2 minute read
By Sunil Malhotra Stock Images
Coconut water is the clear liquid inside coconuts. In early development, it serves as a suspension for the endosperm of the coconut during the nuclear phase of development. As growth continues, the endosperm matures into its cellular phase and deposits into the rind of the coconut pulp. The liquid inside young coconuts is often preferred to the liquid of a ripened coconut. Coconut water from young green coconuts is also known specifically as buko juice.
During metabolism, our cells generate reactive molecules known as Free Radicals. Too much stress or damage usually prompts their production Too many of these free radicals in your body cause a state of oxidative stress which is harmful and increases your risk of illness. Coconut water offers a range of antioxidants thereby helping in the reduction of oxidative stress by combating the free radicals generated during exercise too To avail of maximum benefits go for fresh coconut water.
Amino acids
They are the building blocks of protein and help in various body functions such as Tissue healing Coconut water is rich in Amino acids
Coconut water is high in arginine, an amino acid which helps regulate stress, especially after a heavy workout. Arginine may also help in the maintenance of your healthy heart and also support your immune system

Beneficial after Workout
Being low in calories and carbohydrates coconut water is free from additives and so is primarily connected to exercise. Electrolytes, minerals with an electrical charge, are present in your blood, sweat and urine These are necessary for many processes that keep your body going especially for the proper functioning of your muscles and nerves. Coconut water is an elixir of these electrolytes. They are instrumental in keeping your body hydrated and maintaining your internal pH
Coconut water is rich in electrolytes like sodium, potassium and magnesium. It is a great post-workout drink due to its rehydrating qualities.
Low Calorie
It is an apt substitute for high-calorie sports drinks that are full of sugar and carbs. Coconut water on the other hand is a lowcalorie drink It has more electrolytes and minerals, the primary being potassium. The better option always will be to go for fresh coconut water instead of packaged ones.
Coconut water is full of cytokinins which are small proteins that help regulate the function and development of the immune system. When released, Cytokinins, alert the immune system to do their job. Cytokinins present in Coconut also affect the growth of cells that help in your body’s immune response
May Lower Cholesterol
It has been demonstrated in a study that coconut water lowers triglycerides and free fatty acids in an experiment conducted on rats, though no further research on humans has been confirmed as yet
Gives Radiant Skin

As coconut helps you meet your hyd needs, it promotes circulation and leav plump. glowing skin. The antioxidants p in coconut water may also have anti-a effects
Prevents Constipation
Magnesium mineral in coconut water digestion and keeps your gut healthy. Coconut water makes for a healthy and addition to your diet.