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b e h a l f o f C R E D A I - G o a
The Goa Association of Realtors (GAR) has added another feather to its cap by joining hands with the Confederation of Real Estate Developers Associations of IndiaGoa Chapter (CREDAI-Goa). Both the real estate bodies signed a bilateral cooperation agreement on Monday, 20th February' 2023 on the occasion o f t h e 7 t h A n n i v e r s a r y & Foundation Day of GAR. The Goa Association of Realtors were represented by their signatories President, Mr. Keshav Prabhu & Hon Secretary Mr Ravish Manchanda while Mr Nilesh Salkar (President) & Mr Jose Martin Braganza (Secretary) signed the bilateral agreement on
New Vrundavan Health Quiz 2023
Ishwari Dasharath Naik. The Runner's up trophy was bagged by our Lady of Rosary H.S.S.
D o n a P a u l a M i s s Alaina Pereira and Miss E l y s i a F e r n a n d e s represented our Lady of rosary H.S.S on the hot seat.
This association will enable both the trade bodies to exchange vital information and knowledge among their members, with a core aim to enhance the functional c a p a b i l i t i e s o f b o t h organizations. The bilateral agreement has brought the existing members of GAR & CREDAI-Goa under one umbrella, to serve the common purpose of maintaining high standards of real estate industry practice and preserving the right of property owners. This agreement also majorly focuses on safeguarding the interest of the public welfare at large.
Some of the salient features of the bilateral agreement are: Facilitate business opportunities for members of the Cooperating Organizations who transact in each other's markets. Exchanging current information on the state of real estate markets, real estate procedures, relevant licensing, tax, and foreign investment laws, and Organization facts.
Promoting private property rights around the world in public and i n t e r n a t i o n a l f o r u m s a n d supporting the efforts of the United Nations goal of achieving adequate shelter for all.
Promoting the recognizing members of the respective Cooperating Organizations for referring business to members of the other in the expectation of compensation;
Cooperating for all other purposes which are mutually beneficial to both associations. To benefit the end user in all possible ways as the operation will be more transparent and smoother
In the exciting finals of Vrundavan Health Quiz 2023 organised by N e w Vr u n d a v a n H o s p i t a l , Campal, Panaji, DCT'S Vasantrao Dempo H.S.S. lifted the winner's trophy.
Dempo H.S.S. was represented by Master Parth Bhate and Miss
D r V i v e k K a m a t , Director, Directorate of Technical Education was the Chief Guest, Mr Rajesh Dempo, Founder and Managing Director Vision Dempo Group was the Guest of Honour and Mr D a s h a r a t h P a r a b Chairman, Institute Menezes Braganza was the Special Invitee for the Prize Distribution Function. Dr Digambar Naik welcomed the Guests, Miss Pooja Prabhu proposed the vote of thanks, Coordinator of the quiz Prof Subhash Kauthankar compered the event.
Greetings from the Cinephile Club! This Thursday, 23rd February at 6 30 pm, Sachin Chatte will host the screening of Mirror (1975) directed by Andrei Tarkovsky. The film is often hailed as one of the greatest films ever made The details are given below.
Film: Mirror (1975, Russian with English subtitles)
Directed by: Andrei Tarkovsky
Duration: 1hr 45 mins
Andrei Tarkovsky has been hailed as one of the greatest and most influential filmmakers of all time and Mirror has received effusive praise with lines like, "Mirror offers epic hypnotherapy and some of the most beautiful c e l l u l o i d e v e r s h o t " , "transcendentally brilliant", " a startling piece of film-making" and more.
Drawing on his memories and childhood, the story is told with a n o n l i n e a r s t r u c t u r e i n a n unconventional manner with dreams and flashbacks and is often referred to as "poetry in motion"
Rajesh Dempo, grandson of illustrious late Shri Voicuntrao S. Dempo co- founder Dempo group of companies always wanted to do something away from the family business. Although he went on to join the Dempo Family business, Rajesh had a creative spark that led him to set up his own venture – Vision Dempo with the support of his father Late Shri Vishwasrao Dempo. Ask anyone across Goa and they’ll all know of the Dempo name which has been an integral part of Goa’s growing business ecosystem prior to the liberation. Their contribution to the Goan state economy and the community has been immense. I met Rajesh Dempo to find out more about his Mission and Vision Dempo.