• 1.5 oz Sauza Tequila

• .5 oz Combier Orange

• 1 oz Lime juice

• .5 oz Agave

• Glass: Rocks

• Garnish: Black salt ½ rim and lime


• Combine ingredients in a shaker tin; shake & strain into a rocks glass.

• Garnish glass with ½ black salt rim and lime wedge.

Hail Mary


• 1.5 oz Svedka

• 3 oz House Bloody Mary Mix

• Glass: Collins

• Garnish: Okra, spicy beans, olives, lemon


• Combine ingredients in a shaker tin; shake & strain into a Collins glass.

• Garnish with okra, spicy beans, olives, and lemon slice.

Lead Bartender Heather Blanchard
Lead Bartender Heather Blanchard

Touchdown Tea


• 1.5 oz Russell’s Reserve Bourbon

• .5 oz Combier Peche

• 2 oz Green Tea

• .5 oz Lemon juice

• .25 oz Honey Syrup

• Glass: Collins

• Garnish: Lemon


• Combine ingredients in a shaker tin; shake & strain into a Collins glass.

• Garnish with a lemon wheel.

Tujague’s | Grasshopper (New Orleans, LA)

The birthplace of runch and the second oldest restaurant in ew rleans, The classic rasshopper cocktail will add that ew rleans fair to your game-day gathering. This iconic drink blends light creme de cacao, dark creme de cacao, dark creme de menthe, and light creme de menthe. The Grasshopper is smooth, and sweet, and perfect to show your team spirit.


• 8L Light Crème de Cacao

• 4L Dark Crème de Cacao

• 4L Dark Creme de Menthe

• 2L Light Creme de Menthe


• For each individual cocktail pour 3 oz. of the Mix (above) in a shaker plus 2 oz. heavy cream. Shake and strain into a martini, coupe or flute and add a brandy floater.

Lead Bartender Heather Blanchard

Compere Lapin | Hot Fire Chicken & Biscuit Sliders (New Orleans, LA)

St. Lucian native and Chef/Owner of Compere Lapin, Nina Compton, shares her Hot Fire Chicken & Biscuit Sliders recipe to add a little spice to your game day o erings. ompton adds a aribbean twist to the dish with erk seasoning and allspice. n oy with a cold beer in hand.

Hot Fire Chicken Buttermilk Brine

• 6 ea Boneless chicken thighs with skin

• 1 qt Buttermilk

• 2 ea Shallots; julienned

• 10 cloves Garlic; smashed

• 1 bunch Thyme

• 4 tbsp Calabrese Chili Puree

• 4 tbsp Jerk Spice (*recipe below)

• 1 tbsp Chili Flakes

• 6 tbsp Salt

For Frying:

• 2 cups Flour

• 16 oz Canola Oil

*Jerk Spice Mix

• 6 tbsp Cayenne Pepper

• 2 tbsp Dark Brown Sugar

• 1 tsp Chili Powder

• 2 tsp Garlic Powder

• 2 tsp Onion Powder

• 1 tbsp Paprika

• 1 tsp Allspice

• 1 tsp Cinnamon

• 1 tsp Ginger

• Method: Combine all the dry ingredients and then add the remaining ingredients. Brine the chicken overnight. Remove the chicken, dredge in flour and fry at 350 degrees for 6-8 mins, depending on the size of the thigh. In a medium size mixing bowl, place the hot fire sauce (*recipe below) and evenly coat the chicken.

*Hot Fire Chicken Sauce

• 1qt Original Franks Red Hot

• 25g Red wine vinegar

• 250g H2O

• 15g Brown Sugar

• 5g Nutmeg

• 6.25g Ginger

• 125g Paprika

• 62.5g Cayenne Pepper

• 12.5g Onion Powder

• 12.5g Garlic Powder

• 6.25g Cinnamon

• Method: Mix together wet ingredients in a large container. Add the dry ingredients. Mix together and store until ready to use.

Biscuits (Yield: 6 biscuits)

• 1 Tbs+ ½ tsp Baking Powder

• 1 tsp Sugar

• ½ tsp Salt

• 2 cups All Purpose Flour

• 2 ½ oz Butter, chilled and cubed

• 1 Cups Buttermilk

• Combine all the dry ingredients together, using your hands incorporate the butter breaking it up into the size of a cranberry, slowly add the buttermilk and mix until incorporated. Wrap the container and chill for 30 mins. Place on a floured surface and roll the dough out to 2 ½ inch thickness and cut into 2 ½ by 2 ½ inches, then bake at 375 for 15-18 mins.

• Cut biscuits in half. Place 1 piece of chicken on each biscuit. Top chicken with B&B pickles. Serve and enjoy.

Costera | Black and Gold Rush and White Bean Salad (New Orleans, LA)

General Manager Steve Groom invites patrons to gear up for game day with the Black and Gold Rush cocktail. Made with bourbon, Averna Amaro, lemon juice, and honey syrup, this drink is perfect to sip while cheering on your team. Elevate your game day spread with Costera’s hite ean alad from hef athryn earcy. This favorful dish pairs perfectly with the lack and old ush and will surely have your guests returning for more.

Black And Gold Rush (Batched)

General Manager Steve Groom

The classic Gold Rush, combining Bourbon, honey and lemon borrows from a Black Manhattan, adding Amaro Averna and Angostura bitters to the mix for a bittersweet, aromatic boost.


• 1.5 oz Bourbon (recommended: Wild Turkey)

• .5 oz Averna Amaro

• 1 oz Fresh Lemon Juice

• .75 oz Honey Syrup** (see recipe below)

**Honey Syrup Ingredients:

• 3 parts honey

• 1 part water

White Bean Salad (BATCHED)


• 1qt cooked white beans

• 1 cup charred corn

• 1 cup cherry tomatoes, quartered

• 1 cup red onions, thin sliced

• 1 cup pickled Fresnos (see recipe below)

• ½ cup salsa verde

• Chili vinegar

• ½ cup Fresno pickling liquid (can increase based on personal preference)

• EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)

• salt & pepper to taste

• 1:1 chopped dill: chopped mint

• Poblano Tahini Puree for plating (see recipe below)

Pickled Fresno


• 3 Fresno peppers, stemmed & sliced into rings

• 1 Gallon white distilled vinegar

• 1pt honey

• 8 cloves garlic, crushed

• Salt


• In a bowl, mix all the ingredients except the dill/mint mixture, using enough liquid to pool up and be on the juicy side.

• To order, scoop about 1.5-2 cups of bean mixture into a separate bowl (with a decent amount of liquid).

• Mix with 1-2 tsp dill/mint mixture. On the plate, spread a couple of tablespoons of charred poblano tahini puree and arrange bean salad on top. Finish with breadcrumbs and finishing salt.


• Bring vinegar, honey, garlic, and salt to a boil.

• Pour over the peppers and let sit overnight. The peppers will mellow out over time, and the vinegar will get spicier.


• Add all ingredients into a shaker and shake well

• Serve over ice with a lemon wedge


• Mix 3 parts honey to 1 part water

• Stir until water is well incorporated into honey and add to an airtight container

White Bean Salad

Poblano Tahini Puree (Yield: 1qt)


• 1.5 poblanos, stemmed & seeded

• ⅓ cup tahini

• 1 serrano, stemmed & seeded

• 4 cloves garlic

• 3T lemon juice

• Blend oil

• Salt


• Char the poblanos on the grill and let them cool.

• Blend in the robot coupe poblanos, serrano, garlic, tahini, lemon juice, and just enough oil to spin smoothly.

• Season with salt to taste.

Batch Cocktail Recipe |

Escape Rooftop Bar | Strawberry & Rose (Fort Lauderdale, FL)

Food & Beverage Director, Nathan Berumen enjoys preparing this light and fruity libration when having large groups over for game-day parties. This beverage is easy to make, refreshing, and pairs perfectly with classic gameday bites!

Strawberry & Rose


• 8oz rose wine (Whispering Angel)

• 4oz Cocchi Americano

• 4oz Strawberry Shrub*

• 2oz lemon juice

• 4oz raventos di nit (Cava)


• Add all ingredients to large vessel

• Add ice, lemon wheels, sliced strawberries, and mint

• Stir and top with cava

Strawberry Shrub Recipe*


• 2 cups chopped strawberries

• 1 cup red wine vinegar

• 2 cups sugar

• 1 cup water


• In a saucepan bring to a simmer, stir to dissolve sugar

• Cook for 20 minutes

• Let cool, strain


511 Bar & Lounge (Fort Lauderdale, FL)

511 Bar & Lounge’s Batched Cocktail Recipe Huckleberry Ice Lemonade

Ingredients :

• 1 Liter of Huckleberry Ice Vodka

• 18 oz of Fresh Lemon Juice

• 13 oz of Simple Syrup

• 4 Healthy bunches of Fresh Mint (separate from stems and smack in palms to activate and throw in batch)


Prepare Mint:

• Pluck mint leaves from stems and smack them between your palms to release oils.

Combine Ingredients:

• Place mint leaves in a pitcher then add lemon juice and simple syrup.

• Stir gently to mix.

Add Vodka:

• Pour in the vodka and stir well to blend all ingredients.

Chill and Serve:

• Chill the mixture in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

• Serve over ice, garnished with a mint sprig and a lemon wheel.

