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Incredible Goa Food & Hospitality March 2022 Issue



Launching this magazine finally last month felt nothing less than a dream come true! Now that the magazine is launched, I can spill some beans on how this all happened. The seed of this idea was in my head ever since I started blogging. Being a food and travel blogger, my blog many times felt like a magazine to me but obviously, I dreamed of giving it a more professional approach. However, in all these years it never happened.

I remember meeting Rajesh, our editor in chief over a cup of coffee some 2.5 years ago when we vaguely discussed the need for a food and hospitality magazine in Goa. My seed of an idea seemed a little more possible, given the fact that Rajesh was already running a successful media house and a print magazine in Goa. I felt as if my seed was watered and could see the day of light soon. But then COVID happened, and our brief discussion also got infected and died a silent death.

2 years of COVID have been a struggle for all and amidst making ends meet and other work commitments I almost forgot about the magazine. But on the other side, Rajesh kept working on it relentlessly. Over 2 years, he kept building content for the magazine and worked so hard on the website that even before the magazine was launched, its SEO and analytics spoke for it.

And 2 months ago when Rajesh offered me the opportunity to lead the magazine, I not just jumped with joy but also greatly appreciated his gesture of coming back to me since this discussion was something we started jointly.

Today I am immensely happy that not just mine but both our dreams have come true. We successfully launched our magazine on the 25th of February at Caava Courtyard amongst the presence of those who have supported us and believed in us. And you our audience at large has received our first edition so well that it has left us overwhelmed. We should strive to bring you stories around Goa’s food and hospitality scene giving our best in each upcoming edition.

Take a virtual tour of our launch venue Caava and feast your eyes with their gastronomical delights. We have some offbeat staycation reviews for you to plan your next getaway, some amazing recipes, a start-up story that is set to change the perception of healthy food not being tasty, a home chef who brought Bengali cuisine in limelight in Goa and another Bengali Chef who is heading one of Goa’s most renowned resorts amongst other features.

Don’t forget to share your feedback with me because I believe there is always room for improvement. Connect with me at aditi@foodandhospitality.org



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