5 minute read


By Rajesh Ghadge

Akshata tells us how she started out in yoga. “One day it so happens that my seniors at the Mary Immaculate school were searching for new participants for the school team to represent the school i n a t a l u k a - l e v e l y o g a competition and they wanted me to join them. I was in 4th standard. They were looking for a flexible student who could touch their toes without bending the knees. I was able to do it and that marked the beginning of a new journey for me into the competitive arena of Yoga.”

After being selected in the team, the next task was to learn a couple of Asanas which were taught to her. “I followed their instructions and practised those Asanas at home before going to school the next day,” said Akshata. When I asked her whether she was doing any Yoga activities before this, she said she used to imitate actions shown on TV but she did not know then that it was actually Yoga “After getting into the school team my confidence levels increased and I decided to take this seriously. I started practising daily and prepared myself for the competition. I achieved remarkable results and the journey towards real success started from the second year, when I was in the 6th standard.” in the 6th standard to win the medal for our school.”

Akshata's parents were being very supportive of all her endeavours. “My parents always supported me in whatever I have done and when I informed them about my selection in the Yoga team, they were very happy and w o u l d a t t e n d a l l m y performances without fail They have also been a part of all my competitions I went from Taluka level competitions to the district level and finally state level.”

Speaking on the competition

Akshata said that she faced a major challenge from the schools in south Goa. “There was always a stiff competition on Taluka, district and state level between Ponda and Tiswadi. I used to observe them very minutely and based on the level of challenge I used to practice harder for the competition I have learned t h e i r s t r e n g t h s a n d weaknesses and found out the reason behind my defeat which lead to my victory later on,” she added.

Akshata Halarnkar is an 18-year-old student of Dhempe College who is aspiring to be the national and international champion but is already a gold medallist in Yoga. She is also a yoga teacher who began yoga at the tender age of 9 and later on participated in numerous competitions at taluka and district level besides representing Goa 6 times at national level.

“In the 6th standard I started training under the guidance of m y t e a c h e r H e m a K e n i Randhava who was also my yoga coach with whom I trained until 8th standard. I could not able to contribute much in my 5th standard as I was new to Yoga activities so it was a learning process for me, I watched them closely and practised hard for the next year, it was my defeat in the 5th standard that gave me encouragement to work hard

After winning the Taluka level competition in 6th standard, Akshata had no looking back and she kept climbing the ladder of success with every competition. “I got first place in the 6th standard and that was the beginning of my new j o u r n e y a f t e r w h i c h I p a r t i c i p a t e d i n m a n y programs. When I was in 6th class there was a National Yoga Day organised by Shri Narendra Modi ji in Goa in which I had participated and it was the first time I had performed on the stage in front of a big gathering,” she said.

Akshatra tells us that there are many different types of Yoga

Asanas. “There are traditional Asanas which are normally performed by many and there is aArtistic Yoga which is more like a performance. In traditional Yoga Asanas, we have to hold in position for 15 to 20 seconds and also mount and dismount in the same position and the marks are given based on your accuracy while the Artistic Yoga Asanas it is a mixture of dance & music clubbed with the Yoga Asanas and f o r t h a t , y o u h a v e t o h o l d between 4 to 5 s e c o n d s a n d p e r f o r m between 8 to 10 A s a n a s . T h e costume also needs to be as p e r t h e guidelines and n e e d s t o b e comfortable and the music and dance need to be very aesthetic and suitable for the postures,” she added.

Speaking on her experience at the national level competition

Akshata said that it was very tough to compete with the s t u d e n t s c o m i n g f r o m different states in India. “For my first nationals, my parents also were not there with me. There I had to perform both traditional as well as Artistic Yoga but I got disqualified due to the timing set by the jury. I continue to compete and finally, when I was in 8th Grade we got 4th place at the national level which was my biggest achievement at the national level,” she said. Akshata is a state-level Gold Medalist in Yoga. “Currently I am practising for the senior national-level competition and I'm currently training for the nationals. I do not have a coach as I train students myself so keep practising for the national level competition but when I come acrossa roadblock, I always consult my seniors and colleagues and we also practice together on Sundays,” she said. Akshata currently runs classes for Yoga aspirants and for those ladies who want to remain fit and learn Yoga. “I am still in college doing my 1st year and after finishing college I take Yoga Classes at G y a n V i k a s S c h o o l i n Porvorim This has also become my source of earning and money that I get from this spend on getting into the national level competition that I will be participating in next year,” she said.

Speaking on the challenges she said it's time that she's struggling to find “I go to college which is in the afternoon and after finishing that I go to my Yoga Classes and when I reach home, I continue with the college work which becomes very tiring but to come out of this routine I am trying to start my practice in the morning, before going to college. Starting at 6 am to 10 am may be the only alternative now for me to practice for the nationals,” she said.

Speaking on giving a message to the students who aspire to get into Yoga she said that Yoga not only makes your body flexible, but also makes it strong and healthy. “Yoga only has advantages. It does not have any disadvantages or side effects at all. According t o m e e v e r y o n e s h o u l d practice Yoga and keep their body healthy.”

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