Fireman Derek Kaplan | Homemade Savory Chili (Miami, FL)

South Florida’s don-of-dessert and founder of Fireman Derek’s Bake Shop, Derek Kaplan is known for whisking up extraordinary confections; from pies and cakes to cookies and brownies, he’s mastered it all when it comes to desserts. However, what most don’t know about the pie master/entrepreneur is that Kaplan has a lesser known savory side and when he’s home with his wife and children, he doesn’t bake, he cooks! nspired by simple, straight forward ingredients like the ones he uses in his desserts, aplan s favorful comfort recipes are simple in preparation and are perfect for sharing amongst family and friends. Hosting a watch party of The Big Game? Whip up a big batch of Fireman Derek’s homemade Savory Chili to share and enjoy with your fellow football fans.

Ingredients :

• 3 lbs. Ground Chuck

• 3 Sweet Yellow Onions (diced)

• 6 Garlic Cloves (finely chopped)

• 84 oz. Crushed Tomatoes (3 cans)

• 10 oz. Diced Tomatoes and Green Chilies (1 can)

• 4 tbsp. Cumin

• To taste Salt and Pepper


• Cook down ground chuck until fully browned and drain in colander.

• While the beef is draining, sauté sweet yellow onions.

• Once onions are translucent in color, add garlic, cumin, salt and pepper and cook for a few minutes.

• Add crushed tomatoes, diced tomatoes with chilies and ground chuck. Simmer for two hours.

• Serve with shredded cheese, a dollop of sour cream and garnish with sliced green onions.


• Kick it up a notch and add diced jalapenos and 2-3 dashes of cayenne pepper for a touch of heat.

• Pair with cornbread or toasted sourdough on the side for dipping.

R House | Sweet Chilli Wings & Roasted Bacon, Corn and Feta Guacamole (Miami, FL)

Spend game days with R House’s delicious Sweet Chili Wings and Roasted Bacon, Corn, and Feta Guacamole. These easy-to-make at-home recipes are the perfect way to celebrate the return of the Football season!

Yield: 1 serving

Roasted Corn, Bacon, and Feta Guacamole


• 4 Slices of Bacon

• 2 Ears of Fresh Corn

• 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil

• 6 Ripe Avocados

• ½ cup Small diced Spanish Onion

• 2 ½ Tablespoons Chopped Jalapeno (more if you want spicier)

• 1 Lime

• 2 Tablespoons Salt

• ½ cup Feta Cheese

• ¼ cup Cilantro Leaves


• Dice bacon into small pieces and then fry in a frying pan until crispy.

• Cut kernels off corn husk and then place kernels in a separate frying pan. Make sure it is heated over medium heat with olive oil.

• Season it with 1 teaspoon of salt and let corn roast in a pan, stirring occasionally until golden brown and kernels begin to pop.

• Peel, deseed, and mash avocados in a large bowl.

• Add the Jalapenos, onions, and salt to the avocado.

• Squeeze the lime over the avocado and mix all of the ingredients together. Taste for seasoning.

• Transfer the guacamole into a serving bowl.

• Sprinkle the bacon and corn evenly over the mixture.

• Crumble the feta cheese evenly over the guacamole and garnish with the whole cilantro leaves.

• Lastly, serve with tortilla chips.

Sweet Chili Chicken Wings


Sweet Chili Sauce

• 1 ½ Cups Oyster Sauce

• 1.25 Oz Mae Ploy Chili Sauce (you can use any brand)

• ½ cup Granulated sugar

• 1 Tablespoon Chopped Garlic

• *Place all ingredients in a blender till smooth*

Wing Flour

• 1 Pound All Purpose Flour

• 2 Tablespoons Paprika

• 2 Tablespoons Garlic Powder

• 1 Tablespoon White Pepper

• 2 Tablespoons Kosher Salt

• 5 Pounds Chicken wings, flats and drumettes


• Preheat a deep fryer or a deep frying pan to 350 degrees.

• Pat chicken wings dry and dredge them in the flour being sure to shake off all excess flour.

• Drop Chicken in separate batches into the deep fryer, being sure to separate flats and drumettes. Make sure not to over crowd your fryer basket or pan.

• Cook until deep golden brown and crispy. (8-10 minutes for flats and 12-15 for drumettes depending on size)

• Place wings on a plate lined with paper towels to absorb the excess oil.

• Then put them into a large bowl and pour some of the sweet chili sauce over them. Toss the wings until they are evenly coated with the sauce.

• Serve on a large plate with some sesame seeds and sliced green onions sprinkled on top.

Corsair Kitchen & Bar | Corsair Kitchen Wings (Miami, FL)

Willam Gideon, Director of Culinary at JW Marriott Turnberry Resort & Spa, knows a thing or two about game days. “It is always best to prepare in advance. You don’t want to be running around on gameday and missing the fun! As a Chef, game day snacks tend to turn into a competition between my friends and me. e bring food out for each uarter of the game and everyone tries to outdo the other. t s a erce and friendly competition and makes for an incredible experience!” At Corsair Kitchen & Bar, the property’s renowned American comfort food restaurant, he recommends the chicken wings as a game day treat. With an array of spices including Paprika and chili powder among others, it adds the perfect “kick” to any gathering.


• 25 Chicken Wings

• ¼ cup Blackening Spice

• 2 tbsp Garlic Powder

• 1tbsp Onion Powder

• ¼ cup salt

• ¼ cup paprika

• 1 oz Chili Flakes

• ¼ cup Chili Powder


• Fill the tilt skillet with water half way.

• Add all spices including salt into the skillet.

• Bring water to boil. Add wings and let soft boil for about 15-20 minutes or until wings are fully cooked.

• Remove and place on sheet trays to cool.

• Add finishing rub to chicken wings

• Enjoy!

Chicken Wing Finishing Rub:


• 1 qt Paprika

• 1 qts Chili Powder

• 2 tbsp Salt

• ¼ Tsp Onion Powder

• ¼ Tsp Garlic Powder


• Coat wings in rub, and store until ready to fry.

• Using a tabletop fryer, fry until crispy or desired crispness.

• Serve and enjoy!











A Culinary Gem from Aguascalientes, Mexico

On a recent trip to Aguascalientes, Mexico, I rediscovered a fruit that has since become a staple in my kitchen: guava. This tropical gem, once domesticated by the indigenous peoples of the Americas long before European contact, was highly valued by ancient civilizations such as the Maya and the Aztecs. They cherished guava not only for its sweet, aromatic flavor but also for its medicinal properties. The leaves, bark, and fruit were utilized in traditional remedies to treat various ailments, from digestive issues to respiratory conditions.

Despite its rich history and nutritional profile, guava remains underappreciated in many diets today. This versatile fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C, dietary fiber, antioxidants, immune support and heart health, making it a staple in both culinary and medicinal traditions across the globe. Whether enjoyed fresh, juiced, or

incorporated into recipes, guava is celebrated worldwide for its delightful taste and numerous health benefits, it’s time to bring Guava into our menus.

As chefs and restauranteurs, one of the most rewarding aspects of our craft is the ability to introduce patrons to new flavors and experiences. In our pursuit of culinary innovation, we often overlook the potential of tropical fruits. Grown abundantly in the sun-drenched fields of Aguascalientes, Mexico, guava is a versatile ingredient that can elevate your menu with its unique taste, vibrant color, and nutritional benefits.

To fully appreciate how to incorporate guava into your menu, it's essential to understand the fruit itself. Guava offers a sweet, fragrant flavor profile that blends notes of pear, strawberry, and a hint of pineapple. The flesh, which ranges from creamy white to deep pink, has a texture that can be both juicy and slightly grainy, similar to a pear.

This complex flavor profile makes guava an incredibly versatile ingredient. It pairs beautifully with both sweet and savory dishes, and its tropical essence can add an unexpected twist to traditional recipes. While in Aguascalientes I even had smoked guava, which added a depth of flavor to a pulled pork sandwich turning the usual to the unique.

One of the most exciting ways to use guava is as a glaze for proteins. The fruit's natural sweetness pairs perfectly with meats like pork, chicken, or duck. By reducing guava puree with a bit of vinegar, garlic, and chili, you can create a tangy, sweet glaze that adds a tropical flair to your dishes. For example, a guava-glazed roasted chicken can be a standout entrée, bringing a unique flavor experience to your guests.

Guava also serves as a fantastic base for sauces. Its rich, fruity flavor can be the foundation for a variety of culinary creations. For a Latin-inspired dish, consider a guava mojo sauce. By blending guava puree with garlic, lime juice, and cilantro, you can create a sauce that adds a burst of tropical flavor to grilled fish or chicken. Alternatively, a spicy guava barbecue sauce can accompany ribs, adding a new dimension to classic barbecue dishes.

Of course, guava shines in desserts as well. Its natural sweetness and vibrant color make it an excellent ingredient for a range of sweet treats. Aguascalientes’ guava is often used to make ate de guayaba, a traditional Mexican guava paste that can be served with cheese or used as a filling for pastries.

In a more contemporary setting, consider incorporating guava into cheesecakes, tarts, or ice creams. A guava and cream cheese tart, for example, can be a visually stunninganddeliciousdessertthatoffersarefreshingalternativetomoretraditional fruit flavors. I had a beautiful example of guava cream pie at …. in Cavilo, Mexico.

When discussing guava, it’s impossible to overlook the importance of Aguascalientes, Mexico. This region, nestled in the heart of the country, is one of the world's top producers of guava. The unique climate of Aguascalientes, characterized by warm days and cool nights, creates the ideal conditions for growing guava that is rich in flavor and high in nutritional content.

The guava from Aguascalientes is prized for its quality. Farmers in this region have perfected the art of guava cultivation, ensuring that each fruit is grown with care and harvested at the peak of ripeness. By sourcing guava from Aguascalientes, you’re not only getting a superior product but also supporting a community with a rich agricultural heritage.

