the new meaning of influence
The New Meaning of Influence
Reaching out about a brand goes beyond traditional media By Melina Ressler, Socialite Media
The Power of Influencer Marketing Influencer marketing is a vital tool to utilize when promoting a brand or product in the 21st century. The industry has a massive impact on what consumers choose to spend their money. How massive one may ask? According to a study done by The Digital Marketing Institute, 74% of people said they trust social networks to guide their purchasing decisions. With social media having such a significant impact on consumers, it is essential to stay current with the times and utilize the power of the influencer.
The World of Influencers There are many different types of influencers on social media. Each influencer has a unique personal brand that may have a focus on a particular subject. For instance, one influencer may focus on promoting a healthy lifestyle by displaying their green juices and trips to the gym on their platforms. On the other hand, another influencer may focus on promoting their style by snapping shots of their daily outfits and clothing hauls on their platforms. It is important to choose influencers that accurately match with the lifestyle the brand is trying to represent.
With many different types of influencers, it can be difficult to narrow down which influencers would be a good fit for a brand. One way to differentiate influencers from one another is determining if they are macro or micro-influencers. In simple terms, macro-influencers have more than 100,000 followers, while micro-influencers may have 10,000 to 100,000 followers. Given the contrast in follower count, there are pros and cons for both regarding their promotional value. A macro influencer will have a mass of followers likely from a variety of cities and countries. Though they have a large audience, their following is not quite as niche as a micro-influencer making their promotional value less specific. A micro-influencer has a smaller audience that probably lives in the