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Having a Master's degree in Pharmacy, Daisy has always been passionate about art and creativity. Daisy had to prioritise her career by taking up an education in the science stream but her heart yearned for creativity. According to her, art always came naturally to her and she did not have to acquire any training for the same. Her journey is an interesting one so let's take a look at what she has to say about the same.


By IG Team

IG TEAM: Please give us a brief introduction about yourself: where you grew up, your schooling and where you did your secondary education, including your specializations and anything else. DM: Hello, I'm Daisy Mendes, born and brought up in Goa. I have a master ' s degree in pharmacy. Art and science are my two passions and although haven't been bold enough to pursue art professionally, it still is a big part of my life. Two words I would use to describe myself as curious and creative. IG TEAM: Tell us about your background and a little about your entry into the field of art and acrylic art, etc and also how you set things up for yourself. DM: My entry into the field of art was not much of an entry but a natural path of my life. Art always came naturally to me and my first piece of art was probably on the walls of my house. Even though my art during my childhood was not Picasso, my mother always fuelled my artistic talent. Since my childhood, I have used different media like pencil colours, watercolours, c h a r c o a l a n d a c r y l i c . Presently, I use acrylic paints

to create pieces of art. IG TEAM: How did you pick this up and how was the process of learning and understanding for you, with respect to the art and the work around it? DM: Again, I didn't pick this up as such but it was something that came to me naturally and

something that I was drawn to from the beginning. Drawing a n d p a i n t i n g ( c r e a t i n g something) always fed my imagination and brought me peace, making me a more f o c u s e d , p a t i e n t a n d disciplined person. I mainly draw inspiration from my natural surroundings and you'll find that most of my work thus far is based on naturethemed landscapes. Besides, I've recently painted still-life p i e c e s u s i n g r e f e r e n c e pictures I clicked on my phone. IG TEAM: Any challenges that you faced along the way? DM: My introverted nature is my biggest challenge that prevents me from networking and putting myself out there. S e l f - d o u b t . N o t f e e l i n g creative enough to execute the ideas in my head. Finding inspiration to keep up with the expectations I have of myself. IG TEAM: What were some of the key events or programs or workshops that you might have been a part of? How would you highlight your journey into this side of art, artistry, and painting at a young age and what was the main goal for you? DM: 2021 was the year I really

decided to showcase my art on social media after a lot of b a c k a n d f o r t h a n d i t ' s honestly been an eventful time since then. I' ve had the

opportunity to conduct art classes for kids at Coco Shambala, Nerul-Goa. In a d d i t i o n , t h i s y e a r I participated in a communityo r g a n i z e d e v e n t c a l l e d “Celebrating Aldona” where I e x h i b i t e d m y a r t t o t h e eventgoers and was also fortunate enough to meet a lot

of artists from the community. IG TEAM: What are your future plans? DM: I have not received any formal education in the art f i e l d s o m y g o a l i s t o constantly learn something new every day, meet new likeminded people and artists in the field and continue to grow

creatively. I hope through my social media that I provide inspiration, education or entertainment to my followers. I G T E A M : A n y t i p s o r messages for the people who are aspiring to enter this side of the career that you have taken up? DM: It's never too late to start something new and I think every person has an artist in them. Treat your art with the same respect as any other field and discipline yourself a n d o f c o u r s e p r a c t i c e , practice, practice.

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