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B y S u n i l M a l h o t r a S t o c k I m a g e s
If you thought that liver damage is associated only with those who drink alcohol, think again. Yes, alcohol does cause maximum damage to the liver, but there are other factors and foods as well that can have an adverse effect on your liver. A fatty liver invites many diseases and hence it' s important to keep your liver in check. Here are certain foods that you must avoid if you have a fatty liver.
It is strongly recommended that anyone with fatty liver should ideally abstain from alcohol consumption. If not then you should restrict yourself to the bare minimum of quantity and try and avoid the consumption of alcohol as much as possible. Alcohol consumed in excess for a long period of time results in cirrhosis of the liver which is irreversible and can lead to other complications like jaundice, blood vomiting, liver cancer as well as accumulation of excess fluid in your body.
Fatty/Fast Food Items:
Fast food items like wafers, french fries, pizzas, burgers etc; are very harmful to your liver. Being high in trans-fat content and saturated fat these foods are difficult to digest making your liver work harder to process such foods. The presence of high saturated fats can give rise to inflammation over a period of time which eventually turns into cirrhosis. In addition to fatty liver, saturated fats also raise bad cholesterol and simultaneously decrease good cholesterol levels in the body thereby increasing the risk of strokes and heart disease.
Food items like bread, pasta, pizza, biscuits etc; made from white flour lack fibre, minerals and various essential vitamins. Most highly refined grains convert into sugar content which is hard to process and thus ends up as fat in the liver, being a major cause of fatty liver diseases.

Baked Food Items: As suggested by Experts, bakery products should be totally wiped off your daily diet plan. First and foremost these items are generally high in sugar which can lead to obesity and higher triglyceride levels in your body due to the fat content thereby leading to multiple liver diseases.
Fizzy Drinks: Regular consumption of fizzy drinks can start damaging your liver and lead to various liver complications. Sodas, consumed in excess can be a cause for weight gain and obesity which results in fatty accumulation in your liver. Soda is a very deadly combination of sugar and refined carbohydrates (also known as empty calories) that are detrimental to your health.
Red Meat: Red meat is known to be high in protein but digesting it is a hard task for your liver. The liver cannot easily break down the proteins which can result in various liver-related problems. The build-up of excess protein in your body can cause fatty liver diseases which may have an adverse impact on your kidneys and brain.
Excessive Salt: Salt has never been known to be easy on your liver as intake of excessive salt can lead to water retention in your body. You must minimise your intake of salt and should avoid processed or canned foods that are rich in Sodium. You should consciously avoid all packaged savouries and processed foods as they can certainly lead to fatty liver diseases.


B y S u n i l M a l h o t r a S t o c k I m a g e s
Gone are the days when we had only 1 0r 2 types of oils for cooking. With increased health awareness in today ’ s generation, many healthier options of oils are available for cooking. One such oil is olive oil and you will be amazed to read how many benefits it really has, not just as a mere cooking oil but also for oral applications (the non-cooking version)
Reduces Risk Of Stroke: The levels of cholesterol in the blood are significantly reduced by the presence of polyphenols in olive oil. The risk of stroke is greatly reduced as the deposition of cholesterol in the arteries supplying blood to the brain is prevented. Good For Digestion: The consumption of olive oil regularly prevents various digestive diseases. Olive oil lubricates our digestive system and keeps it healthy. It helps prevent constipation by maintaining regular bowel movements. Powerful Antioxidant: Rich in polyphenols, Vitamin E and many other antioxidants, Olive oil is supposedly a very powerful antioxidant. Your body is protected from free radical damage by these powerful antioxidants. They protect us from diseases of cancer, heart etc and keep us healthy. Reduces Risk of Cancer: As mentioned earlier too the polyphenols present in Olive oil are very good antioxidants. The risk of cancers of the bowel, colon, breast, endometrium, prostate etc; are to a great extent reduced by the consumption of Olive oil. Good For Your Cardiovascular System: Consumption of Olive oil is known to be linked with lower levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) The polyphenols present in Olive oil help lower blood pressure and as such are useful for patients with hypertension. All this leads to the protection of your heart from various disorders. Antimicrobial: Oleuropein present in Olive oil is rich in antiviral, anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. Therefore the consumption of Olive oil protects you from a variety of infections.

Helps In Weight Loss: Olive oil is known to be rich in mono-saturated fatty acids like oleic acid. These are good for maintaining ideal blood sugar levels and good for your heart health. Olive oil gives you a feeling of fullness thereby making you eat less food and reducing your calorie intake. This eventually leads to weight loss. Pain Relief: The presence of Oleocanthal in Olive oil shows anti-inflammatory effects and is instrumental in reducing inflammation, spasm and swelling thus reducing pain. Management of Diabetes Mellitus: An antioxidant called Tyrosol present in Olive oil helps improve insulin resistance thereby preventing sudden jumps in blood sugar levels. Olive oil is effective in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Good For Bones: The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of Olive oil inhibit bone resorption. It increases the formation of bones. It goes a long way in maintaining bone material density. As a result, it prevents the risk of osteoporosis. Benefits On Hair: Promotes the growth of hair. Makes our hair shiny and healthy. Hydrates your scalp and reduces dryness and itching. Reduces and prevents dandruff. Neuroprotective Effects: Alzheimer ’ s, a neurodegenerative disease where an accumulation of beta-amyloid plaques in the brain results in memory loss. The Oleocanthal present in Olive oil helps clear these plaques thus showing improvement in patients with Alzheimer ’ s. It effectively reverses learning and memory deficits.