5 minute read
it's the summer time
This winter, temperatures in Goa dropped down to 16 degrees for the first time, making it a pleasant season. However, this time summer is going to be harsher compared to last year, with temperatures reaching up to 40 degrees at times. It's expected that May will be even harsher, so it's important to stay hydrated and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun by staying indoors as much as possible.
with multiplex, ample parking, and well-known brands. Now, he is embarking on a new journey in the fashion world with his brand, COVE. His story is truly inspiring and offers many valuable takeaways.
Team Incredible Goa subscribe@incrediblegoa.org incrediblegoamedia@gmail.com
Cover Page Credits
LIGHTERATURE STUDIOS www.lighteraturestudios.com
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To err is human. Although we take due care while publishing the magazine to ensure it is free of any mistakes, any omissions or errors are entirely unintentional. In case you find any erroneous photographs, language, missing credits or anything else published incorrectly, please feel free to bring it to our notice. We believe in publishing matters that catch our readers' attention and at the same time impart information. We hope all our readers appreciate the content and help us make this publication even better and useful.
Goa is a highly sought-after holiday destination worldwide, thanks in part to its tropical climate, which makes it a perfect getaway for tourists Although foreigners tend to leave the state as summer approaches, domestic tourists flock to the state to enjoy its pristine beaches and refreshing chilled beers. (Yes the beer is very cheap here compared to all the states in the country) Many hotels across the state have already started promoting summer vacation packages, and this summer is expected to be no exception. In this issue, we have included tips on how to stay safe from heat stroke and make the most of your summer vacation. For additional suggestions and tips, please visit our website where you can find many articles that will provide useful advice for enjoying your summer vacation to the fullest. Our team always strives to provide y o u w i t h t h e m o s t u s e f u l information and inspiring stories to learn from. The cover story of this issue features the journey of Bhuvanish Shet, a prominent businessman from Goa who overcame adversity to achieve success. He is the owner of Goa's first full-fledged mall, equipped
This month, Dr Pramod Sawant, Goa's popular Chief Minister, is celebrating his 50th birthday. Our team has worked hard to create a special article on this occasion, discussing his journey and the development he has brought to this tiny state He has gained immense popularity in a short span of time due to his humble and approachable nature However, this is just the beginning, and there is still a long way to go. We wish him all the success and accolades in the years to come. We are continuously working on improving our content, and starting from this issue, we are introducing a new column called "Incredible Properties". This section marks the beginning of our journey into the growing arena of r e a l e s t a t e a n d p r o p e r t y development in Goa. Our aim is to feature some of the prominent properties in Goa, as well as provide tips on purchasing and leasing properties in the state. We value your suggestions, as they will help us to enhance this section for the benefit of both buyers and sellers.
We are committed to improving our content and ensuring that each issue is better than the last for our readers. If you have any questions or wish to contribute, please feel free to email us at rajesh@rajeshghadge.com I will personally make an effort to respond to your queries. Until next time, happy reading!
Rajesh Ghadge rajeshghadgeofficial rajeshghadgeofficial rajeshghadge www.rajeshghadge.com rajesh@rajeshghadge
Rajesh’s long journey began with an early realization of his writing skills and nearly a superhuman power of vivid imagination; which together led to the birth of a successful media portal. His never-ending spree of learning has made him efficient in varied fields like coding, designing and also marketing. He fuels himself with continuous reading being a history fanatic and bouts of music and movies. Acting as a one-man army he prizes work over almost everything.
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Mall De Goa, the premier shopping destination in Goa, India, recently organised Fashion Walk Season 2, a spectacular showcase of the latest trends in f a s h i o n f r o m l e a d i n g international and national brands. The show was powered by COVE Fast Fashion and Carrera Eyewear, with Park Avenue, Blackberrys, and Marks & Spencer as other sponsors.
The event was inaugurated by lighting the traditional lamp by a d i s t i n g u i s h e d g r o u p o f i n d i v i d u a l s , i n c l u d i n g M r
Bhuvanish Sheth, Director of Mall De Goa, Harish Padiar, MD of Axzora, Sanjay Kerkar, MD of Prime TV, Mrs Lavanya Sheth, Director of COVE, Mrs Rahila Khan, and Mrs Priti Sheth. The Fashion Walk commenced with COVE, a Women's Fast Fashion Western Wear brand, launching its Summer Collection for women in Goa. The collection featured stylish and trendy outfits that are perfect for the summer season. Park Avenue, known for its premium formal wear, showcased its Summer Collection for Men, which included stylish and comfortable outfits suitable for the workplace.

Carrera, the leading international eyewear brand, showcased its latest summer collection, featuring a variety of stylish and trendy sunglasses Blackberrys, known for its sharp cutfit suits and formals, showcased its latest Summer styles and office wear. Marks & Spencer, London's best a n d G o a ' s f a v o u r i t e departmental store showcased i t s s u comfortable styles.
The show was choreographed by Rahila Khan and her team, with o
Colorbar and F&B partner
McDonald's Prime TV and Incredible Goa were the media partners and discerning fashion enthusiasts attended the event and were well appreciated. Overall, Mall De Goa's Fashion Walk Season 2 was a huge success, bringing together some of the most renowned brands in the fashion industry to showcase their latest collections. The event was a must-see for fashion enthusiasts and highlighted the latest trends in fashion for the summer season Mall De Goa continues to be the go-to destination for fashion, shopping, and entertainment in Goa.