By sourcing guava from Aguascalientes, you’re not only getting a superior product but also supporting a community with a rich agricultural heritage.


1800 Tequila

The new NFL season is in full swing. I am excited to share that 1800 Tequila, the world’s most awarded tequila, continues its support for the NFL by launching a new commemorative limited edition LTO 1800 Blanco bottle for the Miami Dolphins. This LTO bottle commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Miami Dolphins holding the longest home winning streak in NFL history of 27 games ending in 1974. As the Proud Tequila Partner of the Miami Dolphins, 1800 Tequila created a custom Blanco bottle featuring the team’s aqua and marine-blue dolphin swimming in front of a coral sunburst logo and colors to amplify the team spirit for stadium tailgates or at-home celebrations. Tequila and sports fans alike can purchase the 1800 Dolphins LTO bottles at select regional retailers in the team’s hometown.



A little birdie told me this is the solution to the holiday hosting scaries! Alouette is launching a NEW permanent addition to

for entertaining, or just a little treat, these easily usable, delicious and creamy spreads make the ideal ingredient for a little more ahhh. Whether being used as a healthier baking alternative, a show stopping dip, or just an everyday snack, this sweet and smooth spread is the best addition for adding an unexpected twist! Available starting this September at retailers nationwide including Giant, Stop & Shop, and Albertson’s.

3 Altitude Water

Altitude Water is a leading manufacturer and installer of from residential and light commercial machines to heavy duty military-grade machines that produce water anytime, anywhere. Altitude Water’s team has over 15 years of experience in the industry (with Altitude itself being found-

ozone purification AWG unique from the Reverse Osmosis/ UV purification units on the market. The company’s AWGs are also the only self-cleaning AWGs in the industry and are capable of purifying a large external storage tank of water. Altitude Water’s machines are manufactured in Lauderdale Lakes and have been used by four branches of the US military as well as charities and non-profits such as Amy Grant’s Farm in Franklin, Tn, Aquavera, Jean-Felicien Gacha Foundation, and Noah’s Arc. Altitude Water has offered support to Maui, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Colombia, and more.

4 Aura Collection

Introducing the Aura Collection by Blüme Light, a new addition to our lineup that combines sleek cylindrical design with advanced functionality to enhance any room in your restaurant, bar, or home. With the Aura Collection by Blüme Light, you can effortlessly grow beautiful, healthy plants while enhancing overall style and ambiance. These planters are more than just functional—they are a statement of modern design and dependable performance. Embrace the elegance and efficiency of the Aura Collection and transform your space into a sophisticated indoor garden that’s both beautiful and bountiful.



Delicious, fiber-rich and perfect for on-the-go lifestyles, Bahamii Date & Almond Bars use 7 or less superfood ingredients - with dates as the #1 ingredient - to fuel your busy day. With a low glycemic index for steady energy, the bars are diabetic-friendly and are made with minimal, clean and simple ingredients. Enjoy a bar with your morning coffee, tuck one in your gym bag for a quick pick-me-up or take along while hiking and camping. Bahamii Date & Almond Bars are gluten-free, plant-based, vegan, kosher, and Non-GMO certified. The bars do not contain artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives. Available in three delicious flavors, including Chocolate Almond, Coconut Vanilla, and Honey Cinnamon.



Baharat spice from the high-quality global spice brand, La Boîte, is a blend of allspice, clove, and cinnamon- three of the most celebrated fall flavors brought together in one classic Eastern Mediterranean spice. In fact, Baharat is the Eastern Mediterranean version of garam masala, ubiquitous in both sweet and savory dishes. It’s definitely a great go-to warm and cozy blend, which seems to work great in everything, including the seasonal classic, Pumpkin Pecan Pie. It’s a very well-rounded blend, so if you could only bring one to use in a fall cooking competition, this would be the one.

7 Barkeep Vodka

Barkeep Vodka uses a scientific breakthrough to create a cleaner, smoother vodka. Even though all world-class vodkas are nearly tasteless, odorless and colorless, Barkeep Vodka uses a patented pressure filtration process, also known as Flavor Balancing, to remove off-flavors, reduce burn and diminish bite. This breakthrough innovation achieves a level of purity beyond what is possible through distillation alone, resulting in an incomparably clean, smooth vodka. Crafted from 100% premium Indiana corn and 6x distilled, Barkeep is processed and compression filtered in small batches to be gluten free, allergen and impurity free. This premium spirit becomes a blank canvas for creating any cocktail.



Just in time for the cooler temperatures, Bartesian, the premium beverage maker that effortlessly crafts premeasured, mixologist-quality cocktails and mocktails at the touch of a button, introduces a decadent, dessert-inspired cocktail. This indulgent delight combines sweet maple, nutty pecan, and buttery shortbread crust flavors with a blend of whiskey and vodka. It’s the perfect cozy drink to complement the season’s chill. Serve it in a lowball glass over ice, garnished with a maple leaf or pecan, for an extra touch of autumn charm. With Bartesian, creating this luxurious cocktail is effortless—just insert the capsule, choose your desired strength, and savor.


This fall, Beleaf’s Plant-Based Smoked Salmon is redefining the smoked salmon experience. Delivering the rich, smoky flavor of traditional salmon lox, it’s perfect for bagels, salads, and canapés. Beleaf’s Plant-Based Smoked Salmon isn’t just about great taste; it’s also a sustainable, premium alternative for those seeking delicious, mindful eating options. Elevate your menu with this innovative product that meets the growing demand for high-quality, plant-based seafood. Whether you’re a chef or a food enthusiast, this standout product is sure to delight and inspire.

Bern’s Steak House

Bern’s Steak House, renowned for its legendary dining experience in Tampa, FL, is available on Goldbelly, America’s most popular platform for food e-commerce. Consumers around the nation can now enjoy Bern’s world-class steaks and famous sides delivered straight to their doorsteps, with the added benefit of free shipping on all orders.These beautiful USDA Prime New York strip steaks are aged in-

hand-cut to order. Also included are rich creamed spinach flavored with nutmeg and pancetta and light, creamy potato puree with a subtle tang of sour cream! Choose between a dinner kit for 2 or dinner kit for 4.

Photo Credit: Pezz Photos

11 Bertolli®

Bertolli, the world’s number one olive oil brand, is enhancing the air fryer experience this fall with Bertolli ® Air Fryer Spray. This latest olive oil product from Bertolli adds a crispy touch to air-fried meals with zero propellants and dosage control, ideal for fat-free cooking. Its light taste keeps this olive oil versatile making it for all your favorite fall recipes.


Beyond Meat

Beyond Meat’s revolutionary new Beyond IV platform, featuring its fourth-generation Beyond Burger, marks the company’s most significant innovation to date. The new Beyond Burger is crafted with heart-healthy avocado oil, providing 21 grams of clean protein and only 2 grams of saturated fat, setting a new benchmark for nutrition in plant-based meats. Beyond IV incorporates significant nutritional improvements, including a reduction in saturated fat by 60% compared to the previous version, as well as a 20% reduction in sodium. The simplified ingredient list and enhanced nutritional profile have earned recognition from leading health organizations, including the American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association, and Good Housekeeping’s Nutrition Institute. The new Beyond Burger in eye-catching gold packaging is rolled out at major grocery chains nationwide including Walmart, Kroger, Albertsons, Publix, Whole Foods Market, Sprouts and more.

13 BLUwater

Spirulina BLUwater is a refreshing, subtly sweet beverage known for its naturally vibrant blue color and impressive health benefits. Featuring FUL Foods’ sustainably grown spirulina, BLUwater is packed with antioxidants and antiinflammatory properties, with each 12oz can providing the antioxidant equivalent of 60 blueberries, the vitamin C of two carrots, and the vitamin B2 of 7 grams of spinach, all while being low in calories and sugar. Available in three delicious flavors—Raspberry Yuzu, White Peach, and Pink Grapefruit—BLUwater not only tastes incredibly refreshing but also supports the body’s natural detoxification and energy production. FUL Foods has tackled common taste and shelf life challenges associated with spirulina by using a proprietary extraction process that results in a superior taste, texture, smell, and shelf life compared to other products on the market. With only 10 to 20 calories per 12 oz slim can, BLUwater is the perfect blend of nutrition and flavor.

Bonafide Provisions Organic Chicken Broth has earned its best-seller status with a 5-star taste that rivals homemade. Made from free-range chicken bones and organic vegetables, this broth delivers a rich, authentic flavor without any artificial additives or cane sugar. Each serving boasts 3 grams of protein and aligns with Paleo and Keto diets, free from gluten, grains, and dairy. Unlike many competitors, it contains no yeast extract, citric acid, or canola oil, ensuring a clean, wholesome product. Nutritionist-created and chefcrafted, Bonafide Provisions delivers on both taste and quality, making it a top choice for those seeking a nourishing, versatile base for soups, stews, and sauces.



brekki’s Pumpkin Spice Ready-to-Eat Oats capture the essence of autumn with a blend of pumpkin and spices. Made with ancient grains, almonds, oats, chia seeds, and organic coconut nectar, these ready-to-eat oats offer a nutritious and delicious breakfast option for chilly mornings. The seasonal flavor adds a touch of fall to your routine, making it a convenient and tasty choice for the season.


