2 minute read
- Kalyani Merwade
Q u a l i t y A s s u r a n c e a n d Transparency
At OneBoard, authenticity and quality take center stage. The platform diligently verifies all information, ensuring that fellow explorers receive accurate details However, they also understand that mistakes can happen. In order to maintain the highest standards, OneBoard encourages users to report any i n a c c u r a c i e s t h r o u g h WhatsApp, allowing them to continuously improve and provide precise information to the community of adventurers. Values That Drive OneBoard Transparency, honesty, and s h a r e d g o a l s a r e t h e cornerstones of OneBoard's
In the midst of the Covid pandemic, when uncertainty loomed large, OneBoard emerged as a promising startup, encapsulating the spirit of resilience and innovation. Founded in 2021 by Mr. Ryan Prazeres, OneBoard is a testament to the power of adaptability and the pursuit of engaging the youth market. With a compact team of seven individuals, including four dedicated marketers and three skilled coders, this unique platform offers a one-stop destination for all things Goa Incredible Goa Magazine presents the story of OneBoard, an extraordinary startup revolutionizing the way tourists and locals experience the vibrant state of Goa.
A Platform Like No Other
In a sea of competitors, OneBoard stands out as the sole platform that provides comprehensive and trustworthy information on events and happenings in Goa. It sets itself apart by offering a seamless and transparent experience for both service providers and consumers. With an intuitive and userfriendly interface, OneBoard ensures that tourists and locals can easily access authentic and up-to-date information.
Your Passport to Authentic Experiences
OneBoard's primary mission is to simplify the search for authentic experiences in Goa. Whether you seek an adrenaline-fueled adventure, an immersive historic or nature-based journey, a creative workshop to enhance your skills, or simply a beachside activity, OneBoard has got you covered. With a curated selection of experiences, the platform caters to all preferences, ensuring there's something for everyone, regardless of the time or day. OneBoard takes pride in delivering accurate and verified information, making it the go-to resource for explorers.
values. They believe in open and honest communication, taking responsibility and ownership, setting ambitious expectations, and showing appreciation for the efforts of all stakeholders. With a framework-driven approach, they encourage innovation and experimentation while valuing the feedback and assistance provided by experienced providers and their dedicated team Moreover, OneBoard promotes sustainable practices, aiming to minimize carbon footprints and contribute to the preservation of our planet.
Empowering Entrepreneurs in Goa
For aspiring entrepreneurs in Goa's technology sector, OneBoard's journey offers v a l u a b l e i n s i g h t s . Understanding the market, identifying opportunities, and m a i n t a i n i n g a p o s i t i v e perspective are crucial in the initial stages of business development OneBoard's success story serves as an inspiration, highlighting the importance of resilience, innovation, and adaptability. By c o n s t a n t l y b u i l d i n g o n innovative platforms and simplifying administration, sales, and marketing for experience providers, OneBoard paves the way for entrepreneurs to thrive in the industry.
In a Nutshell
OneBoard is a shining example of a startup born out of challenging times, driven by the desire to engage the youth market and redefine the way we experience Goa. Through its user-friendly platform, it seamlessly connects explorers with authentic experiences, m a k i n g t h e s e a r c h f o r adventure effortless. By adhering to their core values, O n e B o a r d e n s u r e s transparency, quality, and sustainability in every aspect of t h e i r o p e r a t i o n s . W i t h OneBoard as your companion, you can unlock the true essence of Goa, creating unforgettable memories while supporting local experience providers.