6 minute read
By Rajesh Ghadge
Find yourself in South Goa and wondering where to treat your taste buds to mouthwatering Home Style Goan cuisine? Then Ziggy's by Fame should be on the top of your list. Ziggy's by Fame is a homestyle Goan, Asian and western, mid-sized restaurant situated in Majorda, opposite Alila Diwa Goa that can cater up to 70 guests. Amazing food, p e r f e c t a m b i e n c e , i m p e c c a b l e s e r v i c e a n d hygiene protocols adhered to will make your visit here a m e m o r a b l e e x p e r i e n c e indeed! stablished in 2020 when the pandemic had cast a pall of gloom across the country and had shaken the hospitality industry, Ziggy ' s by Fame managed to run through the pandemic and continued to serve guests providing home deliveries, which was quiet a challenging phase. To know more about their claim that this is the only restaurant that serves the traditional Goan fish thali in the area, the Incredible Goa Team met chef Mahesh Mesta to find out more. “We are here to cater to everyone. We serve both the tourists and local residents,” said Chef Mahesh adding, “we are a multicuisine restaurant so our menu spans from South Indian to North Indian dishes, though I must say our specialty is traditional Goan food. We serve authentic Goan fish thali to our patrons who relish it with gusto, we serve the Vindaloo and Cafreal, in Beef and Pork also.” Mahesh said that they also serve brilliant steaks which is most loved by our guests. “I am a continental cook and I prepare very good steaks,” says Mahesh while stating that they customise dishes for the purpose of taste only. “We stick to the authenticity and tweak the taste and spices as per the guest's requirement. For example, some guests prefer more spicy while others less, so depending on their n e e d s , w e d o t h e customisation.” According to Mahesh they have huge demand for the Goan cuisine compared to others. “Guests come from various parts of the country and world and they always want to check out the Goan dishes and our fish thali is very popular amongst the rest,” he s a i d , a d d i n g t h a t t h e y currently serve prawns thali and kingfish thali. “In prawns thali we serve three types of prawns: rava fried prawns, prawns caldin and prawns peri peri. We also serve two types of rice depending on the taste and demand of the guests- we serve the basmati or local boiled (brown) rice in the plate. The kingfish thali comes with prawn curry and kingfish fry. The thali also has kishmur, foogath, shellfish of the day, fish, dal waran, sol kadi, papad, pickle, kuchumbar salad and the sweet of the day. Chef Mahesh tells us why they chose to serve thalis. “There are many restaurants near Ziggy's by Fame but none of them serve the thali and that gave us the idea to serve this, and it was a quick success. There are a couple of five- star properties nearby and their guests come down to taste the Goan thali at our restaurant,” said Mahesh adding that they are getting very good volume of orders for the thali. “Besides the thali we have regular customers for the a-la-Carte menu and continental food.” Chef Mahesh who joined recently at ZBF said that the demand post Covid is growing gradually and soon they will achieve the pre-covid mark in the coming days. “I believe it is our responsibility to take care of hygiene and food safety. We have different set of cooks for each cuisine here at Ziggy's by Fame,” said Chef Mahesh. ZBF serves all types of Goan dishes, and their thali is their specialty. According to Chef Mahesh, the thali is made on the arrival of guests and they do not pre-cook the same and keep it. “When the guest arrives, only then do we start the preparations for the thali,” he said. They also serve

choices of local fish like kingfish, chonnak, velio, lemon sole, crab and prawns. We are highlighting a few dishes that are a must try and most loved by their guests.
North Indian cuisine:
Shakahari tandoori bharwan aloo, Kaffir lime scented p a n e e r t i k k a , M u s h r o o m galouti, Bhatti se tandoori prawn, Fish tikka, Chicken tikka, Shikampuri kebab and B u t t e r c h i c k e n b i r y a n i . Continental cuisine: Greek vegetarian moussaka, Italian pasta, risotto, Mediterranean style calamari, Ziggy ' s SFP burger and Signature chicken stew.
Oriental cuisine:
Tangda chilli chicken, Thai s p i c e d c h i c k e n , a n d V i e t n a m e s e s t y l e c l e a r flavorful vegetable soup. If you happen to visit Ziggy's by Fame, here are some offers that you can avail of and enjoy a splendid dining experience.
ZBF Special Thali
Savour the best of Indian food w i t h o u r s c r u m p t i o u s vegetarian and Fish or Prawns thalis, that's not it, order any thali of your choice and get one pint of beer or soft beverage free. Thali available f r o m 1 p m t o 4 p m o n l y .
Happy Hours!
Double your happiness at ZBF with our special happy hours offer, from 4pm to 7pm. Enjoy 20% off on select beverages and canapes daily.
Spice up your evenings with o u r d e l i c i o u s s h a w a r m a delights. You can try the regular shawarma favorites or the jazzy Ziggy ' s by Fame versions of this delicacy, it's h e a v e n i n e v e r y b i t e . A mouthwatering & flavourful shawarmania delight awaits you! Available from 4:30 pm to 8:00 pm. We highly recommend visiting Z i g g y ' s b y F a m e f o r a m e m o r a b l e d i n i n g experience.

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