Bush’s Beans

Bush’s Beans teamed up with Mike’s Hot Honey to create a new bold flavor: a spicy variety that combines the taste of Bush’s Grillin’ Beans with the sweet heat of Mike’s Hot Honey. This collaboration takes gameday spreads to the next level. Bush’s Grillin’ Beans Hot Honey perfectly balances the smoky richness of the beans with the irresistible kick of Mike’s Hot Honey, which is known for its artisanal honey infused with chili peppers, creating a harmonious blend of sweetness and heat. Grillin’ Beans Hot Honey delivers a sweet and spicy kick without being overwhelming, offering people bold, new ways to enjoy great flavors and good times. This product will elevate any game day spread, from tailgates to summer cookouts.

17 Bushwick Kitchen

Bushwick Kitchen is an award-winning sauce company that’s here to serve up finger-licking, flavor-addicting sauces and condiments for every kitchen creative and foodie looking to elevate their meals or share a unique culinary gift to inspire friends and family. Their Bees Knees Honey Gift Set is the ultimate trio for every honey fan! The flavors include Spicy Honey, Meyer Lemon Honey, and Salted Honey, which go great in a variety of beverages and dishes across dayparts. This Bees Knees Honey Gift Set will be sure to elevate any meal this fall!



Campbell’s Foodservice has added three new soup varieties to its Campbell’s® Culinary Reserve line including Cuban-Style Black Bean, Italian-Style Wedding and Spicy Harissa White Bean in addition to a refreshed Mexican Street Corn recipe. The new varieties provide operators with more ways to incorporate global trends and concepts as well as approachable comfort flavors onto menus.

19 Cardinal Spirits

The ideal bourbon cocktail for all of fall: spirited tailgates, cozy bonfire nights, weekend camping, Sunday football hangs, leaf-peeping hikes. Bourbon Cream Soda hits the spot with delicious Straight Bourbon Whiskey wrapped in smooth, scratch-made cream soda and real Madagascar vanilla. Nostalgia for a frosty, fizzy cream soda is all grown up now, in this rich, lush, and balanced bourbon cocktail — it’s ready when you are!

Char & Stave is bringing back its Rumpkin Spice Coffee due to popular demand. A must-have for any PSL lover, the beans for this fall blend are aged in barrels used to create Bluebird Distilling Spiced Pumpkin Dark Rum, following the company’s ethos of “coffee made by whiskey people.” The unbe-leafably delicious fall flavors make for a perfect pick-me-up while cozied up by a campfire, wrapped up in a blanket and a flannel at home, or sipped on a picturesque autumn day spent on-site at Char & Stave. Coffee lovers will be able to pick up a bag of Rumpkin Spice Coffee in-person at Char & Stave, or online for shipping nationwide.

21 Chef Cassi’s Table

Indulge in the blend of flavors with Chef Cassi’s Table Cognac Butter Pecan Syrup, a gourmet creation that elevates any culinary experience. This syrup, with its rich, buttery undertones and the sophisticated warmth of cognac, is a celebration of taste and tradition. The essence of roasted pecans adds a delightful nuttiness, perfectly balanced by the smooth, caramel-like notes of cognac. Whether drizzled over pancakes, stirred into coffee, or used as a decadent topping for desserts, this syrup brings a touch of elegance to everyday moments. Its versatility makes it a must-have for those who appreciate fine flavors, offering a unique twist on classic dishes. Elevate your taste buds and savor the exquisite combination of Cognac Butter Pecan Syrup— where indulgence meets sophistication.



Chomps’ first-ever seasonal flavor, Smoky BBQ, is crafted with natural hardwood smoke for a bold, authentic wood fired taste. Seasoned with black pepper, chili powder, smoked paprika, and garlic, Smoky BBQ evokes warmth and nostalgia in every bite. As with all Chomps’ products, Smoky BBQ contains no hidden or harmful ingredients, delivering 10g of protein and zero sugar per 1.15oz stick, offering a clean, nutritious snack that doesn’t sacrifice flavor. Perfect for fall tailgating or on-the-go fuel, Chomps’ Smoky BBQ is a high-quality snacking option for autumn.

23 Chrome Horse Society

Founded by equestrian and entrepreneur, Jack Morgan, Chrome Horse Society Tequila is a premium tequila blanco that replaces antiquated traditions with metropolitan luxury. Crafted by a team of New York City’s most discerning tequila drinkers, the 100% blue agave spirit offers impeccable taste, unapologetic modernity, and—most importantly—a ride to remember. Launched in 2023, Chrome Horse sources its premium tequila blanco from Jalisco, Mexico, where it is triple distilled in copper-plated columns. The one-of-a-kind spirit weaves together notes of citrus, spicy pepper, and lingering floral sweetness for a unique but smooth taste. Whether it’s enjoyed on the rocks or in a chic cocktail, Chrome Horse Society Tequila always delivers a euphoric kick. In-the-know consumers can purchase Chrome Horse Society Tequila for home delivery in 34 US states, as well as in select luxury venues throughout New York, Florida, and Greece.


Cihuatán Artesano

Cihuatán Artesano is a premium pineapple rum infused with Golden Pineapples sourced from the small-town Santa María Ostuma in El Salvador. Inspired by the Mayan god of agriculture and creativity, Gucumatz; Artesano celebrates the land’s vibrant culture. Aged for 10 years in ex-bourbon barrels, this rum delivers depth, complexity, and a natural tropical flavor, perfect for premium cocktails. By using local pineapples, Cihuatán supports small producers and showcases El Salvador’s rich agricultural heritage. Specifically designed for mixologists, Artesano simplifies the creation of pineapple-infused cocktails, eliminating the need for fresh juice while maintaining an authentic, vibrant flavor profile. Its smooth character enhances both classic and innovative cocktails, making it a true representation of craftsmanship and tradition.

25 Crystal Basin Cellars

Tannat is a rich and deeply colored grape variety from the Basque region encompassing northern Spain and western France. This intensely fruit-driven version from the 2021 vintage is grown on mature vines located near the convergence of the famed American River and Folsom Lake in Northern California. Rapidly gaining status as a ‘cult-y’ wine, Tannat is winning over tastebuds and creating new fans at our tasting rooms in the Sierra Highlands Region. As wine aficionados weary of overly tannic Cabs and seek approachable wines with unimpeachable character Tannat is finding its way onto more and more dinner tables and wine lists. Tannat is perhaps the ultimate Autumn Discovery for 2024!

As the leaves change and cooler weather hits the front range, Hey! Pumpkin celebrates the official arrival of fall in Colorado. This pumpkin brew has a gorgeous copper hue resulting from the bushels of real pumpkin used in the mash. With a nose full of cinnamon, nutmeg, and spice, she is an autumn melody especially brewed for sweater weather. Hey! Pumpkin is available on draft and in 6 packs across Colorado and the surrounding mountain states through the fall season.

Dineen Vineyards

Dineen Vineyards’ Cabernet Franc is an ideal choice for fall, offering a rich, vibrant expression of the season. With notes of red berries, subtle spice, and earthiness, this mediumbodied wine captures the essence of autumn. Its refined tannins and bright acidity make it a versatile pairing for fall dishes. Enjoy our Cabernet Franc with roasted lamb or pork, where its acidity enhances the meat’s richness. It also pairs beautifully with hearty vegetable dishes like roasted root vegetables or mushroom risotto, complementing the earthy flavors. For a cheese pairing, try it with aged gouda or nutty Gruyère for a perfect fireside gathering. As the temperatures drop, Dineen Vineyards’ Cabernet Franc provides a warm, comforting experience, making it a wonderful choice for celebrating the flavors of fall.

Dice Coffee Ice Cubes are the first-ever craft coffee ice cubes available. Dice elevates how you enjoy your favorite cold coffee beverages, preserving their rich, robust flavors without dilution. The concept is simple yet groundbreaking: purchase a package of Dice Frozen Coffee Ice Cubes, add them to your favorite cold coffee drink, and savor every sip without compromise. The cubes, crafted from premium organic coffee, gradually infuse your drink with rich flavor as they melt, ensuring a consistently satisfying coffee experience from start to finish.

29 Dixie Grace

Dixie Grace’s Boiled Peanuts is thrilled to announce the launch of their new line of products featuring boiled peanuts. This plantbased protein popular in the south is the ultimate clean protein snack, which is vegan, non-GMO, Gluten-free, keto-friendly and a great source of magnesium, Fiber and Vitamin E. Boiled Peanuts are an iconic southern delicacy since the early 1900’s, rich in Protein, Niacin, Vitamin E. and B-complex vitamins. Lab tests show that boiled peanuts had higher levels of antioxidants than the raw and roasted peanuts. Dixie Grace has sourced premium ingredients and developed an artisanal cooking process to unleash the amazing taste, texture, and health benefits of boiled peanuts in the world.



environments, the Epson TrueOrder™ Kitchen Display System

from food prep to order fulfillment. This KDS solution offers several enhanced features to help boost kitchen experiences, including custom views for the kitchen, expediter and customerfacing stations—all with intuitive touch control. With the easyto-use, browser-based configuration utility, the TrueOrder KDS is easy to set up and can be customized to fit a kitchen’s workflow. Restaurants can configure the system to support as many as nine stations throughout the kitchen, to help ensure order information is handled by the right station. The TrueOrder KDS is POS-agnostic and compatible with traditional and tablet POS systems, making installation easy. It can support all-in-one touchscreens or media player devices to meet staff preferences. This versatile system also connects devices to the local network without requiring an Internet connection.



