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B y S u n i l M a l h o t r a S t o c k I m a g e s

Bananas are one of the handiest, most popular and most inexpensive fresh fruits available in the market. This golden yellow, elongated fruit from the Musaceae family is botanically a berry. It is primarily found all over Southeast Asia while ubiquitously growing in many warm climates, making them available worldwide. The most common variety found starts out firm and green but gradually turns yellow, sweet and soft as it ripens.

Bananas are one of the best fruit sources of Vitamin B6: Your body easily absorbs the Vitamin B6 present in a Banana and about a quarter of your daily need for Vitamin B6 is fulfilled by having a medium-sized banana. Vitamin B6 helps to metabolise carbs and fats in your body for energy. It produces red blood cells, metabolises amino acids, removes unwanted chemicals from your kidneys and liver and is beneficial in maintaining a healthy nervous system. Bananas are a good source of Vitamin C: It is not generally associated with Vitamin C but in fact, a medium-sized banana provides almost 10% of your daily requirements. It helps your body to absorb iron better as also it protects your body against tissue and cell damage. It helps our brain health too by producing a hormone called serotonin which affects the sleep cycle, mood swings and experiences of pain and stress. Vitamin C also helps produce collagen, a protein that helps hold your skin , bones and body together Bananas aid digestion and help beat gastrointestinal issues: Your daily fibre needs are fulfilled up to 10-12% by a medium-sized banana. The soluble fibre present in bananas helps your body to control your blood sugar levels and get rid of fatty substances such as cholesterol. The insoluble fibre adds weight and softness to your stools thus making it easier for your regular bowel movements. This goes a long way to keep your gut healthy and safe from harmful bacteria. Newly ripened bananas contain resistant starch that does not digest in your small intestine and passes on to your large intestine.

These bananas help you to manage weight as you stay full for longer. Bananas are also Instrumental in beating gastrointestinal issues such as stomach ulcers, heartburn and constipation. Bananas are a source of energy—minus the fat and cholesterol: Bananas give you fat and cholesterol-free energy as they are rich in three natural sugars namely, sucrose, glucose and fructose. As such they are ideal for sportsmen, athletes and children as a mid-day snack or before and after sports to provide energy. Potassium in bananas is good for your heart health and blood pressure: Around 10% of your daily potassium need is met with a medium-sized banana which gives around 320-400mg of potassium. This helps your body to maintain a healthy heart and blood pressure. Being low in sodium and high in potassium, the combination helps control blood pressure. Manganese found in bananas is good for your skin: Approximately 13% of your daily manganese need is met by a medium-sized banana. Your skin and other cells are protected against free radical damage by the collagen produced by manganese. It is advisable that you should include this inexpensive but beneficial fruit in your daily diet.


B y S u n i l M a l h o t r a S t o c k I m a g e s

One of the most unforgettable moments in a woman

’ s life is pregnancy. There is nervousness, excitement, expectations, delight and tons of fear and a wide range of other emotions because of the tiny life growing inside. Tons of blessings and an equal number of advice are showered leaving you confused as to what should you follow. We bring you here a list of foods that you should religiously avoid during pregnancy:

Papaya: Although fruits are supposedly beneficial to your health all during your pregnancy certain fruits must be avoided at all costs, papaya being one of them. Papaya is known to carry a molecule called papain which is responsible for many pregnancy-related complications so much so that it is said to cause miscarriage. A big No No for papaya. Pineapple: Similarly, pineapple has enzymes that supposedly produce uterine contractions as well as an enzyme called Bromelain which softens the cervix and stimulates labour resulting in a miscarriage during the first trimester. Grapes: They can cause a hormone imbalance in pregnant women. Grapes are the cause of many stomach disorders which are harmful both to you and the baby inside. Radish or Mooli: Being a soil food it contains bacteria that are nearly impossible to wash off. You should not eat radish in raw form at all and even otherwise it needs to be very properly cooked. Better and safer to avoid. Baingan: Baingan or Eggplant is also known as a very popular vegetable but to gynaecologists eating Baingan during pregnancy is not a very good choice as they have been known to cause menstruation which is not a good sign during pregnancy.

Baked Foods and Sweets Due to the butter or shortening present in cookies, doughnuts and cakes they are carriers of the high level of cholesterol and saturated fats. Also, they contain a higher quantity of sugar, which leads to higher levels of blood triglycerides which can be a great risk for coronary heart disease. Preferably make your desserts at home, thereby. cutting the amounts of butter and sugar.

Fried Foods Another unhealthy food is the oil you fry your chicken or French fries in has a high percentage of cholesterol and unsaturated fats. Avoid fried foods and better go for baked potatoes or fries.

Salt Your blood pressure can shoot up if your intake of sodium is high. Avoid having too much salt in your food and even otherwise.

There are several other foods too that are unhealthy for you, so kindly take ample care of your diet for a healthy life.

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