Fairytale Brownies

Fairytale Brownies introduced two gluten-free flavors to its bite-size brownie menu this September. Answering the many requests for a gluten-free product, Fairytale Brownies’ bakers are now crafting rich chocolate chip and smooth cream cheese brownie flavors in a gluten-free version. The company’s goal was to create a treat with the same appearance, taste and texture profile as its original brownie recipe, and according to many taste testers and initial reviews, the gluten-free treats are just as decadent. Customers will find the 1.5” x 1.5” individually wrapped gluten-free brownies in gifts of 12 and 24, and in bulk packages of 36. Gluten-free also can be added to other gifts as a “choose your own” option for a small fee. Since 1992, Fairytale Brownies has baked every batch by hand using a family recipe and the finest ingredients. All brownies, blondies, and cookies are individually wrapped and certified kosher for dairy.

Evo has been designed with the appearance of hand-thrown pottery and its homely charm adds a touch of warmth to any tabletop. Evo Azure was designed to complement the timeless colors of Evo Pearl, Jet and Granite. The fully glazed pieces are hand dipped on Vitrified Stoneware and the reactive color creates variation, making each piece individual.

33 Fierce & Kind

Fierce & Kind’s Single Barrel Cask Strength Bourbon is the perfect companion for crisp autumn evenings. This three-grain bourbon is aged in toasted and charred new oak American barrels and bears all the hallmarks of an aged, high-proof bourbon without the serious burn that one would expect. Highlighting vanilla and caramel aromas on the nose, tobacco and toasted oak flavors on the palette, Fierce & Kind’s Cask Strength Bourbon is Ideal for savoring by the fire or sharing with friends this fall season.


Flanagan Farm

Flanagan Farm recently launched five new flavors of sauerkraut, including Classic, Kimchi, Beet, Dill, and Roasted Garlic. The fermented, probiotic-rich superfood is available in convenient, resealable 16-ounce standup pouches, found in the refrigerated section. It is the most affordable, fresh organic sauerkraut in the market. Flanagan Farm Kimchi Kraut is spicy and layered with heat, made with green onion, carrot, ginger and Korean pepper. Classic and Kimchi are currently available at more than 1,800 Walmarts for under $5/pouch. Flanagan Farm cabbage is grown on an organic, family-owned Wisconsin farm. Once cabbage is harvested, it travels less than 75 miles north to the production plant in Bear Creek, Wisconsin, where it begins fermenting. Flanagan Farm’s promise is “24 hours from farm to fermentation” to bring consumers fresh, delicious kraut.

35 Fly By Jing

Fly By Jing just launched Fly By Jing Noodles: sun-dried Sichuan noodles paired with the brand’s iconic chili sauces and a finishing touch of fragrant shallot jam and chives. With two craveable flavor available, you can choose from Chili Crisp Noodles, featuring the brand’s best-selling Sichuan Chili Crisp, or Sweet & Spicy Noodles, infused with crowdfavorite Sweet & Spicy Zhong Sauce. Handcrafted in Sichuan, these wavy ribbon noodles are sun-dried for 12 hours, never fried. Their squiggly knife cut shape ensures that every bite is packed with chili sauce. Ready to enjoy in under 6 minutes, these noodles are perfect for a quick meal or snack. Add veggies, eggs, or meat for a heartier option, and create a dish that suits your taste and mood. Fly By Jing Noodles are vegan and contain no MSG, artificial preservatives, or flavors. The best noodles you’ve ever tasted. Period.


Four Walls Whiskey

Four Walls Whiskey is an Irish American Whiskey brand founded by Rob McElhenney, Charlie Day, and Glenn Howerton as a tribute to the four walls that hold our good times in and keep our troubles out—the bar. Inspired by a deep love for bar culture and its positive impact on the community, Four Walls blends smooth Irish whiskey with bold American rye. This unique combination makes Four Walls the “better brown” for any occasion—whether it’s a utility whiskey for bartenders to keep in the well for shots with the regulars or something bold enough to craft standout cocktails.


Gin & Juice

Gin & Juice By Dre and Snoop is an innovative ready-to-drink cocktail that’s the first release from Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg’s new premium spirits company – launched in February 2024, with more offerings announced soon. Gin & Juice By Dre and Snoop takes its concept from Snoop Dogg’s timeless, Dr. Dreproduced hit “Gin & Juice” – with the hip-hop icons’ signature crafted cocktail currently available in four all-natural flavors: Citrus, Melon, Passionfruit, and Apricot. Distributed nationally by Southern Glazer’s Wine & Spirits, Gin & Juice By Dre and Snoop is available at major retailers and liquor stores.


GloryLand Food

Introducing GloryLand Food’s delicious Black Rice Noodles! An excellent choice for stir fry, soup and noodle salad recipes for those who love to cook and eat. Some notable highlights include: certified Gluten Free, Vegan, Non-GMO & Kosher, made from just two whole grain ingredients: Black Rice Flour and Brown Rice Flour, no additives or preservatives, 6g protein per noodle cake, and ready in 4 minutes. The family behind GloryLand Food is passionate about providing healthy options for those with gluten intolerance, their loved ones, and anyone looking for a nourishing alternative. Enjoy the perfect balance of taste and nutrition for any noodle lover looking for a quick, healthy and satisfying meal.


Greenbar Distillery

Autumn is here, officially marking the time to bring out cozy drinks to sip as the leaves change! Greenbar Distillery, LA’s first distillery since Prohibition, offers a collection of natureinspired liqueurs and ready-to-drink cocktails, all made with clean, local, and ethically sourced ingredients—perfect for the changing temperatures. For the at-home mixologists, Greenbar’s Ginger Liqueur serves as the perfect foundation for a spicy, earthy cocktail. Both spicy and sweet, this liqueur captures a warm, lingering heat that works beautifully in a comforting Mule, mixed with warm apple cider, or served neat by the fire. Made with molasses spirits, ginger, lemon, and cane sugar, this organic liqueur relies on the powerful kick of ginger root for its bold flavor, rather than artificial flavors or additives. Plus, for every bottle of liqueur sold, Greenbar plants a tree in Central America in partnership with Sustainable Harvest International, providing year-round shade for fair trade agriculture.

39 Good Culture

Good Culture’s first-ever seasonal flavor, Organic Pumpkin & Spice Cottage Cheese, is crafted with real pumpkin, live and active cultures, and simple ingredients from pasture-raised cows. This limited-edition, USDA Organic cottage cheese delivers 16g of protein per cup and offers a creamy, fallinspired twist perfect for seasonal snacks, desserts, or holiday recipes like dips and festive spreads. Whether enjoyed on its own or paired with granola, fruit, or in a breakfast bowl, the Pumpkin & Spice Cottage Cheese elevates any meal. Ideal for those seeking wholesome, protein-packed options this fall season.

41 H&H Bagels

H&H Bagels, the iconic New York bagel brand, is excited to announce their first-of-its-kind Lox Flight, created in collaboration with Brooklyn’s fourth-generation, family-owned smoked fish purveyor Acme Smoked Fish. These two born and bred NYC brands are elevating the traditional “bagels and lox” experience with the Lox Flight: your choice of a freshly-baked H&H bagel, cream cheese, and four flavors of Acme’s smoked fish, including two brand new flavors debuting with H&H, all packaged in a custom designed bento-style box. The Lox Flight includes a quarter pound of four exciting varieties of smoked salmon from Acme, including the classic Smoked Nova Salmon and Pastrami Smoked Salmon. Exclusive to H&H customers, two new varieties are being introduced for the first time, the Lemon Garlic Smoked Salmon and Chili Crisp Smoked Salmon, which is coated with a bold, spicy chili crisp. The Lox Flight introduces a unique, premium tasting experience in a beautiful made-to-order box, redefining what it means to have a classic “bagel and lox” sandwich.


Harmoniously balancing sweet and savory flavor with a kick of heat, this seasonal product is crafted with farm-picked green peas as the first ingredient. Milled whole in-house for maximum nutrition, this big-veggie ingredient delivers 5g of plant protein and a good source of fiber in every tasty serving. Offering an unexpected take on a classic flavor combination, the intriguingly party guests or simply enjoying right out-of-the bag when cravings strike. Like the rest of the flagship lineup, these baked friendly, contain no GMOs, and are free of the common allergens wheat, soy, nuts, peanuts, and eggs.



Holle’s Organic Apple & Plum Baby Food has only 2 ingredients: apple and plum! This organic baby food offers weaning babies a wholesome blend of biodynamic fruit that can be served warm or cold. Holle baby food jars allow babies to expand their palate and discover new blends of flavor one meal at a time. One box of Apple & Plum offers six individual jars of finely pureed organic fruit grown on regenerative farms without any added salt or refined sugar. Made with USDA organic, non-GMO, Demeter-certified biodynamic ingredients, the finely puréed fruit is easy to digest and offers valuable antioxidants to serve with a balanced meal. The glass jar is recyclable, and with its resealable lid can be stored in the fridge for up to 2 days after opening. Holle’s Organic Apple & Plum Baby Food Jars are a tasty option for weaning babies 6 months and up.

43 Hint Water

Hint Water is bringing holiday spirit to taste buds everywhere with its new Holiday Variety Pack this fall! A refreshing alternative to the indulgent temptations of the season, Hint’s new limited-time pack features four seasonal blends crafted with purified still water and natural essences – without any sugar, diet sweeteners, or calories. Flavors include: Apple Cinnamon, Autumn yumminess to warm the soul, with a dash of cinnamon for extra zing. Spiced Pear, crisp and delicately spiced, a toast to fall’s best flavors. Citrus Berry, a crowd-pleasing blend of seasonal flavors, with essences of tangerine, pomegranate, and raspberry. Peppermint Bark, a surprisingly delicious and fun twist on a holiday favorite, with dreamy notes of chocolate and fresh peppermint. Hint invites consumers to participate in the joy of the season, while also keeping hydration and wellness in mind.

45 Hotel Tango Distillery

The newest edition to Pumpkin Spiced spirits, Pumpkin Somethin’ Pumpkin Spice Bourbon. This innovative spirit combines the rich flavors of allspice, pumpkin, clove, cinnamon, and ginger, offering a delightful twist on traditional bourbon. Hotel Tango releases Pumpkin Somethin’ after the success of their first flavored whiskey product, ‘Shmallow, Toasted Marshmallow Bourbon, the leading product in the marshmallow whiskey category. As a seasonal and limited-time offering, Pumpkin Somethin’ is set to captivate bourbon enthusiasts and autumn aficionados alike. Crafted with care and precision at Hotel Tango Distillery, known for its commitment to quality and innovation, this new blend promises a unique tasting experience that celebrates the essence of fall. Pumpkin Somethin’ is guaranteed to elevate any fall cocktail. Add it to your warm cider in the evening or to your fall lattes.


Humboldt Organic Spiced Rum

Humboldt Organic Spiced Rum is distilled from organic American sugarcane and infused with a secret blend of whole organic spices. On the palate, it offers hints of dry oak, rounding out with a mellow honeysuckle sweetness tinged with a moderatelyspiced flavor. Deliicious in a daiquiri, mixed with apple cider (hot

47 Humm Kombucha

Humm Kombucha’s newest Whole30 Approved® flavor, Ruby Red Grapefruit, is the latest addition to Humm’s Whole30 compliant line, the world’s first and only Whole30 Approved® kombucha. With a unique fermentation process using organic fruit juice, Humm creates a probiotic-rich beverage free of added sugars, meeting Whole30 standards. Each 12 oz. can contains 2 billion probiotics and vitamin B12 for energy, making it a healthful, delicious and refreshing option. Available at Sprouts stores and online at HummKombucha. com and Amazon, Humm offers five Whole30-compliant flavors.

Elevate your hot food packaging with Inline Plastics’ Safelids and anti-fog technology, marrying style with unmatched - it’s a game-changer. Tamper evident and leak resistant, these packages keep your culinary creations fresh and appealing from kitchen to consumer. These new additions offer a crystal-clear view, showcasing your dishes, making them impossible to resist. With a range of sizes, shapes,

Boost your brand’s appeal while streamlining processing and transport. Your consumers will love the enhanced presentation and peace of mind. Ready to transform your food packaging experience? Step into the future with Safe-


Juliette Peach Liqueur brings a sophisticated twist to fall drinks with its bright and fruity notes. While peach is often symbolic of summertime, its flavor complements the rich and complex profiles of autumn cocktails. Perfect for mixing into seasonal beverages or enjoyed on its own, Juliette Peach Liqueur adds a touch of elegance and versatility to fall festivities.


Just Ingredients

Just Ingredients Pumpkin Spice Protein Powder stands out with its premium blend of five high-quality proteins, unlike many other protein powders with just one. Made with 100% GrassFed Whey from New Zealand (the highest quality whey on

this formula ensures a complete amino acid profile for optimal absorption and digestibility. The casein-free whey is non-GMO, antibiotic-free, and sourced from sustainably raised cattle, meeting New Zealand’s strict quality standards. Just Ingredients Pumpkin Spice Protein Powder is designed to meet key dietary needs: it’s gluten-free, macro-friendly, blood-sugar friendly, gut-friendly, keto-friendly, and low-FODMAP. It features real pumpkin and spices for an authentic seasonal flavor without artificial sweeteners, flavors, fillers or junk. Plus, each batch is rigorously third-party tested for purity and effectiveness. Feel the difference of a truly high-quality seasonal protein with Just Ingredients Pumpkin Spice Protein Powder.


Karl Strauss

Karl Strauss has released its seasonal Oktoberfest beer for the 36th year in a row. The German-style Märzen lager is

outlets throughout Arizona, California, and Nevada. The six packs of 12-oz bottles are also available at Karl Strauss’ eight Southern California brewpubs. Karl Strauss was voted as one of the three Best Breweries/Brewpubs in San Diego in Ranch & Coast magazine’s 2024 Readers Poll, and the brewery has won more than 120 medals in various brewing competitions over the last 15 years. Karl Strauss was founded by Matt Rattner and Chris Cramer, whose cousin Master Brewer Karl M. Strauss is the brewery’s namesake. Karl Strauss released its first version of an Oktoberfest beer “Blonde Bavarian Oktoberfest Beer” in 1989, the year the brewery was founded.

51 Justin’s

Justin’s newest innovation, Dark Chocolate Peanut Candy Pieces, are the perfect balance between roasted peanuts and dark chocolate with a crunchy candy shell. This delightful treat is a clean swap for a nostalgic favorite that not only tastes great, but is made with ingredients you can feel good about, including coloring from fruits and veggies instead of synthetic dyes and containing no stevia or artificial sweeteners. They are USDA certified organic, use Rainforest Alliance Certified cocoa, are Non-GMO Project Verified and are available in two mouth-watering varieties: Dark Chocolate Peanut and Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter. You can enjoy Justin’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Candy Pieces as a midday pick-me-up, an evening treat or use them to elevate your fall baking. They are available in both shareable and single-serve pouches.


Exaltation wine glasses feature a sleek, pulled stem design that exudes modern simplicity, while the wide bowl allows the wine’s color and aroma to take center stage. Featuring a sheer rim, seamless stem and extra flat foot for stability and reduction of water retention. Designed to bring out the intricacies in each glass, whether you’re drinking sparkling wine, a mature Bordeaux or anything in between. Featuring a large oxygenation surface and aromatic chamber to allow the least volatile aromas to develop. The wine molecules open up and envelope over themselves, resulting in the release of aromas. Exaltation is crafted from KRYSTA, a high-performance non-leaded crystal glass.


Laws Whiskey House

Ralphie’s Reserve Bourbon from Laws Whiskey House is the ultimate way for CU alumni and fans across the country to celebrate fall and football season. This limited-edition bourbon, crafted in Colorado, embodies the bold spirit of the Colorado Buffaloes and brings a touch of Boulder to gatherings everywhere. As fans unite for game-day celebrations or cozy evenings reflecting on their CU days, Ralphie’s Reserve adds a rich, warming flavor to the festivities. What makes this bourbon truly special is that a percentage of proceeds goes to the Ralphie’s Live Mascot program, supporting the continuation of CU’s iconic mascot. With every sip, you’re not only savoring a premium bourbon but also contributing to a beloved university tradition. Raise a glass to the Buffs and make every moment of the season memorable with Ralphie’s Reserve, where each pour honors the spirit of CU and its legendary mascot.



Rich in flavor and ethically sourced, LorAnn’s NEW Vanilla Bean Powder is the most delicious and easiest way to add creamy, strong vanilla flavor and aroma in your baking applications. Our clean-label, vanilla powder is derived from raw vanilla beans making it highly concentrated and a great alternative to vanilla extract or paste when an application requires a bold and delectable vanilla flavor. It’s just pure, fresh, and delicious ground vanilla beans that work perfectly for both foodservice and the home consumer. Packaged in resealable pouches in both consumer and food service sizes.


Left Coast Gin

Master distiller and co-owner Kirby Kallas-Lewis was inspired to create a gin that spoke to the land that he has called home for the past twenty years. Using a 13 botanical “mother ship” gin as the base, he went on a quest to hand-

a story of what makes the West Coast so incredibly special. A distillate of Pacific bull kelp and hand foraged mountain spruce tip are blended with infusions of black mountain currents, mountain blackberries, hibiscus flower (hence the

coast honey, Pacific sea salt and an undistilled bright and piney spruce tip infusion. The briny and herbal tasting notes would pair beautifully with a freshly caught seafood fest.


Terra draws inspiration from the company’s origins; organic, earthy shapes available in 3 colors: Sienna, Grey and Green. Maria Portugal Terracota pieces are inspired by ancient processes and traditions from the history of ceramics and the visual richness found in Portugal, but also the adventure of new challenges and trends. Designed and manufactured in Portugal, production is industrial, focused on efficiency and environmental sustainability. The decoration is all handmade, which allows for a unique and distinctive handcrafted touch in all the pieces.


Medjool Star

Indulge in the succulent freshness of Medjool Star dates: an all-natural, melt-in-mouth delicacy with a naturally sweet taste. Packed with a plethora of nutritional benefits, the Medjool Star date is the ultimate health-boosting fruit for the whole family and the perfect companion for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Whether it’s a special occasion or a casual gathering, this refined treat deserves a spot on every table and buffet. Medjool Star dates are presented in a premium packaging design, carefully crafted to preserve the fruit’s quality and flavor. With its unique Khmissa shape, this packaging pays tribute to the Moroccan heritage of the Queen of Fruits, while transparently showcasing the generosity and quality of our carefully selected dates. Nutritional values and the Nutri-Score are provided in multiple everyone to indulge in this healthy and delicious treat.


Mind Blown™

Mind Blown™ is an all-female, family-owned company that knows first-hand the positive impact plant-based seafood can have on the ocean - because they came from the seafood industry themselves! Their passion lies in SEA-ing our oceans THRIVE again! While being low in fat, soy-free and completely gluten-free, not only will you be savoring a delicious delicacy, but you’ll also be treating your body to a wholesome and nutritious meal without the sacrifice. With taste so much like the real thing, it will simply Blow your Mind! Mind Blown™ is on a mission to relieve pressure off our precious oceans and leave a vibrant planet for our future generations. Their Pledge: 1% of Mind Blown™ profits goes towards the Coral Restoration Foundation to support its mission of rebuilding and restoring coral reefs around the world. By indulging in the Mind Blown™ Plant Based Seafood - you can enjoy a delicious meal while also making a positive impact on the environment.

59 Mezcal Amarás Espadín

Mezcal Amarás Espadín provides a rich, smoky flavor with hints of fruit and spice, perfect for fall. Its complex taste pairs well with autumn dishes and seasonal cocktails, offering a versatile option for warming up chilly evenings. Whether sipped neat or mixed into drinks featuring fall ingredients, Mezcal Amarás Espadín enhances the seasonal experience with its unique flavor profile.



Miyoko’s Cinnamon Brown Sugar Oat Milk Butter introduces a delectable addition to their plant-based butter line, catering to those in search of a nut-free and dairy-free option. Crafted to elevate the flavors of everything from freshly baked sourdough bread to a wide array of baking recipes and treats, this sweet and cozy Oat Milk Butter flavor was crafted to satisfy both dairy and dairy-free connoisseurs. With a focus on time-honored techniques and traditional creamery methods, this butter stands out for its use of real recognizable ingredients and promise of a complex and bold flavor profile that complements a wide range of dishes.



Nutritional energy bars abound, but most are filled with sugar and unnecessary fillers. MOOD BARS are inspired by the patients of top-rated NYC psychiatrist Dr. Carly Snyder who watched her patients struggle with mood swings. Armed with decades of experience she created a healthy bar for her patients that went beyond unhealthy ingredients. Each MOOD BAR provides essential nutrients using real food and targeted ingredients to maximize physical and emotional health by choosing a bar based on feelings and mood. Feeling sluggish? Grab an AWAKEN Bar. Feeling depleted? Opt for a NOURISH Bar. Irritable and jumpy? Go for a SOOTHE Bar. MOOD BARS offer organic, functional, whole-food-based ingredients with nutritional, physiological, and homeopathic benefits. MOOD BARS are 100% plant-based, vegan and gluten-free snack bars made with natural ingredients to optimize the body and mind. Each MOOD BAR provides an assortment of daily suggested intake of vitamins and minerals and protein.

64 Natterjack Irish Whiskey

Natterjack Irish Whiskey’s limited release, The Mistake, will be a Bourbon lover’s new favorite tipple of the season. Inspired by a happy accident, the heavily oaked expression resulted from 46 of the producer’s Virgin American oak barrels that were left behind for an extra year. Natterjack traditionally finishes its triple-distilled whiskey for one year. After opening the barrels, they knew they had something special. The Mistake releases aromas of hickory BBQ, toasted walnut, and singed cinnamon, followed by seared orange zest. Sweet almond then gives way to leather and grain. Upon the first sip, you’ll taste vanilla bean with a blast of Anise. Powerful oak is enhanced by warm molasses, toffee, and a hint of a granny smith apple. The Mistake is best enjoyed in cocktails like an Old Fashioned, or simply on the rocks. Available online and at select Total Wine & More stores.

63 Napa Noir

Crafted in collaboration with fellow B Corp certified chocolate maker TCHO Chocolate, this decadent dark chocolate bar embodies the flavors of Napa Valley. Made with a distinctive blend of fruit-forward, Organic Certified and Fair Trade cacao sourced from Africa and South America, it’s elevated by Cabernet Sauvignon-infused sea salt and cacao nibs aged in Clif Family’s red wine barrels for up to eight months. This delicious pairing of wine and chocolate showcases our shared commitment to sustainability, quality, and innovation.


Once Again

Crafted with real maple sugar, a hint of natural vanilla, and ethically sourced, dry-roasted almonds, this creamy, cleaningredient spread offers a deliciously simple way to embrace the flavors of fall whether spread on toast, drizzled on granola, made into a dip for apples, or baked into a dessert. The tasty product is processed in a peanut-free facility, delivers 6g of plant protein per serving, contains no added preservatives, plus is Non-GMO Project Verified, gluten-free certified, and part of the brand’s Honest in Trade sustainability program. Packaged in 16oz recycled glass jars, Once Again’s maple almond butter is available for retailers nationwide to carry.


Orion Gin

As the first product created by the distillery, Orion Gin combines local authenticity and French know-how. Born from the fusion between five carefully selected and locally sourced botanicals, each distilled separately and then masterfully mixed, the result contains subtle aromas of citrus fruits from the Mediterranean and plants and flowers grown in the Swiss Alps. With its unique taste, Orion Gin is perfect for a negroni.


Family-owned Pali Wine Co., is releasing their first vintage of estate grown Chenin Blanc. This 2023 vintage is believed to be the only Chenin Blanc currently grown in the Sta. Rita Hills AVA of Santa Barbara County, California. Dreaming of leaving a mark on the grape’s history, the team’s passion for Chenin Blanc led winemaker Aaron Walker and Managing Partners Nick and Carmen Perr to take the bold step of growing Chenin Blanc on their own estate. Pali Vineyard, located in the northeasternmost corner of the Sta. Rita Hills, sits on sandy soils in one of the coolest and most exposed parts of the AVA. Using organic and regenerative practices and proactively anticipating the challenges of growing Chenin Blanc in the area, the result is a wine with bright acidity, chalky minerality, and reserved fruitiness—on par with the best in the world.

over&back has unveiled its 2024 Tabletop Collection on Amazon, offering a stunning array of products designed to elevate everyday dining experiences. With 38 years of expertise in the tabletop industry, over&back introduces a collection that invites consumers to effortlessly create personalized tablescapes through a mix-and-match concept. The collection features meticulously crafted items, including hand-finished stoneware, hand-forged flatware, hand-blocked linens, and mouth-blown glassware, all designed to complement one another seamlessly. With a focus on versatility and ease, the collection’s neutral tones and vibrant accent pieces allow for endless creative possibilities, making it perfect for both casual meals and sophisticated gatherings. The collection offers dishwasher-safe and machine-washable items, combining convenience with style. Now available on Amazon, the 2024 Tabletop Collection empowers customers to transform their dining spaces into beautiful, personalized settings, ensuring every meal becomes a memorable experience.

This wine is made with grapes coming from high-altitude Cuyo, Mendoza, nurtured by the purest meltwater flowing from the Andes. The vines grow at over 3,000 f.a.s.l., in a stressful environment with intense sunlight, rocky soils, large temperature variation, and low rainfall, leading to a balanced acidity and more concentrated color, aromas, and flavors. On the nose, aromas of red fruits and berry pastries stand out, combined with some notes of chocolate provided by its aging in oak barrels for 9 months. Soft and round tannins on the mouth, with a smooth and complex finish. Ideal to pair with beef, lamb, pork, or pasta.

Inspire for Women is a high-quality protein powder crafted specifically for women’s health. Each serving provides 18g of pea protein, essential amino acids for recovery, and MCTs (multi-

calories per serving, this low-carb formula contains zero sugar. Beyond protein, Inspire for Women supports hormone balance, energy, and metabolism with a blend of over 20 ingredients, including Pomegranate extract, Ashwagandha, Biotin, and

delicious taste, thanks to the exclusive Flavor Pure blend of monk fruit, lucuma fruit, yacon root, and stevia. Unlike other protein powders, it does not include rice protein, which can leave a dry, chalky taste. It also contains no fillers like acacia fiber and rice dextrin, found in lower-quality powders. The formula uses only complete proteins that are dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free, and free from artificial ingredients or chemicals.


pack, featuring their nutrient-rich Dark Chocolate Protein Smoothie with 30g of pea and chia protein. Perfect as a meal replacement, it supports your wellness goals with a hearty breakfast, pre/post-workout boost, or a quick and

pack is also available in their Vanilla Protein Smoothie flavor featuring 20g of pea and chia protein.

Plantly Meatless Beef Crumbles offer a versatile, plant-based solution for fall menus. As a wholesome alternative to traditional ground beef, these crumbles are a perfect canvas for culinary creativity—whether in comforting chili, hearty tacos, or seasonal salads. Plantly’s Meatless Beef Crumbles allow chefs to customize dishes with their own signature spices and flavors, making them an ideal fit for diverse cuisines. With a focus on operational efficiency, Plantly crumbles are pre-cooked and easy to prepare, saving valuable kitchen time. Clean label, high in protein, and free from the top 9 major food allergens, they meet the growing demand for nutritious, better-for-you ingredients without sacrificing taste or texture. As plant-based options continue to gain popularity, Plantly Meatless Beef Crumbles provide an on-trend, in-demand choice that elevates any menu and satisfies the cravings of today’s modern diners.



Perfect for cozy fall cocktails, Ritual Rum Alternative is a delicious, non-alcoholic solution that doesn’t compromise on taste or experience. Crafted with all-natural botanicals, Rum Alternative has the same velvety decadence as a dark rum, without the alcohol or calories. Sweet vanilla is complemented by the flavors of ripe banana and burnt orange, making this a versatile spirit that can be savored in a variety of sips all season long. As an ounce-for-ounce replacement, Rum Alternative easily swaps into any rum drink, delivering all the flavor of your favorite cocktails without the headaches. Ritual Rum Alternative is available online, Amazon, and national retailers, including CVS, Kroger, Jewel, Walmart, and Total Wine & more.



Infused with a perfectly blended mix of cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, vanilla, and clove, Runamok’s Pumpkin Spice Maple Syrup brings classic fall flavors straight to your kitchen. From drizzling it over pancakes and waffles to adding it to your morning coffee, this syrup is an essential companion for those crisp fall days.

With a more powerful vacuum device and proprietary

hours to minutes. Flavor penetrates your proteins faster and more effectively, for a delicious meal without the wait.



SER!OUS Bean Co’s newest line combines Himalayan pink salt with USDA organic Black Beans and Garbanzo Beans, as well as Red Kidney Beans and Pinto Bean varieties. All of the beans are grown in the U.S. and are an excellent source of plant protein and fiber and are non-GMO. Because this line uses Himalayan pink salt, it is naturally lower in sodium versus traditional canned beans.

77 Sky Vineyards

Sky Vineyards is one of the remaining family-owned estates in Napa Valley that still farms regeneratively atop their rugged estate on Mt. Veeder. Sky Vineyards was established in 1972 and has remained committed to preserving native habitat for biodiversity and wildlife while cultivating 14 vine acres on the 200-acre property. Much of the vines are planted to Zinfandel, honoring this California heritage grape. The 2017 Sky Zinfandel is uniquely pressed in a 1906 basket press and then aged for

It’s a Zinfandel that captures the rich berry flavors for which this varietal is known, with incredible spice characteristics and a backbone of stony minerality. The 2017 Sky Zinfandel is foodfriendly with layers of complexity, excellent approachability, and a juicy finish. This Zinfandel honors the family’s deeply rooted history in Napa Valley and offers wine enthusiasts an authentic taste of California wine.

Solo Coffee concentrate provides an all in one coffee solution without the need for brewing - ultimately making specialty coffee more accessible. Solo Coffee has developed a highly concentrated cold brew with the mouth feel of espresso – a breakthrough in coffee technology, until now this has never been done. Our product eliminates the need for 16 hours of professional brewing and expensive espresso machines.


Soul Grain

Indulge in the female-owned and deliciously light and crispy granola from Soul Grain. Their popular fall flavor to add to salads, acai bowls, smoothies, you name it, is their Spiced Paradise. A heavenly blend of flavors that will transport your taste buds to West and North Africa where Grain of Paradise spice is prevalent. This spice is known for its warm, peppery, and slightly citrusy flavor profile. Add that to the beautiful, nutritious, and fragrant blend of amaranth, oats, pistachios, allspice, cloves, ginger, cardamom, nutmeg, cinnamon, Himalayan pink salt, coconut oil, and a touch of maple syrup and you will find yourself wrapped in the warmth of aromatic spices and natural sweetness.

Stoked Oats

Known for crafting nutrient-dense, gluten-free superfoods that are low in sugar and sustainably sourced, Stoked Oats offers the perfect way to embrace the fall season with its Mountain Maple Oatmeal. As the ultimate autumn staple, the oatmeal combines gluten-free oats, flax and chia seeds, and warm spices with real Canadian maple flakes’ rich, natural sweetness. Packed with protein, this hearty oatmeal delivers natural energy and a touch of sweetness, ideal for chilly mornings or fueling fall adventures. Enjoy the oatmeal as a wholesome breakfast by pairing it with Greek yogurt, fresh berries, or a drizzle of almond butter, or as a satisfying snack as the weather cools.


That’s it. Mocha Coffee Organic Energy Mini Bars are the perfect fall snack to keep you energized as the days get shorter. Made with just five organic ingredients, including single-origin Ethiopian coffee, each bar delivers a clean energy boost equal to a cup of coffee, with a rich mocha flavor. At only 50 calories, it’s a convenient, healthy option without added sugars. Skip brewing your own coffee or waiting in line at the cafe – these bars save you time while providing clean, snackable energy. Mocha Coffee Organic Energy Mini Bars are manufactured free from the top 12 allergens and are gluten-free, vegan and Kosher certified. It’s coffee energy, instantly!


The Republic of Tea

Indulge in a perfectly-balanced Pumpkin Spice tea latte, carefully crafted using premium black tea and spices for a cup worth sipping all harvest season. Low in calories, Tablespoon Pumpkin Spice tea concentrate delivers a balance of sweetness and spice without feeling overindulgent — skip the syrups and bring a barista-quality tea latte straight to your teacup instead. The latte also takes only seconds to make: simply blend a serving of Tablespoon Pumpkin Spice into 7.5 oz of milk or milk alternative, and it’s ready to drink on-the-go or sip in the comfort of your home. This pumpkin spice latte is perfect to sip on a cool autumn day, served hot or over ice as a sublime fall treat.


Tiny Sprouts

early childhood nutrition. Recognizing the rapid brain growth in a baby’s first years, this all-natural blend delivers essential nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids, protein, iron, folate, and B-vitamins. With whole foods ingredients like flaxseeds, chia seeds, and hemp hearts—the world’s richest sources of omega-3s—Tiny Sprouts Brain Booster ensures that young minds receive the critical support they need. The inclusion of vegan DHA further enhances this innovative formula, making it a standout in the realm of child nutrition. Each component is carefully selected to fuel cognitive development during the brain’s most formative years. For parents seeking to maximize their child’s potential, Tiny Sprouts Brain Booster offers a simple, powerful solution to nurture growing brains naturally.

Upton Tea Imports

This robust black tea blend captures the essence of fall with notes of cinnamon and apple, balanced by subtle layers of honey and clove. The first sip reveals a velvety smoothness as the warming cinnamon leads the way, followed by the comforting sweetness of apple and a delicate hint of orange zest. The finish is refreshingly crisp, lingering on the palate just long enough to savor. Perfect for wrapping your hands around a cozy cup on a chilly autumn afternoon, this tea offers the ultimate seasonal indulgence.


technology, offers five water types including ambient and chilled still, chilled semi-sparkling and sparkling, and on-demand hot water, ensuring excellent-tasting water. Built with sustainability in mind, producing 86% less CO2 emissions than single-use plastic bottles and 64% less than traditional water coolers. It features low-energy consumption options, including boiler standby and night modes. An excellent self-serve amenity for hotels, private lounges, staff break rooms, and more. The most versatile water dispenser on the market.



The future of blending has arrived, and it’s about time! Experience the power of top-down blending that propels you beyond the limits of physics. The brand-new Waring® Ellipse™ Blending Solution has been designed to change the way you think of blending with shorter cycles, greater output, and more consistent results. Designed to take on every blending task, including acai bowls, smoothies, and more, with optimal efficiency, the Waring® Ellipse™ revolutionizes blending. With a dual-motor system that maximizes speed and power to let you serve more customers in less time, the Waring® Ellipse™ blends any product quickly. Don’t let ingredients, time, manpower, or equipment limit you any longer! With the Waring® Ellipse™, you’re now free to go beyond traditional blending, and your customers will thank you!



Bigger than regular crackers – and with a crunch that makes toast envious, the distinctive taste of Wasa® Gluten-Free Crispbread is a delight no matter your dietary preferences. Wasa GF are the perfect foundation to build any snack. Layer on your favorite toppings to create a festive fall recipe like whipped pumpkin feta, scoop them through your favorite hummus or guacamole dip, use them in place of bread for an open-face sandwich, or enjoy the signature crunch by themselves! Found in the better-for-you cracker aisle, Wasa starts with a few simple ingredients at their core, featuring a lactose-free are also Non-GMO Project verified. Wasa GF are available in Original and Sesame & Sea Salt, alongside other Wasa Multi Grain and Sourdough. For over 100 years, Wasa has brought crispbreads to snack lovers around the world!


Wild West Chocolate

Love at first bite, Wild West Chocolate’s Grizzly Bar roars with incredibly indulgent flavor and texture. A rustic blend of rough chopped crunchy hazelnuts and a bountiful harvest of tart raspberries enveloped in their signature 50% creamy oat milk chocolate, this beautiful chocolate bar is the perfect balance of sweet, tangy and fruity flavors. Wild West is returning chocolate to its raw and rustic roots — to simpler times when organic, unprocessed food was the only kind. The plant-based, organic brand is creating craft

No Refined Sugar. No Cane Sugar. No Sugar Alcohols. No Sugar Substitutes. Plus, it’s made with Fair Trade Certified™ cacao sourced from a cooperative of farmers in the Amazon rainforest area. Committed to a cause, Wild West donates a portion of every sale to help protect North America’s Wild and Scenic Rivers.



Banana Queen, a collaboration with Taiwanese drag star and RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 16 Winner Nymphia Wind, is the debut flavor collaboration from wildwonder, the AAPI-founded brand behind the world’s first prebiotic and probiotic sparkling beverage. Bubbly, refreshing, and tasting like banana cream pie, Banana Queen combines banana puree and cream flavor with fresh-brewed marigold flowers, an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich herb. The first ingredient in all wildwonder drinks is a fresh-brewed herb inspired by wildwonder Founder/ CEO Rosa Li’s grandmother’s array of herbal tonics. In line with wildwonder’s mantra of “Happy Gut, Happy Life,” Banana Queen includes live probiotics and prebiotic fiber and is non-GMO, vegan, caffeine-free, and gluten-free. Beyond flavor, Banana Queen symbolizes empowerment. It amplifies Asian voices and celebrates cultural pride, showcasing the partnership between two trailblazers: Nymphia, the first East Asian winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race, and Rosa Li, the Chinese-American female founder/ CEO of wildwonder.



Ideal for elevating classic green bean casserole, while also serving as an elegant first course for fall entertaining, Zoup! Portabella Mushroom Bisque features a blend of button, baby bella, and portabella mushrooms, plus aromatic herbs and seasonings, all simmered in a savory veggie broth. This thoughtfully crafted recipe is made with clean, high-quality ingredients (no forward alternative to canned cream of mushroom. Packaged in recyclable and reusable, modern glass jars, the premium pantry staple is available for retailers nationwide to carry.

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